Becoming a competent reader is the #1 thing a child can do to be successful in school!In the 4th grade the students will complete a program called Read Across Utah. As part of our Social Studies core we study the State of Utah. Our Read Across Utah program will help us to become familiar with Utah’s 29 Counties and 9 Travel Regions while exploring various reading genres. In addition to the reading requirement students will be required to pass off 1 Social Studies task and 1 Science task in order to complete and pass of each travel region. These tasks are directly related to our 4th grade Social Studies and Science Core.Here’s how it works…Using the attached Counties list, the students choose a book that fits into one of the genres (types of books) of the counties. For example if a student choses to read a nonfiction book, that book would represent the Weber County choice. (the book does not have to be about Weber County)Novels must be a minimum of 80 pages to count towards our program. Novels over 200 pages count as 2 books, novels over 300 pages count as 3 books. Students will record these on the county that says chapter book 80 pgs or more. There is no page requirement for nonfiction and pictures books. After completing the book, the student should take and pass the AR test. If the book does not have an AR test or the student does not pass it they will then need to fill out the book report summary sheets. Students will turn in either their AR score or the summary sheet to their teacher to receive credit. Students just need to show that they have read and understood the book. After a student passes the AR test or turns in the report they will pass off that county. After passing off the county they can color in the map in their reading folder and sign their name on the map in our classroom. Parents must initial the county for it to count.Every month there will be an assigned book report for the students to complete (9 total). I will send home a note detailing the specifics of each book report at the beginning of the month. Book Reports will be due on the last school day of every month.September – Realistic Fiction – Character CardJanuary – Mystery – Diorama October – Fantasy – Wanted PosterFebruary – Newberry Award – Bag of PossessionsNovember – Free Choice – Ornament March – Historical Fiction – New Book CoverDecember – Picture Book – Game Board or MobileApril – Non Fiction – A 3D Model May – Book in a Series – Dress Up as a CharacterStudents do not need to pass off counties in order starting at the top. They can read any county they would like. The only county students must complete at a specific time of the year is the required monthly book report.We will be celebrating your students’ accomplishments 3 times throughout the year. If students hit the reading goals for that time period they will be invited to the reading party.August-November Students must complete a total of 3 travel regionsDecember-February Students must complete a total of 3 or 6 travel regionsAt the End of the year Students must complete all 9 travel regions and have read all 29 books on their read across Utah program to attend the end of year reading party!Instead of doing a nightly reading calendar, we will be turning in number of pages read every Friday. Every Friday students will turn in the number of pages they have read that week. Students will mark this on their Friday Book Chat paper that they turn in every Friday during Library. Make sure students write down the number of pages of each book that they have read including the nonfiction and picture books. Once students have reached a certain number of pages as a class they will have earned a class reward. We are going to track these pages with a program called Cruising Through Utah.Science and Social Studies tasks must be passed off with your teacher when you have completed them. There are a total of 18 novels and 11 picture/nonfiction books in the Read Across Utah program. Students must complete all of them to be invited to the end of the year reading party.The books that your students’ read over the summer will count for pages but they will not count for part of their 29 books for reading across America. You can read MORE than the 29 books that are listed in the Read Across Utah program. We want your student to read, read, and enjoy reading!The Read Across Utah program will give your child the opportunity to broaden their reading interests, experience new types of genres and learn important facts about Utah and learn Science concepts all at the same time!Thank you! Your 4th grade teachers Read Across UtahUtah Scenic Regions & CountiesBook GenreAR Score / Summary sheetTitle & # of PagesParent InitialsGolden Spike EmpireBox Elder CountySeptember – Realistic Fiction – Character CardDavis CountyA book read in class by the teacherMorgan CountyChapter book 80 pgs or moreWeber CountyPicture Book/nonfiction bookPass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetBridgerlandCache CountyOctober – Fantasy –Wanted PosterRich CountyChapter book 80 pgs or morePass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetGreat Salt Lake CountrySalt Lake CountyNovember – Free Choice – OrnamentTooele CountyChapter book 80 pgs or morePass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetMountainlandSummit CountyDecember – Picture Book – Game BoardUtah CountyA book recommended by LibrarianWasatch CountyChapter book 80 pgs or morePass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetDinosaurlandDaggett CountyJanuary – Mystery –DioramaDuchesne CountyChapter book 80 pgs or moreUintah CountyPicture book/non-fictionPass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetPanoramalandJuab CountyFebruary – Newberry Award – Movie PosterMillard CountyChapter book 80 pgs or moreSanpete CountyFairytaleSevier CountySports Book (Fiction or Non-Fiction)Piute CountyAnimal Fiction or NonfictionWayne CountyPicture/nonfiction bookPass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetCastle CountryCarbon CountyMarch – Historical Fiction – New Book CoverEmery CountyChapter book 80 pgs or morePass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetColor CountryBeaver CountyApril – Non Fiction – A 3D ModelIron CountyA book recommended by a friendKane CountyPicture/non-fiction bookGarfield CountyChapter book 80 pgs or moreWashington CountyPicture/non-fiction bookPass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheetCanyonlandsGrand CountyMay – Book in a Series – Dress Up as a CharacterSan Juan CountyChapter book 80 pgs or morePass off a task of the Utah Heritage AwardPass off a Science task – Refer to Science task sheet ................

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