Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Role of Assessment in Applied Behavior Analysis

– Methods to identify and define __________________for behavior change

– Identify relevant factors that may inform or influence ______________________

Five Phases of Assessment

1. Screening

2. Defining problem or criteria for ________________________

3. Pinpointing target behaviors

4. _____________________________progress

5. Following-up

Pre-assessment Considerations

– Ethical considerations

• Authority

• ______________________________

• Resources

• Social ________________________

Assessment Methods

– ___________________ measures

• Interviews

• Checklists

– __________________ measures

• Tests

• Direct observation

Interviewing the Individual

– Identify list of potential target behaviors

• ________________ and __________________

• Avoid “why”

– Identify primary concerns

– Verified through further data collection

• Direct __________________________

• Use of questionnaires or self-monitoring

Interviewing Significant Others

– Develop behavioral descriptions

• What, when, how

• Avoid “why”

• Move from _____________________ to _________________________

– Determine participation


– Descriptions of _____________________behaviors and conditions under which each should occur

– Alone or with interview

– Typically Likert-scale assessments

– Ask about ____________________ and _____________________________

• Child Behavior Checklist

• Adaptive Behavior Scale - School

• Adaptive Behavior Scale - Residential and Community

Standardized Tests

– _________________________________________ administration

• Compares performance to specified criteria

• Norm-referenced

– Limitations

• Do not specify target behaviors

• Do not provide __________________ __________________ of behavior

• Licensing requirements

Direct Observation

– Direct and repeated

– _____________________________ environment

– Identifies potential target behaviors

– ___________________________method

Anecdotal observation

Features of ABC recording

– Descriptive

– Temporally sequenced

– Description of behavior ______________________________

• Full attention, 20 - 30 min

– Observations only, no ______________________________________

– Repeat over several days

Ecological Assessment

– Data on ___________________________ and ______________________________

• Physical features

• Interactions with others

• Home

• Reinforcement history

– Evaluate amount of descriptive data required to ____________________ current need


– Effects of __________________________ on ______________________ being assessed

• Obtrusive assessment great impact

• Self-monitoring most obtrusive

– Reduce reactivity

• _________________________________________ methods

• Repeat observations

• Take effects into account

Assessing Social Significance

– Consider whose behavior is being assessed and why

• Unacceptable to change behavior _______________________________ __________________ ______________________ ______________________

– To what extent will proposed change improve the person’s life?


– Degree to which a person’s behavior repertoire __________________________ short and long term _______________________ and ____________________________ short and long term ______________________________________

– Use to assess meaningfulness of behavior change

Determining Habilitation

– Relevance of behavior __________________________ intervention

– Necessary prerequisite skills

– Increased access

– Impact on behavior of ___________________________

– Behavior cusp

– Pivotal Behavior

Behavior Cusp

– Behaviors that open person’s world to new ____________________________

• Crawling, reading

– Socially valid

– Generativeness

– Competes with inappropriate responses

– Degree that others are ______________________________________

Pivotal Behaviors

– Once learned produces changes in other _____________________________ behaviors

• Self-initiation, joint attention

– Advantages for both interventionist and client

Determining Habilitation

– Age appropriateness

• Normalization

• Philosophy of achieving greatest possible _____________________________ of people with disabilities into society

– Replacement behaviors

• Cannot eliminate or reduce a behavior without teaching a _______________________________________

Determining Habilitation

– Actual target goal or indirectly related

• ____________________________ vs. work _____________________________

– Talk v. Behavior of interest

▪ Primary importance is ___________________________ behavior

– Focus on behavior, not ________________ product

• Weight loss or exercise and diet?

Prioritizing Target Behaviors

1. ____________________________ to health or safety

2. Frequency

– Opportunities to ______________new behavior

– Occurrence of problem

3. Longevity

4. Potential for higher rates of _____________________________

5. Importance

– Skill development

– Independence

6. Reduction of negative attention

7. Reinforcement for significant others

– Social validity

– Exercise caution when considering

8. Likelihood of success

– _______________________________

– Practitioner’s experience

– Environmental variables

– Available resources

9. Cost-benefit

– Costs include client’s _______________________ and _______________________

Target Behavior Ranking Matrix

– Numerical __________________________ of potential target behaviors

– Increase client, parent, and staff participation

• Resolve conflict

• Build consensus

Sample Ranking Matrix

|Behaviors |# 1 |# 2 |# 3 |

|Does this behavior pose a danger? |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |

|How long-standing is this problem or deficit? |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |

|Will changing this behavior produce higher rate of |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |

|reinforcement? | | | |

|How likely is success in changing this behavior? |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |0 1 2 3 4 |

Defining Target Behaviors

– Role and Importance of Definitions

• Definitions required for __________________________________

• Replication required to determine usefulness of data in other situations

• Necessary for research

Importance of Definitions to Practitioner

– Accurate, on-going evaluation requires explicit definition of behavior

– ______________________________________________definition

• Complete information

– Accurate and believable evaluation of effectiveness

Two Types of Definitions

– _____________________________-based

• Designated according to effect on the environment

– ______________________________-based

• Identifies the shape or form of the behavior

Reasons to Use Function-based Definitions

– Includes all members of __________________________ _________________

– The function of behavior is most important feature

– Simpler and more concise definitions

• Easier to measure accurately and reliably

Other Uses

– When ____________________ _______________________ is not within control of behavior analyst

• Logistical, ethical, or safety reasons

• e.g., Function of elopement is a lost child

– In these cases, function-based definition by proxy

• More restrictive definition that keeps behavior within control of analyst

Reasons to Use Topography-based Definitions

– Behavior analyst does not have direct, reliable, or easy access to functional outcomes

– Cannot rely on function of behavior because each occurrence does not produce relevant outcome

Other Uses

– When the relevant outcome is sometimes produced by undesirable variations of the response class

• e.g., A basketball player scores with a sloppy shot from the free throw line

– Definition should encompass ________ __________________ ___________ that produce relevant outcomes

Writing Target Behavior Definitions

– A________________________________________

– C________________________________________

– C_________________________

– Inclusions

– Exclusions

Characteristics of Good Definitions

– Objective

• Refer only to the ___________________________

– Clear

• Readable and ______________________________

– Complete

• Delineate ___________________________________ of definition

Purpose of Good Definitions

– Precise and concise description

– _______________________________________ observation

– Accurate recording

– Agreement and _____________________________________

Testing a Definition

– Can you count number of occurrences?

• Should answer “___________”

– Will a stranger know what to look for based on definition alone?

• Should answer “___________”

– Can you break the target behavior down to smaller, more specific components?

• Should answer “_________”

Setting Criteria for Behavior Change

– Selected because of ____________________ to clients

o Increase, maintain, generalize desirable behaviors

o Decrease undesirable behaviors

– Valued and meaningful behaviors have _______________________ _______________

Set Criteria Before Modifying

– Setting criteria as important as defining

– Range of _______________________________________________

– Must identify optimum range prior to modifying

– Must know when to ___________________________ treatment

– Eliminate disagreements on effectiveness

Two Approaches for Setting Criteria

– Assess performance of highly __________________________________ people

– Experimentally manipulate different ________________________ ______________________ to determine optimal results


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