Chapter 1

Chapter 1

1. Why is the era called the information age

2. Who is a knowledge worker

3. What is the difference between MIS and IT

4. Explain what is telecommuting; why would people want to telecommute;

5. Why are some arguments for and against telecommuting

6. What is the difference between data and information

7. What is BI and why is it important to businesses

8. What are the three views of information (time, location, form), explain

9. What is an intranet and how are companies using it to their advantage

10. Explain the ways in which information flow and why are these flows necessary

11. Explain what is meant by information granularity and why it is important

12. Explain and give examples of internal, external, objective, and subjective information

13. What is the difference between a technology literate and information literate knowledge worker

14. What does ubiquitous computing mean

15. Explain the differences between decentralized and centralized computing; what are the advantages and disadvantages of each

16. Explain and give examples of the various types of information systems found in companies (customer self service systems, TPS, OLTP, SCM, EDI and so on)

17. Why cant we have just one type of IS to satisfy all of the organization’s info/data needs, explain

18. How will this course affect your career

Chapter 2 Major Business initiatives

1. Explain Porter Five Forces; what is it used for; how can technology be used to deal with the forces; make sure to explain concepts like switching cost, loyalty programs, entry barrier, and so on

2. What is the value chain and how may companies use it to gain competitive advantage; what role does technology play in the value chain

3. What is supply chain management; what is its primary role; explain how a company like Wal-Mart may use and benefit from its use; how can SCM play a role in gaining strategic and competitive advantage; what role does technology play in SCM

4. What is CRM; what is its primary role; explain how a company like Comcast may use and benefit from its use; how can CRM play a role in gaining strategic and competitive advantage; what role does technology play in CRM

5. What is BI; how did BI come about; How do companies use BI; what role does the data warehouse play in BI; what is the diff betw a data warehouse and data mart

6. What is ICE; what is it primary purpose; also explain workflow systems, social network systems and give examples

ELM-A Hardware/software

1. Explain the differences between software, hardware, CPU, input devices, etc.

2. Explain what are application, software, operating system software, and utility software and give examples of each

3. Explain the differences between a PDA, tablet pc, notebook, laptop, mini, mainframe, and supercomputer

4. Explain what are vertical market software and horizontal market software and give examples

5. What is meant by open source software

6. What is the primary purpose of ASCII

7. What are some of the uncommon input devices (pointing stick, optical mark reader, optical character reader, biometric scanner, etc)

8. What are the two types of monitors and what are the advantages/disadv of each

9. What are some of the characteristics of a monitor (pixels, dot pitch)

10. What are the various types of printers

11. What is the difference between a meg, gig, terabyte

12. Explain the various types of CD/DVD ROMs (CD-ROM CR-R, CD-RW)

13. Explain the purpose of RAM

14. What is the control unit and its primary purpose; where do you find it

15. What is a system bus

16. What is a CPU cache and what is it used for

17. What is the ALU and where is it located

18. What is a port and where would you find one; what are the various types of ports

19. What are the various types of wireless connections (Bluetooth, infrared, WiFi)

20. What is an expansion card and slot

Chapter 3 Database and Data Warehouse

1. Define database and its primary purpose

2. What is a relational database

3. Explain the difference between OLTP and OLAP

4. What is a relation

5. What makes up the data dictionary

6. What is a primary key and what its primary purpose is; give examples

7. Give examples of things that will not serve as good primary keys

8. What is a foreign key and what purpose does foreign keys serve

9. Explain what is integrity constraints and why it is important to database design

10. What does DBMS stand for and what is its purpose.

11. What are some of the things that make up the DBMS

12. What is the difference between the logical view and the physical view

13. Explain the difference between the DDL data definition language and data manipulation language DML

14. What is a view and why do we need views

15. What is query by example and why do we need it

16. What is SQL and what role does it play in DB design

17. What is the purpose of the application generation subsystems and the data administration subsystem

18. List the components of the admin subsystem (backup and recovery, security mgmt, concurrency control, etc) and discuss what each does

19. What is a data warehouse and what purpose does it serve

20. How does a data warehouse differ from an operational database

21. Explain data mining

22. What are intelligent agents and what do they do

23. Explain the purpose of multidimensional analysis tools

24. What is the difference between a data mart and a data warehouse

25. What is the difference between a database administrator and a data administrator

26. What does ETL stand for

ELM-C Database Design

What is an entity class

What is a primary key and its purpose

What is the connection between a primary key and a table

What is an instance

What is an ERD and when do we use it

What is the purpose of normalization

What is an intersection relation, or composite relation

What is a composite primary key

Why do we need foreign keys

What is a field; a field is the same as a __________ in a table

What is a data type and what purpose do they serve

Every entity class becomes a _________ in the database

Chapter 4 DSS and AI

1. What are the four phases of the decision making process; explain what is involved in each phase

2. What are the type of decisions people face and what is the difference between them (structured, unstructured, recurring, nonrecurring)

3. What does the term DSS mean and what are they used for

4. What are the components of a DSS, explain the purpose of each component

5. Do you know of any Microsoft application that can be used as a DSS

6. What is a geographic IS, what are they used for, and give examples of GIS

7. Explain AI; what are some of the major types of AI systems, explain each type (expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, intelligent agents) and how it may be used in a business setting. For each type make sure to understand key concepts, for example, there are four types of intelligent agents (information agents, data mining agents, and so on), while genetic algorithms uses three concepts of evolution (selection, crossover, mutation)

8. In what areas of business are AI systems being used, provide some examples

Multi-agent based modeling will not be on the quiz.

E-Commerce Chapter 5

Group 1 (pg 240-244)

What is E-commerce

What are the different types of e-commerce

Which type of E-commerce does the most business

What is the diff between B2B and B2C

Group 2 (pg 244-249)

Define the terms below and explain how E-commerce makes them possible

e-market place

Commodity vs digital

Mass customization

MRO vs direct materials

Reverse auction

Horizontal versus vertical e-marketplace

Group 3 (pg 250 – 254)

Define the terms below and explain your like and dislikes of each

Marketing mix

Define banner ads

Pop up ads

Viral marketing

Affiliate programs

Click through

Conversion rate

Group 4 (pg 254-261)

Explain the various types of e-commerce payment systems and discuss the advantages and disadvantages

Discuss the various security technologies (encryption, SSL etc) to keep payments safe

Group 5 (Pg 261-265)

How do governments use e-commerce (e-government)? Give some examples.

Chapter 6 Systems Development

1. What does the acronym SDLC mean and what is it used for, explain

2. What are the phases of the SDLC and explain each step in detail

3. For the planning phase, explain these terms CSF, scope creep, feature creep, and so on.

4. For the analysis phase explain business requirements, JAD, requirements definition document

5. For the design phase explain modeling, technical architecture

6. For the testing phase explain test conditions, unit testing, systems testing and so on

7. For the implementation phase explain parallel, plunge, pilot, and phased implementation and explain their differences. How would you decide which to choose

8. Explain the similarities and differences betw the various methods (waterfall, rapid prototyping, extreme programming, and agile methodology)

9. Explain the differences of outsourcing, offshore outsourcing, nearshore outsourcing, and onshore outsourcing; what are the pros and cons of outsourcing

10. What is a prototype, proof-of-concept prototype, selling prototype

Info Tech Infrastructure Chapter 7

(Pg 318-320)

What are enterprise systems (ES) and why are the important?

How did ES started out and where are they today?

What role does internet and intranet play in ES?

(Pg 320-326)

What are ERP systems?

Explain the connection betw ERP sys, organizational fit, culture and org strategy.

Discuss the evolution of ERP systems

List the primary ERP vendors

(Pg 326-328)

What are agile systems?

Why do companies need agile systems?

What are some characteristics of agile systems?

(pg 332-336)

What are the 4 types of IT infrastructure?

Explain the adv/disadvantage of each type.

Pg 337-

Explain backup and recovery and why they are important

What is a SAN (storage area network)

What is a disaster recovery plan and explain why it is important

Explain collocation, cold site, hot site, and the disaster recovery cost curve

Protecting People and Info chap 8

(Pg 356-358)

What are ethics?

What are the factors that determine ethical behavior?

Define the terms (intellectual property, copy right, fair use doctrine) of intellectual property

(pg 361-367)

What are some of the issues surrounding the protection of people’s privacy?

What are some technologies for invading privacy?

What are some issues with identity theft and how do we protect ourselves?

Does an employer have the right to monitor what you do in terms of your use of company resources like email, browsing etc.

(Pg 367 -376)

What are some IT used to evade consumer privacy?

Explain IT such as cookies, spam, adware, spyware, web log, Trojan horse, etc.

What role does governmental agencies play with respect to privacy and should they be allowed to do that? Agencies include FBI, CIA, Nat Crime Info Center, NSA etc.

(Pg 376-382)

What are cyber crimes?

Give examples of technologies (virus, worm, denial of service attacks, etc) used to commit cyber crimes

Define the various types of hackers.

What measures can we take to protect ourselves from such crimes or attacks?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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