Data ScienceThis certificate is intended for professionals working in health care or industries related to public health research and biostatistics, and consists of coursework in data science, data analytics and predictions, analytic methods, and data management.Name:Student ID Number:Degree-Seeking Students Certificate RequirementsCourseCreditsTitleSemester & YearGradeNotesRequired Courses9 credit hoursPH 1700L3Intermediate Biostatistics (see planning note 1)PH 1975L3Introduction to Data SciencePH 1976L3Fundamentals of Data Analytics and PredictionsTotal Credits 9For course availability, including online offerings, please reference the Course Rotation Schedule and the Interactive Course Schedule.Non-Degree-Seeking Students Certificate RequirementsCourseCreditsTitleSemester & YearGradeNotesRequired Courses13 credit hoursPHM 1690L4Introduction to Biostatistics in Public HealthPH 1700L3Intermediate BiostatisticsPH 1975L3Introduction to Data SciencePH 1976L3Fundamentals of Data Analytics and PredictionsTotal Credits 13For course availability, including online offerings, please reference the Course Rotation Schedule and the Interactive Course Schedule.Planning Notes:Planning Note 1 (PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics): Doctoral students who are not required to complete PH 1700L as a leveling course for their doctoral program may substitute this course for another advisor approved 3 credit hour data science course. Students must submit a Course Substitution form to document this substitution. Data Science Coordinator: Ashraf Yaseen, PhD; Houston Campus and Department of Biostatistics; Ashraf.Yaseen@uth.tmc.edu ................

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