
center-332740Home Learning Nursery – 6th July 2020-1714559690Hello boys and girls! It has been lovely to see some of you during our Catch Up and Check In sessions on Teams, I am looking forward to the next one! Well done to everyone who has been working so hard at home, you are doing a fantastic job! I love seeing the work that you have been doing at home. There are videos on how to access HWB on our website, you can upload videos and photos to your files to show me what you have been doing. There is a video on the website that shows how to do this too! Here are the next tasks for you to complete with a grown up at home; we are going to be learning about the topic ‘Houses and Homes’. Take photos of the things that you are doing and upload them to HWB, I will be able to see what you are doing and leave a comment! If you see a speech bubble on your work, click this and you will see my comments. Take care, Miss James x Daily Do’s- These are the different things that we do in school every day. Try and do these things as often as you can!Phonics- practise the learning the letter sound by sight and using the letter formation jingles to help you write the sound. There are Phonics videos on the website which can help you with this.Practise counting to 10, backwards and forwards.Singing nursery rhymes, choose a different rhyme for each day!Practise writing your name, use the letter formation jingles to help you.Days of the week, what day is it today? Teach your grown-ups at home our days of the week song.The weather, we talk about the weather in English and Welsh. Teach your grown-ups at home our weather song… Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw…Reading stories choose a story to share every day. Talk about the pictures with your grown-ups at home, what is happening? How are the characters feeling? What do you think will happen next? There is a Cbeebies Bedtime story app, you can download it for free and there are lots of different stories!Here are some different videos that we watch in school to help our learning. You can watch them on YouTube.Kids TV 123 (Channel)Singing Walrus (Channel)Phonics Song 1, 2,3. Days of the week songShapes Song 2Months of the year songBig NumbersCounting by 2s.10 Little NumbersLet’s Count Up to 10- Counting SongThis week:We are going to be learning about different animals and their homes! Animals live in different places throughout the world, some are hot places, and some are cold! Watch the videos of the stories ‘Rumble in the Jungle’, ‘Commotion in the Ocean’, ‘Farmyard Hullabaloo’, ‘Mad about Megabeasts’ and ‘Arctic Animals’. Can you answer the following questions?Rumble in the Jungle- where do the monkeys spend most of their time?Rumble in the Jungle- where do crocodiles and hippopotamus’ live?Commotion in the Ocean- why do the turtles go to the sand and the sea?Commotion in the Ocean- which animal is the biggest?Farmyard Hullaballoo- what animals come out in the night-time?Mad about Megabeasts- where do penguins and Siberian tigers live?Arctic Animals- which animal lives in water and on ice?There are new sounds to practise your letter formations, can you find different items in your house that start with these sounds? Look in your Shared File. Listen to EYFS Listening Skills- . What animals can you hear? Where do they live?I have shared a counting activity to your Shared File, do not forget to click edit in the left- hand corner and click save! You need to count the different animals and match the right number to the group of animals!If your child is confident with counting animals, I have shared an adding activity to the Shared File. You can write the number next to the box! Whilst taking part in the adding activity, talk about how many you have in each group e.g. 3 in this group and 2 in the other group so how many have we got altogether? (This is the language that we have used in school whilst talking about adding!)Practise singing the nursery rhymes 5 Little Monkeys, 5 Little Ducks and 5 Little Speckled Frogs, where do these animals live in the world?Some animals live in hot places and some live in cold places! Can you sort the animals in to 2 groups hot and cold? I have shared this activity; it is in your Shared File. You will need to click edit in the left-hand corner, do not forget to click save!Whilst in your local area, what animals can you see? What do you notice about where they live?Camels live in the hot desert; can you help the camel get to the lake? This activity is in the Shared File. Do not forget to click save!Research your favourite animal, where is their home? Draw a picture of your animal and find out some facts! You could find out whether they live in hot or cold place, in the jungle, ocean etc. Or what they eat! Try emergently writing words about your animal underneath your drawing. Take a photo and upload to HWB!Use JIT Paint to make animal habitat pictures. You need to find out which animals live in each of these places, arctic (iceberg), jungle, desert, ocean and wood. You can choose a background on JIT (using the places above) and insert the animals from the task bar on the left-hand side. Record yourself talking about each home and what animals live there! Which is your favourite animal in each place and why? Do not forget to click save after each picture.Can you move like the different animals from the story Rumble in the Jungle, some are slow, and some are fast? Some are big and some are small! Record yourselves moving in different ways and I will guess which animal you are!Where do I live activity, can you remember where each animal lives? Answer the questions using HWB!Some animals live in our homes as pets! Do you have any pets? Can you help these pets get back to their owners? I have shared this activity to your Shared File. Do not forget to click save!Make your own favourite animal and their home if you can!Take part in Cosmic Kids On the Farm yoga- am so proud of how hard you have all worked throughout the last few months, I hope you all have a lovely Summer holiday. Hopefully, I will see you again soon!Take care,Miss James ................

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