Ohio BWC


Note: This list is provided as a resource for injured workers. It may not be all-inclusive and does not reflect endorsement by Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

|Allen County |Hamilton County | |

|Tomlinson Motor Services, Inc |American Bus and Accessories Lake County | |

|213 South Elizabeth St |123 City Centre Drive | |

|Lima, OH |Cincinnati, OH 45216 | |

|(419) 224-1826 |Phone (513) 821-3220 | |

|Cuyahoga County |Lake County |

|Truckin Vantastiks |MC Mobility Systems, Inc. |

|4765 Briar Road |7588 Tyler Blvd. |

|Cleveland, OH 44135 |Mentor, OH 44060 |

|Phone (216) 362-1422 |Phone (440) 951-4335 |

| | |

|Franklin County |Lucas County |

|Fitzpatrick Enterprises, Inc. |Mobility Works |

|6353 Saltzgaber Road |1020 Laskey Rd |

|Groveport, OH  43125 |Toledo, Ohio 43612 |

|Phone (614) 497-1000 |Phone (419)531-6668 |

|Provider Number 310945278- 00 | |

| |Modified Vehicle Specialists |

|Columbus Mobility Specialists |812 Warehouse Rd, Suite C |

|6330 Proprietors Road, Suite F |Toledo, OH 43615-6476 |

|Worthington, Ohio 43085 |Phone (419) 382-1102 |

|Phone (614) 825-8996 | |

In-State Providers-Vehicle Modification

Page 2

|Montgomery County |Union County |

|Forward Motions, Inc. |Nelson Mobility Solutions |

|214 Valley Street |155777 Watkins Road |

|Dayton, OH 45404 |Marysville, Ohio 43040 |

|Phone (937) 222-5001 |Phone 937-642-9000 |

| | |

|Tuscan Inc. DBA Halsom Home Care |MC Mobility 7233 Industrial Parkway |

|7894 Paragon Rd. |Plain City, OH 43064 |

|Dayton, OH 45459-4022 |Phone 614-873-1580 |

|Scooters only | |

|Phone (937) 438-6600 |Washington County |

| |Steve’s Vans & Accessories Unlimited |

|Sandusky County |211 South 8th Street |

|Medi-Care Orthopedics Inc. |Marietta, OH 45750-3349 |

|1900 West State Street |Phone (740) 374-3154 |

|Fremont, OH 43420-1638 | |

|Phone (419) 332-0892 | |

|Scioto County |Wood County |

|Stakers Service Drugs (Scooter Lifts) |Howard Mobility-Plus, Inc. |

|826 Chillicothe Street |126 West South Boundary |

|Portsmouth, OH 45662-4028 |Perrysburg, OH 43551 |

|Phone (740) 353-1135 |Phone (410) 874-4114 |

|Summit County | |

|Mobility Works DBA New Era Transportation | |

|820 Moe Drive | |

|Akron, OH 44310-2517 | |

|Phone (330) 633-1118 | |


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