RPL Assessor Kit


Certificate III in Painting and Decorating

Editable version

Skills First RPL Assessor Kits are developed by the State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) and are based on the Skills First philosophy of providing client focussed, streamlined, and flexible RPL.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) is the copyright owner of material contained within the original RPL Assessor Kit.

Permission is given to Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt this RPL Assessor Kit for their organisation’s RPL assessment purposes, provided such use, reproduction or adaptation is for non-commercial purposes.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the use of the material (in either original or modified format) and will not be responsible for any loss, howsoever arising, from use of, or reliance on this material.

The original version of this RPL Assessor Kit is available free of charge at


If you would like any further information, please email


This RPL Assessor Kit is divided into sections to allow you to easily access only those sections you require at any given time. These sections are:

SECTION A – Assessor Information

You need to read this information before conducting an assessment. It outlines the intent and processes surrounding this RPL assessment and how it differs from assessment undertaken following formal training.

SECTION B – Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate. It tells them about the assessment process as well as containing simple forms for the applicant to fill out. From the information provided by the candidate on these forms, you will be able to gain a general understanding of the skills and experience the candidate may have, as well as potential referee contacts.

SECTION C – Competency Conversation

You use this section to determine and record candidate competence via a competency conversation. In other words, these questions guide your conversation with the applicant and assist in your assessment of their competence. The notes you take about this conversation are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION D – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assess competencies through a practical demonstration of the candidate’s skills. It contains practical tasks/scenarios on the outcomes required to determine competency and a place to record your observation. The notes you take are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION E – Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access required resources for performing practical tasks and scenarios.

SECTION F – Third Party Verification

You give this section to the referees to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in this qualification/occupation. The referees may fill out the appropriate form and return to you to confirm your judgement. You may be able to complete this part of evidence gathering in person while at the workplace.

SECTION G – Assessment Tables

You use this table as a reference tool to see at a glance how units/elements of competency are assessed within the tool. All the elements and performance criteria within the competency units are cross-matched in this table with a corresponding assessment question/task/scenario. This allows you to validate the assessment process against the qualification.


Assessor Information

It is VITAL you read this information prior to commencing your RPL assessment. It provides generic information on assessment, as well as an overview of this streamlined RPL assessment process.


This RPL Assessor Kit streamlines the RPL assessment process for BCG30603 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating by taking a practical approach to RPL and increasing the use of on-site questioning and observation. This will assist in developing a “picture of the candidate’s skills and knowledge”. This picture can then be compared with industry standards enabling a determination of whether the candidate has achieved the required outcomes.


A sound knowledge of assessment and the qualification is essential

It is important to have a good understanding of the competencies and qualification/s appropriate to the candidate’s goals.

Assessing a single unit of competency is rarely cost or time effective. Where possible, effort should be made to assess several units at the same time taking advantage of any commonality in content. This means looking at the whole picture of a particular job role as it happens in industry and assessing holistically. This saves valuable time in the assessment process.

Assessment involves judgement

This tool encourages the use of a “competency conversation” to maximise the candidate’s opportunities to demonstrate competence. This is NOT an oral exam. It is about using the two or three holistic questions provided to start a conversation with the candidate which draws out their actual individual experiences and relevant skills. In other words, it is about the assessor probing the candidate through a conversation to draw out further information on the candidate’s experience which may not be forthcoming due to nerves or confusion over technical terminology.

The tool also provides observable tasks to allow candidates to demonstrate skills.

Authentication/verification is integral to RPL assessment

It is critical information gleaned from the interview and observation be confirmed with those who can vouch for the candidate’s skill over time. Supervisors would generally perform this role. Authentication may also be done through conversation but it cannot be stressed enough that it is essential assessors take careful notes to back up and record their judgement.

Recording assessment is critical

Keep careful records of all aspects of conversations, skills demonstration or documentation viewed that support the claim of prior learning. Remember – the record is the document that makes sense of the assessment and why a particular judgment was made. Keeping detailed notes about the candidate’s response is vital, as is the rationale for judgement.

The assessment record is a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to requirements of the State Training Authority and the AQTF Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Assessor summaries and other quality assurance documentation from your own Registered Training Organisation will also be required. For examples of assessment summary documentation, please see Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit:

To access further information on the principles assessment and dimensions of competency, you can visit Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit.

To access further information on the Australian Qualifications Framework, you can visit:

Advice on assessment of Prerequisite Units

BCG30603 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating is built on a structure of accumulated skills and knowledge. This means that there are hierarchies of skills and knowledge that are built up from a range of competencies. Any units of competency that underpin others are listed as prerequisites. In terms of training delivery and assessment, the term ‘prerequisite’ means that a person cannot be deemed ‘competent’ in the higher level unit until they are competent in the prerequisite units. An RTO may choose an integrated assessment approach. In this case the actual assessment of prerequisites may occur concurrently with other units.




|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|BCGCM1001B |Follow OH&S policies and procedures |( |( |

|*BCGCM1002B |Work effectively in the General Construction Industry |( |( |

|*BCGCM1003B |Plan and organise work |( |( |

|*BCGCM1004B |Conduct workplace communication |( |( |

|*BCGCM1005B |Carry out measurements and calculations |( |( |

|BCGCM2001B |Read and interpret plans and specifications |( |( |

|*BCGCM2008B |Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding |( |( |

|*BCGCM3001B |Operate elevated work platforms |( |( |

|*BCGPD2001B |Handle painting and decorating materials |( |( |

|*BCGPD2002B |Use painting and decorating tools and equipment |( |( |

|*BCGPD2003B |Remove and replace doors, door and window furniture |( |( |

|*BCGPD3001B |Prepare surfaces for painting |( |( |

|*BCGPD3002B |Apply paint by brush and roller |( |( |

|*BCGPD3003B |Apply texture coat paint finishes by brush, roller and spray |( |( |

|*BCGPD3004B |Apply paint by spray |( |( |

|*BCGPD3005B |Match specified paint colour |( |( |

|*BCGPD3006B |Apply stains and clear timber finishes |( |( |

|*BCGPD3007B |Apply wall paper |( |( |

|*BCGPD3008B |Apply decorative paint finishes |( |( |

|*BCGPD3011B |Treat lead paint hazards |( |( |

ELECTIVE UNITS (Select 4 units from the list below, a maximum of 1 relevant elective AQFIII level competency units may be substituted from other qualifications within the General Construction Training Package or from other endorsed Training Packages).

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|*BCGPD3009B |Remove graffiti and apply protective coatings |( |( |

|*BCGPD3010B |Apply protective paint coating systems |( |( |

|*BCGPD3012B |Apply advanced wallpaper techniques |( |( |

|*BCGSP3003B |Apply trowelled texture coat finishes |( |( |

|BSBSBM301A |Research business opportunities |( |( |

|LMFGG2008A |Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors |( |( |

|MEM08012B |Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (basic) |( |( |

|**MEM08013B |Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (advanced) |( |( |

* Denotes required completion of pre-requisite unit:

BCGCM1001B Follow OH&S policies and procedures

** Denotes required completion of pre-requisite units:

MEM08012B Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (basic)

MEM08016B Control blast coating by products, materials and emissions

MEM13003B Work safely with industrial chemicals and materials


This kit has been developed to streamline the application for recognition of prior learning.



1. Complete application

The candidate completes the application forms in SECTION B. It is important candidates provide as much information of their previous experience in the painting and decorating industry as is available.

Documents that may be available include but are not limited to:

← any licences

← General Safety Induction (Construction Industry) Card (Blue Card)

← brief CV or work history

← certificates/results of assessment

← indentures/trade papers

← certificates/results of assessment – interstate/overseas

← certificates/results of assessment – universities

← results/statement of attendance/certificates – vendor training courses, in-house courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums

← results/statements of attendance/ certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, officials, surf life saving, etc

← tickets held eg forklift, crane, etc

← photographs of work undertaken

← diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books

← site training records

← site competencies held record

← membership of relevant professional associations

← hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← industry awards

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Candidates also need to provide contact details for one or two referees who can confirm their industry skills in context and over time.

To have skills formally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, you must ensure the candidate’s skills meet industry standards.

2. Interview about candidate’s documentary information

Review the information provided by the candidate and arrange a time for both you and the candidate to discuss. Begin alignment of documentation and skills to the following qualification:

BCG30603 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating

The candidate will have the opportunity to discuss and identify previous experience with you. The available documents are step one in collecting information and you will need to determine which units of competency, if any, are fully covered at this stage. You use your own or your RTO’s assessment recording forms to record this stage of the assessment.

There may be instances where the candidate has little, or no, documentary information of industry experience. This is not a barrier to gaining recognition. This will just require you to rely on the questioning, practical assessment and referee validation phases of the RPL process.

3. Questions for the Competency Conversation

The bank of questions in SECTION C is the next phase in collecting evidence for the RPL process. The questions are designed to enable you to have a “competency conversation” with the candidate to further gain evidence of their past experience. REMEMBER, the primary focus is on the candidate’s experience.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise the question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. You should read the “industry requirements” of each competency before the candidate answers the questions posed. You may also target the assessment to those aspects that present the greatest risk in the industry. Questions are aligned with the relevant unit/s of competency in SECTION G.

It is not intended every question for all competencies is asked, only those competencies the initial interview about the candidate’s documentary evidence has failed to fully address. The question bank covers most but not all units in the kit. Units without questions are covered in the practical assessment/scenario section.

4. Practical assessment tasks

It is important that you use both Steps 3 (Questioning) and 4 (Practical Assessment) in doing this assessment. The RPL process is a streamlined RPL process which does not rely solely on practical assessment but uses a combination of questioning and practical to provide evidence of candidate competence.

This is the third phase in collecting evidence. A practical skills test is then conducted by you at the candidate’s workplace or another suitable venue. Appropriate permission must be sought before entering workplaces.

This is a further opportunity for candidate to demonstrate competence. It is expected the practical assessment will comprise only those competencies the candidate is still unable to demonstrate knowledge/experience in after documentary review and questioning have been applied. These assessments contain the practical skills and application of knowledge for the qualification. A number of holistic practical assessments are included in this kit (SECTION D) to assist you with tasks suitable for observation on the job.

You decide if the response to questions and practical assessment tasks fulfils the requirements of the standard and may choose to pursue the issue further for a determination to be made. The assessment is a conversation/observation, not an exam, and you are encouraged to assist candidates to focus responses toward relevant issues.

Assessing through observation and questioning, particularly on the job, will speed up and streamline the RPL assessment process.

NOTE: Where candidate’s documentation and questions meet the assessment requirement, it is still strongly recommended the candidate undertake one practical assessment so you are confident in making a judgement of “competent”. The practical assessment selection should be negotiated between you and the candidate.

Recording sheets for candidate information, questioning and the practical assessments have been included in SECTION D. You may use other recording mechanisms provided these also keep a complete record of assessment and justification of judgement. Candidate responses, observations of skills demonstrated and documents presented as evidence must be noted in enough detail so anyone external to the process (e.g. a fellow assessor, auditor, lawyer, etc) can read the record and retrace your judgement.

5. Gap training

RPL is an assessment process designed to show areas of competence and to identify IF a candidate has gaps in skills and knowledge against a whole qualification.

Not all candidates will have skill/knowledge gaps.

If a candidate has skills gaps, a pathway to complete training in the outstanding units can be negotiated to assist the client to gain the full qualification.


Recognition of prior learning outcomes (both Granted and Not Granted) are now funded nationally and as such will be included in National AVETMISS audits. NCVER have stipulated evidence recording requirements for RPL assessments as a minimum requirement for passing an AVETMISS audit. The following “Evidence Review” proforma has been approved by NCVER as covering AVETMISS audit requirements for RPL recorded outcomes. It also gives you an opportunity to track a student’s assessment progress at a glance.

It is expected that this “Evidence Review” summary sheet (or similar) would be attached to each participant’s evidence compiled during the RPL assessment process.

(Place a tick in the appropriate evidence collection method column for each unit of competency. Place a line through those units not examined as part of this RPL assessment.)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |Documents |3rd Party |Other |

| | | | | |Report |evidence |

|Core Units |

|BCGCM1001B |Follow OH&S policies and procedures | | | | | |

|*BCGCM1002B |Work effectively in the General Construction Industry | | | | | |

|*BCGCM1003B |Plan and organise work | | | | | |

|*BCGCM1004B |Conduct workplace communication | | | | | |

|*BCGCM1005B |Carry out measurements and calculations | | | | | |

|BCGCM2001B |Read and interpret plans and specifications | | | | | |

|*BCGCM2008B |Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding | | | | | |

|*BCGCM3001B |Operate elevated work platforms | | | | | |

|*BCGPD2001B |Handle painting and decorating materials | | | | | |

|*BCGPD2002B |Use painting and decorating tools and equipment | | | | | |

|*BCGPD2003B |Remove and replace doors, door and window furniture | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3001B |Prepare surfaces for painting | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3002B |Apply paint by brush and roller | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3003B |Apply texture coat paint finishes by brush, roller and spray | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3004B |Apply paint by spray | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3005B |Match specified paint colour | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3006B |Apply stains and clear timber finishes | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3007B |Apply wall paper | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3008B |Apply decorative paint finishes | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3011B |Treat lead paint hazards | | | | | |

|Elective Units |

|*BCGPD3009B |Remove graffiti and apply protective coatings | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3010B |Apply protective paint coating systems | | | | | |

|*BCGPD3012B |Apply advanced wallpaper techniques | | | | | |

|*BCGSP3003B |Apply trowelled texture coat finishes | | | | | |

|BSBSBM301A |Research business opportunities | | | | | |

|LMFGG2008A |Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors | | | | | |

|MEM08012B |Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (basic) | | | | | |

|**MEM08013B |Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (advanced) | | | | | |

Assessor’s Name:

Assessor’s Signature:


*Denotes required completion of pre-requisite unit:

BCGCM1001B Follow OH&S policies and procedures

** Denotes required completion of pre-requisite units:

MEM08012B Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (basic)

MEM08016B Control blast coating by products, materials and emissions

MEM13003B Work safely with industrial chemicals and materials


Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate for them to read about the RPL process and to complete the appropriate forms.


Painting and decorating is one of the more traditional trades, little is known of the trade and its structures before the late 1200s, at which point guilds began to form in the United Kingdom and have become the modern associations of today guiding principles and standards.

Painters and decorators apply paint, varnish, wallpaper and other finishes to protect, maintain and decorate interior and exterior surfaces of domestic, commercial and industrial buildings and other structures.

A Painter and Decorator may perform the following tasks:

• work out the quantity of materials needed for the job by taking surface measurements or by looking at job specifications or drawings

• erect scaffolding, cradles and ladders, and placing drop-sheets to protect areas from dripping paint

• remove old paint or paper by sanding or scraping or by using blowtorches or liquid paint removers and, when removing old paper, by using steam strippers

• prepare surfaces by fixing woodwork, filling or sealing holes, cracks and joins, and washing them down to remove dust and grease

• select and prepare paints to match colours by the addition of tints

• brush, roll or spray the paints, stains, varnishes and other finishes

• when wallpapering, set out the area according to the pattern match and starting point in the room, cut the paper to the appropriate length, apply paste to the back of each strip, and hang the paper on the wall, smoothing out any wrinkles or bubbles

• spray paint surfaces using a spray gun or specialised equipment

• apply decorative paint finishes such as stencils, colour glaze, graining, marbling and lettering

• wash equipment and clean work areas

Painters may concentrate on a specific area of work, such as the internal or external painting of domestic homes, commercial buildings or industrial structures and equipment.

They may work alone or as members of a team. They often work from ladders and scaffolding and do a lot of bending and stretching.

Personal Requirements:

• physically fit

• able to work at heights

• interested in practical work

• normal colour vision

• good sense of balance

The Certificate III qualification for painting and decorating requires 24 units of competency to be successfully completed to achieve the credential. Of these 24 units, 20 are compulsory and a further 4 may be selected from the list of Elective units.

“If you are doing these roles in your job, then don’t write off your skills – consider getting them recognised.”


To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.

Assessment happens in a variety of ways. Being prepared can save you valuable time and hassle and make the recognition process stress-free for you.

Here are some tips and hints for you:

1. Be prepared to talk about your job roles and your work history. Bring a resume or jot down a few points about where you have worked, either paid or unpaid, and what you did there.

2. Bring your position description and any performance appraisals you have from any painting and decorating facilities you have worked in.

3. Consider the possibilities for workplace contact. Are you in a workplace that is supporting your goals to get qualified? Would you feel comfortable to have the assessor contact your workplace or previous workplaces so your skills can be validated?

4. Think about who can confirm your skill level. Think about current or recent supervisors who have seen you work in the past 18 months and will be able to confirm your skills. The assessor will need to contact them. You may also have community contacts or even clients themselves who can vouch for your skills level.

5. Collect any certificates from in-house training or formal training you have done in the past.

6. You can speak with your training organisation about other ways you can show your skills in painting and decorating. These could be letters from employers, records of your professional development sessions, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as they don’t show client details) or other relevant documents.


Step 1 – Provide information of your skills and experience

Complete the attached forms and provide as much information of your previous experience in painting and decorating as you can. This is your first opportunity (and not the last) to provide proof of your variety of experience in the industry. Here you can supply examples of your work history which could include:

← any licences

← General Safety Induction (Construction Industry) Card (Blue Card)

← brief CV or work history

← certificates/results of assessment

← indentures/trade papers

← certificates/results of assessment – interstate/overseas

← certificates/results of assessment – universities

← results/statement of attendance/certificates – vendor training courses, in-house courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums

← results/statements of attendance/ certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, officials, surf life saving, etc

← tickets held eg forklift, crane, etc

← photographs of work undertaken

← diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books

← site training records

← site competencies held record

← membership of relevant professional associations

← hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← industry awards

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Depending on the industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL as the Assessor will work with you during the RPL process.

You will also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.

Step 2 – Conversation with Assessor

An assessor will review the information you have provided (usually with you) and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. At this point, you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience with the assessor who will understand your industry experience and conduct a competency conversation with you. You will be required to answer painting and decorating related questions to identify your current skills.

Step 3 – Practical demonstration of your skills

The assessor will conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or at another suitable venue. This, again, is an opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence. This assessment will be focussed on skills that are required in the qualification. Your assessor will identify the skills that he/she will want you to demonstrate.

Further steps

After the assessment, your assessor will give you information about the skills that have been recognised and whether you have gained the full qualification. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through flexible training.

|APPLICATION – Self Assessment Questionnaire |

|BCG30603 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating |

Candidate Name: Date Completed:

Please identify your level of experience in each competency.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |I have performed these tasks |

| | |Frequently |Sometimes |Never |


|BCGCM1001B |Follow OH&S policies and procedures | | | |

|BCGCM1002B |Work effectively in the General Construction Industry | | | |

|BCGCM1003B |Plan and organise work | | | |

|BCGCM1004B |Conduct workplace communication | | | |

|BCGCM1005B |Carry out measurements and calculations | | | |

|BCGCM2001B |Read and interpret plans and specifications | | | |

|BCGCM2008B |Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding | | | |

|BCGCM3001B |Operate elevated work platforms | | | |

|BCGPD2001B |Handle painting and decorating materials | | | |

|BCGPD2002B |Use painting and decorating tools and equipment | | | |

|BCGPD2003B |Remove and replace doors, door and window furniture | | | |

|BCGPD3001B |Prepare surfaces for painting | | | |

|BCGPD3002B |Apply paint by brush and roller | | | |

|BCGPD3003B |Apply texture coat paint finishes by brush, roller and spray | | | |

|BCGPD3004B |Apply paint by spray | | | |

|BCGPD3005B |Match specified paint colour | | | |

|BCGPD3006B |Apply stains and clear timber finishes | | | |

|BCGPD3007B |Apply wall paper | | | |

|BCGPD3008B |Apply decorative paint finishes | | | |

|BCGPD3011B |Treat lead paint hazards | | | |


|BCGPD3009B |Remove graffiti and apply protective coatings | | | |

|BCGPD3010B |Apply protective paint coating systems | | | |

|BCGPD3012B |Apply advanced wallpaper techniques | | | |

|BCGSP3003B |Apply trowelled texture coat finishes | | | |

|BSBSBM301A |Research business opportunities | | | |

|LMFGG2008A |Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors | | | |

|MEM08012B |Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (basic) | | | |

|MEM08013B |Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (advanced) | | | |

Candidate Signature: Date:


Applicant Details:

|1. Occupation you are seeking recognition in | |

|2. Personal Details |

|Surname | |

|Preferred Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) | |

|First Name/s | |

|Any other name used | |

|Home Address | |

| | |

|Postal address if different from above | |

| | |

|Telephone Numbers |Home: |Work: |

| |Mobile: |Fax: |

|Date of Birth | / / |

|Gender |MALE ( / FEMALE ( |

|Age | |

|Are you a permanent Resident of Australia |YES ( / NO ( |

|3. Current Employment |

| |YES ( / NO ( |

|Are you currently employed? | |

| |……………………………………………………… |

|If Yes, in which occupation are you currently employed? | |

| | |

|Who is your current employer? |………………………………………………………. |

|4. Armed Forces details (If Applicable) |

|Branch of Service | |

|Trade classification on discharge | |

|5. Further Training |

|Have you undertaken any training courses related to the |YES ( / NO ( |

|occupation applied for? | |

|If Yes | |

|What occupation were you trained in? | |

|Training completion Date (month, year) | |

|Country where you trained | |

|Name of course and institution (if applicable) | |

|6. Is there any further information you wish to give in| |

|support of your application | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|7. Professional Referees (relevant to work situation) |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |


|Name, Address and Phone |Period of Employment |Position Held |Full Time |Description of Major Duties |

|number of Employers |(DD/MM/YYYY) | |Part-time | |

| | | |Casual | |

| |From |To | | | |

|1. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Attach additional sheet if required

If you are including documents in your application, please provide a brief description below

|Document Description |Office Use Only – Assessor to use this section to align documents to specific |

|(e.g. resume, photos, awards etc) |units of competency and identify key questions for competency conversation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

Candidate Signature: Date


Competency Conversation

This section assists the assessor in documenting the competency conversation.

Do NOT give this section to the candidate.

Once you have assessed the candidate’s documentary information and determined which competencies you still require more information/evidence on, you use the question bank and Record of Conversation sheets in this section to document evidence of past experience. It is not intended that every question for all competencies be discussed during the conversation, only those competencies the initial documentary review has failed to fully address.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise or rephrase the suggested question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The questions are not intended to be a formal ‘script’ for the assessor to follow, but to provide guidance in exploring the range of the candidate’s skills, knowledge and experience in performing a particular task or function.

The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. In doing so, you are making a statement of fact about what you hear the candidate say during the competency conversation. Use the Comments section to provide further detail about the context of the discussion or briefly outline any examples discussed by the candidate. You may also use the Comments section to make a brief analysis of the responses or summary judgements about the quality of the candidate’s responses in relation to the requirements of the competency standard.

Remember, the notes you take about this conversation are important evidence and should be retained in the candidate’s assessment record.


Note to Assessors: Refer to “Record of Conversation” sheets

|Unit of Competency |Question |

|Generic Components |How have you kept up to date with the latest WH&S legislation and enterprise policies and procedures? |

|Occupational Health and|What safety instructions have you followed and what precautions do you take before commencing any work? |

|Safety |What actions have you taken when you recognised a workplace hazard, what are some examples and their associated risks? |

| |In what circumstances are signs and barriers required and which ones have you used? |

|Generic Components |What have you considered important for successful job planning? |

|Plan and Prepare |Explain what methods you have used to sequence your work effectively and give an example of how you have used that |

| |within your work role. |

| |Using an example from a previous job, discuss your workload and what parts were completed by other members of the crew. |

| |Discuss priorities in your work and what variations might you make in case of bad weather. |

|Generic Components |When uncertain about a situation, what actions have you taken? |

|Communication |How do you give and receive feedback when on a project? |

| |How do you obtain relevant instructions and locate relevant information in order to complete your responsibilities? |

| |What visual signals and communication equipment do you use and why? |

| |What is your role in workplace meetings? |

|Generic Components |How do site plans, building plans and specifications affect projects you have worked on and your work role within the |

|Plans and |project? |

|Specifications |Describe a situation where amendments have been made to project drawings and the implications that this has had on your |

| |work. |

|Generic Components |What considerations and protection provisions have you made for environmental conditions on a current or previous |

|Environment |project? |

|Generic Components |Explain how you leave the worksite at the end of the day, how waste materials are disposed of and how equipment is |

|Clean Up |stored. |

|BCGCM1001B |In the case of an emergency what have you done and what procedures did you follow? |

|Follow OH&S policies |How have you kept up to date with first aid techniques and CPR? |

|and procedures |When commencing a new project what do you do to make a risk assessment of the project? |

| |What are the enterprise and/or site evacuation procedures that you follow in case of an emergency? |

| |What fire fighting equipment will you select if the fire is electrically combusted? |

|BCGCM1002B |Explain the scope, employment and economic importance of the General Construction industry and what that means to you? |

|Work effectively in the|What is the structure of the organisation you work for and who do you report to? |

|General Construction |What are the employment conditions under which you are employed? |

|Industry |When a dispute occurs with another crew member, what action do you take? |

| |What personal development activities have you entered into or are about to enter into? |

|BCGCM1003B |See questions 5 to 8. |

|Plan and organise work | |

|BCGCM1004B |See questions 9 to 13. |

|Conduct workplace | |

|communication | |

|BCGCM1005B |What methods do you apply to obtain, confirm and record measurements? |

|Carry out measurements |What quantity estimations and calculations have you been required to make on a project you have worked on? |

|and calculations |In working out your project requirements what formulas did you use and what measurement conversions did you make? |

|BCGCM2001B |See questions 14 and 15. |

|Read and interpret | |

|plans and | |

|specifications | |

|BCGCM2008B |What regulations and Australian Standards do you associate with utilising restricted height scaffolding? |

|Erect and dismantle |How would you calculate the load and inspect the safety and compliance of a scaffold intended to support up to 200kg at |

|restricted height |three metres high and a span of seven metres? |

|scaffolding |Explain the type of scaffolding you have used and the erection and dismantling process. |

|BCGCM3001B |What are the important points about operating an elevated work platform safely? |

|Operate elevated work | |

|platforms | |

|BCGPD2001B |When new materials arrive on site, what considerations do you take account of and what procedures do you follow to |

|Handle painting and |handle them? |

|decorating materials |What important procedures do you follow when handling hazardous materials? |

|BCGPD2002B |What hand, power and pneumatic tools have you used and how do you check and maintain them? |

|Use painting and |Detail any plant you have operated in the last six months and what maintenance procedures you followed. |

|decorating tools and | |

|equipment | |

|BCGPD2003B |Explain the procedures you have followed to remove and replace doors, door and window furniture. |

|Remove and replace | |

|doors, door and window | |

|furniture | |

|BCGPD3001B |What considerations have you taken into account when preparing new or uncoated, previously coated or wallpapered |

|Prepare surfaces for |surfaces for painting or clear finishing? |

|painting | |

|BCGPD3002B |What preparation have you undertaken to ready the work area and materials when applying paint by brush or roller? |

|Apply paint by brush or|How have you ensured that the paint is applied with brush and roller to meet requirements and finished to specification?|

|roller | |

|BCGPD3003B |What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area and materials when applying texture coat paint |

|Apply texture coat |finishes? |

|paint finishes by |Explain the steps you have followed when applying texture coat by brush and roller. |

|brush, roller and spray|Outline the procedures you have followed when using spray equipment to apply texture coat. |

|BCGPD3004B |What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area and materials when applying paint by spray? |

|Apply paint by spray |In preparation for spray painting, how have you set up and tested the equipment? |

| |Explain the steps you have followed to apply paint using a spray system. |

|BCGPD3005B |What technical information and procedures have you considered when matching paint colours to a specific sample? |

|Match specified paint | |

|colour | |

|BCGPD3006B |What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area and materials when applying stains and clear timber |

|Apply stains and clear |finishes? |

|timber finishes |Outline the steps you have followed to apply stain to bare timber surfaces. |

| |Outline the steps you have followed to apply clear finishes to surfaces. |

|BCGPD3007B |What preparation have you undertaken to prepare the surface when applying wallpaper? |

|Apply wall paper |Explain the procedures you have utilised when preparing to hang and apply wallpaper. |

|BCGPD3008B |What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area when applying decorative paint finishes? |

|Apply decorative paint |How have you applied mirror paint finishes? |

|finishes |How have you applied broken colour effects? |

| |How have you produced imitation marble and imitation wood grain effects? |

| |How have you applied stencils? |

| |How have you applied lining by brush? |

|BCGPD3011B |What preparation have you undertaken to define and ready the work area when treating lead paint hazards? |

|Treat lead paint |Outline the procedures you have followed to remove and encapsulate the contaminated materials. |

|hazards |Specify what procedures you have followed to deal with lead paint hazard waste and check for contamination. |

|BCGPD3009B |What preparation have you undertaken to prepare the site and materials when removing graffiti and applying protective |

|Remove graffiti and |coatings? |

|apply protective |When removing graffiti what aspects have you taken into consideration? |

|coatings |Outline the application process you have followed to apply preventative application materials. |

|BCGPD3010B |When applying protective coatings, what preparation do you undertake, what have you done with surface imperfections, |

|Apply protective paint |what methods of application do you follow and how do you test the coating? |

|coating systems | |

|BCGPD3012B |What preparation have you undertaken to prepare the surface when applying wallpaper using advanced techniques? |

|Apply advanced |Explain the advanced techniques you have utilised when preparing to hang and apply wallpaper. |

|wallpaper techniques | |

|BCGSP3003B |How do you prepare the surface area, mix and apply materials for a textured coat finish to a surface? |

|Apply trowelled texture|Detail the process you would use to finish and cure the texture coat. |

|coat finishes | |

|BSBSBM301A |In considering your own business opportunities, what would you consider to be your personal business skills and business|

|Research business |opportunities? |

|opportunities | |

|LMFGG2008A |When preparing for a project what site conditions, glass and frame requirements have you looked for before deciding on |

|Glaze/reglaze |product and installation method? |

|residential windows and|Explain the procedures you have used to perform glazing on a recent project. |

|doors | |

|MEM08012B |How have you ascertained the job requirements, set up the equipment and prepared surfaces when using abrasive blasting |

|Prepare surfaces by |basic techniques and what procedures did you follow on completion? |

|abrasive blasting | |

|(basic) | |

|MEM08013B |How have you ascertained the job requirements, set up the equipment and prepared surfaces when using abrasive blasting |

|Prepare surfaces by |advanced techniques and what procedures did you follow on completion? |

|abrasive blasting | |

|(advanced) | |


|Generic Components – Occupational Health and Safety |


Question 1: How have you kept up to date with the latest WH&S legislation and enterprise policies and procedures?

Question 2: What safety instructions have you followed and what precautions do you take before commencing any work?

Question 3: What action have you taken when you recognised a workplace hazard, what are some examples and their associated risks?

Question 4: In what circumstances are signs and barriers required and which ones have you used?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 1 | | | |

| |WH&S legislation and regulations | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Personal protective equipment | | |

| |Risk and hazard identification | | |

| |Sign and barrier identification | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Follows WH&S legislation and regulations | | | |

|Follows enterprise policy and procedures | | | |

|Recognises breaches to legislation, policy or procedures | | | |

|Question 2 | | | |

|Familiar with and follows safety instructions for the site and for personnel | | | |

|Routinely applies precautions when undertaking own work | | | |

|Sets up materials, equipment, worksite in accordance with workplace procedure | | | |

|Question 3 | | | |

|Identifies and avoids obstacles | | | |

|Ensures hazard and risk control; erects barricades and signage | | | |

|Ensures correct manual handling/load carrying capacity | | | |

|Uses and maintains personal protective equipment | | | |

|Uses guards on equipment if required | | | |

|Inspects equipment for damage or worn parts; retires defective equipment | | | |

|Uses MSDS | | | |

|Keeps work area tidy and free of obstruction | | | |

|Ensures availability of first aid | | | |

|Recognises hazards and risks on site and with own work | | | |

|Takes appropriate actions when risks are identified | | | |

|Question 4 | | | |

|Interprets safety signs | | | |

|Knows where signs should be placed | | | |

|Understands purpose of barricades | | | |

|Knows when and where safety barricades should be used | | | |


|Generic Components – Plan and prepare |


Question 5: What have you considered important for successful job planning?

Question 6: Explain what methods you have used to sequence your work effectively and give an example of how you have used that within your work role.

Question 7: Using an example from a previous job, discuss your workload and what parts were completed by other members of the crew.

Question 8: Discuss priorities in your work and what variations might you make in bad weather.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 5 | | | |

| |Plans, acquires and uses resources | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Set priorities | | |

| |Teamwork | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Reads and interprets work plans | | | |

|Relates own tasks from job plan | | | |

|Provides a verbal plan of action for a project | | | |

|Understands pigmentation, colouring, drying and curing and the role of | | | |

|solvents | | | |

|Understands adhesion and cohesion of paint | | | |

|Considers industry and work sector (new building, maintenance/refurbishment, | | | |

|restoration, conservation) | | | |

|Considers heritage listing, conservation, environmental concerns | | | |

|Question 6 | | | |

|Provides a sequence of activities for the project | | | |

|Indicates how time expectations on sequences were met | | | |

|Question 7 | | | |

|Relates own workload | | | |

|Relates workload of team members and how that impacts on own work | | | |

|Question 8 | | | |

|Recognises job priorities | | | |

|Provides alternate solutions in the event of time delays | | | |


|Generic Components – Communication |


Question 9: When uncertain about a situation, what actions have you taken?

Question 10: How do you give and receive feedback when on a project?

Question 11: How do you obtain relevant instructions and locate relevant information in order to complete your responsibilities?

Question 12: What visual signals and communication equipment do you use and why?

Question 13: What is your role in workplace meetings?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 9 | | | |

| |Work instructions | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Location of site office and senior | | |

| |personnel | | |

| |Worksite meetings | | |

| |Sign and barrier identification | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Asks questions | | | |

|Seeks guidance and clear instructions | | | |

|Question 10 | | | |

|Asks questions and provided feedback | | | |

|Listens and changes actions where necessary | | | |

|Question 11 | | | |

|Refers regularly to site supervisor or similar | | | |

|Obtains and interprets written instructions | | | |

|Knows the whereabouts of senior personnel | | | |

|Question 12 | | | |

|Utilises visual signals effectively | | | |

|Uses work site communication devices | | | |

|Question 13 | | | |

|Observes meeting procedures | | | |

|Listens to instructions, takes notes and provides feedback | | | |


|Generic Component – Plans and specifications |


Question 14: How do site plans, building plans and specifications affect projects you have worked on and your role within the project?

Question 15: Describe a situation where amendments have been made to project drawings and the implications that this has had on your work.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 14 | | | |

| |Drawings, plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Site location | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Relates to the work to be undertaken and treats as visual instructions | | | |

|Reads and translates drawings, dimensions, symbols and specifications | | | |

|Provides detail of services and site preparation requirements | | | |

|Provides location of physical site points based on drawings | | | |

|Ascertains quality requirements | | | |

|Question 15 | | | |

|Recognises changes to plans and what that means in respect to materials, | | | |

|equipment and own work role | | | |

|Interprets sketches made from the plans and drawings | | | |


|Generic Components – Environmental |


Question 16: What considerations and protection provisions have you made for environmental conditions on a current or previous project?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 16 | | | |

| |Environmental regulations | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Local council by-laws | | |

| |Site location | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Minimises clearing of trees and plants | | | |

|Considers the well being of wildlife | | | |

|Applies barriers to prevent loss of soil | | | |

|Prevents the leaching of site substances into gutters and waterways | | | |

|Manages waste efficiently | | | |

|Keeps noise and dust to a minimum | | | |

|Considers impact of noise on others and allowable hours | | | |


|Generic Component – Clean up |


Question 17: Explain how you leave the worksite at the end of the day, how waste materials are disposed of and how equipment is stored.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 17 | | | |

| |Environmental regulations | | |

| |Manufacturer’s specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Safety procedures | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Clears the work area of all waste | | | |

|Disposes of waste in an environmentally friendly manner, recycles or reuses | | | |

|Cleans, maintains, stores and secures equipment | | | |

|Stores/stacks unused materials safely and securely | | | |

|Painting tools and equipment are cleaned using correct solutions and stored | | | |

|safely | | | |

|Checks tools and equipment for faults and reports them to supervisor | | | |

|Secures the site | | | |


|BCGCM1001B Follow OH&S policies and procedures |


Question 18: In the case of an emergency what have you done and what procedures did you follow?

Question 19: How have you kept up to date with first aid techniques and CPR?

Question 20: When commencing a new project what do you do to make a risk assessment of the project?

Question 21: What are the enterprise and/or site evacuation procedures that you follow in case of an emergency?

Question 22: What fire fighting equipment will you select if the fire is electrically combusted?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 18 | | | |

| |State & Territory legislation | | |

| |WH&S legislation and regulations | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Injury prevention | | |

| |Personal protective equipment | | |

| |Risk and hazard identification | | |

| |Sign and barrier identification | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Details emergency procedures | | | |

|Nominates safety officer | | | |

|Reports emergency to designated person | | | |

|Question 19 | | | |

|Recites EAR and CPR | | | |

|Locates first aid kit | | | |

|Identifies accidents and reports them | | | |

|Question 20 | | | |

|Assesses potential hazards | | | |

|Recognises safety signs and symbols | | | |

|Reports hazards to appropriate person | | | |

|Ensures appropriate guarding of equipment is used | | | |

|Advises others of hazard or risk | | | |

|Controls risk in accordance with safe workplace procedures | | | |

|Completes incident reports | | | |

|Question 21 | | | |

|Highlights gathering/mustering point | | | |

|States the evacuation procedure | | | |

|Recognises the most appropriate route of escape in the case of an emergency | | | |

|Follows the enterprise evacuation plan | | | |

|Question 22 | | | |

|Distinguishes which fire fighting equipment to use for the different types of | | | |

|fires | | | |

|Reports fire and knows who to alert | | | |

|Able to state procedures in attempting to bring the fire under control | | | |

|Completes incident reports | | | |


|BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the General Construction Industry |


Question 23: Explain the scope, employment and economic importance of the General Construction industry and what that means to you?

Question 24: What is the structure of the organisation you work for and who do you report to?

Question 25: What are the employment conditions under which you are employed?

Question 26: When a dispute occurs with another crew member, what action do you take?

Question 27: What personal development activities have you entered into or are about to enter into?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 23 | | | |

| |Employment awards | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Industry information | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Outlines what the General Construction Industry functions and services are | | | |

|Provides examples of the economic importance of the General Construction | | | |

|Industry | | | |

|Discusses employment opportunities and career paths | | | |

|Awareness of trends occurring in the Industry | | | |

|Question 24 | | | |

|Details the structure of the enterprise and functions of the organisation as a| | | |

|whole | | | |

|Recognises the chain of command within the organisation | | | |

|Question 25 | | | |

|Awareness of wage conditions and industrial award conditions | | | |

|Awareness of obligations to self and employer | | | |

|Question 26 | | | |

|Works as part of a team and recommends improvements | | | |

|Negotiates work assignments and who does what and why | | | |

|Assists others to achieve mutual goals | | | |

|Practices basic one to one dispute resolution skills | | | |

|Discusses and listens to issues and concerns | | | |

|Reports to a designated third party if arbitrator is required | | | |

|Question 27 | | | |

|Assesses own requirements for enterprise and personal requirements | | | |

|Requests or seeks learning opportunities | | | |

|Participates in learning/training | | | |


|BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work |


See Questions 5 to 8


|BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication |


See Questions 9 to 13


|BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications |


See Questions 14 to 15


|BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations |


Question 28: What methods do you apply to obtain, confirm and record measurements?

Question 29: What quantity estimations and calculations have you been required to make on the project you are currently working on?

Question 30: In working out your project requirements what formulas did you use and what measurement conversions did you make?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 28 | | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Equipment protection | | |

| |Material waste avoidance | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Uses a tape measure, dumpy and laser level in various activities | | | |

|Takes and checks measurements accurately using various devices | | | |

|Question 29 | | | |

|Calculates areas, perimeters and volumes systematically | | | |

|Makes estimations on the quantity of materials | | | |

|Question 30 | | | |

|Applies formulas for the calculation of quantities, volumes and areas | | | |

|Converts kilograms into grams, metres into millimetres and potentially | | | |

|imperial measurements into metric | | | |


|BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding |


Question 31: What regulations and Australian Standards do you associate with utilising restricted height scaffolding?

Question 32: How would you calculate the load and inspect the safety and compliance of a scaffold intended to support up to 200kg at three metres high and a span of seven metres?

Question 33: Explain the type of scaffolding you have used and the erection and dismantling process.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 31 | | | |

| |Restricted height scaffolding | | |

| |regulations | | |

| |JSA or SWMS | | |

| |Design specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|States confines for restricted height scaffolding | | | |

|Familiar with JSAs or SWMS | | | |

|Acquires engineering design specifications | | | |

|States Australian Standard for restricted height scaffolding | | | |

|Question 32 | | | |

|Uses load tables | | | |

|Question 33 | | | |

|States types – modular, Aframe, Hframe, tube and coupler, aluminium and fall | | | |

|protection | | | |

|Determines access and egress points | | | |

|Checks equipment for wear and footings for stability | | | |

|Erects and dismantles in accordance with manufacturers specifications and load| | | |

|tables | | | |

|Completes inspection log and handover | | | |


|BCGCM3001B Operate elevated work platforms |


Question 34: What are the important points about operating an elevated work platform safely?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 34 | | | |

| |Information is accessed to complete | | |

| |daily tasks | | |

| |OH&S procedures are observed to avoid | | |

| |workplace injury | | |

| |OH&S procedures are observed to avoid | | |

| |damage to the environment | | |

| |Knowledge of general construction | | |

| |terminology | | |

| |Avoiding material wastage | | |

| |Avoiding workplace injury | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

|Pre-start checks on EWP are carried out as per manufacturers recommendations | | | |

|to ensure: | | | |

|leaks, damage and/wear is identified and reported | | | |

|power source is connected and switched on as per manufacturers recommendations| | | |

|emergency safety devices are checked for serviceability | | | |

|Existing services in the vicinity are isolated and tagged to ensure safe work | | | |

|conditions | | | |

|EWP is placed on a firm level surface free from obstructions and stabilisers | | | |

|set as per manufacturers recommendations | | | |

|Tools and equipment are placed in platform securely in a toolbox or crate | | | |

|Harness is checked and fitted | | | |

|EWP controls are operated to manufacturers recommendations to raise and lower | | | |

|platform | | | |

|EWP controls are locked when not in use while performing work | | | |

|Work is carried out to specifications and safety requirements of operators | | | |

|manual and Company Policy | | | |

|Shut down procedures are as per operators manual | | | |

|Existing services that were isolated are to have tags removed and put back | | | |

|into service and relevant persons notified that work is complete | | | |


|BCGPD2001B Handle painting and decorating materials |


Question 35: When new materials arrive on site, what considerations do you take account of and what procedures do you follow to handle them?

Question 36: What important procedures do you follow when handling hazardous materials?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 35 | | | |

| |Material or product order | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |Handling of hazardous substances | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Places material in planned location and checks for conformity | | | |

|Handles painting and decorating materials and components safely and using | | | |

|effective handling techniques and stores within ventilated and product | | | |

|dispersal area | | | |

|Sorts and stacks material in coordination of project requirements and protects| | | |

|from water damage and clear of traffic ways | | | |

|Distributes materials to job locations | | | |

|Question 36 | | | |

|Identifies hazardous materials for separate handling and according to MSDS and| | | |

|stores in ventilated area which is fire safe and has dispersal provisions | | | |

|Prepares work areas to protect surrounding surfaces and workers and checks for| | | |

|the possibility of spontaneous combustion | | | |

|Protects and stores hazardous materials according to MSDS, sealing and storing| | | |

|any unused materials | | | |


|BCGPD2002B Use painting and decorating tools and equipment |


Question 37: What hand, power and pneumatic tools have you used on projects and how do you check and maintain them?

Question 38: Detail any plant you have operated in the last six months and what maintenance procedures you followed.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 37 | | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Lists equipment used adequate to the occupation | | | |

|States checking and maintenance procedures including topping up of fluids, | | | |

|serviceability and storage of equipment | | | |

|Checks tools, leads and hoses for tags, serviceability and faults | | | |

|Reports or rectifies any faults | | | |

|Conducts pre-operational checks including guards, retaining bolts, couplings, | | | |

|gauges and controls | | | |

|Question 38 | | | |

|Lists plant used and operating procedures | | | |

|States maintenance procedures including topping up of fluids | | | |

|Explains shut down and security of plant and associated tooling | | | |

|Stores plant and tools safely and appropriately | | | |


|BCGPD2003B Remove and replace doors, door and window furniture |


Question 39: Explain the procedures you have followed to remove and replace doors, door and window furniture.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 39 | | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Removes and stores screens, fittings, window furniture, door furniture and | | | |

|doors | | | |

|Handles, places and hangs doors | | | |

|Refits door furniture, window furniture and screens | | | |

|Ensures no markings or damage on surfaces or surrounds | | | |


|BCGPD3001B Prepare surfaces for painting |


Question 40: What considerations have you taken into account when preparing new or uncoated, previously coated or wallpapered surfaces for painting or clear finishing?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 40 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturer specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Assesses new surfaces for painting and clear finishing | | | |

|Selects surface preparation method and prepares surface in compliance with | | | |

|substrate requirements, stopping, filling and sanding any imperfections | | | |

|Assesses condition of existing substrate and surface material, noting any | | | |

|potential hazards | | | |

|Deals with any potential hazards safely and in accordance with instructions | | | |

|Selects surface preparation method and prepares existing surface removing any | | | |

|unwanted coatings and loose debris, stopping, filling and sanding any | | | |

|imperfections | | | |

|Assesses wallpaper condition and nature before removal and selects the removal| | | |

|method | | | |

|Removes wallpaper and prepares surface for painting, stopping, filling and | | | |

|sanding any imperfections | | | |


|BCGPD3002B Apply paint by brush and roller |


Question 41: What preparation have you undertaken to ready the work area and materials when applying paint by brush or roller?

Question 42: How have you ensured that the paint is applied with brush and roller to meet requirements and finished to specification?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 41 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturer specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Prepares materials and substrate surfaces | | | |

|Protects surrounding surfaces not to be painted with drop sheets, masking and | | | |

|removal of objects | | | |

|Checks job location for adequate ventilation and risks of fire or explosion | | | |

|Mixes correct amount of materials for specified paint finish to correct | | | |

|proportion and ratio for drying time and stirs thoroughly using stirring | | | |

|sticks | | | |

|Question 42 | | | |

|Selects brush and/or roller for specified profile, size of area and type of | | | |

|paint or finish | | | |

|Applies paint to achieve required level of opacity, finish, texture and sheen | | | |

|Cures paint finish using recommended curing method and tests finished paint | | | |

|surface using prescribed testing procedures | | | |


|BCGPD3003B Apply texture coat paint finishes by brush, roller and spray |


Question 43: What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area and materials when applying texture coat paint finishes?

Question 44: Explain the steps you have followed when applying texture coat by brush and roller.

Question 45: Outline the procedures you have followed when using spray equipment to apply texture coat.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 43 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Sets up area for application and protects adjoining surfaces by masking off or| | | |

|covering | | | |

|Provides adequate ventilation and takes measures to reduce levels of dust and | | | |

|foreign matter | | | |

|Prepares application system/equipment and checks fittings for function and | | | |

|security | | | |

|Mixes and adjusts texture coat paint to allow for application process | | | |

|Question 44 | | | |

|Applies texture coat paint to surfaces using correct technique, with an even | | | |

|finish with opacity and sheen level, correcting any defects in the coating | | | |

|Question 45 | | | |

|Operates spray equipment to apply texture coat paint using correct application| | | |

|process, with and even finish with opacity and sheen level, correcting any | | | |

|defects in the coating | | | |


|BCGPD3004B Apply paint by spray |


Question 46: What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area and materials when applying paint by spray?

Question 47: In preparation for spray painting, how have you set up and tested the equipment?

Question 48: Explain the steps you have followed to apply paint using a spray system.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 46 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Sets up area for application and protects adjoining surfaces by masking off or| | | |

|covering | | | |

|Provides adequate ventilation and takes measures to reduce levels of dust and | | | |

|foreign matter | | | |

|Mixes and adjusts viscosity to allow for application process | | | |

|Question 47 | | | |

|Selects and sets up spray equipment components, accessories and lines and the | | | |

|operating location, checks fittings for function and security, tests safety | | | |

|devices and corrects defects | | | |

|Question 48 | | | |

|Applies paint to surface using correct application technique, with and even | | | |

|finish with opacity and sheen level, correcting any defects in the coating | | | |

|Discusses application of paint by conventional, airless and HVLP systems | | | |


|BCGPD3005B Match specified paint colour |


Question 49: What technical information and procedures have you considered when matching paint colours to a specific example?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 49 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Calculates base colour from analysis of sample | | | |

|Verifies paint type, tint base and sheen level of sample | | | |

|Selects colourants, mixes and matches colour against sample and allows to dry | | | |

|to check accuracy | | | |

|Understands colour principles (monochromatic, complementary, split | | | |

|complementary, analogous, triadic colours) | | | |

|Discusses colour theory (primary, secondary, tertiary and intermediate | | | |

|colours) and use of colour wheel | | | |

|Specifies colour used in heritage painting or restoration | | | |

|Discusses factors that affect paint | | | |

|Mixes full quantity of paint and retests colour match prior to application | | | |


|BCGPD3006B Apply stains and clear timber finishes |


Question 50: What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area and materials when applying stains and clear timber finishes?

Question 51: Outline the steps you have followed to apply stain to bare timber surfaces.

Question 52: Outline the steps you have followed to apply clear finishes to surfaces.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 50 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Sets up area for application and protects adjoining surfaces by masking off or| | | |

|covering | | | |

|Provides adequate ventilation and measures area for levels of dust and foreign| | | |

|matter | | | |

|Question 51 | | | |

|Selects and prepares stain to proportion, for type of timber allowing for | | | |

|aesthetics and durability | | | |

|Selects application method for specified surface, area size and type of finish| | | |

|and applies stain to bare timber surface | | | |

|Selects, mixes and colour matches wood filler and putty and apples to timber | | | |

|Question 52 | | | |

|Applies coats of selected clear finish to achieve required opacity, finish and| | | |

|sheen | | | |

|Provides for coating to dry and cure | | | |


|BCGPD3007B Apply wallpaper |


Question 53: What preparation have you undertaken to prepare the surface when applying wallpaper?

Question 54: Explain the procedures you have utilised when preparing to hang and apply wallpaper.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 53 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Assesses condition, suitability and nature of existing substrate, identifies | | | |

|hazards and risk reduction procedures and selects wallpaper removal process | | | |

|Prepares surfaces for wallpapering application by removing existing coating | | | |

|and loose debris, stops, fills and sands any defects or imperfections | | | |

|Question 54 | | | |

|Plans hanging application, prepares adhesives and checks materials for | | | |

|conformity to dye lot, batch number and other shading requirements | | | |

|Applies size coating to work area and applies wallpaper ensuring an even | | | |

|surface, seams are butted, paper is plumb and pattern is free of defects | | | |

|Trims around fittings accurately | | | |


|BCGPD3008B Apply decorative paint finishes |


Question 55: What preparation have you undertaken to ready the application area when applying decorative paint finishes?

Question 56: How have you applied mirror paint finishes?

Question 57: How have you applied broken colour effects?

Question 58: How have you produced imitation marble and imitation wood grain effects?

Question 59: How have you applied stencils?

Question 60: How have you applied lining by brush?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 55 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Sets up area for application and protects adjoining surfaces by masking off or| | | |

|covering | | | |

|Provides adequate ventilation and takes measures to reduce levels of dust and | | | |

|foreign matter | | | |

|Question 56 | | | |

|Adjusts paint viscosity to suit climatic conditions and method of application | | | |

|Applies prime and intermediate coats, allows to dry, sands to an even smooth | | | |

|finish and applies final coat without imperfections to an even and smooth | | | |

|finish | | | |

|Question 57 | | | |

|Applies ground coat to specified colour and consistency | | | |

|Applies scumble glaze to ground coat and produces desired broken colour effect| | | |

|Applies clear coating to an even finish and desired sheen level | | | |

|Question 58 | | | |

|Applies ground coat to specified colour and consistency | | | |

|Marbling or wood graining medium are mixed to desired proportion and colour | | | |

|and applied to produce veins and markings or grain markings | | | |

|Adds highlights to match sample | | | |

|Applies clear coating to an even finish and desired sheen level | | | |

|Question 59 | | | |

|Selects stencil layout and uses specified transfer method to cut accurately | | | |

|for multiple colours using a ‘register’ mark | | | |

|Places and tapes initial stencil to design location, applies paint to produce | | | |

|first colour, applies subsequent stencils with each separate colour to produce| | | |

|the designed finish | | | |

|Question 60 | | | |

|Selects lining work and sets out design effect on prepared surface | | | |

|Selects paint materials, applicators and brushes suitable to the lining | | | |

|application and applies the specified techniques to achieve the desired effect| | | |

|and finish | | | |


|BCGPD3011B Treat lead paint hazards |


Question 61: What preparation have you undertaken to define and ready the work area when treating lead paint hazards?

Question 62: Outline the procedures you have followed to remove and encapsulate the contaminated materials.

Question 63: Specify what procedures you have followed to deal with lead paint hazard waste and check for contamination.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 61 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Hazardous materials data | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

| |PPE | | |

|Assesses circumstances in which lead based paints may be encountered and | | | |

|verifies location of lead based paint treatment | | | |

|Undertakes testing using approved methods and verifies options for the | | | |

|management and treatment of pre-existing lead based paints | | | |

|Maintains a safe working area around lead based paint locations using | | | |

|temporary measures such as barriers and signage and positions plant, equipment| | | |

|and tools to suit job requirements | | | |

|Question 62 | | | |

|Quarantines contamination area and selects removal process | | | |

|Protects furniture, all surfaces, ground areas, water storage, drinking | | | |

|vessels and foodstuffs, seals windows and doors | | | |

|Verifies waste management procedures for lead contamination from flake, chalk | | | |

|and dust | | | |

|Applies removal process and contaminated materials are containerised for | | | |

|movement | | | |

|Repairs and restores substrate with subsequent coatings | | | |

|Assesses stabilisation method to make the building lead safe by applying | | | |

|temporary control measures and assessing methods for the containment of | | | |

|existing surfaces | | | |

|Conducts over painting using oil based paints and applying a high quality | | | |

|undercoat sealer and two coats of quality topcoats | | | |

|Applies specialised liquid encapsulant and encloses contaminated surface using| | | |

|overlaying material such as plasterboard or weatherboard and applying warning | | | |

|signs of the latent lead hazard | | | |

|Question 63 | | | |

|Removes waste and unwanted materials and places into containment vessels for | | | |

|disposal | | | |

|Tests soil and surface to verify that no contamination has taken place and | | | |

|building is safe for occupation | | | |


|BCGPD3009B Remove graffiti and apply protective coatings |


Question 64: What preparation have you undertaken to prepare the site and materials when removing graffiti and applying protective coatings?

Question 65: When removing graffiti what aspects have you taken into consideration?

Question 66: Outline the application process you have followed to apply preventative application materials.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 64 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Hazardous materials data | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Sets up area for application and protects adjoining surfaces by masking off or| | | |

|covering | | | |

|Provides adequate ventilation and takes measures to reduce levels of dust and | | | |

|foreign matter | | | |

|Question 65 | | | |

|Selects preparation processes to suit substrate surfaces and graffiti | | | |

|circumstances | | | |

|Assesses type of coating previously used to cover graffiti | | | |

|Applies graffiti removal processes to the affected area | | | |

|Question 66 | | | |

|Cleans substrate surfaces and prepares for preventative application coatings | | | |

|Assesses type of coating to cover the specific type of graffiti and applies | | | |

|preventative application coating to cover the graffiti | | | |


|BCGPD3010B Apply protective paint coating systems |


Question 67: When applying protective coatings, what preparation do you undertake, what have you done with surface imperfections, what methods of application do you follow and how do you test the coating?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 67 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturer specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Checks suitability of surface for protective coating and the preparation | | | |

|method | | | |

|Prepares surface to specifications in compliance with substrate requirements | | | |

|Repairs, stops, fills and sands to smooth any imperfections ready for | | | |

|protective coatings | | | |

|Checks job location for adequate ventilation and precautions of fire or | | | |

|explosion | | | |

|Selects application to suit job, type of paint, type of surface conditions and| | | |

|climatic considerations | | | |

|Applies and finishes the protective coating | | | |

|Tests using dry and wet methods | | | |


|BCGPD3012B Apply advanced wallpaper techniques |


Question 68: What preparation have you undertaken to prepare the surface when applying wallpaper using advanced techniques?

Question 69: Explain the advanced techniques you have utilised when preparing to hang and apply wallpaper.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 68 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Painting and Decorating terminology | | |

|Assesses condition, suitability and nature of existing substrate, identifies | | | |

|hazards and risk reduction procedures and selects wallpaper removal process | | | |

|Prepares surfaces for wallpapering application by removing existing coating | | | |

|and loose debris, stops, fills and sands any defects or imperfections | | | |

|Question 69 | | | |

|Plans hanging application , prepares adhesives and checks speciality materials| | | |

|for conformity to dye lot, batch number and other shading requirements | | | |

|Applies size coating to work area and applies speciality wallpaper ensuring an| | | |

|even surface, seams are butted, paper is plumb and pattern is free of defects | | | |

|Trims around fittings accurately | | | |


|BCGSP3003B Apply trowelled texture coat finishes |


Question 70: How do you prepare the surface area, mix and apply materials for a textured coat finish to a surface?

Question 71: Detail the process you would use to finish and cure the texture coat.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 70 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturers specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |Working at height regulations | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Prepares substrate, mixes dash coat and applies liberally to prepared | | | |

|substrate | | | |

|Mixes texture coating materials to designated proportions and to manufacturers| | | |

|specifications | | | |

|Applies texture coat to surfaces with a trowel to correct thickness and | | | |

|manufacturers recommendations | | | |

|Question 71 | | | |

|Finishes texture coat to plumb/level | | | |

|Cures texture coat in accordance with manufacturers recommendations | | | |


|BSBSBM301A Research business opportunities |


Question 72: In considering your own business opportunities, what would you consider to be your personal business skills and business opportunities?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 72 | | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Business principles | | |

| |Principles of risk management | | |

| |Research skills | | |

| |Relevant industry codes of practice | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Investigates own business opportunities and feasibility of the business | | | |

|viability | | | |

|Consults with specialist services and reviews emerging technologies and | | | |

|alternative business methodologies | | | |

|Assesses risks, returns and resources | | | |

|Reviews own financial, business and technical skills | | | |

|Assesses own personal skills and attributes against those necessary to operate| | | |

|the business | | | |


|LMFGG2008B Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors |


Question 73: When preparing for a project, what site conditions, glass and frame requirements have you looked for before deciding on product and installation method?

Question 74: Explain the procedures you have used to perform glazing on a recent project.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 73 | | | |

| |OH&S policy | | |

| |Glass handling and movement procedures | | |

| |Building plans | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Building Code of Australia | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Assesses on site difficulties, protection of fixtures and fittings and any | | | |

|special characteristics of the window or door | | | |

|Plans work sequence, tools, equipment and materials – glass type (to order, | | | |

|security, noise or light control, type, size and imperfections) | | | |

|Selects fixing methods taking into account specification, type of glass and | | | |

|frame, security, sealing method and frame condition | | | |

|Question 74 | | | |

|Checks size against specification, removes old glass and sealant, cleans and | | | |

|prepares surface | | | |

|Installs glass and fixes to position | | | |

|Applies solvents and sealers, then cleans | | | |


|MEM08012B Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (basic) |


Question 75: How have ascertained the job requirements, set up the equipment and prepared surfaces when using abrasive blasting techniques and what procedures did you follow on completion?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 75 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturer specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Environmental requirements | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Verifies work requirements from job sheet, instructions and specifications | | | |

|Assesses appropriate abrasive blasting process, equipment and media for | | | |

|surface preparation, prepares the worksite by cleaning, prepares consumables | | | |

|and sets up equipment | | | |

|Selects correct rust inhibitor for use in wet abrasive blasting | | | |

|Conducts pre-operational checks on equipment, rectifies and reports any faults| | | |

|Operates blasting equipment allowing for emergency shut down and completes | | | |

|work to environmental requirements | | | |

|Disposes of abrasive media, cleans, disassembles and inspects blasting | | | |

|equipment, recording and reporting any faults | | | |

|Assesses prepared surface for cleanliness and conformance t o specifications, | | | |

|faults or defects are rectified and inspection results recorded and reported | | | |


|MEM08013B Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (advanced) |


Question 76: How have ascertained the job requirements, set up the equipment and prepared surfaces when using abrasive blasting advanced techniques and what procedures did you follow on completion?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 76 | | | |

| |Plans and specifications | | |

| |Enterprise policies and procedures | | |

| |Manufacturer specifications | | |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Environmental requirements | | |

| |Injury avoidance | | |

| |General Construction terminology | | |

|Verifies work requirements from job sheet, instructions and specifications | | | |

|Assesses appropriate abrasive blasting process, equipment and media for | | | |

|surface preparation, prepares the worksite by cleaning, prepares consumables | | | |

|and sets up equipment | | | |

|Selects correct rust inhibitor for use in wet abrasive blasting | | | |

|Conducts pre-operational checks on equipment, rectifies and reports any faults| | | |

|Inspects work piece prior to cleaning and verifies any faults or defects | | | |

|requiring remedial or pre-treatment action | | | |

|Operates blasting equipment allowing for emergency shut down and completes | | | |

|work to environmental requirements | | | |

|Disposes of abrasive media, cleans, disassembles and inspects blasting | | | |

|equipment, recording and reporting any faults | | | |

|Assesses prepared surface for cleanliness and conformance t o specifications, | | | |

|faults or defects are rectified and inspection results recorded and reported | | | |


Practical Tasks and

Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assist you in determining a candidate’s competency in those areas where they have not yet successfully demonstrated their skills, knowledge and prior experience. Therefore, candidates are not required to complete all tasks. You select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to context and needs of each candidate.


Candidates are not required to complete all tasks. The Assessor is to select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to the context and needs of each candidate.

However, the Generic Components of Occupational Health and Safety, Plan and prepare, Communication, Plans and specifications, Environmental and Clean up are all inherent to the tasks listed below.

|Unit of Competency |Practical Task |

|BCGCM1001B |Task 1 |

|Follow OH&S policies |A fire has started on your job site, show how you would execute emergency evacuation of the site, select fire fighting |

|and procedures |equipment to extinguish the fire and ensure safety within enterprise policies and procedures |

|BCGCM1002B |Task 2 |

|Work effectively in the|Find the site office, site supervisor and negotiate your daily workload with supervisor and team members via a site |

|General Construction |meeting, responding positively to any conflict situations. |

|Industry | |

|BCGCM1003B |Included with Generic Components |

|Plan and organise work | |

|BCGCM1004B |Included with Generic Components |

|Conduct workplace | |

|communication | |

|BCGCM1005B |Task 3 |

|Carry out measurements |Complete a small building project and use measurements and calculations to complete the task, including: length, |

|and calculations |perimeter, area, volume, gradient, conversion of metres to millimetres, estimation of quantities and formulas for |

| |material mixing using a rule and tape measure. |

| |This could be completed in conjunction with another relevant unit. |

|BCGCM2001B |Included with Generic Components |

|Read and interpret | |

|plans and | |

|specifications | |

|BCGCM2008B |Task 4 |

|Erect and dismantle |Plan, erect, check for wear and dismantle a modular scaffolding system with three (3) bays (one with a return), one (1) |

|restricted height |lift ladder, fall or edge protection, in accordance with JSAs/SWMS and regulations. |

|scaffolding | |

|BCGCM3001B |Task 5 |

|Operate elevated work |Operate an elevated work platform to perform predetermined work. |

|platforms | |

|BCGPD2001B |Task 6 |

|Handle painting and |Complete the safe and effective identification, handling, storage and distribution of painting and decorating materials |

|decorating materials |which are to include a range of coatings and two each of: |

| |cleaning solvents |

| |fillers |

| |adhesives |

| | |

| |This could be completed in conjunction with another relevant unit. |

|BCGPD2002B |Task 7 |

|Use painting and |Complete tasks, follow work instructions and operating procedures to use the listed painting and decorating tools and |

|decorating tools and |equipment including: scrapers, filling knives/blades, putty knives, duster brushes, hand sanders, paint stirrers, drop |

|equipment |sheets, heat guns, wire brushes, hammers, nail punches, paint pots/buckets, brush-ware and brush-ware accessories, |

| |roller frames, covers, buckets and roller accessories. |

| |Mechanical sanders may include random orbital, orbital, disc and belt. |

| |Plant and equipment may include conventional spray equipment (compressor), airless spray equipment and water blasters. |

| | |

| |This could be completed in conjunction with another relevant unit. |

|BCGPD2003B |Task 8 |

|Remove and replace |Complete the safe and effective removal and replacement of a minimum of: |

|doors, door and window |one door with an independent screen |

|furniture |the furniture from two different door types |

| |the furniture from two different window types with at least one having independent screens. |

|BCGPD3001B |Task 9 |

|Prepare surfaces for |Complete the preparation to specification of a minimum of three previously coated surfaces for painting with one being |

|painting |an external timber surface, one metal surface and at least one being an internal surface. |

| |Complete the removal of wallpaper from a room/cubicle or equivalent and the preparation of the surface for painting. |

|BCGPD3002B |Task 10 |

|Apply paint by brush |Complete the minimum application of paint by brush and roller including: |

|and roller |four different applications |

| |a minimum of three different surface types |

| |at least one application type for each of brush and roller |

| | |

| |Undertake all with finishes being to specification including in terms of defects, thickness, colour, level of opacity, |

| |finish, texture and sheen. |

|BCGPD3003B |Task 11 |

|Apply texture coat |Complete the preparation and application to specification of texture coat paints using brush and roller and either spray|

|paint finishes by |or one other applicator system. |

|brush, roller and spray| |

|BCGPD3004B |Task 12 |

|Apply paint by spray |Complete the application of paint by spray using the following systems: |

| |Conventional |

| |Airless |

| |HVLP |

| | |

| |Undertake all with finishes being to specification including in terms of defects, thickness, sheen, opacity, colour and |

| |sharpness. |

|BCGPD3005B |Task 13 |

|Match specified paint |Colour match a minimum of two solvent-based and two latex/acrylic paints to specification. |

|colour | |

|BCGPD3006B |Task 14 |

|Apply stains and clear |Complete the application of stains and clear timber finishes to a minimum cover including: |

|timber finishes |one oil-based stain product |

| |one water and spirit-based timber stain |

| |one water-based clear finish |

| |one oil-based clear finish |

| |grain filler application |

| |putty application |

| | |

| |Undertake with finishes being to specification including in terms of defects, colour, level of opacity, finish and |

| |sheen. |

|BCGPD3007B |Task 15 |

|Apply wallpaper |Apply wallpaper to specification on a minimum of three jobs covering: |

| |lining paper, vinyl wallpaper and un-pasted wallpaper |

| |walls with internal and external corners, reveal, window and arch |

| |walls containing power points and switches. |

|BCGPD3008B |Task 16 |

|Apply decorative paint |Complete to specification the following decorative finishes: |

|finishes |a mirror finish to a minimum of a door or standard panel |

| |a minimum of two broken colour effects on walls or standard panel size surfaces |

| |a minimum of one marble graining effect on a standard panel size surface |

| |a minimum of one wood graining effect on a standard panel size surface |

| |the design and cutting of a multi-plate stencil and at least two applications of the stencil |

| |the use of lining within a decorative finish. |

|BCGPD3011B |Task 17 |

|Treat lead paint |Complete the application of treatments for a minimum of two different lead paint hazards including: |

|hazards |a chemical stripping treatment and |

| |an encapsulation treatment. |

| |Complete where the processes and outcomes are to be in accordance with current regulations and relevant Australian |

| |Standards. |

|BCGPD3009B |Task 18 |

|Remove graffiti and |Remove graffiti from two different substrates using two approved cleaning methods. |

|apply protective |Apply a minimum of one sacrificial and one non-sacrificial preventative coating, each to a different substrate. |

|coatings | |

|BCGPD3010B |Task 19 |

|Apply protective paint |Complete the preparation and application of a minimum of three different protective paint coating systems to |

|coating systems |specification. |

|BCGPD3012B |Task 20 |

|Apply advanced |Apply specialty wallpaper to specification on a minimum of two jobs covering one anaglypta and one other with surfaces |

|wallpaper techniques |containing power points, vents and switches. |

|BCGSP3003B |Task 21 |

|Apply trowelled texture|Complete the preparation for and application to specification of a minimum of two different types of texture coat |

|coat finishes |finishes. |

|BSBSBM301A |Task 22 |

|Research business |Evaluate the results of research and assess the likely viability and practicability of a business opportunity, taking |

|opportunities |into account the current business/ market climate and resources available. |

|LMFGG2008A |Task 23 |

|Glaze/reglaze |Glaze the following: |

|residential windows and|timber putty faced and beaded window sashes including fixed, sliding, double hung, casement and awning sashes |

|doors |metal channel and beaded window sashes including fixed, sliding, double hung, casement and awning sashes |

| |timber putty faced and beaded doors including fixed, sliding, hinged, pivot and bi-fold doors |

| |metal channel and beaded doors including fixed, sliding, hinged, pivot and bi-fold doors |

| |to include the following details for each: |

| |select glass thickness and type in accordance with AS1288 |

| |calculate glazing clearance and cutting size |

| |cut glass to AS4667 Quality requirements for cut to size and processed glass |

| |select glazing tools, equipment, glazing sealants, vinyls and tapes |

| |prepare working area |

| |prepare glazing rebates and channels prior to installation |

| |clean glass, tools, equipment and work area |

| |calculate the cost of glass, glazing materials and labour. |

| | |

| |Reglaze timber and metal windows and doors including |

| |prepare work area and drop sheets |

| |select reglazing tools and equipment |

| |hack out/remove beads and glass safely from timber windows and doors |

| |remove and disassemble metal window sashes and doors and remove glass safely |

| |select glass thickness and type in accordance with AS1288 |

| |calculate glazing clearance and cutting size |

| |cut glass to industry standards AS4667 |

| |select glazing tools, equipment, glazing sealants, vinyls and tapes |

| |glaze timber and metal windows and doors |

| |install sash cords, unique and spring balances on timber and metal double hung windows |

| |clean glass, tools, equipment and work area. |

|MEM08012B |Task 24 |

|Prepare surfaces by |Set up equipment and prepare surfaces for basic abrasive blasting procedures including: |

|abrasive blasting |set up of essential plant and equipment |

|(basic) |routine maintenance tasks |

| |consideration of health and safety attributes. |

|MEM08013B |Task 25 |

|Prepare surfaces by |Set up equipment and prepare surfaces for advanced abrasive blasting procedures including: |

|abrasive blasting |set up of essential plant and equipment |

|(advanced) |routine maintenance tasks |

| |consideration of health and safety attributes. |


|Practical Tasks |




NB: The skills listed below must be verified by a competent assessor through observed demonstration either in the candidate’s workplace as part of the candidate’s normal work duty OR as part of a practical assessment/demonstration set by the assessor.

|Unit and element |Task No. |Observable behaviours in task |

|covered in task | | |

| | |Applies WH&S principles to all work |WH&S legislation and regulations | | | |

| | |Applies enterprise policies and procedures to all work |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

| | |Follows safety instructions where provided |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Notices and reports hazards |Personal protective equipment | | | |

| | |Establishes signs and barriers appropriate to the work being conducted |Risk and hazard identification | | | |

| | |Produces job plans and sets out sequence of activities |Sign and barrier identification | | | |

| | |Works comfortably with other crew members |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Priorities work and adapts well to problem situations |Plans, acquires and uses resources | | | |

| | |Asks questions of supervisors and colleagues |Set priorities | | | |

| | |Discusses problems with supervisors, colleagues and industry |Teamwork | | | |

| | |representatives |Work instructions | | | |

| | |Obtains instructions from supervisors, gives and receives feedback |Location of site office and senior | | | |

| | |Uses visual signals to direct other workers or machinery operators |personnel | | | |

| | |Attends workplace meetings, listens and participates |Worksite meetings | | | |

| | |Follows building plans and specifications |Drawings, plans and specifications | | | |

| | |Interprets drawing dimensions, symbols, keys and amendments |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Considers and acts on environmental friendly working methods |Site location | | | |

| | |Leaves the worksite clear of debris and waste and stores equipment |Environmental regulations | | | |

| | | |Local council by-laws | | | |

| | | |Manufacturers specifications | | | |

| | | |Safety procedures | | | |

| | | |State & Territory legislation | | | |

|BCGCM1001B |1 |Selects the correct fire fighting equipment to match the fire |WH&S legislation and regulations | | | |

|Follow OH&S policies | |Removes the safety pin and directs nozzle at base of fire |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|and procedures | |Evacuates to correct point |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Takes into account hazards, risks, enterprise policy and procedures |Personal protective equipment | | | |

| | | |Risk and hazard identification | | | |

| | | |Sign and barrier identification | | | |

| | | |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGCM1002B |2 |Locates the site office, site supervisor, discusses and receives |Employment awards | | | |

|Work effectively in | |instructions |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|the General | |Attends site meetings, discusses issues with crew members and uses |Industry information | | | |

|Construction Industry | |conflict resolution skills in conflict situations |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGCM1005B |3 |Measures and checks all measurements with a tape measure and rule |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|Carry out measurements| |Calculates perimeter and area of site |Equipment protection | | | |

|and calculations | |Uses formulas to calculate volumes, gradients and conversion of |Material waste avoidance | | | |

| | |materials and slopes of undulations |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Estimates quantities for mixing materials | | | | |

|BCGCM2008B |4 |Checks scaffolding equipment for wear and defective parts |Restricted height scaffolding | | | |

|Erect and dismantle | |Checks footings for stability |regulations | | | |

|restricted height | |Uses load charts to calculate construction type and method |JSA or SWMS | | | |

|scaffolding | |Erects the scaffold safely and being mindful of surrounding workers |Design specifications | | | |

| | |Inspects and hands over for certification |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

| | |Dismantles the scaffold safely and being mindful of surrounding workers|OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Marks defective equipment and sets aside for disposal |Australian Standards | | | |

| | | |Manufacturers specifications | | | |

| | | |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | | |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGCM3001B |5 |OH&S legislation sourced and interpreted |Regulations pertaining to the safe | | | |

|Operate elevated work | |Company policies e.g. environmental, confined space, emergency etc are |use, storage and security of elevated| | | |

|platforms | |sourced and interpreted |work platforms | | | |

| | |Standard work procedures for operating elevated work platforms are |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |sourced and interpreted |Working around power lines | | | |

| | |PPE is selected and correctly fitted |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

| | |Signage and barricades required are identified and set out as per |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Company Policy |Manufacturers specifications | | | |

| | |Plant, tools and equipment selected are consistent with job |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |requirements |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Tagging out procedures of existing services are followed to ensure safe| | | | |

| | |work environment | | | | |

| | |Pre-start checks are conducted as per operators manual | | | | |

| | |Power source is determined and connected as per operators manual and | | | | |

| | |switched on | | | | |

| | |Safety devices are checked for serviceability | | | | |

| | |Controls are checked for serviceability | | | | |

| | |Work area is level and free from obstructions | | | | |

| | |EWP is positioned to ensure work area is accessible | | | | |

| | |Stabilisers are securely positioned on a firm surface | | | | |

| | |Necessary tools and equipment are securely placed in platform | | | | |

| | |Harness is checked and securely fitted and attached to EWP | | | | |

| | |Platform controls are checked for correct operation | | | | |

| | |Base controls are isolated | | | | |

| | |Work performed in a safe manner | | | | |

| | |EWP lowered safely | | | | |

| | |Shut down procedures are followed | | | | |

| | |Tags removed from services | | | | |

| | |Work area is cleaned and materials are disposed of as per Company | | | | |

| | |Policy | | | | |

| | |Tools, plant and equipment are cleaned, checked and stored | | | | |

| | |appropriately | | | | |

|BCGPD2001B |6 |Moves materials safely |Material or product order | | | |

|Handle painting and | |Stores, sorts and stacks material |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|decorating materials | |Checks storage area for adequate ventilation, fire safety and dispersal|OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Protects materials from physical and water damage |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Disposes waste and surplus materials following regulations |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Handles hazardous and non toxic materials separately following |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |workplace procedures | | | | |

| | |Prepares work area | | | | |

|BCGPD2002B |7 |Uses all regular painting and decorating tools and equipment |Manufacturers specifications | | | |

|Use painting and | |appropriately |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|decorating tools and | |Maintains and stores equipment after use |Australian Standards | | | |

|equipment | |Uses basic pieces of plant in accordance with operating instructions |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | | |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | | |OH&S policy | | | |

| | | |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGPD2003B |8 |Removes screens, window furniture, door furniture and doors, storing |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Remove and replace | |all |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|doors, door and window| |Hangs and fixes doors into place |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

|furniture | |Refits door and window furniture and fixes back into place |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Replaces screens securely |Australian Standards | | | |

| | | |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | | |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | | |OH&S policy | | | |

| | | |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGPD3001B |9 |Assesses suitability of the surface for painting or clear finish |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Prepare surfaces for | |application |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|painting | |Checks condition and nature of existing substrate and surface material |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |Verifies hazards and procedures for reducing risks |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Selects and prepares surface preparation method |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Stops, fills and sands surface imperfections |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Prepares surfaces by removing unwanted coatings and loose debris |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |Assesses the type, nature and condition of existing wallpaper |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Removes wallpaper |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Prepares surfaces for painting | | | | |

|BCGPD3002B |10 |Prepares materials and substrate |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply paint by brush | |Protects surrounding surfaces using drop sheets, masking off and |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|and roller | |removing objects |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |Checks job location for adequate ventilation |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Mixes material to proportion and the correct ratio for drying |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Stirs paint and colours through thoroughly |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Selects, brush, roller or combination and applies paint to required |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |level of opacity, finish, texture and sheen |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Cures paint finish and tests surface |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGPD3003B |11 |Sets up area for application and prepares adjoining surfaces, masking |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply texture coat | |off prior to application |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|paint finishes by | |Checks for adequate ventilation and takes measures to ensure area |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

|brush, roller and | |remains free of dust and foreign matter |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

|spray | |Prepares application system and checks fittings for function and |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |security |AS2311 | | | |

| | |Mixes texture coat paint and adjusts for application |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Uses application equipment and applies texture coat paint to surface |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |using correct application technique |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Operates spray equipment and applies texture coat paint |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Checks for defects in coating and takes corrective action to achieve | | | | |

| | |desired finish | | | | |

|BCGPD3004B |12 |Sets up area for application and prepares adjoining surfaces, masking |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply paint by spray | |off prior to application |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

| | |Checks for adequate ventilation and takes measures to ensure area |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |remains free of dust and foreign matter |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Prepares application system and checks fittings for function and |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |security |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Mixes paint and adjusts viscosity for application |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |Selects and sets up spray equipment components, accessories and lines, |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |checks fittings for function and security |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Tests safety devices | | | | |

| | |Operates spray equipment and apply paint using correct technique | | | | |

| | |Checks for defects and takes corrective action to rectify | | | | |

|BCGPD3005B |13 |Verifies base colour from analysis of sample |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Match specified paint | |Assesses paint type, tint base and sheen level of sample |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|colour | |Selects colourant and mixes colour to match sample |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |Mixes full quantity of paint |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | | |Australian Standards | | | |

| | | |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | | |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | | |OH&S policy | | | |

| | | |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGPD3006B |14 |Sets up area for application and prepares adjoining surfaces, masking |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply stains and clear| |off prior to application |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|timber finishes | |Checks for adequate ventilation and takes measures to ensure area |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |remains free of dust and foreign matter |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Selects stain for type of timber allowing for aesthetics and durability|Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Prepares stain to proportion and consistency |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Selects application method and applies stain to bare timber |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |Selects wood filler and putty, mixes and matches to colour |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Applies coats of selected clear finish to achieve opacity, finish and |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |sheen | | | | |

| | |Allows to dry between coats and cures clear finish | | | | |

|BCGPD3007B |15 |Checks condition, suitability and nature of existing substrate |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply wall paper | |Verifies hazards and procedures to reduce risk |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

| | |Prepares surfaces for wallpapering |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |Repairs surface defects and imperfections, stops, fills and sands to a |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |smooth finish |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Plans hanging application of material |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Selects adhesives and check material for conformity to dye lot, batch |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |number and shading |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Applies size coating |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Applies wallpaper and materials | | | | |

| | |Trims around fittings | | | | |

| | |Completes wallpaper and speciality material | | | | |

|BCGPD3008B |16 |Sets up area for application and prepares adjoining surfaces, masking |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply decorative paint| |off prior to application |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|finishes | |Checks for adequate ventilation and takes measures to ensure area |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |remains free of dust and foreign matter |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Adjusts paint viscosity to suit climatic conditions |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Applies mirror paint prime and intermediate coats and allows to dry |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Applies mirror paint final coat without imperfections evenly and |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |smoothly |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Applies ground coat for broken colour effects |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Applies scumble glaze to produce broken colour effect | | | | |

| | |Applies clear coating to achieve even finish and sheen | | | | |

| | |Applies ground coat for marble effect | | | | |

| | |Mixes marbling medium to designed proportion and colour producing veins| | | | |

| | |and markings | | | | |

| | |Applies clear coating to achieve even finish and sheen | | | | |

| | |Applies ground coat for wood grain effect | | | | |

| | |Mixes wood grain medium to designed proportion and colour producing | | | | |

| | |veins and markings | | | | |

| | |Adds highlight and applies clear coating to achieve even finish and | | | | |

| | |sheen | | | | |

| | |Lays out stencil design and transfers design cut for multiple colours | | | | |

| | |using a ‘register’ mark | | | | |

| | |Places initial stencil, tape design and apply paint | | | | |

| | |Locates subsequent stencils to pattern and applies colours to the | | | | |

| | |desired finish | | | | |

| | |Selects lining work set out to designed effect | | | | |

| | |Selects paint materials, applicators and brush | | | | |

| | |Applies application techniques to produce designed lining work | | | | |

|BCGPD3011B |17 |Assesses circumstances and locations in which lead based paints may be |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Treat lead paint | |encountered |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|hazards | |Undertakes testing of lead based paint |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |Assesses options for the treatment of lead based paints in buildings |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Maintains a safe working area around the lead based paint by setting up|Australian Standards | | | |

| | |barriers and signs |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Positions plant, tools and equipment |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |Verifies removal processes to suit job |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Quarantines contaminated area |Hazardous material data | | | |

| | |Protects furnishings, surfaces, ground areas, drinking vessels, water |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |storage and foodstuffs | | | | |

| | |Employs waste management procedures for flake, chalk and dust | | | | |

| | |Applies waste management and containerises contaminated materials | | | | |

| | |Repairs and restores substrate | | | | |

| | |Employs temporary control measures to stabilise the building and | | | | |

| | |confirms methods of containment | | | | |

| | |Conducts over painting using oil based paints | | | | |

| | |Applies undercoat sealer and top coats | | | | |

| | |Applies liquid encapsulant | | | | |

| | |Encloses contaminated surface using overlaying materials | | | | |

|BCGPD3009B |18 |Sets up area for application and prepares adjoining surfaces, masking |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Remove graffiti and | |off prior to application |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|apply protective | |Checks for adequate ventilation |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

|coatings | |Selects preparation process to suit substrate and graffiti |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |circumstances |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Verifies type of coating previously used to cover graffiti |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Applies graffiti removal process to the affected area |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |Cleans surface substrate for preventative application coatings |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Prepares preventative application coatings |Hazardous material data | | | |

| | |Applies preventative application coatings to cover specific type of |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |graffiti | | | | |

|BCGPD3010B |19 |Matches protective coating to surface and selects surface preparation |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply protective paint| |method, prepares surface and repairs, stops, fills and sands smooth and|Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|coating systems | |surface imperfections |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |Checks job location for adequate ventilation and precautions of fire or|Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |explosion |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Selects protective coating system application to suit job, type of |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |paint, type and condition of surface and climatic conditions |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |Applies and finishes protective coating system |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Conducts dry and wet tests on the protective coating |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BCGPD3012B |20 |Checks condition, suitability and nature of existing substrate |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply advanced | |Verifies hazards and procedures to reduce risk |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|wallpaper techniques | |Prepares surfaces for wallpapering |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |Repairs surface defects and imperfections, stops, fills and sands to a |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |smooth finish |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Plans hanging application of speciality material |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Selects adhesives and check material for conformity to dye lot, batch |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |number and shading |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |Applies size coating |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Applies wallpaper and speciality materials | | | | |

| | |Trims around fittings | | | | |

| | |Completes wallpaper and speciality material | | | | |

|BCGSP3003B |21 |Prepares materials and substrate |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Apply trowelled | |Mixes dash coat and applies liberally to wetted surface |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|texture coat finishes | |Mixes texture coating materials to designated proportions and |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

| | |specifications |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Applies texture coat to specifies surfaces with trowel, to correct |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |thickness and specifications |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Finishes texture coat to plumb/level |Working at height regulations | | | |

| | |Cures finished texture coat surface to manufacturers recommendations |OH&S policy | | | |

| | |and specification |General Construction terminology | | | |

|BSBSBM301A |22 |Investigates own business opportunities and feasibility of the business|OH&S policy | | | |

|Research business | |viability |Business principles | | | |

|opportunities | |Consults with specialist services and reviews emerging technologies and|Principles of risk management | | | |

| | |alternative business methodologies |Research skills | | | |

| | |Assesses risks, returns and resources |Relevant industry codes of practice | | | |

| | |Reviews own financial, business and technical skills |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Assesses own personal skills and attributes against those necessary to | | | | |

| | |operate the business | | | | |

| | |Evaluates the results of research and assesses the likely viability and| | | | |

| | |practicability of a business opportunity, taking into account the | | | | |

| | |current business/ market climate and resources available | | | | |

|LMFGG2008A |23 |Assesses on site difficulties, protection of fixtures and fittings and |Glass handling and movement | | | |

|Glaze/reglaze | |any special characteristics of the window or door |procedures | | | |

|residential windows | |Plans work sequence, tools, equipment and materials – glass type (to |Building plans | | | |

|and doors | |order, security, noise or light control, type, size and imperfections) |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

| | |Selects fixing methods taking into account specification, type of glass|Australian Standards | | | |

| | |and frame, security, sealing method and frame condition |Building Code of Australia | | | |

| | |Checks size against specification, removes old glass and sealant, |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |cleans and prepares surface |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Installs glass and fixes to position | | | | |

| | |Applies solvents and sealers, then cleans | | | | |

| | |Glazes timber putty faced and beaded window sashes including fixed, | | | | |

| | |sliding, double hung, casement and awning sashes | | | | |

| | |Glazes metal channel and beaded window sashes including fixed, sliding,| | | | |

| | |double hung, casement and awning sashes | | | | |

| | |Glazes timber putty faced and beaded doors including fixed, sliding, | | | | |

| | |hinged, pivot and bi-fold doors | | | | |

| | |Glazes metal channel and beaded doors including fixed, sliding, hinged,| | | | |

| | |pivot and bi-fold doors | | | | |

| | |Reglazes timber and metal windows and doors including hack out, safe | | | | |

| | |removal of beads and glass | | | | |

| | |Reinstalls sash cords, unique and spring balances on timber and metal | | | | |

| | |double hung windows | | | | |

|MEM08012B |24 |Assesses work requirements |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Prepare surfaces by | |Selects blasting process, equipment and media |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|abrasive blasting | |Prepares work site for surface cleaning |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

|(basic) | |Sets up equipment and consumables |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Selects correct rust inhibitor |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Carries out pre-operational check |Environmental requirements | | | |

| | |Operates blasting equipment |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Practices emergency shut down |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Completes work | | | | |

| | |Disposes of abrasive media | | | | |

| | |Cleans and disassembles blasting equipment | | | | |

| | |Records and reports equipment faults | | | | |

| | |Assesses surface preparation for cleanliness and conformance | | | | |

| | |Rectifies faults and defects | | | | |

|MEM08013B |25 |Assesses work requirements |Plans and specifications | | | |

|Prepare surfaces by | |Selects blasting process, equipment and media |Enterprise policies and procedures | | | |

|abrasive blasting | |Prepares work site for surface cleaning |Manufacturer specifications | | | |

|(advanced) | |Sets up equipment and consumables |Material Safety Data Sheets | | | |

| | |Selects correct rust inhibitor |Australian Standards | | | |

| | |Carries out pre-operational check |Environmental requirements | | | |

| | |Inspects work piece prior to cleaning |Injury avoidance | | | |

| | |Reports defects and faults requiring remedial or pre-treatment |General Construction terminology | | | |

| | |Operates blasting equipment | | | | |

| | |Practices emergency shut down | | | | |

| | |Completes work | | | | |

| | |Disposes of abrasive media | | | | |

| | |Cleans and disassembles blasting equipment | | | | |

| | |Records and reports equipment faults | | | | |

| | |Assesses surface preparation for cleanliness and conformance | | | | |

| | |Rectifies faults and defects | | | | |


Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access any resources required by the candidate to undertake the practical task/s or scenario/s. They are suggested resources only. You may wish to modify or use other resources for the assessment tasks.

In undertaking RPL Assessment utilising this tool, assessors and participants may wish to visit the following sites for possible resources:

• Resource Generator - .au

• Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council – .au

• Construction Skills Queensland – .au

• Be Constructive – .au


Third Party Verification

The preferred approach in gaining third party validation is to take the forms in this section to the candidate’s previous employers or referees to gain confirmation of the candidate’s skills against the required competencies. This would be done during a conversation or interview with these people.

It may be beneficial to make contact with the employers/referees early in the recognition process to make appointments, particularly if you have to travel some distance to visit them. This may be done on the same day as a practical assessment in the workplace if appropriate.

It is recommended that verification be obtained from one or two referees who can confirm the candidate’s industry skills in context over time.



To whom it may concern,

RE: skills in/as

(insert candidate name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above named person has:

worked at for a period of years

regularly undertaken the following activities within the workplace since commencing employment with this organisation:

( Initial those skills/ competencies (below) that the candidate has or can successfully perform in the workplace

← Acts in accordance with Workplace Health & Safety regulations

← Works effectively with other team members and supervisors

← Plans, organises and communicates on all projects

← Plans, sets out and uses materials and equipment (such as, paint, decorating materials, texture coat, trowelled texture coat, wallpaper, brushes, rollers, spray equipment, elevated work platforms, hoists, scaffolding)

← Removes and replaces doors, door and window furniture

← Plans and prepares surfaces for painting

← Applies paint, texture coat, trowelled texture coatings, spray paint, decorative finishes, stains, clear finishes, protective coatings and wallpaper

← Matches paint colours

← Treats lead paint hazards

← Removes graffiti

← Plans, sets out, glazes and reglazes residential windows and doors

← Plans and prepares surfaces by abrasive blasting

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on

Yours sincerely


Print Name and Position


Assessment Tables

You use these tables as a reference tool to see at a glance which units/elements of competency are within the qualification.

Question numbers refer to those found in SECTION C of this kit.

Practical assessment/scenarios numbers refer to those found in SECTION D of this kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only. Any mapping should be done after questions and tasks have been selected.

|Elements |Performance Criteria |Questions |Practical Tasks |

|BCGCM1001B Follow OH&S policies and procedures |

|1. Follow safe work practices |1.1 Tasks are performed in a safe manner and in accordance with legislative requirements, enterprise policies and procedures |1, 2 |GC |

| |1.2 Organisation of duties, tools, equipment and materials are performed in accordance with enterprise procedures |9, 10, 11, 32 - 34 |GC, 5, 6 |

| |1.3 Personal protective equipment and clothing is worn, used and stored according to enterprise procedures |2 |GC |

| |1.4 Plant and equipment guards are used in accordance with manufacturers specifications and regulations, where applicable |2, 3 |GC |

| |1.5 Safety signs and symbols are identified and followed |4 |GC |

|2. Assess risks |2.1 Hazards in the work area are identified, assessed and reported to designated personnel |3 |GC, 1 |

| |2.2 OH&S issues and risks in the work area are identified, assessed and reported to designated personnel |2, 3, 20 |GC, 1 |

| |2.3 Safe workplace procedures and safe work instructions are followed for controlling risks |2, 3, 20 |GC, 1 |

| |2.4 OH&S, hazard, accident or incident reports are contributed to according to workplace procedures and State/Territory legislation |2, 3 |GC, 1 |

|3. Follow emergency procedures |Appropriate personnel are identified in the event of an emergency |18 |GC, 1 |

| |Safe workplace procedures for dealing with accidents, fires and emergencies are followed within scope of responsibilities |18, 19, 22 |GC, 1 |

| |Emergency and evacuation procedures are practiced and carried out when required |18, 21 |GC, 1 |

|BCGCM1002B Work effectively in the General Construction Industry |

|1. Identify the industry work |The scope and nature of the General Construction industry functions and activities are identified |23 | |

|context and setting |The profile of the General Construction industry in terms of direct and indirect employment and national economic importance is identified |23, 25 | |

| |Trends in technology and processes which are likely to impact on the General Construction industry are identified and comprehended | | |

| |General Construction employment conditions, responsibilities and obligations are identified and clarified |23, 25 | |

| | |25 | |

|2. Organise and accept |Priorities and deadlines are established in consultation with others and recorded |5, 6, 8 |GC, 2 |

|responsibility for own workload|Work activities are planned and progress of work is communicated to others whose personal work plans and timelines may be affected |5,6, 8, 11 |GC, 2 |

| |Work is completed to the standard expected in the workplace and in accordance with any guidelines, directions and specifications | | |

| |Variations and difficulties affecting work requirement are identified through regular reviews and action is taken to report these issues to |5, 6, 7, 8 |GC, 2 |

| |appropriate personnel | | |

| |Additional support to improve work outcomes is communicated clearly to the appropriate personnel |8, 9, 15 |GC, 2 |

| | |7, 10, 11 |GC, 2 |

|3. Work in a team |Site goals and the contributions to be made by teams are identified and understood |7, 10, 13 |GC |

| |Individual contributions to team activities are identified, agreed and reviewed periodically with the team |7, 10, 13 |GC |

| |Defined roles and strengths of other team members are identified and acknowledged |7 |GC |

| |Assistance and encouragement are provided to other team members wishing to enhance their role and the role of the team |7, 8, 13 |GC |

| |Ground rules for team operations are reviewed and changes are made through team consultative processes |10, 13, 15 |GC |

| |Team improvements are initiated and/or encouraged from team members |7, 13, 27 |GC |

| |Causes of disharmony and other barriers to achievement are promptly resolved or referred to the appropriate party for resolution |26 |GC |

|4. Participate in identifying |4.1 Site goals and the contributions to be made by teams are identified and understood |5, 6, 7, 8, 13 |GC |

|and pursuing own development |4.2 Individual contributions to team activities are identified, agreed and reviewed periodically with the team |5, 6, 7, 8, 13 |GC |

|needs |4.3 Defined roles and strengths of other team members are identified and acknowledged |7, 13 |GC |

| |4.4 Assistance and encouragement are provided to other team members wishing to enhance their role and the role of the team |7, 13, 27 |GC |

| |4.5 Ground rules for team operations are reviewed and changes are made through team consultative processes |7, 13 |GC |

| |4.6 Team improvements are initiated and/or encouraged from team members |7, 13 |GC |

| |4.7 Causes of disharmony and other barriers to achievement are promptly resolved or referred to the appropriate party for resolution |26 |GC |

|5. Participate in site meetings|Meeting procedures and objectives are identified, understood, and observed |13 |2 |

| |Points of view and comments, including agreement and dissent are presented in a logical, persuasive and orderly manner |13, 26 |2 |

| |Points of view of other members are given a fair hearing |10, 13 |2 |

|BCGCM1003B Plan and organise work |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |4 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |34 |GC, 6 |

| |are rectified or reported prior to commencement | | |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |32, 33 |GC, 5 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |16 |GC |

|2. Sequence work safely |Work plan is determined, modified and performed in a logical and efficient sequence |6 |GC |

| |Tasks are completed to meet work instructions |11 |GC |

|3. Clean up |3.1 Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |17 |GC |

| |3.2 Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices |17 |GC |

|BCGCM1004B Conduct workplace communication |

|1. Gather, convey and receive |Verbal and written instructions are gathered, received and responded to with correct actions |9, 10, 11 |GC |

|information |Instructions conveyed accurately |11 |GC |

| |Work signage is responded to with correct action |4, 11 |GC |

| |Information is conveyed in simple English and message is confirmed |9, 10, 11 |GC |

| |Questions are used to gain additional information and to clarify understanding |9, 10, 11 |GC |

|2. Carry out face to face |Routine instructions and messages are received and followed |9, 10, 11 |GC |

|routine communi-cation |Workplace procedures are carried out to company requirements |11 |GC |

| |Information from a range of sources is accessed and interpreted |9, 10, 11 |GC |

| |Information is selected and sequenced correctly |11, 6 |GC |

| |Verbal and written reporting is completed where required |10, 11 |GC |

|3. Apply visual communi-cations|The visual communications used follow accepted industry practice or social convention |12 |GC |

| |The attention of the communicating parties is obtained, confirmed and/or acknowledged |12 |GC |

| |The intention of the visual communication is clarified and confirmed at each step |12 |GC |

| |Visual communications which are unclear or ambiguous are questioned or visually cancelled |12 |GC |

| |Instances of unclear visual communications are followed up to avoid repeated problems |12 |GC |

|4. Participate in simple on |Correct process for on site meetings are identified and followed to pre-determined or agreed procedures |13 |GC |

|site meetings |Responses are sought and provided to others in the group |13 |GC |

| |Constructive contributions are made |13 |GC |

| |Goals or outcomes are identified and/or recorded |13 |GC |

|BCGCM1005B Carry out measurements and calculations |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions are confirmed and applied |11, 13 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan, other regulatory specifications or legal obligations and applied |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Measuring and calculating equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any|34 |GC, 6 |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

|2. Obtain measurements |Method of obtaining the measurement is selected and applied |28 |3 |

| |Measurements are obtained using a rule or tape, accurate to 1mm |28 |3 |

| |Measurements are confirmed and recorded |28 |3 |

|3. Perform calculations |Appropriate calculation method is selected for achieving the required result |28 |3 |

| |Material quantities for the project are correctly calculated using the appropriate factors |29 |3 |

| |Results are confirmed and recorded |29 |3 |

|4. Estimate approximate |Calculations for determining material requirements are taken |29 |3 |

|quantities |Appropriate formulas for calculating quantities are selected |30 |3 |

| |Quantities are estimated from the calculations taken |29 |3 |

| |Material quantities for the project are calculated, confirmed and recorded within enterprise tolerances |29 |3 |

|BCGCM2001B Read and interpret plans and specifications |

|1. Identify types of drawings |Main types of plans and drawings used in the civil construction sector of the industry are identified |14 |GC |

|and their functions |Key functions of each type of drawing are identified |14 |GC |

| |Quality requirements of company operations are recognised and adhered to |14 |GC |

| |Environmental controls are identified from the job plans, specifications and environmental plan |14 |GC |

|2. Recognise amendments |Title panel is checked to verify latest amendments to drawing |15 |GC |

| |Amendments to specifications are checked to ensure currency of information |15 |GC |

|3. Recognise commonly used |General Construction symbols and abbreviations are recognised |14 |GC |

|symbols and abbreviations |Legend is located on project drawings, symbols and abbreviations are correctly interpreted |14 |GC |

|4. Locate and identify key |Orientation of the plan with the site is achieved |14 |GC |

|features on a site plan |Key features of the site are identified and located |14 |GC |

| |Access to site is gained and services, main features, contours and datum are identified |14 |GC |

|5. Identify project |Dimensions for project and nominated locations are identified |14 |GC |

|requirements |Construction types and dimensions for nominated locations are identified |14 |GC |

| |Environmental controls and locations are identified |16 |GC |

| |Location, dimensions and tolerances for ancillary works are identified |14 |GC |

|6. Read and interpret job |Job specifications are identified from drawings, notes and descriptions |14 |GC |

|specifications |Standards of work, finishes and tolerances are identified from the project specifications |14 |GC |

| |Material attributes are identified from specifications |14 |GC |

|BCGCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |4 |GC |

| |faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement |37, 38 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |35, 36 |GC, 6 |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Erect scaffolding |Purpose for scaffolding is confirmed and associated work tasks identified |31, 33 |4 |

| |Expected loading on scaffold and supporting structure is determined using load tables |31, 32 |4 |

| |Site access and egress routes are identified |31, 32 |4 |

| |Scaffolding and components are selected and inspected with damaged components labeled and rejected or repaired |33 |4 |

| |Adequate footing is established in accordance with AS for scaffolding |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |Scaffolding is erected in accordance with regulations and planned hazard prevention and control measures, acceptable safe work practices and |31, 33 |4 |

| |manufacturers’ requirements | | |

|3. Inspect, repair and alter |Critical structural and safety areas of scaffolding are inspected for damage, corrosion and wear |31, 33 |4 |

|scaffolding |Current use of scaffolding is checked for accordance with the type of scaffolding equipment |31, 33 |4 |

| |Inspection log and handover is completed |31, 32, 33 |4 |

| |Scaffolding is reviewed to determine if changes or modifications were scheduled as per original planning |31, 32,33 |4 |

| |Alteration or repair carried out where specified |33 |4 |

|4. Dismantle scaffolding |Scaffolding is dismantled using reverse procedure as for erection |31, 32, 33 |4 |

|5. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |17 |GC |

| |practices | | |

|BCGCM3001B Operate elevated work platforms |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are selected to carry out tasks that are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any|4 |GC |

| |faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement |37, 38 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |35, 36 |GC, 6 |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Conduct routine checks of |Power source is determined and connected to platform equipment to manufacturers’ specifications |34 |5 |

|platform |Routine pre-operational equipment checks are carried out in accordance with checklist from operator’s manual or manufacturers specifications |34 |5 |

| |Equipment is switched on in accordance with start up procedures and controls checked for correct operation and ease of movement | | |

| |Emergency safety devices are checked to comply with instructions from operator’s manual and checked for manual operation |34 |5 |

| |Work location is checked for level ground or floor surface to determine stabilising and safe working area requirements |34 |5 |

| | |34 |5 |

|3. Locate equipment in place |Platform is positioned for work application and stabilisers engaged to set equipment base level into place |34 |5 |

|for work application |Tools, equipment and materials are placed into bucket/platform to job application requirements |34 |5 |

|4. Elevate platform to work |Harness is fitted securely and lanyard connected to attachment point |34 |5 |

|location |Controls are operated to manufacturers’ recommendations and platform elevated to work position |34 |5 |

| |Power is switched off where specified and locking devices engaged to operator’s manual |34 |5 |

| |Work is carried out to job specification and safety requirements of operator’s manual |34 |5 |

|5. Lower platform and shut down|Controls are operated to manufacturers’ recommendations and platform lowered to down position |34 |5 |

| |Shut down procedures are carried out to operator’s manual and equipment switched off |34 |5 |

|6. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |17 |GC |

| |practices |17 |GC |

| |Work completion procedures are applied and relevant personnel notified that work is finished | | |

|BCGPD2001B Handle painting and decorating materials |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied | | |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Identify, handle and store |Painting and decorating products, material and components, on delivery to site, are identified and checked for conformity to material schedule, |35 |6 |

|painting and decorating |plans and specifications | | |

|materials |Handling characteristics of painting and decorating material and components are identified and safe and effective handling techniques are adopted |35 |6 |

| |Storage locations are confirmed as satisfying fire safety, ventilation and product dispersal requirements | | |

| |Materials are handled safely and effectively according to Material Safety Data Sheets and requirements of regulatory authorities |35 |6 |

| |Painting and decorating material and components are sorted to suit material type and size, stacked for ease of identification and retrieval |35, 36 |6 |

| |Painting and decorating material and components are protected against physical and water damage and stored clear of traffic ways |35 |6 |

| | |35 |6 |

|3. Select and distribute |Painting and decorating products, material and components are identified, selected from stack and safely handled and distributed to required job |35 |6 |

|painting and decorating |location | | |

|materials in preparation for |Storage/holding area at job location is checked to ensure provision of adequate ventilation, fire safety and dispersal |35, 36 |6 |

|use |Painting and decorating materials are stored to best serve their subsequent use |35 |6 |

| |Work areas are prepared including the removal of objects and the use of drop sheets to protect surrounding surfaces |35 |6 |

|4. Clean up |Hazardous material is identified for separate handling by authorised personnel |36 |6 |

| |Work area is cleared and material disposed of in a safe and effective manner in accordance with State and Territory requirements |17 |GC |

| |Unused materials are sealed and stored/stacked in accordance with standard material handling practices |17 |GC |

| |Waste and unwanted materials are removed and placed into job waste bins or rubbish stockpile in a safe and effective manner in accordance with | | |

| |environmental protection requirements |17 |GC |

| |The possibility of spontaneous combustion is identified and suitable protective measures are applied |36 |6 |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices |17 |GC |

|BCGPD2002B Use painting and decorating tools and equipment |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |4 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |29 |GC |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |35, 36 |GC, 6 |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Identify hand and power |Hand and power tools, their functions, operations and limitations are identified |37 |7 |

|tools |OH&S requirements for using hand tools are recognised and adhered to |37 |7 |

| |OH&S requirements for using power tools are recognised and adhered to |37 |7 |

|3. Select tools for project |Tools are selected consistent with job requirements |37 |7 |

| |Tools, including leads and hoses, are checked for tags, serviceability and safety and any faults rectified or reported |37 |7 |

| |Power tools guards, retaining bolts, couplings, gauges and controls are checked and maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |37 |7 |

| |Equipment to hold or support material during operation is selected | | |

| |Pre-operational checks including lubricants, hydraulic fluid and water are completed in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |37 |7 |

| | |37 |7 |

|4. Use tools |Power and/or compressed air supply is connected to work area |37 |7 |

| |Start up and shut down procedures are followed |37 |7 |

| |Tools are safely and effectively used according to manufacturers’ recommendations and OH&S requirements |37 |7 |

| |Tools are safely located and switched off when not in immediate use |37 |7 |

|5. Select plant and equipment |Functions and limitations of plant/equipment used in painting and decorating are identified |38 |7 |

| |Plant and equipment are selected consistent with hazard minimisation and needs of job |38 |7 |

| |Method of operation of plant/equipment is identified |38 |7 |

| |OH&S requirements for operating and using plant and equipment are recognised and adhered to |38 |7 |

| |Plant and equipment are checked for safety and faults and rectified and reported |38 |7 |

|6. Use plant and equipment |Plant and equipment is safely and effectively used |38 |7 |

| |Plant and equipment is safely located when not in immediate use |38 |7 |

| |Plant and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored after use |38 |7 |

|7. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/ regulations/ codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Machinery, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |17 |GC |

| |practice | | |

|BCGPD2003B Remove and replace doors, door and window furniture |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |16 |GC |

|2. Remove door and window |Screens and fittings are carefully removed and stored safely |39 |8 |

|furniture |Window furniture is carefully removed and located or stored safely |39 |8 |

| |Door furniture is carefully removed and located or stored safely |39 |8 |

| |Doors are carefully removed and located or stored safely |39 |8 |

|3. Replace doors and window |Doors are carefully handled, placed, hung and fixed into original place |39 |8 |

|furniture |Door furniture is refitted and fixed back into place to specifications and without marking door or surrounds |39 |8 |

| |Window furniture is refitted and fixed back into place to specifications and without marking window surfaces or surrounds |39 |8 |

| |Screens are replaced securely in position without damage to surrounds |39 |8 |

|4. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/ regulations/ codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |17 |GC |

| |practices | | |

|BCGPD3001B Prepare surface for painting |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied | | |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare new or uncoated |The suitability of the surface for painting or clear finish application is determined in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job |40 |9 |

|surfaces for painting or clear |specifications | | |

|finish |The surface preparation method is correctly selected in accordance with the environment, finish and substrate requirements |40 |9 |

| |Surface is prepared to manufacturers’ specifications in compliance with substrate requirements, specifications and relevant standards | | |

| |Surface imperfections are stopped, filled and sanded to a smooth finish ready for painting in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and |40 |9 |

| |job specifications |40 |9 |

|3. Prepare previously coated |Condition and nature of existing substrate and surface material are determined and tested in accordance with relevant standards |40 |9 |

|surfaces for painting or clear |Potential hazards are identified and correct procedures are used to reduce risks in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job |40 |9 |

|finish |specifications | | |

| |The surface preparation method is correctly selected in accordance with the environment, finish and substrate requirements |40 |9 |

| |Surfaces are prepared by removing unwanted coatings and loose debris |40 |9 |

| |Surface defects are repaired and imperfections stopped, filled and sanded to smooth finish ready for painting in accordance with manufacturers’ |40 |9 |

| |recommendations and job specifications | | |

|4. Remove wallpaper and prepare|Type, condition and nature of existing type of wallpaper are determined prior to removal |40 |9 |

|surface for painting |The surface preparation method is correctly selected in accordance with the environment, finish and substrate requirements |40 |9 |

| |Wallpaper is removed using the most appropriate method |40 |9 |

| |Surfaces are prepared for paint application by removing loose debris |40 |9 |

| |Surface defects are repaired and imperfections stopped, filled and sanded to smooth finish ready for painting in accordance with manufacturers’ |40 |9 |

| |recommendations and job specifications | | |

|5. Clean up |Waste and unwanted materials are removed and placed into job waste bins or rubbish stockpile in accordance with sound work practices and compliance|17 |GC |

| |with the environmental requirements | | |

| |Painting tools and equipment are cleaned with correct solutions without damage and stored safely and effectively to manufacturers’ specifications |17 |GC |

| |Unused materials are sealed and stored/stacked in accordance with standard material handling practices and techniques and company requirements | | |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in a manner to avoid spontaneous combustion and in accordance with state or territory |17 |GC |

| |legislation | | |

| | |17 |GC |

|BCGPD3002B Apply paint by brush and roller |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied | | |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare the work area and |Materials and substrate surfaces are prepared in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and relevant Australian Standards |41 |10 |

|materials |Surrounding surfaces not to be painted are protected by drop sheets, masking or removal of objects in accordance with manufacturers’ |41 |10 |

| |recommendations and job specifications |41 |10 |

| |Job location is checked to ensure provision of adequate ventilation and precautions are taken to prevent fire and/or explosion in accordance with |41 |10 |

| |manufacturers’ recommendations and MSDS data |41 |10 |

| |Materials for specified paint finish are mixed to designed proportion and consistency in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job |41 |10 |

| |specifications | | |

| |Paint and colours are thoroughly stirred using separate stirring sticks | | |

| |Correct amounts of paint material are prepared to specified ratio with specified drying time in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and | | |

| |specifications | | |

|3. Apply paint with |Brush, roller or brush/roller combination is selected for specified surface profile, size of area and type of paint and finish specified in |42 |10 |

|brush/roller |accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications | | |

| |Paint is applied to achieve required level of opacity, finish, texture and sheen in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job |42 |10 |

| |specifications | | |

|4. Finish the application |Finished paint surface is cured using curing method in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |42 |10 |

| |Finished paint surface is tested using testing procedures in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications | | |

| | |42 |10 |

|5. Clean up |Painting tools and equipment are cleaned with correct solutions without damage and stored safely and effectively to manufacturers’ specifications |17 |GC |

| |Unused materials are sealed and stored/stacked in accordance with standard material handling practices and techniques and company requirements | | |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices |17 |GC |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with state or territory legislation | | |

| | |17 |GC |

| | |17 |GC |

|BCGPD3003B Apply texture coat paint finishes by brush, roller and spray |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |4 |GC |

| |are rectified or reported prior to commencement |37, 38 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied | | |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare materials and |Area is set up for application processes to suit the application system being used |43 |11 |

|application area |Adjoining surfaces to application area are protected by masking off or covering prior to application of texture coat paint |43 |11 |

| |Adequate ventilation to application area is provided to maintain a safe environment |43 |11 |

| |Measures are taken to ensure application area remains free of dust and foreign matter |43 |11 |

| |Application system/equipment is prepared for use |43 |11 |

| |Fittings are checked for function and security prior to use in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |43 |11 |

| |Texture coat paint is mixed and adjusted to allow for application process in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and plans/specification|43 |11 |

|3. Apply texture coat by brush |Application equipment is used in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |44 |11 |

|and roller |Texture coat paint is applied to surface using correct application technique to achieve an even finish with opacity and sheen level in accordance |44 |11 |

| |with the job specification |44 |11 |

| |Defects in coating are identified and corrective action taken to achieve the required finish in accordance with the job specification | | |

|4. Apply texture coat by spray |Spray equipment is operated to standard operating procedures in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |45 |11 |

| |Texture coat paint is applied to surface using correct application technique to achieve an even finish with opacity and sheen level in accordance |45 |11 |

| |with the job specification | | |

| |Defects in coating are identified and corrective action taken to achieve the required paint finish in accordance with the job specification |45 |11 |

|5. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |17 |GC |

| |practices | | |

|BCGPD3004B Apply paint by spray |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |4 |GC |

| |are rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied | | |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare materials and |Area is set up for application processes to suit spray system being used |46 |12 |

|application area |Adjoining surfaces to application area are protected by masking off or covering prior to application of spray paint |46 |12 |

| |Adequate ventilation to application area is provided to maintain a safe environment |46 |12 |

| |Measures are taken to ensure application area remains free of dust and foreign matter |46 |12 |

| |Paint is mixed and viscosity adjusted to allow for application process for spray paint finishing materials in accordance with manufacturers’ |46 |12 |

| |recommendations and plans/specification | | |

|3. Set up and test spray |Spray equipment components, accessories and lines for the selected spray system are identified, selected and set up in the operating location in |47 |12 |

|equipment |accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and plans/specification | | |

| |Fittings are checked for function and security prior to use in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |47 |12 |

| |Safety devices are identified, tested and defects corrected in accordance with standard operational and manufacturers’ requirements |47 |12 |

|4. Apply paint using the spray |Spray equipment is operated to standard operating procedures in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |48 |12 |

|system |Paint is applied to surface using correct application technique to achieve an even finish with opacity and sheen level in accordance with the job |48 |12 |

| |specification | | |

| |Defects in coating are identified and corrective action taken to achieve the required spray paint finish in accordance with the job specification |48 |12 |

|5. Clean up and store equipment|Spray gun and associated components and equipment are dismantled, checked, cleaned and maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations|17 |GC |

| |and operator’s manual | | |

| |Spray paint materials and solvents are stored safely to manufacturers’ specifications and company procedures |17 |GC |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

|BCGPD3005B Match specified paint colour |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |35 |GC, 6 |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Match paint colour to |Base colour is identified from analysis of sample |49 |13 |

|specified sample |Paint type, tint base and sheen level of sample are established in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and specifications |49 |13 |

| |Colorants are selected as suitable for colour match |49 |13 |

| |Colour is mixed and matched against sample and allowed to dry to establish accuracy of colour match |49 |13 |

| |Full quantity of paint is mixed and colour match retested prior to application in accordance with specifications | | |

| | |49 |13 |

|3. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Machinery, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |17 |GC |

| |practices | | |

|BCGPD3006B Apply stains and clear timber finishes |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare materials and |Area is set up for application processes to suit application system being used |50 |14 |

|application area |Adjoining surfaces to application area are protected by masking off or covering prior to application of stains and finishes |50 |14 |

| |Adequate ventilation to application area is provided to maintain a safe environment |50 |14 |

| |Measures are taken to ensure application area remains free of dust and foreign matter |50 |14 |

|3. Stain bare timber surface |Stain is selected for type of timber allowing for aesthetics and durability in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job |51 |14 |

| |specifications |51 |14 |

| |Stain is prepared to proportions and consistency in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specification |51 |14 |

| |Application method for the specified surface, area size and type of finish is selected in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job |51 |14 |

| |specifications |51 |14 |

| |Stain is applied to bare timber surface to specifications and manufacturers’ instructions | | |

| |Wood filler and putty are selected, mixed, colour matched and applied to timber in accordance with job specifications | | |

|4. Apply clear finishes |Coats of selected clear finish are applied to achieve required level of opacity, finish and sheen in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations|52 |14 |

| |and job specifications | | |

| |Drying time is allowed between coats in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |52 |14 |

| |Clear finish surfaces are cured in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |52 |14 |

|5. Clean up |Unused materials are sealed and stored/stacked in accordance with standard material handling practices and techniques and company requirements |17 |GC |

| |Painting tools and equipment are cleaned with correct solutions without damage and stored safely and effectively to manufacturers’ specifications | | |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| | |17 |GC |

|BCGPD3007B Apply wall paper |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied | | |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare surfaces for |Condition, suitability and nature of existing substrate and surface material are determined and removal process is selected |53 |15 |

|wallpaper |Hazards are identified and correct procedures used to reduce risk to self and others in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and |53 |15 |

| |specifications |53 |15 |

| |Surfaces are prepared for wallpapering application by removing existing coating and loose debris | | |

| |Surface defects are repaired and imperfections stopped, filled and sanded to smooth finish ready for wallpapering in accordance with manufacturers’|53 |15 |

| |recommendations and job specifications | | |

|3. Prepare for the hanging |Final application plan for hanging of wallpaper is determined and documented in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and with client |54 |15 |

|process |requirements | | |

| |Selected adhesives are prepared in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |54 |15 |

| |Materials are checked for conformity to dye lot, batch number and other shading requirements in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and |54 |15 |

| |client requirements | | |

|4. Apply wallpaper |Size coating is applied to work area in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |54 |15 |

| |Wallpaper is applied to work area ensuring an even surface, seams are butted, paper is plumb and pattern is free of defects |54 |15 |

| |Trimming around fittings is completed accurately and with minimal impact on surroundings |54 |15 |

| |Wallpaper application is completed in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |54 |15 |

|5. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices |17 |GC |

|BCGPD3008B Apply decorative paint finishes |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |4 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |37 |GC, 7 |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement | | |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare application area |Area is set up for application processes to suit surfaces to be painted |55 |16 |

| |Adjoining surfaces to application area are protected by masking off or covering prior to application of decorative paint finishing materials |55 |16 |

| |Ventilation is provided in application area to maintain safety of self and others | | |

| |Measures are taken to ensure application area is dust free |55 |16 |

| | |55 |16 |

|3. Apply mirror paint finish |Paint viscosity is adjusted to suit climatic conditions and method of application in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job |56 |16 |

| |specifications | | |

| |Prime and intermediate coats are applied to specifications, allowed to dry thoroughly and sanded to a smooth, even finish |56 |16 |

| |Final coat is applied without imperfections, flowing out to an even, smooth finish in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job |56 |16 |

| |specifications | | |

|4. Apply broken colour effects |Ground coat to specified colour and consistency is applied evenly to prepared surface |57 |16 |

| |Scumble glaze is applied to prepared ground and desired broken colour effect is produced to match sample in accordance with manufacturers’ |57 |16 |

| |specifications and/or job specifications |57 |16 |

| |Clear coating is applied to achieve an even finish to specified sheen level in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job | | |

| |specifications | | |

|5. Produce imitation marble |Ground coat to specified colour and consistency is applied evenly to prepared surface |58 |16 |

|effects |Marbling medium is mixed to designed proportions and colour and correctly applied to produce veins and markings as per sample in accordance with |58 |16 |

| |manufacturers’ specifications and/or job specifications | | |

| |Clear coating is applied to achieve an even finish to specified sheen level in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job |58 |16 |

| |specifications | | |

|6. Produce imitation wood grain|Ground coat to specified colour and consistency is applied evenly to prepared surface |58 |16 |

|effects |Wood graining medium is mixed to designed proportions and colour and correctly applied to produce grain markings as per sample and in accordance |58 |16 |

| |with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job specifications | | |

| |Specific highlights are added to match sample of decorative paint finishing materials in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job |58 |16 |

| |specifications | | |

| |Clear coating is applied to achieve an even finish to specified sheen level in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job |58 |16 |

| |specifications | | |

|7. Apply stencils |Stencil design is selected and laid out onto recommended material |59 |16 |

| |Specified transfer method is used and design cut accurately for multiple colours using a ‘register’ mark |59 |16 |

| |Initial stencil is placed and taped to designed location and paint is applied to produce first colour to specifications |59 |16 |

| |Subsequent stencils are located accurately to pattern with each separate colour applied to specifications to produce designed finish in accordance |59 |16 |

| |with manufacturers’ specifications and/or job specifications | | |

|8. Apply lining by brush |Lining work is selected and set out to designed effect on prepared surface to specifications |60 |16 |

| |Paint materials, applicators and brush ware are identified and selected in accordance with suitability of use for lining application and job |60 |16 |

| |specifications | | |

| |Specified application techniques are applied to produce designed lining work effects and finish in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications |60 |16 |

| |and/or job specifications | | |

|9. Clean up and store equipment|Special effect painting equipment and spray painting equipment are dismantled, cleaned, maintained and stored |17 |GC |

| |Waste and unwanted materials are removed and placed into job waste bins or rubbish stockpile in a safe and effective manner in accordance with |17 |GC |

| |sound work practices compliant with environmental protection requirements | | |

| |Unused materials are sealed and stored/stacked in accordance with standard material handling practices and techniques and company requirements |17 |GC |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job | | |

| |specification |17 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or standard work practices | | |

| | |17 |GC |

|BCGPD3011B Treat lead paint hazards |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |4 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |37 |GC, 7 |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement | | |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35, 36 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |16 |GC |

|2. Define and prepare work area|Circumstances in which lead based paints may be encountered are determined |61 |17 |

| |Location of lead based paint to be treated is determined from plans/specifications |61 |17 |

| |Testing is undertaken using approved testing methods |61 |17 |

| |Options for the management and treatment of pre-existing lead based paints in buildings are considered and determined in accordance with regulatory|61 |17 |

| |requirements | | |

| |A safe working area is maintained around lead based paint locations using temporary control measures, barriers and signage |61 |17 |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are positioned to suit job requirements |61 |17 |

|3. Remove contaminated |Appropriate removal processes are determined to suit job requirements |62 |17 |

|materials |Contamination area is quarantined and people at risk are protected in accordance with regulatory requirements |62 |17 |

| |Furnishings, other surfaces, surrounding ground areas, drinking vessels, water storage and foodstuffs are protected and all doors and windows |62 |17 |

| |sealed where appropriate |62 |17 |

| |Waste management procedures are identified for lead contamination from flake, chalk and dust |62 |17 |

| |Removal processes are applied and contaminated materials are containerised for movement |62 |17 |

| |Substrates are repaired, restored and prepared for subsequent coatings | | |

|4. Encapsulate contaminated |Stabilisation method is determined to make the building lead safe by applying temporary control measures |62 |17 |

|materials |Appropriate methods for the containment of existing surfaces are determined or confirmed in accordance with regulatory requirements |62 |17 |

| |Over painting is conducted using oil based paints by applying a high quality undercoat sealer and two coats of quality topcoats | | |

| |Specialised liquid encapsulant is applied in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications |62 |17 |

| |Contaminated surface is enclosed using overlaying materials such as plasterboard or weatherboard and applying warning notices of the latent lead |62 |17 |

| |hazard |62 |17 |

|5. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with state or territory legislation |17 |GC |

| |Waste and unwanted materials are removed and placed into containment vessels for disposal in accordance with authorised systems and relevant |17, 36, 63 |GC |

| |standards | | |

| |Surface and soil tests are conducted to verify that no contamination has taken place and building is safe for occupation |17, 36, 63 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices |17 |GC |

|BCGPD3009B Remove graffiti and apply protective coatings |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |4 |GC |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |37, 38 |GC, 7 |

| |are rectified or reported prior to commencement | | |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35, 36 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare site and materials |Site area is set up for graffiti removal and preventative application processes to suit surfaces to be treated |64 |18 |

| |Adjoining surfaces to application area are protected by masking off or covering prior to application of graffiti preventative coatings |64 |18 |

| |Adequate ventilation is provided for application area | | |

| | |64 |18 |

|3. Remove graffiti |Preparation processes are selected to suit the substrate surfaces and the graffiti circumstances |65 |18 |

| |Type of coating previously used to cover graffiti is identified in accordance with current industry standards of practice, manufacturers’ |65 |18 |

| |recommendations and specifications | | |

| |Graffiti removal processes are applied to the affected area in accordance with current industry standards of practice, manufacturers’ |65 |18 |

| |recommendations and specifications | | |

|4. Apply preventative |Substrate surfaces are cleaned and prepared for preventative application coatings in accordance with current industry standards of practice and |66 |18 |

|application material |manufacturers’ recommendations | | |

| |Type of preventative application coating to cover specific type of graffiti is identified and prepared in accordance with manufacturers’ |66 |18 |

| |recommendations and job specifications |66 |18 |

| |Preventative application coating to cover specific type of graffiti is applied in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job | | |

| |specifications | | |

|BCGPD3010B Apply protective paint coating systems |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications | | |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |29 |GC |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |35 |GC, 6 |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare surfaces for |The suitability of the surface for the protective coating is determined in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |67 |19 |

|protective coating |The surface preparation method is correctly selected in accordance with the environment, finish and substrate requirements | | |

| |Surface is prepared to manufacturers’ specifications in compliance with substrate requirements, specifications and relevant standards |67 |19 |

| |Surface imperfections are repaired or stopped, filled and sanded to a smooth finish ready for the protective coating in accordance with |67 |19 |

| |manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |67 |19 |

|3. Apply protective coating |Job location is checked to ensure provision of adequate ventilation and precautions taken to prevent fire and/or explosion |67 |19 |

|system |Protective coating system application is selected consistent with the job location, type of paint, type and condition of surface and climatic |67 |19 |

| |conditions | | |

| |Protective coating system is applied and finished in accordance with job/manufacturers’ specifications and relevant standards |67 |19 |

| |Dry and wet testing is carried out in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and relevant standards |67 |19 |

|4. Clean up |Waste and unwanted materials are removed and placed into job waste bins or rubbish stockpile in accordance with sound work practices and compliance|17 |GC |

| |with the environmental requirements | | |

| |Painting tools, equipment and plant are cleaned with correct solutions without damage and stored safely and effectively to manufacturers’ |17 |GC |

| |specifications | | |

| |Unused materials are sealed and stored/stacked in accordance with standard material handling practices and techniques and company requirements |17 |GC |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in a manner to avoid spontaneous combustion and in accordance with state or territory |17 |GC |

| |legislation | | |

|BCGPD3012B Apply advanced wallpaper techniques |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |4 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |37 |GC, 7 |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement | | |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare surfaces for |Condition, suitability and nature of existing substrate and surface material are determined and removal process is selected |68 |20 |

|wallpaper |Hazards are identified and correct procedures used to reduce risk to self and others in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and |68 |20 |

| |specifications |68 |20 |

| |Surfaces are prepared for wallpapering application by removing existing coating and loose debris |68 |20 |

| |Surface defects are repaired and imperfections stopped, filled and sanded to smooth finish ready for wallpapering in accordance with manufacturers’| | |

| |recommendations and job specifications | | |

|3. Prepare for the hanging |Final application plan for hanging of wallpaper and specialty material is determined and documented in accordance with manufacturers’ |69 |20 |

|process |recommendations and with client requirements |69 |20 |

| |Selected adhesives are prepared in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations | | |

| |Materials are checked for conformity to dye lot, batch number and other shading requirements in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and |69 |20 |

| |client requirements | | |

|4. Apply wallpaper |Size coating is applied to work area in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |69 |20 |

| |Wallpaper and specialty materials are applied to work area ensuring an even surface, seams are butted, paper is plumb and pattern is free of |69 |20 |

| |defects | | |

| |Trimming around fittings is completed accurately and with minimal impact on surroundings |69 |20 |

| |Wallpaper and specialty material application are completed in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |69 |20 |

|5. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices |17 |GC |

|BCGSP3003B Apply trowelled texture coat finishes |

|1. Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |11, 14 |GC |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults are |4 |GC |

| |rectified or reported prior to commencement |37 |GC, 7 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications |29 |GC |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |35 |GC, 6 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and applied | | |

| | |16 |GC |

|2. Prepare surface area |Materials and substrate surfaces are prepared for the specified trowelled texture coat finish in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations |70 |21 |

| |Dash coat is mixed and applied liberally to wetted surface in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and specifications | | |

| | |70 |21 |

|3. Mix and apply materials |Texture coating materials are mixed to designed proportion and consistency in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications|70 |21 |

| |Texture coat is applied to specified surfaces with trowel and to correct thickness |70 |21 |

| |Texture coat is applied in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications | | |

| | |70 |21 |

|4. Finish and cure the texture |Texture coat is surface finished plumb/level in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |71 |21 |

|coat |Finished texture coat surface is cured in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications |71 |21 |

|5. Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |17 |GC |

| |specification | | |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices |17 |GC |

|BSBSBM301A Research business opportunities |

|1. Identify business |Business opportunities are investigated and identified |72 |22 |

|opportunities |Feasibility study is undertaken to determine likely business viability |72 |22 |

| |Specialist services and sources of advice are identified where required |72 |22 |

| |Impacts of emerging or changing technology including e-commerce, on business operations are evaluated |72 |22 |

| |Practicability of business opportunity assessed in line with perceived risks, returns sought and resources available |72 |22 |

|2. Identify personal business |Financial and business skills available are identified and taken into account when business opportunities are researched |72 |22 |

|skills |Technical competencies required in regard to the business opportunity identified and assessed in line with current competencies of available |72 |22 |

| |personnel | | |

| |Personal skills/attributes are assessed and matched against those perceived as necessary for a particular business opportunity |72 |22 |

| |Business Risks are identified and assessed according to resources available and personal preferences |72 |22 |

|LMFGG2008A Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors |

|1. Identify work requirements |Work requirements in the form of type of glass and the method of fixing are identified from work instructions |5, 6, 11 |GC |

| |Workplace health and safety requirements for glazing/reglazing of windows and doors, including personal protection needs, are observed throughout |1, 2 |GC |

| |the work | | |

| |The process for fitting glass to window and door frames is identified |5, 6 |GC |

|2. Prepare for work |Work sequence is planned in a logical order to suit the job |6 |GC |

| |Tools, equipment and materials (less glass and frames) are selected and checked prior to use to ensure that they are appropriate for the work, |37 |GC, 7 |

| |serviceable and in a safe condition | | |

| |Type of glass to be fitted and frames are selected to match: |73 |23 |

| |customer order | | |

| |existing glass type | | |

| |requirements for security, noise or light control | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Glass is checked for type, size and imperfections |73 |23 |

| |Glass fixing method is selected according to: |73 |23 |

| |specification | | |

| |type of glass and frame | | |

| |security requirements | | |

| |sealing methods | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Frame condition is assessed to ensure suitability for glazing in accordance with customer order and Australian Standards. Defective frames are | | |

| |reported for repair or replacement in accordance with workplace procedures |73 |23 |

| |Fixing and sealing materials are prepared by mixing or cutting to length as appropriate |73 |23 |

|3. Identify site conditions and|On-site difficulties are recognised and action taken to resolve in accordance with regulations and workplace requirements |73 |23 |

|restraints |Covering material is applied where necessary to protect existing fixtures and fittings |73 |23 |

| |Special characteristics of the window or door which may affect the finished job are identified and corrective action taken |73 |23 |

|4. Perform glazing |Frame is prepared to receive glass by: |74 |23 |

| |checking size against specification | | |

| |removing remains of glass and any sealants | | |

| |cleaning | | |

| |surface preparation (if required) | | |

| |Glass is fixed to the frame using the selected method and in accordance with recognised industry procedures and Australian Standards | | |

| |Solvents and sealants are used in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and Australian Standards |74 |23 |

| |Excess sealing material is removed |74 |23 |

| |Glass and frame are cleaned after fixing |74 |23 |

| | |74 |23 |

|5. Complete work |Completed installation is checked to ensure compliance with customer requirements and specifications |74 |23 |

| |Tools, equipment and materials are cleaned and stored following workplace procedures |17 |GC |

| |Work area is cleaned and left in a safe condition and rubbish disposed of as appropriate |17 |GC |

| |Waste and scrap materials are removed for disposal or recycling as required |17 |GC |

| |Workplace documentation is completed in accordance with workplace requirements |11 |GC |

|MEM08012B Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (basic) |

|1. Determine job requirements |Work requirements determined from job sheet, instructions or other pre-determined specifications in accordance with standard operating procedures |75 |24 |

| |Appropriate abrasive blasting process, equipment and media identified to meet job specification | | |

| |Work site prepared for surface cleaning activities |75 |24 |

| | |75 |24 |

|2. Set up equipment |Appropriate equipment and any required consumables assembled, set up and prepared correctly and safely in accordance with manufactures |75 |24 |

| |specifications and standard operating procedures | | |

| |Correct rust inhibitor for use in wet abrasive blast methods is selected where required |75 |24 |

| |Pre operational checks are carried out on equipment and faults are rectified or reported for further action |75 |24 |

|3. Prepare surfaces using |Blasting equipment is operated in accordance with standard operating procedures |75 |24 |

|abrasive blasting |Emergency shut down procedures can be undertaken |75 |24 |

| |Work procedures undertaken to appropriate environmental requirements |75 |24 |

| |Abrasive media disposal carried out in accordance with standard operating procedures |75 |24 |

| |Blasting equipment is cleaned and disassembled and inspected in accordance with manufacturers specifications and standard operating procedures |75 |24 |

| |Equipment faults are recorded and reported in accordance with standard operating procedures | | |

| | |75 |24 |

|4. Inspect prepared surface |Surface preparation assessed for cleanliness and conformance with specifications |75 |24 |

| |Faults or defects are rectified where required and inspection results recorded and reported in accordance with standard operating procedures |75 |24 |

|MEM08013B Prepare surfaces by abrasive blasting (advanced) |

|1. Determine job requirements |Work requirements determined from job sheet, instructions or other pre-determined specifications in accordance with standard operating procedures |76 |25 |

| |Appropriate abrasive blasting process, equipment and media identified to meet job specification | | |

| |Appropriate abrasive blasting media and equipment selected to meet job specification |76 |25 |

| |Work site prepared for surface cleaning activities |76 |25 |

| | |76 |25 |

|2. Set up equipment |Appropriate equipment and any required consumables assembled, set up and prepared correctly and safely in accordance with manufactures |76 |25 |

| |specifications and standard operating procedures |76 |25 |

| |Correct rust inhibitor for use in wet abrasive blast methods is selected where required | | |

| |Pre operational checks are carried out on equipment and faults are rectified or reported for further action |76 |25 |

|3. Inspect surface prior to |Inspect work piece prior to cleaning in accordance with standard operating procedure |76 |25 |

|cleaning |Identified faults/defects requiring remedial or pre treatment action are reported as required |76 |25 |

|4. Prepare surfaces using |Blasting equipment is operated in accordance with standard operating procedures |76 |25 |

|abrasive blasting |Emergency shut down procedures can be undertaken |76 |25 |

| |Work procedures undertaken to appropriate environmental requirements |76 |25 |

| |Abrasive media disposal carried out in accordance with standard operating procedures |76 |25 |

| |Blasting equipment is cleaned and disassembled and inspected in accordance with manufacturers specifications and standard operating procedures |76 |25 |

| |Equipment faults are recorded and reported in accordance with standard operating procedures |76 |25 |

|5. Inspect prepared surface |Surface preparation assessed for cleanliness and conformance with specifications |76 |25 |

| |Faults or defects are rectified where required and inspection results recorded and reported in accordance with standard operating procedures |76 |25 |





Practical Assessment


gap training (only IF REQUIRED)

Step 1:

Analyse the application.

Identify links between any documents applicant provides and competency units.

Identify any key questions for competency conversation.

Step 5:

Identify any practical activities required to confirm competency

Observe practical activity

Step 7:

Identify areas where 3rd party verification is needed and inform candidate.

Confirm / Verify 3rd party reports

Step 3:

Conduct competency conversation

Step 2:

Record results of analysis in table at end of application

Step 4:

Complete the Record of Conversation sheets during the competency conversation

Step 6:

Complete Practical Assessment Tasks Observation Sheets

Step 8:

Receive completed Third party reports

* Remember RPL assessment is an accumulative process of collecting evidence.

Complete assessment sign off & file documentation.

Issue qualification / advise of gap training as appropriate

Assessment Activity

Record keeping Activity


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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