ASTDD Best Practices Project

ASTDD Best Practices Project

Summary of the Best Practices Committee Conference Call

on November 9, 2006

A. Participants

Best Practices Committee Members:

Lynn Mouden – Arkansas State Dental Director (Committee Chair)

Meg Booth – Director of Governmental Affairs, Children’s Dental Health Project

Sue Dodd – Oral Health America

Gordon Empey – Oregon State Dental Director

Barbara Gooch – Dental Officer, CDC Division of Oral Health

Jane Jasek – Manager, Access and Community Health, CAPIR, ADA

Jim Sutherland – Lead for Oral Health/Regional Dental Consultant, HRSA

ASTDD Best Practices Project Director: Julie Tang

B. Background Information

The conference call provided an opportunity to review the progress of BP Project activities. The call devoted time for Committee Chair, Project Director, and Work Teams to report their activities and discuss issues.

C. Agenda for the Conference Call

1. Welcome & Committee Chair Progress Report

2. Project Director Progress Report

3. Teams Progress Reports

Communication Team

Evidence Team

Ad Hoc Group on Emergent Issues

Review Teams (Red, White and Blue Team)

4. Issues: Open Discussion

5. Review Assignments or Next Steps

6. Schedule BP Committee Quarterly Conference Calls & Planning Meeting for 2007

Materials for the call included:

▪ an agenda

▪ an updated BP Committee Directory

▪ an illustration of two new Web pages that will be released in Dec. 2006

▪ the BP Project’s working framework

▪ information on new Best Practice Approach Reports for CSCHN and School Health

▪ information on upcoming presentations on BP Project information at the AAPD and NOHC

▪ resource information on state oral health legislations 2005-2006

▪ an overview of the FY 2006-07 BP Project activities

▪ assignments for FY 2006-07 BP Project Work Plan

D. Discussions & Decisions

The following summarizes the information presented, discussions held, and decisions made by the Best Practices Committee during the conference call.

1. Lynn Mouden, as the BP Committee Chair, extended a welcome to all the participants.

2. BP Committee members confirmed that the current committee directory information and team assignments are accurate.

3. Julie Tang, BP Project Director, provided a progress report on Project activities:

➢ Julie gave a quick review of the project’s working framework to highlight how current and planned activities connect with the working framework.

➢ The Review Teams made good progress with the online review of submissions. The Red Team and White Team have completed the reviews of all their assigned submissions. The Blue Team is aiming to complete the submissions in December.

➢ Approved summary submissions have been posted on the ASTDD Website. Julie will add the approved report submissions to the Best Practice Approach Reports and will post the updated Reports on the Website by Dec. 2006.

➢ The two new BP Web pages (State of the Science and Emergent Issues) have been finalized and approved for release by the Evidence Team and Ad Hoc Group on Emergent Issues. Julie will set up the access links to these new Web pages on the live ASTDD Website. The Web pages will be officially announcement with the fall issue of the ASTDD newsletter. The fall issue will publish a BP Project article highlighting these activities.

➢ Work continued on the preparation of new Best Practice Approach Reports for CSHCN, school health, and early prevention for infants/toddlers. Julie demonstrated some of the details of the reports including the collection of CSHCN practice submissions and the description of how oral health should be integrated into the eight components of Coordinated School Health Model. Mary Foley is planning to complete a first draft of the Best Practice Approach Report on early prevention for infants/toddlers in about 2-4 weeks; Gordon Empey will be working with Mary on the report.

➢ Two concurrent sessions have been approved for the 2007 NOHC that promote the best practice approach of oral health surveillance system. Julie was on the planning committee with CDC staff. Jay Balzer will present the collaboration of the CSHCN & BP committees in promoting the Best Practice Approach of promoting oral health for CSHCN at the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) special oral health meeting in November 2006.

➢ A meeting was held in October 2006 during the CDC grantee workshop in Atlanta with Rene Lavinghouze (CDC), Bev Isman (ASTDD) and Julie. Bev asked Chris Wood to join the meeting as an ASTDD Executive Committee member. Discussions included how to build program evaluation capacity through networking with program evaluators for state oral health programs, possibly using the cooperative agreement’s funding for state technical assistance funding to offer scholarships to evaluators for attending the CDC evaluation training institute, and asking CDC grantee states to mentor non-funded states on program evaluation. Julie will continue to develop this effort with ASTDD and CDC and report back to the BP Committee.

➢ Julie attended the CDC oral health epidemiologists meeting (Sept. 28-29, 2006, Atlanta) and facilitate a discussion with the epidemiologists to set up an expert support network of oral health epidemiologists from CDC funded states and non-funded states, share their analyses/tools/reports, and identify successful practices for submissions to the BP Project.

4. Team Reports

Communication Team: Lynn Mouden is the BP Communication Team Leader and the ASTDD Strategic Communication Committee Chair. Lynn reported that the BP Communication Team will move forward in planning BP communication strategies.

Evidence Team: Barbara Gooch and Jim Sutherland reported for the Team. The Team has approved the release of the State of the Science Webpage and will continue to add information to the Webpage over time. The Evidence Team will schedule a conference call in January 2007 to plan additional activities that support the access, translation and application of science to practice.

Ad Hoc Group on Emergent Issues: Gordon Empey (Group Leader) reported that the Emergent Issues Webpage is approved for release on the live ASTDD Website. There was discussion on asking the ASTDD Executive Committee to establish a committee to address emergent issues using the ideas and recommendations provided by the Ad Hoc Group.

Lynn and Gordon will discuss this with the ASTDD President and Executive Committee.

Submission Review (Red/White/Blue) Teams: The Red and White Teams have completed the online reviewed of their assigned submissions. The Blue Team will aim to complete their submissions in December 2006.

4. Issues Discussed

➢ Evidence building – opportunity related to the AAPHD journal

Jim Sutherland and Barbara Gooch reported that AAPHD is interested in adding a focus on applying science to practice in the AAPHD journal. This focus is in line with efforts of the BP Project including collecting practice submissions. There may be potential for collaboration. Jim and Barbara will follow up on this interest with AAPHD.

➢ Fluoride varnish document – a request from the ASTDD Fluoride Committee

The Fluoride Committee is asking the BP Committee to review a draft document on fluoride varnish and to assist with several questions to finalize the document. Julie is in communication with LeeAnn Cooper to respond to this request. Lynn asked that Julie check if feedback can be given in January after the holidays. Julie will coordinate with the BP Committee members to gather feedback. Gordon Empey volunteered to review the document. Meg Booth has forwarded the draft to Mary Foley for review, who is drafting a Best Practice Approach Report on early prevention for infants and toddlers.

➢ Building evaluation & analytical capacity for state oral health programs

Work will continue with CDC on building an expert network of oral health epidemiologists and an expert network of oral health program evaluators. These networks will have the potential of sharing capacity building tools and their successful practices with states.

➢ Policies (National Oral Health Policy Center & Children’s Dental Health Project)

Waiting for the ASTDD Policy Committee to coordinate activities with the National Oral Health Policy Center and the Children’s Dental Health Project. Proposed activities that the BP Committee can provide support include preparing a reference document that describe the types of policies and the role of state oral health program in promoting policies and development of model policies for the states. In addition, a conversion with Burt Edelstein identified another project related to conducting a series of case studies on legislative mandate for a state oral health program. Julie shared a resource from the Council of State Governments who tracked state oral health legislations in 2005 and 2006. Lynn suggested that we look at providing some feedback on what should be included in the tracking of oral health legislation (e.g., fluoridation legislation is not tracked).

➢ Communications (e.g., Webcast, presentation, journal article & listserv)

The BP Committee members agreed that a Webcast will be a good activity. The Committee will see if CDC Webcasts for 2007 has any openings. Julie suggested more frequent posting of BP Project information on the ASTDD listserv and Lynn recommended that we post information only when new information is available. Barbara and Julie will work on preparing one or more journal articles in 2007.

E. Assignments & Next Steps

1. Julie reminded the BP Committee members to review the following documents for their assignments for FY 2006-07 and continue working on their individual and team assignments:

- An overview of the BP Project Work Plan FY 06-07

- A detailed BP Project Work Plan FY 06-07

- An overview of the assignments for the BP Project Work Plan FY 06-07

2. Lynn Mouden and Gordon will discuss with ASTDD President and Executive Committee about the Ad Hoc Group on the Emergent Issues regarding their status in remaining as a subcommittee of the BP Committee or become a separate ASTDD Workgroup.

3. Lynn will discuss with Dean Perkins on selecting a property for the BP Committee planning meeting in Chicago.

4. Julie will begin to set up the BP Project evaluation pilot.

5. Julie will contact LeeAnn Cooper and ask if the BP Committee can provide feedback on the fluoride varnish document after the holidays, sometime in January 2007.

6. Barbara Gooch will find out if the CDC Webcasts for 2007 have already been assigned topics.

F. Next Annual Meeting & Quarterly Conference Calls for the BP Committee

Lynn asked Ann Markasovic (ASTDD administrative assistant) to poll the BP Committee for their available times for the 2007 conference calls and the annual face-to-face meeting. The following are the selected times:

2007 BP Committee face-to-face annual planning meeting:

Face-to-Face Planning Meeting - Monday and Tuesday, March 26-27, 2007 in Chicago

The BP Committee will meet earlier in 2007 in order to provide timely information on proposed activities for the CDC and HRSA cooperative agreement applications.

* At least one BP Committee member reported a schedule conflict for March 26-27. At this time, we are not certain if the meeting dates can be changed.

2007 BP Committee quarterly conference calls:


Thursday, February 1, 2007 / 1:00pm Eastern…….. (866) 769-4744 / Access Code:  3666409#

Thursday, June 14, 2007 / 1:00pm Eastern………… (877) 988-6905 / Access Code:  345447#

Thursday, September 13, 2007 / 1:00pm Eastern…. (877) 988-6905 / Access Code:  345447#

Thursday, December 13, 2007 / 1:00pm Eastern….. (877) 988-6905 / Access Code:  345447#

An agenda and handouts will be emailed to the Committee 3 weeks prior to each call.

Team conference calls:

Julie will prompt the Communication Team and Evidence Team to set up their team conference calls in January 2007.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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