The Latta Family history

Latta Scholarship Information

Lucile Latta Charitable Trust Designation as a Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial Scholars

LTahteta Fahimstoirlyy

On October 9th, 1899, James Henry Latta

and Dora May Latta celebrated the birth of their first

child, Dean. Four years later their daughter Allene

was born, and six years after that, on December

earned his bachelor's degree in

22nd of 1909, their daughter Leona Lucile. James

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. He got

and Dora Latta were grandchildren of those who had started in hog buying by finding employment with

come out West and settled in Iowa in the time of cov- Cleveland Union Stockyards, and traveled to several

ered wagons. Their children, born around the turn of surrounding states. In 1927 he married Effie Haight.

the century, grew up in a time where cars were not Effie had attended Missouri Valley High School and

yet owned by many people and remember their first spent two years at Grinnell College and two years at

automobile rides as something special.

Nebraska University at Lincoln to earn a Liberal Arts

degree. She was a school teacher until she married

The Lattas took education seriously. Dean and

Dean. Two years later, they moved from Cleveland

Allene started at Harmony Rural School in Jefferson back to Iowa, where Dean began buying hogs for

Township of Harrison County until they switched to Armour. He ran his own hog buying business from

Logan, where Lucile started school, and then to Mis- 1932 until 1956. Dean and Effie were members of

souri Valley when the family moved to a new farm the Missouri Valley Presbyterian Church. Dean was a

nearby. James Latta taught school for a time before member of the Masonic Lodge, the Shriners, and the

his marriage, and he and his wife were involved in American Legion.

short education courses provided by Iowa State

College (now Iowa State University). Dora Latta was Allene and Lucile Latta each completed high school.

a steadfast believer in Christ and an organist at the Allene taught school for two years before attending

Logan Christian Church. Unfortunately, the Great

Iowa State University to earn a bachelor's degree in

Depression hit the Lattas hard. James died in 1934, Home Economics. She taught high school Home

and Dora in 1959.

Economics for two years until the depression hit.

She worked as a cashier selling appliances, and

After high school, Dean attended Iowa State College. then at the county sheriff's office until she landed

Though he had had some interest in becoming

a long-lasting job at the Harrison County Extension

a lawyer, which was encouraged by his high Office in 1948. She trained 4-H leaders, led courses

school principal, he ultimately decided to that taught women about home economics, or-

honor his parent's wishes and

ganized fair activities, and wrote a column called

"Latta's Chatta" for the local paper.

LTahteta Fahimstoirlyy

Lucile worked in the superintendent's office for a time, and then was a bookkeeper for several Ford dealerships in Ottumwa, Blair, and Lincoln. She was a clerk in the sheriff's office in Logan, and then became Deputy County Superintendent of Schools for seven years. She was a bookkeeper for Farmers Cooperative Creamery for six years, and then worked in the County Engineer's office for five years. In 1972 she became curator of the Harrison County Historical Village, where her sister also volunteered. Lucile was a Girl Scout Leader and Treasurer of the Logan Cemetery Association. She and her sister were both members of Daughters of the American Revolution and the Pierian Study Club of Logan.

Neither of the Latta sisters married, and they lived together in Logan for many years. They made most of the clothes that they wore, and members of the Logan Christian Church remember seeing them every Sunday (and all the other days of the week) looking very nicely dressed. Both Lucile and Allene taught Sunday school, and Lucile was the long-time editor of the church's bulletin publication. Many people have fond memories of the sisters, especially

of Lucile. Kind, thoughtful, and generous, she gave everyone she spoke to her full attention and made them feel that they were important to her.

She had a passion for children and young people in the community, and kept track of their lives and accomplishments. She was very supportive of people seeking higher education, especially Bible College, and worked with the church to make sure they received the funds they needed. In her later years, her kindness never diminished. She spent some time in Florida, and was there when she fell ill. Friends and acquaintances who visited her there recall that even from her hospital bed Lucile made every arrangement for their accommodations in a condominium that she owned. Instead of talking about her illness, she wanted to hear about their lives. She put others far before herself.

Effie Haight Latta died in 1984, and Dean followed her in 1990. Allene passed away in 1986. As Effie and Dean had no children, Lucile inherited from them. In the last few years of her life, she organized the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust, which designates chosen students as Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial Scholars in memory of her brother and his wife. Lucile passed away in 1996, but the scholarship she established continues to help young people receive the education they need.

Written by: Emily Nield, A Latta Scholarship Recipient



I do hereby make application for a scholarship as above designated. In connection therewith I hereby agree that I have read the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust ? Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial Rules and Procedures which are incorporated into this application by reference and I agree with the provisions thereof, particularly with those provisions requiring me to refund to the trust any moneys advance to or on my behalf under certain terms as therein expressed. I hereby provide the following information:

Type or Print Legibly

1. Name Address

Phone #

2. The period of time that I have lived in Harrison County is

3. Social Security Number

4. Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Name Address

5. High school from which I have or will receive my high school degree. Year Graduated

6. Name and Address of advanced educational institution I plan to attend:

Please note is already attending

7. Attached is a transcript to date of all grades attained by me, during my attendance in high school.

8. Transcripts showing my grades of all the post high school graduate courses are also attached if applicable.

9. I am

I am not

(check one) filing this application on the basis of a special

need. If you are applying for a scholarship based on need, please complete the attached form.

(You may apply for both need and scholastic achievement.)

10. I am

I am not

(check one) applying for the scholarship on the basis that I

have demonstrated exceptional scholarship. If you are applying for scholarship based on

exceptional scholarship, please attach a record of classes and your grade point average while in

high school, and if applicable during post high school attendance. You may also wish to

include performance on test of ability and aptitude.

(You may apply for both need and scholastic ability by checking both "I am" on questions 9 and 10.)

11. Attach a one page typed statement discussing your goals for the future and why those goals are important to you. The committee understands that some of you may not have made these decisions and that goals are subject to change.

12. Attach a listing of extracurricular activities you have been involved in, i.e. civic, membership organizations, and school or community involvement.

13. I understand that this application will not be considered for scholarship of any greater period than one year, but that I may reapply for successive scholarships of additional periods of one year as set out in the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust ? Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial Rules and Procedures.

14. I am not related to any member of Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Scholarship Committee nor to any spouse of any member of said committee in that I am neither a child, grandchild, nephew or niece, or sibling of member or spouse of : Ron Koenig, Ruth Latto, Sue Austin, Clint Sargent and Jay Randall.

15. I hereby authorize the committee to verify any of the information I have disclosed herein.





Applications may be submitted by fax received not later than 5:00 pm on February 10th to 712-643-2313, but an original signature page must be sent by mail, postmarked not later than Feb. 12th. Applications without the required documentation will not be considered.

Latta Charitable Trust Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial

Rules and Procedures

The Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Scholarship Committee, hereinafter referred to as "Committee", consists of: a member of the Kiwanis Club of Missouri Valley, Iowa, or its successor, a member of the Congregation of the Logan Christian Church, Logan, Iowa or its successor, a member of the Congregation of the Missouri Valley Presbyterian Church, Missouri Valley, Iowa, or its successor, and the President of every bank that has listed in its charter as its principal place of business a city in Harrison County, Iowa.

Said committee pursuant to the provisions of the last will and testament and the codicils thereto of Lucile Latta and her wishes and intentions as therein expressed, does hereby establish the following criteria and rules for the application for scholarships in the form of financial aid to bona fide residents of Harrison County, Iowa, and the granting thereof, by the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust.

The Lucile Latta Charitable Trust will provide scholarships to individuals who will be designated as Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial Scholars, hereinafter referred to as "scholars", generally who are bona fide residents of Harrison County, Iowa, but in some instances hereinafter noted who may be bona fide residents of a county adjoining Harrison County. The scholars will be designated from applicants who the committee determines to meet the following qualifications:

1. They have graduated from high school. 2. They have been found by the Committee to have a special need, or 3. They have been found by the Committee to have demonstrated exceptional scholarship, and 4. They intend to further their post high school education at any educational organization defined in paragraph

170(b)(1)(A)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code, which non-profit organization is: a.) A bible college which teaches the deity of Christ and the verbal inspiration of the scriptures in their original form, or b.) An accredited college or university, or c.) An accredited technical institution.

5. The financial aid and assistance will be determined and awarded by the Committee on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis. The Committee will adhere to a non-discriminatory basis in the selection of recipients. The Committee will insure that neither racial discrimination nor any other type of discrimination will occur during the selection process.

6. Each year applications will be accepted for scholarships from bona fide residents of Harrison County, Iowa, who have graduated or who will have graduated from high school prior to the beginning of the school year for which the scholarships will be granted and who will pursue a post high school education at a non-profit educational organization of the type mentioned above. The Committee will make every effort to insure that the availability of such scholarships will become known to all prospective applicants. To accomplish that result, as a minimum the Committee will publish a notice giving said information in every newspaper published in Harrison County prior to January 1 in each year, and will furnish said information to the principals of each high school located in Harrison County and since bona fide residents of Harrison County may be attending school in an adjoining county, they will also furnish such information to the principals of each school in each county adjoining Harrison County.

7. Applications from bona fide residents of Harrison County for scholarship shall be submitted to the scholarship committee on and pursuant to the application form of which a copy is hereto attached, prior to February 10 in each year. If it appears that there will be insufficient applications prior to February 10, to enable the Committee to award sufficient scholarships to students who meet the criteria for a scholarship to exhaust funds available, the Committee will then publish notice in all newspapers published in the counties adjoining Harrison County of that fact and that additional scholarships will be available in that year to bona fide residents of counties adjoining Harrison County. In said event the Committee will accept applications of bona fide residents of counties adjoining Harrison County until April 15 and thereafter will also review said applications in order to be able to grant sufficient scholarships to exhaust the funds available for said purpose in said year.

8. The amount of scholarships will be determined by the net income of the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust from the preceding calendar year, divided by the amount which will have been determined by the trustee of the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust. The amount of scholarships awarded to each applicant selected as a scholar who plans to attend a non-profit bible college or an accredited college or university will be determined by the trustee. The amount awarded to each scholar who plans to attend an accredited technical school shall be equal to 50% of the amount awarded to scholars attending a bible college or university. The committee will award approximately 20% of the number of scholarships to students who plan to attend an accredited non-profit technical school and the remaining 80% to students who will be attending a bible college, or an accredited college or university.

9. The scholarship will be paid directly to the educational institution. Scholarships will be paid 1/2 before the beginning of the first semester when the trustee receives confirmation from the registrar that the student is a registered full time student. The other 1/2 will be paid after the trustee has received confirmation from the registrar that the student is a registered full time student for the second semester and has received evidence of passing grades from the first semester. If the scholar is not taking instruction that will result in a final grade, before being considered for further scholarships, the scholar will be required to have the institution prepare a brief report as to the progress of the scholar.

10. The Committee will consider the needs of individuals who might not otherwise be able to continue their education, and will likewise encourage those who have demonstrated exceptional scholarship to continue their education without regard to whether they would be considered to be needy. In that connection, need will be measured by the net worth and income of the applicant. Also considered will be the income and net worth of the family of which the applicant was a qualified dependent at the time of the application. Exceptional scholarship will be evaluated principally from the grade point attained by the applicant in high school and during attendance at any educational institution after graduating from high school, but the committee will also consider evidence of prior academic performance; performance on tests of ability and aptitude; and such other measures of superior scholarship as the committee may deem appropriate.

11. No member of the family of any member of the Committee or any spouse of any member of said committee will be eligible to receive a scholarship. A member of the family in this respect will be a child, grandchild, niece or nephew, or sibling.

12. Each scholarship will be for a one year term only, but scholars who are demonstrating that they continue to meet the scholarship criteria established herein will be considered for scholarships in successive years. However, in order that the greatest number of applicants may be considered, no scholarships will be granted to any scholar for more than 5 years. Applicants will be required to advise the trustee of the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust if they discontinue attendance at the educational institution on a full time status during any part of such one year term and upon receipt of such information the trustee shall immediately cease furnishing the scholarship funds to or for the scholar involved. Any funds set aside as unused or unclaimed as a result of such action or otherwise will be reallocated to other scholarships in the immediately following year.

13. These rules which are incorporated as a part of the scholarship application signed by the applicant constitute an agreement on the part of the applicant that the applicant will repay to the trustee of the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust any funds disbursed to or on his or her behalf as a result of the applicant's misrepresentation or any material fact on the application for scholarship and that the applicant will also repay to the trustee any funds disbursed by the trustee to or on the applicant's behalf after the applicant has failed to maintain a full time status as a student at an accredited non-profit institution and has failed to give notice to the trustee of that fact.

14. Application procedure for the Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial Scholarship: a.) Applicants will need to obtain an application form. High school principals will be furnished with the forms so that they are able to provide them to interested applicants. b.) Applicants will be required to fill out the application completely and legibly, and to attach the necessary documentation. c.) Applicants will be required to submit the completed application with all attachments to the Chairman of the Committee by February 10, if a resident of Harrison County, and by April 15 if a resident of a county adjoining Harrison County in years when applications from adjoining counties are being accepted. d.) A copy of the Lucile Latta Charitable Trust ? Dean C. and Effie Haight Latta Memorial Rules and Procedures will be attached to the application furnished. Appplicants will be required to familiarize themselves with them and retain a copy of the rules for reference.

Latta Application

Substantiation of Need

Applicant's Name Father's Name

If married, spouse's name Mother's Name

These questions are similar to those you may have completed for FAFSA.


(Complete if student claimed as a dependent on tax return)

What was your parents' adjusted gross income for the previous calendar year? (Q86)

(Defined as adjusted gross income on IRS Form 1040; 1040A; or 1040EZ)

How much did your father/stepfather earn from working in the previous calendar year? (Q89) How much did your mother/stepmother earn from working in the previous calendar year? (Q90)

(IRS Form 1040-Lines 7+12+18+Box 14 of IRS Schedule K-1(From 1065); 1040A-Line 7; or 1040EZ-Line 1)

Enter the amount of your parents' income tax for the previous calendar year? (Q87)

(Income tax amount is on IRS Form 1040-Line56; 1040A-Line 35; or 1040EZ-Line 11)

As of today, what is your parent's total current balance of cash, savings and checking accounts? (Q91)

(See FAFSA definition)

As of today, what is the net worth of your parents?

(This were we differ from FAFSA - we want the difference between the value of ALL Assets minus the total of ALL Liabilities (debts).)

Example: Cash + Checking + Savings + Value of Home + Value of Vehicles + Other Assets = ALL Assets

Minus the balance owed on Credit Cards + Mortgages + Loans on Vehicles + Student Loans + Other Liabilities = ALL Liabilities

You would enter $65,000 in the box.

Equals Net Worth

$150,000 $85,000 $65,000

Applicant What was your adjusted gross income for the previous calendar year?

(Defined as adjusted gross income on IRS Form 1040, 1040A; or 1040EZ)

How much did you earn from working in the previous calendar year? (Q89)

(IRS Form 1040-Lines 7+12+18+Box 14 of IRS Schedule K-1(From 1065); 1040A-Line 7; or 1040EZ-Line 1)

Enter the amount of your (and your spouse's - if applicable) income tax for the previous calendar year? (Q87)

(Income tax amount is on IRS Form 1040-Line56; 1040A-Line 35; or 1040EZ-Line 11)

As of today, what is your total current balance of cash, savings and checking accounts? (Q91)

(See FAFSA definition)

As of today, what is your net worth?

(This were we differ from FAFSA - we want the difference between the value of ALL Assets minus the total of ALL Liabilities (debts).) Same example as above.

If Applicant is married: What was your spouse's adjusted gross income for the previous calendar year?

(Defined as adjusted gross income on IRS Form 1040, 1040A; or 1040EZ)

How much did your spouse earn from working in the previous calendar year? (Q89)

(IRS Form 1040-Lines 7+12+18+Box 14 of IRS Schedule K-1(From 1065); 1040A-Line 7; or 1040EZ-Line 1)


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