
ElohimApril 6 2018And, now the Golden Elohim is saying, "And the work that you are doing to create is making the veil between your world and ours thinner for yourself," not for everybody else, but for yourself, because you are learning how to manage the energy. The more you bring this energy into yourself and send it outward in the creative experience, you have to be increasing your vibration. There is no other choice, because that's what the energy does. It's the natural consequences of working in the way we are. The energy is forcing us, moving us upwards. Does that make sense? Yes. So, it's moving us even more into the fifth dimension. As we learn, and what you reminded us to do with Teresa in sending the love, is to bring in that energy within ourselves. He's also saying, "Not only do you do that for creating something you wish to manifest, you can do that to create something you wish to release." If you have a crummy mood you can create that to release. He said, "Try that on your computer sometime and see what happens." He's telling me, "It is ..." This goes back to my meditation group from last night. We're studying the Gene Keys, and on this particular Gene Key the shadow is opinion, and it moves up to the gift which is far-sightedness, and then the siddhi, which is the higher level, is omniscience. It's an opinion on the third dimensional realm that we have to have an internet connection. It's interesting, isn't it? Part of what we're doing ... Oh, he wants to come in, but, let's all say "Heart Source" before he comes in.Heart Source. He says, "That's opinion also." It's a good opinion. It's opinion.Oh, good morning, so all of these things are happening to you, and it is really wonderful that they are happening. When I'm talking about opinion, I am also talking about release. I got the word opinion, because of what this one's been studying with her group on Thursday nights, which is a very special group for her. Think of beliefs as opinion. We're going to be working with the DNA today. The reason being is that every belief is an opinion. It's on a different level, so if I tell you that the color in the background of this one's room is purple, but it's not. The color is my opinion. It's what many would call maroon. You can have colors, and you have ideas of colors. This one, when her sister lived in another place she had this one wall that this one called lavender, and the other one called a very light blue, and it was opinion based upon perception. As you're working at creating, you are changing how you perceive things. Now, consider the word "opinion." You have an opinion that beets taste too much like dirt, so you're not going to eat beets. Well, that's an opinion. As long as you have that opinion, which in another realm we'll call a belief, that sets for you how your body is going to respond. It's not going to like beets. If, however, you say, "Well, beets have an earthy taste, and I'm going to see whether or not I like them." This one used to hate beets, and she now likes beets. "I'm going to see what they taste like now." What she does when she says that is she opens her whole energy for a new opinion, a new perception of what is happening. This changes the DNA.Most of you here are old enough to know that when you were studying high school biology you heard that the genes never change. Remember that? Then, of course, came the drug time of the 60s, and LSD was used. It was discovered that LSD changes the genes. It has since been discovered that 95% of your genes change, and they can change easily. They can change with the vibration of your thoughts, the vibration of energy coming in, the vibration of the food, the vibration of your drink. They change with the vibration of the energy occurring due to something that happened to you. If somebody holds a gun to your head ,that can change your genes. It definitely changes your brain and you end up with something they call PTSD, which is an opinion. What's the actual thing that happens is there's some changes in your brain. You need to just release the energy which caused those changes. Remember all the solar flares which were more than a flare? That's continuing. It is this wave of energy that is also designed to lift your vibration. How else can vibration be lifted, other than changing your DNA? You have to change the qualities of what makes you human on a particular level, because you are leaving humanity's view of what a human being is. Does that make sense? If you have a question, unmute yourself. I'm having a hard time formulating the question, but I do know that everybody, each soul, has their own perception of what truth, and what knowing, is for themselves. My question is, Are truths and knowing the same as opinions, which you just said was a belief?So, opinions ... Opinion, this one learned this last night. Opinion is something you want to defend. Think about that. An opinion is something you want to defend. A truth you don't have to defend, because it doesn't matter to you whether anybody else believes it. You do not have your identity based upon that truth. That's a fine distinction, but I want you to let that settle in. Whereas an opinion, I have an opinion that we will all sit down together as a family, and so teenage son says, "But, I have a date with my girlfriend, or boyfriend. I have a date. I don't want to sit down with the family." "It's important to sit down with the family." "No it's not, it's important for me to go on my date." So, you have opinions from both of them and they are working to defend them. Now, if you are talking to someone about the concept of love and creation, that's a truth is it not? Yes. Love and creation. How you create could be an opinion. Love and creation. Do you feel the need to defend that truth? Or, do you let people have their opinion about it? I have a question regarding that. Yes, please.In the medical field when you are told something is occurring within your body, is that an opinion, or is that a truth? That is an opinion about what is happening. What they are telling you is that what is happening is a symptom of what is truly happening, in most cases. Think about your allopathic medicine. They treat symptoms. This thing that is called cancer, have you noticed they only treat the symptoms. They don't treat the causes.If you have trouble with your knees, you have trouble with your hips, they can give you an opinion of what is happening within your body, which solidifies for the patient ... I wonder why they call it patient? Think about the term, patient. They place themselves as the authority and you below them. Let's go back to what was discussed some time ago, not with me but with someone else about people with what was popularly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. One of those personalities is diabetic and another is not. One of those personalities needs glasses, the other can see clearly. They're in the same body. What's the truth in that? So, it would be like being able to change the vibration of what you're experiencing?Exactly. The truth is ... I'm sorry, continue. Well, I guess I'm not quite at that point, I'm getting there, hopefully, but I'm not quite at the point of changing the vibration. What is the practice to continue to improve the vibration? What you are learning in these last few weeks is the good practice, because each time you use it, you become stronger in the use of your creating. Each time you use it, and each time you hear and experience for yourself, you get stronger. Are you not one who is experiencing changes in your vision? Yes.That can also happen with other parts of your body. The medical community will tell you, "There's no way that can happen." This one did some healing facilitation with someone regarding her teeth. Her teeth were receding with what the dentist called, as an opinion, of gingivitis. This one did a very simple healing process on that issue. This other person went back to the doctor and the dentist there, it was a learning school, and the dentist there said, "If I had not measured this myself before, I would have said that the person made a mistake in the measurements, because this cannot happen. Your gums cannot get better. Once they recede, they recede, yet you have no problem with them anymore." That's a simple thing.With your vision, you don't have as many beliefs about vision as you might have about your knees. You feel almost like your knees are more solid than your vision. Because you've been experiencing changes in your vision, and then you've begun to accept those changes. You can do that with the denser parts of your body, as well. The exercise that you did last time, and that we did before, bringing the energy from above and below, it changes its vibration as it comes in. Breathing in the energy from the front and back of your chakras, notice as you're bringing it in from above and below, you're bringing it into the two chakras that don't have a front and a back, correct. The energy is coming in the crown, and from the root, and into the pranic tube. When you're breathing in from the front and from the back, you're breathing it in from the front and the back of the chakras. I'm having you gather it in your heart where there is a transformation within your heart which raises the vibration. Then expel that energy while holding your intention in mind. That changes the intention, and it is changing your vibration. The more you practice that, the more you are going to form a different opinion about how solid your body is.Thank you. You are familiar with the one known as Yogananda perhaps? No. He came in from India, and he was the one who brought in what is called Transcendental Meditation. You have probably heard of that?Yes.Someone told him one time that in a particular country if you were overweight it was considered that you were prosperous and abundant. He woke up the next morning, this slim man woke up the next morning 30 pounds heavier, because he decided to change that within himself. Now, he still had his own opinions about his body, because he was not able to change the way the cells multiplied in his body, and eventually decided to pass on from that. (The Elohim stated he died from cancer yet he was said to have died from congestive heart failure.)All of these things that you read that are unusual, like Multiple Personality Disorder, all of those things that you read about that are that unusual, prove ... I'm putting prove in quotes here. ... "prove" to you that there simply needs to be a change in consciousness for there to be a change in the body. In Multiple Personality, you have a personality that comes forth to protect the others. You have another that comes forth because that one doesn't get hurt as much. All of these things happen, and it is simply a change in vibration. Learn how to change your vibration consciously, not out of pain, consciously. Those who are in the books, The Masters of the Far East, they consciously know how to manipulate their vibration. It is manipulate, change is another word, because so many people have a negative connotation of manipulate, they change their vibration to make it higher or lower so they can decide whether they want to physically be in touch with the family here on this planet, or they want to be in touch with those on the other side. This is what you are learning. It is fun, and you're experiencing that by the changes in your vision. You're experiencing that by a beautiful day and a hawk appears out of nowhere and the sun begins to shine. You're experiencing those things, and most of you here have been working with the Seven Rays also. You come into that place, the first Ray, correct, the acceptance of the will of God. The will of God is also that you are Creator, and you may create that which you deeply desire. Deeply desire means there are no other energies interfering with your desire. You have a deep desire to have perfect vision, and yet the other energy interfering is the doctor saying, "Well, this is degenerative. It's just going to get worse, and you may go blind, but we have resources, and so on." It's kind of like, "I don't think so. That's not what I choose to have happening." Does that help that elaboration? Yes, very much. Thank you.Anyone else? Remember, I can't see. You have to unmute.Yes, Cleo. What would you like to ask, or say, Cleo?Well, Golden, we're talking about healing and creating for ourselves, but I'm wondering, I don't exactly know how to put it. I just found out my best friend has a lot of cancer, and I'm wondering if I can affect that, or if I should even try, because it's her soul's plan, or ... I don't know what to do.You really do know what to do, and that is to love her.Well, of course. I do already.Of course, that is correct. That is what you do, and I'm going to tell you that it is her soul's plan.Okay, so that chemo won't necessarily put her in remission?It might put her in a remission for a little while. It will make her sicker most of the way.Yeah. Her entire family, every member, has died of cancer, and she's only 70. She was the best friend that invited me to Florida for my birthday, and she's almost my only friend. I'm being selfish at the thought of losing her.You can ask her if there is work that you could do. Would she like to not die of cancer? Except you know she already has that in her mind that there is no way that this isn't going to happen.Well, and I don't want to interfere. I'm ... Well, I'll just keep loving.You keep loving. You can ask her. Is she aware of the things that you can do? No, not at all. Right now she's in New York and getting ready for her first chemo.You may ask her, "Is it okay with you if I pray for you?" She'll say, "Yes" right?I already sent the husband an email this morning, said that you're in my prayers every step of the way, so we've established that. And, so, what is prayer?Well, I'm aware of supplication and so I don't want to do that. I want to give forth gratitude in advance for the will of God to take place in her.Another way ... See, what we're doing is we're getting onto opinions about what prayer is, so what this one does in regards to people who, like a parent and they ask their teenager, "Will you let Cathy work with you?" They're not real sure about that. They may know some of the things that she does. "Well, is it okay if Cathy prays for you?" Because her way of prayer is very active. When you have the permission to pray someone has opened themselves up to you. My suggestion is that you send her all the love that you possibly can so that she may allow herself on the deepest level to follow the will of God. Thank you.There is a difference between acceptance and giving up, even though it may look the same. Okay.Does that help? Yes. Thank you. I'm grieving.Oh, yes, and see you're already beginning to grieve.Yeah, I am. My heart hurts.Your heart hurts, so are you beginning to grieve for her loss? Myself. Are you beginning to grieve for her pain?For me.So, you already have formed what it is will happen, so if you can remove that from yourself and say, "I will give this friend that I love more than anyone else in the world," if that's how the feeling is ... "I will send her the love energy, and I love her so much I will be sending her energy that she be, and accept, the will of God in her soul self."Okay, and I accept it, too.And, you accept it, too, and the key in this is to not send the energy of your grief to her, and that is the importance of being in your Heart Source.Thank you so much for clarifying this. You know, it's like I knew it but I forget it; I forget to put it into action. It's like when things are happening and I should be anchoring the light the most, it's not there. I forget about it because I'm so reacting.What it is, is you are reacting from the human condition and the way that you were trained when you were very young, and those patterns are imprinted in the brain. They're imprinted in the DNA, and so those are the patterns you go back to when you're under stress. That's what's so important about a community. You have somebody to remind you of the truth.Yes. I agree totally, and I'm so blessed to have this community.Correct.We support each other.You have this strong community, which is here.And the only community, too, for me.I think it is for a number of people here in regards to this way of being and of thinking.I agree. Thank you so much. You're so kind.Well, you're very welcome, and you are also.Thank you.Does anybody else have something they would like to say, or ask, before I say something very ... Well, I will just say a little bit about the DNA, but then we'll do more later. Yes?I have a very important question that I want to ask. So far for our offshoot ascension group. It is Cleo, Theresa, myself, and Annie that are going to be doing this group, and I was wondering, with what we're learning here today, if we get together as a group can we do energy work to help heal different areas of the Earth? I know that there's dead zones in the oceans, and other areas, and for other people, and even with human people who want to be helped, who have given permission, will we be able to do that as a whole group to help them? So, let me bring the Elohim back in. One of the things to realize in regards to the planet is that the planet gives you permission to work with healing for her. It isn't about healing something she has done; it is about cleaning up humanity's mess. Does that make sense? When you're working with the planet, what you are doing is cleaning up the mess of your other members of the planet. So, she, the energy of Gaia, Gaia's energy, is an ascended being. Moving the vibration of the Earth part of the body up, however, she herself is an ascended being, the one that ensouls the planet. She is the caretaker of this planet of yours. What you can do is to clean up the mess of your fellow human beings by sending that light and destroying in any way, breaking apart the negativity that is there. Does that help? Now, with other people that you have permission from to work on this deep level, yes, you may work with them. There are people who you may choose to work with that cannot give permission, little children, people in a coma. What you do is you send them, just as what I had said to your precious, Cleo, you send to them energy from its purest state that it allows for them to be enfolded so that they can follow what is in their highest good, which means what is in the will of God the Most High. All of you are asking very important, and very deep questions, about the creative process, because it all relates to the creative process, so think about ...We're going to DNA right now. The DNA, as you now know, is mutable. It can change. There is a large part of the DNA which is active, and there is a large, large, large part which is inactive. You are activating inactive DNA. They call it junk DNA, and they don't really mean that it's junk, but that it is not having the proteins that put forth characteristics. What they do not realize is that when certain elements within this DNA are activated the gifts, which are seen in the divine blueprint, it's what Amma likes to call it, which many of you know as the Adam Kadmon, in other words, the ultimate human, those are being activated. Those could only begin to be activated to the extent that they are now as the crystalline DNA continues to unfold and is integrated. You do hear people say the crystalline DNA has already unfolded. I'm going to tell you that just as different flowers, different rosebuds on a rose bush unfold at different rates, so does the crystalline DNA unfold. The template of the crystalline DNA has unfolded. When I say template, it is like talking to the consciousness of a liver. We're talking to the consciousness of the crystalline DNA. It has unfolded yet it is not fully integrated into each person. Why? Because there has to be a connection with an energy that you call love, and this is the energy that you tap into when you are in your Heart Source. It isn't a feeling. You may feel peaceful. You may feel calmer. You may feel that you are out of fear. You're tapping into what is just, "just" in quotes, an energy. Now, that's kind of strange to use that term "just," because in humanity that minimizes what that is correct. The just of love is beyond conception even to us who are in it and aware of it at all times. It is the infinite creative power, which you are learning to marshal and use. Any person on a spiritual path, spiritual, not religious. Did you know religion is opinion? When you have a spiritual experience ... I'm going to use an incident that happened with this one last night. One of the members of their group was sharing her experience in the meditation, and she said, "I can't put it into words," and she tried to put it into words and people understood what she was attempting to say. It was was an unfolding within her which opened her up to feeling a greater awareness, but how do you describe to people a greater awareness? This is why there is no reason to argue about truth. How do you describe truth to someone that does not know? How do you describe to a 5 year old what it's like to be an adult? How do you describe to a teenager what it is like to be an adult? How do you describe to someone in their 20s what it's like to have made it through difficulties in life and be in your 50s and 60s, to know that there are things that seem so terrible now that are not as terrible when you are older. They are not as terrible and, yes, some people cannot get through certain things, yet others can. Your vibration, and as it changes, is leading you to a place of feeling more connected to those similar and, at the same time, even though you are moving into the experience of oneness, feeling alien. You feel even more alien to those who are not connected, those who are in the place of opinion, and who have to battle for their opinion. There is love, and love is nothing of what they know and understand. Love has no qualifications. It isn't that you could say love has rules, because rules are violated, correct? What do people say, "A rule is something made to be broken." Love has a way of being in which you can respond. There are consequences in the way that you use love. It is a science. It is physics. Your physicists, who are able to develop these complex calculations know more about the energy of love than your religious people, not your spiritual, than your religious. Your spiritual people, who know no physics, know more about love than what could ever be placed up on a board in a formula.Love is the creative force. It is All That Is. It is Love Itself. You are learning to use that creative force. You are activating it with the infinitesimal amount that you know about love. That infinitesimal amount, using a Christian phrase, is like the mustard seed that grows into the largest of plants. All you need ... If you remember what the Master Yeshua said, "All you need is the faith the size of the grain of a mustard seed and you can move this mountain from here to there." Consider that, because He was telling you truth.It isn't so much the truth of you being able to move a mountain. That is a metaphor for Him to show you. Let's say you did want to move this mountain from here to there. You would also have to look into, from that place of love, "How would it affect the ecosystem of the planet? How would it affect the people around?" He is using the mountain as an illustration that if you had just this much belief in yourself, He was talking about faith in God; I'm talking about believing in yourself that you can do things similar to moving a mountain. You could still the storm, as the Master Jesus did on the sea, and He just said, "Be still." I want you to know He was not just talking about the wind, and everything, He was talking to His apostles, "Be still. Quit generating all of this turmoil," and within yourself, "Be still." There is no need to generate turmoil within you. When you are creating in the deepest essence of who it is that you are, you are still. Unless you are still you cannot fully connect with the energy in its creative force. You break that stillness only with your intention. Now, does that make sense? Being still means to be empty of other intentions, other than of the highest for yourself. There is no emotion connected with being in your Heart Source. You may describe it as feeling peaceful, but that is only because you were comparing it to how you were feeling before. There truly is no emotion when in your Heart Source. It is a state of being where you are within the energy of All That Is. You are connected to the pure potentiality of that energy. Then, you can create from that place. The stillness that is there allows you to come to the image that you are creating. What happens when you form that image, when you're first beginning. Oh, the stillness disappears and the doubts come in. What you are doing in this process is being still, learning just the processes, the techniques of bringing energy in, sending it out with an image in your mind of what you would like for it to do, with stillness in your heart. Now, on a human level when something starts changing like your vision, or you start feeling better, or you know that there was this shift inside of you, when you know that that is happening deep within you, what happens is, on a human level you feel, again, the stillness. It isn't even a celebratory experience. It's not a, "yes," or a high five, it is, "Ah," a stillness of knowing how powerful it is that you are. I'm going to leave you with that. We'll do a discussion on the DNA the next time, and talk more about that. What I want you to realize is that every thought sends energy through your DNA, through all of you, but through your DNA, which has an affect upon your DNA. We could go into that in great length, and we will later. So, now, you know even more the importance of staying in your Heart Source. Another greater Master wrote the words, "Be still and know that I am God." Be still. My blessings to you, precious ones. ................

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