
ROOM # 11 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: 5/4/2020 TEACHER’S NAME: Ms. Brittany K.___Day of the WeekDAILY FOCUS(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- lesson)Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUSSkill Building Activity(Small group centers:Math, Literacy, Cutting, Handwriting, Library)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers)]Mon.5/4 Unit:BabiesWeekly Focus:What are babies/How are babies different from me? Math skills:-Big, medium, small-Same/ different Letter(s) of the week:F, B # of the Week:Continued practice of 1:1 correspondence for #s 1-10 (or 1-5 for our younger scholars).Focus: Every living thing was once a baby Essential Question: What does it mean to be a baby? Key vocab: baby Key questions:What is a plant “baby?”How is that different from a human baby?Do animals have babies? What do they look like?Do insects have babies? What do they look like? **Before each lesson, I’ve included a video (this may be a virtual read-aloud, song, or educational video). Start each lesson by engaging your scholar in some “techno time,” before introducing the lesson.Media: Growing Up SongActivity: Baby Matching GameUse the link above to play a baby-matching game! Match the grown version with the baby version. Big ideas: Every living thing starts out as a babyLiving things are plants, animals, and peopleBabies look different than grown-upsMATH- Big, medium, smallDrag and Drop GameClick and drag on the animals to move them around the page. Rearrange to compare sizes (Big, bigger, biggest / Small smaller, smallest.)LITERACY- Using the link below, practice letter-recognition with your scholar. Go through the alphabet, first starting with the UPPERCASE letters. Have them say the letter, then practice the sound. Letter Recognition flash cardsPhonics Song**If your scholar knows their letters, have them go on a “word hunt” using books/magazines/Newspapers to find the sight word: “am” HANDWRITING- Write out various “Fs” on a piece of paper (uppercase only). Have your scholar practice tracing the letters. If they are able, have them try to write the letter on their own (on the back) LIBRARY/ MEDIA-Babies Book by Gyo FajikawaMath- You, your scholar, and whoever else may be in your household can trace their hands. Your scholar will then compare all of the traces and point out which is small, medium, large, or even the same. How many are the same? How many are different? Dramatic PlayYou and your scholar can play doctor. They can be the doctor and you can be the patient with the baby who needs care. They can use a babydoll, bear, bag of flour/sugar or to make it even more fun, their younger sibling! Is the baby sick? What does the baby need to feel better? Music/movement- Learn this song with your scholar and practice the movements!5 little babies playing with toys: Comparing baby self to current self Essential Question: How am I different from a baby? Key vocab: compare, same, different Key questions:Am I the same or different from when I was a baby?What differences do I notice?What is the same?**Encourage your scholar to pay attention to things like the size of their arms and legs, how their hair has changed, their teeth, etc. Encourage them to think outside the box!Media: Growing Up SongActivity: Help your scholar make a list of things that look different from their current picture to their baby picture. Encourage them to use descriptive vocabulary such as: bigger, smaller, same, different to describe the differences they see. Save this list for tomorrow’s activity!Big ideas: Babies look different than grown-upsI look different from when I was a babyFill in the blank! What are some of the differences that you notice?MATH- Practice 1:1 correspondence using dried pasta, coins, or various other household manipulatives. Have your scholar draw a card from a deck—whatever number they have, they must count out that many manipulatives (i.e. Draw a 5—count out 5 pieces of pasta—1, 2, 3, 4, 5). LITERACY- Have your scholar go on a ‘F’ hunt by looking through different books or food labels to try and find words that start with that letter. Have them practice making the initial sound of the letter with each word they find.CUTTING- Using a ruler, draw out straight lines going across the paper. Have your scholar practice holding scissors and cutting across these lines. **For those turning 5, draw 6 squares (3”x3”), and have them color in the lines, then cut out the squares. LIBRARY/ MEDIA-Grow Up, David! By David ShannonDramatic Play- Your scholar is a veterinarian! They are visiting the zoo ( you can create one right in your living room) to help take care of the new born baby animals. What animals were born? How do they feel? Soft or rough?Art- Your scholar can then draw their favorite baby animal or baby in the house! Using tools of their choice: markers, crayons, colored pencils, pencils, etc. Why is it their favorite?Literacy- (interactive game)Sesame Street Letter Dance Party Wed.5/6Focus: You were once a baby (continued from yesterday) Essential Question: What makes me different from a baby? Key vocab: same, different, self-portrait Key questions:Am I the same or different from when I was a baby?What differences do I notice?What is the same?Media: Growing Up SongActivity: Based on yesterday’s comparison activity, have your scholar make a baby self-portrait. What about your picture will look different than if you were drawing a current self portrait? What will look the same?Big ideas: Babies look different than grown-upsI look different from when I was a babyFill in the blank! What are some of the differences that you notice?MATH-Big, medium, smallDrag and Drop GameClick and drag on the animals to move them around the page. Rearrange to compare sizes (Big, bigger, biggest / Small smaller, smallest.) LITERACY- Using the link below, practice letter-recognition with your scholar. Go through the alphabet, first starting with the UPPERCASE letters. Have them say the letter, then practice the sound. Letter Recognition flash cardsPhonics Song**If your scholar knows their letters, have them go on a “word hunt” using books/magazines/Newspapers to find the sight word: “am” HANDWRITING- Write out various “B”s on a piece of paper (uppercase only). Have your scholar practice tracing the letters. If they are able, have them try to write the letter on their own (on the back) LIBRARY/ MEDIA-I Used to be a Baby by Robin BallardWriting- Your scholar can practice writing the word “baby” or even their baby brother or sister’s name!Music/movement- Learn this song with your scholar and practice the movements! Five little Ducks (music video) How much water can a diaper hold? You and your scholar will get a diaper (or pull-up) and see how many cups it takes to fill up a diaper before it starts to leak. How many cups did you use? Were they big or small? Why do babies need diapers?Thurs.5/7Focus: Comparing the size of babies Essential Question:How do we know babies are small?Key vocab: crib/bassinet, compare Key questions:Are babies the same size as us? How do you know?How can we prove babies are small?What kinds of things are smaller for babies?What kinds of things are bigger for you?Media: Growing Up SongActivity:Layout a pile of clothes, shoes, binkies, teethers, tooth brushes and other items. Have your scholar make a pile of BABY items, and GROWN-UP items. You might want to include: baby clothes, their clothes, baby spoons, bottles, regular utensils, cups, baby toys, an iPad, etc.Big ideas: Babies are smaller than kids and grown-upsBabies need special things because of their sizeSome of these things include: [Fill in the blank!]MATH- Practice 1:1 correspondence using seeds, dried pasta, coins, or various other household manipulatives. Have your scholar draw a card from a deck—whatever number they have, they must count out that many manipulatives (i.e. Draw a 5—count out 5 pieces of pasta—1, 2, 3, 4, 5). LITERACY- Have your scholar go on an “B” hunt by looking through different books or food labels to try and find words that start with that letter. Have them practice making the initial sound of the letter with each word they find. CUTTING- Using a ruler, draw out straight lines going across the paper. Have your scholar practice holding scissors and cutting across these lines. **For those turning 5, draw 6 squares (3”x3”), and have them color in the lines, then cut out the squares. LIBRARY/ MEDIA-Baby Bedtime by Mem Fox & Emma QuayFine Motor- Engage your scholar in any interlocking (or non-interlocking) puzzles you can find. Time how long it takes them to complete the puzzle, then have them see if they can beat their time!Literacy- (interactive game)Sesame Street Letter Dance Party Music/movement- Continue practicing this song with your scholar and add the movements! Five little Ducks (music video): Babies and kids: weak vs. strong Essential Question:How do we know babies are weak? Key vocab: strong, weak Key questions:Are babies as strong as us? Why not? How do you know?What do babies need help with that you can do on your own?Media: Growing Up SongActivity: Dramatic play/Movement activity: Using the flashcards (included in the email), have your scholar practice doing ‘baby’ movements. What is different about their movements? Why do they think that is?Big ideas: Babies are weaker than grown-ups and kidsBecause they are weak, they need help with many different tasksBabies need help with: [Fill in the blank!]MATH- Big, medium, smallDrag and Drop GameClick and drag on the animals to move them around the page. Rearrange to compare sizes (Big, bigger, biggest / Small smaller, smallest.) LITERACY- Using the link below, practice letter-recognition with your scholar. Go through the alphabet, first starting with the UPPERCASE letters. Have them say the letter, then practice the sound. Letter Recognition flash cardsPhonics Song**If your scholar knows their letters, have them go on a “word hunt” using books/magazines/Newspapers to find this week’s sight word: “am” HANDWRITING-Name day! Have your scholar practice writing their first names on a piece of paper. Draw out boxes so that they can practice writing their names in a confined space. LIBRARY/ MEDIA-Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack KeatsDramatic Play- Continue your game of Doctor with your scholar. Explore different tools used in a doctor’s office for babies. Bandaids, ointments, thermometer, etc.Fine Motor- Engage your scholar in any interlocking (or non-interlocking) puzzles you can find. Time how long it takes them to complete the puzzle, then have them see if they can beat their time!Art- Your scholar can draw a baby picture of themselves! They can get the idea by looking at a baby picture that you may have around the house. Were they smiling? Were they crying? How do they think they felt in their baby picture and why?Social/Emotional Learning—Week to review: Week 3Early Learning Unit 1—Week 3: Focusing AttentionFollow the link, and scroll all the way to the bottom (page 3) temprano Unidad 3—Semana 2: Atención EnfocadaPara espa?ol, haga clic en el enlace de abajo y vaya (a la página 3) Common Core Goals:Life Sciences:PK.SCI.4.a [P-LS1-1.] Explores what a variety of living organisms need to live and grow (e.g., water, nutrients, environment) PK.SCI.6. b [P-LS3-1.] Compares baby and adult animals and recognizes similarities (e.g., matches adult stuffed animals with their baby in a play setting) Mathematics:PK.MATH.10 [NY-PK.MD.1.] Identify measurable attributes of objects such as length or weight, and describe them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full and light)Communication, Language, and Literacy:PK.AC.1.a Participates in small or large group activities for story-telling, singing or finger plays ................

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