
Chapter 1

Getting Started with FMS


|Date |Action |Page(s) |

|03/26/09 |Document created. | |

|09/17/09 |Updated Appendix to include new Operating Unit Locations in |1, 31-32 |

| |Chart of Accounts | |

|04/20/10 |Updated entire document to reflect new 8.50 Tools functionality.|all |

|05/10/10 |Updated Clear Cache information. |1-2, 30-end |

|07/19/11 |Updated Clear Cache information. |1-2, 33-34 |

|09/22/11 |Deleted “Alphabetizing Main Menu” section. |1-2, 19-end |

|12/17/11 |Updated screenshot showing location of Wildcat Connection link |1-2, 5-8 |

| |on CWU homepage. | |

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Table of Contents

Overview 3

1.0 Responsibilities Associated with Financial Management 4

2.0 Internal Controls 4

3.0 Develop Departmental Financial Procedures 5

4.0 Suggestions for Getting Organized 5

5.0 FMS Access Authorization and Set-up 6

6.0 Signing In to FMS 6

7.0 The Finance System Homepage 9

7.1 Navigating in the Finance System 9

7.1.1 Navigating from the Homepage Using the Main Menu Dropdown 9

7.1.2 Navigating Using Tabs and Links 11

7.1.3 Navigating Using the Search Box 12

7.2 The Universal Navigation Header 13

7.2.1 How to Add a Favorite in the Finance System 14

7.2.2 How to Edit or Delete a Favorite in the Finance System 15

7.3 Accessing Recently Used Pages 17

7.4 Customizing Your Homepage 17

8.0 Buttons 19

8.1 Common Processing Buttons 19

8.2 Common Toolbar Buttons 19

9.0 Tool Tips 20

10.0 Type Ahead 20

11.0 Saving Search Criteria on Pages 20

12.0 Customizing Search Results 23

12.1 Hiding Columns 23

12.2 Freezing Columns 25

12.3 Reordering Columns 27

13.0 Clearing the Cache 28

13.1 Internet Explorer Cache (PC Users) 29

13.1.1 Which version of I.E. do I have? 29 Internet Explorer 8.0 Cache (PC Users) 30 Internet Explorer 7.0 Cache (PC Users) 31 Internet Explorer 6.0 Cache (PC Users) 32

13.2 Firefox Cache (PC or Macintosh users) 32

13.3 Safari Cache (Macintosh users) 33

14.0 Basic vs. Advanced Search 33

15.0 Printing PDF Files 34

Appendix 35

FMS Access Form 35

Chart of Accounts 36

FMS Contact Information 37


The FMS system was developed and implemented using the financial management policy and procedures of Central Washington University, State of Washington rules, Federal regulations, and professional accounting standards. This will not delve into any of these, but information on the financial policies/regulations can be attained at the Business and Financial Affairs Office.

1. Responsibilities Associated with Financial Management

Employees who have fiscal and financial responsibilities as a part of their jobs must perform their work in accordance with CWU policies. If you have a question on finding specific financial policies and procedures, or do not know which business unit to get in touch with, contact the Business and Financial Affairs Office at x2323 for assistance.

In practice, the program manager/department chair often delegates responsibility for the transaction processing, record keeping, and financial monitoring to another employee within the unit. This individual is frequently an administrative assistant, program assistant, or secretary. Employees who are asked to assume responsibility for a unit’s finances often have little or no formal education or professional experience in these areas. Therefore, some organizational tips will be given to structure the activities associated with a position having financial responsibilities.

2. Internal Controls

To quote the Office of Internal Audit document on Internal Controls Accounting and Reporting (located at the following web address: ), “Internal controls are the practices performed by departments to provide management with reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and transactions are authorized, valid, complete and accurate.”

It is essential for each department to create and maintain a structure of internal controls. These controls may vary from one department to the next because the specific control structure implemented for a given entity within the university will depend upon its size, the name and complexity of its operations, and whether or not it is subject to requirements imposed by legislative or regulatory bodies.

After the internal control structure has been put into place, it is imperative that those doing the work monitor the controls and offer suggestions for changes as appropriate. Internal controls exist in a dynamic environment. Employees retire, computer systems are upgraded, and circumstances arise which may necessitate modifications to internal controls. Through routine monitoring of its internal control structure, the university can react quickly and appropriately to changing conditions.

Internal controls are more than a set of policies and procedures. At the heart of the internal control structure, and across all levels of the university, is the staff. Every employee interfaces with internal controls during the course of his/her work and, therefore, plays a critical role in mitigating risk for the university, safeguarding the university’s assets, and ensuring that the university has every opportunity to successfully achieve its objectives.

If you are the person responsible for departmental finances, then you play a key role in making sure that your departmental operations and finances are guided by a sound set of internal controls. The Internal Auditor’s office has posted a document, Internal Controls - Accounting and Reporting, on their web site that defines responsibility and can be found at: .

3. Develop Departmental Financial Procedures

The financial transactions a department is typically involved with include generating requisitions, charge/credits, submitting invoices, budget changes, etc. At a minimum, each transaction should follow the CWU Internal Controls Accounting and Reporting procedures that incorporate the elements of proper authorization, separation of duties, maintenance of documents and records, and reconciliation as described below:

1. Proper authorization: “Transactions should be authorized and executed by persons acting within the range of their authority.”

2. Separation of duties: “No person should have control over a transaction from beginning to end. Ideally, no person should be able to record, authorize and reconcile a transaction.”

3. Maintenance of documents: “Transactions should be clearly and thoroughly documented and available for review.”

4. Reconciliation: “Reconciliation is the process of comparing the entries in the general ledger to supporting documentation and resolving any discrepancies or differences with accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash, property depreciation, interest income and other.”

4. Suggestions for Getting Organized

Getting your source documents and financial reports organized and placed into files serves as the foundation for staying on top of your department’s finances. With a good filing system in place, answering such questions from your supervisor as: “How much do I have left to spend on travel in project ID xxxxxxxx?” or, “Has our equipment order been delivered?” becomes a breeze. So how do you get started?

a. Create a “Monthly Financial Log’” spreadsheet whereby each financial transaction for the month will be logged for later reconciliation. Some find this helpful to keep track of all source documents.

b. Create two folders to hold each month’s transaction documents: 1) source documents pending, 2) source documents cleared.

c. Create a set of file folders for each account code that is frequently used, e.g., office supplies, printing on campus, graphics production, specific contracts, etc., and store the source documents in them.

d. Organize your monthly financial reports:

• Get some three-ring binders and divider tabs.

• Organize each binder in a way that makes sense to you. For example, some departments will have a notebook for each type of financial report with monthly divider tabs; or, some have their notebooks organized by project ID with divider tabs by month.

e. Make sure that you are using the most recent version of on-line forms. To locate the most recent version, always refer to the following link: .

5. FMS Access Authorization and Set-up

Once it is determined that you need access to FMS in order to perform your job duties, you must obtain a User ID. The User ID will have a security access profile, which means that an individual departmental user will be able to access only those pages and information in PeopleSoft associated with his/her position’s User ID. Security defines which areas of the system you have access to work in and which pages you can access.

1. See the Appendix at the end of this document for ways to access the FMS Access form.

2. Within 2-3 days, a User ID and Password will be e-mailed to you.

6. Signing In to FMS

Logging in to FMS is similar to opening a secured page on a Web site. Use the Navigation that follows:

|Open your web browser. Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher is recommended for PC’s. Either the Safari or the Firefox browser is recommended for|

|Mac’s. |

|[pic] |If your browser has issues opening or working with the Financial Management System, try a different browser or a different |

| |version of the browser. |


| |To access the actual FMS Reports database, go to the CWU Homepage and click the [pic] link. |

| |On the Wildcat Connection Log-in page, enter |

| |your Novell Username and Password. |

| |Click the [pic] button. |


|The Wildcat Connection page displays. Your links are on the left-hand side of the page. |

| |Click on the Financial Management System (FMS) link. |

| |At the bottom of the page that pops up, click on the FMS Reports link. |

| |At the Sign-in page, enter your User ID and Password, which were e-mailed to you. If you did not receive your User ID and |

| |Password in an e-mail, see section 5.0 above, “FMS Access Authorization and Set-Up.” |

|[pic] |Your User ID and Password are case sensitive. |

| |After entering your User ID and Password, click once on the [pic] button to log in. |

|[pic] |The Finance System software will validate your User ID and Password. If either of these is invalid, the system will display an |

| |error message below the [pic] button. When this happens, you must re-enter both your User ID and Password. If you are still |

| |unable to Sign In, contact Tina Short at 963-2910 or Tim McGuire at 963-2329 for assistance. |

|[pic] |While the validation process is running, the mouse pointer turns into an hourglass. Once the validation is finished, the FMS |

| |Homepage appears (See section 7.0 below). |


| |For security purposes, the Finance System automatically logs you off after a certain period of inactivity. Should this happen, |

| |click on the Sign in to PeopleSoft link. The Sign-In page appears, and you can once again log into the Finance System. |

7. The Finance System Homepage

Think of the Homepage as the front door to everything you’ll do in the Finance System. Every search, inquiry, data entry, and reporting task begins at the Homepage.

The Homepage contains three elements with which you should be familiar:

| |The Main Menu dropdown is the primary means of navigating through the Finance System. You’ll use it to get to the Task Pages for|

| |data look up, transaction inquiry and preparation, and report execution (see section 7.1 below). |

| |The Universal Navigation Header enables you to return directly to the Homepage (Home), work with your Favorites (Add to |

| |Favorites), and log out of the Finance System [(Sign out)(see section 7.2 below)]. |

| |The Task Page is where you will actually do your work. Entering search criteria for look-ups, inquiring about and preparing |

| |transactions, and running reports are all done on the Task Page (see section 7.3 below). |

1. Navigating in the Finance System

There are multiple ways to navigate in the Finance System:

1. Main Menu dropdown (see section 7.1.1 below)

2. Tabs/Links (see section 7.1.2 below)

3. Search Box (see section 7.1.3 below)

4. Favorites (see sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 below)

1. Navigating from the Homepage Using the Main Menu Dropdown

|[pic] |Navigation Hint: Click on items with dropdown arrows and search page icons. Hover over folders. |

|[pic] |When you need to click on an item, use single-clicks of your mouse, not double-clicks, when working in the Finance System. |

When navigating from the Homepage of the Finance System, begin by clicking the Main Menu dropdown. Hover over a menu item to move through a hierarchy of menus and submenus until you see one or more search page icons (blue and white icons that look like a piece of paper). Clicking once on a search page icon will either take you to a single search page or open the first of several pages in a group.


| |To demonstrate navigation, begin by clicking the Main Menu dropdown on the Homepage. |

| |Doing so will display the Main Navigation Menu. |

| |Hover over an item in the Main Navigation Menu. In the example below, the user hovered over Purchasing. |

| |Doing so will bring up the Submenu for Purchasing. |

| |Hover over an item within the Purchasing Submenu. In the example above, the user hovered over Purchase Orders. |

| |Doing so will bring up the Purchase Orders Submenu. |

| |Hover over an item within the Purchase Orders Submenu. In the example above, the user hovered over Review PO Information. |

| |Doing so will bring up the Review PO Information Submenu. |

| |Since all of the items within the Review PO Information submenu are search page icons, clicking once on any one of them will |

| |open up a Task Page. In the example above, the user chose Activity Summary. |


| |Once the PO Activity Summary page appears, you may inquire about the activity of a particular purchase order by entering |

| |criteria into any number of fields on the page. |

| |Then click the [pic] button. |

|[pic] |When navigating through the Finance System, … |

| |you may return to a previous page by clicking one of the function buttons such as [pic], [pic] or [pic]. |

| |you may return to the Main Menu dropdown and navigate to a different Task Page. |

| |you may want to navigate back to any level of the navigation you just completed by clicking on a dropdown item in the |

| |breadcrumbs at the top of the page. |

| | |

| |It is not recommended that you use the [pic] button of your Internet Browser to navigate in the Finance System. |

2. Navigating Using Tabs and Links


| |Tabs are found at the top of a page, and the corresponding links at the bottom, when more than one page is needed to complete a |

| |particular task. For example, there are two tabs/links associated with printing a purchase order: |Find an Existing |

| |Value|/Find an Existing Value and |Add a New Value|/Add a New Value. |

|[pic] |By clicking once on a |Tab|, the page associated with that particular |Tab| opens. By the same token, clicking once on a Link |

| |will bring up the page associated with that Link. |

3. Navigating Using the Search Box

| |Another way to navigate in the Finance |

| |System is to type a key word or phrase |

| |into the Search Menu box. The Search Menu |

| |box is located in the Main Navigation |

| |Menu, which you may access by clicking the|

| |Main Menu dropdown. As long as the term |

| |you type is one that the Finance System |

| |understands, the search should be |

| |successful. |

| |After typing your search term in the |

| |Search Menu field, click the [pic] button |

| |to the right of the field. |


| |When your Search Results display, click on the link for the page of your choice. Refer to the short description of the page |

| |beneath the link, if need be. |

| |Your search page will appear. |

2. The Universal Navigation Header

The Universal Navigation Header appears at the top of many pages throughout the Finance System. Use it to access standard navigation links such as Home, Favorites, and Sign Out.

| |Clicking once on Home takes you back to the Homepage of the Finance System. |

| |Favorites are similar to the Bookmarks you create when browsing the Web. There are no pre-set Favorites in the web-based |

| |Finance System, so you may customize your Favorites list to meet your specific needs. See section 7.2.1 below for more |

| |information on adding Favorites. Section 7.2.2 below provides information on how to edit or delete a Favorite. |

|[pic] |If you perform certain tasks often during the course of your work, you may want to create a Favorite for it. |

| |Clicking once on Sign out logs you off of the Finance System and takes you back to the Sign In page. |

|[pic] |Always use the Sign out process when ending your Finance System session. Avoid using the “X” in the upper right-hand corner to |

| |“X” out of the system. |

1. How to Add a Favorite in the Finance System

Let’s begin our work with Favorites by adding a Favorite for looking up an invoice or voucher.

| |From the Main Navigation Menu, |

| |navigate to the page for which you |

| |wish to make a Favorite. In this |

| |example, we will navigate to the |

| |Budgets Overview page by hovering |

| |over: |

| |Commitment Control > Review Budget |

| |Activities |

| |…and then clicking on Budgets Overview|


| |On the Budgets Overview page, click once on Add to Favorites in the Universal Navigation Header. You may notice that the rest of |

| |the screen dims as the Add to Favorites box appears. |

| |In the Add to Favorites box, enter a Description, or name,|

| |for the Favorite in the Description field, or accept the |

| |one that is suggested. |

| |Click [pic]. |


| |One of the above messages will appear. You will need to click the appropriate button to continue. |

| |Favorites are maintained under the Favorites dropdown menu at the top of the FMS Homepage. |

| |Once a Favorite is saved, you can click on the Favorites dropdown |

| |menu to see the hyperlink to the Favorite. |

| |Then click once on the hyperlink for the item you wish to view |

| |under the My Favorites section of the dropdown menu. |

|[pic] |Favorites default to appearing in alphabetical order unless you |

| |specify otherwise. |

2. How to Edit or Delete a Favorite in the Finance System

As your list of Favorites grows, you may decide to re-name, re-order, or even delete some of them.

|For example, let’s say that you look up your budget information often, and you |

|want the Budgets Overview Favorite to appear first in the list. |

| |Click on the Favorites dropdown menu to view all of your Favorites. |

| |Click on: |

| |[pic] |

| |Use the Sequence number field on the Edit Favorites task page to indicate the order in which you want your Favorites to appear. |

| |Since you want Budgets Overview to appear first in your list of My Favorites, put a “1” in the field next to Budgets Overview. |

| |Finish ordering your list. |

| |Perhaps you’d also like to make the name of the Budgets Overview Favorite a little more specific. To change the name of a |

| |Favorite, highlight the name of the Favorite you wish to change in the Favorite field by dragging your cursor across the name. |

| |Type the new name for the Favorite. In the example above, the name Budgets Overview was changed to Budgets Overview (Summary). |

| |Finally, you may find, as time goes by, that you really don’t need some of the Favorites that you’ve set. Perhaps, in this case,|

| |you wish to get rid of the Activity Summary Favorite. Click [pic] next to any Favorites you no longer need. When the Delete |

| |Confirmation box appears, click [pic] to confirm the delete or [pic] to deny the delete. |

| |When finished editing or deleting your Favorites, click the [pic] button. |

| |The changes will now appear in your Favorites list. |

3. Accessing Recently Used Pages

|PeopleSoft allows the user the ability to quickly access Recently used pages. |

| |Click on the Favorites dropdown menu to view hyperlinks |

| |to all of your Recently used pages. |

| |Then click once on the hyperlink for the page you wish to|

| |access under the Recently Used section of the dropdown |

| |menu. In the screen shot to the right, the user chose to |

| |go to the Activity Summary page. |

4. Customizing Your Homepage

|PeopleSoft allows the user the unique ability to customize the look of a page. |

| |If you are not already on the Homepage, click on the Home link in the Universal Navigation Header. |

| |Now click on the Personalize Content link. |

| |On the Personalize Content page that appears, |

| |check the checkboxes under PeopleSoft Applications|

| |next to the items you would like to appear on your|

| |Homepage. |

| |You may want the Menu checkbox to be checked. This|

| |allows the Main Navigation Menu to display on your|

| |FMS Homepage. |

| |Checking the Main Menu checkbox will result in the|

| |Main Menu appearing on your FMS Homepage. |

| |Checking the My Reports checkbox will result in |

| |the My Reports box appearing on your FMS Homepage.|

| |The My Reports box will display links to the FMS |

| |reports you run. |

| |For illustration purposes, all three items have been checked in the above example. |

| |Click the [pic] button when finished making your choices on the Personalize Content page. |

| |If you do not wish to save the information entered on the Personalize Content page, simply click on the Return To Home link to |

| |return to the FMS Homepage. |

| |Your choices will be Saved, and you will be returned to the Homepage, where you will see the items that you chose displayed. |

8. Buttons

PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture provides you with buttons to help you process transactions in your system. A simple click of a button will carry out the command.

If a grayed out button appears on your page, that action is currently unavailable to you or is inactive.

Most buttons in the system are self-explanatory. Refer to the sections below for details about common processing buttons, toolbar buttons, and pop-up menus.

1. Common Processing Buttons

The following buttons are used for processing transactions in the Finance System:

|[pic] |Click to accept the information entered. |

|[pic] |Click to go back to the previous page. |

|Or | |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |Click to clear the page and any data that you may have entered or changed without saving. When you click [pic], the system |

| |doesn’t warn you to save changes. Click [pic] if you entered data incorrectly and want to begin again. |

|[pic] |Click to carry out the search using the criteria specified. |

|[pic] |Click to delete the information. |

2. Common Toolbar Buttons

The toolbar appears at the bottom of most pages. The toolbar may include search list navigation buttons, page navigation buttons, and page action buttons, but the toolbar changes depending on the type of page that’s active or the settings that the developer has set for a particular transaction. Not all buttons shown in the following table appear on every page. Likewise, some buttons may be unavailable for selection.

|[pic] |Click to send the information that you’ve entered on the page to the database. You generally save when you |

| |come to the end of a component. The Save button updates the data for all pages in a component. When activated,|

| |the system displays the saved message in the upper-right corner of the page. |

|[pic] |Click to return to the search page. |

|[pic] |Displays the information for the next data row in your search results grid. This button is unavailable if you |

| |didn’t select the data row from a search results grid, if there was only one row in the grid, or if the data |

| |that appears is the last row in the grid. |

|[pic] |Displays the data for the previous data row in your search results grid. This button is unavailable if you |

| |didn’t select the data row from the search results grid, if there was only one row in the grid, or if the data|

| |that appears is the first row in the grid. |

|[pic] |Click to access existing rows of data in the database. If data is effective-dated, only current and future |

| |rows appear. |

|[pic] |Displays all rows of data: current, future, and history. |

|[pic] |Click to force a transmission to the application server to validate all data entered on the page. |

| [pic] |Displays when there are several pages that are related to the current page. Click to access a new page |

| |containing a list of related page links. |

9. Tool Tips

|[pic] |Tool tips are pop-up text messages that appear on your page when your mouse hovers over a button or link. Sometimes called hover|

| |text, tool tips display additional information about the action that the button or link performs. Prompt buttons, for example, |

| |display what the system will look up for you. Toolbar and search buttons display text describing the button and the hot key to |

| |access it. |

10. Type Ahead

|[pic] |Type Ahead is a handy feature available in any field that offers a magnifying glass. This feature allows the system to make |

| |suggestions as a user begins typing in the field. The user can then choose one of the suggestions without needing to finish the |

| |typing. This functionality saves time! |


11. Saving Search Criteria on Pages

|Another way that valuable time can be saved in the Finance system is by saving your search criteria on search pages. |

| |To illustrate this point, log into FMS Reports. Using the Main Navigation Menu, navigate to: |

| |Commitment Control > Review Budget Activities > Budget Details |


| |On the Find an Existing Value page for Budget Details,|

| |enter the identifying criteria for the budget you wish|

| |to view. |

| |Click on the [pic] link. |

| |On the Save Search As page for Budget Details, type |

| |the name you would like to call this budget search in|

| |the Name of Search field. |

| |Click the [pic] button. |

| |A small box will appear, verifying the name you chose to save the search|

| |under. |

| |Click on the Return to Advanced Search link. Your budget search |

| |criteria are now saved. You may specify and save criteria for as many |

| |searches as you would like. |

| |To retrieve the search criteria the next time you go to the |

| |Budget Details page, click the dropdown arrow for the Use |

| |Saved Search field. All searches you have saved will appear. |

| |Choose one. |

| |Doing so will populate the appropriate fields with your saved |

| |search criteria on the Budget Details page and carry out your |

| |search. |

| |To delete a saved search, click on the Delete Saved Search |

| |link. |

| |Select the search to be deleted on the Delete Saved Searches |

| |page for Budget Details. |

| |Click the [pic] button. |

| |On the page that appears, click on the Return to Advanced |

| |Search link, which will return you to the Budget Details page,|

| |where you may carry out another search. |

12. Customizing Search Results

|One feature of the Finance system that you may find useful is its ability to customize Search Results. |


| |Assuming you have carried out a search and are looking at your Search Results, click on the Customize link in the header of the |

| |Search Results. |

|On the Personalize Column and Sort Order page that appears, you may choose to hide, freeze or reorder any of the columns in the Search |

|Results. |

|For more information about hiding columns in Search Results, refer to section 13.1 below. |

|For more information about freezing columns in Search Results, refer to section 13.2 below. |

|For more information about reordering columns in Search Results, refer to section 13.3 below. |

1. Hiding Columns

|If you have not already navigated to the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, follow the directions in section 13.0 above to do so. |


| |To hide a column, highlight its name in the Column Order box,… |

| |…and then check the [pic] checkbox. |

|[pic] |To highlight more than one item at a time, hold down the |Ctrl| key on your keyboard while clicking on the items. |

| |The column(s) you have chosen to hide can be identified because they have the word “(hidden)” after them. In the example above, |

| |the choice was made to hide columns 13, 15 and 16. |

| |To view your Search Results as they would appear based on your specifications, click the [pic] button at the bottom of the page. |

| |If you are satisfied with your choices on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, click the [pic] button to save your |

| |specifications. If not, you may still adjust your choices as outlined in section 13.1, 13.2 or 13.3 before clicking the [pic] |

| |button. |

| |To return to your Search Results without saving any of the settings you chose on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, |

| |click the [pic] button. |


| |You will be returned to the page that has your Search Results. You will notice that the display now hides the columns you |

| |specified. |

|[pic] |To unhide a column, click on the Customize link again. On the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, highlight the name of the |

| |column and uncheck the [pic] checkbox next to it. |

| |To delete your customization settings on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, click on the Delete Settings link. Confirm |

| |that you wish to delete the settings by clicking the [pic] button on the Delete Settings page. Your system will return to its |

| |default settings for that search page. |

2. Freezing Columns

|[pic] |Frozen columns are columns that will display under every tab of the Search Results. |

|If you have not already navigated to the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, follow the directions in section 13.0 above to do so. |


| |To freeze a column, highlight its name in the Column Order box,… |

| |…and then check the [pic] checkbox. |

|[pic] |To highlight more than one item at a time, hold down the |Ctrl| key on your keyboard while clicking on the items. |

| |You may notice, in the example above, that the Line column, column 2, Item column and Category column are all frozen as well |

| |(default value), as indicated by the word “(frozen)” after the column names in the Column Order box. In the example above, the |

| |choice was made to freeze the Item Description column. |

| |To view your Search Results as they would appear based on your specifications, click the [pic] button at the bottom of the page. |

| |If you are satisfied with your choices on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, click the [pic] button to save your |

| |specifications. If not, you may still adjust your choices as outlined in section 13.1, 13.2 or 13.3 before clicking the [pic] |

| |button. |

| |To return to your Search Results without saving any of the settings you chose on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, |

| |click the [pic] button. |

|You will be returned to the page that contains your Search Results. If your Search Results are divided into two or more tabbed pages, you |

|will notice that the columns you chose to be “frozen” will appear on each tabbed page of the Search Results. |

|[pic] |To unfreeze a column, click on the Customize link again. On the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, highlight the name of |

| |the column and uncheck the [pic] checkbox next to it. |

| |To delete your customization settings on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, click on the Delete Settings link. Confirm |

| |that you wish to delete the settings by clicking the [pic] button on the Delete Settings page. Your system will return to its |

| |default settings for that search page. |

3. Reordering Columns

|If you have not already navigated to the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, follow the directions in section 13.0 above to do so. |


| |To reorder a column in your Search Results, highlight the column name in the Column Order box of the Personalize Column and Sort |

| |Order page. |


|[pic] |To highlight more than one item at a time, hold down the |Ctrl| key on your keyboard while clicking on the items. |

| |Click the [pic] if you wish for the column to appear earlier (further to the left) in the Search Results. |

| |Click the [pic] if you wish for the column to appear later (further to the right) in the Search Results. |

| |In the example above, notice that the choice was made for the Item Description column to now appear before the Category column in|

| |the Search Results. |

| |To view your Search Results as they would appear based on your specifications, click the [pic] button at the bottom of the page. |

| |If you are satisfied with your choices on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, click the [pic] button to save your |

| |specifications. If not, you may still adjust your choices as outlined in section 13.1, 13.2 or 13.3 before clicking the [pic] |

| |button. |

| |To return to your Search Results without saving any of the settings you chose on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, |

| |click the [pic] button. |


| |You will be returned to the page that contains your Search Results. You will notice the reordering of the columns according to |

| |your specifications. |

| |To delete your customization settings on the Personalize Column and Sort Order page, click on the Delete Settings link. Confirm |

| |that you wish to delete the settings by clicking the [pic] button on the Delete Settings page. Your system will return to its |

| |default settings for that search page. |

13. Clearing the Cache

A cache is a temporary storage area for frequently-accessed or recently-accessed data, such as Web pages. For example, when you initiate the opening of a Voucher Search Page in the Finance System, the computer first checks the cache to see if you’ve recently worked with a Voucher Search Page. Having data stored in the cache speeds up the operation of the computer because accessing information from a cache takes much less time than retrieving it from the main memory.

Since your computer’s first action will always be to look at the information stored in the cache, it’s essential that your cache contain the most recent versions of Finance System Web pages. Keep your cache up-to-date by clearing it out on a weekly basis.

1. Internet Explorer Cache (PC Users)

1. Which version of I.E. do I have?

|To determine which version of Internet Explorer you have, first open up Internet Explorer. |


| |From the menu bar, select: |

| |Help > About Internet Explorer. |


| |Locate your Version number in the About Internet Explorer dialog box. The person in the screen shot above has Internet Explorer |

| |version 8.0. |

| |Then click the [pic] button. |

|Refer to the appropriate section below for directions on clearing the cache for the version of Internet Explorer that you have. |

1. Internet Explorer 8.0 Cache (PC Users)

|Open up Internet Explorer. |

| |From the menu bar, select: |

| |Tools > Internet Options. |

| |When the Internet Options dialog box opens, click the |

| |[pic] button in the Browsing history section of the |

| ||General| tab. |

| |When the Delete Browsing History dialog box opens, |

| |uncheck [pic]. This is the important option for |

| |clearing all browser cache in I.E. 8.0. |

| |Check all other checkboxes in the Delete Browsing |

| |History dialog box. |

| |Then click the [pic] button, and wait for the deletion |

| |process to complete. |

| |Back in the Internet Options dialog box, click[pic]. |

| |Your browser cache has now been completely cleared. |

2. Internet Explorer 7.0 Cache (PC Users)

|Open up Internet Explorer. |

| |From the menu bar, select: |

| |Tools > Internet Options. |

| |When the Internet Options dialog box opens, click |

| |[pic]. |

| |When the Delete Browsing History dialog box opens, |

| |check the checkbox [pic] This is the important option |

| |for clearing all browser cache in I.E. 7.0. |

| |Then click [pic]. |

1. Internet Explorer 6.0 Cache (PC Users)

|Open up Internet Explorer. |

| |From the menu bar, select: |

| |Tools > Internet Options. |

| |Click the [pic] button in the Temporary Internet Files|

| |section of the |General| tab. |

| |In the Delete Cookies dialog box, click [pic]. |

| |In the Temporary Internet Files section, click [pic]. |

| |In the Delete Files dialog box, check the checkbox for |

| |[pic] |

| |Click [pic] in the Delete Files dialog box. |

| |In the History section, click [pic]. |

| |Click [pic] in the Internet Options dialog box to |

| |complete the process. |

2. Firefox Cache (PC or Macintosh users)

| |If you are using the Firefox browser on a PC, from the menu bar, choose Tools > Clear Recent History. |

| |When the dialog box opens, make sure that the Browsing & Download History, Cookies and Cache checkboxes are checked. |

| |Click [Clear Now]. |

| |On a Mac, choose Firefox > Preferences, and then choose the Privacy icon. |

| |Check the checkbox to Clear history when Firefox closes, then click the [Settings] button. |

| |When the dialog box opens, make sure, at the very least, that the checkboxes for Browsing History, Cookies and Cache under the |

| |History section are checked. |

| |Click [OK]. |

3. Safari Cache (Macintosh users)

| |If you are using the Safari browser, from the menu bar, choose Safari > Reset Safari. |

| |When the Reset Safari dialog box opens, make sure all of the checkboxes are checked. |

| |Click [Reset]. |

14. Basic vs. Advanced Search

|The Finance System basically has two versions of each search page - a Basic Search and a more Advanced Search. The two main differences |

|between the Basic Search page and the Advanced Search page are that the Advanced Search page generally has more fields on which to base |

|your search as well as different operator functions that accompany each field. |

|When the Finance System was set up, the decision had to be made as to which version of each search page would open. |


| |In the screen shot above, the Basic Search page is displayed. This is evidenced by the fact that there is a link to get to the |

| |Advanced Search page. If you wanted to go to the Advanced Search page, you would only need to click on its link. |


| |Even though you may choose the field on which to base your search by clicking the dropdown arrow on the Basic Search page, you |

| |may still only search on one field at a time. In addition, you need to know the characters that that field “begins with.” |


| |In contrast, the Advanced Search page allows for a search using multiple fields at one time… |


| |…as well as different operator functions that accompany each search field and are accessible via a dropdown menu. |

| |If you wanted to go to the Basic Search page from the Advanced Search page, you would simply click on the Basic Search link. |

15. Printing PDF Files

|[pic] |Since some of the documents in the Financial Management System are accessed in PDF format, it is important to keep your computer|

| |up-to-date with the most current release of Adobe Acrobat Reader. |

| |This will allow for the greatest ease in printing your PDF documents, although all previous versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader are|

| |capable of producing viewable/readable printed documents. |

|[pic] | When printing Adobe Acrobat PDF files from within your web browser, AVOID USING THE WEB BROWSER PRINT FACILITY. Instead, use |

| |the print button at the left end of the special Adobe Acrobat toolbar, which appears immediately above the viewing window. |


FMS Access Form

| |

|To access CWU’s FMS Access Form on-line, open your Internet browser and enter the following into the Address field: |

| |

|OR |

|A link to the form may also be found after clicking on the Financial Management System (FMS) link on the Wildcat Connection page: |

| |

|[pic] |

|To review CWU’s Accounting Policies and Procedures, open your Internet browser and enter the following into the Address field: |

| |

Chart of Accounts

|Account |Fund |Class |Program |Dept. ID |Project |Operating Unit |Speed type |

| | | | |


| 0 – Foundation |0PPPPPXX | | |

| 1 – Fund 001, 08A, 290, 489, 03K, 060 |1PPPPPXX | | |

| 2 – Fund 145 |2PPPPPXX | | |

| 3 – Fund 148 and 149 |3PPPPPXX | | |

| 4 – Fund 4XX excluding Fund 489 |4PPPPPXX | | |

| 5 – Fund 5XX |5PPPPPXX | | |

| 6 – Capital Funds (057, 063, 252, 253, 255, 357) |6PPPPPXX | | |

| 7 – Miscellaneous Funds (248, 275, 783, 997, 999) |7PPPPPXX | | |

| 8 – Fund 8XX excluding Fund 840 |8PPPPPXX | | |

| 9 – Fund 840 |9PPPPPXX | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Project Number: | | | |

|Fund Logic character at the beginning + original five digit project number plus two |FPPPPPXX | | |

|additional digits at the end (for possible expansion of Project ID #’s in the future).| | | |

|Each department determines how to best utilize the expanded project numbers. | | | |

| | | |

|Operating Unit Location Character: | | |

| 0 – University Wide - UNV |0 | |

| 1 – Ellensburg - ELL |1 | |

| 2 – Des Moines - DES |2 | |

| 3 – Lynnwood Center - LYN |3 | |

| 4 – Moses Lake Center - MOS |4 | |

| 5 – Pierce Center - PRC |5 | |

| 6 – Wenatchee Center - WEN |6 | |

| 7 – Yakima Center - YAK |7 | |

| E – Everett Center – EVT |E | |

| K – Kent – KNT |K | |

| M – Mt. Vernon – MVN |M | |

| | | | | | | | |

FMS Contact Information

|Position |Name |Phone Number |

|Access & Security |Tim McGuire |963-2329 |

|Accounts Payable |Anna Fischer |963-2621 |

|Asset Management |Dave Moffatt |963-2157 |

| |Kelly Minor |963-1987 |

|Budget |Brenda Mofford |963-2337 |

|General Ledger |Josh Ramsey |963-1991 |

|Grants |John Ebenal |963-1996 |

|Purchasing |Stuart Thompson |963-1004 |

|Training |Dale Lonowski |963-2407 |

|HelpDesk |FMS HelpDesk |963-2001 |
























































The user begins typing “cwu” into the Business Unit field, and the system suggests the rest. The user simply hovers over and clicks on the desired suggestion, and the system puts it into the field.





































The Item Description and Category column positions are now reversed, as you specified.





























In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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