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Contact: Adrienne MacKenzie/Marketing CoordinatorThorndale Dental Associates/Richard E. DeForno, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I.Phone: 610-384-2541ady@FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SMILES ON THE RISE IN A DOWN ECONOMY! Thorndale, PA- Dentistry From the Heart (DFTH), the country’s leading free dental care program, expanded its free day of dentistry events to more than 50 locations across 29 states in the United States. In 2008, the national non-profit organization doubled its efforts by enlisting hundreds of volunteers who donated more than $1.5 million dollars in dental services provided to 5,500 Americans desperately in need of dental care.Founded in Tampa, Florida in 2001, Dentistry From the Heart started as Dr. Vincent Monticciolo’s way of giving back to his community and providing aid to the growing number of Americans without dental insurance. Over the past eight years, more than 4,000 patients from across the state have traveled to attend Dr. Monticciolo’s DFTH events to receive a free filling, extraction OR cleaning. After realizing the potential impact DFTH could make across the country, Dr. Monticciolo registered DFTH as a national non-profit organization and created all the tools needed for dental practices to host DFTH events in their community. Thorndale Dental Associates, the office of Dr. Richard E. DeForno will be offering Dentistry From the Heart on Saturday, April 24, 2010 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Charitable organizations and schools in the area were notified and asked to distribute information regarding the day. Individuals were asked to contact the practice and schedule an appointment time. One hundred patients will be treated on Saturday. Our practice understands that many people need dental services, but have no means to afford them – whether they’re out of a job, or just don’t have dental insurance. Dentistry From the Heart is our way of giving back to the community, and helping people who are in need of dental care. Patients will have an opportunity to choose ONE procedure. Each patient can opt to have a cleaning OR one filling OR an extraction completed that day. If the patient requires additional care, he or she will be referred to a community dental clinic for care on a sliding fee schedule. Dr. DeForno, his staff members and other dentists and volunteers will work to deliver the best care possible. All services and products are donated! Colgate, Parkway Dental, Schein, Premier Dental Products and Patterson supplied our team with all the dental products to ensure the day’s success. Brandywine Hospital will be on site to offer health screenings, Citadel and Mom’s Bake-At-Home Pizza from Thorndale will be providing refreshments for the participants. Giant and Little Chef Restaurant will be providing food to keep our volunteers energized throughout the day. Signal 88 Security will be on site to maintain order throughout the morning hours and Image Ink provided shirts for all the volunteers.I hope that media representatives will be present to showcase this wonderful day of giving back! It is especially crucial in today’s economy to give back to our community and to help one another! What an awesome way to show our community just how much we care! ................

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