48482250133350-133350News from the PewsChrist the King Sunday Next Before AdventSunday 22nd November, 2020The Parish of Berkswich is a Registered Charity, number 1129997 - .ukKey Contacts…Fr. Graham Adamson - Vicar01785 251057graham.adamson@.ukThe Revd. Joy Bishop – Associate Priest01785 253111joy.bishop@.ukThe Revd. David Clark – Curate07999 596590david.clark@.ukPatrick Park – Warden01785 253111wardenpatrick@.ukChristine Gilson – Warden01785 253111wardenchristine@.ukMary Moss – Safeguarding Officersafeguarding@.ukFr Graham’s usual day off is MondayThe Parish Office is situated behind Holy Trinity Church and is closed at the current timePlease send all items for next week’s News from the Pews to Sue on hatton.sue@ (or 661767) by the end of WednesdayTHIS WEEK IN THE PARISHHT = Holy Trinity Church ST = St Thomas’s Church AS = All Saints Church-28575254000Every day2000 Online Compline ServiceSunday 22nd November – Sunday next before Advent1030 Online Eucharist with Hymns 1830 Online Candle-lit vigil plus Evening PrayerMonday 23rd NovemberTuesday 24th November1000-1200 Online drop-in coffee morningWednesday 25th November1400 Online Trinity Ark members group Chat, song and story2000 Online Compline ServiceThursday 26th November1000-1200 Online drop-in coffee morning Friday 27th NovemberSaturday 28th NovemberSunday 29th November – First Sunday of Advent 1030 Online Eucharist with Hymns1830 Online Candle-lit vigil plus Evening Prayer 00Every day2000 Online Compline ServiceSunday 22nd November – Sunday next before Advent1030 Online Eucharist with Hymns 1830 Online Candle-lit vigil plus Evening PrayerMonday 23rd NovemberTuesday 24th November1000-1200 Online drop-in coffee morningWednesday 25th November1400 Online Trinity Ark members group Chat, song and story2000 Online Compline ServiceThursday 26th November1000-1200 Online drop-in coffee morning Friday 27th NovemberSaturday 28th NovemberSunday 29th November – First Sunday of Advent 1030 Online Eucharist with Hymns1830 Online Candle-lit vigil plus Evening Prayer V = Vicarage CH = Community Hall Daily Bible ReadingsMondayPsalms 80, 81Isaiah 14.3-20Matthew 9.18-34TuesdayPsalms 99, 101Isaiah 17Matthew 9.35-10.15WedPsalms 121, 122, 123, 124Isaiah 19Matthew 10.16-33ThursdayPsalms 131, 132, 133Isaiah 21.1-12Matthew 10.34-11.1FridayPsalms 146, 147Isaiah 22.1-14Matthew 11.2-19SaturdayPsalms 148, 149, 150Isaiah 24Matthew 11.20-endWelcome!Welcome to you all as we continue to try and meet at this unusual time in the history of our nation and world. We hope that you will join with us in prayer and worship via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube (details )Sign up for our weekly email newsletter, or see older issues here you wish to make a donation towards the life and work of the Parish, there is an opportunity?to do so during the service. Please consider joining the Giving Direct scheme ( ) or make a one-off donation via JustGiving ()You can follow us on Facebook! To sign up for our weekly email newsletter, please email Fr Graham (graham.adamson@.uk)Points for PrayerFor the world... Hold the region of Central America in your prayers this week. Recently hit by hurricanes, torrential rains and mudslides the effects of climate change compound the problems of poverty, drug crime and gang violence that afflict many of the shanty towns across the region.For the church... General Synod meet remotely on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Pray for guidance as they consider strategic priorities for the next 10 years. Members will also respond to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’s final report. For our community... Pray for all in our community who are separated by distance and restrictions from loved ones. Hold before God all who find remote communications difficult or even impossible because of visual or aural problems.For those who suffer in body, mind or spirit: Brenda, John, Janet, Melanie, Margaret, Fred, Barbara, Sally, Wendy, Jim, Ann, Chloe, Heidi, Vicky, Patricia, Noah….for the recently departed: Irene Maiden; Joy Swift; Brian Parkhill; Tony Silvester; Jean Calderbank; Jane Charnell; Herbert Martin, Patricia Wood, Jean McGonigle + May they rest in peace and rise in gloryNews & EventsPrayer requests - please send to david.clark@.uk or call 07999 596590Parish Prayer Group - will meet individually but united in prayer to pray for the parish this Wednesday from 2020 -2100. Everyone is very welcome to join this time of prayer. If you have particular prayer requests please contact David on 07999 596590 or at david.clark@.ukContinuing with Finance and Stewardship - Those of you who currently support us through planned giving envelopes or cash on the collection plates may wish to consider giving through the Giving Direct, Direct Debit Scheme , through Standing Order (speak to Julie Morrison, our Gift Aid Officer) or through our newly launched JustGiving page – berkswichparishHelp light up Berkswich - Berkswich Parish are looking to create a walking advent window trail around our Parish this Christmas, helping to bring some light and Christmas cheer into our community and raise funds for both Katharine House Hospice and the Parish of Berkswich. To do this, though, we need you! All we ask is that you create some Christmas carol (or song) themed window-art and leave your light on! We’ll provide a list of carols or songs for you to choose from and it can be as extravagant or as simple as you want - if you don’t feel creative, perhaps you could host a display made by someone else? If you don’t live in the area but have a great idea we could pair you up with a host. If you would be interested in helping please let us know by contacting us on lightup@.uk to sign up and receive more details, including ideas on how to decorate your window. A short video tutorial is now available to inspire you on the weekly parish newsletter.Christmas 2020 – Regrettably we cannot have our traditional Christmas Fayre this year but here is an opportunity to share in the seasonal fellowship and help our depleted Parish Funds. Mavis Ballard has very kindly recreated the attractive knitted Father Christmases, with a jumbo tube of smarties inside, which she sold very successfully on her craft stall last year. So, I have 25 of these stocking fillers which can be yours for the bargain price of ?4 each (all of which goes to parish funds). Simply ring Bob Moore on 664302 and I will deliver to you – it is first come first served so don’t delay! Many thanks to Mavis for her hard work and advance thanks to those who purchase them. Also, we can supply our usual Christmas Wreaths which Beryl Smallwood has kindly offered to produce at a price of ?9 each. Please ring Bob Moore on 664302 if you would like to place an order.Christmas Fayre Coffee Morning – Saturday 12th December. To include Christmas Raffle, with lovely prizes donated; Christmas Hamper, Handmade decorations, bottles of spirits/wine. More details to come shortly.New Year Draw – similar to our usual Parish fete summer draw, to be drawn mid-January, which includes fantastic prizes; ?100 cash, golf at Brocton Hall, a family trip to the Churnett Valley railway, local business vouchers and bottles.Anyone willing to donate a prize for either raffle please contact the promoter, Mary Moss on 01785 249390 or 07854 531619.More details of how to buy tickets etc. will be advertised soon.Three Decker - The deadline for copy for the December magazine is Monday 23rd November. As Christmas in the Parish isn’t going to be the same this year it would be good to have some reminders of Christmas past and of course any plans for making 2020 as special as Covid regulations will allow. If you have any photographs or ideas for this month’s feature please let me have copy by the beginning of next week.Margaret Johnson me.johnson@tiscali.co.ukWe would love to be able to help bring some good cheer to Dora Rose Nursing Home this Christmas. If you would be willing to help us decorate a handmade gift for each resident in the home, can you please let Fr Graham know. Many thanks. ................

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