
Kirkliston Community CouncilMinutes29 -11 - 16AttendanceD. Buchanan, N. Davidson, B. Brooks, B. Walker, J. Henderson, P. Hull, L. Mitchell, G. Paterson, Cllrs. N. Work and L. Paterson, Police and 7 members of the publicApologiesCllr. A. Shields, S. Lee, H. Zukowski, M. ElderMinutes of Previous Meeting - with one amendment(see below) these were proposed by B. Walker and seconded by L. MitchellAmendment: the Minutes of 25th October were seconded by B.WalkerMatters Arising Right of Way – a section is open and the path nearer the houses will be divided to allow for pram use; B. Brooks dealing with making sure it is registered as an official right of wayPolice ReportP.C. K. Mackenzie attended the meetingAt the same time last year there had been 28 crimes with 9 solved; this year 18 crimes with 7 solved; crimes consisted of theft, house-breaking, anti-social behaviour and vandalismRoad Safety input at the Nursery on Queensferry RoadKeeping watch at the primary school and Stirling Road regarding traffic issuesResidents are advised to contact the Crime Prevention Officer regarding home securityOperation Snowman is going on in west Edinburgh, looking at road traffic offences, licenced premises and retail crimeAdvised to contact CEC re the weight limit sign which has gone missing at the bridge over the Almond on Lochend Road. N. Davidson to do so.The Police were complimented on the work being done in the N. Kirkliston areaSecretary’s CorrespondenceBus Lane – from 23rd Oct. to 20th Nov. 246 vehicles passed through the Bus Gate amounting to ?7380. The new complete total now stands at 11162 vehicles to the sum of ?334860. An e-mail had been sent to Cllr. L. Hinds once again asking about the use of the money; Cllr. Hinds has instructed officers to see if some of the above money could be used towards the upgrade of the cycle track.No response yet re exempting Santa’s Sleigh if needing to use the Bus GateA resident mentioned at this point that the sign for Newbridge is facing the wrong way on Wellflats Road.No fines for litter or dog foulingPublic Realms Work – (a) P1 has offered to maintain Manse Road and the roundabout for the sum of ?4093 over two years. Gardening Supervisor for CEC, G. Hook, said it could go into his maintenance rota for 2017. KCC preferred the second option. L. Mitchell proposed and P. Hull seconded. N. Davidson to let M. Borthwick know of this decision. It was also mentioned that the seat needs to be maintained or removed from the spot it is in; (b) paving at lights has not been power-washed yet; (c) still working on having new entrance signs and dragons teeth at the entrance to the village. KCC needs to agree the Coat of Arms signage – it was agreed that the sign on the roundabout is the one to be used. P.O. – no further forward in finding suitable premises; N. Davidson to contact the P.O. re the possibility of a secure cabin situated at the Co-op.Sound barriers on the M90 spur. D. Buchanan will follow this up and liaise with N. Davidson re the correspondence TRO – KCC is now on the list for receiving notices. The Burnshot Bridge over the A90 may be closed for two weeks for repair workLiving Landscapes UpdateN. Davidson and D. Buchanan met with G. Hook at the Leisure Centre to discuss landscape issues. G. Hook will work out a Maintenance Schedule for the future. Correspondence will also be sent to A. Bell and P. LawrenceQuestion was raised over the use of the playpark in N. Kirkliston development; this is for all the community, not simply the residents of that areaNeighbourhood Structure UpdateThe Chairs of the Community Councils asked for this meeting due to concerns of the Neighbourhood Partnerships’ relations being dismantled.The meeting did end with a feeling pf positivity for the future and that change is in the airCommunity Action UpdateN. Davidson and D. Buchanan attended a meeting at the Hub along with D. Sinclair and P. StrongP. Strong will issue a list of contacts when the restructuring has taken placeProblems with roads, drainage and lighting should be dealt with through ClarenceKCC to make up a list of main concerns and send to P. Strong who will classify them and put into a workable programmeB. Walker to progress any GTA business as expenditure for work in Gateside comes from a different budgetD. Sinclair to find out when Section 75 money has to be spent and then a timetable will be put in place to get work done. He will also enquire from the Consortium if it is happy that the money be spent on two pedestrian crossings – one at Gateside and one on Queensferry Road. D. Sinclair believes there is ?275000 approx. One crossing would be in the region of ?100000Queensferry Road Path looks like being low priority even although several people had fallenDouble yellow lines outside the hotel – could take up to 6 monthsLighting at side of Bowling Club and Cemetary Path– D. Sinclair to follow up on this.Barrier at end of the lane between Maitland Road and Main Street – it is unsightly but fit for purposeBarriers on Almondhill Road – D. Sinclair to progress this with the builders30mph sign outside the school on Stirling Road. D. Sinclair state it should be removed. His Dept looking into it. Kirkliston Library is not on the closure list, although personnel and hours may changeSanta’s SleighRoutes have been checked15 volunteers for the eveningSleigh ready for use; it will be at Conifox on 10/11 Dec. and 17/18 Dec.; felt this would be a good example of community relationsB. Walker and B. Brooks to liaise over sweetsFurther meeting in December for final arrangementsK.P.S.A.?3000 raised at the Christmas FairTaking part in First Minister’s Reading ChallengeS.Q. High School – capacity set at 1200 but the projected roll is 1400. Kirkliston children could be directed to a new High School to be built in West Edinburgh by 2023; KPSA is engaging with Children and Families in CEC; KCC is happy to liaise with KPSA in order to get the message out to the community as to what is happeningFuture catchment review for QHS will take place in due courseRepresentation has been made by CEC to West Lothian for any linkageLevel of certainty is required by parents for the future of their childrenProjections of numbers will be available in December for the primary schoolM. Elder and D. Buchanan went to CEC re the schooling issuesQuality of learning in the primary school needs to be maintainedG.T.R.A.There has been a meeting regarding the Local Development Plan and a chance to meet with the new team of West EdinburghHad a walk around Gateside with D. Stevenson, who was shocked at what needed to be doneMore seating and planting is requiredMeeting on 7th Dec. to discuss whether or not the Hub will go ahead due to objections by some of the residentsScout Group Update?300 raised at their stall at the school FairPlanning permission process has been startedLease to be signed in the new yearNew charity has been formed – Kirkliston Village Hall Assoc.Money ready for Stage 2 of the processMembership will be opened up to others next yearEnquiry will be made as to whether the P.O. could take up residence within the new building when builtTreasurer’s Report?399.40 in the BankB. Brooks to enquire about the level of the grantCouncillors’ Report Cllr. L. Paterson will not be seeking re-election and she introduced the new Conservitive Almond candidate – Graham HutchisonCllr. N. Work will attend a public meeting of the Neighbourhood Partnership tomorrowCllr. N. Work to inform D. Buchanan about the situation regarding the lack of Christmas Lights in the village this year. There is a possibility of getting an emergency grant from the Almond Partnership. KCC would need to enquirePlanningApplication for planning for a 50-seater Restaurant and Art Gallery at 15 Main Street; 23rd Dec. is the deadline for objections. KCC will raise an objection to this. N.Davidson to speak with S. Lee about putting this on Facebook; G. Walker will put it on the page “What’s On in Kirkliston”Wellflats Care Home has been passed – 5 residents who will be adults with special needs. There is a possibility of making further objections by pursuing the access difficulties. KCC has intimated it will back the residentsFoxhall Trust UpdateN. Davidson and D. Buchanan met with representatives of GVA GRIMLEY, acting agents for the Foxhall Trust. This is with respect to the plan to build houses in Factory Field at Conifox. Their proposed plan at the moment is commencing with a pre application consultation The representatives want to gauge the community’s feelings and were left in no doubt that any future development would be objected to as previously – infrastructure is at breaking point – schools, health centre, bus services and roads.There will be a public meeting arranged by GVA GRIMLEY within Kirkliston sometime in February, venue to be confirmed, where residents can see the projected plan, This will happen over an afternoon and evening.A.O.C.B.G. Walker was co-opted onto the Community Council – D. Buchanan proposed and N. Davidson secondedEdinburgh Airport – J. Henderson attending a Consultative meeting in February; second runway is unlikely in our lifetime; J. Henderson will give a report at the February KCC meeting.K. Lang, prospective Liberal candidate, has been putting out a survey re the Bus LaneN. Davidson to enquire about the length of time allowed to cross the road at Manse Road to see if it could be extended N. Davidson to enquire about the grit bin on Manse Road as it is broken and has no grit in it.Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 31st January 2017; 7.00pm; Kirkliston Library ................

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