
|Note:124353.1 |

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|Subject: |

|WIN: Manually Removing all Oracle Components on Microsoft Windows Platforms |

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|Type: |


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|Status: |


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|Content Type: |


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|Creation Date: |

|13-NOV-2000 |

| |

|Last Revision Date: |

|04-AUG-2001 |

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|------- |

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|This article describes the procedure how to manually perform the actions to |

|create a "clean machine" on Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 and how to |

|manually remove all Oracle components (e.g.: oracle RDBMS database server, |

|IAS, OEM, client installations, etc) and services from your computer. |

| |

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|------------------- |

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|This article is intended for DBA's on the Microsoft Windows platform. |

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| |

|1. Remove all Oracle components from your computer only as a last resort, |

|and only if you want to remove ALL Oracle components from your system. |

| |

|2. These instructions remove all Oracle components, services, and registry |

|entries from your computer. In addition, any database files in the |

|subdirectories under ORACLE_BASE\ORADATA\ are also removed. |

| |

|3. These procedures will also remove Oracle network configuration files, |

|user written scripts and any other user generated files that may be stored |

|in Oracle_Base directories. |

| |

|4. Exercise extreme care when removing registry entries. Removing incorrect |

|entries can severely compromise your computer. |

| |

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|----------------------------------------------------------------------- |

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|A. Removing Components on Windows NT/2000. |

|------------------------------------------ |

|To remove all Oracle components from a computer on Windows NT/Windows 2000: |

| |

|1. Check privileges: |

|----------------- |

|1.a. Ensure you are logged in as a user with Administrator privileges. |

| |

|2. Stop all Oracle services (if any are running): |

|---------------------------------------------- |

|2.a. NT: Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services. |

|2000: Right click My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services |

| |

|2.b. If any Oracle services (their names begin with Oracle) exist and have |

|the status Started, select the service and click Stop. |

| |

|2.c. Click Close to exit the Services window. |

| |

|2.d. Close the Control Panel/Computer Management window. |

| |

|3. Remove the entries in the Windows registry: |

|------------------------------------------- |

|3.a. Start the registry editor: |

|Choose Start > Run > regedt32 |

| |


|Note the value of the key INST_LOC, this is the location of the Oracle Universal |

|Installer. The default location is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory. If this |

|value is different, make note of it, so we can delete these files later. |

|Delete this ORACLE key. |

| |

|3.c. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC and expand all subkeys and |

|remove all keys under here which are related with the |

|"Oracle ODBC Driver" |

| |

|3.d. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and remove |

|all keys under here that begin with ORACLE or ORAWEB. |

| |

|3.e. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\... |

|\Application and remove all keys under here that begin with ORACLE. |

| |

|3.f. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |

|and remove any entries related to Oracle. |

| |

|3.g. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, remove all keys that begin with Oracle, OraPerf or |


| |

|3.h. Close the registry. |

| |

|4. Clean up the environment settings: |

|---------------------------------- |

|4.a. NT: Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Environment tab |

|2000: Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced tab > |

|Environment variables. |

| |

|4.b. At "System Variables" click on the variable PATH in order to modify |

|the value. For example, you may see a path similar to this one: |


| |

|4.c. If an %ORACLE_HOME% was installed, remove this %ORACLE_HOME%\BIN path. |

| |

|4.d. If JRE was installed by Oracle, remove the JRE path. |

| |

|4.e. If there is a CLASSPATH variable under "System Variables", first make note |

|of the path defined, then delete it. This variable can be added back at |

|a later date if needed. |

| |

|4.f. Check if there are any other Oracle variables set in "System Variables", |

|ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID or TNS_ADMIN. If these exist, delete them also. |

| |

|4.g. Click on APPLY and OK. |

| |

|4.h. Close the Control Panel window. |

| |

|5. Delete the software and icons: |

|------------------------------ |

|5.a. NT: Choose Start > Programs > Windows NT Explorer. |

|2000: Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Windows NT Explorer. |

| |



|(Note: These locations depend on whether OS was upgraded from NT, |

|or this was a fresh install of 2000) |

| |

|and delete the following icons: |

|- Oracle - HOME_NAME |

|where HOME_NAME is the previous Oracle home name. |

|- Oracle Installation Products |

| |

|5.c. Go to SYSTEM_DRIVE:\Program Files\Oracle or the location of INST_LOC as |

|noted earlier in step 3.b and delete this directory. |

| |

|5.d Go to SYSTEM_DRIVE:\Temp and delete all files and directories in here. |

| |

|5.e. Go to the drive where the Oracle software is installed on your machine |

|and delete all ORACLE_BASE directories on your hard drive. |

| |

|5.f. Close the Windows NT Explorer. |

| |

|6. Finish the removal: |

|------------------- |

|6.a. Empty the recycle bin |

|Right click on recycle bin > Empty Recycle Bin. |

| |

|6.b. Reboot your computer. |

| |

| |

|B. Removing Components on Windows 95 or Windows 98. |

|--------------------------------------------------- |

|To remove all Oracle components from a computer on Windows 95/Windows 98: |

| |

|1. Remove the entries in the Windows registry: |

|------------------------------------------- |

|1.a. Start the registry editor at the MS-DOS command prompt: |


| |


|Note the value of the key INST_LOC, this is the location of the Oracle Universal |

|Installer. The default location is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory. If this |

|value is different, make note of it, so we can delete these files later. |

|Delete this ORACLE key. |

| |

|1.c. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC and expand all subkeys and |

|remove all keys under here which are related with the |

|"Oracle ODBC Driver". |

| |

|1.d. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |

|and remove any entries related to Oracle. |

| |

|1.e. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, remove all keys that begin with Oracle, OraPerf or |

|OraOLEDB. |

| |

|1.f. Close the registry. |

| |

|2. Clean up the environment settings: |

|---------------------------------- |

|2.a. Open your AUTOEXEC.BAT with an editor to modify the PATH variable. |

|For example, you may see a path similar to this one: |


| |

|2.b. If an %ORACLE_HOME% was installed, remove this %ORACLE_HOME%\BIN path. |

| |

|2.c. If there is a CLASSPATH variable under "System Variables", first make note |

|of the path defined, then delete it. This variable can be added back at |

|a later date if needed. |

| |

|2.d. If JRE was installed by Oracle, remove the JRE path. |

| |

|2.e. Save the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and close the edit. |

| |

|3. Delete the software and icons: |

|------------------------------ |

|3.a. Choose Start > Programs > Windows Explorer. |

| |


|and delete the following icons: |

|- Oracle - HOME_NAME |

|where HOME_NAME is the previous Oracle home name. |

|- Oracle Installation Products |

| |

|3.c. Go to SYSTEM_DRIVE:\Program Files\Oracle or the location of INST_LOC as |

|noted earlier in step 1.b and delete this directory. |

| |

|3.d Go to SYSTEM_DRIVE:\Temp and delete all files and directories in here. |

| |

|3.e. Go to the drive where the Oracle software is installed on your machine |

|and delete all ORACLE_BASE directories on your hard drive. |

| |

|3.f. Remove any Oracle-related .INI files that may exist in the Windows |

|directory. The Windows may be found by entering "echo %WINDIR%" |

|from a command prompt. |

|Typical Oracle .INI files include ORADIM73.INI, ORADIM80.INI, |


| |

|3.g. Close the Windows Explorer. |

| |

|4. Finish the removal: |

|------------------- |

|4.a. Empty the recycle bin |

|Right click on recycle bin > Empty Recycle Bin |

| |

|4.b. Reboot your computer. |

| |

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|----------------- |

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|Oracle Installation Guides for Windows. |

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|------------ |

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|WIN95, WIN98, WINNT, WIN2000, Windows95, Windows98, WindowsNT, Windows2000, |

|de-install, deinstall, re-install, reinstall |

|. |

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