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| | | | | |

| |Work lacks understanding of |Work shows some understanding |Work reflects understanding of |Work shows a mastery of skills and |

| |concepts, materials, and skills. |of concepts, materials and skills. |concepts and materials, as well as |reflects a deep understanding of |

|Technique / Concepts | | |use of skills discussed in class. |concepts and materials. |

| | | | | |

| |Student passively attempts to fulfill |Developing exploration of possible |Student explores multiple solutions |Consistently displays willingness to |

| |assignment without much thought or |solutions and innovative thinking. |and innovative thinking develops and |try multiple solutions and ask thought |

|Habits of Mind |exploration of possibilities. Student |Student has more than one idea but |expands during project. |provoking questions, leading to |

| |refuses to explore more than one |does not pursue. | |deeper, more distinctive results. |

| |idea. | | |Student fully explores multiple ideas |

| | | | |and iterations |

| | | | | |

| |Student shows little awareness of |Student demonstrates some self- |Student shows self-awareness. |Work reflects a deep understanding |

| |their process. The work does not |awareness. Work shows some |Work demonstrates understanding |of the complexities of the content. |

|Reflection & Understanding |demonstrate understanding of |understanding of content, but student |of content and most decisions are |Every decision is purposeful and |

| |content. |cannot justify all of their decisions. |conscious and justified. |thoughtful. |

| | | | | |

| |Work is messy and craftsmanship |Work is somewhat messy and |Work is neat and craftsmanship |Work is impeccable and shows |

| |detracts from overall presentation. |craftsmanship detracts somewhat |Is solid. |extreme care and thoughtfulness in |

|Craftsmanship | |from overall presentation. | |its craftsmanship. |

| | | | | |

| |Work is not completed in a |Work complete but it lacks finishing |Completed work in an above average |Completed work with excellence |

|Effort |satisfactory manner. Student shows |touches or can be improved with a |manner, yet more could have been |and exceeded teacher expectations. |

| |minimal effort. Student does not |little effort. Student does just enough |done. Student needs to go one |Student exhibited exemplary |

| |use class time effectively. |to meet requirements. |step further to achieve excellence. |commitment to the project. |




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