Grantee Project Status Summary

Grantee Project Status SummaryFFY’ 18 Second Quarter Report For the period of January 1 through March 31, 2018Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Grantee Project Status Summary PAGEREF _Toc496103893 \h 1Transportation PAGEREF _Toc496103899 \h 2Go Nevada! Transportation with Choice and Control PAGEREF _Toc496103900 \h 3SEARCHING for Success PAGEREF _Toc496103901 \h 4Customizing Transitions PAGEREF _Toc496103902 \h 7Integrated Employment PAGEREF _Toc496103903 \h 10Integrated Employment PAGEREF _Toc496103904 \h 14Systems Change PAGEREF _Toc496103905 \h 16Working Progress PAGEREF _Toc496103906 \h 19Informed Choice through a NWD system (part 2) PAGEREF _Toc496103907 \h 20Glossary Of Terms PAGEREF _Toc496103908 \h 23 Nevada Governor's Council on Developmental DisabilitiesCompiled 2/21/18By: Catherine NielsenTransportation Organization: Family Support CouncilProject Director: Project Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 22,000 Goal 3, Objective 1: Create one transportation system model that is sustainable and replicable and will serve people with I/DD across the State.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): Progression will be made in moving the State into expanded, sustainable, universally designed and accessible transportation through the development of a new system and/or expansion of the current transportation system. Grantee Proposal: Demonstrate a viable model for rural transport of individuals with disabilities, with ongoing funding driven by non-medical transportation funds through the Rural Regional Center system. In the first 6 months, the web-based systems, mobile applications, outreach and training of volunteer's will take place. Once completed, FSC will run a six month pilot program in Carson City, Douglas, and Lyon counties to ensure all features are working as designed. FSC will collect and track data through the online cloud portal of each I/DD transported in real time to evaluate response time, length of transport, and effectiveness of the program. FSC will also gather stories and information on impact of the program for our passengers. At the end of the pilot, the program will be delivered to the NGCDD for dissemination. Activity Summary:Activity 1A) Set up domain, hosting, web development and mobile applications.The beta version of the mobile app was rolled out to FSC staff on 1-9-2018. The domain name was secured and the mobile application for both apple and android were launched for use by staff.Activity 2A) Obtain and train paid and volunteer drivers.A total of 488 successful ride confirmations were made through the system this quarter. A total of 535 rides were actually completed from those confirmations. Some ride confirmations included multiple ride locations, therefor the number of rides completed will be larger. Staff training of 55 employees on Drive NV was completedActivity 3A) Complete referrals and outreach for passengers.Activity on schedule for Q3 & 4.Activity 3B) Track 30 passengers with I/DD using pilot system and satisfaction surveys (to include NGCDD surveys)Activity on schedule for Q3 & 4.Activity 3C) Continuously collect and monitor data to demonstrate sustainability using existing funds already assigned to each RRC person served, in non-medical transport funds.Activity on schedule for Q3 & 4.Deliverables Summary: At the end of 6 months, a web based system with mobile applications and trained paid and volunteers will be operational.During the second half of the grant year piloting will take place and data will be collected.30 passengers w/I/DD will be tracked for pilot project.A completed pilot model will be delivered to NGCDD at the end of the grant year.Of Note: Kari and Catherine met with FSC staff in January. They have been testing the site with approximately 30 of their clients and 11 of their vehicles. Aside from a few minor issues, the app seems to be working well. FSC obtained a voucher from Kiwanis to purchase a MacBook to create the Apple App. Go Nevada! Transportation with Choice and ControlOrganization: ADSDProject Director: Cheyenne PasqualeProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 38,000Goal 3, Objective 1: Create one transportation system model that is sustainable and replicable and will serve people with I/DD across the State.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): Progression will be made in moving the State into expanded, sustainable, universally designed and accessible transportation through the development of a new system and/or expansion of the current transportation system. Grantee Proposal: ADSD staff will identify up to 25 individuals and families to participate in Go Nevada. Individuals who are not enrolled in formal services through ADSD, but who are seeking transportation services will be targeted for this pilot. In addition, individuals enrolled in case management or job day training services will be selected for participation in the pilot. Intake staff and Service Coordinators at Desert Regional Center will identify participants, educate them about transportation options available under the voucher, and make referrals to the program. A Transportation Coordinator will work with individuals and families to develop a spending plan for their monthly voucher. The Transportation Coordinator will also be responsible for monitoring vouchers, managing the Uber Central service, and administering client satisfaction surveys. The Chief of Supportive Services will be responsible for the overall program design, establishing partnerships to support transportation choices, and negotiating rates with local transportation providers (as applicable). While ADSD will pilot ‘Go Nevada’ in Clark county, we will establish a statewide workgroup of interested community transportation providers to share lessons learned as well as best practices. Through this project, ADSD will also gather data that can be used to shape public policy changes that will promote individual choice and control while also increasing capacity for transportation services in Nevada.Activity Summary:Activity 1A) Set up Uber Central service.Follow-up with Uber took place on March 22 for central review. They discussed billing options and next steps. Another meeting was set up for Q3. A new Transportation Coordinator has been hired and started within the program.Activity 1B) Implement Uber Central service in coordination with voucher program.ADSD fiscal meeting took place on March 27. They finalized the invoice and processes for Uber Central and transportation voucher payments. Activity 2A) Convene statewide transportation workgroup to design transportation voucher guidelines and processes.The Transportation Workgroup for procedure guidance and assistance to develop recommendations for future policy discussions took place on March 26. ADSD anticipates the impact to provide a foundation from various transportation entities to create buy-in for future innovations and policy changes. The feedback from the meeting was in support of the project.Activity 2B) Identify up to 25 individuals with I/DD to participate in program.A meeting with DRC Supervisors was held to review program policies currently drafted and to discuss target populations for the pilot. A follow up meeting was schedule for early April to get a list of potential individuals to participate. Activity 2C) Implement transportation voucher program.Implementation was originally projected for April 1. However, due to a delay in hiring of the Transportation Coordinator and their start date, the launch was delayed to May 1. Activity 2D) Gather data to shape public policy changes that will promote individual choice and control while also increasing capacity for transportation services in Nevada.On track to start Q3Deliverables Summary:Nevada will pilot an Uber Central service project called Go Nevada Up to 25 individuals will participate in Go Nevada. Data will be gathered to shape public policy changes for transportation services in Nevada.Of Note: Catherine and Kari met with Cheyenne in Las Vegas on April 13. We discussed the new transportation coordinator has been hired. They are currently one month behind their projected schedule. They anticipated to launch the week of April 16. They will be starting with 5 people, each getting 25 vouchers. They feel they will be able to draw down their funds by September.SEARCHING for SuccessOrganization: UCPNVProject Director: Jill HemmenwayProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 28,128Goal 3, Objective 2: A minimum of 10 strategies identified in the Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment will be implemented through collaboration with major stakeholders.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): State policies will be created that promote integrated, competitive employment options.More people with I/DD will have integrated, competitive wage jobs in Nevada.Strategy #3 in Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment = Pursue creative partnerships with employers to include job carving and job sharing and to provide on the job training, career readiness and self-advocacy training for people with IDD on their worksites.Grantee Proposal: Pursue creative partnerships with employers to include job carving and job sharing and to provide on the job training, career readiness and self-advocacy training for people with I/DD on their worksites through the creation of a Project SEARCH at a large business in Northern Nevada that will offer transition aged youth with disabilities that have graduated from high school an internship to experience the world of ‘real work’. UCPNV will become a Project SEARCH official affiliate. The Project SEARCH team will provide training for all the entities involved – the host employer, UCPNV, BVR, and the school district. This onsite training will serve as the structure by which 12 interns will complete the program with the expectation that 6 will gain full time employment. Sensitivity training will be offered to all levels of employees at host sites, to include disability etiquette and People First language as well as methods to best support any learning or training offered to the interns. UCPNV will stress the many benefits of having interns with disabilities in the workplace and support the interns until they have assimilated into the company culture and feel comfortable with the new position.Activity Summary: Activity 1A) Work with major businesses in the area to create Project SEARCH internship opportunities for 12 transition aged youth with I/DD per site per year. Interested stakeholders will include Renown Hospital, Marriott/Renaissance and Carson Tahoe Hospital.The Renaissance Hotel has agreed to be a host employment site. The Renaissance Hotel is excited to provide a work site for individuals with disabilities to acquire vocational skills necessary for obtaining and maintaining employment. Due to the amount of funding, only one site was chosen this year. Activity 1B) Interns will follow industry standards job descriptions with expectations to mirror coworkers at the site.Washoe County School District has provided their full commitment to the program. The program is set to align with the school year, starting in August 2018. In an effort to effectively gain knowledge of job responsibilities and task procedures, program participants should be receiving job training from both the host employer and assigned job coaches. Activity 1C) Job coaching will be provided to 12 interns, with coaching fading as the intern becomes more proficient on the job.The Bureau of Vocational Rehab has committed to the Project SEARCH initiative in collaboration with Washoe County School District and UCPNV. The plan remains for skills such as learning job tasks, how to work on a team and how to work with a supervisor, among other skills, to be provided by the job coaches. The job coaches will act as a liaison between the Renaissance management staff and interns. Activity 1D) Classroom like support will start each day and end each day to allow interns time to review expectations, share difficulties on the job and review the day, and again share successes or concerns about the job.Washoe County School District has committed to allocating a teacher to Project SEARCH. Renaissance has also designated a room available to Project SEARCH staff and participants to provide classroom trainings and a gathering place for program participants and staff. Activity 1E) A projected 6 of the 12 interns will gain full time employment due to on the job training with the program.UCPNV, WCSD, and VOC Rehab are working together to develop criteria to determine if future applicants will be an ideal fit for this internship. Project SEARCH will be officially announced to potential applicants at the WCSD Family Summit in May. Students may then start applying for internships and the plan still remains to start in August 2018.Activity 2A) Sensitivity training will be offered to all levels of employees at the host site to include disability etiquette and People First language as well as methods to best support any learning or training offered to the interns.On schedule to be accomplished before internship begins. This training is supposed to help create a better understanding of barriers interns face in an employment setting and ways to overcome them. This training will be made available for potential employers as well. Deliverables Summary: Project SEARCH will be implemented in NevadaMarketing materials will be created by 1/15/18Trainings for employees to be completed by the end of JanuaryIntern applications to be reviewed during first quarter Services to begin Spring of 201812 interns (persons with disabilities) will participate in the Project SEARCH program6 of the 12 interns will gain full time employmentOf Note: The beginning of February, Catherine and Kari met with Monica Elsbrock (President) and the two coordinators that will be taking over Jill’s duties. At that time we discussed the fact that UCP would still need to turn in two reports for the two separate grants they have. UCP turned in the grant report for their 3.4 grant on time. However, when I asked for the second quarter report for this grant, UCP expressed that they did not know they needed to turn one in. They also stated that when Jill left, they lost all of her materials and needed me to re-send them the quarter one report for this grant. After I re-sent them the requested materials, they quickly provided me with the correct report for this grant for the second quarter. Amanda Jaramillo is the Southern Program Director for UCP and is the contact in charge of reporting for this grant. UCP has made significant progress on this grant, despite the change in staff within the office. They now have total engagement from WCSD, Vocational Rehab, Project SEARCH Administrative Team and the Renaissance Hotel. They still plan to begin with 12 students starting their internship in the Fall with Vocational Rehabilitation pledging job coaching support. UCPNV is extremely enthusiastic to get Project Search up and running in Nevada. Customizing TransitionsOrganization: Lyon County School District Project Director: C.J. FieldsProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 21,403Goal 3, Objective 2: A minimum of 10 strategies identified in the Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment will be implemented through collaboration with major stakeholders.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): State policies will be created that promote integrated, competitive employment options.More people with I/DD will have integrated, competitive wage jobs in Nevada.Strategy # 1 in Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment = Invest in building the skills of Employment Specialists, supervisors and key paraprofessional staff who work with people with IDD to improve competitive, integrated employment options. Grantee Proposal: Special education transition teams in the Lyon County School District will be trained in the implementation of Customized Employment (CE) processes for students with I/DD. Specifically, transition teams will be trained in the CE Discovery assessment process, developing CE vocational profiles, developing and holding CE planning meetings, and developing CE portfolios/visual resumes. Training in customizing self-employment and social security work incentives and programs will also occur. Transition teams will be assembled in each service area and while the make-up of each team within each area may vary to a small degree, teams will consist of a high school administrator, the Comprehensive Life Skills teacher(s), related service providers, paraprofessionals, parent representatives, and school psychologists. For each student for which CE will be implemented, the student and their family will become the most integral part of the CE team and information provided by these individuals as the CE service consumers will drive the CE process.Activity Summary: Activity 1A) Train transition teams in Dayton/Silver Springs; Fernley; and Yerington/Smith Valley) in the first 4 steps of (CE) Customized Employment (discovery, developing a vocational profile, developing and holding a customized planning meeting and developing a CE visual portfolio/resume).The initial Customized Employment (CE) training was provided to a multidisciplinary team of 33 attendees. All attendees were provided with resources on the subjects to be covered throughout the training in addition to a CE training binder. Topics covered on training day one included (but were not limited to): How current adult services are provided in Nevada to students with I/DD, how CE practices were used successfully to overcome barriers to successful postsecondary transition, the short and long term vision of systems change informed by the CE trainings, a re-cap of the Discovery process and mapping tool, how to write, recommend and develop a CE profile, and how to conduct CE meetings. Topics covered on training day two included (but were not limited to): The definition of competitive employment, customized employment, and an overview of current best practices in Job Development, how to use facts to dispel myths commonly held by employers, documented “actual” benefits to employers when people with I/DD are hired, how to complete an informal interview, how to engage employers, carve out and negotiate jobs and how to use assistive technology to access and support students with I/DD. Participants were asked to engage in several interactive activities related to the CE process such as writing descriptive paragraphs about students with I/DD they serve, developing job themes for their example student, discussing IEP alignment, task analyzing typical jobs for individuals with IDD, and going into the community to engage employers. Activity 1B) Offer training in social security work incentives and developing self-employment opportunities using a CE approach.Discussed briefly at initial training and again during the second/third trainings. This will be addressed further in future trainings. Activity 1C) Assemble transition teams in each service area consisting of at least a high school administrator, the Comprehensive Life Skills teacher(s), related service providers, paraprofessionals, parent representatives, and school psychologists. The team consists of special education teachers, parents, paraprofessionals, occupational, physical and speech therapists, school psychologists, high school administrators and a teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing, from Dayton, Yerington, Silver Springs, and Fernley. The district assistive technology specialist was unable to make these two trainings because of a family emergency. However, all that were unable to attend were given the materials/handouts and provided the opportunity to meet with the transition coordinator at a later time to go over the content.During this training the long term vision of building Community Action Teams/Transition Teams in each area was laid out for the participants. Deliverables Summary: 40 people will be trained in the CE processes by the district's Transition Coordinator.LCSD staff will develop an understanding of social security work incentives and the development of self-employment opportunities using the CE process.Transition teams in LCSD service areas will become knowledgeable of and use the CE process.Upon completion of grant, the CE process will be transitioned over in a streamlined process to VR counselors from LCSD staff. LCSD to provide follow up information to NGCDD on the impact of the transition process. = see of noteOf Note:The second quarter of this grant is continuing to bring about some amazing impacts to the attendees. There has been broad consensus that presented methods for collaboration are viable and are also needed toward a more progressive transition planning process. Some have expressed that the barriers they were aware of, due to long held attitudes about what was possible for students with disabilities in their communities, were already beginning to erode through the information interviews completed by the participating team members. Team members went out into the community to engage employers, they were met with unexpected openness from employers to hire students with disabilities. One group developed a prospective resource ownership opportunity, and in the Dayton area alone 13 prospective employment sites were recorded. Teams discussed their enthusiasm (almost across the board) for how customized employment could be used as a systematic practice to narrow employment opportunities for our students with IDD based around their skills, interests, preferences, personal attributes, etc.Many attendees expressed how the training had made them reevaluate typical transition practices and how promising they view using a customized process moving forward. One attendee commented that she thought the content covered over the two days was inspirational in its optimism regarding employment outcomes.Attendees also expressed that opportunities to collaborate and spend time discussing potential processes in which these professionals and stakeholders will have a voice, is rare. Path to Independence and EmploymentOrganization: UNR/ Path to Independence (P2I) Program Project Director: Mary BryantProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 20,500Goal 3, Objective 2: A minimum of 10 strategies identified in the Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment will be implemented through collaboration with major stakeholders.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): State policies will be created that promote integrated, competitive employment options.More people with I/DD will have integrated, competitive wage jobs in Nevada.Strategy #8 in the Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment = Provide opportunities for paid or unpaid, hands-on work experiences including in the form of career-based assessments, internships, job shadowing, mentorships, volunteer work, and summer jobs.Grantee Proposal: Provide Customized Employment (CE) services to 5 Path to Independence students by hiring a job developer. Through person-centered planning, P2I students will identify areas of employment interest and work with the job developer beginning in their first semester. At least 4 of the students will have integrated, paid employment and/or internships during the year. In addition, using a data collection system, P2I will determine if the current rate structure paid to job developers represents a living wage for the job developer and/or how many employment seekers are needed to make job developing a financially feasible career option.Activity Summary: Activity 1A) Provide CE services to 5 P2I studentsActivity 1B) Of the 5 students, a minimum of 4 will obtain on campus or community paid employment and/or unpaid internships in their areas of interest.Activity 2A) Using data systems and VR payment records, produce a report determining the financial viability and break-even population data for CE services. Deliverables Summary: 5 P2I students will have received CE services4 of the 5 students will have integrated paid employment and/or unpaid internships4 of the 5 (80%) students will indicate having access to CE services has increased their ability to find and retain competitive, integrated employment. The Council will be provided with a report on the viability of the current VR financial reimbursement model to help inform agencies that support CE services. Of Note:Grant to run April 1-Sept. 30th (Council awarded half of initial funding requested)Integrated EmploymentOrganization: Transition Services Inc.Project Director: Emily DavisProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 15,751Goal 3, Objective 2: A minimum of 10 strategies identified in the Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment will be implemented through collaboration with major stakeholders. Has components of 3.1 (transportation)NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): State policies will be created that promote integrated, competitive employment options.More people with I/DD will have integrated, competitive wage jobs in Nevada.Strategy #2 in Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment = Promote and expand travel training services to high schools and for adult usersStrategy #3 in Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment = Pursue creative partnerships with employers to include job carving and job sharing and to provide on the job training, career readiness and self-advocacy training for people with IDD on their worksites. Grantee Proposal: Identify and provide travel training to 10 individuals with I/DD served by the agency utilizing the Downtown Loop Route shuttle service, a free 6-12 month pilot program provided by RTC and funded by the City of Las Vegas. TSI will also provide travel training instruction for staff. Staff will work with individuals to identify goals they would like to accomplish using the shuttle service, including identifying opportunities for vocational, educational, and/or recreational activities of interest. Instruction will be provided in a classroom setting and in the community to include training on the specific route to be traveled, where to board and de-board, what to do in emergencies or in the event of becoming lost, as well as maintaining appropriate behavior in public. TSI will leverage current relationships with 10 local businesses and/or organizations to collaborate in developing opportunities for people with I/DD to work towards integrated, competitive employment, educating their leadership teams on the benefits of hiring people with I/DD, wage subsidy programs and strategies for recruiting, hiring, supporting, and retaining them. 3 businesses in total will be identified that are willing to partner with TSI to provide job shadowing, career readiness, self-advocacy, and/or on-the-job training for people with I/DD. 10 individuals with I/DD will participate in one or more of the aforementioned employment activities by September 2018.Activity Summary: Activity 1A) Include travel training instruction for staff members by 2/28/18.Staff training was held on 2/16/2018. A total of 104 staff attended the training. The travel training portion of the training was broken up into 1-hour long session for each of the six (6) sites. After many hours of research, a custom training was put together to tailor to the needs of the individuals and the agency. Other models tend to be more one-on-one focused, whereas this model is based on a small group of individuals. This is more cost-efficient for the limited time to complete the goal.Initially there was push-back from the staff about the abilities of their clients to complete the travel training. Some staff expressed dissatisfaction in the extra paper-work; TSI is working on mainstreaming the process to make this easier for staff and hopefully in return will increase the buy-in from clients and staff. As mentioned, some staff were skeptical of their clients abilities, others shared stories of success that helped demonstrate examples of why and how travel training can benefit individuals of all abilities. TSI is working on identifying at least two staff from 5 of the 6 sites to lead travel training activities at their sites. Staff have been helping to identify individuals that have expressed interest in travel training. Activity 1B) ID 10 individuals w/I/DD served by the agency who have self-identified as having interest in participating in a travel training program, and help them identify travel related goals and skills they want to accomplish. While initially there was apprehension from some individuals to participate, TSI has seen more individuals expressed interest in the travel training and employment activities. During the first quarter four individuals expressed sustained interest in travel training. During the second quarter three of these four have shown decreased interest. This quarter, 16 group interviews and 15 one-on-one interviews were conducted. Four people total, two new and two repeat interviewees, showed sustained interest in pursuing goals in travel training. This included studying to get their driver’s license. During Q3 the Charleston site will be moving to a new location in Las Vegas. Currently, 20 of the individuals at this site travel to and from work independently. In preparation for the move, a group interview was held with 22 individuals who already take the bus from this location, who all expressed interest in receiving travel training. An additional four (4) individuals who do not currently use the bus, also expressed interest in wanting the travel training. One additional individual, apart from the 26, has also been identified as someone who would greatly benefit from the travel training; though he has repeatedly expressed he does not want to participate. TSI will continue to highlight the individuals successes in hopes of changing his mind about participating in the travel training. One unexpected benefit from moving the site, all 26 individuals were moved together and this helped to de-stigmatize those that needed extra help. The grantee is struggling with one site as a large portion of the individuals there are very attached to routine and have shown a large amount of resistance to trying new things. Activity 1C) Provide quarterly classroom and community based travel training activities to individuals identified. TSI provided 26 individuals who were involved in the move of the Charleston site, with travel training activities related to learning bus routes to the new site location. After interview the 22 who are already taking the bus independently, it was determined all wanted help with learning the bus to the new site. An initial assessment questionnaire was used to determine the needs of the group. Additionally, observational data was also recorded to get a more accurate idea of skill levels and needs.Using the RTC trip planning feature, a unique map was created for each individual from their home to the new site. This includes familiar details/landmarks to better help them navigate their stops.One barrier faced throughout this project was the inability to take the clients on an actual live bus. However, they have been able to work around this barrier by allotting time to take groups out to the new site after community activities are finished for the day. Doing this allowed everyone to become familiar with the area and more confident on their traveling needs. Staff who leaders these also quiz the individuals about stops and instructions on how to walk from the stop to the new building. This has also help to alleviate some anxiety that some clients expressed when being trained and/or tested by the project leader vs the staff they are familiar with. The individual who was actively advocating for his peers to participate in community based activities, is still doing so. With his help, TSI has started the process of acclimating one of our individual to the idea of getting out into the community more. This individual uses a power wheelchair and because of this they have been able to incorporate lessons about adaptations within the community into their trainings. Three of the individuals who previously expressed interest, no longer wish to participate. Two individuals giving personal reasons and the third individual did not give a reason for no longer having interest in the training. Two of the four expressed interest in wanting to work on getting their driver’s license. In preparation for this, TSI is compiling materials including from the DMV student handbook, practice tests and other worksheets. TSI is continuing to encourage further participation in both travel and employment by arranging a wide variety of community activities. Activity 2A) Identify and establish relationships with 10 local businesses and/or organizations to develop opportunities for people w/I/DD to gain integrated, competitive employment. This quarter, TSI reached out to a total of seventeen (17) organizations: ten (10) non-profits, four (4) for-profit businesses, two (2) educational entities, and one (1) self-employed contractor. Of the eleven (11) that responded, TSI was able to arrange employment activities with two (2). TSI has also established relationships and are actively planning activities with three (3) other organizations within the community, including UNLV. The engagement from UNLV as an unexpected benefit resulting from a referral by an existing business partner. TSI was also put in touch with two other on-campus departments; one did not have an opportunity to partner, but the other did and TSI will be hosting an even with them in mid-April.One other local business was able to offer volunteer-based positions for two individuals. Due to staff changes, they had to take back this offer. However, they were able to produce alternative activities that may appeal to other individuals. Activity 2B) Work with leadership within these businesses to provide education on benefits of hiring people with I/DD, strategies for recruiting, hiring, supporting, and retaining individuals w/I/DD and wage subsidies.TSI has not yet currently made any formal presentations about disability employment to the business partners, however, they have made great improvement in gathering information and developing effective presentation strategies. TSI is working on monitoring their activities with these establishments to determine where there is the greatest potential to lead to community based jobs for our individuals, and will target presentations of educational materials to these businesses. Custom informational packages will be made available to each employer. For example, some may not be looking to hire anyone but they could still benefit from general knowledge of employing people with disabilities. TSI serves over 400 individuals, each of whom have their own unique personal history. These complex histories, along with other pertinent information, all factor together to determine an individual’s eligibility in regards to many of the different financial incentive programs available to businesses that want to hire a person with a disability. Before selecting which of these programs to present to certain potential employers, TSI will work to gather information about certain individuals to determine which, of any, of these programs they would be eligible for.Activity 2C) Identify 3 businesses willing to partner with TSI for job shadowing, career readiness, self-advocacy, and/or on the job training.In order to identify businesses willing to engage individuals in employment activities, TSI is developing positive relationships with organizations through participation in other types of activities, including volunteer, educational, and recreational. Activity locations were selected based on the employment goals and interests of individuals interviewed earlier in the quarter. While several of the attempts at taking this approach have been relatively successful, TSI was able to engage in two employment activities with two new entities. They are also working on getting things set up with an additional three businesses. Activity 2D) 10 individuals w/I/DD will participate in one or more of the employment activities listed above.As mentioned under 1B, 16 group interviews were conducted to learn about the travel and employment goals of the individuals. The interviews led TSI to identify 15 individuals who expressed interest in participating in employment related activities. After one-on-one interviews were held, eight (8) stood out as having a great deal of clarity and sustained interest surrounding their employment goals. When trying to arrange for employment activities, these goals were kept in mind. During Q2, individuals attended twenty-three (23) community-based and one (1) site-based employment activities. Twenty-four (24) people participated in general, job-exploration capacity. Eight (8) engaged in activities specifically related to their individual employment goals. Six (6) participated in at least one of the specific employment activities listed in activity 2C.A local for-profit business (Turn Table Nutrition) has appealed to several individuals with employment goals, three who’d like to work in the food industry and one interested in fitness. The organization stated they’d be interested in working with TSI to create some internship like positions but they’d first need their food handing card. TSI has worked to create a practice test and are working to develop study materials to assist individuals in studying for the exam. Ms. Anna Ott, a local graphic designer with a visible disability, presented to approximately twenty (20) individuals about her work and career in that field. After she spoke with three (3) individuals who are further along in their employment programs to talk about career readiness and self-advocacy in the work place. Some individuals have expressed concern or struggle when it comes to completing tasks that differ substantially from those they do on site. At a local business called, Spread the Word, they have volunteer positions where books are cleaned in preparation for them to be donated. This type of activity is believe to be best for those that prefer more repetitive tasks that involve fine motor skills. TSI also has elements of animal care that appeals to many of the individuals in their programs. As part of career exploration, individuals have the opportunity to care for the animals on site. They are also branching out into dog care, which also appeals to some individuals. However, after exploring that option with some, it was determined they didn’t actually like dogs. One of the most unexpected benefits they have found from this, is that one man has a significant decrease in seizures on the days he works with the dogs. Deliverables Summary: TSI staff? ?will? ?have been educated in travel training by? ?2/28/1810 individuals with I/DD will have developed their ??travel? ?goals? ?by? ?3/31/18The same 10? ?individuals? will? ?have participated? ?in? ?quarterly? ?community-based? ?travel? ?training activities? ?by the end of the grant year15? ?local organizations/businesses? ?will? ?have been? ?identified,? ?contacted,? ?and? ?visited? ?by? ?3/31/183? of those 10 ?interested? ?businesses? ?will partner with TSI for job shadowing, career readiness, self-advocacy and/or on the job training by? ?5/31/1810? ?individuals? w/I/DD ?will? ?have visited ?employers? ?and? ?participate?d ?in? ?the? ?previously? ?mentioned? ?vocational activities? ?by? ?the end of the grant yearOf Note:Grantee has accomplished a lot this quarter with many impactful outcomes already noted. Catherine and Kari met with Emily and Sally from TSI in Las Vegas in March. They briefly stated some of the goals and activities they were currently working on, including the expansion of their animal care employment opportunities. During this visit, staff were also being trained in the topic of diversity.One unexpected barrier they are still working to overcome is that many individuals do not want to give up paid work time for non-paid educational, recreational, or volunteer activities, even if these activities could lead to higher wage, community based jobs. They’ve also found that some organizations are difficult to work with due to their strict volunteer requirements (i.e. TB testing, background checks, etc.)Many individuals participating in this program expressed their content with having Ms. Ott present to their class. Due to her visible disability they felt as if Ms. Ott was more of a peer than the non-disabled, often older staff they usually work with. Many of the individuals reported feeling inspired by her story because it provided living proof that people with disabilities can not only get good jobs, but that they can be successful enough to be their own boss.Integrated EmploymentOrganization: Family Support Council of Douglas CountyProject Director: Steve DeckerProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 40,000Goal 3, Objective 2: A minimum of 10 strategies identified in the Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment will be implemented through collaboration with major stakeholders.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): State policies will be created that promote integrated, competitive employment options.More people with I/DD will have integrated, competitive wage jobs in Nevada.Grantee Proposal: FSC will create a model of employment that connects a pool of employers with those looking for work that aligns with their interests, skills and abilities. Rather than “job seek’ for each individual, they will aim to create a coalition of employers that are eager to hire people with I/DD. Using strategy #1 from the Strategic Plan for Integrated Employment (Invest in building the skills of Employment Case Managers, supervisors, and key paraprofessional staff who work with people with I/DD to improve competitive, integrated employment outcomes.), Employment Case Managers will conduct non-traditional employment practices by assessing the business requirements, identification of non-urgent tasks that businesses frequently require assistance with, and identify the skills the job seeker has in order to be a good fit for the job. Employment Case Managers will develop connections with employers, not on a case by case basis, but rather build a large diverse set of employment opportunities that individuals can apply for. By establishing a network of employers that are all committed to finding individualized and competitive jobs for the population, FSC can shorten the job search and accommodation time, and increase the options for those with disabilities.Activity Summary: Activity 1A) Create a web-based network database for employers and tracking purposes.An App for Android and Apple phones was created. However, only the Android is currently available to the public download. The Apple App is considered a “private app” and can only be manually downloaded by Family Support Council staff.Activity 1B) Utilizing partnerships, community referrals and the local Chambers, Employment Case Manager will connect with employers in the area to join the network.107 potential employers were contacted, 99 packers were distributed and 213 people total were educated about the program.Activity 1C) Employers in the network will identify their employment needs and work with the Employment Case Manager in developing job descriptions, available hours, and training opportunities.The Employment Case Manager, during direct meetings with employer HR departments, discussed modifying job requirements to meet specific skills and abilities of individuals with I/DD. Activity 1D) As RRC provides referrals into the program, Employment Case Manager will assign individuals to placements through the employer network.The Client’s Case Manager and the Employment Case Manager are continuing to work together by looking weekly for employment opportunities that potentially would meet their client’s skills and abilities. Activity 1E) FSC staff will provide on-site and remote training to employers on how their HR dept. can update listings and show openings. FSC staff will train HR staff or management on people-first activities and programs that help the success of placements.Employers have been instructed they can elect to add/change/delete current open positions from their place of business to meet the skills and abilities of individuals with I/DD or contact the Employment Case Manager to assist. Employers also receive information and education on the benefits of on-site job coaching to help ensure successful placements and continued employment of individuals with I/DD. Activity 1F) Employment Case Manager will work with employers to ensure jobs are continuously updated and discuss ways to improve the process for success. Employers can update directly to the web-site or send changes directly to the Employment Case Manager. Deliverables Summary: 1 Database will be created for employers and tracking purposes A network of employers will be created and piloted in to be piloted in Douglas, Carson and Lyon Counties for future referencing/hiring of individuals w/I/DD20 adults will have jobs of their choice through Council efforts20 people will be trained in employment through Council efforts20 individuals will be trained in systems advocacy about employment through Council efforts20 family members will be trained in systems advocacy about employment through Council effortsOf Note: FSC obtained a voucher from Kiwanis to purchase a MacBook to create the Apple App. Three (3) individuals with I/DD have applied for four (4) open positions through the web-site. As of April, one (1) person had gained employment. Out of the 99 packets distributed to local businesses, nineteen (19) jobs were placed on the website.Out of 279 employers contacted, there have been five (5) unwilling to consider employees with and I/DD. There was only one (1) employer who expressed dissatisfaction with hiring an individual with an I/DD due to the “inability of a current employee with a job coach who could not satisfactorily meet job goals and objectives”. He stated he felt “trapped” by not being able to dismiss his current employee/coach and wanted “nothing to do with having an employee with and I/DD”. Systems ChangeOrganization: Washoe County Health District (WCHD)Project Director: Christina ContiProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 30,000Goal 3, Objective 3: Develop and/or strengthen a minimum of one system that improves quality of services and access to quality services and supports for individuals with I/DD in their local communities by working with agencies to bring awareness and training to public safety and emergency responder throughout the State of Nevada.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): A higher level of care and service will be provided to individuals with I/DD by Public Safety Entities through the development of a program that provides awareness and training to Emergency Personnel across the State. Individuals with I/DD in Nevada will experience a decrease in traumatic impact during an emergency situation, while maximizing a higher level of care and service.Grantee Proposal: Develop 2 training videos focusing on identification of procedures that an officer/EMS personnel could employ when encountering an individual with an I/DD when there is no imminent threat (neighborhood evacuations, shelter operations, etc.) Additionally, identify indicators a person with I/DD may have and provide communication techniques required to effectively interact with the individual. Video trainings will be accessible and utilized by public safety and first responders across the State. Trainings will target the agencies training curriculum by enhancing the existing trainings available for interactions with citizens with an I/DD during a 9-1-1 response and expand the scope of the training programs for these agencies. Monitoring video training effectiveness and providing edits will also be completed.Activity Summary: PCC education (train at least 50 people w/I/DD)Activity 1A) Develop a 10 minute video on how to interact with individuals w/I/DD during non-emergency events.Staff met with ADSD personnel in January to discuss how they could collaborate. The ADSD personnel is willing to be the subject matter experts (SME) and review the content of both of the trainings. They were able to provide quality feedback and added additional information about individuals with hearing impairments. Staff also met with the JUSTin Hope Foundation in January to discuss their experience in training first responders. WCHD and JUSTin Hope are now scheduled to work together in June to put on a 3-day in person training to first responders and healthcare personnel in Washoe County. NGCDD met with WCHD staff in February to check-in and a receive an update on the efforts of the training videos. WCHD staff also began to work with selected vendors to discuss video production, editing, graphic design and development of both training videos. The contractor began work on these videos in March. The staff will have an opportunity to review this video once completed (mid-April). Activity 1B) Develop a 30 minute interactive training module with Continuing Education Units (CEU) on how to interact w/individuals w/I/DD and the resources available to them (could be integrated into annual training requirements for EMS personnel/healthcare providers to broaden their training curriculum).Grantee met with Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT) in January during which they entered into an agreement to host an hour long online training and issue the continuing education credits for the first year through the grant funds. After the first year, the video will cost a fee to cover the administrative costs and ensure the video continues to be available for responders. Staff attended the EMS Today Conference and went to two sessions to ensure the content was similar and they were “on the right track”. The presenter in the first session titled “Best Approaches to Special Needs Patients”, provided his PowerPoint to the grantee so we could incorporate a few items into our training. Grantee met with Diana from the Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities in March to let the agency know about the project and have their personnel provide input for the hour long training. Many community partners have expressed their overwhelming positive reaction to the training. They stated there is a need for first responder trainings in NV on how to respond to individuals with I/DD. The Grantee also asked the Nevada Center for Independent Living to review the content in March. The feedback was that the content was simple, clear and concise. The Grantee also reached out to several individuals in the community about being interviewed as part of the training video. An individual with Autism, a mother/caretaker of an individual with cerebral palsy, mother/caretaker from Las Vegas and an individual with is Deaf. Three of the four interviews have been completed, with the fourth scheduled to be complete in Q3.Grantee staff is working to finalize the training content and send to the contractor by mid-April. The contractor will begin the development and anticipates a completion in Q3.Activity 2A) Analyze effectiveness of trainings, providing edits if needed before the end of the grant year.Grantee confirmed the arrangement to have the video’s shown to the paramedic training program through REMSA/TMCC (approximately 50 individuals) to get their feedback and make changes if needed before official release. This is set to occur in Q3.Deliverables Summary:1 10 min. training video outlining how to interact w/individuals w/I/DD during non-emergency events. 1 30 min. interactive training video with CEU’s outlining how to interact w/individuals w/I/DD and resources available. Video’s to be completed by February.Ongoing analysis of trainings, providing edits by the end of the grant year if needed.Of Note:Due to the requirements for continuing education credits, there has been a little bit of a barrier in getting the material approved by State EMS and CASAT for credit. However, the State EMS office is working with the grantee to determine how or if they can make this happen.The in-person trainings have been coordinated with the JUSTin Hope Foundation and will be held June 4-6. Council Members Russell Lehmann has completed his video and Kathleen Kingston is scheduled to complete hers as well.Council staff met with JUSTin Hope Foundation, DPCH, WCHD and Assemblyman Sprinkle to discuss possible legislation for future first responder training. The Council also discussed the dispatch registry at the Council Annual meeting; providing the print out sample of what the registry sees as an example. As soon as the short video is complete, WCHD plans to start working on the longer videos.911 registry – currently only 57 families have registered in Reno. Working ProgressOrganization: UCPNVProject Director: Jill HemmenwayProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 31,095Goal 3, Objective 4: Annually educate a minimum of 100 persons with I/DD and their families to be able to make informed choices throughout their lifespan.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): People with I/DD will become educated on PCP, NWD and other health related resources and services.People w/I/DD in Rural Nevada will have greater access to services.People with I/DD will be provided educational information that will give them the ability to make decisions throughout their lifespan guided by informed choice. Grantee Proposal: Provide education for up to 90 participants with I/DD on developing communication strategies that support consumer awareness to help people understand their role in person centered planning, transportation, career exploration, and job prep with 5 sessions in Reno, Carson City, Gardnerville and Elko. Follow up supports will provide additional resources for career development and competitive employment. Activity Summary: Activity 1A) Present and inform community leaders and members about the Employment First Initiative and WIOA throughout the year, reaching a minimum of 50 people in the general public. (Falls under Obj. 3.2/strategy #4 NV Strategic Plan)Through their Voyager Employment Services outreach division, they are continuing to work on providing more local businesses the opportunity to learn about the benefits of hiring people with IDD. Activity 1B) Present and inform providers, direct support staff, and agencies in the community about the importance of employment in the general community impacting at least 100 members of the community.They are still in the planning process of scheduling presentations with state agencies that provide services for people with disabilities, along with the school districts. Their goal is to reach out to providers and parents.Activity 2A) Plan and implement 2 Working Progress sessions in Reno (up to 50 participants) Session dates have been set as the following: June 18th - June 22nd and July 23rd - July 27th.Activity 2B) Plan and implement 1 Working Progress session in Carson City (up to 15 participants)Session date has been set as the following: August 6th – August 10th. Activity 2C) Plan and implement 1 Working Progress session in Gardnerville (up to 15 participants)Session date has been set as the following: August 20th – August 24thActivity 2D) Plan and implement 1 Working Progress session in Elko (up to 10 participants)Session date has been set as the following: June 18th - June 22ndDeliverables Summary: Provide outreach, training and support to up to 150 employers, providers, direct support staff and public to dispel myths and fears, and to educate them about hiring people with I/DD, the benefits to doing so, and the job supports available to sustain these employees. Up to 50 participants will receive Working Progress training in Reno Up to 15 participants will receive Working Progress training in Carson CityUp to 15 participants will receive Working Progress training in GardnervilleUp to 10 participants will receive Working Progress training in ElkoOf Note:Please see notes listed under UCP’s other grant (3.2), for notes on grantee’s reporting. Projects Manager, Catherine Nielsen, is scheduled to speak at a graduation for each workshop location, which is set for the last day of each week. Informed Choice through a NWD system (part 2)Organization: ADSD Project Director: Cheyenne PasqualeProject Period: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 30, 2018Total Grant Funds: $ 43,880Goal 3, Objective 4: Annually educate a minimum of 100 persons with I/DD and their families to be able to make informed choices throughout their lifespan.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s): People with I/DD will become educated on PCP, NWD and other health related resources and services such as MCO’s in Nevada.People with I/DD will be provided educational information that will give them the ability to make decisions throughout their lifespan guided by informed choice. Persons with I/DD will receive accessible and appropriate information on available healthcare resources.Grantee Proposal: ADSD will build upon the previous grant through a coordinated expansion of efforts and person-centered counseling initiatives to expand consumer choice in publicly funded long term services and supports. First, efforts will continue towards person centered counseling through the development of quality assurance processes to measure compliance with the person-centered counseling standards developed last year. Secondly, ADSD will work towards an enhanced service array that is developed in coordination with stakeholders, including consumers and their families through outreach and education. This will include piloting a support needs based assessment into the service planning process to strengthen support for individuals and their families in meeting their goals and needs. Activity Summary: PCC education (train at least 50 people w/I/DD)Activity 1A) Develop quality assurance process for person centered counseling.Resource & Service Navigation Consumer Survey has been completed. The training and outreach specialist has started designing scenarios for the “secret shopper” monitoring. Activity 1B) Implement and report on quality assurance processes.Due to an unexpected changed in staffing within ADSD, implementation of this activity has been delayed to anticipated start of May 2018.Activity 2A) Work with Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to engage stakeholders, including individuals with I/DD and their families, providers, and state staff, to inform policy changes that support a comprehensive array of services. After speaking with both HSRI and American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), ADSD has decided to work with AAIDD to conduct their consumer engagement activities. This shift will interest with the pilot of the Support Intensity Scale to better improve the outcomes. The anticipated start date is late April/early May, pending finalization of the agreement. Activity 2B) Implement an input and communication plan to identify strategies, including policy changes that will expand the service array and enhance individual choice and control in long term services and supports.Working with AAIDD, Regional Center Staff, and the Training & Outreach Specialist, the NWD Coordinator was able to begin outreach for a plan to engage stakeholders in conversations about the service array, including enhancements to the existing waiver services.Activity 2C) Pilot Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) as a measure of a support need in Nevada.ADSD was able to finalize negotiations with AAIDD and develop a plan to implement the pilot. Training for the six (6) Regional Center Staff is scheduled to commence the first week of May.Deliverables Summary:Input will be gathered from at least 300 from people with I/DD and their families on what services/supports are considered important to them.SIS (support needs assessment) will be administered to at least 50 individuals with I/DD.Nevada will have a quality assurance process for monitoring PCP/NWD systems.Of Note:Cheyenne is now in her new position and well on her way, working on this grant. Catherine and Kari met with her in Las Vegas in March to discuss the progress they are making. They have now hired a new NWD coordinator, Kristen Shelton. She operates through the Carson City office. They do anticipate to be able to spend down their grant funds by September. Glossary Of TermsActivity Summary = A summary of a grantees progress on their activities for that period. Information is summarized from grantee reports and from Project Manager meetings with grantee. Best Practice: A practice that incorporates methods or techniques that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. Deliverables Summary: Specific measureable outcomes the grantee said they would accomplish in their application. Goal(s) = Over-all goal(s) identified by the Council in their current five-year state plan that the grantees are helping the Council accomplish through their grant award. Several grantees can be working toward the same goal but through different objectives. Grantee Proposal = What the grantee said they would do to in their application.NGCDD Expected Outcome(s) = What the Council expects to see as a result of grantee efforts.Objective(s) = What the grantees have specifically agreed to accomplish during their grant period and how they said they would accomplish it. Of Note = Any concerns, issues and/or additional information the Council needs to know. Will include any previous recommendations from the Council and the grantee’s progress toward those recommendations.Performance Measures = Specific number of people effected by Council efforts. Promising Practice = A practice with an innovative approach that improves upon existing practice and positively impacts the area of proactive. The practice should demonstration a high degree of success and the possibility of replication in other agencies or settings, but has not been tested. ................

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