Ms. Galloway's Honors World History | The arc of the moral ...

Medieval Western Europe: Part 2The CrusadesOngoing battles between _____________________________________________________________ result in the Byzantine emperor writing to the Pope for assistance Christian _____________________________________ to the Holy Land (esp. Jerusalem) had been interrupted by the Seljuk Turks conquest of Jerusalem and the surrounding areasThis results in Pope Urban II calling for (Roman Catholic) Christians to take up arms against the “infidel” Muslim TurksAllows for further ______________________________________________ (Great Schism?)__________________________________________________ over growing secular power in Western EuropeEnd results of Crusades:Increase in ___________________________________________ (particularly good for Italian city-states of Venice, Genoa, and Pisa)Increased power of __________________________________, loss of power for the __________________________________, decrease in the use of feudalismIncreased tensions between ________________________________________________(extreme rise in anti-Semitism)Weakening of the __________________________________________High Middle Ages: Economics1000 to 1250 CE saw significant improvements to the __________________________ and _______________ in EuropeFewer invading groups better harvestsClearing of swamps and forest for more arable landsBetter agricultural techniques_______________________________________ (three field system)More food, fewer wars growing populationDevelopment of guilds training and quality controlThe Black DeathSpread via ____________________________________________ which fed off of rats, humansProbably originated in ___________________________ spread via _____________________________________________ from Asia to Mediterranean region (Mongol connection!)Three different types of diseases:______________________ affected the lungs_______________________ traveled through the bloodstream (deadliest)________________________ swelling at the lymph nodes (most common)Mortality rate of ________________________________________________ in Western EuropeCaused __________________________________________ regarding cause, cure lots of people blamed minority groups (esp. Jewish populations)Population decline meant that laborers were in high demand rise of wage labor! ................

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