
Philip Nelson


BloodRayne Level

The module was designed for use with Neverwinter Nights.

Mission: In the ruins of the Belgian city of Darluth, the Germans have discovered the remnants of a pagan religion worshipping the demon Entaurus. Through a series of journal entries retrieved from within the ruins they have discovered of a lost city underneath Darluth as well as the means to summon him. You must first find the grove in the city where Entaurus’s rituals are held and destroy it. Next you must find a way into the underground excavation site and put and end to the Nazi’s plan to unearth relics of Entaurus and his fallen worshipers.


Ruins of Darluth: The player begins in the ruins of the Darluth and must first find his way to the grove, Area 1. Once at the grove he must destroy the altar in the center, preventing any further rituals in Entaurus’s name. After the altar is destroyed, search the ruins of the city to find a way down to the excavation site the Nazis have created to unearth more relics.

The air of the city is quiet with the wind whistling through the long ruined, abandoned buildings. The buildings are inhabited only by debris and the few roaming zombies that the player will face. The majority of the buildings are one story as they are long decayed. The city is high up in a mountainous area and even then set into a deep forest. The city is so overgrown that it is basically invisible from the sky, which is the only way to reach it.

The zombies are not actual zombies, but the cursed worshipers of Entaurus who are punished to roam the earth until Entaurus is destroyed. Even when killed, the townspeople will slowly rise up again from their point of "death", to attack the player. The undead villagers do not speak or moan they simply emit a whistling noise while engaged with the player, as their voice boxes are long decayed. The villagers are the primary unit that the player will be going up against with the Skeleton Guardians being the other. There are no Nazis in this level as the undead are immortal and it would be a waste of time and manpower to keep the city on lockdown, instead they have invested in a heavy door and series of holy symbols to keep the undead away from their operations.


Screaming Stones: When the player enters the underground mining operation he is greeted by the Nazis. To complete the level, the player must locate all of the mining shafts and destroy them. Along the way he will run into Lieselotte, the aspiring Nazi necromancer and will have to fight Tatiana and her assistant Sigrida to gain the key to Entaurus’s summoning ground. Upon entering Entaurus’s lair he will be faced with High Priest Jochen and then Entaurus himself.

The name Screaming Stones was given to the caves by the Nazis because it always sounds like screams are echoing from just around the corner. The area is mostly dark with torches scattered for light which create many playful shadows. The air in the cave is very dank due to the few underground lakes and ponds.

The units that the player will fight in this level, besides the named encounters, are just basic Nazi soldiers mixed in with some of Tatiana’s elite guards. The Nazi soldiers are your run of the mill units, uniformed, gun carrying and not too bright. Most have machine guns; the occasional one will have a grenade. Tatiana’s Personal Guards are a different story though. These are handgun wielding, fast moving, intelligent, melee based fighters. They wear black officer uniforms with brimmed hats and are a much tougher opponent than the Nazi soldiers. There is a Personal Guard at every mine shaft as they are more intelligent and can better handle any excavated artifacts.


The Cast

Entaurus: An ancient demon who rose to power when the city of Darluth began to worship him and create an underground temple in his honor. Before his campaign against the world could formally be launched, the townspeople adopted the malicious lifestyle he preached, and became so violent towards each other that they destroyed themselves in an attempt to steal Entaurus’s power during his summoning. Entaurus then placed a curse upon the townsfolk, turning them into the walking dead as punishment for their disobedience.

Entaurus is an 11 foot tall demon; his skin is a deep blood red color and is thin enough to see the muscle housed beneath. His fingers and toes end in vicious bone claws capable of slicing through stone itself, yet he wields a glowing red battle axe as his primary weapon. He wears no clothing except for a form-fitting breastplate made of bone and shin guards that extend from his ankles to the tops of his knees, also made of bone. His face is canine-like except that his mouth is filled with fangs and his eyes are a deep glowing yellow. A nest of flaming spikes rests on his back, sticking through the breastplate and creating a fiery glow behind him.

High Priest Jochen: A 43 year old Nazi commander who specializes in the black arts, he was the first person to uncover the secrets of Darluth and has taken the responsibility of summoning Entaurus. His many hours of studying underground have left him a very gaunt, pale man with deep purple circles under his eyes. He is a rather meek man for one who wishes to summon a demon, but it is all a ruse so his command officers will leave him in control of the operation. As for his subordinates, Jochen prefers Tatiana and here all female personal guard. He finds their methods more ruthless than males and enjoys watching them use their feminine wiles to manipulate other male officers.

Jochen stands about 5 feet 10 inches and is a clean shaven man with very sharp features. He can be found wearing a normal officers uniform, but at his summoning altar he is always shrouded in his dark purple cloak. His voice is deep, but raspy from his lack of contact with outside beings, preferring his studies to human companions. Jochen is immune to the harpoon and blood suck attack.

Lieselotte: A rather plain looking officer, she is Tatiana’s third in command. She has a good relationship with Jochen as she also prefers her studies to humans and he stays well out of her way. When Lieselotte found out Tatiana was to be in charge of the excavating and guarding Jochen, she begged to come along. She is an aspiring necromancer and would have enjoyed nothing more than experimenting on the uncovered bodies as well as absorbing the almost lost knowledge of the cult. She is almost always found with her nose in a book or cadaver.

Lieselotte is a plain looking woman with short black hair and deep set clear blue eyes. She wears an officer’s uniform with a blood soaked butchers smock, to keep her uniform clean. She enjoys her light bubbly voice as it catches most people off guard when she tells them how much she loves working with the dead. She stands about 5 foot 7 inches and can always be found carrying her notebook and butchering tools. Lieselotte is immune to the harpoon attack and can only have her blood sucked from the rear.

Nazis: The Nazi soldiers are the same ones used in the original game.

Sigrida: Sigrida is Tatiana’s second in command. She hates the job she’s been assigned, she prefers the outdoors and the sounds of munitions rounds firing. She is a wild woman who has used her seductive charm to work her way up and earn her position. She charges into battle machine guns roaring, not bothering to take prisoners or help her fallen comrades. Tatiana likes her wild gun style and keeps her as a personal body guard.

Sigrida wears her long black hair up in a bun and hides her green eyes behind a small pair of dark black sunglasses. She wears an officer’s uniform that is skin tight to afford her greater mobility and always has her twin pistols at her side. She doesn’t speak often, only when she feels it is important, but in the heat of battle will scream taunts at her enemies. Sigrida is immune to the harpoon attack and can only have her blood sucked from the rear.

Skeletal Guardians: Before Entaurus’s underground temple was complete, the townsfolk built him a grand outdoor grove to house a current place of worship. Upon its creation, non-believers of Entaurus would constantly sac the grove. The worshipers of Entaurus prayed for an answer and it came in the grotesque slaying of four of the high priests. It was not simply a slaying, the bones of the priests actually walked out of their skin. When the remaining flesh and blood fell away, what stood in their place were four large, deformed skeletal brutes. The guards stepped back and surrounded the altars and stood motionless, only waking to dismember any infidels who try to cause harm to Entaurus’s altar.

The Skeletal Guardians stand 7 feet tall and are complete skeletons with thicker than average bones and razor-like talons at the end of their fingers. For creatures without muscle they move surprisingly fast, using their speed and claws to tear apart anyone unfortunate enough to step onto the sacred grounds. They cannot speak, though they try, all that sounds are the eerie clacking of their teeth. The Skeletal Guardians are immune to light weapons fire, take only half damage from heavy weapons and take full damage from explosives. They are immune to blood sucking and harpoon.

Stone Guardians: The greatest, most devoted of Entaurus’s followers are granted the status of his guardian as reward for their service. Through an extremely painful ritual, their souls are grafted into stone and steel bodies created by Entaurus and they are placed in his lair to guard it for eternity. They are robbed of their past memories and hardly notice the passing of time, if they even notice it at all.

The Stone Guardians are the protectors of Entaurus’s lair. At first glance they appear to be masterfully crafted statues carved into the walls, but at his whim, Entaurus can summon them to defend the chambers. They stand at about 9 feet tall and are made of stone, with steel bindings around the major joints, allowing them very minimal mobility/ What the brutes lack in speed and agility, they make up for with brute strength and durability, they are walking statues capable of withstanding most weapons fire without so much as a scratch. Stone Guardians are immune to all attacks except explosives and Rayne’s melee. They’re slow, powerful swing will give the player plenty of time to joust in and out of the guardians attack.

Tatiana: Tatiana is Jochen’s most trusted associate in the Special Unit division of the regime. She is an incredibly intelligent woman as well as a sadistic knife fighter, preferring the silent cold steel (with the occasional spot of poison) to the loud, clumsy firearm. She takes no lip from her subordinates and has created her own personal guard consisting solely of women. She finds that women make more crafty, ruthless soldiers and encourages their manipulation of male officers/

A 36 year old blonde bombshell, Tatiana uses her smooth as silk voice to get where and what she wants. She wears a custom fit black leather uniform with a giant knife holster strapped to her right leg. She keeps her long hair down under her hat and enjoys using her looks to toy with males and then her superior intellect to mold them to her will. Tatiana is immune to harpoon attack and cannot have her blood sucked, because during the encounter she will be in a metallic suit.

Tatiana’s Personal Guard: Hand chosen and then trained by Tatiana herself, these are the most ruthless, talented, intelligent women that the regime has to offer. Feared by their fellow male officers and lusted for by their male superiors, they are in an excellent position to gain information to further Tatiana’s rule. Despite their care-free attitude towards the lives of male officers, the guard goes out of the way to assist each other in battle, using practiced strategies to swiftly defeat entire squadrons.

The Personal Guard wears tight fitting black officer uniforms, with standard black brimmed officer hats. They all have their haircut in an identical fashion, to the shoulders, and wear it down. They all speak in girlish voices, finding it easier to control men that way. In battle they are nothing short of cold blooded, going straight for the kill, not bothering to ask questions. They prefer to use light machine guns for ranged combat, but will switch to knives for melee. The personal guards are fast moving and can block all harpoon and melee attacks, even in Rayne’s hasted state. They cannot have their blood sucked from the front; the player must maneuver behind them.

Undead Villagers: The people of the mountain town of Darluth where a quiet people who seemed to keep to themselves and used their surrounding lands to farm what they needed to live. Then one day one of the townsfolk called a town meeting to discuss the vision that had come to him, a vision in which Entaurus, a powerful demon had come promising prosperity to the small town. The town was quickly swayed to working towards Entaurus’s goals until the day he was being summoned. On that fateful day the people’s greed became too much, as they tried to overthrow Entaurus and steal his power as he emerged from the depths of hell. With what power he had in this realm, he halted the ceremony and put a curse on the townsfolk, tethering their souls to the city in a state of unrest. Until the day Entaurus dies they are doomed to a half-life wandering the streets of the ruins, all the while decaying.

The townspeople are not dead, but they are not your average zombies. While they walk at a slow speed and have their flesh hanging off their bones, they still maintain a minimal amount of their previous intelligence. Due to the fact that their voice boxes have long since decayed, they cannot talk but simply emit whistling noises, as if trying to speak but unable to. Their weapons are their diseased breath and claws; they have also gained an unnatural strength. They are susceptible to all attacks, and can be harpooned.


Area 1: The Grove

This is the first part off the player’s mission in this level. They must seek out the grove and destroy Entaurus’s altar which lies in the center. When the player first enters the grove they will hear the low, distant chanting of old rituals, but other than that its silence and no enemies. They can see the altar in the middle and the 4 Skeletal Guardians, but the guardians do not become active until the player begins to attack the altar. Once the player begins attacking the altar, all of the guardians become active and begin to attack. The player can kill all of the Skeletal Guardians and then the altar, or just the altar. The skeletons are tethered to the room.

A: This is the altar the player must destroy. It is a large stone altar that has been tinted a deep red from the sacrifices performed against it. It is covered from top to bottom in carved ruins, which have been filled in with gold. The stone emits a constant low chanting noise, which grows louder as the player damages it more.

B: The Skeletal Guardians locations. The skeletons are initially inactive, but once the player begins damaging the altar, they come alive and begin attacking.


Upon first entering the area:

Rayne: “This looks like the place, let’s raze this bad boy.”

Upon Skeletal Guardians becoming Active:

Rayne: “I knew it couldn’t be this easy, at least this way maybe I’ll work up a

sweat before I storm the Nazi’s mining camp. Come here, I have a bone

to pick with you guys.”

Upon destruction of the altar:

Rayne: “Well that wasn’t so hard, now to find the entrance to the mining camp,

they told me it would be in a shack around here.


Area 2: Lieselotte’s Room

In this area, the player encounters Lieselotte, Tatiana’s third in command. She is found working at a stone table, in a room filled with caskets. On the table and all around the room are the remains of the unearthed priests and those who died in service to Entaurus. The room reeks of death as the warm underground cavern has caused what remaining flesh the bodies have to decay even faster. As soon as the player walks into the room Lieselotte’s assistant charges. He is jus a regular Nazi soldier, and Lieselotte does not even look up from her work.

Once the player dispenses the assistant, Lieselotte, becomes active and goes into her speech. After she finishes her speech, a Skeletal Guardian rises from the grave and the player must kill Lieselotte and the Skeletal Guardian. If the guardian is killed first, Lieselotte will take the time to summon another one, during the time of the summoning, Lieselotte is unable to move or retaliate, a prime time to Rage, or suck her blood. She is fast even during Rayne’s hasted state and can avoid having her blood sucked at anytime except when summoning. Lieselotte moves fast and attacks the player with her butcher knife, if the player gets too far, she will throw her surgical knives.

A: This is where Lieselotte is working; her assistant will attack the player as soon as they enter the room. To Lieselotte’s benefit, the room is not very spacey, so the player does not have much room to run around.

B: This is the pile of coffins Lieselotte is working on. When she summons her Skeletal Guardians, they will smash out of one of these coffins and arise to attack the player.

Upon first entering Lieselotte’s room:

Lieselotte: (without looking up) “Another nuisance, can’t they just let me work

in peace? (motions to assistant) Take care of it.”

Upon killing assistant:

Lieselotte: (still working) “I never much liked him anyway, but I cannot excuse

this intrusion. It’s a good thing some of these coffins are already

empty, plenty of room to store your pieces.”

(Begins summoning ritual)

Rayne: “If you enjoy playing with corpses so much, allow me to add yet another

to your collection.”

(Summoning ritual is complete and Skeletal Guardian bursts through a coffin.)

Rayne: “Cute.”

Upon killing Lieselotte:

Rayne: “There are so many clever puns I can make about this situation, but I

think for once I’ll take the high road.”

(Spits on corpse and leaves.)


Area 3: Tatiana’s Study

For this encounter, the player walks in on Tatiana and Sigrida doing a bit of research in a hastily established study. The room is well lit despite its cavernous surroundings and filled with books, journals, maps, writing utensils and some chalk boards. There is a nice serene 1930s song playing on a phonograph on one of the tables and the air has a sweet smell to it, as the women like to wear light perfume despite their positions.

When the player walks into the room Sigrida immediately draws her weapons, but Tatiana stays calm. After the witty banter, Sigrida and the guard in the room attack the player, while Tatiana is in the background putting on her mechanical suit. The faster the player kills Sigrida and the guard, the less of Tatiana’s suit she is able to assemble and the weaker she will be when she becomes active. As soon as the speech ends, Sigrida’s and Tatiana’s life bars will appear. Tatiana’s will slowly rise as the battle begins, if it gets to 100% before the player kills Sigrida, then the player will have to fight both Sigrida and Tatiana at the same time. Once the player kills Sigrida, Tatiana becomes active, no matter how high or low on her life bar Tatiana is. They player is basically rewarded for killing Sigrida with haste. After killing Tatiana, the player will receive the key to Entaurus’s lair.

A: Where Sigrida is when the player begins the encounter. When the melee begins, Sigrida draws her pistols and charges the player, all the while screaming taunts and both guns blazing. She will occasionally have to stop to reload and this is the player’s best chance of doing great amounts of damage with melee attacks.

B: Tatiana’s beginning location, although once the melee begins she runs over to C to start equipping her Mechanical Suit.

C: Tatiana’s Mechanical Suit. Despite her love of the blade, Tatiana has a great love for machinery and has built a superior suit to aid her in combat. The player has 4 minutes to kill Sigrida before Tatiana is fully equipped in her suit. Every minute that goes by, Tatiana’s health goes up another 25% until at the end of the 4 minutes she is at 100% and has full Mechanical Unit capabilities. At 25% Tatiana only has the right arm’s chain gun up and running. At 50% she has both the right and left arm’s chain guns running. At 75% she has both chain guns as well as her shoulder mounted rocket launcher available to her. At her full capacity, 100%, she has both chain guns, the rocket launcher and devastating chest mounted laser. The chain guns can fire indefinitely but the rocket launcher has a slight downtime and the laser has a big down time, due to its phenomenal damage capabilities.

Upon first entering Tatiana’s room:

Sigrida: “Who dares intrude on our private study? (Draws pistols) No matter,

you won’t be alive for very long, perhaps Lieselotte will find use for

your corpse.”

(If Lieselotte is dead.)

Rayne: “I often have wondered what a dead woman could do to a corpse, the

only thing Lieselotte will be doing is stinking and rotting.”

Tatiana: “Calm down Sigrida, there is something odd about this one, she doesn’t

look human. She will make an excellent specimen for study… take her

down, but don’t kill her.”

(Sigrida and guard in room attack and Tatiana starts equipping her suit of armor.)


Rayne: “Bring it bitch, I’ll splatter your brains on the wall.”

Tatiana: “Calm down Sigrida, there is something odd about this one, she doesn’t

look human. She will make an excellent specimen for study… take her

down, but don’t kill her.”

(Sigrida and guard in room attack and Tatiana starts equipping her suit of armor.)

Upon Sigrida’s Death:

(If Tatiana is below 100%)

Tatiana: “That useless bitch couldn’t even afford me the few minutes I needed to

fully equip myself. Oh well, I guess now maybe you will have a

chance in hell… however small it may be.”

(If Tatiana is at 100%)

Tatiana: “You couldn’t even have dealt with me without my suit, now you shall

feel its fury at full power.”

Upon Tatiana’s Death:

(As her suit is exploding on her body)

Tatiana: “No, this is impossible. I am the best the regime has to offer… I cannot

be beaten.”

Rayne: (Walks over to Tatiana’s desk and picks up key) “Ah, this must be the

key to Entaurus’s lair, thanks.”


Area 4: Entaurus’s Lair

The large wooden doors leading to Entaurus’s lair are initially locked. They are great wooden doors, stretching to the ceiling of the cavern, with the stone carved around the wooden behemoths. The trim of the door is shiny gold, with blood red runes carved within. The inside of the lair has been carved to make it smoother, although alcoves have been cut out of the room where the Stone Guardians are carved into the walls. The altar sits in the center of the room, a rather plain altar facing a giant pulsating pink gem. Around the base of the center of the room, surrounding the altar and gem, are writhing black tendrils that seemingly come out of the ground. There are no sounds within this room, sans the humming of the pulsating gem and the loud chanting of high priest Jochen.

As the player walks into the room, Jochen acknowledges them but keeps on chanting. At the foot of the altar stands a translucent image of Entaurus, which seemingly grows more opaque as the ritual continues. After Rayne’s speech, Entaurus summons 2 of the 5 Stone Guardians to attack the player and defend Jochen. As the giants burst from the wall, 3 health bars appear: the 2 Stone Giants and High Priest Jochen’s. Jochen is attackable at all times and the player is supposed to kill him to stop the ritual, but the Stone Giants will not go far from Jochen. There are a total of 5 Stone Giants but no more than 2 can be active at any time. There is also a timer. Rayne has 5 minutes to defeat Jochen before the ceremony is complete and Entaurus becomes active and trounces the player. The player has no chance of defeating Entaurus once he becomes active, it is an automatic loss, but a cut scene of getting destroyed by Entaurus would be nice.

A: High Priest Jochen stands here at his altar, performing the summoning ceremony to call Entaurus into this world. He stands there, screaming out the ritual in his deep purple robes, oblivious to any intrusions. He depends on Entaurus for protection and assumes his service has been superior enough to warrant it

B: The locations of the Stone Guardians. At first look, they appear to be just intricate sculptures, carved into the walls, but as Jochen needs them, they come to life.

C: Entaurus’s summoning grounds. This is where Entaurus is summoned. He begins as a barely visible massive demon, but as the player’s time runs out he becomes more and more opaque. When the summoning is finished he comes to life and kills the player.

Upon first entering the room:

Rayne: “Glad I made it before the big show was over.”

Upon Jochen’s death:

Jochen: “The ceremony… was almost complete… damn you!”

Rayne: “Damned by one who plays with demons, the irony is overwhelming. At

least now I can get out of this dank tomb.”

(If Entaurus is summoned.)

Entaurus: (Kills Rayne) “I have finally been freed to wreak havoc upon this

world. All shall kneel before my might.”

Jochen: “You might have made a worthy agent, too bad our meeting had to end

this way.”



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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