CONSUMER MATH COURSE SYLLABUSSCHOOL YEAR 2015-2016Instructor:Ms. GlasselE-Mail Address:Tracy.Glassel@Textbook:Consumer Mathematics, by AGS PublishingFoundations in Personal Finance,by Dave RamseyCourse Description:Consumer Mathematics is a math applications class designed to prepare the student for real world math issues they will confront on a daily basis as adults. A primary resource used in the class is Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace for the Next Generations and included in the class are units related to taxes, loans, property ownership, personal money management and household budgeting. There are also units surrounding math in the workplace, particularly as it relates to precision measurement and geometric calculations. This course will also reinforce basic math concepts and skills as they relate to the everyday personal use of math.Course Content:The following chapters will be covered:Lesson 1Earning MoneyLesson 2Buying FoodLesson 3Shopping for ClothesLesson 4Managing a HouseholdLesson 5Buying and Maintaining a CarLesson 6Working with FoodLesson 7Improving Your HomeLesson 8TravelingLesson 9Budgeting Your MoneyLesson 10Banking and InvestingLesson 11Paying TaxesLesson 12Preparing for CareersThe Dave Ramsey Portion of this class will include:Introduction to Personal Finance, Savings, Budgeting, Debt, Life After High School, Consumer Awareness, Bargain Shopping, Investing and Retirement, Insurance, Money and Relationships, Careers and Taxes, and Giving. *Assignments/Projects will be given over each lesson and must be turned in by the assigned due date. Late work will not be accepted. Assessments will be given after each lesson. Grades will be figured by taking the total points earned and dividing by the total points possible. The final semester grade will consist of 80% semester grade and 20% from the final exam as stated in the High School Handbook. Percentages will be used in the calculation of final grades, not the letter grade. Material Needed:A binder , scientific calculator, text book and a pen or pencil for writing. Expectations:Arrive on time to class with all of your materials and be ready to work when the lesson begins.When the teacher or another classmate is talking, give the speaker your full attention.When a task is assigned, work only on that assignment until it is completeProfanity, putting down another classmate, and sleeping will NOT be tolerated. No food or drinks other than water in the classroom.You will be dismissed by the instructor and not the bell. All calculators must be returned before class can be dismissed. There will be no lining up at the door. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. The date will be announced by the teacher as well as when each chapter assignments are due. Late work is not accepted. It is expected that if all of your assignments are complete then you must be reading a book or working on other classroom work. You are not going to be able to go back to your locker to get these items so please bring them to class with you. *It is expected that all students come prepared and ready to learn. Students are expected to be in their seats on time, focus on the teacher when asked, avoid inappropriate behaviors or gestures and follow the rules and expectations as outlined by the H-H Student Handbook. We are looking forward to a great year. Please feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns as the year progresses. Hard work and a positive attitude will bring you success in this class!!! ................

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