Dental HygienePre-KCaysie CalderPart I. Community of Learners:This unit is all about three Dental/ Teeth Hygiene. We will learn all our mouth including teeth, gums, lips and tongue and how to keep them clean and healthy throughout their life. Throughout the year students often connected their learning of health and healing by going to the dentist and the doctor, so the students already have prior knowledge on this unit. We choose this unit because we want our students to be knowledgeable about how we can keep our bodies healthy and not being in pain throughout our lives. We want our student to be prepared for all situations that could occur in their lives. Our classroom is diverse in many ways. We have one students who is an ELL student, he speak Portuguese as his first language but also knows English. We also have a student who has an academic IEPs. Our school is a public school so we get all different types of students with different cultures. As a class we make sure that we make all students feel welcome inside and outside of our classroom. We accept everyone for who they are no matter their disability. We make sure that all students feel comfortable and are able to talk about their differences. We also make sure that the students accept their differences and are proud of who they are. Our classroom is special because we pride ourselves in being different and accepting that we are different. Our goal as teachers is to make our classroom a comfortable environment where students can be themselves.Part II. Planning Questions to be answered:1. What are the standards or outcomes the students is to master? Use these standards or outcomes to develop a theme, issue, big idea, or unit questions.SWBAT know that 2-D shapes are flat and 3-D shapes are solidSWBAT name 3-D shapes in the real worldSWBAT name 3-D shapes2. What should the students know at the end of this unit? (Knowledge and Understanding)Students will know how to brush their teeth.Students will know the parts of the tooth.Students will be able to differ between healthy choice foods and bad choice foods.Students will know the difference between brushing, flossing and regular dental visits.Students with practice counting.Students will know the pros and cons of dental care.3. What will the students be able to do at the end of the unit? (Skills)Students will be able to brush their own teeth/tongue from start to finish without parental help.Students will be able to pick and choose healthy food choices with adult assistance.Students will be able to know the problems that occur with bad dental hygiene. 4. How will they be taught? (Process/Activities). Select activities that lead students to mastery.Hands on ActivitiesSorting food groupsGrasping ActivitiesBrushing ActivitiesDental LiteratureSongsYoutube VideosPart III. Vocabulary:Floss – Wax string that goes between teeth in a sawing motion to clean between teeth.Smile – To show off teethMouthwash – a liquid substance that cleans teeth and freshens breathTooth – One hard object in mouth used for chewing.Teeth - Many hard objects in mouth used for chewing.Toothpaste – a paste to scrub on teeth to clean.Toothbrush – Brush looking object to scrub away food from teeth.Cavity - A cavity is a hole that can grow bigger and deeper over time from eating too much sugar. Dentist – Doctor for teeth who will fix and clean themTooth Fairy – Fairy who will come to you at night when there is a tooth under your pillow and she will leave money.Dentist Chair – Chair at the dentist office where you sit to have your teeth cleaned or fixed. Enamel – White outer surface of the tooth.Pulp – Soft center of the tooth that has blood and nervesDentin – Hard porous tissue that is underneath the enamel that is harder than bone.Root – The part of the tooth that holds tooth into the jawbone.Crown – The part of the tooth that sticks up above the gum.Gum – Pink skin under tooth.Neumann UniversityLesson Plan FormatSubjectScienceGradePre-KindergartenUnit TitleDental HygieneLessonK.W.LEstimated Time Period10:00-10:20Learning Objective(s):Applying knowledge of what student’s know about teethWorking in group setting with corporation Understanding sportsmanship and taking turnsFollowing DirectionsState Standards:2.1 PK.A.12.1 PK.MP 2.1 PK.A.2Materials and Equipment:Chart PaperMarkersEaselProcedure:Draw big enough tooth on chart paper to write in.Have students sit on colored square crisscross-applesauceAsk students what they know about teeth.Fill answers in the “Know” section of the tooth.Have students brainstorm with a shoulder partner about what they wonder about teeth.Bring students back and ask them by raising their hands to say what they talked about with their shoulder partner and fill the answers in the “Wonder” sectionLeave this chart up for students to see throughout the week. On last day of unit, come back with students and fill in what they learned about teeth.Accommodation for Exceptionalities &ELL Students:Jackson- The teacher will check in with the student often to make sure he is understanding and talking with his shoulder partner to find the answer Zair- Teacher will encourage to engage with groupCaris- The teacher will encourage student that it’s just an activity and to keep talking with shoulder partner.The Yellow Group (Advanced group) – Should be in different groups and not together and encourage them to elaborate with their group on the question. Student Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher will be assessing the students through the entire activity by observing the students ability to brainstorm, understand, work in a small group and complete the task. Neumann UniversityLesson Plan FormatSubjectWhole Group ReadingGradePre-KindergartenUnit TitleDental HygieneLessonStory: Melvin The Magnificent MolarEstimated Time Period10:20-10:35Learning Objective(s):Applying knowledge of story of what happens to Melvin and whyUnderstanding different feelings of the book through MelvinApplying knowledge of Dental HygieneState Standards:1.3 PK.A1.3 PK. C PK.G1.3 PK.K 1.5 PK.B1.5 PK.E1.3 PK.B1.3 PK.D1.3 PK.J1.5 PK.A1.5 PK.CMaterials and Equipment:Book: Melvin The Magnificent MolarProcedure:Have all students sitting on large carpet in appropriate spot for them.Begin by introducing the book.Chart all answers that are given by the class about the book.Ask students what prior knowledge they have about teeth.Have students engage in discussion dentists.Teacher will have students give a hypothesis about what the story is about just by looking at the cover. Teacher will read the Title of the story.Teacher will then ask students what is a title of a book.Teacher will then ask students what an author of a book does.Teacher then tells the student who the author is.While teacher is reading through the story, the teacher is asking questions and finding answers that were asked on the chart.After finishing the story, teacher and students will go back to the chart and write down everything that the Melvin did or was feeling. Accommodation for Exceptionalities &ELL Students:Jackson- The teacher will check in with the student often to make sure he is understanding what is being read by asking questions of the story Zair- Teacher will help student when answering questions-8108952165958600Sam- Teacher will help student when answering questionsCaris- The teacher will check in with student often to make sure she is understanding and staying on trackThe Yellow Group (Advanced group) - Ask them to elaborate more into answering the questionsStudent Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher will be assessing the students through the entire activity by observing the students ability to brainstorm, understand, and complete the task. Neumann UniversityLesson Plan FormatSubjectWhole Group GradePre-KindergartenUnit TitleDental HygieneLessonHow to Brush Our TeethEstimated Time Period10:20-10:45Learning Objective(s):Applying knowledge of song with instruction and tune.Listening to directionsApplying knowledge of Dental HygieneState Standards:1.3 PK.A1.3 PK. C PK.G1.3 PK.K 1.5 PK.B1.5 PK.E1.3 PK.B1.3 PK.D1.3 PK.J1.5 PK.A1.5 PK.CMaterials and Equipment:Large Mouth with Large Tooth BrushSong: “This is the way we brush our teeth”Procedure:Start off lesson by introducing prior knowledge of dental care and teeth.Go over song and large mouth with large tooth brush.Sing song with class until they get the song.Next bring in large mouth and tooth and incorporate it into the song with the jesters it says to do in the plete lesson with exit question of how is it a good way to keep our teeth healthy?Accommodation for Exceptionalities &ELL Students:Jackson- The teacher will check in with the student often to make sure he is understanding what is being sang by asking questions of the what is happening Zair- Teacher will help student when answering questionsSam- Teacher will help student when answering questionsCaris- The teacher will check in with student often to make sure she is understanding and staying on trackThe Yellow Group (Advanced group) - Ask them to elaborate more into answering the questionsStudent Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher will be assessing the students through the entire activity by observing the students ability to brainstorm, understand, and complete the task. -504168-64581700Neumann UniversityLesson Plan FormatSubjectWhole Group StoryGradePre-KindergartenUnit TitleDental HygieneLessonDentistEstimated Time Period10:20-10:45Learning Objective(s):Applying knowledge of story of what happens to the dentist and whyUnderstanding different feelings of the book through the dentistApplying knowledge of Dental HygieneState Standards:1.3 PK.A1.3 PK. C PK.G1.3 PK.K 1.5 PK.B1.5 PK.E1.3 PK.B1.3 PK.D1.3 PK.J1.5 PK.A1.5 PK.CMaterials and Equipment:Book: A Day in the Life of a DentistProcedure:Have all students sitting on large carpet in appropriate spot for them.Begin by introducing the book.Chart all answers that are given by the class about the book.Ask students what prior knowledge they have about teeth.Have students engage in discussion dentists.Teacher will have students give a hypothesis about what the story is about just by looking at the cover. Teacher will read the Title of the story.Teacher will then ask students what is a title of a book.Teacher will then ask students what an author of a book does.Teacher then tells the student who the author is.While teacher is reading through the story, the teacher is asking questions and finding answers that were asked on the chart.After finishing the story, teacher and students will go back to the chart and write down everything that the dentist did or was feeling.Accommodation for Exceptionalities &ELL Students:Jackson- The teacher will check in with the student often to make sure he is understanding what is being read by asking questions of the story Zair- Teacher will help student when answering questions-8108952165958600Sam- Teacher will help student when answering questionsCaris- The teacher will check in with student often to make sure she is understanding and staying on trackThe Yellow Group (Advanced group) - Ask them to elaborate more into answering the questionsStudent Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher will be assessing the students through the entire activity by observing the students ability to brainstorm, understand, and complete the task. Neumann UniversityLesson Plan FormatSubjectWhole Group GradePre-KindergartenUnit TitleDental HygieneLessonDentist video/ Dentist worksheetEstimated Time Period10:20-10:45Learning Objective(s):Applying knowledge of what was a Dentist doesListening to directionsApplying knowledge of Dental HygieneState Standards:1.3 PK.A1.3 PK. C PK.G1.3 PK.K 1.5 PK.B1.5 PK.E1.3 PK.B1.3 PK.D1.3 PK.J1.5 PK.A1.5 PK.CMaterials and Equipment:Youtube video: a Dentist Does WorksheetPencil/CrayonsProcedure:Start off lesson by introducing prior knowledge of dental care, teeth and DentistAsk questions of a dentistPlay Youtube videoAfter video go over questions from class with explanationMove students into proper groups and hand out paperWork as a whole group on answering question on the paperTeachers should be walking around helping children spell and or draw.Accommodation for Exceptionalities &ELL Students:Jackson- The teacher will check in with the student often to make sure he is understanding what is being played by asking questions of the what is happening Zair- Teacher will help student when answering questionsSam- Teacher will help student when answering questionsCaris- The teacher will check in with student often to make sure she is understanding and staying on trackThe Yellow Group (Advanced group) - Ask them to elaborate more into answering the questionsStudent Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher will be assessing the students through the entire activity by observing the students ability to brainstorm, understand, and complete the task. -809625236220000-17145091440000 ................

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