Balance the following equations:

(a) BCl3 + P4 + H2 ( BP + HCl

(b) C2H2Cl4 + Ca(OH)2 ( C2HCl3 + CaCl2 + H2O

(c) (NH4)2Cr2O7 ( N2 + Cr2O3 + H2O

(d) Zn3Sb2 + H2O ( Zn(OH)2 + SbH3

(e) HClO4 + P4O10 ( H3PO4 + Cl2O7

(f) C6H5Cl + SiCl4 + Na ( (C6H5)4Si + NaCl

1. Calculate the number of mol of ammonia, NH3, required to produce 2.50 mol of Cu(NH3)4SO4 according to the equation:

CuSO4 + 4NH3 ( Cu(NH3)4SO4

2. The equation for the reaction of sucrose (sugar) with oxygen is

C12H22O11 + 12O2 ( 12CO2 + 11H2O

How many g of CO2 is produced per 1 g of sucrose used?

3. What mass of CaCl2 does it take to produce 14.3 g of AgCl when treated with excess AgNO3? The other product is Ca(NO3)2.

4. A 0.6000 mol sample of Cu2S is roasted in excess oxygen to yield copper metal and sulfur dioxide. Calculate the mass of copper metal produced.

5. For the reaction

Ba(OH)2 + 2HClO3 ( Ba(ClO3)2 + 2H2O

Calculate the number of mole of H2O formed when 0.100 mol of Ba(OH)2 is treated with 0.250 mol of HClO3.

6. When copper is heated with an excess of sulfur, Cu2S is formed. How many g of Cu2S could be produced if 100 g of copper is heated with 50 g of sulfur?

7. What mass of P4O10 will be obtained from the reaction of 1.33 g of P and 5.07 g of O2?

8. 10.2 g of Cr metal was burned in excess Cl2, giving 23.9 g of CrCl3. What is the percent yield for this reaction?

9. A solution contains 3.2 g of NaCl and the concentration of NaCl is 5.0% by mass? What is the total mass of the solution?

10. Calculate the mass of anhydrous HCl in 5.00 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid (density 1.19 g/mL) containing 37.23% HCl by mass.

11. What mass of NaOH is necessary to prepare 120.0 g of a 19.7% by mass solution of NaOH?

12. What volume of 1.71 M NaCl solution contains 0.20 mol NaCl?

13. What volume of 3.0 M solution of NaOH can be prepared with 84.0 g NaOH?

14. How many mL of water must be added to 200 mL of 0.65 M HCl to dilute the solution to 0.20 M?

15. Exactly 100 g NaCl is dissolved in sufficient amount of water to give 1500 mL solution. What is the molar concentration of NaCl?

16. Find the volume of 3.00 M H2SO4 required to react with 10.0 g of zinc according to the equation

Zn + H2SO4 ( ZnSO4 + H2

17. How many mL of 0.600 M solution of NaOH will be needed to react with 138.0 mL of 4.00 M solution of HCl?


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