
Data and InterpretationJill: I’m upset you’re upsetJack: I’m not upsetJill:I’m upset that you’re not upset that I’m upset you’re upsetJack:I’m upset that you’re upset that I’m not upset that you’re upset that I’m upset when I’m not.RD Laing: Knots.1970A basic Gestalt principle says that there is an inherent tendency to complete and structure experience and to give form and meaning to all perception or interpret what we see, hear, etc. (e.g. the 3 lines that are not interconnected, but that we see as a triangle).In a world in which we are faced with (increasing) new pieces of information every minute, this tendency to quickly make meaning is critical for us to survive, as it helps us sort out what is important and what not. At the same time, we lose the ability to tolerate confusion and ambiguity without rushing to conclusions or understanding what is “really going on”, as we tend to rush to close figures at an early stage or squeeze figures and meaning out of the environment quickly, i.e. forcing figures rather than allowing what will emerge.In Gestalt there is no such thing as a fact: All our experiences start with what comes in through our senses and is processed in light of our past experiences and interpretations. (e.g. when you come from a culture that is direct, you will only “hear” or become aware of what someone wants or tells you, when you are directly asked or approached). Our experience, by definition, is therefore always an interpretation!!Gestalt starts with the assumption that what we can experience directly through our senses – what we can see, hear, touch etc. is data – valid information. But as soon as we take it to the next level – use it to construct a story that comprises more than that data, it becomes an interpretation.In our daily lives, it is perfectly normal to attach meaning to data. Someone opens their mouth and takes in a breath during a conversation, we expect they want to say something.Just walking down a busy street we continuously interpret the behaviour of others (where they look, their posture, pace and direction as they walk) to avoid collisions and maintain progress.In a close relationship we believe we can tell, just by how the person stands or moves, something about their emotional state. The same goes for just a few moments of speech on a phone call – we ‘know’ they are tired, pleased, frustrated, busy, anxious etc.When we say: ‘I can see that you disagree’, we are probably interpreting a frown and shake of the head. We notice someone’s agitation and imagine they are impatient or frustrated.In using a Gestalt method you are asked to make a clear distinction between observation and inference, separating data from interpretation and to emphasise non-judgemental observations. The closer we are to the actual data, the less distortion there is of our clients experience!.By sharpening the distinction you have the best chance of forming a better view of what is happening around you – particularly where peoples needs, concerns, priorities and feelings are concerned. We cannot ‘know’ how someone else feels or what they think although both phrases ‘ I know how you feel’ and ‘I know what you are thinking’ are commonplace.It is very easy to mistake anxiety for anger and reflection for disinterest. It is also easy to assume that someone who has said nothing agrees with what has been said – so a silent group all believe in the one view that has been voiced. The reality is likely to be much more differentiated.The Gestalt approach in OD encourages careful observation and questioning or giving feedback on your observations and what you are aware of. In this process it is important to recognise what you see, hear, feel, etc. (data) from what you have inferred or assumed (interpretation).Before coming to conclusions the Gestalt practitioner checks, clarifies and validates by asking questions and, where appropriate, revealing their interpretation for evaluation. ................

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