
|Cannon Building |STATE OF DELAWARE |Telephone: (302) 744-4500 |

|861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 |DEPARTMENT OF STATE |Fax: (302) 739-2711 |

|Dover, Delaware 19904-2467 |DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION |Website: dpr. |


MEETING DATE AND TIME: Monday, February 5, 2007 at 9:00 a.m.

PLACE: Commission of Veterans Affairs

802 Silver Lake Blvd. Suite 100, Dover, Delaware

Commission conference room

MINUTES APPROVED (April 2, 2007)


Dr. Martha Boston, Professional Member, President

Dr. Merris Hollingsworth, Professional Member, Vice President

Lisa Gardner, Public Member, Secretary

Dr. Gary Johnson, Professional Member

Dr. Gordon DiRenzo, Professional Member

Dr. Joseph Keyes, Professional Member

Frank Szczuka, Public Member 9:17 am – 11:31 am

Joan McDonough, Public Member

Hollis Anglin, Public Member

Division Staff/Deputy Attorney General PRESENT

James Collins, Division Director

Sam Nickerson, Investigative Supervisor

Gayle MacAfee, Executive Director, Board of Medical Practice

Abby Adams, Deputy Attorney General

Veronica Brinney, Administrative Specialist II


Dr. Boston called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.


The Board reviewed the January 5, 2007 minutes for approval. Dr. Hollingsworth made a motion, seconded by Ms. Gardner, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion unanimously carried.

Annual Investigative Report \ Strategic Planning Briefing

James Collins presented a Strategic Planning Briefing for the Board. 9:15 am – 9:30 am

Sam Nickerson presented the Annual Investigative Report for the Board. 9:30 am – 9:40 am


Review of Tabled Application - Dr. Robin Hegvik

The Board reviewed the documentation that Dr. Hegvik submitted in support of her tabled application to sit for the EPPP exam. Dr. Hollingsworth made a motion, seconded by Dr. Keyes, to propose to deny Dr. Hegvik’s application because her education credentials were not equivalent to an APA accredited doctoral degree. Motion carried with Mr. Anglin abstaining.

Review of Tabled Application– Dr. Donna Mabry

The Board reviewed the documentation Dr. Mabry submitted in support of her tabled application for licensure by reciprocity. Dr. Keyes made a motion, seconded by Mr. Szczuka, to table her application for the next month’s meeting when the original application can be reviewed. Motion unanimously carried. (See page 3 of these minutes for the final decision.)

Review of Tabled Application– Dr. Alicia Williams

The Board reviewed the documentation that Dr. Williams submitted in support of her tabled application to sit for the EPPP exam. Dr. Keyes made a motion, seconded by Dr. DiRenzo, to propose to deny Dr. Williams’ application because her education credentials were not equivalent to an APA accredited doctoral degree. Motion unanimously carried.


Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – Dr. Bradley Meier

The Board reviewed Dr. Meier’s application for licensure by reciprocity. The university where Dr. Meier received his doctorate degree is not an APA approved program of study to train individuals in the field of psychology. The Board reviewed Dr. Meier’s course work. A portion of the transcript was illegible; therefore, the application was tabled until the original application could be reviewed by the board. Dr. Boston recused herself from the discussion. (See page 3 of these minutes for final decision.)

Review of Application to sit for the EPPP Examination – Dr. Ann Hetzel

The Board reviewed Dr. Hetzel’s application to sit for the EPPP Examination. Dr. Hollingsworth made a motion, seconded by Mr. Szczuka, to propose to deny her application because her degree from Capella University was not an APA approved program of studies and was not equivalent to an APA accredited doctoral degree. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for Initial Licensure – Dr. Janet Hinds

The Board reviewed Dr. Hinds’ application for initial licensure. Dr. Hollingsworth made a motion, seconded by Dr. Johnson, to approve Dr. Hinds’ application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for Initial Licensure – Dr. Heather Tuckman

The Board reviewed Dr. Tuckman’s application for initial licensure. Dr. Hollingsworth made a motion, seconded by Dr. Johnson, to approve Dr. Tuckman’s application. Motion carried with Mr. Szczuka abstaining.

Formal Denial of Tabled Application – Dr. Arthur Hochberg

The Board reviewed Dr. Hochberg’s tabled application for licensure by reciprocity. Mr. Anglin made a motion, seconded by Dr. Johnson, to formally deny the tabled application due to no response from applicant. Motion unanimously carried.

Formal Denial of Tabled Application for Ms. Yatzus as a Psychological Assistant for Dr. Jeffery Roth

The Board reviewed Dr. Roth’s application dated October 3, 2005 to have Ms. Olga Yatzus as a psychological assistant. The application had previously been tabled pending the receipt of a letter from Antioch College attesting to the number of hours of internship completed. Dr. Johnson made a motion, seconded by Ms. McDonough, to propose to deny, due to the absence of any response from applicant or supervisor. Motion unanimously carried. Dr. Keyes made a motion, seconded by Dr. Johnson, to include the applicant’s supervisor Dr. Jeffery Roth of this decision. Motions unanimously carried, pending approval and verification from Deputy Attorney General Abby Adams.

Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – Dr. Bradley Meier

This matter had been tabled earlier in the meeting. Upon receiving the original application from the Board office, the Board again reviewed Dr. Meier’s application for licensure by reciprocity. Dr. Johnson made a motion, seconded by Dr. DiRenzo, to propose to deny Dr. Meier’s application because his education credentials were not equivalent to an APA accredited doctoral degree. Motion carried with Dr. Boston recusing herself.

Review of Tabled Application– Dr. Donna Mabry

This matter had also been tabled earlier in the meeting. Upon receiving the original application, the Board reviewed the documentation that Dr. Mabry had submitted in support of her tabled application for licensure by reciprocity. Mr. Anglin made a motion, seconded by Dr. DiRenzo, to propose to deny Dr. Mabry’s application because her education credentials were not equivalent to an APA accredited doctoral degree. Motion unanimously carried.

Election of Officers

Mr. Anglin made a motion, seconded by Ms. McDonough, to nominate Dr. Hollingsworth as President, Dr. Johnson as Vice President, and Dr. DiRenzo as Secretary. Motion unanimously carried.

Discussion of Educational Qualifications for Psychological Assistant

Dr. Keyes made a motion, seconded by Mr. Szczuka, to establish a committee to review the rules and regulations for the educational qualifications for a Psychological Assistant, with Dr. Hollingsworth, Dr. Johnson and Mr. Anglin serving as committee members. Motion unanimously carried


There was no correspondence for the Board to review.

Other Business before the Board (For Discussion Only)

There was no other business before the Board.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Next Meeting Date

The Board will hold a meeting on March 5, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room “A” of the Cannon Bldg., 861 Silver Lake Blvd., Dover, Delaware, 19904.


Dr. Johnson made a motion, seconded by Dr. DiRenzo to adjourn. Motion unanimously carried.

There being no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned at 11:31 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Veronica Brinney, Administrative Specialist II

Board of Examiners of Psychologists


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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