3-D Art

Financial Math

2017 - 2018 Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Ferguson

E-mail: mferguson@

Phone: (989) 683-2550 ext. 34138

Course Description: This class is a senior level personal finance mathematics course created by the financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Students will learn about everyday math concepts from balancing a checkbook and managing income to investing money and applying for loans. This class will become aware of how credit works and where to look for financial assistance in college or otherwise. Students will be expected to work individually and/or in groups to complete daily homework, projects and tests.

Student Behavior: Students are expected to behave according to the code of conduct policy. This policy can be found beginning on page 4 in the Student Handbook which can be found on the school website at student-handbook.html. Any violations will be dealt with at discretion of Mr. Ferguson, major violations will be dealt with at the principal’s office.

Math Room Rules:

1. Bring all needed materials to class. (pencil, paper and a folder)

2. Show respect to all persons and their work in the classroom.

3. No food or drinks allowed.

4. All assignments must be completed and on time to receive full class credit.

5. Electronic devices are to be used for educational purposes only,

No texting, calling or social media use.

Grading: The grading system for this class is explained on page 16 in the Student Handbook. All work is graded on a simple points system. The more involved the assignment, the heavier weighted the grade of the assignment. For example, homework might be worth 20 points and a test might be worth 200 points. All late work will be accepted but will automatically be dropped to 50%. Students missing a due date because of excused absences will be given an equivalent amount of time to make it up for full credit.

Detach and return for your first 10 points in Financial Math!

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⇨ I have read and agree to the Syllabus for Financial Math.

Student Name (print):_________________________ E-mail :________________________

Student Signature:___________________________________ Date:___________________


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