
Differentiated ChemistryMrs. Petersen ? Spring 2019E-Mail: fpeters@Phone: (402) 436-1304 ext. 64301Google Class: See teacher for codeInstructor Office: G101AOffice Hours: 3 - 3:30 daily, or by appt.OverviewChemistry is the study of the structure, properties, and composition of substances and the changes that substances undergo. Chemistry is an essential class for students considering nursing, engineering, medical or scientific areas of study. Algebra and Geometry are pre-requisites for this course.Materials – bring dailyRequired materials Writing utensilChemistry notebookRequested handoutsPeriodic TableCharged ChromebookSuggested materials:Scientific calculatorHighlightersFolder for handoutsTopic Bundles and Tentative Test DatesQuarter 3Redox10 daysJanuary 18thMoles9 daysFebruary 1stStoichiometry10 daysFebruary 15thKMT & Gases15 daysMarch 8th***All quarter 3 work is due Friday, March 8th by the end of classQuarter 4Organic Chemistry 5 daysMarch 22nd (open packet)Water and Solutions15 daysApril 12thKinetics & Equilibrium 10 daysApril 26thAcids and Bases10 daysMay 10th *** All quarter 4 work is due Friday, May 10th by the end of class2nd Semester Final ExamsSemester Review and DCA’s 3 & 4 (May 13th – 17th)May 21st 6 7 8 May 22nd 3 2 1 May 23rd 4 5General ExpectationsStudents are expected to follow the rules and expectations of Southeast High School at all times. Students must follow teacher directions. All behaviors in the classroom will be directed toward providing a comfortable environment where learning is maximized. Behavior or comments that intentionally intimidate or insult others will not be tolerated.One-minute rule: You must be ready for class, materials out, by one minute after the bell. Do not pack up until one minute before the end of the class. You may be asked to stay after class for each additional minute you are not prepared at the start or end of class.Personal electronic devices will not be used in the classroom unless otherwise directed by the teacher.Bathrooms and fountain visits should be taken care of before class begins. One person at a time may use the bathroom pass with teacher approval. I will not let you leave for drinks.Be proactive: read assigned material, complete classwork, participate in class.Raise your hand when you have a question or comment. Formative Assessments (20%)Homework: Expect homework on a daily basis. Unless otherwise noted, assignments are due at the start of class the next day. Homework should be done and out on your desk by one minute after the bell. You get full credit for assignments that are completely done on time. Alternate assignments will be provided for each missed class activity, upon request.Lab work: Labs are an integral part of this course. You will need to record all requested information (data, observations, and conclusions) in your designated lab notebook. Summative Assessments (80%)Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at teacher discretion and may or may not be announced in advanced. Tests: You will have a 100 point test at the end of each unit. These assessments may be composed of multiple choice, short answer, and problem solving questions. Prepare for your tests in advance, as retesting is generally not allowed. District Common Assessments (DCAs): The assessment data are used to gauge the extent to which students are meeting state standards, to provide students and parents with information about student progress, to enhance school improvement planning and to improve instruction. ?The assessment data are evaluated by teachers to monitor student learning and to improve instruction and to ensure students are being given the opportunity to meet standards. Final Exam: You will have a 200 point cumulative exam that the end of the semester. This will focus on material covered during second semester; however, first semester material is fundamental to our second semester studies.What if I bomb a test?If you do poorly on a test, you may have one opportunity to retest. To take advantage of retesting, you will first need to meet with your teacher briefly to review your original test; second, complete an additional review assignment to improve your knowledge; finally, schedule the retest. This must all be done within one week of the original test. Your second test score will replace your original score, even if it is lower than your original score. You can earn a score that is no more than 10% higher than your original score. A Note on Success All students can be successful in this course. Your instructor works diligently to provide you with opportunities, instruction, and support. You are expected to be an active part of our classroom community by keeping up with your assignments, contributing to class discussions, asking questions for assistance or clarification, and by helping others. Ultimately, we will all achieve more if everyone in the room works together. Your efforts directly impact your outcome. Absences and Missed Work You are responsible for all missed material. If you are absent, you may alert the teacher at the start of class when you return. However, the instructor may not be able to get materials for you as I will be preparing for or starting the current class. Please check google classroom, visit with classmates, or see your instructor outside of class time to get caught up. Labs: Speak to your teacher. You will either be asked to make up the lab or to obtain data and procedures from someone in your assigned lab group. You will need to write your own lab analysis and conclusions. You are responsible for understanding what went on and how to answer post-lab questions. Tests: If you miss a test because of an absence, you will need to contact your instructor immediately upon your return to make it up. Most tests can be made up in Knight House. ................

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