Carlisle School Sixth Grade Spaghetti Supper2014 Beverage Committee ReportKim WoodCarol OstrowskiCommittee co-chairsResponsibilitiesThe Beverage Committee is responsible for:Procuring the beverages and beverage-related supplies for the spaghetti supper through donations or purchase;Delivering the supplies to the school and setting up the beverage tables in advance of the supper; Handing out the beverages to the wait staff on the night of the supper; andClean up of beverage items and area after the supper.Beverages and other suppliesWe obtained most of the beverages through corporate and small business donations based on personal relationships. The donors have asked to remain anonymous and would prefer not to be contacted for future spaghetti suppers. While Starbucks did not donate coffee, they let us purchase it at half price.We served:Water in individual bottlesWhite milkCapri Sun apple juice pouchesCapri Sun fruit punch pouches Coffee, both regular and decafThe other supplies that we provided were:2 white tablecloths for the beverage tablesSugarSplendaCreamerCoffee stirrersStraws for milks (given to us by Sue Robichaud)Insulated coffee cups with lidsPaper towels to use for spills at the beverage tableWe did not serve hot tea because there was very little demand for it at previous spaghetti suppers.We used both 16.9-oz and 8-oz water bottles. We served all of our 16.9-oz water bottles first. The Capri Sun pouches were easy for the wait staff to put on the trays. The fruit punch flavor was much more popular than the apple juice.Milk is ordered in advance from Sue Robichaud, who is Director of Food Service at the school. Her email address is We contacted her in mid-September with our order. A prior year Beverage Committee report states that we can also purchase creamers for coffee through the school. (Our creamers were donated; you could also just purchase a few cartons of cream at Fern’s or use the milks.)It’s important to keep a careful count of how many cartons of milk are served because Sue only charges us for the number of milks we use. (She creates one bill for everything the spaghetti supper needs to reimburse the school for.) The milk comes in crates of 50 cartons each.See the attached spreadsheet for the numbers of beverages and other supplies procured and used. The totals for beverages served include drinks requested by parents and kids working at the spaghetti supper. Several parents working in the kitchen requested coffee before the event started, and a number of kids on the second shift wait staff requested water or juice while they were serving. It was quite warm in the cafeteria, so that may have affected how much coffee our customers ordered and how many of the wait staff asked for drinks during their shift.Setting things up at the school before the supperWe took the beverages to the school the day before the spaghetti supper. Sue Robichaud let us put them into the walk-in refrigerator in the kitchen overnight so that they would be chilled. There is a dolly in the kitchen that can be used to move the cases.When we went to the school to set up on the day of the supper, we took the beverages from the walk-in refrigerator and put them into two large, plug-in, school coolers in the dining room. (The coolers that are used for milk during the kids’ lunches.) We put cases of water into one of the coolers, and the milk, juice and fruit punch into the other. Two rectangular cafeteria tables are used for the beverage set up. (There was only one table available to us, so Sue Robichaud let us use a rolling cart from the kitchen for our second table.) We set the tables next to each other between the left entrance to the cafeteria line and the exit from the cafeteria line. We put the two coolers at the ends of the tables. That made it easy to bring out cases of the beverages to put onto the tables. We left space behind the tables for us to stand so that we were facing out into the dining room (and toward wait staff when they came for the drinks.)We used one table to put out the drinks for the wait staff, and the other for the coffee set up.During the spaghetti supperWhen it was time for the supper to start, we began placing waters, apple juice and fruit punch on the table for the wait staff to pick up as they exited the kitchen area with the dinners. This went on for the rest of the night. We left the milks in the coolers so that they would stay cold and gave them to the wait staff as needed. Be sure to give the wait staff straws for the milks.We instructed the wait staff to lay the drinks flat on their sides on the trays so that they wouldn’t tip over. The tall water bottles in particular tend to fall over into the plates of spaghetti if they’re left upright.Coffee can only be handled by adults, so the wait staff would let us know when people at their tables ordered coffee. A committee member would then pour the coffee into cups with covers and deliver them to the customers at the tables. We had a second person take a basket with coffee supplies (cream, sugar, Splenda, stirrers). We asked the people on our committee to work during their kids’ wait staff shifts (one shift was 4:30 to 6:30, and the other was 5:45 to 8:00). Both of the co-chairs stayed for the full time. This gave us six people on hand for each shift, with overlap from 5:45 to 6:30. That was more than we needed, but the kitchen used two of our people from each shift to hand out trays, napkins and silverware to the wait staff. So we actually had four people working at our beverage table. We suggest that the next Beverage Committee chairs check with the Kitchen Committee and Wait Staff Committee to see if they will need to use Beverage Committee staff to hand out trays again next year.Having four people staffing the beverage table worked well. Our staff needed to leave the area periodically to obtain cases of beverages from the refrigerator in the kitchen and to deliver coffee orders to the tables. Having four people ensured that one or two people were always left at the table to assist the wait staff.After the spaghetti supper is overBe sure to count all of the supplies that are left over so that you can report the numbers of beverages served in the committee report. A list of items that will go into the Beverage Committee bin for the next year will need to be created too.Email Sue Robichaud after the supper with the total number of milks served so that she can charge the spaghetti supper for the actual number used.At the end of the supper, everything needs to be taken out of the coolers in the dining room and put back into the walk-in refrigerator in the kitchen.We gave the leftover water bottles, juice, fruit punch, creamers and sugar in the raw to the school to use for other events. Check with Sue Robichaud to find out what they would like to keep. Everything else that was left over went into the Beverage Committee bin for next year. This includes:Coffee cups with covers 150Coffee cups without covers 300Sugar 2,000 packetsSplenda400 packets Plastic stirrers 2,000 Wooden stirrers 500 Straws 500 Cups for water or juice 501 plastic tablecloth1 roll paper towels for spillsNOTE: AMOUNTS ARE APPROXIMATENext year it will not be necessary to procure coffee cups, sugar, Splenda, stirrers, or straws.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TimelineAugustStart soliciting donationsCheck to see what items are in the Beverage Committee bin that can be used for suppliesSeptemberCreate a list of what will need to be purchasedGive purchase list to the Procurement Committee for approvalPlace order for milks with Sue Robichaud, Director of Food Service (can also order creams for coffee through the school if not purchased elsewhere)Make arrangements for any items that you will need to borrow (prior years borrowed coffee makers and baskets for coffee supplies)OctoberCollect donated beverages and supplies (other than coffee)Purchase all other beverages and supplies (other than coffee)Saturday before the supperMake sure that you have all of your supplies on handMonday before the supperTake all beverages to the school and place into the walk-in refrigerator in the kitchen. This could also be done on the day of the Spaghetti Supper; just allow enough time for the cold beverages to be chilled. Check with Sue Robichaud to make sure that the milks for the Spaghetti Supper were delivered.Set-up on the day of the supperGot to the school well ahead of time to set up. (We went around 3:00.)Put the plastic tablecloths on the two tables.Place the two coolers in the beverage area and plug in. We put them at the ends of the side-by-side tables.Load beverages into the coolers. If using coffee cambros, have someone pick them up from the business.Put the coffee supplies onto one table.A few minutes before the start of the supper, start placing beverages onto the other table. (We left the milks in the cooler so that they would stay cold) ................

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