Chapter 9

Sociology Final Exam Study Guide

Semester 1

Chapter 1

1. Be able to define sociology

Chapter 2

1. Be able to define THEORY

2. Define Empirical Evidence

3. Define Hypothesis

4. Define Survey

5. Be able to tell difference between open ended question format and close ended question.

6. Understand the terms reliability and validity. What is the connection between them?

Chapter 7

1. Define and be able to apply concept of crowd (make up examples to study)

2. Define Social Group

3. Define primary group & secondary group – be able to distinguish between the two concepts. List Cooley’s reasons for some groups being Primary groups as opposed to secondary groups. What is the most important primary group?

4. List and define the different leader styles (understanding Sociology concepts)

5. define and be able to apply concept of Groupthink

6. Draw conclusions from Milgram’s and Ashe’s studies

7. What type of group is open to any and all new members – list it’s characteristics.

Chapter 8

1. Understand & be able to apply Alan Guttmacher Institute findings regarding risk of teenage pregnancy.

2. What are the reasons to study sexuality from the sociological perspectives?

3. Be able to distinguish between the concepts of sex, gender, Primary sexual characteristics, and secondary sexual characteristics.

4. Define concept of “incest taboo”

5. When did the counter revolution begin? What was the cause / effect of the Sexual Counter Revolution?

6. List facts regarding Rape.

7. What type of crime is prostitution?

8. Define concept of homophobia

9. Draw a conclusion from Giddens’ study in birth control. (p. 212)

10. The Social-conflict approach points out the link between sexuality and _____________ (drawing generalizations & conclusions)

Chapter 9

1. Understand the differences between the concepts of Crime & Deviance

2. Define concept of “Criminal Justice System”

3. The likelihood a person will be arrested for a crime rises sharply __________.

4. Define concept of deterrence and be able to apply to a situation

5. Define and understand concept of Labeling theory

6. define term Medicalization of deviance. Cause = labeling theory / medicalization of deviance; Effect = _____list 3-4 examples.

7. Deviant Subcultures – Draw a conclusion form Elijah Anderson’s research findings (p.227)

8. What is the role of Biology from a sociological perspective in why people commit crime? (drawing conclusions from multiple studies and applying the knowledge)

9. According to Hirschi’s research which categories of people would most likely engage in deviance? (drawing your own conclusions using text reading)

10. Understand the concept of Merton’s Strain Theory – be able to apply theory (labels) to people in society.

Chapter 10

1. Define and be able to apply the concept of Social Stratification using the sociological perspective.

2. understand the main ideas behind the four basic principles of Social Stratification

3. define the concept of “Caste System”

4. Endogamous, Exogamous

5. Who coined term “Survival of the Fittest”?

6. Define concept of “meritocracy”

7. What is conspicuous consumption?

8. Understand and be able to apply the concept of “Status consistency”.

9. Drawing conclusions about “class system” “ideology” (p.263)

10. Understand the Davis- Moore Thesis. (drawing generalizations)

11. Define the concept: “bourgeoisie” & “proletariat”

12. Define and be able to apply the concepts of “White-Collar” & “Blue-Collar” work

13. According to Marx differences in wealth & power between capitalists & workers leads to ________. (main idea/cause – effect)

14. The historical replacement of “caste systems” with “class systems” = ________ ( main idea)

15. Which sociological approach would view social stratification as benefiting society? (main idea)

16. Which sociological approach would view social stratification as harmful to society? (main idea)

Chapter 11

1. Understand and be able to differentiate between concepts of “income”, “wealth”, and “power”

2. Understand and be able to apply the concept of “conspicuous consumption”

3. Understand the differences between wealthy African-Americans & wealthy white Americans. (main ideas)

4. List the reasons given in the text for why many people think the U.S. is a more or less equal society? (factual-main ideas)

5. What is the impact of being lower class in the U.S. (drawing generalizations from different portions of text)

6. Define and understand the difference between the concepts of “upper-upper class” & “lower-upper class”.

7. Identify the cause-effect relationship between social stratification and gender. Cause = Women are lower on the stratification ladder than men. Effect= ________________________________(p.284)

8. People of low social position are more liberal on ________ issues and more conservative on ________ issues. (factual-main idea)

9. Explain the “caste” aspect of social stratification in the U.S. (p283-284) drawing generalizations)

10. Understand concept of “social Mobility” and be able to identify current U.S. trends effecting social mobility.

Chapter 13

1. Define concept: Pink Collar Worker – be able to recognize examples of.

2. What are the main findings of Lever’s observational study. (p.339)

3. Violence against women: Where is it most likely to occur? ______________________

4. Understanding main ides: Opposition to feminism – what is the main point of the final paragraph in this section? P354-355

5. Understanding main ideas: Male-Female differences p. 334-335 – list and study main ideas from this section.

6. Define the concept of Gender

7. Define the concept of “Beauty Myth”

8. Define the concept of” glass ceiling”

Chapter 14

1. Understand and apply the concept of Ethnicity

2. Understand the differences between the following concepts and be able to recognize differentialte in society : Segregation, Assimilation

3. What conclusions of research findings using the Social Distance Scale – (drawing conclusions)

4. Main Idea – What are the views of sociologists on racial terms? Why do they feel this way?

5. Define the concept of minority

6. Reading tables: which is the largest minority group in the U.S.; Causasion, Native American, African American, Hispanic, Arab descent, West Indian, Asian Pacific?

7. Define and be able to apply the concept of stereotype

8. Define the concept white-ethnics

9. Define concept of WASP

Journal Prompts

3. Chapter 13: Your Turn Page 336 – Write out and answer this question – then journal about Men/women – use your personal observations, television sit-coms-dramas – readings… Make sure you make evident that you have read the chapter in your writing

4. Chapter 13: Apps & Ex p. 359: Watch several hours of children’s television programming. Notice the advertising, which mostly sells toys and breakfast cereal. Keep track of what share of toys are “gendered”, that is aimed at one sex or the other. What traits do you associate with toys intended to boys and those intended for girls. Use this to construct your journal thoughts


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