Educomp Solutions Ltd

Educomp Solutions Ltd.,


Academic Planner for 8th Std., for the Year 2009-10

|Sl No., |Chapter |Topics to be covered |Month |Learning Outcome |

| |Introduction to computers |Importance of computers | |Students will be able to |

|1 | |Definition of a computer |June 09 |Define & familiarize with computers |

| | |Application of computers in our world | |Understand the importance of computers |

| | |Education & Business | |Relate the applications of computers in day to day life|

| | |Health care centers / Hospitals | | |

| | |Entertainment | | |

| | |Communication | | |

| | |Banks | | |

| | |Railways & Airlines | | |

| |Organization of Computer |Input devices | | |

|2 | |Central Processing Unit |June 09 |Students will understand |

| | |Output devices | |The different parts of computer & their functions |

| | |Functions of computer parts | |Different types of computers |

| | |Classification of computers | |The will learn to take care of their computers |

| | |Micro computers | | |

| | |Laptops & Notebooks | | |

| | |Handheld computers | | |

| | |Tablet PC | | |

| | |Mini computers | | |

| | |Mainframe computers | | |

| | |Super computers | | |

| | |Taking care of computers | | |

| | |Hardware | | |

| | |Software | | |

| | |Data, Information & Program | | |

| | |Role of a program | | |

| | |Types of Program | | |

| | |Data Processing | | |

| | |Electronic data processing | | |

| | |Input-Process-Output Cycle | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Test to be conducted at the end of June2009 | | |

|3 |Number System |Binary number system |July 09 | |

| | |Octal number system | |Students will understand |

| | |Conversion from decimal to octa & vice versa | |Various number systems |

| | |Conversion from octa to decimal & vice versa | |Binary addition |

| | |Hexadecimal numbers | |Binary subtraction |

| | |Conversion from decimal to hexa & vice versa | |Binary multiplication |

| | |Conversion from hexa to binary & vice versa | |Binary division |

| | |One & two complement & its application | | |

| | |Binary Arithmetic – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division | | |

|4 |Booting in Linux |History of linux |Aug, Sep(first two | |

| | |Basic properties of Linux |weeks only) & Oct 09 |Students will understand about Linux OS : |

| | |Feature sof Linux | |History of Linux |

| | |GUI shape of Linux | |Properties & features of Linux |

| | |GNOME | |Opening & closing of Linux |

| | |KDE | |Methods of using mouse in Linux |

| | |Working with Linux | |Using application software |

| | |Closing method | |Difference between Linux & DOS |

| | |Methods of using mouse in Linux | |Difference between Linux & Windows |

| | |Using Application software | | |

| | |Difference between Linux & DOS | | |

| | |Difference between Linux & Windows | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Exam to be conducted by the end of Oct 2009 | | |

|5 |Internet Concepts |Introduction to internet |Nov 09 |Students will understand the importance of |

| | |History of Internet | |communication, the role of internet and its importance |

| | |Internet requirements, hardware & software | |in today’s world. Through - |

| | |Connecting to a website | |Defining internet |

| | |Mailing software | |Learning history of internet |

| | |Internet Account | |Hardware & software requirements of internet |

| | |Getting connected to Internet | |Internet account |

| | |What is ISP | |Internet protocols |

| | |Understanding DNS | | |

| | |World Wide Web | | |

| | |Internet Protocols | | |

| | |TELNET | | |

| | |ISDN | | |

|6 |Internet Applications & |Email fundamentals |Dec 09 & Jan -10 |Students understand the importance of various tools of |

| |Networks Client Server |Email address | |communication email, chat ,video conferencing and how |

| | |Email servers | |to use them effectively for communication. Through- |

| | |Email clients | |Email procedures & etiquettes |

| | |How to get email account | |Use of search engines |

| | |Creating email account, sending mails, sending attachments | |They will learn and understand web development tools |

| | |Email Etiquette – introduction, format, abbreviations, salutation,signatures etc., | |Chat & video conferencing |

| | |Chat | |The students will understand Client server environment |

| | |Search engines | |Servers |

| | |Search tips | |Thin clients |

| | |How info is organized in internet | | |

| | |Tools for web development | | |

| | |HTML | | |

| | |DHTML | | |

| | |Video conferencing | | |

| | |Networks Client Server | | |

| | |Introduction | | |

| | |Server & types | | |

| | |Advantages / Disadvantages | | |

| | |of a client/server | | |

| | |network | | |

| | |Client | | |

| | |Thin client | | |

| | |Examples of thin clients | | |

| | |Advantages of thin clients | | |

| | |Exam to be conducted by end of Jan -10 | | |

Educomp Solutions Ltd.,


Academic Planner for 9th Std., for the Year 2009-10

|Sl No., |Chapter Name |Topics to be covered |Month |Learning Outcome |

|1 |Introduction to Computers |Introduction | |Students understand about various hardware components &|

| | |Input unit |June 09 |its importance, as they will learn : |

| | |Output unit | |Hardware & software |

| | |CPU – ALU, CU, MU | |Identify different Parts of computer |

| | |Parts of computer | |Resolve minor problems of hardware |

| | |Keyboard – functions of keys | |Switch on & off CPU, monitor, UPS |

| | |Universal serial bus | |Importance of computers in the modern world |

| | |USB port | | |

| | |Monitor, printers, speakers | | |

| | |Memory – RAM, ROM | | |

| | |Secondary memory devices | | |

| | |CDROM | | |

| | |Hardware & software | | |

| | |Modem | | |

| | |Pen drive | | |

| | |Minor repairs of computer - Do’s & don’ts | | |

|2 |Introduction to Windows |Software & types of s/w | |Students will know |

| | |Operating system |July 09 |What are softwares.Different types of Softwares and |

| | |Development of windows | |their importance? |

| | |Advantages of windows | |They will also understand what are operating systems, |

| | |Mouse – button, operation, pointer, clicking, dragging | |their role and importance in of working a computer |

| | |Working with windows | |system. |

| | |Windows desktop - components | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Test to be conducted by the end of July 2009 | | |

|3 |Working with windows |Windows interface |Aug & Sep 09 |Students understand windows environment, as they learn|

| |components |Components of windows – title bar, scroll bar, resizing windows, text boxes, check boxes, | |about: |

| | |drop down list, radio buttons, help | |Windows interface |

| | |Customization of windows | |Dialog boxes |

| | |Customization of task bar | |Customization of windows |

| | |Wall papers | | |

| | |Screen savers | | |

| | |Shutdown in windows | | |

| | |Calculator | | |

| | |Paint program | | |

| | |Creating pictures, editing, save, coloring | | |

| | |Word pad | | |

| | |Multi tasking | | |

|4 |Linux commands |Is command |Oct & Nov 09 |Students will understand Linux commands and will be |

| | |Syntax | |able to work efficiently on Linux Platform. They will |

| | |‘rm-r’ directory | |learn |

| | |‘mv’ command | |VI editor |

| | |‘pwd’ command | |Developing Linux flow chart |

| | |‘chdirr’ dir | |Usage of multimedia & graphics in Linux |

| | |vi editor | | |

| | |developing flowchart – introduction, sourcing, interactive cell, log in cell | | |

| | |Multimedia & graphics | | |

| | |Volume control applet | | |

| | |XMMS files | | |

| | |XMMS skins | | |

| | |Playing VCD & DVD | | |

| | |Graphic images acess | | |

| | |File manager | | |

| | |G thumb image viewer | | |

| | |Image manipulation | | |

| | |Libraries & catalogs | | |

| | |Help | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Test to be conducted by the end of Nov 2009 | | |

|5 |Open office writer |Introduction |Dec 09 & Jan - 10 |Students will become proficient in creating documents |

| | |Starting with open office writer | |as they will learnand understand the use of following :|

| | |Sub menu’s of writer | |Working with features of Open office writer |

| | |Creating a document | |Working with sub menu’s of Open office writer |

| | |New text document | |Create a open office writer document |

| | |Entering text | |Edit a document |

| | |Saving a document | |Save a document |

| | |Moving text | |Cut, copy & paste of Text |

| | |Formatting text | |Format text |

| | |Changing fonts | |Creating style gallery |

| | |Font colour, style & size | |Bullets & numbering |

| | |Bullets & numbering | | |

| | |Paragraphs | | |

| | |Page break | | |

| | |Inserting pictures | | |

| | |Border | | |

| | |Header & footer | | |

| | |Find & replace option | | |

| | |Spell check | | |

| | |Book mark | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Exam to be conducted by the end of Jan-10 | | |

Educomp Solutions Ltd.,


Academic Planner for 10th Std., for the Year 2009-10

|Sl No., |Chapter |Topics to be covered |Month |Learning Outcome |

|1 |Introduction to Computers |Introduction | |Students will be familiar with computer through |

| | |Applications of computer |June 09 |–Knowledge and understanding of |

| | |Parts of computer | |Computer& Parts of Computer |

| | |Input unit or input devices | |Applications of Computer in day to day activities |

| | |Central processing unit | |Input and Output devices of computer |

| | |Output unit or output devices | |Types of Computer |

| | |Types of computers –Micro, Laptops & Notebooks, Handheld, Tablet PC | |Taking Care of Computer |

| | |Mini, Mainframe, Super computers | | |

| | |Taking care of computers | | |

| | | | | |

|2 |Computer concepts |Hardware | |Students have a clear understanding of : |

| | |Software – Operating system, application software, programming languages |July 09 |Computer Hardware |

| | |Data, Information & program | |Computer Software |

| | |How program functions? | |Data and Information and Program |

| | |Data processing | |How a program functions? |

| | |Electronic data processing | |Data Processing |

| | |Input process output cycle | |Electronic Data Processing |

| | | | |Input Process Output Cycle |

| | |Test to be conducted by the end on July 2009 | | |

|3 |Linux Operating System |Introduction |Aug & Sep 09 |Students will learn, understand and will be able to |

| | |Features of Linux | |work with Linux environment |

| | |GUI shape of Linux – GNOME, KDE | | |

| | |Working with Linux – logging in & closing method, logging out | | |

| | |Shutting down | | |

| | |Opening , closing & switching between application | | |

| | |Linux commands – is, clear, cp, rm, rmdir, mv, cd, pwd etc., | | |

|4 |Windows 2003 Server |Introduction |Oct 09 |Students will understand about server concepts and its |

| | |Windows 2003 server | |advantage. & The will understand what are operating |

| | |Overview of Windows server 2003 R2 std edition | |systems, different types of operating systems. Windows |

| | |Built for dependability | |server 2003 and its advantages |

| | |Built for productivity | | |

| | |Built for a connected world | | |

| | |Built for best economics | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Test to be conducted by the end of Oct 2009 | | |

|5 |Open Office Calc |Introduction |Nov & Dec 09 |Students will understand OS Calc application They |

| | |Open office Calc features | |will be able to use OS Calc as an effective tool. They |

| | |Spreadsheet terms | |will learn the following: |

| | |Screen layout & navigation | |Features of Open Office Calc |

| | |Calc sheet | |Cells and Workbook |

| | |About cells & workbook | |Formulas and Functions |

| | |Working with spreadsheet data – creating, entering, saving, navigating | |Sorting and Filtering Data |

| | |Selecting, copying, moving, delete cells | |Formatting Spreadsheets |

| | |Insert rows & columns | |Working with Charts |

| | |Find & replace data | | |

| | |Formulas & functions | | |

| | |Type of operators, their evaluation & precedence in calc | | |

| | |Cell references | | |

| | |Working with functions | | |

| | |Sorting, filtering data | | |

| | |Creating subtotal | | |

| | |Formatting worksheet, auto format, auto fill, formatting numbers, date, | | |

| | |Alignment | | |

| | |Border | | |

| | |Working with charts | | |

| | |Introduction | | |

| | |Types of charts | | |

| | |Formatting charts | | |

| | |Working with header & footer | | |

|6 |Open Office Impress |Introduction |Dec 09 & Jan-10 |Students will be able to create presentations with the |

| | |Getting started with Impress | |help of Open Office Impress. They will learn: |

| | |Creating New Presentation | |Creating a new presentation |

| | |Creating template | |Working with Slides in impress |

| | |Opening, closing a presentation | |Using Slide Master |

| | |Working with slides | |Editing Slides |

| | |Creating new slide | |Working with Objects |

| | |Presentation views | |Designing Slideshow |

| | |Using slide master | | |

| | |Editing slides | | |

| | |Using auto correct | | |

| | |Bullets & numbering | | |

| | |Working with objects | | |

| | |Adding pictures | | |

| | |Add sound clip | | |

| | |Flipping an object | | |

| | |Designing slide show | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Test to be conducted by the end of Jan-10 | | |

|7 |Working with HTML |Introduction |Feb-10 |Students will learn about HTML concepts. They will be |

| | |Standard generalized markup language | |able to use HTML protocol.They will learn |

| | |Document type definition | |What is HTML |

| | |Hypertext transfer protocol | |Different types of documents |

| | |Browsers | |Browsers |

| | |Microsoft IE | |Creating and saving HTML Files |

| | |Netscape communicator | |Working with Objects |

| | |Creating & saving HTML files | | |

| | |Web page layout | | |

| | |Elements in HTML | | |

| | |Basic tags | | |

| | |Lists & links | | |

| | |Linking documents | | |

| | |Working with images | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Exam to be conducted by the end of Feb-10 | | |

Educomp Solutions Ltd.,


Academic Planner for 8th, 9th, 10th Std., for the Year 2009-10

|Sl No., |Chapter Name |Topics to be covered |Month |Learning Outcome |

|1 |Computer Concepts |Introduction to Computers |June & July 2009 |Students will understand the world of computers |

| | |Know about computers | |they will : |

| | |Components of computer system | |Understand about Computers & its Components |

| | |Parts of computer | |The Importance &usage of computers and its parts. |

| | |Input devices | |They will apply the knowledge & skills gained in using |

| | |Processing device | |Computers . |

| | |Central processing unit | | |

| | |Memory | | |

| | |Types of memory | | |

| | |Primary & secondary memory devices | | |

| | |Output devices | | |

| | |Storage devices | | |

| | |Software | | |

| | |Operating systems | | |

| | |Introduction to Linux desktop | | |

| | |Open source software | | |

| | |Switching ON your computer | | |

| | |Desktop & its components | | |

| | |Shutting down | | |

| | |Working with keyboard & mouse | | |

| | |Maintenance of computers | | |

| | |Do’s & don’ts | | |

|2 |Kolour Paint |Introduction |Aug & Sep 09 |Students learn and enjoy Kolour Paint ,as they will |

| | |Tools in Kolour paint | |gain knowledge of Kolour Paint. |

| | |Rectangles & rounded rectangles | |understand the use of tools like rectangle, line and |

| | |Lines | |curve. |

| | |Curves | |understand how to use the tool box. |

| | |Circle | |understand Filling colour, Editing Text and special |

| | |Using brush | |effects. |

| | |Working with colours | |apply the knowledge and understanding of Kolour Paint |

| | |Labeling & corrections | | |

| | |View option & image effects | | |

| | |Invert | | |

| | |Rotate | | |

| | |Set as image | | |

| | |Skew | | |

| | |End Sept ---Drawing Contest – Using Kolour Paint | | |

|3 |Open Office Writer |Introduction |Oct & Nov 09 |Students will be equipped to create documents modify |

| | |Starting Open Office Writer | |use OS writer as they will |

| | |Components of writer screen | |know about Writer, document creation, changing size and|

| | |Opening new document | |styles of the text, formatting documents and inserting |

| | |Saving a document | |pictures using Writer. |

| | |Closing a document | |Also understand the processes of document creation, |

| | |Opening an existing document | |formatting a document using Writer tools and printing |

| | |Changing style & size of text | |of documents. |

| | |Aligning the text | |apply the knowledge and understanding 0f Writer tools |

| | |Applying bullets & numbering | | |

| | |Indentation | | |

| | |Ng & grammar | | |

| | |Word count | | |

| | |Thesaurus | | |

| | |Find & replace | | |

| | |Undo & redo feature | | |

| | |Cut & paste | | |

| | |Copy & paste | | |

| | |Inserting pictures | | |

| | |Printing document | | |

| | |End Nov – Test | | |

|4 |Open Office Impress |Introduction to Impress |Nov & Dec 09 |Students will be able to create presentations, as they |

| | |Starting open office impress | |will be |

| | |Screen elements of impress | | |

| | |Presentation tool bar | |learn about OS Impress and tools |

| | |Creating new presentation | |Understand the need of Impress as a presentation tool |

| | |Inserting & deleting slides | |and learn the use of tools |

| | |Formatting presentation | |Apply the knowledge and understanding of Impress in |

| | |Managing slides | |making new presentations |

| | |Slide sorter view | | |

| | |Saving presentation | | |

| | |Running slide | | |

| | |Closing presentation | | |

| | |Inserting & formatting text | | |

| | |Using gallery effects | | |

| | |Slide transition | | |

| | |Adding sound | | |

| | |Modifying speed to transition | | |

| | |End Dec – Multimedia Contest | | |

|5 |Networking & Thin Client |Networking fundamentals |Jan & Feb-10 |Students will understand the concept of networking, |

| | |Examples | |usage of internet, and its advantages. They will also |

| | |Type of networks | |understand Thin Client Technology & its advantages. |

| | |Peer to peer network | |Apply the knowledge and understanding of networking, |

| | |Internet | |use of internet & web |

| | |History of internet | |Browsing, creating email id, sending & receiving emails|

| | |To start with internet | | |

| | |Internet account | | |

| | |How does internet work? | | |

| | |World wide web | | |

| | |Universal resource locator | | |

| | |How does web work? | | |

| | |Mozilla fire fox | | |

| | |Introducing Thin client | | |

| | |Advantages of thin clients | | |

| | |End Feb -- Exam | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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