Calculating density worksheet with answers answer key answer

[Pages:5]Calculating density worksheet with answers answer key answer

Calculating density worksheet with answers answer key answer

3 fully editable, NGSS/modeling pedagogy aligned worksheets, 4 inquiry labs, 3 lab challenges, 2 quizzes, 2 guided notes/reading assignments, 1 unit review, 1 writing assignment, 1 equation toolbox, and 1 curriculum guide!WorksheetsThere are a variety of free response questions for most worksheets, which are usually one or two pages long. Worksheets are used for students to deploy models developed from inquiry labs and as a way to practice problem-solving en route to mastery of learning targetsPage 2This is a three part 1,300+ slide Interactive PowerPoint presentation with built-in class notes (red slides), challenge questions with answers, built-in quizzes, built-in hands-on activities with instructions and visuals built-in, 13 page worksheet packet that follows slideshow activities, follow-up questions, video links, two PowerPoint review games (100+ slides each), 6 page homework / classwork bundle, modified version, lesson notes, end of the lesson bundle PowerPoint Quiz with answers, andPage 3Physical Science: Unit 9 Waves, Sound, and Light Unit Title: Waves, Sound, and Light Included 7 - PowerPoint Presentations (pptx) 84 slides 15 - Labs/Worksheets (pdf, pptx, and docx) 4 - Unit Tests (CP and Pre-AP) with answer key (Examview and docx) 2 - Unit Review Guides (with Answer Key) Subject/Topic Areas: Types of waves, characteristics of waves, wave interactions, sound, nature of light, reflection of color, refraction, lenses, and prisms Brief Summary of Unit Enduring Understanding:Page 4This is a 300 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes many built-in hands-on activities, challenge questions, critical red slide notes, two page homework, classwork sheet, answer key, built-in quiz, lesson notes, video links, and much more.This PowerPoint begins describing volume and the liter. A step by step slide sequence describes how a liter is made of 1000 ml. A slide describes how to measure volume in a graduated cylinder and describes how water forms a meniscus. A reference to measPage 5This product contains 27 pages of chemistry short answer questions on gases. The topics include Boyle's Law, Charles's Law, Gay-Lussac's Law, Dalton's Law, converting between different units of pressure, the ideal gas law, gas stoichiometry, gas reactions, calculating the molar mass of a gas, calculating the density of a gas, solving for the pressure of a gas, solving for the volume of a gas, solving for the temperature of a gas or solving for the moles of a gas using the ideal gas law. All shoPage 6Introduce electrons in atoms by dropping darts! Lab provides a discussion of probability and electron density. PDF/Word Warm up/ Exit Ticket, PPT overview of ActivityBackground Provides Notes:? Dalton, Chem Rxn, Solid Sphere? Thomson, CRT, Plum Pudding? Rutherford, Gold Foil, Nuclear? Bohr, Light, Planetary? Schrodinger, Equations, CloudStudents:? drop darts onto a bulls-eye? record number of hits per ring ? calculate hit density? graph information? answer questions about atomic history and hitPage 7This bundle includes a printable AND digital version of every science task card set we have in our store. It includes all of our unique printable and digital sets covering a variety of life science, earth science, space science, and physical science concepts. These resources are great for sub plans, SCOOT activities, scavenger hunts, review, rotations, stations, partner work, or independent study. Science Task Card Bundle - COMPLETE - All sets come with the following:-Student recording sheetsPage 8This bundle contains all the quizzes and tests I use for the entire year for all units of grade 11 chemistry. It contains 5 tests, 16 quizzes, 1 final exam and is 55 pages long.The topics covered include: Atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, metallic bonding, properties of compounds, drawing Lewis structures, determining polarity, solving for isotopic abundance, naming ionic compounds, covalent compounds, acids, multivalent metPage 9These no-prep density mazes, in print and Google Apps digital format, engage students with density concepts and calculations using the density formula solving for density, mass, or volume. If students veer off the maze path, they will land on a box that has no correct answer off it, encouraging them to correct their mistake before moving on. Great as a review activity, a group assignment, a homework assignment, or for early finishers. This is available in my costs-savings Chemistry Mazes BundlePage 103 page Unit Test on Density. Includes: Deals with measurement, Volume, Mass, sinking and Floating, calculation of density, and the concept that density does not change with the size of the material. Comes with answer sheet but not answer key. Lesson Universe: Click below to see my Individual UnitsUnit 1: Scientific Skills: Observation/inference, measuring, graphing, observation/inference, and scientific method. Unit 2:Matter & Chemistry: Density, chromatography, mixtures, solutions, periodPage 11These 28 task cards are GREAT for individual, small group, or full class review for Earth Science Regents students. These have been so helpful for my special education and ELL students! My task cards require students to explain processes, draw diagrams, interpret pictures, graphs and diagrams, and make inferences. Included: 28 Task Cards, Printable Answer Sheet for students and an Answer Key for teachers. Topics addressed: Observations, Inferences, Classification, Lab Safety, Simple MetriPage 12Great supplemental assignment to support density, mass, and volume. Could be used as homework, classwork, or a unit quiz. This would be a fine stand-alone assignment but was designed as a wrap-up homework assignment to accompany my density powerpoint lesson. That lesson includes a PowerPoint, Cornell notes, and a student foldable. If a more comprehensive lesson fits your needs view it HERE. Concepts covered in this lesson include the density triangle, density formula, solving for density, mass, a) In order to calculate the overall volume of the block, we need to add the volume of metal A and the volume of metal B. Although we don't have the volume of either metal, we have been given their masses and densities, so we can calculate the volume of each metal accordingly. By rearranging the density formula, or using the triangle, we can work out how to calculate the volume: \text{density} = \text{ mass}\div \text{ volume} So: \text{volume} = \text{ mass}\div \text{ density} The volume of metal A can be calculated as follows: 1200 g \div \, 5 g/cm^3 = 240 cm^3 The volume of metal B can be calculated as follows: 600 g \div \, 3 g/cm^3 = 200 cm^3 Therefore, if metal A has a volume of 240 cm^3 and B has a volume of 200 cm^3, then their combined volume is simply: 240 cm^3 + 200 cm^3 = 440 cm^3 b) As we know from question a), the newly-formed block has a volume of 440 cm^3. We know that the mass of metal A was 1200 g and the mass of metal B was 600 g, so mass of the block is: 1200 g + \, 600 g = 1800 g The density of this block can be calculated by dividing the mass by the volume as follows: 1800 g \div \, 440 cm^3 = 4.09 g/cm^3 This homework or class assignment is suitable for physical science, general science, or chemistry. This shows a simple way to calculate the densities of alloys. To increase interest it uses familiar objects, American pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, Susan B. Anthony dollars, and the Sacagawea gold-colored dollar. It is in Word format and is structured for easy grading (all answers are aligned on the left margin). The assignment can be extended experimentally by conducting aPage 2In this lab, students will be responsible for going through each step of the scientific method. During the lab, they will collect information on coins: mass and volume, then calculate densities. They even have to perform the experiment three times to ensure data accuracy. Further, follow-up questions and puzzles help to reinforce concepts behind the scientific method, variables, mass, volume, and density. Colorful graphics are included to help to visualize the steps and variables of the Scientif Jump to: Rock and Mineral density | Rock and mineral specific gravity You can download the questions (Acrobat (PDF) 25kB Jul24 09) if you would like to work them on a separate sheet of paper. Problem 1: You have a rock with a volume of 15cm3 and a mass of 45 g. What is its density? Hide Density is mass divided by volume, so that the density is 45 g divided by 15cm3, which is 3.0 g/cm3. Problem 2: You have a different rock with a volume of 30cm3 and a mass of 60g. What is its density? Hide Density is mass divided by volume, so that the density is 60 g divided by 30cm3, which is 2.0 g/cm3. Problem 3: In the above two examples which rock is heavier? Which is lighter? Hide The question is asking about heavier and lighter, which refers to mass or weight. Therefore, all you care about is the mass in grams and so the 60 g rock in the second problem is heavierand the 45 g rock (in the first question) is lighter. Problem 4: In the above two examples which rock is more dense? which is less dense? Hide The question is asking about density, and that is the ratio of mass to volume. Therefore, the first rock is denser, (density = 3.0) and the second rock is less dense even though it weighs more, because its density is only 2.0. This example shows why it is important to be careful to not use the words heavier/lighter when you means more or less dense. Problem 5: You decide you want to carry a boulder home from the beach. It is 30 centimeters on each side, and so has a volume of 27,000 cm3. It is made of granite, which has a typical density of 2.8 g/cm3. How much will this boulder weigh? Hide In this case, you are asked for a mass, not the density. You will need to rearrange the density equation so that you get mass. By multiplying both sides by volume, mass will be left alone. Substituting in the values from the problem, The result is that the mass is 75,600 grams. That is over 165 pounds! Hide Problem 6: Rocks are sometimes used along coasts to prevent erosion. If a rock needs to weigh 2,000 kilograms (about 2 tons) in order not to be shifted by waves, how big (what volume) does it need to be? You are using basalt, which has a typical density of 3200 kg/m3 Hide In this problem you need a volume, so you will need to rearrange the density equation to get volume. By multiplying both sides by volume, we can get volume out of the numerator (the bottom). You can then divide both sides by density to get volume alone: By substituting in the values listed above, So the volume will be 0.625 m3 Note that the above problem shows that densities can be in units other than grams and cubic centimeters. To avoid the potential problems of different units, many geologists use specific gravity (SG), explored in problems 8 and 9, below. Hide Image from ifischer/Collections/Fossils/rocks.html Problem 7: A golden-colored cube is handed to you. The person wants you to buy it for $100, saying that is a gold nugget. You pull out your old geology text and look up gold in the mineral table, and read that its density is 19.3 g/cm3. You measure the cube and find that it is 2 cm on each side, and weighs 40 g. What is its density? Is it gold? Should you buy it? Hide To determine the density you need the volume and the mass since . You know the mass (40 g), but the volume is not given. To find the volume, use the formula for the volume of a box volume = length x width x height. The volume of the cube is 2cm x 2cm x 2cm = 8cm3. The density then is the mass divided by the volume: Thus the cube is NOT gold, since the density (5.0 g/cm3) is not the same as gold (19.3g/cm3). You tell the seller to take a hike. You might even notice that the density of pyrite (a.k.a. fool's gold) is 5.0 g/cm3. Luckily you are no fool and know about density!

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