Death, Dying and Bereavement - Answers

Answers (1-6)

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|In what circumstances might a care worker have to deal with death? |

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|When any of the following people die: service user; colleague; family member, friend; or a service user experiences a |

|loss/bereavement. |

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|What are common reactions to death? |

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|Shock, disbelief, numbness. |

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|Name two things that suicide in older people can be associated with |

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|Illness; physical pain; depression; sense of hopelessness and guilt. |

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|Name the stages that a service user may experience when facing death |

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|Denial and isolation; anger; bargaining; depression; acceptance. |

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|What things should be discussed with a service user and then included in the care plan with regard to death? |

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|Special wishes regarding dying and the death; religious and/or cultural customs; funeral arrangements; possessions which |

|should remain with the body e.g. wedding ring. |

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|Name three people who a care worker might have to liaise or work with when supporting a terminally ill service user or dealing|

|with a death |

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|GP; nurses; hospital staff; hospice staff; police; funeral director; relatives; service users. |

Answers (7-12)

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|Think of three tasks a care worker could do in order to support a terminally ill service user |

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|Talking; listening; writing letters; contacting people; helping to sort out practical matters e.g. wills, insurance policies |

|etc. |

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|In the event of service user dying in a public place, name two things a care worker should do |

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|Act quickly; remain calm; behave professionally; don't panic/cry; minimise fear; remove others; inform and reassure. |

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|Who should be contacted immediately after a death has occurred and for what purpose? |

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|Their GP, in order to certify the death. |

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|Name three things which may necessitate a care worker knowing about specific procedures or time limits when dealing with a |

|death |

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|Certifying death; registering death; referral to coroner; organ donation; contacting a funeral director; moving the body; |

|customs or rituals; burial or cremation; applying for visas. |

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|Name the stages of bereavement |

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|Shock and disbelief; expressions of grief; depression and apathy; signs of recovery. |

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|Who may need support in dealing with bereavement? |

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|Service users; family members; friends; care workers; other professionals/workers. |

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