
Brother,?she?cried out in her thoughts, hovering through bushes and leaves, only half a meter above the ground.?Brother, can you hear me??Her face was distorted with pain, feeling a stinging agony in her right wing. Normally she would be able to fly much faster, but with this wound it wasn’t possible. The wound was hot, throbbing with every move and crusted with dried blood. Fortunately it didn’t bleed anymore, avoiding the loss of more blood. However, it was hard to stay conscious, for it was extremely exhausting to fly and trying to contact her brother via telepathy. Her eyes grew heavy, while her sight became blurred, showing only passing silhouettes and colors. She mustn’t faint now, because her chasers were still after her. But for how long would she be able to fly? She needed help. Where was her brother??Brother, I need you.?It was only a wish, because almost all of her strength had left her, too weak to use her telepathy. ?Frightened and in panic she left the jungle behind, trying to make it to her den. Maybe her brother would be there. Maybe she could not reach him, because she was already so weak, which was affecting the range of the telepathy. She was now flying over a flat and broad meadow, overgrown with lush grass and beautiful flowers. This was the right way. Even if she was more vulnerable in this area, with no trees to hide behind, she had to try it nevertheless. Her chasers were not directly behind her, yet she could feel their presence, knowing that they were there, relentlessly trying to get her. To her left there was the ocean, blue and beautiful with the soothing rushing of the waves, splashing against the cliffs of the coastline. But she couldn’t see the ocean, nor could she enjoy the sound of it, even if she stayed close to the shore. She had to be careful, otherwise she could slip over the edge and become engulfed by the rushing waves. This wouldn’t be a problem normally, but her current condition did not allow mistakes.After a painful while, she spied the way to her den. On the meadow and near the coast there was a higher lying area. If she had been able to fly higher she would have chosen the short way. Then she simply would have flown there easily. But her wound prevented her from doing this, forcing her to stay near the ground. The longer way was a green small path, winding its way up in steep serpentines. She had no other choice but to choose the path. And so she began her climb, in front of her the small and curvy path. Carefully she was hovering close above the ground. It was difficult and exhausting, her wound still throbbing, but she did it. She arrived at a small plateau, where the grass grew as dense as on the meadow below. A curved wall of a cliff to one side shielded the area from wind. To the left was the ocean, to the right bushes and palms. In the middle of the small area was a big green nest, built of different materials from the island. Not like the nest of a bird, but like a pile of moss, leaves and other plants, comparable to a round bed. Most of it she and her brother had found in the jungle.Exhausted she slogged along to the nest, crashing to the ground, feeling hot and tired. She could have closed her eyes and instantly drifted off to sleep, but she didn’t dare to. Not as long as her brother was not here and with her. It turned out that this was harder than it seemed in the first place.After she had gained some strength again, she lifted her head, sniffing. She hoped to smell the scent of her brother, but there was nothing. Fortunately she couldn’t smell her chasers either. A bit relieved, but still frightened she snuggled herself up again, trying to find some rest.When she opened her eyes her brother was with her again, hovering in front of her and looking down into her eyes. Relived she smiled at him.“You’re back again, brother”, she said. “I’ve missed you.”But her brother kept just looking at her without showing any emotion. She knew that her brother could be very serious from time to time, but she simply couldn’t explain why he was not happy to see her again.“Brother, what is wrong with you?”, she wanted to know.She uncurled herself and took up in the air with a light shove, slowly hovering toward her brother.“Brother?”But instead of receiving an answer her brother’s eyes began glowing, red and bright. As she came closer he began twisting, than screaming as if he was feeling pain. The glow in his eyes became brighter, as red plumes of some kind of steam or smoke rose from them, like a burning fire. He fell to the ground, his body convulsing and twisting under the pain he was suffering.“Brother”, she cried out again, trying to fly to him. But an invisible force prevented her from reaching him, as if someone or something was holding her back. Helplessly she had to watch her brother suffering. The red steam was now covering his whole body, seeming to burn him. She felt tears welling in her eyes, while she was fighting against the thing that held her back.“Brother! No! Latios!”“Laaatiooooos!”, she screamed. Suddenly it was all dark around her. Hastily she looked around, trying to find out where she was. Only then she noticed that she was in her nest, the stars of the night glimmering in the black of the sky, while moonlight lit the plateau, diving it into silvery colors. A nightmare. It was only a nightmare. She must have fallen asleep, while she was resting. On the one hand she was relieved that it was only a dream, but on the other hand she was still worried about her brother, for she was still alone. Latias assumed that her chasers had lost her track, because they hadn’t managed to find her. She decided to close her eyes again, trying to give her wing more time to heal properly. Tomorrow she would go looking for her brother.Latias was woken by the first sunlight, while a fresh and pleasant breeze whirled over the broad plateau beneath the den, causing the grass and flowers swaying lightly in a rhythmically way like the waves in the ocean. The grass around her was covered with morning dew, smelling moist and fresh. The world around her was so peaceful. She hardly couldn’t believe that yesterday had been real. It all seemed like a nightmare or an old memory, events that had happened long ago in the past, almost fading until they would finally be gone in the future, leaving only scars. Visible and invisible ones. Lazily she got up and yawned, embracing the new day by bathing in the warming sun. She turned her head towards her wing. The wound was still crusted with dried blood. Carefully she moved her wing a bit. After feeling no pain, she took off in the air, hovering close above the ground. The wound itched, stinging a bit, but the pain was bearable. Slowly she began moving. Her destination was a small lake near the den, lying on the same altitude. After a few minutes she could hear the steadily lapping of the waterfall. It was not a big one, more like a trickle of water, but it served to refresh her and to wash off the dried blood. Latias now had a better look at the wound. It was still visible, but closed, almost only a straight scar. Latias was proud. With her healing powers she had managed to cure herself. When she had returned to the den, she forced herself to eat some juicy Liechi Berries. She wasn’t really hungry, but she knew she had to eat something if she wanted to stay well. After she had swallowed the last berry, she took up in the air once more and hovered through the air, over the cliff toward the vast meadow. This time she was high up in the air, feeling as the wind was stroking her skin. Latias didn’t really know where she could actually look for her brother, let alone where to start the search, but she did it anyway. Her strategy was to fly over the island, using her telepathy from time to time in hope of finding a clue concerning the location of her brother.After a long while of searching, she still hadn’t found her brother. She had looked for him in their favorite spots, but he wasn’t there. Latias had to think about the dream last night. Was this dream a sign or even a vision? Could Latios really be in danger? What if… what if he was caught by those chasers? Suddenly Latias was afraid, heading for the beach where she had encountered the two humans for the first time. But….no, they were chasing after her, not after Latios. Latios wasn’t even nearby when they had attacked her. She hurried, ignoring the stinging in her wing. This was no time to be weak. She had to pull herself together now. Fast and swiftly she was dashing through the jungle. Her surroundings were only a blur, but she had a focused sight, seeing everything in front of her totally clear. There. The end of the jungle was lying ahead. Only a few meters and she would be at the beach.STOP,?a voice in her head echoed. Latias slowed down abruptly. The voice….this was the voice of her brother.Latios?,?she tried to contact him.?Brother, where are you??She tried to listen intensely, but there was only silence. She was hovering on the same spot she had stopped at, just listening for the voice of her brother. But there simply was nothing. Had she just imagined his voice? Was she that desperate? Disappointed she wanted to continue her search, when she heard a shout. A human shout. And there was another voice, too. No doubt. This had to be the chasers. They were still far away. The noise was coming from the beach, as Latias had expected. Slowly and carefully she was hovering through the dense undergrowth of the jungle, towards the beach where the voices where coming from. The bushes finally parted and she could see the beach and the ocean beyond. But not only that. She almost cried out, but could just hold it back. What she was facing now almost broke her heart. Actually there were those humans, who had chased her yesterday. But they were not the reason for her inner pain now. It was the sight of her brother. Tears started welling in her eyes, as she saw her brother like that. Latios had been caught, three big and heavy looking metallic rings closing tightly around his body. Two big ones around his chest and his middle section, which pressed his wings tightly to his back, obviously preventing him from flying away. The third one was a bit smaller and clamped around his snout. In this condition he was lying in a metallic cage, held together with thick iron bars.Latios? Latios, can you hear me?, she tried to contact him. But he gave no answer. But why? This distance should be no problem for their telepathy to reach each other.Latios. It’s me. I’m here, she tried again. But nothing. Was he hurt? Maybe unconscious? She dared to fly a bit closer, but still hiding in the shadows of the trees. A bit relieved she found out that his eyes were open, so he had to be still awake. But why couldn’t she contact him? No doubt it was really him she had heard just a few minutes ago. Latios had warned her, that was clear. Without his warning she would have attracted the human’s attention. But why wasn’t Latios able to communicate with her now? Latias carefully tried to get closer and was finally able to look at the two humans more closely. A man and a woman, both young adults, she assumed and both wearing similar clothes. He wore a shirt with blue and white stripes and tattered blue jeans, that reached down to his knees. Underneath he wore long socks in the same style as his shirt. Around his waist there was an also tattered black cloth, which functioned as a belt. His hands were covered with black gloves and around his head he was wearing a black headscarf with a strange symbol on it. The girl wore almost the same clothes. Her shirt was much shorter than the man’s one, so that her flat belly could be seen. She wore much shorter jeans as well, which were gray. Apart from that she wore the same colored socks, gloves and the headscarf with the strange symbol.Latias was that close now, that she was able to overhear the both.“Have you contacted Shelly yet?”, the man asked.“Yes. That’s done. We only have to wait for them now”, the girl answered.“Good. I guess we’ve earned us a big reward. Maybe even a promotion. What do you say?”“Definitely. We’ve done some good jobs recently. But this one will convince them.”“It better does”, the man grumbled, looking at the cage. “This beast was not easy to catch.”“A pity that we didn’t catch the other one, too. The smaller one. Latias. His precious sister”, the girl said mockingly.“Things can always change”, the man said. “Maybe she’s not that far away.”For just a brief second Latias thought the man had seen her, as he let his eyes wander along the jungle’s entrance where she was hiding in the shadows. But the man’s glance was not the only one she felt. There was someone else looking at her. He knew exactly where she was. Latios. His eyes fixed hers. Slowly, not trying to attract the human’s attention he shook his head from right to left, signalizing her a ‘No’. Latios’ glance was fierce, but full of sadness as well. She could see and feel it. No, she couldn’t let them take him away from her. He was her brother. They belonged to each other. No one could separate them from each other. No one was allowed to do so. She had to do something. She couldn’t and won’t let them take him away. Never. Maybe she couldn’t communicate with him right now, but she still felt what he felt and vice versa. And Latios knew that his sister wouldn’t give him up. Not without a fight. But Latias had never fought in her life before. When dangers had lied ahead, Latios was always there to defend his precious sister. But now he could not help her, let alone to help himself. Now it was her turn.All of a sudden all fears had left Latias. She was determined to save her brother and fight those humans who had caught and harassed him. All doubts had gone out of her. All doubts of being too weak, being too feared. Bravely she dashed out of the save shadows of the jungle and right onto the beach, where the humans held her brother captive. With full speed she flew straight towards them, leaving a big cloud of white whirled sand behind her, until she knocked the two humans off their feet. Quickly, Latias turned around and faced them, letting out a high battle shout.“Damn you”, the man said, as he tried to get back to his feet, brushing off the sand off his body. “I knew you would come sooner or later.”“Let’s end this quickly”, the girl said angrily and grabbed a Pokeball from her belt. The man did the same.“Go”, both of them screamed simultaneously and with a click the Pokeballs opened. In a red flash of light two Pokemon appeared. Two Mightyena, strong and snarling, were facing Latias.“Mightyena, use Shadow Ball”, the girl cried out.“You too, Mightyena”, the man commanded.Both wolves opened their mouths and in front of each one was forming a dark black sphere that grew bigger. When the spheres had grown to the size of a handball the Mightyena fired them in Latias’ direction. Latias didn’t move. Instead she tried to shield herself from the oncoming attacks by using Protect. An invisible shield formed in front of her, looking like a round glass panel, that vanished the moment it had been fully built up, becoming completely invisible. The Shadow Balls crashed into the shield and burst in a dark purple explosion, leaving only steaming dark dust.“Did we reach her?”, the girl asked as she watched the dark fog dispelling. But they only saw Latias hovering unharmed in front of them a few meters away.“She didn’t even move”, the man said grumpily. “Let’s strike again”, he said to the young woman next to him. And again both gave the command to attack. The dark spheres formed and were fired directly at Latias. They exploded again, with a loud bang and Latias screamed in agony. She wasn’t able to built up the protecting shield again so quickly after the first one. Nevertheless Latias was able to stay conscious and still hovered in front of them without moving a bit.“What is it?”, the man asked. “Don’t you want to fight back? Are you too weak or don’t you know any moves?”, he asked with a mocking tone.Latias’ body hurt where the Shadow Balls had struck her, but she was still brave. There was still strength left in her. But there was no time to recover it, for the wolves continued attacking her. This time even physically. The Mightyena tried to jump at Latias, forcing her down. From time to time she was able use Protect again. Then the wolves bounced off the invisible barrier.Latios had to watch as his sister was being attacked. He struggled wildly, trying to break free, but the metallic rings around his body wouldn’t loosen. Latios’ fighting was interrupted by another loud bang and the cry of his sister. She wouldn’t stand this any longer. He had to do something. Latias was sinking to the ground, she wasn’t able to levitate anymore. With as soft thump Latias hit the ground and sand whirled around her. Her face was distorted with pain, yet she was looking towards the two humans. And then she looked at the two wolves, at the Mightyena. They were panting in exhaustion. One of them was even bleeding at his right temple where he had hit the barrier. The Pokemon was shivering, then it sank to the ground as well.“Mightyena”, the girl cried out and ran to her Pokemon. “Mightyena, are you ok? Oh, I’m so sorry.” And for a brief moment it seemed that the girl wasn’t interested in Latias anymore. The only thing that mattered was the condition of her Pokemon. The wolf looked up to her Trainer, as she hugged it carefully. It dealt a long lick to her face, still shivering under the pain it suffered. Suddenly a warm glow surrounded Mightyena, sparks of a bright light were covering its visible wounds. The glow lasted for a few moments until it faded again. The girl was staring in awe as the wounds of her Pokemon closed again and finally vanished completely. Mightyena stopped shivering, his body relaxed and the pain in his face disappeared as well. The only thing the girl heard then was a soft thump. As she looked up, she could see that Latias’ head had sunken down and her eyes closed slowly. The most astonishing thing however, was the fact that Latias was smiling. Then she didn’t move anymore.“That’s our chance”, the man said, starting to walk towards the unconscious Latias.“No, Adrian”, the girl said. “Leave her be.”“What? Are you mad?”“Leave her be, I said. She saved my Pokemon. Healed it. And yours, too.”“And?”“And? She sacrificed herself for our Pokemon. She used her remaining strength to heal them. Does that mean nothing to you?”“But….but if we don’t take her… You know what will happen to us, Serena.”“I know, but… I just can’t...”, Serena said in?a?sad tone.Latios didn’t know what was happening right know. Why were those humans acting so differently now? Why were they so...so insecure? Adrian took a deep sigh and said:“This will be our death, Serena.” Then he smiled and turned towards the cage. Latios began snarling at once, but instead of mocking or hurting him, the man opened the cage, then loosened the iron rings around Latios’ body. Latios couldn’t believe what was happening. For one second he didn’t move a bit, awaiting some kind of trick or trap. As nothing happened, he flew straight to his sister.Adrian and Serena were watching as Latios cared for his sister. Latios’ body was covered in a warm glow, similar to the one Mightyena had been covered in, yet somehow different. The move that Latias had used on Mightyena was known as Healing Wish. A move that causes its user to faint, while another Pokemon’s strength would?be restored, healing it. The move Latios was using now, was a different one. It was called Heal Pulse, where the user shared?his own strength with an attacked Pokemon. Shortly after Latios’ body had begun to glow, Latias’ body started glowing as well. Slowly she opened her eyes again and looked into the eyes of her brother. Latios lowered his head and touched the forehead of his sister with his own, smiling.“Sister”, Latios whispered.“Latios”, she said smiling.“Let’s go home.”“No”, Latias said to Latios’ surprise. “We can’t. Those humans are in danger.”“They?are the danger, sister. We have to leave. You’ve already helped them. That’s enough.”“No, Latios. They’re in real danger. They will die if we don’t do something.”“But...how do you know?”“They said it….and I can feel it.”“Now we have to wait”, Serena said. “And when they come… Do you think they will kill us right away?”“No”, answered Adrian. “But don’t let us think about that, sister.” Silently they watched the two Pokemon in the distance, caring for each other. Latias and Latios had been reunited again and happy. Latias even seemed to recover?her strength rather quickly.“You would have done the same for me, Adrian”.“And you the same for me”.Don’t give up,?a soft female voice echoed through their heads.“Did you say something?”, Adrian asked.“N- No...”, Serena stammered.Don’t give up, the voice said again,?we want to help you.“Do you think it was...her?”, Serena asked while looking in the direction of Latias and Latios. The two dragon Pokemon came levitating towards the both, coming to a halt in front of them. With disbelief in their eyes, Serena and Adrian looked at the two Pokemon. Latios nodded, signalizing them that they really wanted to help them.“You...you want to help us, after everything we have done to you?”, Serena asked.Quickly now, Latias said via telepathy.?We have to hurry. Return your Pokemon to your Pokeballs and climb on our backs.“Why...why do you want to help us?”, Adrian asked, still confused.This time it was Latios who spoke.?You both aren’t bad people. Your hearts are good, you just went the wrong way. My sister saw it. She looked into your hearts, into the deepest depths of your souls. Climb on our backs and we will get away from here.Serena and Adrian looked at each other, then quickly returned their Pokemon to their Pokeballs.Take the girl, Latios said to Latias, but so that the others could hear it, too.?She’s lighter. That did make sense, for Latias was much smaller than her brother. Quickly, but still a bit insecure Adrian climbed onto Latios’ back. Serena did the same. In the moment the Pokemon wanted to take off the ground, Serena began shivering.“No, stop. Please.” Afraid, she slid off Latias’ back again and sank into the sand.“What is it, Serena?”, Adrian asked. “We don’t have time for this.”“You know what it is”, Serena said almost crying.“I know you’re afraid of heights, but this not the time to be afraid.”“I- I wanted to...I tired, but I can’t”, Serena said.What now, brother?, Latias asked Latios, but this time without letting the others know.I have a plan, he answered,?but they won’t like it.While Latios told his sister what he had planned, Adrian meanwhile had slid off Latios back, as well and was now trying to convince his sister.Ok, let’s do this, Latias said.You’re smaller than me, but I’m sure you can do it as well. Try to calm down the girl, while I’m busied with the man.Latias flew to Serena and lowered her head.?Don’t be afraid, everything will be alright. Trust me and my brother.?Serena didn’t know, but what Latias had said was audible for her only.Before Serena could answer she could see Latios looming behind her brother Adrian. In the blink of an eye, Latios had opened his mouth widely and pushed himself over Adrian’s head. Adrian began struggling instantly, trying to shout out, but the others only could hear muffled sounds.“What is he doing?”, Serena screamed.Trust us, Latias said to her in a soft voice,?we really want to help you. This is the only way now.“By eating him?!”, Serena said hysterically. “He will die in there. Spit him out again!”Latias couldn’t?talk with Serena like that. Not in this condition. She wouldn’t listen. She was too upset. Once again a glow surrounded Latias, which went over to Serena after a few seconds. Instantly, Serena began to calm down, stopped screaming.He will be save, Latias said.?And you, too.After that, Serena just watched in silence, as well as Latias did. At the beginning she was not so sure about this, but somehow this process of watching someone getting eaten whole and alive was quite fascinating.In the meantime Latios had pushed himself over Adrian’s shoulders. Saliva was running down his body, while he still struggled hard.He will know better when he is in there, Latias thought. Latios concentrated on consuming Adrian, taking short fast gulps. Swallow after swallow more of Adrian disappeared in Latios’ mouth, leaving a significantly great bulge in his neck. Not long and Latios was able to tilt his head back, causing Adrian’s legs kicking freely in the air. The bulge in the neck was moving greatly. From time to time Latias could hear muffled sounds, as Adrian tried to scream. Latias was overcoming a warm feeling, as she could feel that her brother was enjoying this procedure. Joyfully he placed one of his paws on his neck and felt the struggles beneath. This massage felt wonderful. Eager to send Adrian to Latios’ growling belly, he took stronger and longer gulps. Latias could see, as the squirming figure was sliding down into the depths of Latios’ body. With a slimy sound, Adrian’s feet disappeared in Latios’ maw and he closed his mouth. Two more powerful and loud gulps, caused Adrian to slide down Latios’ neck in an even motion. Latios sighed deeply and shivered in delight as his belly was getting filled with Adrian. The Pokemon’s stomach grew bigger and sagged down under Adrians’ weight, where Adrian continued his struggles. Latios’ belly was moving heavily and gurgled and growled loudly. Satisfied Latios rested his paws on his immensely swollen belly, and enjoyed the strong movements in it. A ‘Mmmph’ could be heard from deep inside the gurgling sac as Adrian tried to speak up.Ahhhh, Latios said.?I’ve never thought?this would feel so good. I wish I could keep him in there forever. Latias, come and feel him.Slowly and blushing Latias flew to her brother and touched the swollen and still moving belly. At first it was just a careful soft touch, then she began rubbing the big bulge.He’s moving a lot, she said blushing. After a couple of minutes Serena joined the two Pokemon and was looking at the huge swollen belly.Now it’s your turn, girl, Latios said, still patting the swell in his stomach, while the belly gurgled happily.“He is safe, isn’t he?”, Serena asked.Yes, Latias said.?And so will you. Serena nodded nervously, but she had to trust Latias. She could see, that Latias was nervous, too. Slowly the dragon Pokemon turned her head to hers, facing her eyes. Latias could see that Serena was afraid. Carefully Latias grabbed Serena’s shoulders and opened her mouth widely, as her brother had done before. Cautiously Latias pushed her mouth over Serena’s head and was instantly overwhelmed by her taste. A shiver overcame Latias and she couldn’t help but to blush lightly. The wonderful taste of Serena on her tongue caused her belly to rumble in anticipation. Latias pushed herself further over Serena and explored more of her taste and her body.Serena’s head was pushed forward, towards the soft and fleshy entrance of Latias’ throat. Not long and her head entered the hot moist tube. Serena could hear Latias gulping and a second later her head was pulled deeper, being massaged by strong muscles from all sides. Step by step, gulp by gulp she slid in deeper and deeper. At first Serena was afraid of this whole process, but now she had to admit that it felt quite nice. The rhythmically contractions around her body felt soothing. It was so tight in Latias throat, yet it felt somehow good. Like a warm and endless hug. Almost all of her body had vanished into the Pokemon’s throat. She could only feel her legs being brushed by the light breeze of the salty ocean. It was a rather slow process, but Serena enjoyed it and she knew that Latias enjoyed it, too. She could hear every swallow that Latias took. Then she would be squeezed forward a little bit, as the throat muscles were pulling hard on her body. She could hear the inner sounds of the Pokemon’s body. The rushing blood through the Pokemon’s veins, the beating of her heart and the growling of the awaiting stomach before her. The further Serena slid the tighter the throat became. When the throat got so tight around her head, Serena came to a halt and didn’t move any further. Instead she felt a certain pressure on her, that seemed to come from outside. The pressure was running up and down her body and she suddenly knew, that Latias was exploring Serena’s body that filled the Pokemon’s throat. It felt nice, and Latias seemed to like it, too. Serena tried to move a bit and squirmed a little. Instantly Latias began purring and the pressure from outside grew. It felt so good being massaged from outside while being kept in this tight, hot and pulsating gullet. Serena squirmed a little more and Latias purred louder. Serena moved and squirmed, while Latias’ purring grew louder and louder. Suddenly Serena heard a tremendous swallow, then the throat muscles grabbed her tight and pushed her forward. Her head was squeezed through a tight space and finally approached Latias’ stomach. The rest of Serena’s body followed quickly and she had to curl up in a ball, for the stomach was not so spacious. She huddled up against the soft, fleshy and riffled stomach walls, while she was massaged by them. Serena was surrounded by a constant gurgling of the belly.Outside Latias was patting her massive belly, which was bulging greatly. Still hovering close above the ground her belly was sagged down by Serena’s weight. Latias was still shivering and patted the huge bulge in her stomach.Let’s go, Latios said.?We will enjoy them?at?our den. And so the both took high up in the air, each of them carrying a human in their stomach. They flew over the jungle and over the meadow while their bulging bellies were swaying beneath them. As they arrived at their den, Latias and Latios let themselves sank down to their nest and huddled up next to each other, letting their swollen bellies bulge out sidewards. The full and moving stomachs touched each other. Blushing and happily Latias and Latios patted the squirming belly of one another. Sloshing and gurgling the stomachs continued producing sounds, while Adrian and Serena were moving deep inside the two Pokemon.Adrian had calmed down, because he knew that his sister was safe and not far away. If he reached out with one hand, pressing it against the soft fleshy stomach walls, he could feel her squirming in Latias belly.The both were safe and no one would find them here. All of them closed their eyes. It was an exhausting day. They needed some rest. Everyone was warm and happy and finally it became dark, as the night was filled with soft gurgling sounds of the Pokemon’s bellies.? ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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