Mr. Estanislao’s Unit 4: World War 1, The Russian Revolution & Nationalism Study Guide

WORLD WAR 1 Study Guide:

Videos: CrashCourse: How World War I Started

Academic Vocabulary

World War I (1914-1918)






Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Triple Alliance (Central Powers)

Triple Entente (Allied Powers aka the Allies)

Western & Eastern Front

Trench Warfare

Schlieffen Plan aka the First Battle of the Marne

Global interdependence

Unrestricted submarine warfare

Total war



Second Battle of the Marne


President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)

Fourteen Points

League of Nations


Treaty of Versailles (1919)

War guilt clause


Armenian genocide

Zimmerman telegram

Gavrilo Princip

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Global interdependence

Marching Towards War

1) Who were the initial members of the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente?

2) How and why was Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination the “spark” of the war?

3) How was Europe like a “powder keg” in the early 1900s? – What are the MAIN causes of WW1?

Europe Plunges Into War

4) Explain what the Schlieffen Plan was and why it failed?

5) In the concluding text of Europe Plunges into War, it reads, “As the war raged on, fighting spread beyond Europe to Africa, as well as to Southwest Asia.” Why is this so?

A Global Conflict

6) Why did the United States enter World War I in 1917?

7) Briefly explain the event that took place leading Germany and France to sign an armistice

8) How did total war lead to rationing?

9) Briefly describe 3 ways in which women contributed to the war effort

10) Discuss 4 factors contributing to Russia’s war difficulties

A Flawed Peace

11) According to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles (1919), what are four ways in which Germany was punished?

12) Why did the United States reject the Treaty of Versailles (1919)?

13) What are four new countries that were created from the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire?

14) What was the guiding light for President Wilson’s Fourteen Points peace plan? Why was this important for peace?

15) Which countries was part of the Big Four?

16) Why was Russia and Germany excluded from the League of Nations

Armenian Genocide

17) What is the significance of April 24?

18) Why will the U.S. not recognize the massacre in Armenia as genocide?

19) When was the term genocide coined and by whom?


Academic Vocabulary


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R)

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

Communist Manifesto



Bolsheviks and the Bolshevik Revolution

Vladmir Lenin

Joseph Stalin

New Economic Policy


Command Economy

Great Purge

Five-Year Plans

Collective Farms/Collectivization

Red & White Army


Bloody Sunday


Jiang Jieshi

Sun Yixian

Mao Zedong

Civil Disobedience

May Fourth Movement

Long March

Salt March

The March Revolution

Amritsar Massacre

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Rowlatt Acts

Revolutions in Russia reading & PPT

1) Explain the Russo-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday and the March Revolution and how each of these contributed to the crisis within Russia

2) The Bolshevik Red Army faced new enemies at home, the White Army. Describe 3 types of characteristics that made up this oppositional group.

3) Describe the components of Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP)

4) Describe the components of Stalin’s 5 Year Plan (industrial & agricultural)

5) What was the Great Purge and why was it necessary?

6) What are the virtues of communism and how is it beneficial towards a collective farm?

7) What is the definition of totalitarianism?

8) Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels write the Communist Manifesto (1848)

9) Provide 4 specific similarities between the Russian and French Revolutions

10) If someone opposed Lenin, where would they be sent (3 places)?

11) What is the proper full name for the Soviet Union?

12) Explain and provide an example of how Stalin used indoctrination

13) Explain and provide an example of how Stalin used propaganda and censorship in his totalitarian state

14) Why did totalitarians leaders create “enemies of the state”? For Stalin, whom can this be and why?

15) Explain and provide an example of how Stalin used police terror

16) Describe 3 attributes/roles of women living in Soviet Russia

17) Make some connections between what you know about Russia with Animal Farm and 1984.

Imperial China Collapses reading

1) How did the Treaty of Versailles help trigger the May Fourth Movement?

2) Who is Mao Zedong and what Party did he belong to?

3) Who does Mao think would be true revolutionaries? What did Mao do to strengthen their loyalty to his Communist Party?

4) How was Mao’s version of communism different from that of Lenin?

5) What reforms did Jiang put in order? Why did this cause the Communist revolutionary movement in China to gain strength?

6) Which two Parties were at war with one another? Why?

7) Describe the Long March

8) Why was the civil war suspended? Do you think it was a smart idea for the Nationalist Party and Communist Party to call a truce in order to fight off Japan? Explain.

9) What are 4 similarities between Russian and Chinese Communism, ideologies, state of being?

Indian Nationalism Grows and Nationalism Grows in Southwest Asia readings

1) Why were the Rowlatt Acts created? Why were the Rowlatt Acts considered a violation of civil rights?

2) Explain why the Amritsar Massacre happened

3) Who is Mohandas K. Gandhi? What does Mahatma mean?

4) Define civil disobedience

5) For each of Gandhi’s nonviolence tactics below, explain the tactic and how it affected the British


Strikes and demonstrations

Salt March

6) How did the media influence the Indian independence movement? In other words, how did Gandhi’s independence movement win worldwide support?

7) What was the Government of India Act? How did it fuel tensions between Muslims and Hindus?

8) Who is Mustafa Kemal? What is he also called? What are the 4 reforms he instituted in Turkey?

9) Who is Reza Shah Pahlavi and how is he similar to Kemal?

11) Persia becomes what new country?

12) What new country held strictly to Islamic law?

13) What brought many industrialized countries to Southwest Asia?

14) Which 4 countries had large deposits of this commodity?

15) Land around this body of water has nearly two-thirds of the world’s known oil supply

Based on the reading, what are some connections you can make to either what we have studied in the past or what is happening in today’s world?


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