10:30 a

Board meeting Minutes

Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association

Board of Directors Meeting

October 15, 2009

Held at 1951 Woodlane Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125

Board Members Present:

Chief John Bolduc

Chief Jim Crace

Director Cari Gerlicher

Chief Peter Jansky

Chief Jeff McCormick

Chief Hugo McPhee

Chief Gordon Ramsay

Chief Ron Sager

Chief Dave Thomalla

Chief Dana Waldron

Chief Richard Wyffels

Chief Rob Yant

Board Members Absent: Chief Tim Brennan, Chief Mona Dohman, Chief Bob Jacobson

Staff Members Present: Harlan Johnson, Executive Director

Chaplain Dan Carlson

Mary Henning, Communications/Training Coordinator

Peter Ivy, Association Co Counsel

Peter Orput, Association Co Counsel

Guests: Chief Wade Lamirande, Cloquet PD

Captain Matt Langer, Minnesota State Patrol

1. Call to Order:

President Mona Dohman called the board meeting to order at 10:36 a.m.

2. Opening Invocation:

Chief Peter Jansky offered the opening invocation.

3. Approval of the Agenda:

Added two items: approval of association audit and appointing a new liaison to the Association of Emergency Managers of Minnesota (AMEM).

Approval motions: 1st –P. Jansky, 2nd– J. McCormick

4. Guest

Captain Matt Langer from the Minnesota State Patrol and Cloquet Chief Wade Lamirande described an upcoming session (second session held by the State Patrol) of the IACP Leadership in Police Organizations. One week each of four consecutive months – four-week program. Participants in the next session will be Grand Rapids Chief Leigh Serfling MN Chiefs President and Maple Grove Chief Mona Dohman and Plymouth Chief Mike Goldstein.

The train-the-trainer program exists for representatives from law enforcement agencies to evolve from learning theories and practical tools to bring back to their departments to implement The teaching methods allow for tailoring to the department’s objectives.

The current price per individual for tuition only is $194. Those members interested for the future may contact the executive director.

Chief Lamirande will participate in the MN Chiefs Leadership Academy as the instructor of “Conflict Management.”

5. President’s Report No report.

6. Consent Agenda -- approved as listed in agenda

Approval motions: 1st – J. McCormick, 2nd– J. Bolduc

7. New members – approved

Chief James Meyer Comfrey Police Department

Approval motions: 1st –J. Crace, 2nd– J. McCormick

8. Financial Report and bills to be paid

Approval motions: 1st – J. McCormick, 2nd– R. Yant

9. Treasurer’s report

Approval motions: 1st – J. McCormick, 2nd– R. Sager

10. Executive Director’s Report:


The Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association Foundation now is formed with a 501.c.3 tax status.

Defense Attorneys Recommendation to Minnesota Forfeiture Laws.

Defense attorneys recommend that proceeds from forfeitures go to the criminal justice system to include public defense and not just to prosecutor and law enforcement. County attorneys are recommending that forfeitures be approved by prosecutors, with no other changes to the law.

State Accreditation.

At SACOP Executive Director meeting last week, about 2/3 of the states represented have state accreditation for police departments. In the past CALEA had a strangle hold on the accreditation business and many feared law suit if they tried to start a state accreditation process. It may be time for Minnesota, especially our association to re-consider accreditation of Police Departments.


President Mona Dohman Dept of Corrections Statewide Supervision System (S3)

Chief Ron Sager Dept of Corrections Statewide Supervision System (S3

Chief Tim Brennan AMEM Liaison

Chief Mike Siitari Financial Crime Advisory Committee

Chief Tim Dolan Financial Crime Advisory Committee

11. Board Reports (those pulled for discussion from consent agenda):

a. Forensic Lab Advisory Board.

The board discussed whether the Commissioner of the Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety has changed the course of direction and implementation of regional labs around the state. Many regions and departments planned on having them, but since have not heard about further DPS commitment. Exec. Dir. Harlan Johnson to ask MN Chiefs Forensic Lab representative Bob Jacobson to bring up in an upcoming FLAB meeting with the BCA.

The Advisory Board will meet on October 22nd to discuss the legislative agenda for 2010.

Sheriff Stanek, Sheriff Andersohn (members of FLAB/reps from the MSA), and I are in agreement that the function of FLAB which includes lab oversight, investigative capabilities, etc cannot be done appropriately without funding. Lacking funding, FLAB will meet less frequently.

b. State Gang/Drug Oversight Council (B. Jacobson)

The Oversight Council held its last meeting during a Gang/Drug Oversight Council Retreat in Bemidji on September 9th and 10th. The meeting included presentations from several Task Forces. We also reviewed and approved several changes to the Task Force Operating Procedures and Guidelines. Carol Falkowski of the MN Dept. of Human Services submitted a resignation in writing that was presented to the group. The resignation was accepted and a letter will be sent to Commissioner Campion regarding some negative comments made by Ms. Falkowski.

A committee was also approved to be co-chaired by John Harrington and Bob Jacobson to develop a metro wide task force strategy and to report back with recommendations at the next Oversight Council meeting on November 4th. That group will not be at the meeting.

I also continue to attend the Metro Gang Strike Force Advisory Board meetings as they continue the process of dissolving the unit.

c. Regional Rep meeting held Oct. 14, 2009 (minutes attached).

Discussion from MN Chiefs Regional Representatives meeting, clarification provided by Exec. Dir. Harlan Johnson:

A recent DPS news release proposed a new strategy for problems of gangs, drugs and biased policing. The Chiefs and Sheriffs’ associations are mentioned in the release as supporting the DPS efforts.

DPS is requesting from the legislature that 500 in-car cameras be equitably distributed. DPS prefers data on video instead of racial data collection. The camera funding is to come out of the mandated seat belt law.

Uniform color change - oppose

Admin tickets in electronic format – acceptable, as long as the legislated form is followed.

d. Foundation update.

Treasurer Cari Gerlicher briefed board members about the Feb. 25, 2010 Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association Gala. She has asked members and regional representatives to consider inviting their legislators, mayors and private donors in their areas. She described a silent and live auction with vacations, tickets to sporting events, apparel, fishing trips, etc. The event will include: VIPs and a keynote speaker and levels of sponsorship.

The MN Chiefs association will submit a letter to the MN Chiefs of Police Foundation recommending association programs to which to donate. The outside charity recipient will be Minnesota Special Olympics.

Since the board meeting was held, the venue is no longer FIVE in Minneapolis and is to be determined.

Gala action items

• Celebrity speaker to confirm

• Video clips of student scholarship testimonials

• Letter from association to foundation on a recommendation for whom and how much to donate.

• Change board meeting date to Thursday, Feb 25, 2010

• MN Chiefs regions present auction items

• Promote save-the-date

• Foundation promotion: Ideas on what brochure should say about the foundation.

• Pitch letter drafted by IMMOODY, to come from the association, soliciting silent auction items.

12. Items from the floor.

Special Olympics. Chief Dave Thomalla thanked the MN Chiefs Board of Directors for contributing to an accumulative $16,000 earned at the Special Olympics golf tournament in August.

St. Paul proposed resolution to Minn. Stat. 629.72 (P. Ivy)

In light of the recent tragic killing of a St. Paul Police Officer, the St. Paul City Council has proposed a resolution amending Minn. Stat. 629.72.  which would “prohibit anyone with a violent past and felony conviction from being released when picked up [arrested] on a protection order violation.”

This resolution faces serious constitutional challenge because Minnesota Constitution Article 1, Section 7, provides that all persons are “bailable" by sufficient securities, except for capital offenses when the proof is evident or the presumption great.”        Because OFP violation are not “capital” offenses, such are defendants are entitled conditional release on some bail or bond.     For a judge to deny this would be an abuse of discretion and subject to a writ of mandamus.

More generally, this proposed resolution also conflicts with the constitutional presumption of innocence.

In sum, unlike the federal system, the Minnesota Constitution does not allow for “preventative detention” except in certain capitol cases. 

13. New business.

From Peter Orput and Peter Ivy: Together they can provide freelance, pre-paid legal services; depending on demand of membership. The program would be modeled after the legal defense fund. Should an officer be accused of a crime while on duty, they are privy to a counsel, but they are able to choose their own representation? How broad do departments want the legal service package? Orput and Ivy will look into plans and bring a menu of options for board consideration in November.

The board approved support to sell a mug with the new MN Chiefs logo. A prototype was unveiled at the MN Chiefs golf tournament at the Fall Conference. Timing would be the Feb. 25 gala. Staff to develop an order form and/or incorporate into ETI registration info as a pre-order item. The mug will be displayed at the Feb. 25 gala.

Approval motions: 1st–D. Waldron, 2nd– R. Wyffels

14. Motion to adjourn.

Meeting ended at 12:24 p.m.

Approval motions: 1st–J. Crace, 2nd– R. Wyffels

Respectfully submitted to MN Chiefs Board Secretary, Chief David Thomalla


Regional Representatives Meeting MINUTES

October 14, 2009

Meeting held at the Maple Grove Police Department

Chair: Chief Hugo McPhee, Three Rivers Park District

Meeting begins: 10:34 a.m.


Chief Jeff Beahen – Elk River

Chief Mike Goldstein - Plymouth

Chief Hugo McPhee – Three Rivers Park

Chief Tim Motherway - Crookston

Chief Rodney Seurer – Savage

Chief Steve Wells – Coon Rapids

Chief Walter Wobig - Proctor

MN Chiefs Board Members: President Mona Dohman (Maple Grove Chief)

Treasurer Cari Gerlicher (Dept. of Corrections Director)

MN Chiefs staff: Eric Hyland, Legislative Liaison; Mary Henning, Communications and Training Coord.

Guests: Bob Hernz, LETG; Greg Hannah, LETG; Dave Johnson, BCA MNJIS;

MN Chiefs Foundation Gala (C. Gerlicher)

Treasurer Cari Gerlicher briefed representatives about the Feb. 25, 2010 Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association Gala. She asked representatives to consider inviting their, legislators, mayors, private donors in their areas. She described a silent and live auction with vacations, tickets to sporting events, apparel, fishing trips, etc. The event will include: VIPs and a keynote speaker and levels of sponsorship.


The Law Enforcement Technology Group, located in Woodbury, recently conducted a survey of Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association member agencies with 12 or fewer officers. LETG aims to determine the level of interest by small agencies in a hosted RMS offering.  The concept would provide agencies with a browser based RMS, providing the ability to share data, and submit records to CIBRS, and other automated criminal justice systems.  The concept would provide a solution without the initial costs associated with a stand-alone solution.

The survey was sent to 200 chiefs, garnering more than a 50-percent response. LETG has concluded that about half of the agencies are not satisfied with their current RMS system and would be willing to change, while taking budgetary constraints into consideration. LETG will be initiating a design discussion with the BCA to determine an acceptable business and technology model. LETG also is scheduling focus group discussions with member agencies to determine feasibility of this new delivery model.

CIBRS (Dave Johnson)

Director Dave Johnson reported that about 100 agencies are using CIBRS, an investigative tool implemented by the BCA. He will report to the legislature this year on the state of CIBRS effort and investment. One barrier is that agencies invest in independent software systems that may not be compatible with CIBRS. The BCA is making revisions to the user agreement to make it simpler, particularly for court data. The BCA is seeking input and will attend regional meetings. CIBRS only is effective if other agencies also are using CIBRS. Regional reps agreed that re-tooling for simpler processes and usability will make it more appealing. CIBRS would experience a large boost in participation if Hennepin, Ramsey and Anoka Counties would use it. Other agencies would rely upon the data. Also, why not make it compulsory?

Other CIBRS developments:

CIBRS is collaborating with LETG on an RMS system.

BCA is about to implement an Integrated Search Service that will make MNJAC reports available to anyone on demand.

Electronic citations through e-charging will speed up transfer of Minnesota criminal justice event language.

OJP grant for $1 million for the state to build adapters to connect to existing data-collecting software systems. Currently in RFP stage.


Over-shadowing legislative this session are the bonding bill, gubernatorial race, election year, Metro Gang Strike Force activities -- emphasizing seizure and forfeiture laws. Will need support from entire state on the good works of other task forces, especially how the proceeds of forfeitures and seizures do go to responsible law enforcement uses.

Regional reps are looking to Department of Public Safety (DPS) Commissioner Michael Campion to broaden his reach to his constituency to allow chiefs statewide to participate in the process of recovering from metro strike force activities. They would like to know when legislative hearings are being held and how to weigh in on statewide efforts.

Reg. reps questioned the context of the recent DPS release that said MN Chiefs supports in-car cameras in order to avoid racial profiling.

Reg reps would like to see revisions to the admin fines bill passed last year. They have concerns that too much of the fee goes to the state and the effort is not profitable enough for the time required to administer it. Can electronic forms be submitted? The answer is yes, as long as the information in the template is used.

Medical marijuana most likely will not pass this year, but proponents will organize to try to make usage a constitutional amendment.

Uniform color changes: MPPOA is trying to incorporate into the POST Board legislative package that non- law enforcement sworn officers wear only gray uniforms, so as not to impersonate police officers. MN Chiefs and MN Sheriffs oppose.

Buy American uniforms. Can attempt to change language in the Minnesota Department of Administration state purchasing contracts. Difficult to appeal change.

Brandon’s law. MN Chiefs would like further clarification on what it means to investigate another jurisdiction. The law covers investigations within one’s own jurisdiction, but begs questions on outside jurisdictions.

Alcohol breath test instruments. The BCA has sought grant money to purchase new alcohol breath test instruments. The partnership with the National Traffic Safety Administration will replace 280 instruments, plus mobile ones. Blood and urine data can be entered onto the system, compatible with e-charging, with results transmitting directly to the BCA and DVS. Those agencies that have intoxilyzers will be able to have them replaced. The training will be on a refresher basis (several hours). See attachments.


IACP Conference, Denver – Scott Knight did not win; stirred discussion of absentee ballots, both for IACP and ETI.

TracView – MN Chiefs encourages chiefs to check with their city attorney so that the selling of crash records meets city requirements for data privacy.

DPS In-car camera survey results



Region 1 and 2 (T. Motherway) – new chief in Baudette.

Region 7 (J. Beahen)

Georgetown Leadership Planning Institute $450; 8 days; hosted at Elk River; November through January.

Sherburne County has a new sheriff, Sheriff Joel Brott, and is incorporating a countywide crime response unit.

The county is conducting forensics training with assistance from the Minneapolis Police Department. It is buying a $400,000 command post

Central Minnesota continues to work with ARMER for further integration of 800 mhz capabilities. Channel communication still is a problem.

Region 11, Hennepin County (J. Goldstein)

The county is incorporating violent crime initiatives to repond to gang strike force activities.

The Criminal Justice Forum – a Minnesota research and advocacy organization -- is pushing for city attorney services to be discontinued and be handled by county attorneys. County attorneys, however, are busy with felonies. Chief Justice Eric Magnuson is calling for opposing viewpoints. Hennepin, Dakota County oppose, along with the Suburban Prosecutors Association. Hennepin County is encouraging individual cities to oppose and submit letters to Chief Justice Magnuson.

Region 11, Ramsey County (Ohl)

The county has sought grant funding for an online family academy for support of families with law enforcement officers. The more chiefs who sign onto the program, the more it will survive and be able to collect more grant funding. Chief Ohl can respond to questions about the curriculum.

next meeting – Wed., Jan. 20, 2010 at the MN Chiefs Woodbury office

Adjourn – 1:25 p.m.


Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association

dedicated to the Ideals of Professional Policing

Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association

dedicated to the Ideals of Professional Policing


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