Calculating density mass and volume worksheet answer key - Weebly

[Pages:3]Calculating density mass and volume worksheet answer key

This lesson includes 55 additional questions for subscribers. Stop! Before you read on, have you completed the Author's Tone Worksheet 1, first? If not, go back, answer the questions and then head back here and find out what you've gotten right and what you may have missed. If you're curious about what author's tone really is and wondering how to

figure it out, here are three of the tricks you can use to determine the author's tone when you don't have a clue. Feel free to use these free printable pdf files for your own educational use, too: Author's Tone Worksheet 1 | Author's Tone Worksheet 1 Answer Key 1. What does the author most likely want to convey through the use of the phrase "ready

consent to terms and a couple of coins flung upon the table"?

A. The stranger's lack of manners and thoughtfulness.

B. The stranger's desire to quickly get to his room.

C. The stranger's greediness in bartering.

D. The stranger's discomfort. The correct answer is B. The stranger is desperate for warmth. We

know that because he's covered in snow and asks for human charity, which we can only assume is because he's cold. So even though we know he is uncomfortable, the correct answer is NOT D. The author uses the words "ready consent," which means "eager or quickly willing" consent and coins "flung" upon the table to indicate a hurried pace. Yes,

we know it's because he's uncomfortable, but the phrases indicate speed. 2. The author's attitude toward mothers trying to arrange marriages for their daughters could best be described as: A. accepting of the notion B. irritated with the notion C. astonished by the notion D. amused by the notion The correct answer is D. Even if we read nothing

beyond the first line, we'd get the sense that the author was slightly amused by the subject matter. The author further makes the scene amusing by pitting a complacent husband against his busybody wife. Austen depicts the mother as meddling, gossiping, and impatient. If Austen were irritated by the idea, she'd make the mother more unlikable. If

she were astonished by the idea, then she'd make the husband act aghast when Mrs. Bennet brings it up. If she were accepting of the idea, then she probably wouldn't have written about it in a witty way. Hence, Choice D is the best bet. 3. What tone is the author most likely trying to convey with the sentence, "It is a truth universally acknowledged,

that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

A. satiric

B. scornful

C. reproachful

D. weary The correct answer is A. This speaks to the tone of the excerpt as a whole. She's sarcastic about society's notion of marrying young women off to wealthy men. Her overreaching statement,

"a truth universally acknowledged" is an example of hyperbole, which is an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally." And although she may personally be reproachful or scornful of the idea, her tone does not convey it in this satire. 4. Which of the following choices provides the best answer to the author's final question posed in the text,

while maintaining the tone of the article? A. It could be that I'd fallen into a nightmare without knowing it. B. It had to be the dreariness of the day. Nothing about the house itself was particularly depressing. C. The solution defied me. I couldn't get at the heart of my displeasure. D. It was a mystery I couldn't solve; nor could I grapple with the

shadowy fancies that crowded upon me as I pondered. The correct choice is D. Here, the answer must closely mirror the language in the text. The words used by Poe are complicated, as is his sentence structure. Choice B and D's sentence structure is too simple and Choice B's answer is incorrect based on the text. Choice A seems logical until you

place it up against Choice D, which uses a complex structure and language similar to that already in the text. 5. Which emotion is the author most likely trying to rouse from his reader after reading this text?

A. hatred

B. terror

C. apprehension

D. depression The correct choice is C. Although the character feels

depression upon viewing the house, Poe is trying to make the reader feel apprehension in the scene. What's going to come up? If he were trying to make the reader feel depressed, he would have spoken to something more personal. And he wasn't trying to terrify the reader in this scene, either. He would've used scarier content instead of relying on

the dark, depressing words and phrases he does. And Choice A is completely off! Hence, Choice C is the best answer. Using models of three different types of social networks, researchers discovered that an opinion held strongly by 10 percent of the members would rapid spread to become the majority opinion. (Image credit: SCNARC/Rensselaer

Polytechnic Institute) For an opinion or belief, 10 percent is critical mass. If that proportion of the population emphatically embraces an idea, then it will spread rapidly to the majority of the population, scientists have found."When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas," said

researcher Boleslaw Szymanski, director of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. "Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame."For example, dictators who held power for decades in Tunisia and Egypt were overthrown in a matter of weeks when events pushed public

opinion past the 10 percent threshold, Szymanski said.Szymanski and colleagues tested out the spread of opinion using computer models of different social networks -- one in which everyone was connected to everyone else, one with a few well-connected people and one in which everyone had the same, limited number of connections. In all cases, a

few people within the network held an unwavering, but uncommon, belief; everyone else held a traditional view but was open-minded.They found that, regardless of the type of network, 10 percent remained the threshold required to shift the majority opinion once the true believers began to speak with everyone else. [Cooperation Is Contagious]This

finding has broad implications for understanding how opinion spreads, according to the researchers."There are clearly situations in which it helps to know how to efficiently spread some opinion or how to suppress a developing opinion," said Gyorgy Korniss, a study researcher and associate professor of physics at Rensselaer. "Some examples might

be the need to quickly convince a town to move before a hurricane or spread new information on the prevention of disease in a rural village."The findings were published July 22 online in the journal Physical Review E. Sign up to complete it for free ---- OR ---- Preview activity Jump to: Rock and Mineral density | Rock and mineral specific gravity You

can download the questions (Acrobat (PDF) 25kB Jul24 09) if you would like to work them on a separate sheet of paper. Problem 1: You have a rock with a volume of 15cm3 and a mass of 45 g. What is its density? Hide Density is mass divided by volume, so that the density is 45 g divided by 15cm3, which is 3.0 g/cm3. Problem 2: You have a different

rock with a volume of 30cm3 and a mass of 60g. What is its density? Hide Density is mass divided by volume, so that the density is 60 g divided by 30cm3, which is 2.0 g/cm3. Problem 3: In the above two examples which rock is heavier? Which is lighter? Hide The question is asking about heavier and lighter, which refers to mass or weight. Therefore,

all you care about is the mass in grams and so the 60 g rock in the second problem is heavierand the 45 g rock (in the first question) is lighter. Problem 4: In the above two examples which rock is more dense? which is less dense? Hide The question is asking about density, and that is the ratio of mass to volume. Therefore, the first rock is denser,

(density = 3.0) and the second rock is less dense even though it weighs more, because its density is only 2.0. This example shows why it is important to be careful to not use the words heavier/lighter when you means more or less dense. Problem 5: You decide you want to carry a boulder home from the beach. It is 30 centimeters on each side, and so

has a volume of 27,000 cm3. It is made of granite, which has a typical density of 2.8 g/cm3. How much will this boulder weigh? Hide In this case, you are asked for a mass, not the density. You will need to rearrange the density equation so that you get mass. By multiplying both sides by volume, mass will be left alone. Substituting in the values from

the problem, The result is that the mass is 75,600 grams. That is over 165 pounds! Hide Problem 6: Rocks are sometimes used along coasts to prevent erosion. If a rock needs to weigh 2,000 kilograms (about 2 tons) in order not to be shifted by waves, how big (what volume) does it need to be? You are using basalt, which has a typical density of 3200

kg/m3 Hide In this problem you need a volume, so you will need to rearrange the density equation to get volume. By multiplying both sides by volume, we can get volume out of the numerator (the bottom). You can then divide both sides by density to get volume alone: By substituting in the values listed above, So the volume will be 0.625 m3 Note that

the above problem shows that densities can be in units other than grams and cubic centimeters. To avoid the potential problems of different units, many geologists use specific gravity (SG), explored in problems 8 and 9, below. Hide Image from ifischer/Collections/Fossils/rocks.html Problem 7: A golden-colored cube is handed to you. The person

wants you to buy it for $100, saying that is a gold nugget. You pull out your old geology text and look up gold in the mineral table, and read that its density is 19.3 g/cm3. You measure the cube and find that it is 2 cm on each side, and weighs 40 g. What is its density? Is it gold? Should you buy it? Hide To determine the density you need the volume

and the mass since . You know the mass (40 g), but the volume is not given. To find the volume, use the formula for the volume of a box volume = length x width x height. The volume of the cube is 2cm x 2cm x 2cm = 8cm3. The density then is the mass divided by the volume: Thus the cube is NOT gold, since the density (5.0 g/cm3) is not the same as

gold (19.3g/cm3). You tell the seller to take a hike. You might even notice that the density of pyrite (a.k.a. fool's gold) is 5.0 g/cm3. Luckily you are no fool and know about density!

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