Academic Medicine Integrated Organization


|Academic Medicine Integrated Organization |To expose medical students to a variety of possible careers in “Academic Medicine”. Every week we will hold open |Weston Powell |

|(AMIGOs) |discussions regarding medical cases that were published in the New England Journal of Medicine. On a regular basis, we |Andrew Wong |

| |will have clinicians involved in research come in & speak to us about their experiences |Mamta Parikh |

| | |Rayhan Lal |

| | |Brenda Bailey |

|American Medical Association |The purpose of the AMA at UC Davis is to increase the awareness and discussion of medical issues that we (MSs) will face |Sri Namperumal |

|AMA |as medical students and future physicians. We will have a lecture series on various medical issues covering healthcare |Ryan Ribeira |

|at UC Davis |policy, public policy, international medicine, and family issue. |Nazanin Izadpanah |

| | |Stephanie Yan |

| | |Huy Ngo |

|American Medical Student Association (AMSA) |The AMSA is committed to improving health care & healthcare delivery to all people; promoting active improvement in |Heena Panchal |

| |medical education; involving its members in the social, moral & ethical obligations of the profession of medicine; and |Bernie Miller |

| |assisting in the improvement & understanding of world health problems. |Meena Ghiya |

| | |Deepika Bindal |

| | |Annahita Sarcon |

|American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) | |Preethika Ekanayake |

| |AMWA seeks to bring attention to issues that affect female med students, residents & physicians. Moreover, they seek to |Lily Cheng |

| |promote organize events that empower women. |Nazanin Izadpanah |

| | |Yvonne Pham |

| | |Sauda Bholat |

|Anesthesiology Student Interest Group (ASIG) |The purpose of the ASIG is to promote understanding and exposure of the Anesthesiology specialty. Med Students will be |Leon Hsu, Tye Elliott, |

| |given the opportunity to network with those in the field to facilitate learning and professional development. |Alison Nielson, Vu Nguyen,|

| | |Kevin Trinh |

|Catholic Association of Medical Students (CAMS) |Reaches out to students and staff about the Catholic Faith & its teaching, especially those that relates to the field of |John Nguyen, Alex Lam, |

| |medicine. It is CAMS goal to help medical students to cope with the demand, stress and anxiety of medical schools |David Nguyen |

|Christian Medical Fellowship |CMF is an inter-denominational student group with ties to the Christian Medical & Dental Association, that seeks to |Lawrence Lipana |

| |promote greater understanding of the Christian Faith & how it relates to life & the field of Medicine, CMF wishes to |Liz Taylor |

| |create opportunities for students/doctors to engage in intellectual, social & religious issues. |David Jeffcoach |

| | |Shannon Chin |

| | |Robin Huffer |

|Emergency Medicine (EMSIG) |To serve the interests of medical students interested in pursuing a career in emergency medicine, by providing contacts, |Mikel Matto, Chris Lynch, |

| |lectures, and hands on experiences. |Ellie Loomis |

| | |Sam Reiter |

| | |Lily Cheng |

|Family Medicine Interest Group |FMIG meeting provide rare opportunities for students of all class levels to provide information about and support student |Preethika Ekanayake |

|FMIG |interest in Family Medicine as a specialty and about area of practice within Family Medicine; provide opportunities for |Lily Cheng, Nazanin |

| |hands-on workshops, such as phlebotomy, suturing and casting; meet and share experiences in local and international |Izadpanah, Yvonne Pham, |

| |preceptorships. |Sauda Bholat |

|Filipino Americans In Medicine (FAIM) | |Lawrence Lipana |

| |Support for Filipino-American Medical Students and pre-health undergrads; outreach to the community; help other |Pamela Pablico |

| |organizations understand the Filipino culture relating to medicine |Rozita Pouroushasb |

| | |Karen Alipio |

| | |Kai Li |

|Global Health SIG (GHSIG) |GHSIG seeks to provide a forum for medical students committed to issues of global health. Members are encouraged to |Not Registered |

| |contribute ideas for international health matters and the promotion of international health projects during the summer | |

|Health Power (HP) |First and Second year medical students present health and nutrition educational modules to K-3 students at local |Ray Hsu |

| |Sacramento area elementary schools once or twice a month. Any medical student can volunteer to present the modules. |Esteban Verduzco Deepika |

| | |Bindal |

| | |Pamela Pablico |

|Interfaith SIG |Interfaith SIG provides venue for conversation & deeper understanding of the personal, social, medical issues important to|Stacey Rotta |

| |people of many religious and spiritual backgrounds. We strive to understand the human experience within a religious |Esteban Verduzco |

| |context in order to better understand our patients & the communities we will serve. |Emily Klein |

| | |Heena Panchal |

| | |Stephen Lau |

|Integrative Medicine |SIM sponsors lectures, demonstrations & discussions related to the interface between allopathic medicine and CAM practices|J.Eileen Morley |

|(Students for Integrative Med) |in today’s healthcare environment. Also, we strive to form a network of informed students, physicians and community |Katrina Lam |

| |practitioners that may serve as a resource for others that interests in CAM, integrative medicine, and personal wellness. | |

|Internal Medicine (IMSIG) |Facilitate the understanding of Internal Medicine and its subspecialties, promote community awareness of Internal |Cynthia Tan |

| |Medicine, address issues with the practice of Internal Medicine, promote collaboration and resource utilization, and |Irene Hutchins |

| |answer questions regarding Internal Medicine and its subspecialties. |Kai Li, |

| | |Sauda Bholat, |

| | |Emily Klien |

|In Vivo Literary Magazine |To promote creative expression of students, faculty, staff and patients within the UC Davis Health Systems’ community. |Not Registered |

|Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) |LMSA is a network of students, alumni, and health professional whose mission is to promote the development of Latino |Isaac Sanchez, David |

| |students through educational, volunteer, professional and networking opportunities to foster diversity, higher education, |English |

| |and the improvement of the Latino community |Pamela Pablico |

| | |Rodolfo Gutierrez |

| | |Stephen Lau |

|LGBT People in Medicine |To promote the education and cultural competency of UC Davis Medical students in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender |Kara Toles |

| |health care. | |

|Medical InterCultural Opportunities for Students | |Heidi Collins |

|(MEDICOS-Nicargua) |To develop a program in international healthcare that can help train, educate, and enrich medical students at UCDSOM from |Meghan McClure |

| |the first year of medical education onwards. To create an international exchange between UCDSOM and UNAN |Andrea Griem |

| | |Tiffany Schegg |

| | |Sara Won |

|Medical InterCultural Opportunities for Students |The Kenya Project is a global health partnership between students of UC Davis SOM and the University of Nairobi Medical |Not Registered |

|(MEDICOS-Kenya) |School in Kenya. Our goal is the promotion of cultural exchange and solidarity in the face of HIV/AIDS. We organize a | |

| |yearly trip to Kenya to provide medical services in underserved areas. | |

|Medical Student for Choice (MSFC) |To raise awareness of reproductive rights and the full range of reproductive healthcare procedures. Our group also |Emily Whitgob |

| |interacts with the MSFC National organization in order to support medical education and residency programs to include |Thea Boettiger |

| |reproduction and abortion care. |Allison Barrie |

| | |Sara Won |

| | |Tirza Cannon |

|Medicine and Psychiatry |The student interest group provides a forum for medical students to discuss the integrated fields of medicine and |Jonah Muniz |

|(MAP) SIG |psychiatry, as well as guidance in career options for a medical student interested in both fields. |Anna Frenklach |

| | |Dawn Sung |

| | |Patty Lindahl |

| | |Adam Quest |

|MD Scholars |MD Scholars is a medical-student group dedicated to promoting medical student research by helping foster productive |Preethika Ekanayake |

| |student-mentorship partnerships. We also strive to help you along your path of starting, continuing, and completing your |Joseph Marsano |

| |projets to maximize your time and effort. We believe that students should be able to publish and participate in expanding| |

| |the horizons of medicine during their time here as medical students and beyond into their careers | |

|Mind-Body SIG |Promote self-awareness and involvement in keeping ourselves healthy, in the midst of significant mental stress of being a |Russell Witt |

| |student, physician, and/or heal professional. This is accomplished through activities like meditation, yoga, & |J. Eileen Morley |

| |Mindfullness-Based Stress Reduction | |

|Neurology & Neurosurgery SIG |Our SIG is a group that aims to promote and expand interest and awareness about the fields of neurology and neurosurgery. |Nataliya Carlson |

|(Neuro SIG) |We will host guest lectures to share their experiences in these fields as well as sharing their career paths. |Anna Frenklach |

| | |Meghan McClure |

| | |Irene Hutchins |

| | |Cynthia Tan |

|Obstetrics and gynecology SIG |The ObGyn SIG will encourage medical students at UC Davis to learn about the field of obstetrics and gynecology, expose |In Process |

| |them to current physicians who are passionate about this work, and encourage mentorship with UCDMC doctors | |

|Ophthalmology SIG |To foster interest in ophthalmology as a career and to ensure that UC Davis Medical Students at UC Davis interested in |Charles Yu |

| |ophthalmology are able to match. |Charles Kim |

|Orthopaedic Surgery/Sports Medicine SIG |Orthopaedic Surgery/Sports Medicine SIG is to expose medical students to these medical specialties through lunch-time |Lindsey Sheffler |

| |presentations and lectures and to provide opportunities for shadowing so that students may gain hands-on experience in |Patrick Curran |

| |these respective fields |Nicolas Prionas |

| | |David Trent |

|Pathology Student Interest Group |PathSIG , meetings to educate and inform medical students about the field of Pathology |Alexandra Kharazi, |

|(PathSIG) | |Jessica Curti, Weston |

| | |Powell, Katrina Lam, |

| | |Meghan McClure |

|Pediatric Student Interest Group (PedSIG) |The PedSIG is for medical students interested in the field of pediatrics. We will have guest speakers and panels |Emily Whitgob, Angelina |

| |throughout the year to help students better understand the options available in pediatrics |Elliott, |

| | |Thea Boettiger, |

| | |Sauda Bholat, |

| | |Preethika E. |

|Peer Support Group |To provide a safe, supportive, non-judgmental atmosphere for students to share their thoughts & feelings. Monthly |Ari Zadel, Laura Nally, |

| |meetings to discuss stressors of med school, and provide a peer support hotline for students to call between 6 p.m. and 1 |Dawn Sung, Ryan |

| |a.m. daily |Spielvogel, Natalie |

| | |Guido-Estrada |

|Physicians for Human Rights |PHR goal is to advance health professional students’ understanding and lifelong investment in health and human rights |Not Registered |

| |activism, and to cultivate their unique contributions as advocates promoting health and human rights locally, nationally | |

| |and globally | |

|Psychiatry Student Interest Group |The Psychiatry SIG aims to educate medical students in the field of psychiatry and provide a forum for discussion |Jonah Muniz, Anna |

| |regarding psychiatry as a career |Frenklack, Dawn Sung |

| | |Patty Lindahl, Adam Quest |

|*Quality Improvement & Patient Safety |Cross Campus Student organization designed to raise awareness and promote quality improvement initiatives in order to |Shabnam Hafiz |

| |improve patient safety. | |

|Radiology SIG |For those students who are interested in Radiology as a subspecialty |Gabe Runner, Bill Luo, |

| | |Colin Randau, |

| | |Jack Russo, |

| | |Dawn Sung |

| | | |

|Rural Medicine SIG |Pre-health professional students interested in rural health |Liz Taylor |

| | |Jennifer Courrejou |

|Student National Medical Association (SNMA) |SNMA is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the number of African Americans applying to & hopefully |Omar Washington |

| |matriculating into medical school. |Nataliya Carlson |

| | |Tyronda Elliott |

| | |Kara Toles |

| | |Can Sungur |

|Surgery SIG |The purpose of Surgery SIG is to promote interest and awareness about general surgery and its subspecialty branches. |Nataliya Carlson, Sara |

| | |Won, Cynthia Tan, Sam |

| | |Reiter, Lily Cheng |

|Wilderness Medicine SIG |The WMSIG is for medical students interested in wilderness medicine. We will have guest speakers and panels throughout |Kyle Davis |

| |the year to help students better understand the field. |Eileen Morley |

|Student Run Clinics |Clinica Tepati, Paul Hom Asian Clinic, Joan Viteri Clinic, Imani Clinic, Shifa Clinic, Bayanihan Clinic, Willow Clinic |Amy Jouan |

| | |Coordinator |

| |.. | |

| | | |

| | | |

• Green shading – in the process of renewing or establishing a new SIG

• Gray – has not re-registered this year


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