

Nationality: British Mobile #: +385981879691 / +447731515610 E-mail: cv@ Skype: seb_lau Website:


• OpenReach Annex 2B

• MCSE Windows Server 2003 w/ XP, Active Directory & SQL (70-270, 70-297, 70-229)

• Master Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS)

• Systems design and analysis. Network topologies, implementation and analysis. UI/UX Design (WinForms/WebForms)

• SMED training [Senior Operations Manager]

• VB (VBScript /A/.NET), C (C, ++, C#), Java, T-SQL, Perl (CGI), , Silverlight [4], PHP, HTML, JScript, JQuery, Ajax, WML

• XML, XSD, XSL [1.0, 2.0], XPath, SOAP

• Windows Desktop/Server [3.11 – 8.1], Ubuntu 11.04, Mac OS [10.5.6], Solaris [10] implementation and administration

• DOS, MS-BATCH, Bash, Korn, automation/shell scripting

• PPC application design and the .NET Compact Framework

• Unit, System and Integration Testing (Unit Testing with NUnit) for Black, Grey and White Box scenarios.

• Adobe Software Family [CS6], MS Office [2013], MS Visual Studio [2013], Lotus Suite, Biztalk Server [2006]

• Network Topology, DFD, IO, OO, and UML system modelling for presentation and design of multi-user, scalable systems

• Project management, budget creation and management, training path planning, and target planning.

• Technical minute taking and specification building

• Website modelling, design, implementation and server load testing (IIS 6.0/7.0/7.5/8 with languages above)

• Excellent time and resource management skills; enabling tight and demanding deadlines to be met

• Use of logical methodologies for problem solving, system design and software development.

• Ability to effectively lead and work within a team; communicating, motivating and increasing productivity of staff.

• NetTiers, LINQ, Entity Framework, ADO, OLEDB, DSN-based database connectivity.

• Cross-platform/application interfacing in n-Tier system topologies utilising MVC/P pattern.


|The Digital Media Collective |Technical Director | |Jul 2016 – Sep 2017 |

|Covent Garden, London | | | |

|● Purchased new [VPS] servers, installed and configured Windows Server 2012 R2 with IIS and SQL Server 2014 |

|● Designed logos, branding, website, invoice & documentation templates |

|● Managed clients, contracts and hires |

|● Liaised with key industry figures for investment and licensing opportunities |

| |usdx. | | |

|● Prototyped custom HTML5 player with real-time graphic overlays/highlighting |

|● Implemented WebRTC based acoustic [pitch] analysis and microphone / camera capture |

|● Sourced and processed isolated music video streams [studio, instrumental from stem, music video, lyrics with timing and pitch data] |

|Safety-Assured Ltd |Technical Director | |Aug 2016 – Aug 2017 |

|Innovation House, Upminster | | |(Contract) |

|● Created social media strategy (Facebook, Twitter) and coordinated employee |

|● Created and implemented Risk Assessment campaign micro-site (with Print, Facebook and Adwords advertisements) |

|● Updated existing solution infrastructure |

|● Integrated PDFJS for superior (in web-app) PDF display across platforms/browsers |

|Major-T Consultancy Ltd |Technical Director |May 2015 – Jul 2016 |Aug 2017 – Sep 2017 |

|Westbourne Grove, London | |(Contract) |(Contract) |

|● Purchased new servers, installed and configured Windows Server 2012 R2 |

|● Deployed and configured ActiveDirectory, DNS, DHCP, Exchange Server 2013, SQL Server 2012, RRAS (VPN), OpenFire, Jira, Confluence |

|● Configured Group Policies for Work Directories, Permissions, Policies, Security Requirements and Mapped Directories |

|● Implemented triple stage backup and disaster recovery with real time monitoring/backup |

|● Re-cabled office; organised switches/cables, audited and documented the network, software and hardware infrastructure |

|● Consolidated and documented domains, hosting and DNS settings |

| |gap.major- | | |

|● Created requirements, architecture and specification documents |

|● Created web site (jQuery, Bootstrap) and backend (C# MVC5) based on wireframes |

|● Created database (MS SQL, EF6) |

|● Integrated LeadTools based document recognition (OCR, OMR) and field extraction |

|● Integrated Tesseract (OCR, OMR) for full page text extraction and conversion (hOCR) |

|● Utilised and updated jCrop for field definitions of document templates |

|● Integrated iTextSharp for auto template generation from PDF (convert PDF fields into extraction fields locally) |

|● Integrated NPOI for reading Excel Import Definition spreadsheets and writing Excel Processing Results spreadsheets |

|● Integrated and extended Datatables.js for sorting, reordering, resizing, pagination, filtering of tables |

|FOOTSEE100 |Technical Director | |Jul 2014 – May 2015 |

| | | | |

|● Created custom scraping tool for data/video/image sourcing |

|● Created consolidation database (MS SQL, EF6) and migrated source data into it |

|● Held acquisition and partnership meetings with potential affiliates and studio/distributors |

|● Implemented main reactive (Knockout, jQuery) web site and backend (C# MVC5) |

|● Involved in production of unique content (video, photoshoot) |

|Agria Insurance Ltd |Senior Consultant | |Feb 2014 – Jun 2014 |

|Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury |Agria Vet / Agria Breeder / GCCF / Kennel Club | |(Contract) |

|● Scoped existing process to build database architecture (SQL Server 2012, Database-First using Entity Framework) |

|● Created and maintained JIRA tasks team wide |

|● Implemented single distributed source control (Git) and migrated existing Mercurial and TFS sources |

|● Created AGILE/SCRUM development strategy |

|● Implemented shared document/knowledge repository (self-hosted Confluence installation) |

|● Implemented task/bug tracking and created appropriate workflows (self-hosted JIRA installation) |

|● Held daily stand-up SCRUM meetings and sprint retrospectives |

|● Standardised/templated required project documents (including creation for sprints 1-3) [Data Definition Document, API Definition, Project Plan, |

|Functional Specification) |

|● Audited and documented existing client application and backend database, created de-risking plan. |

|● Mentored junior PM |

|● Implemented continuous integration and continuous deployment (self-hosted TeamCity installation) |

|● Created backend database, DAL, BLL, WebApi layers and connector to legacy SOAP interface |

|● Supported BAU with bug fixes to legacy system |

|● Managed development team and liaised with business stakeholders and infrastructure team |

|● Vetted and interviewed new development team candidates |

|● Began consolidation of environment servers (multiple standalone machines into 2 high performance VM clusters with SAN) |

|● Reported directly to CTO |

|Calm Ray |Senior Technical Lead | |Jul 2013 – Oct 2013 |

|Kensington Village, London |Mylan / Publicist / Razorfish Health / Digitas Health | |(Contract) |

|● Scoped existing process to build database architecture (SQL Server 2012, Database-First using Entity Framework) |

|● Created and maintained JIRA tasks team wide |

|● Implemented LDAP, PDF generation and Excel generation modules |

|● Installed and configured Azure instances for staging and QA environments |

|● Configured and trained other team members on use of Git for source control |

|● Created/defined stub WebApi for Administration and Client [Angular] frontends |

|● Implemented actual WebApi |

|● Mapped security principals/concerns and created custom attribute to process method calls with said security |

|● Implemented SpecFlow documentation project |

|● Oversaw front-end development |

|The App Business |Senior Technical Lead | |Nov 2012 – May 2013 |

|Broadwick St, London |Unilever OneView | |(Rolling Contract) |

|● Setup development/testing environment (blade server with Hyper-V running multiple VMS’) |

|● Configured DNS, DHCP, ActiveDirectory, RRAS and routing for use on project. |

|● Installed and configured AD RMS for document rights encryption. |

|● Installed and configured Federation Services for Trusted Party authentication (also integrated with AD RMS). |

|● Installed and configured SQL Server 2012. |

|● Installed and configured Team Foundation Services for source control and continuous integration (including unit testing) |

|● Established deliverables for each sprint |

|● Prototyped services for AD RMS encryption, ADFS authentication, PDF generation, file encryption and Amazon services (AWS and SMS) |

|● Implemented MTOM based WCF service exposing internal services to End-user [iPad] and Admin [HTML] clients. |

|● Developed MVC Rest API endpoints for each specific client |

|● Created unit tests and integration tests for each system. |

|● Ran SQL tracing to optimise [Code First] SQL-LINQ queries. |

|● Created documentation for network/service/user/system topology, API’s (internal and external services) and functional specifications. |

|The BIO Agency |Technical Lead | |Jun 2012 – Nov 2012 |

|Gresse St, London |Headline / Hachette / Orion Publishers | |(Rolling Contract) |

|● Managed deployments and content changes to Teamsite |

|● Utilised SCRUM methodologies for bug / enhancement management |

|● Maintained multiple environments (dev, test, staging, live) |

|● Traced search bugs via IDOL querying |

|● Refactored and enhanced code as necessary |

| |Yell / Hibu / zNode / OpenToExport (Reskin) | | |

|● Liaised with stakeholders to gather requirements for UX designs |

|● Implemented mock response search provider |

|● Reskinned zNode solution as per OTE specifications (HTML and CSS changes) |

|● Isolated reskin controls and styling’s to support single-instance implementations |

|● Documented external API’s [Lucene search service] and documented installation and deployment guide |

| |Pay 24/7 / Western Union / Travelex | | |

|● Was the Domain Owner, created technical documentations and led client meetings (for defining ownership boundaries and processes) |

|● Implemented MIGS (Mastercard Payment Gateway) API calls for single and multi MID DCC and CPC payments |

|● Re-organised source control (GIT) to hierarchical library, legacy, reskin and language branches |

|● Established formal source control, release control, data import (format) and development practices |

|Royal Society Mencap |Senior Developer | |Jul 2011 – May 2012 |

|Golden Lane, London | | |(Rolling Contract) |

|● Installed and trained staff on source control (Subversion with TortoiseSVN) |

|● Deployed and trained staff for |

|● Advised on technical strategic decisions for department |

| |Raising Your Game | | |

|● Created UX wireframes and functional specification |

|● Implemented DB, interface and shared library with .NET4.0 using Entity Framework 4 |

|● Created and deployed MVC3 with Jquery site in DEV-STAGING-LIVE environments |

| |MenProp | | |

|● Upgraded .NET2 with site to .NET4 using Entity Framework 1.5 and AJAX |

|● Gathered requirements and implemented new features |

|● Mentored existing team members of the project |

|Archibald Ingall Stretton |Freelance Developer | |July 2011 |

|Berners Street, London |o2 Rewards Nursery | |(Contract) |

|● Created technical specification document and managed resource/timing project plan. |

|● Implemented DB, interface and library changes. |

|● Converted static html designs into MVC3 (Razor) site with required functionality. |

|Safety-Assured Ltd |Systems Developer/Consultant | |June 2011 |

|Innovation House, Upminster | | |(Contract) |

|● Implemented new NopCommerce based web sales site |

|● Expanded default functionality to further integrate with existing back office system. |

|● Created and managed “mailshot” email campaigns. |

|Archibald Ingall Stretton |Freelance Developer | |Sep 2010 – May 2011 |

|Berners Street, London |o2 Preferences and Permissions | |(Rolling Contract) |

|● Updated specification documents as required |

|● Implemented PnP into existing Membership interface and library |

|● Documented new endpoints, required application keys (Jelerang/O2 switches) and changes to Membership database |

|● Tested new functionality against reference service |

| |o2Squirrel | | |

|● Bulk transformed user data for import into new phase of customer surveying |

|● Generated user uptake reports and status |

| |o2Health | | |

|● Created functional requirements document and [UX] wireframes document for updates to site |

| |o2Blueroom Best Seats | | |

|● Updated database tables and data for new requirements and regenerated data layer (new enums) |

|● Performed SVN merge against two other branches and variants of the database |

| |o2More | | |

|● Managed customer expectations and progress via client facing weekly meetings on site and conference calls (including on site demo’s) |

|● Updated UX wireframes and functional specification as required |

|● Created backend management system and implemented frontend MVC ( Razor) site |

|● Deployed sites, provided post deployment support for usage and fixes and generated usage, click through, referrer and conversion reports |

|● Created specifications and timings document for Phase 2 (improvements and changes) to site |

| |o2 Arsenal Fives | | |

|● Managed offshore development team on site requirements and defect resolution |

|● QA’d offshore solution, implementing fixes where required |

|● Deployed site and oversaw performance in live (with reporting) |

|Crayon London |Backend Developer | |May 2010 – Aug 2010 |

|Swallow Place, London |British Gas Generation Green | |(Contract) |

|● Inspected existing epiServer implementation, porting pertinent codebases. |

|● Analysed existing Interface Architecture documentation for missing risks, requirements and dependencies. |

|● Designed standalone SQL Server schema/database. |

|● Implemented Membership and Role Providers for account handling and ELMAH for error reporting/logging. |

|● Provided end-user support and generated management reports for existing system. |

|● Implemented LINQ-to-SQL data layer and database model |

|● Created SSIS project for migration of existing user, school, product and geo data. |

|● Re integrated third party API’s and microsites |

|● Created administration CMS |

|Aspire Technology |Senior Developer | |Feb 2010 – May 2010 |

|Mortlake High Street, London |AspireSSO [Redhat, Symantec] | |(Contract) |

|● Created custom Membership and Role providers with custom database backend. |

|● Created Reporting Services authentication/authorisation extensions for custom based ACL integration. |

|● Created proxy webservice for providing membership/role/authentication functionality. |

|● Provided custom controls for easy integration into existing applications. |

|● Designed and implemented administration console/page for user management. |

|● Implemented amalgamated ‘portal’ control, enabling tight knitting of existing apps/domains in a single location, rather than the existing disparate one. |

| |Symantec/Aspire Renewal Centre | | |

|● Reviewed existing systems and created technical specifications and wireframes for new system. |

|● Created WebApp for data management, quote generation (Report Viewer) and look ups |

|● Integrated ACT! API calls for real time data retrieval and submission into legacy systems |

|● Created required reports and localised variants of reports and pages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian) |

|● Utilised AJAX for async data retrieval (lookups, auto-completes, pre-population business logic etc) |

|● Encompassed all business/data layer tasks into web services for migration of legacy apps into standardised system. |

|Archibald Ingall Stretton |Freelance Developer | |Nov 2009 – Feb 2010 |

|Berners Street, London |o2More & Blueroom For Business | |(Contract) |

|● Reviewed existing offers and created interface for adding/editing standardised versions for dynamic generation |

|● Extended existing o2Blueroom CRM to accommodate new pages and security requirements |

|● Stylised pages to maintain original system look and feel |

| |o2Blueroom | | |

|● Created pages and interface as per wireframes specification |

|● Implemented business logic layer as intermediate service using NetTiers ORM for data services. |

|● Imposed security using Membership, Personalisation and Role providers |

|● Created custom cross-browser controls (e.g. RichTextBox, generic paging, etc) |

|● Created http handlers and integrated Ajax controls and JS scripting (autocompleter, partial postbacks, watermarks, etc) for a richer interface |

|● Tagged and branched in SVN where necessary to support test teams (continuous testers, end-users, internal testers) and deployments |

|● Performed some Agile Testing as well as standard use case testing |

|● Validated migrated data, developed SQL update and select scripts to repair and find inconsistencies/missing data respectively |

|● Load tested and optimised caching against the SQL Server |

| | | | |

|● Scrutinised proposed solution, creating a feasibility study and implementation report |

| |EDF STST | | |

|● Spec’d user tracking and content delivery system for EDF landing pages. |

|● Created backend SQL database and stored procedures |

|● Implemented solution for generation of customised pages (content delivered based on previous delivery rates, conversion rate and referrer) |

|● Implemented user path tracking via server sessioning and pseudo image delivery (blank image that causes a log entry) |

|● Analysed data, then designed visit, conversion, common path, and other reports for rendering with SSRS |

|Momentum |Lead Web/Silverlight Developer | |Sep 2009 – Oct 2009 |

|Rosebury Avenue, London |Microsoft / Carphone Warehouse Microsites | |(Contract) |

|● Created C# WinForms based application for advertising (flash animation), customer information gathering (input forms) and leaflet printing (Microsoft |

|‘Life Button’ for use on touch screen kiosks in shopping centres. |

|● Configured three Windows Server 2008 in load balancing configuration (one DB, two web) to support , SMTP and WCF services |

|● Designed and configured SQL Server 2008 database [stored procedures, tables and triggers] |

|● Created and configured WCF services with endpoints for Silverlight and |

|● Created Silverlight video player and ‘Life Button Generator’ to be embedded in microsite |

|● Implemented mobile site with prize code checking and redirection [via web service calls] |

|● Automated generation and sending of html emails with embedded images. |

|● Liaised with customers and maintained extremely tight deadlines. |

|● Created metric reports and implemented report server |

|● Oversaw the deployment and trained staff in the use of the Kiosks. |

|Safety-Assured Ltd |Systems Developer/Consultant | |Jan 2009 – Sep 2009 |

|Innovation House, Upminster | | |(Contract) |

|● Supervised merging of third party website and database. |

|● Updated DNS to instigate web and mail switchover. |

|● Built and implemented new Silverlight UI |

|● Implemented new web services for LINQ to SQL querying, authentication services, role services and profile services. |

|● Updated interfaces and views to accommodate Silverlight UI as well as legacy system (WinForms) |

|● Migrated reports and invoice creation to reporting services. |

|● Created additional MI/KPI variable period reports |

|● Provided first line tech support, general systems updates and performed database cleansing. |

|British Telecom’s PLC |Subcontract Deliverables - Senior Technical Consultant | |Sep 2008 – Dec 2008 |

|BT Centre, London | | |(Contract) |

|● Worked with two offshore teams, assisting the direction of strategy, methodology and targets |

|● Defined methodology/steps for performing Root Cause Analysis of order faults |

|● Performed unit tests to generate baselines of happy paths for use in defect analysis |

|● Rapid Prototyped solutions using Access/Excel hybrid demo (VBA for UI & Data linking) |

| |Data Integrity Reporting Platform | | |

|● Mapped existing database/server topologies |

|● Created scheduled SSIS package for incremental updates from multiple database clusters |

|● Mapped linked servers and enabled the proxy of T-SQL and PL/SQL queries |

|● Designed and built report queuing service (database queue, web service, report render, SMTP transmission) |

|● Designed crystal reports to be served, maintaining the style and layout to existing company standards. |

|● Created SQL queries and reports for consolidation of known issues and [confirm] order checks |

| |Anomaly Testing | | |

|● Analysed external system’ response paths, potential fail points and production system actual instances |

|● Created and populated template for data requirements request for performing anomaly testing |

| |ebXML Archive and Analysis Tool | | |

|● Created consolidated backend SQL database with insert/parse triggers |

|● Implemented synchronisation service for scheduled message archiving from multiple data/file sources and platforms |

|● Integrated frontend GUI with multi-message path flow searching capability |

|● Automated Excel API to generate DFD for message flows |

|● Enabled ZIP memorystream compression to return archives of messages and headers |

|The Walt Disney Company Ltd |Analyst/Programmer | |Aug 2007 – Jul 2008 |

|Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith | | |(Rolling Contract) |

|● For all projects, AGILE development principles were employed, 95% code coverage was maintained and targets test-driven |

|● In the back-end, N-Tier database topologies were used; hence a source/local/adjustments data structure had to be factored in |

|● Continuous Integration controlled production/QA builds thus deployment scripts, daily check-ins/branching had to be created and utilised |

|● Liaised with offshore QA to direct testing and prioritise next-phase bug-fixing and functionality development |

|● Ensured the successful completion of and monitored the daily SSIS jobs for updating the application data |

|● Provided development help (knowledge base) to junior colleagues |

|● For PRISM2 and n*Tracker, updated MI Crystal reports for changes in business requirements. |

|● Provided low-level support for existing applications, including database cleansing/correction, administrator maintenance and application code |

|correction |

| |PRISM2 | | |

|● Created automation test scripts for end-to-end processing |

|● Built bespoke SSIS for SFTP/Bash automation and reference file import/exporting |

|● Executed and analysed performance tests for various network transfer scenarios |

|● Adjusted existing framework to accommodate globalisation requirements (EAN/UPC/SKU/ISBN, country, etc) |

| |WaiverTracker, CMCTracker | | |

|● Provided account support and manual data correction |

|● Compiled offshore test execution plans |

| |BPA | | |

|● Adjusted existing codebase and database to support a global user base with isolated rules and approval groups |

|● Created unit tests, co-ordinated AD test groups and membership, created new functionality test plan |

| |DFE 1.0 & 2.0 | | |

|● Designed new reports and implemented selections onto application |

|● Performed manual interface testing for web front |

|British Telecom’s PLC |Subcontract Deliverables - Test Team Lead | |Nov 2006 – Aug 2007 |

|BT Centre, London |Downtime Reporting | |(Rolling Contract) |

|● Created Excel template for reporting component downtime |

|● Created pages for report customisation and display |

|● Developed Graphing component in for custom chart rendering |

| |WLR Phase II, III, IV | | |

|● Liaised with developers, testers, and integration (AGILE environment) |

|● Execution of testing areas |

|● Created functional area test scripts for test sprints |

|● Generated reports [Crystal based] for Customer Experience team; measuring journey times as well as individual components processing times |

|● Produced test reports summarising execution rate, success, failures and blocked orders |

|● Reported faults and followed through resolution process |

| |Injection and Search Tool | | |

|● Created C#.NET based tool for automation of multiple tasks (as follows) |

|● Emulated UNIX terminal, screenscraping results of Cyclone searches |

|● Created Oracle PL SQL queries for querying OFS and OneView databases |

|● Created FTP connector for listing and enabling retrieval of Bill and Letter PDF’s |

|● Create Order Monitor, for realtime polling of order status changes |

|● Enabled customisation of tool for changes to system and user requirements |

|Galileo International Ltd/Travelport |Systems Engineer | |Jun 2006 – Nov 2006 |

|Axis One, Langley |Cendant Content Hub (EasyJet) | |(Contract) |

|● Created EasyJet Java based XML connector for enabling booking of EasyJet flights against the Cendant GDS |

|● Load tested connector for dealing with high volume scenarios |

| |UKRail – TheTrainLine (PNR Integration) | | |

|● Created Unit and Integration Test Plans for Internal use |

|● Implemented JS script for automated transformation of TTL XML Messages into Cryptic Text commands via Terminal Emulation API |

|● Designed test web page for custom selection of TTL XML Messages, and base for final integration page through dynamic generation |

|● Documented error class and potential errors list |

| |UKRail – TheTrainLine (NVMIR Integration) | | |

|● Mapped TTL message schema |

|● Designed BizTalk 2006 orchestration for the processing incoming binary encoded, zipped, .NET class wrapped TTL Messages into GPDS XML --- |

|Amalgamate zip files from MSMQ. Deserialise message into class. Transform class into NVMIR XML. Convert NVMIR XML into NVMIR Flatfile (Fixed |

|length, fixed position text). Wrap NVMIR Flatfile into GPDS XML and transmit to WebSphere |

|● Created Unit, System and Integration Test Plans for Internal and TTL use |

|● Automated Unit testing through use of NUnit attributing of amalgamation, transformation and wrapping classes |

| |CCH Tester Tool | | |

|● Developed application for testing requests/responses to webservices optionally using templates |

|● Implemented dynamic form creation via XML files (templates for GUI) |

|● Used COM interop to embed IExplore COM dll for XML display |

| |Inspiration | | |

|● Created C#.NET based Webservice and SQL 2005 database for facilitating advanced holiday destination searches based on destination criteria (e.g. |

|temperature, max flight time, available facilities, etc) and not actual location |

|● Database and service was structured to enable multiple vendors to customise descriptions, blacklisting, criteria mappings and languages |

|● Built Tier-2 SQL [2005] Database for presentation data |

|● Created scheduled synchronisation for transformation and updates of GDS data |

|● Created SQL queries, stored procedures and (usage) reports for both the database and webservice |

|● Created POC (Proof of Concept) travel website utilising Inspiration webservice |

|● Custom screen scraping tool developed for generating initial content for database (e.g. Countries, Cities, Airports, Longitude, Latitude, Temperature |

|High/Low, Snowfall High/Low, etc) |

|OptimumFX Ltd |Business Intelligence Development Consultant | |May 2006 – Nov 2006 |

|Optimum House, Barnt Green |Datascrape ActiveX | |(Contract) |

|● Created an ActiveX Container hosting the Matrix Viewer UserControl. Also created the Matrix Designer, a stand-alone Matrix Editor. |

|● Created runtime custom code compiler for enabling unlimited functionality and expandability of Matrix designs. |

|● Converted existing Access based charts to Crystal Report equivalents. |

|● Remapped the Access based Matrix into the new XML based one. |

|● Implemented custom XML class serialisation / deserialisation to support custom field types and structure. |

|● Created extensive Unit Test and System Test documentation for Black Box and White Box testing (QA & Line Engineers) |

|● Embedded control into existing National Instruments LineView / InTouch product |

|● Created Integration testing document for embedded control. |

|Safety-Assured Ltd |Systems Developer/Consultant | |Mar 2006 – May 2006 |

|Innovation House, Upminster |Risk Assessment WM5 Application | |(Contract) |

|● Created a bespoke CF mobile app for use with PDA’s for the purpose of performing on site Risk Analysis. |

|● Integrated third party libraries to enable printing via bluetooth. |

|● Adjusted back office software to use RAPI for synchronising data to and from PDA |

|● Packaged with cab installer to distribute application |

|● Provided documentation for further development |

|● Updated backend SQL database and integrated to CF Application. |

|OptimumFX Ltd |Business Intelligence Development Consultant | |Sep 2005 – Apr 2006 |

|Optimum House, Barnt Green |SMED Tool (Continuous Improvement) | |(Contract) |

|● Was trained in SMED CI application, then devised and planned an appropriate matrix and tool for its application. |

|● Created a WinForms driven application specifically for the application of SMED principles for process management and improvement. |

|● Presented project proposal, maintained time and budget schedule. |

|● Held daily conference calls for reporting the progress, changes, and upcoming projects. |

|● Created MDB referential database for as a back-end data-store |

|● Created a vast array of SQL queries for use by the application. |

|● Implemented intelligent, adaptive and collision-aware classes for the representation of procedure elements. |

|● Created licence key generator and implemented licence key checks. |

|● Created Access MDB and switch [data binding method] for standalone (non SQL server) instances. |

| |De La Rue Data Connector | | |

|● Joined meeting to discuss closer integration of DLR and OFX systems with potential solutions. |

|● Created specification and liaised with DLR staff to implement a synchronized development and testing plans on both sides. |

|● Created a driven System Service for the automated migration of manufacturing data |

|● Designed destination database schema and mapped existing schema |

|● Created I/O, DFD, network topology and software process diagrams for reference (between LineView machines and SQL interface servers) |

|● Implemented numerous SQL based import/compare/export queries to ensure referential integrity |

| |Office Back-end | | |

|● Held planning meeting to gather requirements. Presented potential solutions. Derived exact specification for implementation and distributed. |

|● Installed new server; Server rack, new wiring (ISDN, ADSL, Power), server, UPS, Windows Server SBS 2003 |

|● Configured MS Exchange, DNS Servers, FTP/Sharepoint, VPN Tunnelling and SSH for business consolidation to one site. |

|● Setup ISDN VPN connections for server and remote logon for access to remote sites even from non ISDN enabled sites |

|● Hosted several training sessions to discuss business impacts and train staff in maintenance routines |

|● Documented all stages of configuration for future self-configuration. |

|Safety-Assured Ltd |Systems Developer/Consultant | |Oct 2005 – Feb 2006 |

|Innovation House, Upminster |SA Office Application | |(Contract) |

|● Presented a formal project proposal/specification, and development/training/implementation plan. |

|● Designed and implemented a multi-user, central-server based B2B/B2C system for invoicing and record keeping. |

|● Created a & C#.NET front-end software application for interaction with SQL backend. |

|● Created appropriate UI, reports, database structure, and SQL queries. |

|● Implemented data backend with SQL Express 2005, created client application as a WinForms & C#.NET application with integrated .NET |

|Framework bootstrapper for simple installation. |

|● Transposed existing data to the new database using transform and update SQL queries. |

|● Implemented report viewing via integrated iexplore object within application. |

|● Trained staff in use of new software. |

|● Held weekly meetings to report progress and to commit found specification changes. |

|● Held several business direction meetings to discuss and plan future expansions and possible C.I. solutions |

| |Safety Assured and Related Websites | | |

|● Standardised the form of data and consolidated the sources for website content |

|● Created dynamically generated pages utilising XSL and XML with the aforementioned data source. |

|● Tracked load-testing, set permissions and uploaded files via Bash shell of host server. |

|OptimumFX Ltd |Business Intelligence Development Consultant | |Apr 2005 – Sep 2005 |

|Optimum House, Barnt Green |Datascrape – Phase 1 (Charting and analysis realisation) | |(Contract) |

|● Originally contracted to present a series of viable data representation solutions (contract was extended to building) |

|● Planned and discussed my analysis of the LineView data and recommended implementation (an Access based reporting platform) |

|● Used Access Forms and Reports powered by VBA to create a structured standalone Access Application |

|● Created dynamic SQL queries for reporting based on Six-Loss Analysis, Planned Down Time, Critical Machine Loss, Line Losses, Mean Time |

|Between Failures, NRFP and all Trend Analysis’ |

|● Interface was designed for ease of use by non-technical (mechanical) engineers |

|● Entire solution was built for low network usage and speed, existing tables and pass-through queries optimised |

| |Datascrape – Phase 2 (Continuous improvement analysis) | | |

|● Presented recommendation for rolling out a guided version of the software solution |

|● Liaised with end-user engineers for suggestions / confirmation towards new design |

|● Enabled integration to either local database (JET) or a live SQL database (SQL/ADO) connectivity |

|● Developed a good decision making matrix to ensure the standard methodology be followed to find the correct continuous improvement technique to |

|be applied |

|● Created a second interface based on the good decision making matrix and added an option to switch between advanced mode (all options available) |

|and good decision mode (step by step) |

|Coca Cola Enterprises Ltd |SAS Engineer |Dec 2004 – Mar 2005 |Apr 2005 – Aug 2005 |

|Charter Place, Uxbridge |Customer Relations System |(Contract) |(Contract) |

|● Responsible for the creation and implementation of shared applications specific to the company |

|● Created ASP reporting pages (Reports with user inputted filters) |

|● Had monthly target meetings for establishing required tasks to be completed as well as own improvement projects |

|● Liaised with multiple departments to discover required developments as well as support and follow up on existing implementations |

|● Reprogrammed CRIS JScript to import and run VBA script using unmanaged ActiveX |

|● Created integrated VBA script for automation of CRIS letter generation |

|● Cleansed and corrected database; closing records, following up incomplete records and correcting entry errors |

|● Built Access database comparing logged actions taken to those of the BASIS backend to assure consistency between the two |

|● Built Access database for generating bespoke trend analysis reports; cutting data filtering down from 15 minutes to 5 seconds |

|● Utilised existing technical knowledge to improve efficiency, and batch process existing tasks |

|Genetix Ltd |Project Leader/Systems Developer | |Nov 2003 – Oct 2004 |

|Genetix Ltd, Hampshire |Order System Automation | |(Industrial Placement) |

|● Managed team of 3 to develop C#.NET software solution for logging and checking of machine parts and reagent levels and costs |

|● Responsible from end to end of the realisation of requirements, design, development, implementation and training |

|● Implemented mirrored servers with POP3, SMTP, IIS, File & Print services with ActiveDirectory based user access |

|● Developed multi-tiered scalable referential database SQL Server backend |

|● Trained staff in usage of new software and implemented schedule for finalisation of new system |

|● Ensured correct and accurate transcription of old records as well as destruction of said records |

|● Documented all stages of the ‘manufacturer to consumer’ process for ISO 9000 compliance |

|SDL International |Localisation Tester | |Jul 2003 – Sep 2003 |

|Globe House, Maidenhead |Adobe CS (French/German) | |(Contract) |

|● Setup and configured Mac and Windows test environments. |

|● Performed UI and functional testing. |

|● Created and tracked bugs and issues via FileMaker database. |


Brunel University BEng Multimedia Technology and Design

Sir George Monoux College 3 GCE A Levels: Mathematics, Physics, Computing

2 GCE AS Levels: Critical Thinking, General Studies

Sir John McEntee Secondary School 9 GCE GCSE’s: Mathematics, Science Double, English Literature & Language

Drama, Media Studies, Design (Resistant Materials), History


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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