Dallas Independent School District

School Name Ex: Dallas Assessment School Test Administration Name and Date Ex: EOC Fall 2019 75617733020000 Test Administrator/ Test Reliever Informational Packet352425181610This packet includes alternate testers, campus test schedule, schedule for students not testing, test administrator assignments and schedule, small group rosters, sample answer sheets, cell phone script, absentee form, seating chart. ***Information should always be updated with most recent information and forms. 020000This packet includes alternate testers, campus test schedule, schedule for students not testing, test administrator assignments and schedule, small group rosters, sample answer sheets, cell phone script, absentee form, seating chart. ***Information should always be updated with most recent information and forms. December 10-13, 20199-12 RetestSTAAR Dec 10-13 AdministrationPlease review the list of Alternate Testers per district testing policy. If you have questions, please see me immediately. AlgebraTerefe and Chavez switchKirk and T. Smith switchEnglish I and IIDent and L. Smith switchSearcy and McCann switchHills and Mella switch Mireles and Killingsworth switch Aaron and Sweney switchFrey and Lama switchBiologySams and Bliven switchDouglas and Czapski switchUS. HistoryAllen and Norris switchCampus Testing Schedule Dec 10- English IDec 11- US. History/Biology/AlgebraDec 12 –English IIDec 13- Makeup Testing All teachers administering the STAAR EOC will be allowed a twenty minute break today. It is very imperative that all teachers return to their testing sites in a timely manner.8:45-9:15Students will report directly to testing sites. Double check your room to ensure all instructional material has been removed or coveredPLEASE REFER TO THE SMALL GROUP LISTS AND ASSIST STUDENTS TO PROPER TESTING SITES.Check attendance and pass out test material9:15All testing should begin by 9:15. Late students report to room 101 for directions.11:17-12:25Lunches will run as followsRetesters will be walked to cafeteria to pick up a lunch and return to their class at 11:17Do not stop your test session until a monitor informs you to bring your students to lunch Each class is permitted 20 minutes to each lunchStudents should eat lunch quietly with no talking Once all students are finished eating, please resume testing. Make sure to indicate Start and Stop times for lunch12:30-1:05C Lunch- Non Testers**Teachers do not have to stay with their students but should pick students up from blacktop at 1:00All testing should be complete by 1:45 Extended testers will be picked up and taken to the library by a monitorAfternoon schedule will be announced based on test ending timeHall Monitor Stations:May- Girls RR New Wing UpstairsA. Perez/M. Perez- New Wing SplitGraham- near 225Norman/Sanchez -Girls RR near counselorsAlvarado- Boys RR New Wing DownstairsGonzales- New Wing Downstairs EntranceMartinez- Near 228 6th grade splitParedes-Boys RR near 110M. Wright -Boys RR near 115Horn- Boys RR near 220Burrows- Girls RR near 215The following people will need Radio- all normal radio units, Graham, Perez, Wright, ParedesRotation Schedule for Students Not TestingPlease also review the detailed list that was sent to you with student name per group. This list was sent to you from your department chair last week.-17867627996900TEST RELIEVERS Relief AssignmentsDec 10- English IDec 11- US. History/Biology/AlgebraDec 12 –English IIDec 13- Makeup Testing 8:45 Students will report directly to testing sites. PLEASE REFER TO THE SMALL GROUP LISTS AND ASSIST STUDENTS TO PROPER TESTING SITES.Testing SitesName of Test RelieverTesting SitesName of Test RelieverTesting SitesName of Test Reliever9:00211Pond6 classes113Shanks6 classes217Brisby6 classes9:15 Pick up absent forms2131142189:202101122199:4021411822010:00 Test relief215Counselor22110:20 Test relief20912622210:40 Test relief11:17-12:25 Retesters lunch by class Hall Monitor’s lunch break 11-11:20 A101Akin5 classesP150Frederick5 classesA203Lumpkin5 classes11:35 Test Relievers lunch break 11:20-11:40109P151A20212:30 Non testers lunch 12:30-1:05111A109A20112:40 Test relief121A108Library1:00 Test relief122A1072021:20 Test relief1:402:00 Note: All relievers will be asked to assist in relieving teachers so they may return materials to the testing center! SMALL GROUP ROSTERS AND LOCATIONSDec 10- English IDec 11- US. History/Biology/AlgebraDec 12 –English IIDec 13- Makeup Testing Online TestersPowers Room 214John DoeJane DoeOnline TestersCordova Room 215John DoeJane DoeOnline TestersBrigham Room 112John DoeJane DoeEnglish I STAAR Oral Admin Reese Room 218cJohn DoeJane Doe Biology STAAR Oral AdminReese Room 223dJohn DoeJane Doe U.S. History STAAR Oral AdminReese Room 104bJohn DoeJane Doe English II –STAAR Oral AdminFajardo Room 221John DoeJane Doe English II –STAAR Oral AdminFajardo Room 221John DoeJane Doe Makeup Testing (makeup room will run from 2nd day of testing until end of assessment windowMr. Yanez- Library**Please note: Students will be assigned to makeup room based on missed assessment and pending they are not scheduled for another tested assessment. Sample Answer Sheets: Please Refer to Before Returning documents to test centerPlease note, students should not bubble any sections if their answer sheet is precoded.-55405631758400Sample Cell Phone Script(Please read to your students prior to beginning testing)State and federal testing laws prohibits the use of any electronic devices including cell phones during the allotted testing periods. ALL cell phones must be turned off and given to the test administrator at the beginning of the period. Students are not to text or call anyone during the test period which also includes lunch and restroom breaks. If it is discovered that you violated these guidelines by using your cell phone and/or not turning your cell phone in to your test administrator, State and National testing will be contacted, along with your parents. Your test may not be scored and you will be disciplined according to district guidelines. In case of an emergency, please notify the teacher immediately. Student acknowledgment of policy: I understand the state and district cell phone policy. I understand if it is discovered that I failed to turn in my cell phone to my test administrator, my test may not be scored.Student signaturesTeacher acknowledgement: I have read the testing script to my testing site prior to beginning test administration. I requested and collected student cell phones. I also understand that as a test administrator if I use my cell phone during testing it is considered inactive monitoring and will be considered an irregularity. Teacher Signature ______________________________________Date____________________Sample Absentee FormTest Administered Grades Date ___________________________________________________________________Test Administrator_____________________ Room #__________________________Please list the students that are absent below:NameID1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)THIS FORM MUST BE FILLED OUT BY 9:15IT WILL BE PICKED BY A CAMPUS MONITOR.IF YOU DO NOT HAVE STUDENTS ABSENT PLEASE STATE THAT ON THE FORMCopies of this form will be given to counseling department and attendance office for record keeping purposes. Originals will be maintained for five years with testing records.-286324-23138400-357702286131000 ................

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