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FACILITATOR GUIDE: SuccessBound This is a guide to assist in convening area cross-sector partners from across the state. These convenings should provide areas a statewide framework to work within area teams. The overall goal of the time together should be to identify your area’s top priority areas in workforce and education.Activity 1: Who’s on our Team? About this activity:?This activity is intended to help participants understand who is on the team and share excitement for the area plan. It is also intended to provide a level starting ground for the group to springboard from. While full introductions with backgrounds of where people are from, what groups they are associated with, and other introduction artifacts can be interesting, these larger introductions with background information can set the stage for divisions within the group by showing alliances, hierarchies, outside influences, and ultimately alienate individuals. By providing a shortened speaking opportunity from the outset with one statement of each participant’s hope or value, each person is equal at the table. This can help to create productive, positive, and equitable atmosphere. This activity should help to set the tone for the event.Materials needed (only if occurring in person):Markers (one per person or few people)Post-it notes (one per person)One large whiteboard or paper with the word “hopes and values” written on top - depending on which speaking prompt you choose from the options below.Facilitator Notes:?Hand out a marker and post-it note to each person. Once participants are seated and quiet take a moment to explain the activity. If this is taking place via call - have participants grab something to write with and on and individually write responses to share out on call. Facilitator Prompts: “We all come from different backgrounds, experiences, and we all come to this space with different views, and expectations about what we’re hoping to see happen. Before we get started, I’d like to do a short introduction activity. On your sticky notes please write down what experience that you have to bring with you to this shared space.” Facilitator Note: This is a helpful prompt for a group that might need to feel more cohesiveness at the outset of the event. This prompt helps participants to realize the humanizing and positive pieces that each individual is bringing to the space before the group embarks on a challenging day of collaborative goal setting.Facilitator notes:?Once they have read out the sticky note, collect it and put it on the paper in the front of the room (if in person). Once you feel everyone has had ample time to identify their experience they bring, share out. Facilitator Prompts: “As we move in to this event and area goal setting exercises, let’s remember the experiences each other bring to the table and assume positive intent for all suggestions of improvement and expansion in this shared space.” Activity 2: Data ExplorationAbout this activity:? This activity allows the team to be updated on area workforce and education trends.Facilitator Prompt:?“Thank you for your contributions. We will be transitioning into goal setting for our area on the following topics: Business/Education Partnerships and Collaboratives, Pathway Availability, Credential Attainment, Work-Based Learning Opportunities, and Communication and Dissemination of Information. We would like to connect this group to pertinent data to consider when setting our area goals and strategies. At this time I would like to introduce an Economic Development professional from our area to update us on current trends” (e.g. How many people are leaving for work from the county lines? What are the top in-demand jobs for the area?)Economic Developer Shares *if applicable* Facilitator Prompt:?“Thank you for your insight! It is important that we consider our areas economic trends as we strategize within our area how to better fill industry gaps while also connecting students to viable post-high school options. It is also important to examine basic information about our areas population. As shared previously, the SuccessBound website has resource links to help us further explore even more localized data, however, for now, we will be looking at our area as a whole. We have for your consideration data to explore and questions for the group to answer that will set us up to be thinking of how to turn our discussions about these areas into actual goals for ourselves, our communities, and our area. As we move in to this discussion, let's set some discussion norms. 1) Everyone participates 2) Assume Positive Intent 3) No Acronyms - other suggestions?”EQUITY: Share information as you see fit for consideration across your area: Average demographics (look at population, household type, household income, industries): USE METRO AREA, OR SEARCH WITHIN ZIP CODE OR COUNTYColumbus - Central areaUrbana - Central areaCleveland - Northeast areaCanton - Northeast areaYoungstown - Northeast areaAkron - Northeast areaDefiance - Northwest areaVan Wert - Northwest areaCincinnati - Southwest areaWilmington - Southwest areaDayton - West areaSpringfield - West areaPortsmouth - Southeast areaChillicothe - Southeast areaMarietta - Southeast areaCambridge - Southeast areaFacilitator Notes: Draw conclusions based on demographics - for example, if your community has low SES, students are typically in need of more supports, etc.Business/Education Partnerships and CollaborativesData and information to explore: area Workforce Collaborative Document Business/Education Partnerships InventoryBusiness Advisory Council List List of schools in each areaOhioMeanJobs and Workforce BoardsStrategy’s to set/questions to answer:How can we leverage our business and education partnerships to expose more students and educators to the industry opportunities in our area? (e.g. educator tour planning, student field trips or shadowing experiences. etc.)Does every potential partner have a framework to collaborate within (i.e. area workforce collaboratives, etc.)?Will we work to develop additional workforce collaboratives in our areas?Will we connect with the business advisory councils in our area?How will we communicate/disseminate this information throughout our area:Opportunities to participate in and purpose of Business Advisory CouncilsOpportunities to participate in and purpose of area Workforce CollaborativesWhat barriers to participation exist that we can remove, help to support or suggest changes to? What strategies can we operationalize to ensure that underrepresented populations are being represented?Pathway AvailabilityData and information to explore: Current CTE Programs in the area?Top in-demand jobs for the area:Employment Projections ToolTop 25 In-Demand Occupations by area: Select your area, click “In-Demand Occupations Only”, click “Occupation Table”, change to view 25 at a time.Workforce Supply ToolOhio Means Jobs Openings InformationOhio Based Employment ProgramsAverage number of students using the OMJ K-12 backpack in our area?Strategy’s to set/questions to answer: Do our most in-demand careers have pathways established in our area to fill our areas talent needs?Are students properly exposed to local and state level career opportunities to plan their educational paths from?What steps could we take to better connect students to careers and provide high-quality career advising?What steps could we take to better meet the industry needs in our area?What steps could we take to improve meaningful access to high-quality, in-demand pathways for students?What barriers to participation in pathways exist we can remove, help to support or suggest changes to? How will we communicate/disseminate this information throughout our area?Credential AttainmentData and information to explore: High School Industry Recognized Credential Attainment (which credentials students earned at which schools)Ohio School Report Card - What Percentage of the 2011 Graduating Class Graduated from College within Six Years of Leaving High School? (find district>prep for success>college ready tab)Post-Secondary Degree Attainment by Metro Areas: HYPERLINK "" Columbus - Central areaUrbana - Central areaCleveland - Northeast areaCanton - Northeast areaYoungstown - Northeast areaAkron - Northeast areaDefiance - Northwest areaVan Wert - Northwest areaCincinnati - Southwest areaWilmington - Southwest areaDayton - West areaSpringfield - West areaPortsmouth - Southeast areaChillicothe - Southeast areaMarietta - Southeast areaCambridge - Southeast areaDraw conclusions - if the area is mostly high school diploma as highest education, that indicates that people in our area jump in to the workforce immediately after high school - how do we best prepare them?High School to College Transition Reports’s to set/questions to answer: Approx. 10 minsWhich industry recognized credentials best align to our areas in-demand fields/occupations?Do we have a sense of what it takes to earn these credentials, if not, who does?How do we better connect educational sites to information on standing up essential industry recognized credential programs?Do enough early post-secondary options exist for students in our area?What steps could we take to improve meaningful access of early post-secondary options for students?What barriers to participation in early post-secondary options exist that we can remove, help to support or suggest changes to? How will we communicate/disseminate this information throughout our area?Work-Based Learning OpportunitiesData and information to explore: Adecco Each partner share out high school internship opportunitiesInternship Keyword Search (filter by metro area on right)OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal Attainment - about 1,250 total seniors in Ohio - what about our area?Strategy’s to set/questions to answer: How do we as an area get a sense of who is doing WBL in the area?How will we build more opportunities for high school aged students to participate in internships and apprenticeships?What barriers to participation in work-based learning placement exist that we can remove, help to support or suggest changes to? How will we communicate/disseminate this information?Activity 3: My goals Our goals About this activity:?"One, Some, Many." The activity is meant to draw out what goals of individuals are, as well as help the group reflect where there is overlap and outliers in goals.Materials needed:Chart paper at the front of the room with the word "brainstorm" on itMarkers (one per person or few people)Post-it notes or small pieces of paper (3-4 per person)Facilitator prompt: “I’d like to take a moment for us to all individually reflect on what our goals are for working together. Please take a moment and think about the question: “What would you like this group to achieve?” Once you’ve had a moment to think and reflect, write it down on the post-it. You can have two, or if you need three, but try to keep them limited and concise.” Facilitator prompt: “Now that we’ve had a moment to think about our individual goals for working together are, take a moment and share your goals with a neighbor or two. If you find there are overlaps in your goals, combine them.” Facilitator Notes:?Write out the word “Brainstorm” at the top of a new poster board at the front of the room.MANY: Have the smaller groups share out all the goals they have with everyone and hands them to the facilitator. The facilitator looks at which goals are overlapping and moves them near each other on the poster board. Once everyone has presented, have the group observe which goals are widely held.Facilitator prompt: “Now we will each read out what our small group goals are and post them up on the board. If we start to see similarities in goals, we can group them together.” Activity 4: Identifying Shared Goals About this activity:?In this portion of the event, you will work with participants to help to identify which goals are shared as a group. In this activity, it’s likely that some goals will float to the top with wide support, and others will fall behind. It is important to recognize both of these with participants. Many time decision making is about recognized what is lost or sacrificed. Recognizing those things, acknowledging what it means, and keeping track to follow up and revisit later will be important for your group in building consensus and staying on track with your decisions.Materials needed:Sticky dots, one of each of the three colors per person.Facilitator Notes:?This activity will start with individual voting. To do this, hand out sticky dots to everyone. Make sure that each person has one of each of the three colors of dots. In this activity each color dot will stand for each person’s personal ranking of the goals on the board.Facilitator prompt: “We’ve taken all the personal goals for the group that were outlined in the last activity, grouped those that were similar and documented them on this chart paper. Now we’re going to do an activity where we’ll each vote on which goals are most important to us moving forward. Each of us will have three votes in this process represented by the three colored dots we’ve handed out. The Green dot is for your top choice, the goal you deem as most important. The Orange dot is for your second choice and the Red dot is for your third choice. You can choose to put all your dots on one choice or spread them out amongst all the options. This process will allow us to identify our top three goals as a area, for which we will begin to build action plans.” Facilitator Notes:?Take a few moments to let everyone vote, then once everyone has voted, ask that everyone sit down again. Have the group make observations about what’s on the board. What has the most dots? What has the most green dots? From what is on the board, pick the 3-5 goals that have the most “support” and move those into the next activity, flagging what has been left behind to revisit later. Activity 5: Following Through on our Goals and Taking Home Personal GoalsFacilitator prompt: “We’ve had an amazing conversation today about how to better align ourselves as a area for economic and student success. We have set some great goals today and this last activity is designed to allow us to discuss how to keep each other accountable to our goals once we leave this session.”Materials needed:Large goal sheets (see below template)MarkerFacilitator Notes:?At this time begin to work with the group through the conversations you have had about possible steps to take during the data exploration exercise. Focusing on the top 3 goals for your area, begin to fill in the steps it will take to get there, and fill in who will be responsible for what actions. This is extremely important as you move forward beyond this event, and will leave you with action items to work with your team members on. Action steps should include how the team plans to reach out to every school district, and perhaps chamber of commerce within your area to discuss the areas goals. Goal 1:Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely(goals may be related to establishing career pathway options for students, structuring a Business Advisory Council, setting up Work-Based Learning experiences, building awareness and processes for the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal, creating a mentorship program, embedding industry content in curriculum, etc.)Type goal here Steps to reach Goal 1:Person/Organization Responsible:Ideal Completion Date:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Goal 2:Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely(goals may be related to establishing career pathway options for students, structuring a Business Advisory Council, setting up Work-Based Learning experiences, building awareness and processes for the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal, creating a mentorship program, embedding industry content in curriculum, etc.)Type goal here Steps to reach Goal 2:Person/Organization Responsible:Ideal Completion Date:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Goal 3:Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely(goals may be related to establishing career pathway options for students, structuring a Business Advisory Council, setting up Work-Based Learning experiences, building awareness and processes for the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal, creating a mentorship program, embedding industry content in curriculum, etc.)Type goal here Steps to reach Goal 3:Person/Organization Responsible:Ideal Completion Date:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Facilitator prompt: “Now that we have some tangible next steps, we would like to conclude our time together to allow you some reflection time about what you would like to accomplish over the next calendar year in your own role. Using the action planning process we just completed, utilize the planning sheets in your packet to set two goals for your own organization relating to the discussions we have had here today. Often, accountability partners can help in achieving our goals, so also consider if you would like myself, or another area partner in our group to serve as your accountability partner in this work.”Facilitator Notes:?Take time to allow individuals to set their goals. Offer an opportunity to share their thoughts. Thank the group for their time and explain what steps you will be taking as an accountability partner throughout this work over the next year. ................

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