The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is February 28, 2008 and everything on this call is being recorded.

This recording is available as a download from our website:

This question and answer call is one of several ways we support our clients in getting the value and the results you want from The Healing Codes packages. Another was is the recording. Another way, actually in my opinion the most important way is that we also provide with The Healing Codes packages some personal custom coding. We’ve got a couple of Certified Healing Codes Practitioners on this call: Ingrid from Michigan and Patricia from Oklahoma. Our certified coaches will, based upon what is going on at a particular point in time in your conversation, will literally create a custom Code, something separate and distinct. That is a way to zero in on an issue that you happen to be dealing with. I recommend that you do The Healing Codes on a consistent basis and you take advantage of that coaching support. It’s very valuable.

We also have a Clients Only area on our website. Like the words say, clients only, if you are not a client I would ask that you respect that boundary. It requires a user name and password to go in there. There’s a forum that you have to register for. It requires an additional registration to prevent spamers doing whatever it is they know how to do. In order to get into the Clients Only area you need a user name and password:

User name: healingcodes Password: 12days

Tonight on this call as in every call we ask that if you’ve got any uncertainty or doubts or questions about any of The Healing Codes process or procedure this is a good place to dispel that uncertainty. When we’re not certain what the road ahead looks like we tend to put our feet on the brakes. There’s no sense of slowing down progress if we’ve got another option. That’s what we hope this Q&A call will do.

We like to validate people who want to tell us their stories of The Healing Codes. That also sounds good to us, but more importantly it is encouraging to other people. Frankly it takes as long as it takes. Some people get results very, very quickly and other people it takes longer and that’s just the way it works.

I will cover some of the points that I think literally contributed to results occurring faster. I’ll do that in a few minutes.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with the issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. Additionally, the opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t just let them go flying by.

In a minute I’m going to ask Jodi to explain how to get into the queue to ask questions, make comments. First let me say this is one of the ways that facilitates results occurring faster. Don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. This is about relaxing. It’s about removal of stress. It is not walking on a tightrope but actually waking on a wider boulevard. So give yourself a little bit of leeway. Relax about it and know that your intention to do The Healing Codes, as long as you’re doing them you are doing them right.

So get into the physically most comfortable position. Put pillows on your lap or elbows on the table so that you’re not straining your arms or shoulder muscles. Then you can do that position without any kind of physical discomfort. If you’re sitting on a recliner or a chair or on the couch, lying on the floor, lying on the bed, if you prop your elbows up with pillows you will find that you can move from position to position with very little muscular effort. That way you can relax and allow – relax and ALLOW whatever is going to occur, to occur. I say we allow health or we interfere with it, rather than we cause it. So allowing, relaxing, letting it happen is kind of a nice way to be.

We set our intention with the prayer/request. Really great things can occur when we relax and focus on that. It’s just the natural order of things.

So rather than jibber jabber a little bit more right now, I’ll ask Jodi to tell you how to get into the queue or accidentally knock yourself out of the queue.

Jodi: (Gives technical directions)

Participant: (Paula, Michigan) My question is a hypothetical. If a woman had a boyfriend and he had a deep, deep, deep issues that he really didn’t think was an issue, could a person could be helped who is in total denial of a childhood issue? Could I do a Healing Code….. I mean could the hypothetical girlfriend do a Healing Code for the hypothetical boyfriend. Some men think, “if it’s not broken don’t fix it”, but they don’t see that it is broken. If there’s a deep painful buried issue I wonder if I could do The Healing Codes to help him out?

Tom Costello: I got the question. This is a very complicated area actually. In the simplest form you could pray for anybody in the world and there is value in that for you, and there’s value in that for the person you’re praying for. That’s a good thing to do. You can do a Healing Code for another person without the attachment to change – you’re doing it and they’re going to accept that energy in whatever way they accept that energy. You feel good about it. That’s good enough.

But, if you have to change somebody because he’s not right, he’s broken or he’s got some major flaw, I think you’re reinforcing the problem. Get a new boyfriend. You will not be the first woman that thinks her job is to change the man. Really, you may want to do that, but it’s really the man’s job to change the man just like it’s the woman’s job to change the woman.

I would suggest that if you be the finest person you can be, your light has a great value in helping his value. Focusing on a flaw in another person, and we all have those flaws, simply reinforces the flaw. It just makes the person defensive oftentimes. “Let me correct you. Let me fix this thing in you.” Okay, I handled that. “Let me fix this other thing in you. You don’t think it’s a problem. I think it’s a problem. Let me fix this….” That’s a challenge.

Before some of you got on this call Lourana congratulated me on celebrating my 8th anniversary on Tuesday night. I married my childhood sweetheart. I married her when I was 12 years old on the playground field. Had a short gap of 35 years and re-married her. Some years ago we were talking about something and she said something and I said, “No, no, no. This is a problem with me. I have this flaw.” She said, “I’m not invested in looking for flaws. I’m not interested in searching to find out what’s wrong with you. I don’t have any interest in that. I don’t see that. I’m interested in reflecting back to you your finest qualities.” There is no faster way to help a person be all he can be than mirror back to him his finest qualities rather than correct his flaws.

You’re dealing with something that’s a little more complicated than it looks like on the surface. I say work on you and either he’ll follow in self improvement or you can get a new boyfriend.

Participant: I like a lot of things about him. We got to this point in the road where there’s a glitch. I think the studying I’ve done over the years in seminars and stuff that what happened in his childhood – his brother feel out the window and died when he was a toddler. My boyfriend was a baby. I think some of his nurturing needs didn’t get met and the father kind of walled him out because he didn’t want another son to get close who might die. So he’s done remarkably well considering this issue happened in the family. I think that’s – he doesn’t understand how anything in the past could affect you now. He doesn’t understand that stuff.

Tom Costello: Pick up a hammer and hit him in the hand with it and then ask him one minute later if his hand hurts. Ask him how that occurred. He’ll say, “Something in my past did that.” Sure. It happened about a minute ago. Those kinds of traumas don’t just occur and then disappear. They leave imprints. Share reading material with him, Paula.

Participant: I’ve been sharing some of Eckert Tholle’s “The Power of Now”. That kind of helped anchor in his belief that if you just stay in the now moment and allow it to pass that everything is going to be fine. I still think certain issues like feelings that need to be felt and childhoods that need to be grieved. I think that The Healing Codes can help with that healing and grieving without digging into the issues and stirring everything up. Especially to go into 15 years of psychoanalysis is….

Tom Costello: Paula, you don’t have to sell me on the value of this. I’m in agreement with you. You either need to sell this to him or have him buy it. To do it for him, to take responsibility for him, I think, is not the right approach. You can do whatever you can do in love and let the chips fall where they may. He has a right to have his own experiences. Why don’t you practice compassion? Practice loving him and go from there.

Participant: I kind of thought some of this through before I asked you the question. I often say, “What would Tom say?” What I was thinking is sometimes you need a little bit of help before you can do it yourself. You need your friends to support you a little bit before you can help yourself find your way out of stuff. That’s why I was wondering if there is something I could do in support of him to help him open up his mind so that he would be more open to it at some point.

Tom Costello: Yes. Model doing The Healing Codes. Model your own personal healing. Model being a success story. Model being a miracle and the light that burns within you will be so bright that he and others will be attracted and go, “Wow, what did you do? You look great. What did you do? How did you do that? I want to do that, too.” That’s the way to do it.

This is kind of like dealing with children. Children do what we do; they don’t do what we say. If we think we’re going to, “Just do it because I said.” They’re going to model what we do. In that case, here’s your chance. Take care of yourself. Okay?

Participant: Okay. When I hit him with the hammer I’ll tell him you said so.

Tom Costello: Yeah, that was my advice. Remember this is part of that disclaimer. Just let some things go flying by. That might be one of them. Thanks, Paula.

Participant: (Sylvia, NC) I’ve been doing the Codes about three months and had gotten some personal Codes for some things, but never anything that was a physical condition until about three weeks ago. I’ve had this recurrent joint pain and discomfort and I talked to my coach. My question is, it got better and I thought I’d just move on. I found that it will recur. My question is am I not sticking with the Code long enough or do you, when it’s better, can you move on and do other Codes and then come back to that? How do you deal with better and then recurring? It seems like when it comes back it’s even worse. Do you have any thoughts about that?

Tom Costello: I do. I just want to mention that we try to focus below the surface of the symptom. The joint pain, to us is a symptom. I would say if that’s a symptom there is an issue. Maybe you bumped into a wall. But below that, on the third level down is a cause. There’s some energetic pattern, there’s some belief, there’s some interpretation, there’s some event, there’s some energy that is involved in that.

You can look at joint pain from multiple angles. Typically at the end of a call I’ll say to people that I think there are half a dozen things you can do. Drink good water. Get plenty of oxygen. Get rest. Eat nutritious food so your body has building blocks. Move so your lymphatic system can cleanse your cells and tissues and remove waste products from your body and do The Healing Codes for the elimination of stress. You do those half a dozen things, you’re in good shape.

Based upon what I’ve been reading in the last 24 hours, and I’ve seen this many times, I would insure that my pH, my acid/alkaline balance is in the alkaline area so the terrain of your body is ideal. There. That’s the physical way of dealing with it.

Now you come back and say, “What would joint pain or any other pain indicate?” There are a couple of ways to look at it from a belief system. This is, to me, the simplest. You look at that pain or that condition and say, “What does this say about me?” What does it say about life? What does it say about other people? What does it say about ____? “I can’t do this.” “I must stop.” Sometimes this sort of thing is triggered by “safety programs”. “Don’t go out. That’s a new area. That represents change. That represents being successful. That represents….” Now this pattern, this energy pattern thinks it’s protecting us, but in fact it is imprisoning us.

When you look at “what does this say about me?” maybe you can get a clue. Or, what does it prevent you from doing? If there’s some connection there, you can shift it. It may not be in 2008 even though you say you’re experiencing this pain in 2008. The origins are not likely in 2008. In fact it could be from very, very long ago. This happens in the family….. I’ve heard that a lot of times. “This is – everybody in my family has this particular problem.”

Sometimes there is a connection, a belief system. Let me say it this way. There are reference books that say if a person is experiencing this problem, sometimes the belief is about this….. Just as an example of that, lower back pain. Sometimes there is a support issue. “I have to do it all by myself.” “Nobody can help me.” “I’ve got the world on my shoulders.” Those kinds of images – you can feel those energy patterns getting heavier and heavier.

Sometimes legs and feet and stuff can be associated with moving forward, stepping out. You say, “Yeah, I’m almost protecting myself from the unknown.” What’s the unknown? Basically everything is unknown. Tomorrow you don’t know how things are going to unfold. You’re not certain of the weather. If you’re going to be in a business situation what might change? I would be looking at those kinds of things as well.

Then, when you do The Healing Code a custom Code or just the 12 Days, start with Unforgiveness. I was just complaining about the joints. I want to forgive my body. My body is demonstrating (this is my belief), my body is demonstrating my beliefs. I am a certain height. I’m a certain weight. I comb my hair a certain way. I wear certain clothes because of my belief systems. It didn’t happen magically for me. I’m the co-creator of this. So I want to forgive myself for any lack of respect for my body. I want my body to get back to this unbelievable level of health, strength and flexibility and joyous vitality that you’re familiar with. That’s my intention. Then I would weave that into my prayer/request.

Then I’d imagine some scene as my Truth Focus Statement. More than just words… Let’s say you were a tennis player a while ago, smashing a serve and returning a volley. You just love the joy of galloping across the court. “I love the physicality of that.” I would put my attention on that sort of thing.

It’s almost as if the subconscious mind is saying, “Give me building specifications that I can relate to.” You say, “healthy body”. It goes, “That doesn’t work. Give me some specifications that I can build to.” You get into the feeling of it, the vibration of it and that joy of it and the discovery of it and the thrill of it. The subconscious mind you can almost hear go, “Ah, now I’ve got it. I can build to those specifications, that high vibration energetic feeling.”

Participant: Are you saying I would take each of the 12 Days and do that kind of thing with it?

Tom Costello: Yes. You could just say, “I want to deal with my joint issue and whatever that means on the deepest levels.” First I’m going to do Unforgiveness and then Harmful Actions.

I’m a coffee drinker. Today when I was reading this article for the up-teenth time about pH, it’s like I no longer can ignore it. Coffee is very acidic. Negative thoughts, negative emotions, anger and fear acidify the tissues in the body. This is an interesting point. I don’t mean to…. Yes I do. I do mean to belabor this because I found it fascinating.

When the human body dies it turns acidic. There’s a lack of oxygen because we’re no longer breathing. The microorganisms in the body take the level of acidity and the lack of oxygen as indicators that they should break down the body, reduce it to the lowest element that it can be, decomposition. Okay, that makes sense. I was wondering what triggered it. It’s acidity and lack of oxygen.

Well, now a guy drinks 92 cups of acidic coffee and is a shallow breather, guess what? Let’s add in negative emotions. He’s acidifying and there’s limited oxygen. The microorganisms in the body go, “Oh, we better get to work. We’re the demolition crew. We’ve got to knock this building down, take this building apart.” We go, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute. I’m still walking around. “No, we got the signal to demolish the building.” But wait!!

What do I do? I change the signals. I shift and heal those toxic beliefs so that I don’t use negative emotions to acidify myself. Me, tomorrow, my coffee consumption gets chopped and I have a book I own called “Alkalize or Die” and have read part of over the last year. Now I’m going to alkalize. All of a sudden these three little intentions are not little, they’re huge. Now the demolition crew goes, “It’s been called off. The renovation crew is back to work.” That’s what I want!

Participant: It sounds like it’s a little more complicated than just doing that personal Code for it.

Tom Costello: No, you can use that personal Code in the same way. When I answer a question I’m speaking not only to you but to anybody on the call and listening. You are going to do your personal Code that you’ve been given by your coach. You settle into that. You do the same thing, create your prayer/request which sets your intention. You’re going to relax and glory in the ideal condition that your body and depending on your religious or spiritual beliefs, that God and you cooperate and recreate. When the fears and doubts come out of the woodwork, “Oh, no, no! That was two years ago when you were younger. You’re two years older now….” You go, eh, that’s nonsense. You go back to focusing on the ideal condition and how good it feels.

Participant: Great. How about the question of moving, when you move on? When you’ve been given a personal Code and you’ve done this for a week and you really are feeling great. You stop? Is that right?

Tom Costello: Usually your coach will give you a timeframe to either for a new Code or if you’re at the end of your coaching sessions for you to go back cycling through the 12 Days starting at Day 1 and going through. Or, you can look at the 12 Days and choose what you want. You can do it analytically by reading all the information about each day and the characteristics or you can scan the list and pick out one that jumps out at you.

It’s almost like I want to take a vitamin. Which one do I want to take?

Participant: That’s kind of what I do. If the symptoms come back I stop and go back to the personal Code for that thing? Is that it?

Tom Costello: I would re-examine – you have the condition. It went away. You’re feeling good and then the condition recurs. I would see if I could identify what it says about me, what triggered it, some sort of experience….

I have a client dealing with cancer. He said to me that when he does the Codes and he relaxes the pressure he experiences decreases. He starts to feel good again. He doesn’t do the Codes or he gets angry about something and gets frustrated, he can feel the pressure building up again. He does the Codes it is reduced. Rather than waiting for that pressure to build up I suggest to him that he keep it at a non-existent level so the relaxation is constant instead of: feel good, pressure, feel good, pressure….

If you can identify the “mental computation or emotional computation” that “I’m feeling good, feeling good, feeling good. Something happens. Oop! I just feel something. I back up a little bit. What happened? How did I process information that may have resulted in this?” Oftentimes you’ll go, “Wow, I see the connection.” Three hours ago this and three hours later I’m uncomfortable again. That may give you a clue about a negative emotion or an unhealthy belief. You’ll be able to zero in specifically.

Participant: Okay. That’s very helpful. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Sylvia.

Participant: (Tom, Minnesota) I’m a newbie as you can tell from my e-mail. One thing I was wondering about is whether you’ve had any experience with a group just to do the Codes and stuff like that?

Tom Costello: Is your question is that okay to do?

Participant: Is that effective? Do people do that with success?

Tom Costello: In our language we call that home circles or healing circles in which two or more people get together and do Healing Codes. Our coaches do this on a regular basis either on the telephone or in their home areas. Anybody who owns The Healing Codes could sit down with a group of people. Let’s say you’re sitting at your dining room table or kitchen table and you’re going to do this. What you would want to do is, you don’t need to verbalize it, but everybody establish your own intention. I recommend speaking aloud, saying the prayer/request. Then everybody do Day 1. Get in real comfortable positions and do The Healing Codes for 8, 10, 12 minutes. Reconvene at the kitchen table and say, “Did anybody notice anything?”

People will say, “I hadn’t thought of this thing in about 100 years.” And they’ll start. Others will say, “Nope. I didn’t notice anything.” Somebody else will say, “I just felt so relaxed. That was wonderful.” You can do that. If you’re so inclined you can say, “That was cool. Let’s try Day 2.” Even if it was only half hour ago that you did Day 1. “Let’s do the next one the same way.” You look at Unhealthy Beliefs, zero in on what you each want to do, do the prayer/request, adjourn to the chair or couch or whatever and do it again.

Some people do this one day at a time. Other people do it like I just described, a couple of days on the same day with friends. They find that mutual support engaging. Somebody is going to be the intention leader. I’m a firm believer that intention is an amazingly creative and causative thing. One of the challenges I hear with people sometimes is “I bought The Healing Codes. I think it is the coolest thing on the planet. I’m going to go tell all my brothers and sister and in-laws.” Uh-oh! You’re going to run into the highest level of resistance you’re going to find on the planet when you take this to your family.

“Oh no. There you go again. Why don’t you just….” That’s a very difficult sale. But if you’re with like-minded, discovery-oriented, open-minded, open-hearted people I think you’re on safe ground and it could be very exciting, encouraging and positive for you.

Participant: It just sounded like it might -- I read some place that it seems to be more effective to do on another person. If you could get at least one person in your circle it would just be more effective I guess.

Tom Costello: I think there are a couple of reasons for that. Whether this is totally true or not I’m not certain. Let’s say you are going to do The Healing Codes on somebody else or they are going to do it physically on you. They’re going to sit in front of you or stand in front of you and do the Codes. If they’re going to stand in front of you and do the Codes – let me just add this bit of information. When a Code says, “Temples, right hand” we’re really speaking about the right temple. The hand is less important than the healing center. Let’s say I’m standing in front of you and I’m going to do the Code on you. It calls for right hand to your temple. I would work on your right temple which you can imagine that conveniently it is going to be my left hand; it’s your right temple that is more important.

If you’re sitting behind somebody, say there’s a little kid on your lap, then you would do just as it’s called for. Right hand on right temple, no problem.

If you’re going to do The Healing Codes for somebody else remotely, that is you’re sitting in the same room but away from them or they are miles, one mile or a thousand miles away, you can do the Code on yourself and release it to them in love.

Now let’s back up. You’ve got a total of three friends in the house. Two of you are going to do the Codes on the other two. I think there is value for these reasons. First of all you are literally giving. You’re concerned. You’re sharing. You’re energizing. You’re nurturing. Those are not small concepts. They are huge. You are delivering this tenderness, caring and love and nurturing to another person is huge.

And, because a person is not working, “Okay, my hand goes here. How far is it?” It’s almost like learning how to dance. You’re watching your feet the whole time. They can just relax and allow. I go back to that ALLOW. They can just receive this gift from you, this gift of The Healing Codes, healing energy that comes not from The Healing Codes and not from you, but through you from our Source, our God, then there is huge value in that allowing. So you’re giving a gift and they’re working on their ability to allow it into their experience. That’s huge.

Participant: So, you’re saying that you would have to actually be 3 inches from the person as opposed to sitting across the table and pointing your fingers?

Tom Costello: ….closer to them and point at them. You recognize I’m just going to extend my arms. You’re holding your arms out there you’re going to get tired mighty quickly. If you keep your arms close to you, you can focus. You may be 3 inches, maybe 5 inches, you may be 10 inches away. I would go for that closeness. Or, it will work perfectly well to be across the room or across the table. I think the other person will attribute more value to it if you are a little bit closer. That attributing value says, “Because it’s more valuable, I’m receiving more.” It’s occurring that way because the person believes it’s that way. We’re literally allowing more in because we think more is coming to us.

You could sit on the far side of the room. You could go in another room of the house and do it on behalf of that person. And that person will benefit.

Participant: Thank you, Tom. I’ll get to some more specific questions on another call. Thank you.

Tom Costello: This past weekend in Ft. Lauderdale at the convention center there was an “Expo of the Heart.” Alex Loyd and Ben Johnson came in; Alex from Nashville and Ben from Rossville, Georgia. They were speakers at the event. Ben was on the panel of experts having to do with health. The whole thing is basically alternative health and how to improve one’s quality of life. I was there. Mary Ann was there. Another coach, Judith White was there and Lourana was there. Lourana had an opportunity to circulate and so, Lourana, take it away.

Participant: (Lourana, Florida) Of course it was wonderful to see all the different complementary things out there that are helping people heal and be in best health. I was so proud that The Healing Codes was such a prominent part of it. Dr. Ben Johnson participated in a panel that answered questions from the audience related to health issues. I was just blown away with how knowledgeable and also full of humor and patience Dr. Ben was. He’s quite a remarkable man. He comes across in the Secret as being very stiff and serious, but he’s got a wonderful sense of humor. He knows so much! It was a real joy to get to know him a little better.

Then they gave a 2-hour interactive seminar at the end of the day that was quite full of people who came out of curiosity to see what The Healing Codes was. They explained the background theory behind how they think The Healing Codes is actually working. The background of how energy works as it relates to our health and healing. It’s fascinating stuff. Quantum physics. It’s just so exciting to know that we have access to utilize these very amazing energies for our personal health. That they’re not something we need a machine for, we actually have access to it with our own hands. That’s great.

He called four people up in front and asked them what their stress level was and the emotions they felt for situational stress. He gave them the Power to Peace method. We all in the audience did it with them. Within a minute their stress level was down to two or one from sometimes as high as 10. Then he also picked people from the audience to come up and get custom Codes which he just … I know it’s a technology. I know it’s something objective, but it looks like magic to me to create these custom Codes for people. He gave each one a custom Code. They just sat there and did their Code positions. About a minute later he asked them -- Oh, he took their level of intensity of their most important issue bothering them was. They were all 9’s and 10’s. In one minute he gave them another custom Code. In about another minute two of the four were back in their seats. Their intensity level had gone down to 1. The other two people he gave a third Code. Within three minutes the most intense thing bothering them went from a 10 to a 1. It was just incredible. It was a wonderful experience.

Tom Costello: And this all occurred while they were in front of an audience of all strangers. So there was a spotlight, but they were able to get into a space and let this stuff happen.

Participant: Right. They were just people who had been at the expo during the day. Nobody special, just people from the audience.

Tom Costello: Just like the rest of us. Yep. That’s cool. Thank you, Lourana.

Participant: You’re welcome.

Tom Costello: I’d like to just go back to the idea that the overall purpose – I’ll frame it this way. What we are trying to do in the body is to declare peace. The body, in the state of peace, has amazing, amazing recuperative powers. Much like the country that’s at war, a body at war, a body in stress, a body under fight-or-flight is going to use its resources in a specific way. In war, the country is going to use its resources, its money, its manpower, its energy to attack and defend. Now if that sounds a little bit like fight-or-flight, it’s meant to. A body or a country in the state of peace will now be in a position to use its resources, its money, its assets, its men, its women to rebuild. In the body that is the immune system can now be used for renovation, reconstruction, rebuilding, cleaning up the place, handling bodily processes, cleaning out waste products and so on. It is an amazing job. If we declare peace, if we can reduce our stress so the signal of peace is transmitted to the cells of our body the body knows it and operates accordingly.

As I rushed through it earlier, two of the conditions that typify war for a body are insufficient water, that is dehydration, and lack of oxygen. If we can assure that we are drinking plenty of good water, now I would say make sure the pH is balanced so we’re in the alkaline condition. Disease has a very, very difficult if not impossible time growing in an alkaline condition. If we’re oxygenating, breathing deeply, belly breathing, diaphragmatic breathing down to the bottom of our lungs we are providing the maximum amount of oxygen to our body. Bacteria, microorganisms, cancer cells do very poorly in an environment where there is plenty of oxygen.

Dr. Ben pretty frequently refers to a medical doctor named Otto Warburg who did research in 1925 and received a Nobel Prize for work on proving that cancer cells grow in environments in which oxygen has been deprived. You go, “Oh! That’s a clue.” I talked about the activation of microorganisms, the demolition crew, if you will. Hmmm. Plenty of water, plenty of oxygen, those are good ideas. Let me also make sure alkalinity is the order of the day. Let me control, let me monitor my terrain so no weeds grow, but in fact, health grows.

Rest is where a lot of the renovation, a lot of the maintenance is going on. Lots of people in this culture find because of a work environment or pressures or television or diet, eating late at night and that sort of thing, is the quality of sleep is marginalized. If you look at rest as a fantastic gift to yourself, one of the kindest and gentlest and most loving and most effective things you can do for your body, that’s good. “I want to stay up late so I can get more done.” The fact of the matter is if you went to bed, during the daytime you can get more done because you’re operating on all cylinders. You’re functioning is so much better.

About a year ago I can recall reading a study. They took two groups of women. They wanted to test the results of extended periods of activity on weight loss. The groups were controlled and identical in all ways. The only thing they did differently is that one group’s sleep time was reduced. The other ones they allowed to sleep as much as they wanted. They wanted to see how all this activity impacted their weight loss.

This is what happened. The people who slept more lost more weight. The people that were more active, that slept less, that were busier lost less weight. Hmmm. To me what that says is that if we give the body a chance it knows how to balance itself. Allow it to do what it’s been designed to do. It is a miracle. The body is a miracle. Let it do what it knows how to do.

When we take rest as a serious ingredient in health, we take a huge step forward on that road to health.

There you have it.

Participant: (Paula, Michigan) Could you talk more about he power of intention and what is intention? What setting the intention before doing The Healing Codes and can you do intention while you’re doing The Healing Codes too? You start thinking of stuff, “Well, I could have said this in the beginning.” Does it have to be in the beginning or it doesn’t work? Can you do it in the middle, too?

As I mentioned earlier, I think intention is one of the most powerful and creative directionalized flow of energy. Let me say it this way. Intention is defining what we want to have happen. Attention is mental focus. I’m putting my attention on a wall right now. Intention is, “I intend to move closer to this wall.” That intention is powerful in and of itself. It is as if I have planted a seed that will take on a life of its own.

That intention is like taking a seed out of the package and putting it into the soil. If you were planting a radish or any other vegetable or flower you would put the seed in the soil and you would remove your hand. You wouldn’t plant the seed and say, “I’ve got keep my hand in the soil otherwise it won’t grow.” You wouldn’t do that. You would recognize the nature of this is that seed planted in soil, given a couple of ingredients – water, warmth – is basically going to do natural things. It is going to grow.

Intention is like a seed thought. When I write it out I put seed-thought. I plant that seed of what I want. I plant it by wanting it. Then instead of using water or sunshine I use warmth of a different nature: a positive expectancy, a sense of appreciation and gratitude, because I recognize (this is my belief) that spiritually this thing that I just planted or better will come to me. It’s evitable. That’s how it works.

I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful that God has constructed the universe like this. I’m grateful for it. I put my attention on it periodically when I think of that. I feel really good about it. It’s kind of like a person window shopping. “Oh, I admire that. I feel so good whenever I think about this thing that is in the process of being created.”

I think that as soon as you think it, it exists on an invisible energetic level. But most of us want these things to show up in our physical experience. “Oh, there it is. I can touch it, feel it, see it, smell it.” I know it’s inevitable. So every time I think about it I feel good about that thing or better making its way to me.

This reminds me of a story. When I first got out of the Army years and years ago I had lived in Panama for 4 years in the Army. I noticed the soil could grow anything. It was unbelievable. Of course, in the tropics you can imagine; plenty of water, plenty of warmth, plenty of sunshine. I thought, I really want to know something about agriculture because I could see it as being a key to lots of places in the world. It’s labor intensive plus it provides nutrition and jobs and gets people into the economy. I wanted to know something about it. I went to an uncle-in-law. My uncle-in-law had a green thumb and he also had a farm. I asked my wife’s uncle Henry to teach me about farming. He taught me how to prune fruit trees and gave me an area I could use as a garden. I wanted to plant some exotic things just for the fun of it. He said, “Okay, you can do that, but here, plant these radishes.” In about 5 days radishes were breaking through the soil. It’s my first experience growing anything. I’m a grown man and I was like a little kid on my hands and knees looking at these little things coming through the soil. I’m going, “This is unbelievable. I remember 5 days ago putting these little teeny seeds into this soil. How do they know to grow? That’s amazing to me.”

Well, what’s clear to me – He said to me, “You know why I gave you radishes, Tom?” I said, no, why? He said, “Anybody can grow radishes. They will grow for anybody. I don’t care what color your thumb is, they will grow.” So he wanted to make sure I had a success. Secondarily it seems to clear to me that the seeds of a radish have an intention. They have an intention to express themselves as radishes. Much like a rose bush has an intention to express itself as a rose bush. I have flowers outside in my courtyard. Each one of them is expressing itself as a hibiscus or a impatients or a petunia or a bouganvilla. They are expressing their intention in their unique way.

Same as my seed-thoughts. The thing is we have a tremendous variety of intention. We could want to be healthy. We could want to be successful. We could want to be happy. We could want to be loving. Then we could get more specific as to what that really means. We can express our uniqueness. Nobody on the planet can do our jobs. We’re unique in all the world, in all of history. Only we can express us in our unique way.

What is that way? It is to discover that and allow that self-expression, the unique way you can be Paula. What does that mean? How do you shine your Light? How do you do that? How are you going to express that Light at the same time you’re expressing your self? That’s the intention. As you get into the game of it and recognize, my belief is, I am expressing the Source of my life through me in my unique way. I am expressing God as well as I can and I’m constantly seeking ways to be Lighter, not darker, higher vibration, not lower vibration, and I’m familiar with how to do those other things. I practiced those for years. I want to express more of this love and joy and light and higher vibration.

You can set that intention before you do a Healing Code. You can set that intention in the middle of the Healing Code. You can set that intention after the Healing Code. You can set that intention when you sit down to have a cup of tea. You can set that intention before you got to sleep while you’re lying in bed. You can set that intention when you turn over in the middle of the night and you just connect to that energy. You can do it every time, every place, in every situation you’re in. You can choose to focus your attention and your intention on discovering, shining, expanding this light within you onto your own path and anybody else’s who is looking for a light from another person.

Now, you go, okay what’s my intention. My intention has become very clear to me lately. It is “I want to be in the Light. I want to be the Light. I want to express Light. I want to make choices that take me toward the Light instead of a different direction.” So that at any fork in the road which happens about a million times a day with every decision that we make, we make a choice either to move toward the Lighter, higher vibration, what feels better, or we’re going to move in a different direction out of fear or doubt or some other lower vibration form.

Most of us are familiar with a funeral in which somebody is saying, “Dust to dust…” The physical body comes out of minerals and other ingredients; food and beverages that come from mother earth. We come from the earth physically and we return to the earth physically. However, what’s clear to me is before I was physical I was Light. I’m Light right now although it’s Light to Light. My game that I’m playing and I think this is true of all of us, in fact, is at any one moment I still want to be in the Light. I want to be the Light. I want to express the Light even though I’m walking around in this vehicle called a human body. I still want to make my choices based upon the truth that I came from the Light and I’m going to the Light. I might as well be in the Light even as I’m walking here in a human body. That, to me is what intention is about.

When you practice a little bit, when you get over the radish stage of your development, “I want to manifest a car. I want to manifest money. I want to manifest that other thing…” That’s all well and good. But pretty soon you’ll start to go, “I want to manifest more significant things. I know I can do that other stuff. I know I can grow a radish. I want to grow something more important. I want to grow the Light in somebody else’s chest. I want to grow the hope in a child’s eye. I want to grow the confidence in another person’s point of view when they’re faced with a challenge that can be real threatening to their Light, that darkens their spirit. I want to be able to rekindle that. I want to be that Light that shines on somebody else’s path, as well as my own, that helps me wind my way through traps and this tendency to use primitive techniques like anger, fight-or-flight, fear, doubt or criticism in order to “meet my needs.”

The ultimate tool in all situations is Light. That’s very clear to me, so that’s my intention. I want in all situations to use Light to improve the situation.

So, there’s an answer for you, Paula.

We’re a little past an hour. I would like to thank you for being on this call. To me this call is about light. Shining light on a question about doing The Healing Codes. You are the source of light. Actually the source of light is God, however it’s shining through you. I want it to shine through me. We all want it to shine through us. We all benefit from that. As we seek to dispel any dark or negative thoughts or feelings or vibrations that we’re experiencing there is more light. If we look within I think it’s inevitable that we’re going to discover that wonderful light. As that becomes the truth that we hold about ourselves we will be encouraged. We will be more positive about ourselves. It will be easier to be self-approving. I say to people, “Go on a high self-approval diet. Atta girls and atta boys are the name of the game. That’s like warm weather to a flower. It will start to blossom even fuller. That’s the light.”

I thank you for being on the call. Jodi, thank you very much for your help. As a person recently taught me at the Toronto airport a couple of weeks ago, the power of saying, and I say this to all of you, God bless YOU. It’s a wonderful power to deliver to people. So folks, God bless you. Thanks again.


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