
Dickens County Jr. Livestock Show

Swenson Park

Spur, Texas

THURSDAY, January 23, 2014

6:00 p..m. – 8:00 p.m…………Weigh in Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Swine

And Rabbits

FRIDAY, January 24, 2014

7 :00 a.m – 9:00 a.m…………………………..………Weigh in all Chickens

1:00 p.m………………………………………………………...…Rabbit Show

immediately followed by the……………………………..…… Chicken Show

immediately followed by the ……………………………..Market Goat Show

immediately followed by the ……………..………..Steers and Heifer Show

immediately followed by the……………………………. Market Lamb Show

6:30 p.m. ………………………………………………… Market Swine Show

SATURDAY, January 25, 2014

12:00 Noon………………………….Peewee Show (Sheep, Swine, Goats)

Presentation of Showmanship Awards, Friend of

Dickens County Jr. Livestock Show & Auction Sale


Zane Daniel, Guthrie, CSD Agri- Science Instructor………………. ……………….……..……………Swine, Sheep, and Cattle Classifier

Michael Collins, Idalou ISD Agri-Science Instructor……..................

………………………………..Cattle, Sheep, Goat, and Swine Judge

Finus Branham, Coronado ISD Agri-Science Instructor, (retired)….

……………………………………………….Rabbit and Poultry Judge


1. Only bonafide 4-H and FFA members, or 1st and 2nd Graders of Spur or Patton Springs ISD, under the supervision of the VO-AG teacher and the County Agent are eligible to compete and show. The years of active participation in the show for the 4-H and FFA members are as follows:

4-H and FFA membership until graduation From High School.

2. It is required that entry cards be properly filled out to indicate class and animal to be exhibited, to be filed with superintendent ten (10) days prior to the date of the show with signatures of the exhibitor and exhibitor's parent certifying that the exhibitor has been in charge of the actual feeding period. The entry card must also be certified by the Superintendent one (1) week prior to the show.

3. The Dickens County Jr. Livestock Show will NOT be terminal. All animals exhibited will remain in ownership of the exhibitor. There will NOT be a floor price but they will be eligible for add-ons and premium sale monies.


4. If an Exhibitor sells to an individual he/she is responsible for collection of their money.

5. The show committee requires each exhibitor to show and sell their animal. If an exhibitor has more than one animal in a class he/she may select other qualified exhibitors to show the animal. Supervisors can handle emergency situations such as illness or deaths, ETC. An exhibitor may designate another qualified exhibitor to show or sell his or her animal if caught in any district, regional, or state event sponsored by the school, or UIL, or the NO PASS, NO PLAY rule, or extra curricular disqualification, or another livestock show.

6. All Exhibitors should have their animal trained and in show condition at the show. Any exhibitor may be required to remove from the show any animal determined by the committee, to be sick, not properly trained, or that is not in show condition. This committee will be composed of the superintendent of the division and three (3) other members of the committee.

7. Any animal that has been shown, sifted or auctioned by another exhibitor at another major stock show or county show is not eligible to show in the D.C.J.L.S.

8. The judge will award ribbons on the merits of the

Individual exhibit. The only animal in a class will not automatically win a blue ribbon.

9. Ribbons will be awarded for the first ten (10) places of each class in the show.

10. Buckles will be given for Jr. and Sr. Showmanship in Market Hogs, Market Lambs, Market Goat, Beef, Poultry, and Rabbit Divisions. To be eligible each exhibitor competing must own the animal species shown.

11. All market animals will be tagged upon weigh-in. Steers, sheep, goats and hogs with validation tags will not have to be re-tagged.

12. Each Exhibitor will be allowed one re-weigh to get his/her entry into the show. Excluding poultry.

13. An Exhibitor who violates any of the general or special rules of this show forfeits all rights to premium or sale.

14. Except for Grand and Reserve Champions, the order of sale of each division will be rotated each year from last position to first position each year. (Poultry and Rabbit divisions will sell at the end of the auction sale).

15. NO RULES can be changed after the 1st regular meeting of the stock show committee after the county stock show.

16. Only major animal species (Sheep, Goat, Swine, Cattle) will be allowed to stall on the Wednesday prior to weigh-in. Assigned stalls MUST be used.

17. The sale committee will sell the Grand Champions of each division first, Reserve Grand Champions of each division second, all other animals will continue in rotation of classes as stated in rule 16.

18. ALL Sales subject to the approval of the Stock Show Committee are final.

19. Each Exhibitor is allowed to show four (4) major animals and sell three (3) highest placing major animals and show and sell six (6) minor animals. Excluding, Breeding Rabbits.

20. Showmanship divisions will be broken into a Jr. and Sr. division. The Jr. division will be 1st thru 6th grade. The Sr. division will be 7th thru 12th grade. Showmanship awards will be presented Saturday, before the Premium Sale.

21. All Superintendents can meet just prior to the show to handle business or emerging problems. If a need for ruling on standing rules is needed at any time, a majority (51%) of the stock show Superintendents should meet to clarify the problem.

22. All Superintendents must meet Saturday Morning with sales committee. The Sales Committee will consist of division Superintendents and officers of that current year. Sales committee will manage all decisions related to sales money

23. All Add-On premiums must be made by cash or check only. Additions can only be made to animal projects.

24. No animals may leave the show barn after they are weighed-in except for grooming, washing or exercising.

25. Any exhibitor that owes Dickens County 4-H or Patton Springs FFA or Spur FFA for any project related

debt shall not be eligible to show in the Dickens County Junior Livestock Show Division.


Freddy Gonzalez Superintendent

Mack Gardner, Orvin Ellis, L.G. Little, Phillip McCormick, Jody Duggan, Bryan Thomas, Scott Martin, Wess Abbott, Stoney Taylor, P. J. Schmidt and Travis Bateman ………..……Asst. Supts.


1. All Poultry entered shall originate from pullorum- typhoid clean flocks or hatcheries or have a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days prior to exhibition. Poultry which are from pullorum- typhoid clean sources must be accompanied by a certificate or be purchased from the hatchery.

2. Exhibitors will be limited to a combination of up to six (6) of the following: fryer chickens, broiler chickens, fryer rabbits.

3. Fryer rabbits must weigh at least 1 Lbs. and no more than 6 Lbs. If 60 or fewer entries, there will be 2 classes; if between 61 and 90 entries, there will be 3 classes. If there are 91 entries or more, there will be 4 classes.

5. Fryer Chickens must weigh from 2 - 4 lbs.

(a) A total of 6 fryer chickens may be weighed,

taking the first 3 that make weight.

6. Broiler Chickens must NOT weigh over 6 lbs.

(a) A total of 6 broiler chickens may be weighed,

taking the first 3 that make weight.

7. Champions and Reserve Champions Fryer and

Broiler Chickens will show for Grand and Reserve

Grand Champion.

8. Exhibitors must have owned and be in possession of all exhibits in this division at least (6) weeks prior to the show (the only Exception is for fryer rabbits and they must be owned and in possession (4) weeks prior to the show).

9. A Maximum of 50% of the poultry and rabbits

exhibited in each class (excluding breeding classes) will be eligible for the sale, with a maximum of fifteen

(15) entries being sold in each class, unless there are 61 or more rabbits, then 10 from each class will be


10. The awards will be presented as follows:

A. Breeding Rabbits Bucks - Champion, Banner

and $50; Reserve Champion, Rosette and $25.

B. Breeding Rabbits Does - Champion, Banner and $50;

Reserve Champion, Rosette and $25.

C. Rabbit Fryer -- Grand Champion, Buckle;

Reserve Grand Champion, Banner;

Class winners, Banners;

Reserve Class Winners, Rosettes.

D. Chicken Fryer -- Champion, Banner;

Reserve Champion, Rosette.

E. Chicken Broiler - Champion, Banner;

Reserve Champion, Rosette.

F. Grand Champion Chicken, Buckle;

Reserve Grand Champion Chicken, Banner.

G. JR. and SR. Rabbit Showmanship, Buckle.

H. JR. and SR. Chicken Showmanship, Buckle.


Will Shafer Superintendent

Jay Hagins, Jamie Braly, Dennis Wyatt, Heath Givens, Reid Arnold, Preston Givens, Johnathan Olivarez, and Justin McCormick …………………………........................Asst. Supts.


1. Each Exhibitor will be limited to Four (4) market

lamb entries.

2. All sheep must have been owned and in possession by the exhibitor by November 1st prior to the show.

3. All market sheep must weigh a minimum of 70 lbs. No Maximum weight limit.

4. Ewe lambs may be shown in the Market lamb


5. NO WET lambs will be weighed.

6. Market Lambs must be shorn.

7. A classifier will be hired, if one cannot be found, the Superintendents and Sheep committee will classify the lambs with the Judge making the final decision on questionable lambs.

8. A Maximum of 50% of the market lambs exhibited

will be sold in the auction. Lambs will be shown by breeds. Classes will be divided as follows: 10 or

less in the class divide by 1, 20 or less divide by 2, etc...

9. Classes for market lambs will be as follows:

A. Market lambs (Fine wool) Rambouillet, Merino or crosses between these breeds. Class Champion, Banner and Reserve Champion, Rosette.

B. Market lambs (Crossbred), 50% finewool, 50% Hampshire, Suf folk or Dorset) Class Champion, Banner and Reserve Champion, Rosette.

C. Market lambs (Medium wool) Suffolk, Hampshire, Dorsets. Class Champion, Banner and Reserve Champion. Rosette.

D. Market Lambs (Southdown, Shropshire and Crosses between these two breeds only). Class Champion, Banner and Reserve Champion, Rosette.

E. JR. and SR. Sheep Showmanship, Buckle.

F. Grand Champion Mkt. Lamb - Buckle;

Reserve Grand Champion, Banner.



1. Each exhibitor will be limited to Four (4) market goat entries.

2. All market goats must have been owned and in possession by the exhibitor by November 1st prior to the show.

3. All Market goats must weigh a minimum of 30 lbs.

4. Females may be shown in the market goat classes.

5. Market goats must be slick sheared. (It is recommended that hair be 3/8 inch or less).

6. For safety, all horns must be tipped before weigh-in or the animal will be banned from the show.

7. A Maximum of 50% of the market goats exhibited will be sold in the auction.

8. Market goats will not be shown according to breed. They will be exhibited according to weight. Classes will be split in the following way: 10 or less divide by 1, 20 or less divide by 2, etc...

9. Awards will be presented as follows:

A. Grand Champion, Buckle;

Reserve Grand Champion, Banner;

Class Winners, Banner;

Reserve Class Winners, Rosette.

B. JR. and SR. Goat Showmanship, Buckle.


Robert Van Meter Superintendent

Jeremy Cabler, Shane Parsons, Shane Shobert, Greg Arnold, Barry Ferguson, Tye Maben, Chris Horn, Rodney Wiser and Rick Paschall……..…………….……………………….......Asst. Supts.


1. All swine must have been owned and in possession by the Exhibitor by December 1st prior to the show.

2. Each Exhibitor is limited to Four (4) market swine entries.


4. Awards will be presented as follows:

A. First through tenth place in each breed Division

will receive ribbons.

B. Champions in each breed division, Banner;

Reserve Champion in each breed, Rosette.

C. Grand Champion Mkt Hog, Buckle;

Reserve Grand Champion Mkt. Hog, Banner.

D. JR. and SR. Swine Showmanship Award, Buckle.

5. Market GILTS (Open) may be shown as Market Hogs.

A. Market Hogs must weigh at least 150 pounds and not more than 280 pounds.

B. First individuals in each breed class will compete for Grand Champion. The second place individuals of Breed classes from which the Grand Champion is chosen will show with other winners for Reserve Grand Champion.

C. Market Swine will be shown by breeds.

(Hampshire, Durocs, Crosses, White Other

Purebreeds and Black Other Purebreeds). Then the classes will be split in the following way; 10 or less divide by 1; 20 or less divide by 2, etc..

D. Maximum of 50% of the Market hogs exhibited will be eligible for the sale.


Ray Faubus Superintendent

Cameron Neaves………….………….…….........Asst. Supt.


1. Each Exhibitor may enter and show four(4) beef

cattle entries.

2. All steers and heifers must be weaned and fed dry

lotted and in possession of the exhibitor by the first Saturday in November prior to the show.


4. All Cattle must be dehorned.

5. Steers will be shown according to the following

breed classifications:

A. English (Hereford, Polled Hereford, Angus,


B. American Cross (Brahman influenced, Crosses Beef Master, Santa Gertidus, Simbra, Brangus, etc.)

C. Exotic/European Breeds (Limousin, Simmental, Chianina, Charolais, Maine Anjou)

6. A prospect steer or bucket calf class will be shown at the beginning of the steer show. These steers cannot weigh more than 300 lbs. And will not be eligible for awards or a spot in the auction sale. Peewee age youth may participate in this event. These calves will not be stalled before Friday Morning.

7. Minimum weight of 850 pounds.

8. Awards will be presented as follows:

A. First through tenth place in each breed division will receive ribbons.

B. Champion in each breed division, Banner;

Reserve Champion in each breed, Rosette.

C. Grand Champion Steer, Buckle

Reserve Grand Champion Steer, Banner.

D. JR. and SR. Beef Showmanship, Buckle.

9. Rate of gain contest. To win, the animal must have been weighed in on the first Saturday in November, then again at the show at the given time and place designated by the Beef Committee. Rate-of-Gain Steer winner will sell in the top five (5) calves on the sale sheet. Exhibitors must sign weight at rate-of- gain weigh-in.

A. Champion Rate-of-Gain will receive a Buckle;

Reserve Champion Rate-of-Gain will receive a Rosette.

9. A Maximum of 50% of the Market Steers exhibited will be sold.


A. All Heifers will be shown in the same class regardless or weight or breed.

B. Grand Champion Heifer will receive a $250 premium plus a Buckle;

Reserve Grand Champion Heifer will receive a $125 premium plus a Banner;

C. Not eligible for rate of gain contest

D. No classifier will be used.


Bill Gregory Terri Wyatt

Everett McArthur Donna Stewart

Wilburn Ball - Star Feed Store Melva Harris

Farmers Coop Gin Nig Wyatt

Howard Goswick Preston Givens

Spur Security Bank Billy Hale

Dickens Electric Cooperative Neal Hindman

Associated Cotton Growers Kenneth Thomason

Dr. Ed Murray Dennis Wyatt

Don McCandless Polly and the late Robert Herrington

Larry Bass Benny Ball

Don Condron Kermit Woolley

Charlie Sonnamaker Mike Smith

Darrell Thomason Sheldon Parsons

Donald Harris Bobby Baker

Sparky Eckles

KPOS - Jim Boles

Hurst Farm Supply

Bobby Ross Group

R. C. (Spec( Green

D.C.C.C. Warden - Jerry Baggs

Caprock Telephone Cooperative

Janna Smith

Debbie Ball

Cinda Givens

2013 Ticket Buyers

Chad Brendle Jeff Harvey

Lea Nora Houwen Linda Hotchco

Frank Ortiz Randy Womack

Sherry Hill Kathy Hughes

Jimbo & Winona Humphreys Sandra Ramirez

Diane Fulmer Thacker Jewelry

Linda Hess Darryn Perryman

Chad & Rhonda Maines Derrick & Kelsey Smith

Mike Smith Brenda Karr

Craig Turner Nova Turner

Joe Fincher Aspermont Pharmacy

Stephanie Ericsson Vanessa McGalliard

Kay Hagins Micah Hagins

John Garrett Randy Clifton

Twila Key James Edinburgh

Russ & Donna Edinburgh Gardner Farms

Mack Gardner Trey Poage

Clayt Bridge Jody Duggan

Amy Dominey Will Humphreys

Bryan White Terry Hurst

Hurst Farm Supply Kim Vaughn

Ernest Ramirez Jeff Ratheal

Brad Pitts M.O. Eldredge

Dusty Harris Steve Harris

2013 Ticket Buyers

Donald Harris Neaves Farms

Cameron & Cara Neaves Seth Markey

Danielle Neaves Charlie & Mary Ewing

Cleta Van Meter Neta Hickman

Robert Van Meter Roy Chisum

Benny Ball Dennis Wyatt

Darrel Beadle Vance Cash

Clint Demel Barry Ferguson

Kati Weiser Buffalo Wallow Ranch

Miller Kids Betty Weiser

Brooke Shobert L.G. Little

Ricky West David Foster

Becky Fry Travis & Marci Bateman

TxDot Crew Heath Givens

Sandra Paschall Terry Braly

Don & Patsy Condron Bill Ballard

Kevin Marshall Becky Spangler

Susie Bell Mac Bell

Lisa Paschall River Smiths

Billy & Sallye Hale John McGalliard

Kayla Guest Ray Chism

Robert Hall Mike Owen

Ronnie Bilberry Darl Walker

Larry Hoyle Jeremy & Jody Cabler

2013 Ticket Buyers

Dwain Nance Ron James

Bill Berry Charlie Bogart

Red Raider Genetics Arnold Kids

Becky Arnold Roger Green

Jay Hall Jim White

Amy Hart Grusendorf Welding

Ray Wilson Cookie Gregory

Jim Bob Horn Doug Smith

Don Rude Earl & Amy Jarrett

Roper & Lea Howell Junebug & Penny Miller

Shane & Keri Miller Bob & Sandy Burkett

Louise Walker Annie Faye Walker

Denny & Terry Davis Harry Martin

Nancy Hindman Jeff Butler

Brice & Debra Capps Peggy Bailey

Tate Hagar Dickens Co. Farm Bureau

Gary Bridge Bailey McCormick

Justin & Annette McCormick Kylie McCormick

Weldon & Tommie Davis Garrett McCormick

Wyatt McCormick Wylie McCormick

Jaxon Bateman Bobby & Cindy Baker

Ronald Todd Kevin Swaringen

Robert Daughtry Larry Taylor

Eusebio Lopez Tommy McDowell

2013 Ticket Buyers

Kim Todd Luis Luna

Potluck 10 Becky Hill

Buster & Sandy Vickery Wes Brendle

Michael Wilson James Lewis

Kevin Rainwater Terry Rainwater

Kenneth Thomason Annaleigh Frausto

Freddy & Jodi Gonzalez Ina Thomason

Lane Hickman Darrell Thomason

Drew Humphreys Erin Yates

B.R. & George Goodall Vici Rekieta

Judy Clay JRGK Partnership

Dale Myers Gary & Elaine Key

Hicks McCormick Derek Bilberry

Phillip & Melanie McCormick Preston Givens

Barry & Anji Ferguson Laurie & Chuck Hinson

Charlie & Fronye Morris Sparky Eckles

Brian Buchanan Pat Carson

Greg & Cindy Taylor Eric Swenson

Shane & Charla Parsons Nancy Jones

Vance, Ethan, Trent Gen Solis

Sandy Erwin Cassandra Whitington

Shelly Romeo Gary Freedman

Jose Dominguez Dillon Dominguez

Rooster Rainbolt Randy Arnold

2013 Ticket Buyers

Joan Day David Prewitt

Floyd Starkey Matt Stanton

Hanna & Paige Gonzalez Pat Reynolds

Ben Zapata Mike Day

Eddie Clark Darla Thomason

Kirk & Kathy Thomason Bucky Phelps

Bear Long Eusebio & Tracy Lopez

Remington & Lexington Long Stoney Taylor

Randy McGee Dale Ancell

Randal Bailey Jason Tanner

Shane & Lisa Shobert Charles Hodges

Arnold Kids Lesa Arnold

Jay & Loretta Thomason Linda Cranford

Sheldon & Debbie Parsons Trip Chastain

Wess & Brandi Abbott Reid & Betsy Arnold

Tom Stokes Harvey Cannon

Mayce Maben Bedford Jones

Loretta Velez Kermit & Kathy Woolley

Nick & Vicki Nickel Jerry Roberts

Richard & Luene McArthur Rod Roberts

Annette Thomas Russell & Dana Conrad

Ann Walker Rick & Lisa Paschall

Drs. Brand and Allie Broyles Mike Ramage

Charlie DeLuca Neal Hindman

2013 Ticket Buyers

Ann & Joe Phillips McNeill Ranch

Phil Kerr J.C. Stelzer

Peggy Hindman Star Feed Store

Glen Jones Randy Connors

Beverly Brazee Spur Farmers Coop

Bill Smith Donald McArthur

Ann Hagins Jerry Dunaway

Alton Williams Donna Stewart

Evelyn Clifton Bobbie Gannon

Margaret Berry Jim Whitefield

Dana Tilton Max Haney

Dale McGalliard Scott Martin

Beth Long Chancey Long

Dr. Ed & Joan Murray Malcom Boger

Debbie Braselton Ray Faubus

Shayne Harris Tonya Kelsey

Louise Wright Bobby & Angie Condron

Gary Cash Crystal Leary

Vicki Diggs Nathan Brooks

Phelps, Fincher, Rubalcado Woodie McArthur

Jennice Cargile L.J. Gibson

Chris Horn Sandy Sandlin

A.O. Smith Tom Fulton

Phebe Ellis – Roach Shiloh Ranch

2013 Ticket Buyers

Randy & Donna Arnold Grandchildren

Spur Vet Clinic

2013 Stock Show Buyers

Kenneth Thomason McGalliard Farms

Chastain Hardware Caprock Telephone

Capital Farm Credit Associated Cotton Growers

Crosby County Fuel Altman Group

Sandra Agee Mac Bell

Suzie Bell Becky Bell Spangler

Hurst Farm Supply David & Mani Foster

Adams Remodeling & Home Repair M&M Investors

South Plains Electric Coop Spur Security Bank

Hinkles & McCoy Construction Van Meter Farms

Dana’s Pharmacy Invenergy

Linda Swenson Charlie Morris

KSSL Dickens Co. Farm Bureau

Charlie Hodges Spur Farmers Coop

Franklin & Betty Weiser Economy Mills

Idalou Farm Store Canan Mowrey

Star Feed and Seed Steve & Linda Hess

Duck Creek Soil Conservation Thacker Jewelry

SJ Burkett Earl & Amy Jarrett

Bozeman Machinery Sherry Hill

Dickens Co. Jr. Livestock Show Margaret Berry

Greg & Lesa Arnold Lubbock Stock Yards

Will Shafer Dale Beaty

Micah Hagins Gardner Farms

2013 Stock Show Buyers

RD Edinburgh Farms Katrena & Steve Adams

Floydada Livestock Wyatt Tractor

Thompson Wrecker Service Shane & Charla Parsons

Shawn & Amy Dominey Jimmy Whitefield

Jamie Braly Rick & Lisa Paschall

Soldiers Mound Club Lambs Wess & Brandi Abbott

Al & Jo O’Brien

2014 Belt Buckle Sponsorships


Champion Steer – Ray & Karen Faubus

Champion Rate of Gain Steer – Midland Safety

Champion Swine – Shane Shobert

Champion Goat –Mac Bell

Champion Lamb – Keeter Meat Company-Tulia

Champion Heifer – Duck Creek Soil and Water Conservation District

Champion Poultry – Mac Bell

Champion Rabbit – Scott Martin


Jr. Swine – Darla Thomason

Jr. Beef – Star Feed

Jr. Lamb – Star Feed

Jr. Goat – Star Feed

Jr. Rabbit – Darla Thomason

Jr. Poultry – Star Feed

Sr. Swine – Kenneth Thomason

Sr. Beef – Sandy Sandlin

Sr. Lamb – Aspermont Pharmacy

Sr. Goat –Sandy Sandlin

Sr. Rabbit – The Texas Spur

Sr. Poultry – Midland Safety

4-H Princess – Midland Safety




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