
A team policy debate normally consists of two teams -- those arguing in support of the resolution (the affirmative or “pro” side) and those arguing against the resolution (the negative or “con” side). A resolution is essentially a suggestion, such as a policy statement, that becomes the subject of the debate. Certain rules apply to policy debates that must be strictly enforced by the individual responsible for maintaining order, known as the moderator. For this exercise, the role of moderator will be performed by your teacher.


| |

|Round One |

|Side Affirmative - constructive arguments - 4 minutes maximum |

|Side Negative - constructive arguments - 4 minutes maximum |

| |

|Round Two |

|Side Negative - rebuttal arguments - 3 minutes maximum |

|Side Affirmative - rebuttal arguments - 3 minutes maximum |

| |

|Round Three |

|Both Sides - open debate - 4 minutes maximum |

| |

|Conclusion |

|Side Negative - closing statement - 1 minute maximum |

|Side Affirmative - closing statement - 1 minute maximum |

During round one, only constructive (new) arguments are permitted. Rebuttals (critiques) of opponents' arguments are not allowed. Each member of each side must advance at least one constructive argument during this round. Interruptions are not permitted in this round. Keep in mind that PEE (Point, Explanation, Example) would be very helpful in this format.

During round two, new arguments are not permitted. Instead, debaters may only address their comments to a rebuttal (critique) of their opponents’ constructive arguments. Accordingly, debaters should be taking notes during round one of the debate. Each team member must advance at least one rebuttal argument during this round. Please allude to your opponent's specific constructive argument before delivering your rebuttal. Interruptions are once again not permitted in this round.

During round three, members of either side are permitted to speak at will. There are no restrictions as to the type of argument (constructive or rebuttal) permitted during this final round. Furthermore, interruptions are permitted during this round at the discretion of the moderator.

During the conclusion, one or more members of each side will summarize that side's general position on the resolution.

Please be advised that heckling is not permitted at any point during this policy debate. 


The resolution used in this type of debate is typically a general policy statement often expressed in the following terms: BE IT RESOLVED THAT (for example) the war in Iraq is wrong. Arguments in support of or in opposition to the resolution may be of a legal, political, historical, philosophical, sociological, psychological, anthropological, ethical, religious, economic or experiential nature, inter alia.

DEBATE RESOLUTIONS: BIRT (Be it resolved that)

1. NAFTA has greatly benefitted the Canadian economy. 

2. The WTO and free trade is an instrument of the developed world used to exploit developing and underdeveloped nations. 

3. Developed nations have an obligation to financially support developing and underdeveloped nations. 

4. Capitalism produces better results for more people than does socialism. 

5. Loans and grants from the IMF and World Bank do more harm than good to those nations receiving that aid. 

6. Multinational corporations do more harm than good. 

7. Multinational corporations have an obligation to be socially responsible. 

8. Offshoring does more harm than good in host nations where operations have been established. 

9. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) provide little assistance to those they attempt to serve.

10. Economic globalization and international business generally do more harm than good. 

11. Fair trade policies do more harm than good.

12. Unions do more harm than good in the modern world. 

13. The European Union and the Euro common currency do more harm than good. 


In a small group (3 people maximum), you will prepare your points with your teammates and divide tasks evenly.

• How will you divide the delivery of the constructive arguments?

• Your entire team should be prepared for the rebuttal arguments and the open debate

• Who will deliver the closing statement

Step 1: Do Your Research

You will need to prepare your arguments and submit it to your teacher. You will be assessed on your ability to prepare for your debate. Please ensure your name appears on the top of every page and that your work is cited in MLA format.

• Your opening statement, arguments, possible rebuttals, etc.


Step 2: The Debate!

Make sure you have practiced your arguments so that you are ready to effectively prove your points. Please ensure that you clearly understand and follow the rules of debating and act professionally at all times.

Student Name: ____________________


| | | | | |

|Evaluation criteria |Level 1 (50-59%) |Level 2 (60-69%) |Level 3 (70-79%) |Level 4 (80-100%) |

| |Limited understanding |Satisfactory |Good understanding of the |Outstanding understanding |

|Familiarity with fundamental |of the issues and |understanding of the |issues and related |of the issues and related |

|issues and related concepts. |related concepts. |issues and related |concepts. |concepts. |

|K/U= /10 | |concepts. | | |

| |Limited citation and/or|Satisfactory amount of |Good research with |Outstanding research with |

|Well researched, logical |needs work with |research and citation. |accurate MLA citation. |accurate MLA citation. |

|support of the topic. Use MLA|citation. | | | |

|citation. | | | | |

|T= /10 | | | | |

| |Limited support of |Satisfactory support of |Good support of arguments |Outstanding support of |

|recognition of |arguments and poor use |arguments and use of |and use of language. |arguments and use of |

|Clearly supports arguments |of language. |language. | |language. |

|with effective use of | | | | |

|language. | | | | |

|C= /10 | | | | |

| |Limited professionalism|Satisfactory |Good professionalism used |Outstanding |

|Overall professionalism and |used when presenting |professionalism used when|when presenting the |professionalism used when |

|presentation of position, |the position, |presenting the position, |position, |presenting the position, |

|including non-verbal cues | | | | |

|(voice variables, posture, | | | | |

|etc.) | | | | |

|A= /10 | | | | |


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