
Curriculum Guide for 2 Year Olds The curriculum goals listed below are guidelines our staff will use to develop and implement their daily lesson plans and teachings. Two-year-olds are not expected to accomplish or master all tasks and activities but are given the opportunity to develop their social skills and to develop a love for learning. Our goal is to have the children be introduced to the different learning areas and have them master the tasks as they are able with the help of their teachers and parents. In fall and spring Parent/Teacher conferences will be held to discuss each child’s progress.ReligionChildren will…….Gain the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the wonderful things He does for our lives.Be taught to understand that they are a special gift from God and that they are loved by many. Be encouraged to share their love and kindness with others through their actions. Make crafts and projects that emphasize the Christian teachings they are learning.Participate in Christian activities such as games, stories, songs, story telling and much more.Hear stories from the Bible presented at their level of understanding. Visit the Atrium weekly, working towards attending Mass on a monthly basis.MathChildren will …..Be introduced to general math readiness skills. Number recognition, counting 1 to 10, sequencing, more than, less than.Learn to identify and name the following colors: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, black, white, pink, brown and orange.Learn to identify and name the following shapes: triangle, circle, rectangle, square, star, oval, and heart.Start learning how to count out loud and count objects.Learn how to count in a row.Be introduced to the following concepts: big/small, soft/hard, hot/cold, wet/dry, over/under, and short /tall.Learn how to put together simple puzzles.Engage in calendar time and be introduced to the days of the week and months.Language and Reading Skills Children will….Learn words to express emotions.Be encouraged to express themselves clearly by using 2-3 word sentences.Have access to storybooks throughout the day.Participate in story time daily.Develop the ability to repeat the songs, rhymes and finger plays that are being taught.Learn how to sit in a small group and listen to short stories and participate in group activities. Start to use the correct tense of words: I, he, she, me, them, etc.Be encouraged to verbalize needs and wants. Start to learn how to wait for his or her turn to speak.Be encouraged to share information or thoughts during group/circle time.Learn to name common objects.Learn their first and last name and start to identify their first name. Large Motor SkillsChildren will…..Learn to toss, roll and catch a small ball.Learn to jump or hop on both feet. Develop a sense of balance by using the balance beam.Participate in large motor games. Participate in outside play daily.Have time for large motor activities in the gym.Fine MotorChildren will…..Start to hold and cut with scissors. Glue or paste pieces of paper.Paint with a large paintbrush. Start to learn hand/eye control.Roll, pound and squeeze play dough to develop hand strength.String 4 or more beads. Social SkillsChildren will….Show curiosity and interest in surroundings.Play independently and with others.Learn to make a smooth transition at drop off time.Learn about feelings and emotions: friendly, polite, shares, shy, plays well, cries frequently, yells at friends, sad, happy, hurt, angry etc.Learn to follow simple one step directions.Participate in group games and activities.Learn to take care of property and personal belongings.Learn to help at clean up time. Music AppreciationChildren will…..Learn and sing many songs.Be introduced to the rhythm of music by clapping, singing and listening.Play and do activities with different musical instruments.Be surrounded by different types of music such as classical, religious, contemporary, and children’s favorites.Do a variety of large motor activities that are done with music such as creative movement, games, dancing exercise and parachute play. Have the opportunity to do small performance for their families and the school. ArtChildren will….Be given many opportunities to express themselves through their own creative ideas.Be able to use different mediums of art supplies such as paints, water colors, glue, glitter, scissors, scrap paper, finger paints, construction paper, crayons, markers and more. Learn how to hold scissors and then progress on their cutting skills from making snips with the scissors to cutting on lines. Learn to identify numerous colors. Self HelpChildren will….Begin toilet training.Put on or attempt to put on their shoes, coat and a change of clothes if needed.Help set up and clean up own place at lunchtime.Learn to identify some body parts: arms, legs, head, feet, fingers, eyes, nose, mouth and hair. Feed themselves and use utensils and a cup. ................

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