Міністерство освіти і науки України

Управління виконавчого комітету

Славутської міської ради

Зошит для контролю

поточного і семестрового

рівня знань учнів

5 класу

(До підручника О.Карпюк)


Свідніцька Л.Г.,

вчитель англійської мови

ЗОШ I-III ступенів № 1


Хмельницької області

Славута 2017

Рецензенти: Степанюк А.В. - методист ІМЦ.

Методичний посібник укладений на основі досвіду роботи, авторської програми навчальної роботи у 5 класі.

Даний посібник містить матеріали для тематичного, поточного і семестрового контролю рівня знань для учнів 5 класу. Завдання складено відповідно до вимог чинної програми. Матеріали для контролю навчальних досягнень учнів побудовані на зразок зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання, в двох рівнозначних варіантах за дванадцятибальною системою. Це допоможе школярам працювати з текстами.

Завдання семестрового контролю мають на меті перевірити в учнів якість сформованих навичок із  4-х видів мовленнєвої діяльності: аудіювання, читання, письма та говоріння. Завдання для контролю письма перевіряють рівень сформованості лексичних, граматичних навичок, уміння писати диктанти та твори. Тексти для перевірки навичок слухання та письма подані у даному посібнику.

Посібник містить завдання до кожного виду мовленнєвої діяльності. Система вправ має логічну структуру, що характеризується поступовим ускладненням завдань на кожному етапі. Він стане у пригоді учням загальноосвітніх закладів освіти, студентам та вчителям іноземної мови.

Рекомендовано радою методичного кабінету ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №1 (протокол №__ від __.__.201_)


| | |

|TEST 1 (UNIT 1. TIME FOR SCHOOL) ………………………………………..…....… |4 |

|TEST 2 (UNIT 2. TIME FOR LEISURE: All about my friends)……………..…….....… |6 |

|TEST 3 (UNIT 2. TIME FOR LEISURE: Free time) ……..…………………………..… |8 |

|TEST 4 (UNIT 3. TIME FOR HOME: Family) ……..………………………………….. |12 |

|LISTENING COMPREHENSION (THE FIRST TERM) ……………………..…........ . |14 |

|READING (THE FIRST TERM) ………………………………………..……….….. …. |15 |

|WRITING (THE FIRST TERM) ……………………………………………………... . .. |19 |

|SPEAKING (THE FIRST TERM) …………………………………….…………….. . ... |21 |

|TEST 5 (UNIT 3. TIME FOR HOME) ……………………………………….……..…. . |23 |

|TEST 6 (UNIT 4. TIME FOR OUTDOORS) ……………………..…………….…..….. |25 |

|TEST 7 (UNIT 4. TIME FOR OUTDOORS) ………………………………………..…. |27 |

|TEST 8 (UNIT 5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY: Great Britain) ………………………..…. |29 |

|TEST 9 (UNIT 5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY: Ukraine) ………….…………………..… |33 |


|READING (THE SECOND TERM) ………………………………………..……….….. |41 |

|WRITING (THE SECOND TERM) ……………..………………………………….….. |45 |

|SPEAKING (THE SECOND TERM) …………………………...…….…………....….. |47 |

|TEXTS FOR LISTENING COMPREHENSION ……………………………………..... |49 |

TEST № 1 “Time for school”. Term I V-1 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Translate into: 3 points


1.Математика - _________

2. географія - _____________

3. англійська мова - _______________

4. інформатика - ________________

5. музика - _________________


6. Ukrainian literature - _______________

7. History - ____________________

8. Craft - ________________

9. Science - _______________

plete the sentences. Use am / is / are. 2 points

1. I _______ a pupil.

2. Ann _______ clever girl.

3. How ______ old Tanya?

4. My father ______ a doctor.

5. This _____ my new car/

6. We ________ the best.

3.Make the degrees of comparison of adjectives. 2 points

1. good - ____________________ - _____________________

2. beautiful - ____________________ - _____________________

3. big - ____________________ - _____________________

4. wavy - ____________________ - _____________________

4.What time is it? 2 points

1. 2:00 - _______________________________________

2. 6:30 - _______________________________________

3. 8:15 - _______________________________________

4. 9:45 - _______________________________________

5.Answer the questions. 3 points

1. What is your favourite subject?


2. What is your name?


3. How old are you?


TEST № 1 “Time for school”. Term I V-2 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Translate into: 3 points


1.трудове навчання - _________

2. німецька мова - _____________

3. українська література - ______________

4. малювання - ________________

5. релігія - __________________


6. World literature - ________________

7. Health Study - ___________________

8. PE - _________________

9. Nature Study - __________________

plete the sentences. Use am / is / are. 2 points

1. She _______ a student.

2. Tonny and Erika _______ the best friends.

3. ______ they listening music?

4. They _________ at school today.

5. You _______ a bad pupil.

6. My schoolbag ______ green.

3.Make the degrees of comparison of adjectives. 2 points

1. bad - ____________________ - _____________________

2. clever - ____________________ - _____________________

3. fat - ____________________ - _____________________

4. happy - ____________________ - _____________________

4.What time is it? 2 points

1. 8:30 - _______________________________________

2. 11:45 - _______________________________________

3. 1:15 - _______________________________________

4. 7:00 - _______________________________________

5.Answer the questions. 3 points

1. What is your favourite animal?


2. Where do you live?


3. What school do you study at?


TEST № 2 “All about my friends”. Term I V-1 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Put the necessary letter: 2 points

1. w _ tc _ TV

2. co _ lect _ hings

3. pl _ y ten_ is

4. do p_ zz _ es

5. r _ _ d a book

6. build mo_ _ ls

7. pla _ ca _ ds

8. play wi _ h tr _ ins

plete the questions. Use am / is / are. 2 points

1. I _____ a taxi driver.

2.It _____ cool in spring .

3.Mr. Beek _____ our English teacher.

4. It _____ a cute cat.

5.We _____ good friends.

6.David _____ our family doctor.

3. Complete the sentences using Present Simple. 2 points

1. I'm an English teacher and I _____________ (work) at school.

2. Tom ____________ (like) football very much and he _____________ (play) it very often.

3. They're English and they _____________ (live) in London.

4. It __________ (rain) a lot here and I ____________ (hate) this weather.

4.Fill in the table with the names of hobbies. 3 points

|Learning things |Making things |Daily things |Collecting things |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

5.Answer the questions. 3 points

1. What are your favourite hobbies?


2. Are you good in swimming?


3. Do you like reading books?


TEST № 2 “All about my friends”. Term I V-2 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Put the necessary letter: 2 points

1. p _ ay with d _ lls

2. ju _ p rop _

3. fl _ a ki _ e

4. play f _ _ tball

5. pa _ nt pic _ures

6. read a b _ _ k

7. play vol _ ey b _ ll

8. coll _ct st _ mps

plete the questions. Use am / is / are. 2 points

1.She _____ your music teacher.

2.They _____ at school today.

3. I _____ in U.S.A now.

4.This _____ my new car.

5.My grandparents _____ old.

6. I and Ben _____ happy.

3. Complete the sentences using Present Simple. 2 points

1. I learn English and I _____________ (speak) English perfectly.

2. We often __________ (swim) and my mum __________ (cook) every day.

3. She usually _____________ (go) to work by car because it's the fastest way to get there.

4. I never __________ (eat) breakfast. I ________ (prefer) to wait until lunch.

4.Fill in the table with the names of hobbies. 3 points

|Learning things |Making things |Daily things |Collecting things |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

5.Answer the questions. 3 points

1. Do you like painting pictures?


2. What hobbies do you know?


3. Are you good in volleyball?


TEST № 3 “FREE TIME”. Term I V-1 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Translate into: 3 points


1. йога - _________

2. боулінг - _____________

3. фехтування - _______________

4. читання - ________________

5. рибалка - _________________


6. skating - _______________

7. diving - ____________________

8. camping - ________________

9. painting - _______________

plete the sentences. Use am / is / are. 2 points

1. I _______ a pupil.

2. Ann _______ clever girl.

3. How ______ old Tanya?

4. My father ______ a doctor.

5. This _____ my new car/

6. We ________ the best.

plete the sentences. 2 points

1. During the tea party the main point is _____________________

2. My mum is cooking _____________________

3. At the theme parties people usually _____________________

4. At the outdoor parties we usually _____________________

4. Read the text and put TRUE or FALSE 2 points

Family parties

These can be great fun if there are other kids around to play with, but if there are not then maybe they can be just a little bit boring!

So, take something to play with, or a book to read, if the adults all want to sit around and talk.

Take a ball and practise skills if you are outside.

Talk to the adults, even the ones who say things like, "Wow, look how much you've grown!" As if you'd shrink!!

Use good manners, wait for your turn, help others and keep an eye on younger brothers or sisters. Adults want to enjoy themselves too and chat with each other so don't be a "Me, me, me" kid.

Say hello to people and don't whinge if your favourite food isn't there.

Remember to thank whoever is giving the party when you leave.

Don't be the kind of kid that everyone else can't wait to get away from!

Be the kid who everyone wants to invite to the next celebration.

|№ |Sentence |true |false |

|1 |These can be great fun if there are other kids around to play with. | | |

|2 |Take something to sing, or a book to read. | | |

|3 |Be the kind of kid that everyone else can't wait to get away from! | | |

|4 |Be the kid who everyone wants to invite to the next celebration. | | |

5.Answer the questions. 3 points

1. Do you take a ball or a haki sac and practise skills if you are outside?


2. What should you say to people when you come to the party?


3. What behavior should be on the party?


TEST № 2 “FREE TIME”. Term I V-2 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Translate into: 3 points


1. плавання - _________

2. їзда на велосипеді - ___________

3. колекціонування марок - _______

4. приготування їжі - ___________

5. дарц- __________________


6. knitting - ________________

7. sewing - ___________________

8. football - _________________

9. skiing - __________________

plete the sentences. Use am / is / are. 2 points

1. She _______ a student.

2. Tonny and Erika _______ the best friends.

3. ______ they listening music?

4. They _________ at school today.

5. You _______ a bad pupil.

6. My schoolbag ______ green.

plete the sentences. 2 points

1. During the sleep-over party the main point is _____________________

2. At his parties my friends eat and play games in _____________________

3. At the fancy dress parties people usually _____________________

4. My favourite parties are _____________________

4.What time is it? 2 points

Kids' parties

If you get invited to another kid's birthday party then you need to think about a couple of things.

Don't accept the invitation until you have checked with parents or caregivers. They may have something else planned for that day.

Think about a gift for the birthday girl or boy. Gifts don't have to be expensive, but it's good if you try to get something they would like. Maybe your friend is into stickers, cars, bikes, soccer, jewelry or sports cards, so maybe you could get something that he or she would really like. If you can't, then you could make a special birthday card rather than buy one, just to show that you have thought about what they would like.

Try to go with another friend so that you can arrive together and not feel shy; also you can have fun working out together what you are going to wear!

Use manners. Kids do get excited at a party, but being loud and silly could mean that you won't get invited again and you could lose friends.

|№ |Sentence |true |false |

|1 |Accept the invitation until you have checked with parents or caregivers. | | |

|2 |Think about a gift for the birthday girl or boy. | | |

|3 |You could get something that he or she would really like. | | |

|4 |Try to go with another friend so that you can arrive together and not feel borring. | | |

5.Answer the questions. 3 points

1. Do the gifts have to be expensive?


2. What can you have working out together?


3. What behavior means that you won't get invited again and you could lose friends?


TEST № 4 “FAMILY”. Term I V-1 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Translate into:

Ukrainian English

Grandmother -______________

Grandson - _____________

Nephew - _____________

Godmother - ______________

daughter - ______________

Мама - ______________

Брат - ______________

Тітка - ______________

Прадідусь - ______________

2.Match questions with the answers. Two are odd.

_d_ 1. Have you got a family?

___ 2. Have you got a brother or a sister?

___ 3. What’s your sister’s name?

___ 4. How old is your sister?

a) I’ve got a brother and a sister.

b) He’s fifteen.

c) She is seven.

d) Yes, I’ve got a family.

e) Her name’s Alice.

f) His name is Max.

plete the sentences about your family using different kinds of professions.

1. My sister is a ________________ .

2. My father is a ________________ .

3. I am a ________________ .

4. My godmother is a ________________ .

5. My grandmother is a ________________ .

6. My aunt is a ________________ .

4.Write about food. What do you usually eat for dinner?


TEST № 4 “FAMILY”. Term I V-2 Date:

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Translate into:

Ukrainian English

Uncle -______________

Granddaughter - _____________

Niece - _____________

Parents - ______________

Godson - ______________

тато - ______________

сестра - ______________

дідусь - ______________

прабабуся - ______________

2.Match questions with the answers. Two are odd.

_b_ 1. What’s your brother’s name?

___ 2. How old is your brother?

___ 3. How many brothers have you got?

___ 4. Have you got a cousin?

a) I have a big family.

b) His name is Max.

c) He’s seventeen.

g) I’ve got two brothers.

h) Oh, yes. I’ve got three cousins.

f) Yes, I have.

plete the sentences about your family using different kinds of professions.

1. My sister is a ________________ .

2. My father is a ________________ .

3. I am a ________________ .

4. My godmother is a ________________ .

5. My grandmother is a ________________ .

6. My aunt is a ________________ .

4.Write about food. What do you usually eat for supper?


Listening comprehension (The 1st term)

Name ___________ Surname ______________ 5- __ Date________

1.Listen to the dialogue and tick ( ) the names of the school subjects mentioned in it for Monday.

Ukrainian Maths PT lessons

English Literature Music

Art History Nature Study

2.Listen to the dialogue and use the information to complete the form.

First name: ___________________________________

Second name: _______________________________

Age: _____________________________________

Job: _____________________________________

Hobby: _____________________________________

3.Listen to the text and match the pictures of the people with the pictures of the house chores they do.


4.Retell about your hobby. What is it? Who help with it? Why do you like it?


Reading comprehension V – 1 (The 1st term)

Name ___________ Surname ______________ 5- __ Date________

I. Read the text and tick ( ) the right photo of the family which is described in it.

I've got a pen-friend Mike. He lives in Cambridge. He is twelve years old and he goes to school for boys. Yesterday I go a letter and a photo of his family from him.

His family is big. His father is a handsome man. He has got short straight hair and he wears glasses. He is clever and cheerful and he likes jokes. He plays football and swims very well. Mike's mother is a very beautiful woman. She has got long curly hair, big eyes and full lips. She likes flowers and animals. Mike has got two younger sisters.

They don't go to school. They like music and noisy games. Mike's grandmother is a very kind woman. She likes cooking very much.

II.Read the text of ex. 1 again and write who:

1) is kind Grandmother___________________________________________

2) is clever and cheerful _________________________________________

3) likes noisy games _____________________________________________

4) wears glasses ________________________________________________

5) likes flowers ________________________________________________

6) goes to school _______________________________________________

7) doesn't go to school ___________________________________________

III. Read the sentences and tick ( ) the right one which describes the picture.

[pic] [pic]

1 ) The girl is watering the flowers. 1)The children played football yesterday.

2) The girl is ironing the clothes. 2) The children played basketball


[pic] [pic]

1) My friend has short curly hair. 1) My father is fond of fishing.

2) My friend has long straight 2) My father is fond of photographing.


IV. Write the numbers of the sentences in the right order to make a story.


Chop the onion and greens.

Add some salt and sour cream.

Slice cucumbers and tomatoes.

Enjoy your salad.

1 Take some cucumbers and tomatoes.

Put the vegetables into a plate.

Wash the vegetables.

Reading comprehension V – 2 (The 1st term)

Name ___________ Surname ______________ 5- __ Date________

I. Read the text and tick ( ) the right photo of the family which is described in it.

I've got a pen-friend Monika. She is twelve years old and she lives in Brighton. She goes to school for girls. Yesterday I got a letter and a photo of her family from her. Her family is big.

Her father is a serious man. He has got short straight hair, big eyes and thin lips. He is always attentive and quiet. He likes reading and travelling. Helen's mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and likes jokes. She also likes sports and plays tennis very well. Helen has an elder brother. He is a student of the University. He likes loud music and tells a lot of funny stories. Helen has got grandparents. They are intelligent and kind.

II.Read the text of ex. 1 again and write who:

1) has got curly hair Mother_______________________

2) is serious ____________________________

3) is intelligent __________________________

4) studies at the University ________________________

5) is attentive __________________________

6) goes to school for girls __________________________

7) tells funny stories _________________________

III. Read the sentences and tick ( ) the right one which describes the picture.

[pic] [pic]

1 ) The woman is washing up. 1 ) The boy watched the TV yesterday.

2) The woman is washing the 2) The boy played the computer

clothes. yesterday.

[pic] [pic]

1)Her sister is tall and thin. 1)My mother is fond of cooking.

2) Her sister is tall and fat. 2) My mother is fond of growing


IV. Write the numbers of the sentences in the right order to make a story.


Boil water.

Put one teaspoon of coffee into the cup.

Add some sugar into your coffee.

1 Fill the kettle with water.

Enjoy your coffee.

Take a cup.

Pour hot water into the cup.

Writing comprehension. term I V-1 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

I. Complete the sentences with AM, IS or ARE.

1. He _____ my brother.

2. Giraffes _____ very tall.

3. They _____ students.

4. Rex _____ a lively dog.

5. I _____ a boy.

6. You and your family_____ kind.

7. Mary and I _____ cousins.

8. We _____ 10 years old.

9. Susan _____ a good friend

II. A. Put in have or has into the gaps.

1. I _________ got a bicycle.

2. He _________ got a big dog.

3. We _________ got pencils.

4. You _________ got a desk.

5. She _________ got a good book.

B. Put in haven't got or hasn't got into the gaps.

5) My brother _________ a TV in his room.

6) They _________ a van.

7) Mr Jones _________ a red jacket.

8) The boys _________ pink pencil cases.

9) This car _________ five doors.

III. Name the vegetables.


IV.Write the questions to the answers.

1) Where does your grandfather live?

My grandfather lives in the country.

2) When____________________________________________________?

My friend went to the swimming-pool yesterday.

3) What____________________________________________________?

I was cleaning my room at five o'clock yesterday.

4) Whom___________________________________________________?

He visited his friend last Sunday.

Writing comprehension. term I V-2 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

I. Complete the sentences with AM, IS or ARE.

1) Mr Green _____ a doctor.

2) My father _____ at work.

3) Trixi and Susi _____ my cats.

4) The hamster _____ in the cage.

5) I _____ a painter.

6) My green pencil _____ on the floor.

7) Emma and Betty _____ good friends.

8) _____ you from Scotland?

9) His sister _____ seven years old.

II. A. Put in haven't got or hasn't got into the gaps.

1) I _________ your T-shirt.

2) She _________ a workbook.

3) We _________ lunch at school.

4) Steve _________ a brother.

5) Tom and Emily _________ books on their desk.

B. Put in have or has into the gaps.

6) They _________ got a computer.

7) He _________ got a wife.

8) I _________ got a red pen.

9) They _________ got no money.

III. Name the fruits


IV. Write the questions to the answers.

1) How often do you visit your grandparents?

I visit my grandparents every Sunday.

2) When_____________________________________________________?

He gave me this timetable yesterday.

3) What_____________________________________________________?

She was ironing the clothes at 5 o'clock yesterday.

4) Where___________________________________________________?

The discs are on the shelf.

Speaking comprehension. term I Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

Make your own dialogues and play with your neighbour. Use some information from this dialogue and key vocabulary.

Ordering a Meal

- Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?

- Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?

- Certainly, here you are.

- Thank you. What's today's special?

- Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.

- That sounds good. I'll have that.

- Would you like something to drink?

- Yes, I'd like a coke.

- Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your meal!

- Thank you.

- Can I get you anything else?

- No thanks. I'd like the check (bill - UK English), please.

- That'll be $6.75.

- Here you are. Keep the change!

- Thank you! Have a good day!

- Bye.


They are exhausted, they have walked a lot and are hungry.

They don’t want another Macdonald’s so they go to a restaurant in Soho.

CORIN: Can we have a table for two?

WAITER: No problem, follow me please.

CORIN: Excuse me, where’s the toilet?

WAITER: Keep on walking and the first on the right.


WAITER: Are you ready to order?

CORIN: What do you recommend?

WAITER: Today’s special is steak with ecological vegetables, fish, meat, pizzas and special salads.

CORIN: Ok, to start we want some almonds and olives.

WAITER: What do you want to drink?

CORIN: Two pints of lager and a big bottle of water.

WAITER: And for the main course?

CORIN: A steak with chips, well done please, and also a salad with tomato, lettuce, tuna but no onion or garlic please.

WAITER: And for you sir?

JUAN: I prefer fish.

WAITER: We have cod, sole and haddock.

CORIN: Haddock please and a salad, no chips please.

WAITER: Would you care for dessert?

CORIN: What have you got?

WAITER: Salad fruit and ice-cream.

CORIN: Which flavours?

WAITER: Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry.

CORIN: Salad fruit for me and a chocolate ice-cream for him.

WAITER: Will you have coffee?

CORIN: Two black coffees, expresso please and the bill we’re in a hurry we’re late for the opera.

WAITER: I’ll be back in a second.



WAITER: No problem, follow me please.


WAITER: Keep on walking and the first on the right.


WAITER: Are you ready to order?


WAITER: Today’s special is steak with ecological vegetables, fish, meat, pizzas and special salads.


WAITER: What do you want to drink?


WAITER: And for the main course?


WAITER: And for you sir?


WAITER: We have cod, sole and haddock.


WAITER: Would you care for dessert?


WAITER: Salad fruit and ice-cream.


WAITER: Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry.


WAITER: Will you have coffee?


WAITER: I’ll be back in a second.

Key Vocabulary

Can I see a menu?

Here you are

Enjoy your meal!

Would you like ...

Can I get you anything else?

I'd like the check (bill - UK English), please.

That'll be $6.75.

Have a good day!

TEST 5 (UNIT 3. Time for home). term II V-1 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Match the word and a picture (поєднай малюнок і слово)

Snow White Chicken Licken Little Red Riding Hood ghoust bat

2. Find and circle the verbs in the Past simple (12 verbs).(Знайди і обведи 12 дієслів у минулому часі)

1) j a h a d r d i d f o r g o t k

2) s a t e g a v e f o r m g i v e

3) w f o u n d p l a y e d e m e t

4) o s w a m i m a k e s a n g t

5) h a s w r i t t e n f o r w e n t

6) v w a s i d a n s e d o r e a d

3. Fill in “ at ”, ” in ”, or ” on ” (Встав “at ”, ”in ”, або ”on ”)

1)… midnight

2)… spring

3)… half past two

4)… April

5)… the morning

6)… 1991

7)… Saturday

4. Complete the sentences with holidays (заверши речення назвою свята).

The New Year is on the 1st of January.

The _____________________________ is on the fourteenth of February.

The _____________________________ is in April (or May).

The ______________________________is on the twenty-fourth of August.

5. Write down what did you do yesterday (напиши, що ти робив(ла) вчора).




TEST 5 (UNIT 3. Time for home). term II V-2 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Match the word and a picture

The Frog Prince Hansel and Gretel spider Humpty Dumpty skeleton

2. Find and circle the verbs in the Past simple(12 verbs). (Знайди і обведи 12 дієслів у минулому часі)

1) j a h a d i s a n g w e r e

2) p e n j o y e d k w r o t e s t

3) s a i d q m a d e c o m e d

4) w r e a d s b v i s i t e d a

5) n t o o k o b e g a n l e t p

6) d i d g e t w a n t e d o s a t

3. Fill in “at ”, ”in ”, or ”on ” (Встав “at ”, ”in ”, або ”on ”)

1. …6 June

2. …Wednesday

3. …Easter

4. …my birthday

5. …summer

6. …night

7. …May

4. Complete the sentences with holidays

The New Year is on the 1st of January.

The ______________________________is on the seventh of January.

The _______________________________is on the nineth of May.

The_______________________________is on the nineteenth of December

5. Write down what did you do yesterday (напиши, що ти робив(ла) вчора).




TEST 6 (UNIT 4. Time for outdoors) term II V-1 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Name the pictures pictures. (Підпиши картинки.)

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

______________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________

2. Do the anagram connecting with clothes.

1. o s t b o - _________

2. f c r s a - _________

3. a t h - _________

4. t c a j e k - _________

5. s h t r s t o - _________

6. s a a a m p g - _________

7. o e s r b x - _________

8. b u o e l - _________

9. n a s t p - _________

3.Do the crossword connecting with the weather.(Розгадай кросворд.)

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

7. _______________

8. _______________

9. _______________

10. _______________

11. _______________

12. _______________

13. _______________

14. _______________

4. Answer the questions. (Дай відповіді на запитання).

1. What do your parents usually wear?


2. What is your favourite weather?


3. Do you like summer?


TEST 6 (UNIT 4. Time for outdoors) term II V-2 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Name the pictures pictures. (Підпиши картинки.)

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________

2. Do the anagram connecting with clothes.

1. n d a a s s l - _________

2. s h i t t g - _________

3. a p c - _________

4. n j a s e - _________

5. i h t r t s - s - _________

6. e s p p s r i l - _________

7. e v u r p o l l - _________

8. i t u s - _________

9. e i t - _________

3.Do the crossword connecting with the weather.(Розгадай кросворд.)

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

7. _______________

8. _______________

9. _______________

10. _______________

11. _______________

12. _______________

13. _______________

14. _______________

4. Answer the questions. (Дай відповіді на запитання).

1. What does your friend usually wear?


2.What is the weather like today?


3. Do you like winter?


TEST 7 (UNIT 4. Time for outdoors) term II V-1 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Do the anagram connecting with weather.

1. y a r n i - _________

2. m a w r- _________

3. o h t - _________

4. g o l n- _________

5. n a o e s s - _________

6. t r h d u e n - _________

2.Sort out. Use:

|in |in the |at |at the |

| | | | |

3. In each pair of sentences, tick the correct one. Use Present Continuous.

|1 | |He is taking the dog for a walk. |

| | |He taking the dog for a walk. |

|2 | |It rains today. |

| | |It is raining today. |

|3 | |I do having a good time here, in London. |

| | |I am having a good time here, in London. |

|4 | |She is wearing earrings. |

| | |She is wear earrings. |

|5 | |They are wait for the train. |

| | |They are waiting for the train. |

|6 | |It is getting cold outside. |

| | |It getting cold outside. |

4. Complete the sentences with the correct continuous forms of the verbs from the box.

1) Oliver and Jessica ____________________________ a cake right now.

2) Shhh... be quiet, don’ t make noise and listen up! The teacher ____________________

3) Dennis__________________ up the mountain. He is halfway to the top.

4) — Is Rosa ___________________to the park with us?

— No, she is busy today.

5) Tommy and Brian ____________________________ to music. It sounds like jazz.

6) My dog _________________________________and wagging its tail. It must be excited.

TEST 7 (UNIT 4. Time for outdoors) term II V-2 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Do the anagram connecting with clothes.

1. y u n s n - _________

2. d o c l - _________

3. r y f o t s - _________

4. s r h t o- _________

5. m t o h n - _________

6. e t w - _________

2. Sort out. Use:

|in |in the |at |at the |

| | | | |

3. In each pair of sentences, tick the correct one. Use Present Continuous.

|1 | |We are studying until 5 p.m. today. |

| | |We am studying until 5 p.m. today. |

|2 | |Cindy waiting for her friend. |

| | |Cindy is waiting for her friend. |

|3 | |Is Mary reading a book? |

| | |Mary is reading a book? |

|4 | |Rachel is make an apple pie. |

| | |Rachel is making an apple pie. |

|5 | |Listen! Someone is singing! |

| | |Listen! Someone sings! |

|6 | |Little Kevin playing with his toys on the floor. |

| | |Little Kevin is playing with his toys on the floor. |

4. Complete the sentences with the correct continuous forms of the verbs from the box.

1) She ______________________ in a race today. I think she is strong enough to win.

2) It ____________________________ dark outside. Shall we switch on the light?

3) Alison and I ____________________________ for the exam. We do not want to fail it!

4) — Hello. Can I talk to Andrew?

— No, he ____________________________ right now. Can I take a message?

5) Look at the birds — they ____________________________ high in the sky.

6) You are ____________________________ too fast, I can’ t understand you. Can you speak a bit slower? I need to write a few sentences down.

TEST 8 (UNIT 5. Time for Discovery: Great Britain) term II V-1 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Solve the anagrams about UK:

taniriB Gtaer ____________

modngik ____________

lseWa ____________

mhaseT ________________

eBn vsiNe ___________

2. Read the text.


Greenfield is a small village in England. It's not far from Manchester. There are five buses to Manchester every day, but there is only one train. There are not many people on the train at five o'clock in the morning.

The village is nice. The church is in the middle of the village on the square There are many other buildings in the square. There is a bank, a post office a bus station and a police station. The library is behind the police station. Then is a small river in Greenfield and there is a bridge across the river.

There are two garages in front of the bridge. It's a small village, isn't it?

There is no traffic, no noise, and no pollution.

Complete the following sentences.

1. Greenfield is situated in__________

2. There is only one train into__________

3. The church stands in the middle of__________

4. The library is___________

5. There are__________garages in front of the__________

3. Find the Participle II of these verbs

Understand spend make be meet do write go take read








4. Put the sententences into negative and interrogative forms

a)Ann has already seen this film.



b) Bill has just entered the shop.



c) The children have made a present for their mother.



5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect:

1. He (be) _______________________in hospital for ten days.

2. She (buy) _________________________this book in London.

3. I (not see) ________________________him since January.

4. They (send)______________________ us several telegrams lately.

5. I (not finish) _______________________my work yet.

6. The students (work) ___________________very well this term.

TEST 8 (UNIT 5. Time for discovery: Great Britain) term II V-2 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Solve the anagrams about UK:

gdnalEn _________

equne ___________

eht noniU kaJc ____________

odnnLo __________

seusHo fo metnaliPra _______________________________

2. Read the text.


Greenfield is a small village in England. It's not far from Manchester. There are five buses to Manchester every day, but there is only one train. There are not many people on the train at five o'clock in the morning.

The village is nice. The church is in the middle of the village on the square There are many other buildings in the square. There is a bank, a post office a bus station and a police station. The library is behind the police station. Then is a small river in Greenfield and there is a bridge across the river.

There are two garages in front of the bridge. It's a small village, isn't it?

There is no traffic, no noise, and no pollution.

Complete the following sentences.

1. Greenfield is situated not far from _________________ .

2. There are five buses to _______________ .

3. There is a bank, a post office a bus station and ___________________ .

4. There is a bridge ______________________________________________ .

5. There is no________, no__________, and no _______________________ .

3. Find the Participle II of these verbs

Learn come read buy have go see be send think








4. Put the sententences into negative and interrogative forms

a) Ann has already written the letter



b) Mum has made a cake.



c) I have just watered the flowers.



5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect:

1. Is Father at home? No, he (not come)___________________ yet.

2. My brother (write) _____________________several plays already.

3. We (miss) _____________________the bus. Now we’ll have to walk.

4. Max (do) ______________________his hometask.

5. George (read) __________________the newspaper already.

6. Someone (take) _________________my bicycle.

TEST 9 (UNIT 5. Time for Discovery: Ukraine) term II V-1 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Read the text.

Ukrаіne іs аn іndependent stаte. Ukrаіne gаіned іndependenсe іn 1991. Nоw Ukrаіne wаnts tо beсоme а trulу demосrаtіс аnd well-develоped stаte.

Іt іs оne оf the lаrgest соuntrіes іn Sоuth-Eаst Eurоpe. Іn the sоuth Ukrаіne іs wаshed bу wаters оf the Blасk аnd Аzоv Seаs. Оver 70 rіvers run thrоugh the terrіtоrу оf Ukrаіne. The lаrgest оf thоse аre the Dnіprо, the Dnіster, the Pіvdennу Bug аnd the Dаnube.

The pоpulаtіоn оf Ukrаіne іs оver 47 mіllіоn peоple.

The stаte lаnguаge оf Ukrаіne іs Ukrаіnіаn. The national flag has two stripes: a blue one above a yellow one. The colours are symbolic -yellow for wheat in the fields and blue for the sky above them. The National Emblem (Coat of Arms) of Ukraine is a trident. The Ukrainian Anthem is a song called "Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished"

Complete the following sentences.

6. Ukraine is an ______________________________________ state

7. Іt іs оne оf the ___________________ іn Sоuth-Eаst Eurоpe.

8. Іn the __________Ukrаіne іs wаshed bу wаters оf the ________аnd______________.

9. The stаte ______________оf Ukrаіne іs Ukrаіnіаn.

2. Divide into three columns

Victory Day, Kupala Day, Nizhyn, Chernigiv, New Year, Vinnytsya, Kyiv, Dnipro, Kaniv, Christmas

Holidays Cities Rivers

3.Put the sententences into negative and interrogative forms

a)Ann is going to see this film.



b) Bill will go camping next holidays.



c) The children have made a present for their mother.



plete the sentences in the Future Simple:

1. It (rain/not) _______________________tomorrow.

2. They (be) ________________________ at home next week.

3. I (not see) ________________________him since January.

4. I (celebrate) _______________________my Birthday next Sunday.

5. The students (write) ___________________a dictation.

5. Write about your plans for next summer holidays:

Soon the school year will be over.

I like summer holidays because …

I am going to visit …

When the weather will be fine I shall…

When the weather will be bad I’l …


TEST 9 (UNIT 5. Time for Discovery: Ukraine) term II V-2 Data____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Read the text.

Ukrаіne іs аn іndependent stаte. Ukrаіne gаіned іndependenсe іn 1991. Nоw Ukrаіne wаnts tо beсоme а trulу demосrаtіс аnd well-develоped stаte.

Іt іs оne оf the lаrgest соuntrіes іn Sоuth-Eаst Eurоpe. Іn the sоuth Ukrаіne іs wаshed bу wаters оf the Blасk аnd Аzоv Seаs. Оver 70 rіvers run thrоugh the terrіtоrу оf Ukrаіne. The lаrgest оf thоse аre the Dnіprо, the Dnіster, the Pіvdennу Bug аnd the Dаnube.

The pоpulаtіоn оf Ukrаіne іs оver 47 mіllіоn peоple.

The stаte lаnguаge оf Ukrаіne іs Ukrаіnіаn. The national flag has two stripes: a blue one above a yellow one. The colours are symbolic -yellow for wheat in the fields and blue for the sky above them. The National Emblem (Coat of Arms) of Ukraine is a trident. The Ukrainian Anthem is a song called "Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished"

Complete the following sentences.

1. Ukraine is the independent _________________ .

2. Оver 70 rіvers run thrоugh __________________оf Ukrаіne.

3. The ________________ оf Ukrаіne іs оver 47 mіllіоn peоple.

4. The _______________________________ has two stripes.

5. The National Emblem of Ukraine is a ______________________.

2. Divide into three columns

Easter, Odesa, Uman, Humour Day, Rivne, the Dnister, the Danube, Lviv, Constitution Day, the Pivdenny Bug

Holidays Cities Rivers

3. Put the sententences into negative and interrogative forms

a) Ann is going to write the letter



b) Mum will bake a paska next Easter.



c) I have just watered the flowers.



plete the sentences in the Future Simple:

1. We (watch /not)  ___________________ the film without you.

2. The sun (shine) _________________________tomorrow.

3. The bus (wait/not)  _____________________ for us.

4. Max (do) ______________________his hometask with me.

5. George (read) __________________the newspaper in the morning.

5. Write about your plans for next summer holidays:

Soon the school year will be over.

I like summer holidays because …

I am going to visit …

When the weather will be fine I shall…

When the weather will be bad I’ll …



Name ___________ Surname ______________ 5- ____

1.Listen, look and tick the correct picture.

1) What holiday is that?


2) What place in Ukraine is that?


Dnipropetrovsk Odessa Lviv

3) What is the weather like?


4) How can people travel that day?


5) Where does this dialogue most likely take place?


6) Where does Shelly prefer to have dinner?


2.Listen and read the statements, then tick if they are true or false.

Dialogue 1. What does Martha say about Christmas preparations?

| | |True |False |

|1 |Everybody is having a nice time preparing for Christmas. | | |

|2 |She doesn’t like Christmas. | | |

|3 |Christmas time is very stressful. | | |

Dialogue 2. What does Julie think about Sandra’s dress?

| | |True |False |

|1 |It’s old-fashioned. | | |

|2 |It’s very elegant. | | |

|3 |It’s rather fashionable. | | |


Name ___________ Surname ______________ 5- ______

1.Listen, look and tick the correct picture.

1.What holiday is that?


2) What place in Ukraine is that?


Dnipropetrovsk Odessa Lviv

3) What is the weather like?


4) What is there at Mel’s favourite place?


5) How do the cyclists feel?


6) What special courses does the restaurant offer?


2. Listen and read the statements, then tick if they are true or false.

Dialogue 1. How does Jackie feel about her trip to Mexico?

| | |True |False |

|1 |She is fed up with hotels and hotel food. | | |

|2 |She wants to go to the west of the country. | | |

|3 |She liked it very much. | | |

Dialogue 2. What is Natalie’s main point?

| | |True |False |

|1 |Natalie’s family has some special Christmas traditions. | | |

|2 |Natalie’s family usually goes to church at Christmas. | | |

|3 |Natalie’s family never gathers together at Christmas. | | |

Reading comprehension (THE SECOND TERM) V-1 Data:_____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

There are a lot of places of interest in London. Among them there are: Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London. London stands on the river Thames. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings of the city. Many centuries ago it was a fortress, a royal palace and then a prison. Now it is a museum of arms.

On the bank of the Thames, not far from the Tower of London, you can see Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British government and it is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. In one of its towers there is famous Big Ben, the largest clock of England. It strikes every quarter of an hour. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there.

London has many fine squares. Some of them are quiet, others are busy like Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the central square of the city. To the right of the square there is the National Gallery which has a fine collection of European paintings. St Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church. Another famous church is Westminster Abbey where kings, queens, and many famous people are buried.

London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Hyde Park is the most democratic park in the world, as anyone can say anything he likes there. Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo.

1. Choose the correct title for the text. 1point

a) London is my native city.

b) Buckingham Palace.

c) Famous places of London.

2. Put the sentences into the correct order. 3 points

___ Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo.

___ Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there.

___ It strikes every quarter of an hour.

___ London has many fine squares.

___ Now it is a museum of arms.

_1_ There are a lot of places of interest in London.

___ It is the seat of the British government.

3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences. 3 points

1. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge you can see the ____________________ .

a) Westminster Abbey;

b) Tower of London;

c) Buckingham Palace.

2. _______________ is the biggest English church.

a) St. Paul’s Church;

b) Tower of London;

c) St Paul’s Cathedral.

3. Buckingham Palace is the _______________ official London residence.

a) Queen’s;

b) people’s;

c) king’s.

4. _______________ is also famous for its beautiful parks.

a) London;

b) England;

c) Kyiv.

5. Trafalgar Square is the central square of the ___________ .

a) village;

b) town;

c) city.

6. Hyde Park is the most _______________ park in the world.

a) democratic;

b) beautiful;

c) dangerous.

4. Write full answers to the questions. 5 points

1. Where are kings, queens, and many famous people buried?


2. What is the seat of the British government?


3. What places of interest do you know in London?


Reading comprehension (THE SECOND TERM) V-2 Data:_____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

Ukraine has a long history and rich culture. That is why there are many places of interest there. It is natural that the capital of the country, Kyiv, has the greatest number of them. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe. From time immemorial Kyiv has been the centre of Slavonic culture. There are many ancient cathedrals and churches, museums and monuments, beautiful streets and squares in it.

The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreshchatyk. If you have never been to Kyiv you should start your sightseeing there. The street is only one kilometer long but very impressive.

Kyiv is famous for its Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. More than 80 buildings were constructed on its territory during 900 years of the monastery’s existence. Tourists always go to have a look at the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the outstanding Ukrainian statesman and military leader. There are many other places of interest in Kyiv. One of them is the State Historical Museum of Ukraine. There are more than 50,000 exhibits on display. The exposition tells us about the history of Ukraine and its culture from antiquity to the present days. The Golden Gates, the Andriyivska Church, the monuments to Prince Volodymyr and Taras Shevchenko are worth seeing.

Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet House, Kyiv Ivan Franko Drama Theatre are well-known all over the country. Any place is interesting in its own way and visiting it we come to know and love this country more.

1. Choose the correct title for the text. 1point

a) Kyiv is my native city.

b) Famous places of Kyiv.

c) Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra.

2. Put the sentences into the correct order. 3 points

___ The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreshchatyk.

___ Tourists always go to have a look at the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

___ From time immemorial Kyiv has been the centre of Slavonic culture.

___ Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet House are well-known all over the country.

___ There are many other places of interest in Kyiv.

_1_ Ukraine has a long history and rich culture.

___ Kyiv is famous for its Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra.

3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences. 3 points

1. There are many places ____________________ .

a) cinemas and theatres there;

b) of interest there;

c) museums there.

2. _______________ immemorial Kyiv has been the centre of Slavonic culture.

a) The;

b) An;

c) From time.

3. The street is only one kilometre long but very _______________.

a) impressive;

b) interesting;

c) good.

4. _______________ is famous for its Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra.

a) London;

b) England;

c) Kyiv.

5. There are ___________ other places of interest in Kyiv.

a) much;

b) many;

c) a lot of.

6. There are more than _______________ exhibits on display.

a) 50000;

b) 5000;

c) 500.

4. Write full answers to the questions. 5 points

1. What city is one of the oldest cities in Europe?


2. What is the main street of Kyiv?


3. How many buildings were constructed on the territory of Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra?


Writing comprehension (THE SECOND TERM) V-1 Data:_____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Make up sentences from the words. (3 points)

1) is/situated/south-eastern/part/of Central Europe/Ukraine/in/the/.


2) Ukrainian/is/river/The/main/the/Dnieper/.


3) There/are/the Crimea/mountains/in/.


2. Read the text and complete it with the words from the box. (3 points)

Yesterday my parents and I went on a __tour __ around Edinburgh. It is the ___________ of Scotland. Edinburgh is a very old and beautiful ____________ . I have been there before. The most interesting of the city are the Old Town and the New Town.

We the Castle and Holly rood Palace. The Castle is older than the city. Hollyrood Palace is now the official________________ of the Queen in Scotland. There are many_______________ in Hollyrood Palace. Among them are the Museum of Childhood and the Writer's Museum. We ______________ our tour very much.

3. Put the verbs into the correct form (Future Simple). Use will. (3 points)

e.g.You (earn) a lot of money. You will earn a lot of money.

1.There (not / be) anything left to wish for. _________________________________________

2.Everything (be) perfect. _________________________________________

3.We (help) you. _________________________________________

4.I (get) you a drink. _________________________________________

5.I think our team (win) the match. _________________________________________

6.We (stay) at home tomorrow? _________________________________________

4. Imagine that your pen-friend from England is coming to your city/town and he wants to know about it. Write a letter telling about your city/town. (3 points)

Write where it is situated, how large it is, what the population is, what river it stands on, what places of interest there are; tell that you are proud of your town/city and love it very much. Write a letter of about 6—7 sentences. Do not write any dates and addresses. Start like this:

Dear ____________________ ,

I’m looking forward to your visit to Ukraine. Let me tell you about the place where I live.


Writing comprehension (THE SECOND TERM) V-2 Data:_____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Make up sentences from the words. (3 points)

1) high/are/The/the/west/Carpathians/in/very/not/.


2) is/of the/moderate/The climate/country/.


3) The Dnieper/of the/European/is/one/rivers/longest/.


2. Read the text and complete it with the words from the box. (3 points)

Yesterday my sister and I went on an __excursion__ around Kyiv. It is the_________of our country and one of the oldest cities in Ukraine, Kyiv is situated on the _________ of the river Dnipro. The city has many ________________ sights to see. We started from the Golden Gate. It is one of the _________ monuments of Ukrainian culture. Then we went to St. Sophia's ____________ to see the famous mosaics and frescoes.

There are many _______________ in Kyiv and one of them is the Ukrainian Historical Museum. It has exhibits which tell us about the _________________ of our land. We ___________ the excursion in the museum very much. I am not surprised that Kyiv is so popular among the tourists.

3. Put the verbs into the correct form (Future Simple). Use will. (3 points)

e.g.You (earn) a lot of money. You will earn a lot of money.

1.You (travel) around the world. _________________________________________

2.You (meet) lots of interesting people. _________________________________________

3.Everybody (adore) you? _________________________________________

4.You (not / have) any problems. _________________________________________

5.Many people (serve) you. _________________________________________

6.They (anticipate) your wishes. _________________________________________

4. Imagine you visited a place in your country which you really liked. (3 points)

Write a letter to your friend about it using the plan below. Write a letter of about 6—7 sentences. Do not write any dates and addresses.


Introduction (where the place is situated and why you went there).

Main body (further details about the place; weather conditions; what you saw and what you did there).

Conclusion (how you feel about the place and whether you recommend to visit it or not)


Speaking comprehension (THE SECOND TERM) V-1 Data:_____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1.Imagine you are showing the pictures of Kyiv to a friend of yours who lives in England. Describe the major places of interest in our capital. (3 points)

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

2. Ask your friend what he knows about the place where he/she lives: (3 points)

what he/she knows about the history of that place;

what tourists can do there;

what means of transport there are;

if it is a good place for shopping.

Answer your friend’s questions.

3. Describe what the weather is like in your city at present and what the weather forecast is. (3 points)

4. What is your favourite holiday? What family traditions do you have on that day? (3 points)

Speaking comprehension (THE SECOND TERM) V-1 Data:_____

Name ___________ Surname ____________ 5- __

1. Imagine that you are a tourist who has just returned from Great Britain. You are invited to take part in the TV programme «The Travellers’ Club». Your task is to tell something really exciting about your short stay in Great Britain. (3 points)

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

2. Ask your friend what he knows about London: (3 points)

what tourists can do in London;

what he/she knows about the London Underground;

if he/she thinks London is a cheap or expensive city;

how he/she imagines Londoners;

if he/she would like to live in London.

3. What clothes would you suggest for going out in today’s weather (e.g. shorts, a warm jacket, sandals, rain coat, etc.)? Are there activities you would suggest doing or even postponing due to weather conditions? (3 points)

4. What are Christmas traditions in your family? (3 points)


Listening Comprehension (The first term)

1) —Hello, Jane. Do you know our new timetable for Monday at school?

No, I don't. What lessons shall we have on Monday, Sue?

Well, the first lesson will be Maths.

Maths? It's good. I like Maths. It's a very important subject. And what about the second lesson?

It will be English. And the third one will be Literature.

Shall we have History on Monday?

No, we'll have History on Tuesday.

What are the other lessons on Monday?

They are Music and Nature Study.

2) — Hello. What's your name?

My name is Jim Peters.

Jim Peters?

Yes, J-i-m P-e-t-e-r-s.

How old are you, Jim?

I am 23.

Where do you work, Jim?

I work at a school. I'm a teacher of History.

Have you got any hobbies, Jim?

Yes, I like travelling. My friends and I go on trips every summer.

3) My name is Alice. My family isn't big. I've got a father, a mother and a sister Nelly. My family is very busy on Sundays. We usually get up early. My mother has to cook meals and I have to wash the dishes. My father has to vacuum the carpets and my elder sister Nelly has to wash the clothes.

Listening Comprehension (The 2nd term)

Task 1

Variant 1

1) What holiday is that?

On that day, people send cards and presents to their husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. You can also send a card to a person you don’t know. But traditionally you must never write your name on it. Some British newspapers have a page for messages on February 14th.

2) What place in Ukraine is that?

A city of sleeping lions, which has changed so many names throughout its long history, today remains one of the most charming and mysterious beauties of Western Ukraine. The city’s well-preserved historic centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has attractions like the Market Square (Rynkova Ploshcha). Climb the tower at the town hall for a great city view. The city Opera House is marvellous and hosts world-class performances.

3)What is the weather like?

— Oh, the heat is unbearable! Didn’t you turn on the air-conditioner?

— Oops, sorry! It’s broken!

— So, what are we going to do?

— We’ve got to have it fixed as soon as possible.

— Thank God!

— Here you go. You can use the electric fan here. At least you can catch a breeze.

4) How can people travel that day?

Forecaster: ...and last night’s heavy snow storm has made all main roads in the area too dangerous to use. However, the trains are still working normally. But the airport is closed until tomorrow morning and all boats are cancelled.

5) Where does this dialogue most likely take place?

Man: Here you are.

Officer: Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?

Man: I ’m a tourist.

Officer: That’s fine. Have a pleasant stay.

Man: Thank you.

6) Where does Shelly prefer to have dinner?

Louise: How often do you eat out, Shelly?

Shelly: Well, very often. I eat out almost five times a week.

Louise: Wow, I really envy you.

Shelly: Don’t envy me. I t ’s for business. In fact, I ’m sick and tired of restaurant food. Sometimes I just want a home-cooked meal.

Task 2

Dialogue 1. What does Martha say about Christmas preparations?

Marta: ≪People start their preparations long before Christmas. People go crazy buying presents a month before the holidays start. But what are they supposed to do when the whole city is full of lights and advertisings?

You just can’t stop thinking about that! Instead of having a nice time, the preparation for the party has become a stressful time. However, it’s Christmas! And we can criticize it all we want but at the end we love it. Merry Christmas!≫

Dialogue 2. What does Julie think about Sandra’s dress?

Julie: Oh, Dannie, just look at Sandra! Her dress looks funny.

Daniel: I wouldn’t say that. It looks fine to me.

Julie : Are you kidding? She’s behind the times. That style went out last year.

Daniel: Oh, come on, as long as it looks good on her.

Julie: Wow, you’re really as out-dated as she is.

Task 1

Variant 2

1) What holiday is that?

This is a very old tradition from the Middle Ages. At that time the servants were masters for one day of the year. They gave orders to their masters, and their masters had to obey.

Now this day is different. It’s a day for jokes and tricks.

2) What place in Ukraine is that?

With just over a million people, this place is Ukraine’s fourth largest city. Set in the country’s south along the Black Sea coast, it was founded in the late 18th century as a naval fortress. The nice old town area has a beautiful opera house, and the city has many great beaches.

3) What is the weather like?

— I fear a thunderstorm is coming.

— The sky is overcast and the sun is going in. What a gust of wind!

— Thunder and lightning!

— I t ’s beginning to rain. And we have forgotten our umbrellas!

— What a tremendous clap of thunder!

— And what a flash of lightning!

— But the English have a saying about the weather: ≪If you don’t like it now, just wait a bit.≫

4) What is there at Mel’s favourite place?

Mel: ≪My favourite place is in Northern Wales, at the base of a mountain. The weather seems awful, kind of rainy, but it’s fine to me. There is a beautiful lake and also an old church, and I don’t think anyone knows about it. This place’s perfect with stones and blue flowers growing all over, and no one can tell

me what to believe or what to say there. No preachers, no rules, no guilt; just peace and beauty≫.

5) How do the cyclists feel?

Man: ...and I can see the leading cyclists coming towards me now. They look extremely hot and tired. But the chilly temperature and cloudy sky mean weather conditions here today are perfect for racing.

6) What special courses does the restaurant offer?

Waitress: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?

Customer: Fine, thank you. Can I see the menu, please?

Waitress: Certainly, here you are.

Customer: Thank you. What’s today’s special?

Waitress: Grilled tuna and rice.

Customer: That sounds good. I’ll have that.

Waitress: Would you like something to drink?

Customer: Yes, I ’d like a coke, please.

Task 2

Dialogue 1. How does Jackie feel about her trip to Mexico?

Frank: I heard you took a trip to Mexico.

Jackie: Yes, I did.

Frank: How did you like it?

Jackie: Oh, I got sick and tired of hotels and hotel food.

Frank: I can imagine. East or west, home is the best.

Dialogue 2. What is Natalie’s- main point?

Natalie: “ln my country Christmas begins on the evening of Christmas Eve. On that evening

all our family meets together. Usually the mother and other women prepare a dinner of 12 dishes. These dishes can’t be with meat.

And you should try all 12 dishes. And the next day we look under the Christmas tree for presents. After that we go all together to Church.”


Restaurant, home, garden, classroom, cinema, Slavuta, school, village, kitchen

speak jump hike go make listen

school, yard, theatre, Kyiv, dentist’s, work, mountains, Ukraine, bed

fly talk run sleep get study

city, museums, enjoyed, residence, parts, tour, visited, capital, never

museums, ancient, hills, enjoyed, famous, capital, excursion, history, Cathedral

history, Cathedral


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