Josiah V

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book


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Oak Hill July 28, 1931 10:22 AM

I have an undated latter postmarked July 19, from Mrs Emmis Nevling Kidder, wife of Myron D. Kidder of Myron D. Kidder Inc Distributors of cars & trucks, Portland, Maine who wrote me at the instance of her brother Samuel Thompson Nevling of Rochester NY who I had met.

She says that 20 yrs ago, she & her sister made a visit back in Penna to the scenes of their childhood & in some investigations then made she took her mother's line - the Thompsons - & she sends me a genealogical table embodying the information she has which I am tabling commencing on next page. She says she has many names for two or three generations more, which I am writing her for. I have two Moses Thompsons in my records but don't know whether either are her ancestor here given. I note that at least two of the Thompsons she gives married Reeds which leads me to conclude that my old friend William Reed Thompson of Pgh, Pa who married Wm Thaw's daughter is probably of this family, as he told me his forbears were from that part of Penna. Must look up what he told me of his ancestors. She thinks John I. Thompson of Penna has a book on the Thompson family.

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[descendant chart]

William Thompson ob, he emigrated from Ireland about 1745 & settled in Maryland. Name of wife not known. About 1773 or 1774 he removed to Mifflin Co, Penna & settled at Lindsay Gap. He had 8 children. Make slip.


William Thompson

Martha Thompson

James Thompson

Polly Thompson

Moses Thompson b 1754 ob 1816 married 1 Nancy Culbertson & had 5 children. Married 2 Lydia Adams 1768 & 1847 Had 5 children.

John Thompson

Margaret Thompson

William Thompson

Sara Thompson

James Thompson, ob

Nancy Agnes Thompson married 1 Foster Milliken married 2 Col Reid

James Thompson married James Reid

Samuel Thompson married Nancy Cooper had 8 children.

Lydia Thompson

Alfred Thompson ob killed in Civil War

Sara Thompson ob married Joe M. Kelly

Mary Thompson ob married W.H.H. Nevling had 9 children.

Samuel Thompson Nevling who I met married Grace Donneaux

Stewart Nevling

Paul Nevling

Marion Nevling married Rev W. Frank Murphy, Japan, 6 children.

Walter A. Nevling married Laura V. Krueger 3 children

Caroline T. Nevling

Nancy T. Nevling married Chauncey M. Day 2 children

Emmis S. Nevling married Myron D. Kidder my good informant for this record, 1 child

Harry Nevling married Mrs Ida Boardman 1 child

Grace B. Nevling married, 4 children

Sarah Nevling married, 4 children

Carrie Thompson [daughter of Samuel Thompson] ob married Joe M. Kelly, his 2d wife

Emma Thompson ob married J.S. Sample

Foster Thompson ob when a child

Dr John Thompson ob married Emma Green

Everett Thompson

Robert Thompson [son of Moses Thompson b 1754] married Sara McManigal

John Thompson

Jane Thompson [daughter of William]

John Thompson

Anne Thompson

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I have a letter dated Jany 12, 1925 sending her record direct to me instead of to her father from Irene Gibson Cederborg, 23 Finglade ST Worcester, Mass saying they are so migratory that she can't give a permanent address. She says my history of the Thompson family sounded very interesting to her. She supposes her father has sent me the information of those of the children living there (out in Ohio) & says she is Irene Gibson, 4th child of Frank William Gibson & wife Luella Curfuean [sic] born at Amesville, O Nov 14, 1890 married Feby 20, 1920 at the Church of the Ascension NY City to August John Cederborg, artists born July 21, 1884 in NY City son of August Bernard Cederborg & wife Ida Constance Nystrom both natives of Sweden.

Have one son:

Gibson Ames Cederborg born Oct 8, 1922 in Brooklyn NY.

Says she had very little knowledge of her grandmother Elizabeth Coates. This will enable me to connect her up. Know of no place to send answer.

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I have a letter dated Aug 1, 1924 from Chas M. Jack representing Paxton & Gallagher Wholesale Hardware, Omaha, Neb in answer to mine. He says his father was George Boal Jack & his Uncle John T. Jack & they came from Boalsburg, Centre Co, Pa but they and my mother are all gone but I have a sister much older than me & who has the family bible living here. Her address:

Elizabeth J. Armstrong 2101 Pinckney St, Omaha, Neb (I wrote her on Aug 22, 1924) These Jacks come from the one who went from Chester Co to Centre Co Pa. Says we children were all born in Centre Co, Pa & our relatives the Boals & Thompsons are living there, the Boals at Boalsburg & the Thompsons at Lemonte. Make slip for Thompsons. Says his sister is in touch with his cousin who is gathering like information.

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I have two letters dated June 22, 1924 in answer to mine of June 16, 1924 giving him much Carnahan data from Charles H. Hanna of No 15 Rockledge Road, Montclair NJ in which he says regarding James Carnahan b 1719 who married Hannah Power you say she administered on his estate Sept 30, 1788 & he asks if it was in Cumb or Westnd Co, Pa. The tax lists, copies of which he sends show James in Hopewell 1762 to 1766 & then in Newton (set off from Hopewell) 1767 to 1779. They also show Adam & William with James in Newton in 1779. But in 1780 do not show James, but do show Hanna, William, Joseph & Adam Jr. This wd indicate possibly that James died about 1780.

The Adam Carnahan who died in 1793 left a widow Agnes & a brother-in-law William McFarland who married Elizabeth daughter of James Jack of Newton. Was Adam's wife Agnes Jack? James Jack of Newton's daughter Agnes is said to have married James McComb. The will of James Jack of Hamilton Bann, York Co, Pa probated Sept 8, 1780 mentions a daughter Agnes Carnahan & her son James (This is not James

who died in 1776 whose will is in Cumb Co but I wonder if it is his father. Make slip to see this will or write for copy. This Agnes may be a sister of my gggf that I do not have.)

The Capt or Major James Carnahan who was drowned in the Allegheny river in 1788 may have been the one whose estate was administered by Hannah Carnahan & John Milligan Sept 30, 1788 what was the name of Major James wife, the adopted daughter of Archibald Mahon of Lurgan? Could it have been Hannah too?

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This John Carnahan who I stated in a former letter died in 1785 must not have been sheriff John but the John who was killed by the Indians at his father Adam Carnahan's block house in Washington (now Bell) Tp in 1778. His "brother James Carnahan" was appointed Adm May 19, 1778 & there was another court record Apr 6, 1785 in which James is named as Admr of John probably the same estate as the one in 1778 "Frontier Forts of Penna" II p 332-336 says:

"James Carnahan afterwards called Colonel & John Carnahan who was killed at the block house were sons of Adam Carnahan". Your Colonel John Carnahan who died in Venango Co in 1825 was no doubt the sheriff of 1775.

There seems to have been two pairs of brothers, John & James:

one, sons of Adam of Carnahan's Block house of whom John was killed by the Indians in 1778 & Capt or Major James (he was brevetted Major just before his discharge from the army in 1782) who was drowned in the Allegheny in 1788.

the other pair, Col John who was Shff in 1775 & James who married Catherine Potter & died about 1800 (or vice versa) (I think there is something wrong in his deductions as my information years ago was that Uncle John was along when his brother James was drowned & it took three men to hold him to keep him from jumping in the river to try to save his brother. Then too hunt up what John M. Carnahan's mother's cousin told me when I visited him.

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Bates Hist of Cumb Co, Pa 309 Quotes the Wm Carnahan Koons as saying that brothers James & William Carnahan settled in Hopewell before 1740. William had a son Joseph born abt 1759 & a son Robert born about 1762 who married Judith McDowell. He asks if I know whether James 1719-1780 ggf had a brother William.

Clemon's Finley's wife name as stated in his will was Elizabeth possibly E. Jane Mary Finley is given her maiden name in an orphan's court proceeding May 25, 1759 but is named as wife of John Thompson May 25, 1762.

If she did not marry until about 1760 then her daughter Mary who married Adam Carnahan would have been 20 years younger than the Adam who was born in 1741.

His second letter of same date says that since writing me earlier in the day, he had looked at his Dunlaps Creek Burial records & found that Hannah, widow of James Carnahan & of Rev Jacob Jennings died Oct 4, 1838 aged 89 yrs. This would make her born in 1749 so she could not be the same Hannah who married James Carnahan of Legonide [best guess] Mch 11, 1740? Unless my record of her death date is wrong & should be died 1808 (she would not then be widow of Rev Jacob Jenning as my recollection is that he did not die until later)

If she was the wife of James Carnahan who was drowned in the Allegheny in 1788 (b 1743) then her birth date in 1749 would be abt right. In that case, her name would be Hannah (adopted) daughter of Archibald Mahan of Lurgan.

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I find a third & earlier letter dated Mch 5, 1924 from Chas A. Hanna in answer to my letter of Feby 29, 1924 stating that he is sending by parcel post insured the 3 vols of East Nenk of Fife & Cupar Angus reports for which I had sent him check.

He says he is figuring on publishing a vol of Cumberland Valley Genealogies if he can get them in one vol & it was with that in view that he wrote for my lines of that section. He sends five pink skeleton cards showing what he has of my line & says some of them may be wrong, which he asks me to fill out at my leisure & return, asking for the names & dates of the earlier members of the family. I do not seem to have answered this letter & now I can't see to read the cards. There were six tax lists white cards in the former letter.

There are six white cards about the tax lists of the various Carnahans in Cumberland, Westmoreland, Washington & Allegheny Cos & Adam in Tyrone Tp & James in Bullskin Tp, Fayette Co, Pa. It is now 10 PM & I have just had Amerigo Pallini read the above tax cards & also the five pink ones of my Thompson & Caruthers lines but I will have to wait until daylight to go over them as there are a few things I want to make record of.

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Oak Hill July 29, 1931 6:44 AM

A black bordered mourning envelope & letter dated Feby 28, 1928 in answer to mine of Feby 25, 1928 from John Markle of New York City announces the death of his wife in the early part of September last (Sept 1927).

He says he can see me at his office room 1742 at No 2 Rector St between 10 AM & 1 Pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, but under instructions of his physician he is not there on Wednesdays & Saturdays.

He says further that he has lived in New York for 21 years but went regularly to the mines while he was in charge & says further: "I have disposed of the Jeddo-Highland Coal Co which is the successor of the original firm of G.M. Markle & Co". He says he will be very glad to have me call & signs:

Jno Markle

I thought I could read the pink cards of my lines from Chas A. Hanna when daylight came, but find I cannot & will have to wait until Mrs Pallini comes. He says my ancestor, John Thompson died in Hamilton Tp which was in 1783.

3. Says Mary Thompson, daughter of

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Thomas Thompson & Martha, unmarried died in Aug 1804

4. Joseph Thompson

5. William Thompson died in Ky married Mary Jack daughter of John & Eleanor. Had issue Gives:

1. John Thompson




5. Hugh Nov 1787 died Manchester O May 1815 & had issue viz: Mary, married John Logan

6. Andrew Finley Thompson born Jany 1791 died 1824 (should be 1825) married Leah Markle daughter of Gaspard & Mary Markle

6. Margaret married

7. George

He then mentions John Thompson as a brother of Thomas & says maybe other children (which there were)

Then Caruthers in East Pennsborough Cumb Co had issue:

1. James Caruthers married 1 Catherine Potter daughter of Sheriff John Potter of Cumb Co, Pa moved to South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co, Pa abt 17-- & had issue. Married 2.

1. John Caruthers b 1789 (should be 1779) died Dec 2, 1858 married Isabella Power daughter of Rev James Power

2. James married 1, married 2 Elizabeth McClure

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3. Samuel Caruthers married Ruth Elliott

4. Martha Caruthers married James Kirker

5. Jean Caruthers married John Richey, removed to Wayne Co, O

6. Elizabeth Caruthers married Charles Hunter

This finishes the first of the four bunches of large sized letters which bunch contained 41 letters 4 in high on which I commenced July 14, 1931 see b 25 page 482 & before tackling another of the three remaining bunches, I will go over the Finley files sent me by Britton M. Finley of Amory Miss who wants his files returned & after finishing it of which there is 41 pages, will go through the recent incoming mail & then take up another of the three remaining bunches.

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I have a letter dated July 1, 1931 in answer to mine from Britton M. Finley of Amory Miss who says his great grandmother was Jane Caruthers, the wife of Francis Finley who was son of Charles Finley who in 1767 came from Scotland & settled in Hillsboro NC & fought in the Revolutionary War & who he says the census of 1790 shows had 5 boys & 2 girls but he only has record of two of the boys. He is a son of Gideon C. Finley whose wife also named Finley a 3rd cousin was a descendant of Charles Finley & the oldest of twelve children, who all married & raised families but two. He don't know who Chas Finley married but would like to help to find out. He says a neighbor has a 357 page book on the descendants of John Thompson.

He says he has gathered a lot of Finley data which he will complete & arrange & will gladly cooperate with me which is attested by his enclosing by registered mail (as I had asked him to do) his personal files of his Finley records consisting of 41 pages, mainly letters, some short, which I had Virginia Maloney copy for me & will now read over & make record of what is desired for my book.

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These records begin with a personal appeal ad from Estelle Finlay answered by the paper who acknowledge much Finley data recd from Albert Finley France of Annapolis Md & goes on to speak of data gotten from the Doak family, about Thankful Doak (in the family of Geo Wm Hall of Tenn) who they think to be the original Thankful Doak in this county & says David Crockett whose name is indelibly stamped on Texas History & who met his death at the Alamo on Aug 1, 1806 married in Tenn, Polly Finley, the blue-eyed Scotch Irish beauty who was born in 1788 & died in 1814, who was the daughter of William & Jane Kennedy Finley of Limestone, Nolichucky River, East Tenn & who was a descendant of MacBeth King of Scotland whose father Finlegh Thane Clamis Mormaer of the Clan of Ross & Moray who in A.D. 1050 was chief of the clan Finley. The first to come to Virginia & settled in Augusta Co was John Finley born in Ireland in 1704, the son of James & Elizabeth Patterson Finley, who emigrated to America in 1720 & settled in Chester Co, Pa. John Finley married in Chester Co, Pa in 1723 Thankful Doak, sister of Samuel

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Doak, father of Rev Samuel Doak the pioneer Presbyterian minister who driving before him an old flea-bitten gray horse loaded with a sack full of books through Maryland & Virginia to Jonesboro, Tenn & whose name became prominent in the history of the Southwest.

John Finley & his wife Thankful Doak moved to Augusta Co, Va & recd a grant of 892 A of the Burden Tract, South River, Beverly Manor & served under Capt Wm Preston in Augusta Co, militia in French & Indian Wars & was an elder in Tinkling Springs Church. They had eleven children.

I will table what it gives of his descendants, but will leave several pages & commence on page 30.

I see that this query from Mrs Estell see top page 16 was answered by Mrs Floyd Haynes Greenville, Miss who is evidently responsible for the wonderful records given on page 30 & 31 with dates. Write her but wait first if these files give her line.

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A letter to B.M. Finley dated Dec 17, 1930 from James A. Finley, judge of Tupelo Miss says he has been holding Court continuously since receiving his letter & will be holding court at Aberdeen the week of the 3d Monday of Jany & asks him to drive over. He evinces much interest in the Finley hist & asks if it is the same A. Finley France of Baltimore is preparing which he has heard of but not seen.

He says "My father (but he don't name him) was born in East Tenn (Hawkins Co) in 1835 & his father Samuel Finley moved to this section when my father was a small boy. My grandfather was a descendant of Dr Samuel Finley of Maryland who was at one time President of Princeton College."

A letter to B.M. dated Nov 15, 1930 from Miss Estelle Finley, Columbia, Tenn says there are many Finleys in Marshall Co, but she hasn't got in touch with them. Says her family came from Beverly Manor, Augusta Co, Va 7 miles east of Staunton & organized Tinkling springs Church & that her gggggfather James Finley married Elizabeth Patterson & says that David Caldwell father of the wife of John Jr see page 30 was a brother of James Caldwell the "Fighting Parson" of NJ

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She gives her line down to John Caldwell Finley b Jany 11, 1742 her great grandfather see p 30 who married Ann Miller & was at Battle of Kings Mountain with the Lincoln Co NC men with John Sevier & Evan Shelby & gives of his children:

1. Mary Finley who married Joseph Sevier oldest son of John Sevier.

2. William Finley married Jean Kennedy & were the parents of Polly who married David Crockett in 1806 in Jeff Co, Tenn

John Finley born Feby 17, 1767 was 12 yrs old living in Lincoln Co NC on the Catawba River. His father had gone to the battle & he hearing the firing picked up his gun & went to the battle. She says "this is my line" She stops short here & throws the burden on Ben.

Tennessee Board of Prison Examiners, Nashville, Tenn

To whom it may concern:

The official record shows that Wm C. Finley of Co K 2 Tenn Inf Col Wm B. Bate was killed on Sept 22, 1862. John P. Hickman Secy

I belong to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Atlanta Chapter as a lineal descendant of Wm C. Finley

Mrs M.A. Freeman

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NC Hist Commission Raleigh office of the secretary.

This is to certify that the name Charles Finley appears on the records of the Revolutionary War - collection of the NC Hist com as follows:

a. book of Settlements "A"

The U.S. of A. to the State of NC Dr

For Sundries furnished the militia of NC, Va & SC as allowed by the auditors of Morgan Dist as reported 43 $7471 To Charles Finley Vo no 4357 £13.3.6.

Army Accounts Vo 13 book 22 p 6

$48 allowed Charles Finley prior pay from July 20, 1778 to Apr 20, 1779 £24.12.5 (Commissioners off Hillsborough May 1792)

a. Army accounts vol 6 book 24 list of cfts paid in to the treasury (torn of the taxes of 1785 & 1786 $172 Charles Finley £13.3.6-1.8.

R.D.W. Conner sec NC Hist Com Mch 13, 1916

"A copy of the record of Charles Finley"

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Oak Hill July 30, 1931 6:30 Am

continuing with the B.M. Finley records:

An undated letter marked as recd in 1930 from A.F. France of Annapolis, Md to Mrs Haynes dwells much on his own family, his wife, his father's who he says he has traced to Sir William France of Normandy. He also traces his Finley line back to Michael & Ann O'Neill & he says his gf John Finley born June 8, 1579 was a brother of your James Finley born Jany 2, 1482 (he says 1583 but does not here give her line of descent).

He writes as if she comes from Charles Finley who came over in 1767 whereas her answer to Estelle gives line p 30-1 of John who came over in 1720. He then goes on to say that he has cleared up the line of Charles Finley of Md who he says was a son of Col Robert Finley who came to America in 1684 & settled in Charles Co, Md & says he was a great grandson of James Finley mentioned in "Iron Cobb, Red Likker" & then mirable dictu [sic] goes right on to say the impossible "was a son of Archibald Finley who came to America 1734 & settled in Bucks Co, Pa". John Finley (this is Archibald's son) was in Ky in 1752

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and pilot to Daniel Boone in 1769 & says "I have a complete bible record of his descendants". Says he is going to Wash D.C. & wants especially to look up who Charles Finley of NC married.

There is then a page evidently sent by France headed:

"Red Likker" by Irvin S. Cobb which goes on to say that the cane which grew originally so rank miraculously disappeared before the thick spreading blue grass & the entrance of the sunlight from felling the forest. Says there was a tradition about this grass. It is said that Finley the Irishman (this was John, not James as mentioned above) whose eyes were the first white man's eyes to look upon the great hunting ground which the Cherokees called by the Algonquin Word "Kentucky" meaning the level place brought it with him.

Daniel Boone may have been the Pathfinder, but John Finley, a lesser known man was the Pathmaker for he showed Boone the way.

But long before than, he the adventurous trader went

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with friendly Shawnese [sic] braves to their favorite camping spot Eakippatikhika [sic] & there set him up a hut impounded within a long stockade & spread his trade goods within his fortress.

As the story goes, he had brought his wares, wrapped against breakage in hay grown of stock brought by someone from Great Britain & he cast this hay upon the earth & it seeded itself in the sod & suddenly grew with a luxuriance beyond imagination. So for a spell the pioneers of Boone's day & of Kenton, which were also those of Isham Bird's [best guess, smeared] dubbed it English grass after Lancaster in Penna where Finley lived.

But presently marking how when the wind stirred the heavy seed heads, their yellow pods against the deep lush color of the stems cast a soft bluish overlay upon the entire rippling field, they fell to calling it blue grass, but when the breeze rumpled it & except in the time of ripening it was about the greenest grass you ever saw (to this I can well testify on my first sight

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of English grass when landing at Plymouth, Eng abt Aug 17, 1903) cattle feeding on it throve most amazingly.

A short letter dated Apr 3, 1929 from A.F. France Annapolis Md to Mrs Haynes speaks of enclosing a record of some interest & says "I have received a mass of data from Scotland". Says he has not been able to get to Wash D.C. to find who Charles Finley married. Have had a bad back & had to go to the Naval Dispensary to have a Cr [best guess, may be cu] openened [sic] but an now o.k.

Another page & a third letter from France gives what he copied from my Anjou records headed:

Finleys in Scotland

Starts with John Finley of Fifeshire, Scotland in 1457 & comes down as my records show to James Finley who married Elizabeth Warrender & gives line from his son James more fully than I have it which he must have recd from Ireland but possibly from what he got from Scotland.

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I will table what he gives com on page 32 & 33 giving most important genealogy of the earlier generations.

A beautiful letter from Rev W.A. Shelton Meth Epis speaks of the passing of Gideon C. Finley, father of B.M. at Atlanta, Ga on Dec 20, 1916 speaks of the good influence he exerted on him causing him to lead a better life by reason of the saintly life he lived which he likened unto that of Jesus.

Another page dated Atlanta Ga Dec 6, 1930 states that Dr W.A. Shelton above was on Sept 29, 1930 appointed Pastor of the Mt Vernon Place M.E. Ch Wash D.C. retiring from the Faculty of Emory Univ where he had been since 1914 coming there from Epworth Church Oklahoma City, Okla. He is 52 yrs old born in Calif married & has children has been to Egypt several times to Europe & is an able scholar.

A letter dated Feby 5, 1929 from A.F. France to Mrs Haynes gives from notes gathered in this country & on a trip to Scotland in 1909 gives from his Glasgow notes the same record (in part only) of John Finley, Freeman, who married Lettice & gives the children I have already recorded of his on page 33.

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A letter dated Jany 29, 1929 from A.F. France to Mrs Haynes is still floundering about to place Charles who came to NC in 1767.

He names the four children of James Finley & Elizabeth Warrender viz: John, Christian, Andrew & James & says the Finleys who came to Penna in 1720 (he must mean John born 1704 see p 30) & those that came in 1734 his line come from John & he thinks Charles comes from either Hndrew or James. He later brings him from James as table shows.

he sends too:

"A Highland family of the Country near Inverness a Sept [sic] of the Great Highland Confederation Clan Chattan was one of the most ancient & noble families in Scotland & existed before a Campbell of a Stuart or a Cameron had an existence."

He says Macbeth, greatly libeled by Shakespeare who was a Finleigh ascended the throne of Scotland in 1040 & reigned 17 yrs until slain in battle at Lamphanan in Aberdeenshire on Dec 5, 1057. He was the lineal heir to the throne & not a usurper. He made a journey to Rome being the first king of Scotland who entered into communication with the Papal See. He married Gruesch, daughter of Botte, son of Kenneth II a fact which gave him a claim to the Scottish throne.

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He says it is believed that the compilers (he mixes things a little but I will put it straight) John Finley who came to New Jersey in 1680 (it was he born Apr 9, 1536 see page 34 Anjou 7 page 32 this book brother of our Robert) (Ancestor of those I found in Nov 1923 & July 1926) 1720 John Finley (he says James) ancestor of the Va branch going back a generation to James.

1732 Robert & Samuel who settled in West Nottingham, Md

1734, the compiler's ancestor Michael who settled in Sadsbury (who he erroneously says was father of John Finley the Boone pioneer to Ky who was son of Michael's brother Archibald. Michael's son John was killed by the Indians in 1757) were the first of the name in America. The census of 1790 which B.M. sends mentions sixth Co Morgan Dist Burke Co NC & shows Charles Finley 1 free white male over 16, 6 free white males under 16 3 free white females from which I would figure 6 sons (he himself is named as over 16) & 2 daughters (one female being the wife) B.M. says but 5 sons.

Salisbury Dist Mecklenburg Co is on the sheet but nothing else with it. It is now 5 PM & I will commence tabling the descendants (incomplete as it is) of Charles Finley on page 34. They have line on but 2 boys.

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[descendant chart]

John Finley born in Ireland 1704 son of James Finley & his wife Elizabeth Patterson try Anjou Hist pages 30-33. He emigrated to America in 1720 settling in Chester Co, Pa where he married & where his first 7 children were born & about 1736 or 1736 he moved to Augusta Co, VA where his last four children were born & where he took up 892 A of the Burden tract. He was an Elder in the Tinkling Springs Pres Ch. They had 11 children, the last 3 was baptized by Rev John Craig. Married 1722 in Chester Co, Pa Thankful Doak sister of Samuel Doak who was father of Rev Samuel Doak.


John Finley Jr b 1724 ob in Va in 1791 [unreadable word ends ined or ived] in French & Indian Wars Will dated Apr 17, 1791 pro Augusta Co Sept 20, 1791 was J.P. trustee Elder of Tinkling Springs Ch married Apr 22, 1741 by Rev Jno Craig to Mary Caldwell b 1726 ob, daughter of David & Mary Caldwell of Charlotte Co Va. Had 8 children born in Augusta Co, Va.

John Finley b Jany 11, 1742 bap Jany 24, 1742 married 1762 Ann Miller moved to Lincoln Co, NC was in battle of Point Pleasant & the battle of Kings Mountain under Capt Evan Shelby. She was daughter of David Miller of Lincoln Co NC bible record shows children below:

Mary Finley b Jany 25, 1763 married Joseph Sevier son of John Sevier

William Finley b Apr 14, 1764 married Jean Kennedy. He was born in Lincoln Co NC was a farmer on Nolichucky River in East Tenn & died in 1819 in Jefferson Co Tenn will dated Apr 3, 1818 probated in June 1819 & had issue below:

[first name cut off] Finley b 1784 [word(s) cut off] No record

Polly or Mary Finley b 1758 married David Crockett

Samuel Finley b 1789 no record

Kennedy Finley b 1791 no record

Susanna Finley b 1792 married a Parks

John Finley b Feby 17, 1767 married Kennedy This is Estelle's line for gf see p 19. [or 89?]

Agnes Finley b 1769 ob Oct 30, 1849 aged 80 yrs unmarried

David Finley b May 22, 1760 married Elizabeth Wilson

Infant daughter born & died May 1778

Robert Miller Finley b Sept 18, 1782 married Nancy Bryant see p 309 & 312 ob May 24, 1869 George Finley [son of John Finley Jr b 1724] bap Jany 30, 1743 married An Newland married 2 Mary Gaines

Jean Finley bap Apr 21, 1744 married John Trimble

Robert Finley bap Apr 21, 1745 Moved to NC

Margaret Finley bap Dec 21, 1746 married John Shields

David Finley bap Jany 20, 1748 married Elizabeth Mounts

Thomas Finley bap Apr 1749 moved to SC. Abbeville.

Thankful Finley bap Dec 1751 married McKarter

Robert Finley [son of John Finley b 1704] b 1725 ob prior to 1765

James Finley b 1726 had wife Agnes & son John tracing.

Margaret Finley b 1728 no record

Samuel Finley b 1730 no record

Andrew Finley b 1732 no record

Alexander Finley b 1736 no record

Thankful Finley b 1737 no record

Elizabeth Finley bap Jany 18, 1741

William Finley bap June 17, 1743 see page 230

George Finley bap Jany 16, 1745

The records on these two pages [above] given by Mrs Floyd Haynes Greenville, Miss see p 17.

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[descendant chart]

James Finley b Sept 15, 1530 see Anjou hist p 18 married before 1576 Elizabeth Warrender & had issue:


John Finley b June 6, 1579

James Finley b Sept [best guess] 9, 1631

Robert Finley b May 4, 1634

Robert Finley b May 9, 1681

Michael Finley b May 7, 1783

Martha Finley b 1722 married Thomas Thompson

Samuel Finley b Mch 18, 1684

John Finley b Apr 1636 to NJ

Margaret Finley b June 11, 1637 married George Thompson

Christina Finley [daughter of James Finley b 1530] b May 3, 1580

Andrew Finley b Mch 16, 1581

James Finley b Jany 2, 1582 see p Anjou who gives a son Thomas who is not given by France who gives his birth as Oct 22, 1583 & cites the rental book of Howburn Parish Fifeshire Scotland folio 82 for his birth as he gives it & several rentals up to 1634 but does not give wife's name but shows five children below:

James Finley b 1614

Robert Finley b 1616

Elizabeth Finley b 1618

John Finley born 1619 in Balchristie Fifeshire married Mary Savage see Folio 82 of Rental book above he reports five sons.

Rev John Finley b 1648 moved into Ireland

James Finley b 1650 moved to Dublin, Ireland

William Finley b 1653

Robert Finley b 1654 linen draper in Glasgow 1672-1696 Freeman married Ann Saunders 7 sons

John Finley b 1680 ob 1770 married Lettice married 2 Martha see page 33

William Finley b 1681 moved to Dublin

George Finley b 1658 ob 1719 Meckboro Ireland will dated Dec 14, 1718 married Mary.

Mary Elliott [probably married name]

Ann McNish [probably married name]

Samuel Finley b 1684 ob June 15 1693

Michael Finley b 1686 ob Sept 15, 1747

Thomas Finley b 1687 ob Oct 5, 1698

Robert Finley b 1689 married Catherine Wilken

James Finley ob. He came to America in 1769 on invitation of Dr John Witherspoon died at Basking Ridge NJ

Rev Robert Finley b 1772 married Esther Caldwell Pres Univ of Ga at Athens Ga [cut off] line

Alexander Finley see b 25 p 530 [word cut off]

George Finley [son of John born 1619] b 1656 moved into Ireland.

Mary Finley [daughter of James b 1582] b 1621.

V26 Page 33

[descendant chart]

John Finley see page 32 born 1680 ob 1770 was a linen draper in Glasgow Scotland 1718 moved to Dublin, Ireland. married 1 Lettice married 2 Martha letters of Adm to his widow Martha in the Prerogative court Dublin Jany 1, 1773 10 children.


John Finley b 1721

Isabel Finley b 1722

Thomas Finley b 1724

Mary Finley b 1729

Robert Finley b 1730

Andrew Finley b 1732

James Finley b 1735 ob 1789

Charles Finley b Nov 30, 1736 linen draper gave p/a in 1767 to his brother Andrew & came to Hillsboro NC deed Jany 1767 between Chas Finley linen draper Dublin 1766-1700 Parliament St to John Finley stay-maker to a house on Parliament St besides a house in possession of Andrew Finley to hold during the lives of the said Charles Finley & James & Andrew Finley with a proviso of redemption. He died Mch 15, 1816 in NC see page 34.

V26 Page 34 & V25 Page 35

[descendant chart]

Charles Finley see pages 33 & 32 born Nov 30, 1736 in Scotland ob Mch 15, 1816 in North Carolina. He was a linen draper in Glasgow Scotland & later in Dublin, Ireland. He came to America in 1767 & settled in Hillsboro NC & gave much service in the Revolutionary War as shown in the States Historical records. The U.S. census of 1790 for NC shows him in Morgan Dist, Burke Co & mentions Salisbury Dist, Mecklenburg Co from which I figure him to have six sons under 16 & two daughters, his wife living also. B.M. has no record except from two sons one from which his father descends who from the date given & the census report is the oldest boy & the other from which his mother descends. One or both of the girls might be the oldest of the family. Report him as 44 when in the war & died when 80. He was in the Battle of Kings Mountain NC in 1780. Married. They have not yet found name of his wife. Children born in NC


Two daughters

Francis Finley b in NC Feby 26, 1775 ob Jany 25, 1863 in Marshall Co Tenn married Nov 22, 1797 Jane Carruthers ob Oct 13, 1845 daughter of Robert Carruthers in NC. They only give one of his children.

Samuel Civoris Finley b Dec 18, 1810 in Lincoln Co Tenn ob Jany 10, 1847 in Marshall Co married June 15, 1832 in Giles Co Tenn Mary Worley b June 22, 1816 ob Mch 18, 1862 had 8 children.

Elizabeth Jane Finley b Nov 24, 1833 ob 1912 married Thomas Lamond. They had several children. Their daughter Anna now Mrs W.E. Jackson lives at Frankewing, Tenn. Am writing her for record.

William Carroll Finley b June 1, 1835 ob Sept 22, 1862 on 1863 near Sherpobing [best guess] Md from a gun shot wound in Confederate Army

Francis Marion Finley b Nov 7, 1836 ob Dec 11, 1864 from a wound recd at Murfreesboro in Hood's raid being a Confederate soldier.

Gideon Cephus Finley b Mch 3, 1839 ob Dec 20, 1916 married Apr 1, 1862 in Marshall Co Tenn Sarah Elizabeth Finley b Oct 26, 1842 ob Aug 15, 1909 (his 2d cousin they say 3d) both died in Atlanta Ga & are buried in West View Cem. there. They had 8 children see page 36. He joined the Methodist Ch when 16 & was a local preacher in Marshall Co Tenn. He died at the home of his daughter Mrs W.A. Freeman in Atlanta Ga who he was visiting. See page 36.

Laura Ann Finley b June 21, 1841 ob in infancy they think as G.C. had so stated.

Samuel Civoris Finley Jr or Samuel Sevier b Jany 7, 1843 ob Jany 24, 1865 near Nashville Tenn fr wound recd at Murfreesboro in Hoods raid as a Confederate soldier same day as his brother F.M. but he lingered till Jany

Mrs A.S. McKnight Albany, Ala

Mrs Ernest Butler Petersburg, Tenn

Mrs Edd Finley Knoxville, Tenn

J.S. Finley Frankewing Tenn

Mrs Wakefield is dead had 2 sons & one daughter. her son Gideon C. Wakefield's address is Frankewing, Tenn

Thomas Pinkney Finley b Dec 22, 1844

Sarah Louiza Finley b June 3, 1847 ob 1912 married Morgan Tuley. Have six children.

William Finley [son of Charles Finley] ob they report a Wm Finley as marrying Sarah McDaniel. I don't know whether it was this Wm or his son. Had six children all born in Tenn. This is the grandfather of B.M. Finley's mother see page 40.

4 other sons all under 16 in 1790

V26 Page 36 & V26 Page 37

Gideon Cephus Finley see page 34


Euphena Adelia Finley b Aug 8, 1863 ob June 21, 1883 at Sherman, Texas, single

Thaddeus Constantine Finley b May 8, 1866 lived only a few hours, buried in Tenn.

William Francis Samuel Finley b July 11, 1867 ob Nov 4, 1925 buried at Frederick Okla born at New Hope, Manhell Co, Tenn married May 25, 1899 at Honey Grove, Texas to Harriet Alice Torrence born June 20, 1879

Elizabeth Torrence b May 2, 1900 at Paris, Texas married Dec 28, 1920 at Frederick, Okla Robert Townley Lee

Samuel Albert Torrence Jr [sic] b Sept 17, 1911 at Frederick, Okla

Britton McGaugh Finley b Nov 21, 1869 my informant for these records born in New Hope, Tenn, married 1 Aug 26, 1896 May S. Deatherage daughter of A.W. Deatherage & wife Safrona Delany ob Jany 27, 1924. They were married in Paris, Tex. Married 2 Dec 23, 1927 in Dallas, Texas Mrs Julia Russ nee Poulk. Live at Amory, Miss

William Howard Finley b June 14, 1898 at Hugo, Okla married Nov 1923 Vera Pokness

Joe McGaugh Finley b Mch 26, 1902 single

Mattie May Finley b Apr 30, 1905 single

Amney Elizabeth Finley b Feby 29, 1908 married May 7, 1927 Henry Collins

Mary Amney Finley b Mch 4, 1872 married Apr 12, 1892 at Columbus, Ga by Rev J.W. Domingas to Wm Archibald Freeman b Jany 22, 1868 in Harris Co, Ga.

Glen Ive Freeman b Feby 26, 1893 at Columbus, Ga married Nov 28, 1912 to Laura Bell Booth daughter of C.D. & Mary Booth b July 17, 1891 at Atlanta, Ga.

Glen Ive Freeman Jr b June 16, 1924 in Atlanta Ga

Olga Fey Freeman b Oct 14, 1897 in Atlanta Ga married Nov 29, 1920 Edward Dominick Lester son of Lee Lester & wife Rosa Dominick born Mch 16, 1895 in Turin Ga were married in Covington, Ky

Elizabeth Roxanna Finley b June 29, 1873 at New Hope, Tenn married Aug 31, 1899 in Atlanta Ga Robert Floyd Haynes born July 20, 1871 at Flaun [best guess] Springs, Miss. Have 5 children born in Miss the first one at Greenville, Miss & all the others.

George Finley Haynes b Jany 9, 1902 single

Amney May Haynes b Nov 7, 1903 married Dec 26,1925 at Greenville, Miss David Beauregard Riley Jr of New Madrid, Mo born there Dec [best guess] 8, 1898

George Haynes Riley b Dec 21, 1926

Elizabeth Margaret Riley b Aug 24, 1928

Davis B. Riley III b Oct 30, 1930 Sarah Elizabeth Finley Haynes b July 30, 1907 married June 1, 1930 at Greenville, Miss Henry Turner Stennis born in Miss at Macon Feby 12, 1899

Edith Margaret Haynes b Dec 17, 1909 single

Robert Floyd Haynes Jr b Mch 21, 1912 single

Alphus Leslie Finley b Sept 20, 1877 ob Mch 8, 1911 Buried in West View Cem.

Bettie Gertrude Finley b Mch 24, 1883 ob Aug 7, 1883 buried in Sherman Miss [best guess]

V26 Page 38 [blank] V26 Page 39 [blank] V26 Page 40

[descendant chart]

William Finley see page 35 son of Charles Finley 1736-1816


Tilmon Britton Finley b Jany 22, 1816 ob 1883 married Sept 2, 1841 Elizabeth Malinda Sanders daughter of Wesley Sanders a soldier of the War of 1812 fought in Battle of New Orleans & his wife Harriet Quarle She was born on July 24, 1823 ob 1907. They had 12 children see pages 42 & 43.

Lucinda Ann Finley b Oct 10, 1817

William G. Finley b July 5, 1819

Thomas B. Finley b Sept 20, 1821

John E. Finley b Aug 1, 1823

Jackson C. Finley b Oct 14, 1825 ob Feby 23, 1895 in Bonham, Texas, married

William J. Finley b Dec 8, 1852

Martha Ann Finley b Jany 27, 1854

Sarah Finley b May 12, 1856

Thomas Finley b July 13, 1859

V26 Page 41 [blank]

V26 Page 42 & V26 Page 43

[descendant chart]

Tilmon Britton Finley see page 40


Sarah Elizabeth Finley b Oct 26, 1842 ob Aug 15, 1909 married Apr 6, 1862 Gideon C. Finley see page 36

Louisa Ann Finley b Aug 6, 1844

William W. Finley b July 21, 1846 ob May 12, 1931

Mary Finley b Apr 10, 1848

John Thomas Finley b Nov 6, 1850

James T. Finley b Dec 24, 1852

Infant son b Jany 30, 1855 ob Feby 7, 1855

Amanda P. Finley b June 26, 1856

Charles Newton Finley b Aug 11, 1858 married Sept 21, 1884 Mollie Leora Armstrong born in Lewisburg, Tenn Mch 3, 1860 daughter of Geo Haywood Armstrong & Susan Augustine Christopher both living 817 N 2d St Nashville, Tenn. He wants a book

Lillie Pearl Finley b July 13, 1885 married Jany 23, 1900 Lee Morrison b June 23, 1879 son of W.A. & Elizabeth Morrison. Have 6 children all born at Fayetteville, Tenn.

Nellie Morrison b May 29, 1902

Eulyss Morrison b Dec 23, 1905

Essie Morrison b Sept 8, 1914

Bernice Morrison b Feby 14, 1916

Olen Morrison b Aug 7, 1922 (twin)

Olga Morrison b Aug 7, 1922 (twin)

Earnest Claud Finley b June 2, 1888 at Fayetteville NC

George Armstrong Finley b Mch 22, 1890 married Jany 1909 Gaddy Beulah no issue

Infer Mearl Finley b Dec 9, 1891 at Tenavis, Tenn

Martha Adeline Finley b Sept 3, 1860

Susan J. Finley b Jany 7, 1863

Robert Lee Finley b 1868 (Sam)

V26 Page 44 [blank]

V26 Page 45 [blank]

V26 Page 46

Oak Hill August 1, 1931 6:14 AM

I have a letter dated July 21, 1931 from Alice Rubush, Lea, Odessa, Texas which is in answer to one I wrote her father Wm H. Rubush & which he forwarded to his wife who is at Odessa, Tex visiting her daughter Alice. The letter breathes the proper spirit of helpful Cooperation & says her mother wishes to buy a book & wants to know my own & her relationship to the Finley family.

She sends three typewritten pages of records for b 21 p 585 where I am making due record & says delay in sending them was occasioned by having to write to different ones for dates of marriage & births of grandchildren as her mother could not remember them. She is the L.H. Drug Co & her P.O. box is 476

V26 Page 47 [blank]

V26 Page 48 & V26 Page 49

[descendant chart]

Mary Catherine Wilson born Aug 10, 1860 at Sumner, Ills, my informant with her daughter, Alice, married Dec 10, 1878 at Corning, Ark to William Henry Rubush b June 15, 1852 at Indianapolis, Ind. He is a building contractor & lives at 612 Moran Ave, Gainesville, Tex. They have 4 children the oldest one born in Indianapolis, Ind & the other 3 at Gainesville, Tex.


Earl Wilson Rubush b May 20, 1883 married Apr 6, 1904 at Gainesville, Tex. Miss Bertie Duke b July 27, 1884 in Houston, Tex. He is in the lumber business a Overton Tex. Have 2 children the first born at Myra Tex & the other one at Marietta, Okla.

Earl Glen Rubush b Aug 30, 1907

Joseph David Rubush b Nov 5, 1913

Lloyd Fletcher Rubush b Sept 10, 1885 married Aug 9, 1904 at Gainesville, Tex to Miss Pearl Elise Hord b Apr 15, 1887 at Gainesville, Texas have 5 children the first two born at Gainesville, Tex & the last two at Ft Worth Tex where he is a decorator.

Lloyd Fletcher Jr b July 5, 1905

Velma Ruth Marguerite Fletcher b Mch 25, 1907 married Oct 1, 1927 at Weatherford Texas to Jesse Mitchell Tutor b Apr 1904 at Temple Tex. Have 2 children, last one born at Ft Worth Tex where they live.

Bettie Marie Tutor b Jany 9, 1929 at Gainesville, Tex

Frances Lee Tutor b May 25, 1931 at Ft Worth, Tex

William Henry Fletcher b Oct 12, 1912 ob

Mary Alice Fletcher b Sept 4, 1918

Earl Cecil Rubush Fletcher b Apr 27, 1925

Cora Alice Rubush b Apr 25, 1896 married 1 Mch 8, 1917 at Gainesville, Texas to Edward Sterling Branch b May 20, 1890 at Temple, Tex & died Feby 29, 1924 at El Paso, Tex, no issue. Married 2 June 12, 1928 at Breckenridge, Tex to Robert Edward Lea b Nov 9, 1895 at Archer city Texas, have one child born at Big Spring Texas, live at Odessa Tex where she has a drugstore. She is my good informant writing for her mother.

Mary Ida Sherril Lea b Oct 24, 1930

William Henry Rubush Jr b Sept 17, 1898 married Nov 18, 1926 Miss Inez Fanchon Thomas b 1898 at Dallas Tex. Have one daughter born in Dallas Tex where they live.

Sharon Rubush b Mch 25, 1930 a daughter

V26 Page 50

I have a letter dated July 27, 1931 in answer to mine, from Wm H. Robinson 4581 Lemon St , Riverside Calif, who regrets the meagre information about his Elliott forebears & says his great grandmother Catherine Elliott, says she was born at Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Ireland abt 1771 or 1772 the daughter of John Elliott & his wife Mary Woods & about 1787 in a run away match married Dr Irwin Robinson a surgeon in the British Army who had been with Cornwallis at Yorktown when he surrendered.

They came to America in 1790 viz Quebec & settled at or near the present Hollidaysburg, Blair Co, Pa. Her parents John Elliott followed shortly & located in Fairfield Tp Westmoreland Co, Pa in Ligonier Valley near the present Bolivar Pa. A short time later, Irwin & Catherine Robinson removed to a farm near the Elliotts where most of their children were born. Catherine died 1858. Her husband, Irwin Robinson died Mch 21, 1829 at near Bolivar Pa. She died at the home of her son Elliott Robinson across the river from the town of Bolivar, Pa.

He says John Elliott & wife Mary both are buried at Marion, Indiana Co, Pa. He knows no names of any brothers or sisters of Catherine or her husband

V26 Page 51

but has a list of their children. He remembers as a boy of Elliotts making themselves known as connections, but his knowledge of it has vanished. He says a grandson of Elliott Robinson above named Francis Elliott Robinson was cashier of the 1st NBK Bolivar Pa a few years ago. He has no knowledge of Gen Wm Robinson 1785-1868. Am mailing his letter to E.H. Bell at Brownsville.

I have a letter dated July 30, 1931 in answer to mine from Mr & Mrs Daniel M. Smith P.O. Box 280 Letts, Iowa who says he will send what information he can & can get more from his folks living different. He says Mr & Mrs Melvin Smith are both dead. Say the wife Martha McLucas Smith died over 60 years ago & she was married & died in Indiana. He will try to get some dates from an older sister.

I referred him to b 21 p 220 which see where I have erased Martha's husband Martin & written in Melvin's & I see in my records that Melvin is their oldest son & he was the father of Dan M. Smith who says he made his home with him in his late years & died Feby 9, 1927.

V26 Page 52

His surviving children are:

1. Mrs P.J. Carlson, Savronville, Neb

2. Mrs Chas Hogmier, Keokuk, Iowa

3. Mr Art Smith, St Paul, Minn

4. Mr Paul Smith Des Moines, Iowa

5. Mr Mark Smith Lone Tree, Iowa

6. Mr Dan M. Smith (himself), Letts, Iowa

He thinks they were all born in Johnson Co, Iowa

He does not see very well & his wife is writing for him. Wants to know if I used to know his parents & if I am a relative. Says his father was a good honorable man & always spoke with great respect of his wife who was Martha McLucas. This mystifies me & I must write him, as he expresses a willingness to help all he can & get this Smith line straight. Make slip to go see them.

I have a letter postmarked July 29, 1931 in answer to mine of July 20, 1931 from Mrs Mary Wheeler Shattuck now at 5211 Central Ave, Indianapolis, Ind gives the parentage of her mother Flora Reynolds Wheeler as John L. Reynolds & wife Elizabeth Bradshaw which I am entering here because of lack of room in Book 25 p 553 & also record of another child of Mrs Shattuck viz:

Orville Wheeler Shattuck born at Greeley Colo Dec 25, 1905 died June 16, 1905 for whom there was no room in the table.

V26 Page 53

Oak Hill Aug 2, 1931 7:30 AM

I have a letter dated July 16, 1931 in answer to mine from J. Elliott Jacobs Perkiomen Farm, Shelbyville, Mich saying his wife is ill & he is busy with his farm work, but he will, as soon as he can, send me the information which is among a mass of unsorted letters & papers left by his father.

I have a letter dated July 12, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Martha Plummer 6211 S. Warner St, Tacoma Wash saying she is gathering the data for me & will send it on. She refers to b 22 p 58. Mrs May Gray Tishenor writes for her.

I have a letter dated July 15, 1901 in answer to mine from Mrs Mary C. Dillman of Shoals Ind saying the weather is so hot & she has a growth on her right eye & she can't get anyone to write for her & it is too big an undertaking for her as there are 28 Carothers grandchildren & 16 great grandchildren. She says Belle S. Carothers is the wife of Thornton Carothers (her brother I think) who went away from home many years ago & they haven't heard from him & don't know whether he is living or dead.

V26 Page 54 & V26 Page 55

[descendant chart]

Sara Ellen Wilson see b 21 p 585 born Dec 11, 1863 my informant for this record Married May 22, 1885 at Gainesville, Texas William Gallespy Mason b Sept 10, 1861 live at 53 W. Eturia Seattle, Wash have had 7 children the dates below are given by her. Those in b 21 p 585 are given by her brother Clifford Wilson but I changed the years on last 4 to her figures.


Clyde James Mason b Dec 13, 1886 married Nov 18, 1917 to [cut off]na Johnson born ST Paul Minn daughter of Josephen Son [sic] lives in Frisco [cut off]um see p 2 p 3

Clara Mason b Nov 15, 1908

Billy Mason b June 17, 1919?

Margaret A. Mason b Nov 8, 1888 married June 30, 1914 to John Andrew Logan born in Scotland, lives Auburn Wash writing.

Jean Logan b Apr 4, 1915

Ruthie Logan b July 3, 1917

Bonnie Logan b Nov 20, 1922

Margaret Logan b Sept 13, 1924

Eva Jeannette Mason b Jany 8, 1890 married Sept 14, 1912 to Maynard Chase b Jany 20, 1885 in Rockland Maine, have 5 children, his full name is Maynard Sumner Chase

Steven Chase b July 5, 1913

Marguerite Chase b Aug 6, 1915

Mary Jane Chase b May 16, 1919

Priscilla Chase b May 21, 1924

Jackie Chase b Aug 31, 1926

Paul E. Mason b Aug 17, 1892 married Sept 30, 1915 to Grace Warner b 1889

Mary Louise Mason b Dec 24, 1917

John Wesley Mason b June 3, 1894 married Nov 30, 1915 to Ruth Bogue. No issue.

Elisha Lafayette Mason b Feby 14, 1896 married June 14, 1917 to Dorothy Dixon no issue

Esther Elizabeth Mason b Aug 10, 1899 ob July 8, 1929 in Prescott, Arizona, married Sept 28, 1924 to Jesse B. Rush lives Chinook Montana born 1890

Ella Jan Rush born June 20, 1929 in Prescott, Arizona a little curly headed girl

V26 Page 56

I have a ten page letter postmarked July 20, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Nellie Stevens Brown of 818 Rimpan Blvd Los Angeles Calif in which she says that when her mother Ida Lodwick Brown wrote me she gave the dates from memory but since her passing, my sister has come to Calif & brought the old belongings from Minnesota & Ohio & copied from the old bible which was printed in 1832 refer to B 25 p 425.

I find no record of Elisha Stevens death or burial but have heard my grandmother (his daughter) say that he died young in Wheeling Va (make slip & see Tom Stevenson)

Charlie Stevens was in Pittsburgh & Durnie Dean Patterson was connected with him. She had daughters Agnes & May who married a man named Marion and was connected with the Wabash RR & they lived in Canonsburg, Pa when I visited them some 25 yrs ago. Durnie Dean's mother was a Stevens & I think her name was Sophia & they lived in Allegheny Pa Durnie Dean was my mother's favorite cousin.

5:30 PM has gotten dark on me & will have to quit for tonight.

7 Am Aug 3/31

She says that the brother was Harry Stevens (I think she means the brother of Charlie above & I take it that they were the sons

V26 Page 57

of Anna or Nancy Peairs who first married Harry Stevens & married Wm Horner for her 2d husband see b 24 p 600, who owned the Louisville Hotel & died a bachelor. There is no record of him. Make slip to examine at Louisville, Ky & see if he made will or if his heirs made a deed for the hotel property if he owned the R.E.

She then goes on to give her Brown record & while it is not in our line, I will take it down here for record of the dates given.

Thomas William Skentelberry Brown born in London, Eng Apr 22, 1813. his parents Abram Brown & Ann Skentelberry. He learned trade of merchant tailor there & at 20, married Charlotte Petchell & sailed for America on their honeymoon landed at NY & first settled at Harrisburg, Pa in 1832 & went later to Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1838 went to Ohio & located at Portsmouth & embarked in Wholesale & retail grocery & liquor business at which he continued until his death Nov 30, 1857 at which time his assets were $130,000. He was stockholder in Old State Bank & built many buildings, among them the first 4 story bldg in Portsmouth.

V26 Page 58

Had three sons, Abram S., William [best guess faded] & Thomas Petchel Brown.

Thomas P. Brown was born at Lloydsburg, Pa Sept 14, 1837 educated in Portsmouth, O public schools & at Kenyon College, Gambier, O entered the Old State Bank as clerk, took over his father's business & met with many business reverses in the building of the Scioto Valley RR. She then gives:

T.W.S. Brown died Nov 30, 1857 Portsmouth, O

He was born Apr 22, 1813 in London, Eng

Charlotte Petchell born Oct 10, 1812 Treadring? married in St James Church, London Eng.


1. Abram Brown born Apr 2, 1833

2. William H. Brown born July 18, 1835

3. Thomas Petchell Brown born Sept 14, 1837

Charlotte Petchell Brown died Jany 9, 1883

William H. Brown died Aug 2, 1859 unmarried at Portsmouth

Abram S. Brown died Aug 27, 1865 married no children.

Thomas Petchell Brown died May 15, 1903 at Duluth, Minn

Ida Lodwick Brown died Feby 6, 1926 at Long Beach, Calif.

This record of T.W.S. Brown taken from Biography of Prominent men in Ohio four volumes of which we have. Nellie says her mother's middle name was Morgana, the name of a sweetheart of Harry Stevens who died in New Orleans, La about the time her mother was born & Harry never married.

She now says that her grand-

V26 Page 59

parents, J.N. Lodwick & Eliza Ann Stevens were married in 1839 at Washington, Pa. The date of their son David Blashford's birth rings like 1840. Her mother was named: Idora Morgana Lodwick.

Nellie well remembers her great Aunt Elma Hogan speaking of the Horner tri cornered hat of Revolutionary fame, when as a girl of 14 (say 1888) I made a visit with my grandmother to the Stevens boys in Central City & Boulder Colo viz: Elisha, William & Sally Cannon. Nellie says she heard grandma speak much of the Duncans in Brownsville, Pa & I am sure you are right with the connection. The name Pringle is also right for know it was the connection you speak of & grandma knew Jim Blaine well. (John S. Pringle & Blaine were strong friends) & about his marriage which had to be performed by a Catholic.

The Duncans too were relatives were with grandma & her sister one whole summer and heard it all talked over. She gives eleven children of Col John Lodwick but says she has no record of dates & that three were older that would name the 14 her gf spoke of. She gave three I did not have viz: James, Henry & Jeremiah, but omitted two I have Michael & Kennedy so I now have 13 in my table at b 25 p 424.

V26 Page 60

She says her great Uncle Preston Lodwick see b 14 p 350 & b 25 p 427 was married twice: 1 to a Miss Wood & later 2 to a Miss Cady & had one son Ross who is here now. He gave me his mother's name as Sarah Caroline Halsey see b 25 p 427 (I wonder if she was a widow). She says Lyle had 2 daughters, Helen who passed away at her Walnut Hills home in Cincin, O in 1929 & Mrs Colverand or Olverand who died some years ago.

She says she finds few Stevens dates but find the Stevens lived to be old men & had very busy lives. I cannot remember hearing my grandmother speaking of the Jack family but knew of Elizabeth Jack in Portsmouth, O but did not think she was a relative.

V26 Page 61 [blank]

V26 Page 62 & V26 Page 63

[descendant chart]

Sophia Peairs see b 24 p 601 born Dec 11, 1776 see also b 25 p 425 married Dr Benjamin Stevens


Betty Stevens

William Stevens from Limare John, G., Clara & Frank [sic]

Jane Stevens

Nellie Stevens (Gadd)

Elisha Stevens ob married Sarah Morris who died Apr 9, 1872 in Black Hawk Colo. He died when rather young. Nellie Stevens Brown, his ggd reports 6 children as given below 8/31/31 She now says it was Leah Morris.

James Stevens b Apr 24, 1816 in Greene Co, Pa ob 1885 aged 69 yrs at Boulder Colo make slip to look for his will. Married a Miss Black & had 3 children.

James Stevens lived in Leadville, Colo

Effie Stevens married Mitchell

Emma Stevens married Fuller

Emma Stevens ob married Hogan, Salem Ohio make slip see p 258

Elisha W. Stevens ob 1894 married Jennie Conner. He died in Central City, Colo had one child. E.W. was born in Wheeling, Va

Ed Stevens lived in Denver Colo make slip or write Miss Smith.

Sarah Stevens ob married Patton in Whg, Va & he died & she went to Colo with her brother Wm Horner & her mother & married 2 Jim Cannon a widower & lived at Black Hawk, Colo

Eliza Ann Stevens b Jany 18, 1823 at Morgantown, Va ob Apr 18, 1905 at Duluth Minn married Apr 14, 1840 she now says at Washington, Pa to John Newton Lodwick. She now says bible record gives her birth as June 26, 1823.

William Horner Stevens ob after 1912 He was younger than Eliza. He had a ranch called "Antelope" between Golden & Boulder Colo where my informant, Nellie visited him. He died AT Black Hawk Colo. He was married three times, but had no issue. Lived also at Central City Colo.

Harry Stevens see page 255

Priscilla Stevens [daughter of Dr Benjamin Stevens] married Thos Duncan

Sophia Stevens

V26 Page 64

[descendant chart]

Fannie Petchell Brown see b 25 p 425 married Dec 6, 1893 at Duluth Minn Arthur Clancy Jamison who is now in the auto business at Beverly Hills, Calif. They have 3 children ranging in age from 35 to 28 years.


Lenore Harding Jamison married Jany 17, 1919 in Spokane Robert John Patterson have 4 children oldest aged 10 yrs all born in Spokane Wash. He is in the auto business at Beverly Hills.

Jean Frances Patterson b June 23, 1920

Patricia Elane Patterson b 1922

Harriet Virginia Patterson b Apr 13, 1924

Robert John Patterson Jr b Oct 5, 1926

Chancy Brown Jamison married Katherine Hayes & they have separated & have 1 child

Barbara Jean Jamison

Frances Adeline Jamison married Frank Johnson & live in San Pedro, Calif & have 1 yr old baby. He is in Marine Insurance business.

V26 Page 65 [blank]

V26 Page 66

A letter dated July 27,l 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Mary T. Strouse of Danville, Ind sent from 2500 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute Ind where she is visiting for two weeks says she will answer my letter when she gets home. Says she has not been working on family history for 3 yrs by reason of the illness & death of her husband. She too is bothered with her eyes & says her ailment is incurable.

I have a letter dated July 29, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Maud A. McDonough of Creston, Iowa who says her interest in tracing her family lines is still unabated & she has found that they have a wonderful library at Des Moines, Iowa to which she repairs for research work whenever she can get away from her family homework & recently quite thrilled to find in the marriage record of the First Presbyterian Church of Phila, Pa that on 7, 11, 1724 or on July 11, 1724 Jeremiah Jack married Anne Swayne & wondered if these were not the great grandparents of her great grandfather Robert Boyd. They were & this is the first record I have of their marriage.

V26 Page 67

States that in Des Moines, Iowa there is an old lady who is a professional genealogist. Her name is Markle but I do not know her initials or address. I shall enquire when I go in next week.

She will look up some of the other names I wrote about when she can but just now they have financial problems to contend with in educating their children.

V26 Page 68

Oak Hill Aug 4, 1931 7:30 AM

I have a letter dated July 31, 1931 in answer to an old one of mine from Mrs Nellie Woods of 409 Alexander St, Greensburgh, Pa saying she now has complete the record of the descendants of the Sixth child of Col John Power who married Rev Samuel Woods of Union Co, O & will drive over someday before 14th inst & give it to me & get what I have. See book 10 page 5. She says her grandfather John Beven Woods was a brother of James F. Woods of Greensburgh, Pa. Am writing her this morning to come.

I have a letter from Mrs Catherine L. Eskridge of 120 Logan Street Leavenworth Kansas dated July 24, 1931 in answer to mine in which she sends five old letters, one dated Bellefonte, Pa Apr 8, 1873 writing to her Uncle speaks of 7 new links to their family circle & that she was the first marrying in July 1861 to Dr Robert Hayes to live in Northwestern part of Illinois.

V26 Page 69

Father at that time had a charge in the Reformed Low Dutch Church in Central New York. After practicing 11 yrs in Illinois, her husband's health became delicate & on invitation from his brother, Dr Thomas Hayes of Bellefonte, Pa came here to practice with him.

She says she had three Hame [sic] 11, Grace 10 nearly & Robbie in his 7th year

Father's health is good but he has no regular charge now. He has been at his daughter Cordelia's Allen's [sic] for some time. Another daughter had married a Farwell a merchant of Freeport, Ills where she was teaching music. Says we are all Presbyterians all following our mother in our church relations. Asks if her Uncle David (Bell) is with you & if he remembers the gold ring he sent me to please my childish fancy which she has passed on to her daughter Grace who it has given like pleasure.

In 7 yrs, I will be as old as Max was when she died.

V26 Page 70

I think Lou is much like her in appearance, so father says. Jennie in disposition signed your niece Anna Hayes.

Another letter dated at Bellefonte, Pa Apr 29, 1873 to Dear uncle James (Bell) deplores his affliction & the long distance that separates them. The affliction was his wife's death. next is a letter dated Freeport (Ills) May 5, 1873 signed Jennie R. Arnand to dear Uncle James. Speaks of his letter to Annie which she forwarded to father & he to me. Speaks of Shelbyville, evidently his home. She says her mother's death was just one year on the same day after the death of our baby brother, your little namesake viz: James Bell Arnan. Glad that he & Uncle David are well. Hope her father & her can visit them in the fall.

The last, or 4th letter (one was two sheets) dated Freeport, Ills dated May 20 no year to "Dear Uncle James" from same niece Jennie R. Arnand. Says she has been with sister Louise for last year & regrets

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she can't go to Shelbyville as her sister has been sick & she can't get away. She speaks of just getting his letter in which he evidently asked her to come to him. She speaks of her father living with her sister Cordelia (Allen) in Warren Ills 24 miles from here. His address is Warren, Jo Daviess Co, Ills. Faith (a sister) lives over half a day's from us.

I have had Mrs Pallini read these old letters & will now go over her letter & return these old ones to her.

Mrs Eskridge, now in her 86th year says her mother was buried near Hannibal, Mo in the Van Rensalaer burying grounds.

She gave me dates entered in b 24 p 606 & says Dr James Bell came west from Cumberland Co, Pa in 1834 with his brother David Bell who was a school teacher.

Their sister Mary Ann married Rev Aurand (as I make her reading, Mrs Pallini says her daughter Jennie R. writes it Arnand) in Pa & had five daughters, respectively:

1. Annie who married Robert Hayes author of one of enclosed letters & then

2-5 Jennie, Louise, Cordelia & Faithful. They settled in Illinois.

V26 Page 72

I have a letter dated July 19, 1931 from Mrs Mary Biddle Pointing who was with us 3 mos ago of 2535 college Ave, Berkeley, Calif.

She says she has a book fine print which she prizes very highly which she is sending or will send me to have read to me & returned entitled: "Speech of Com Jesse Duncan Elliott U.S.N. delivered in Hagerstown, Md Nov 14, 1843 published by the Committee of arrangements of Washington Co Md" Phila, Pa G.B. Jiefer? & Co 1844. Also a photograph copy of a portrait of her grandfather which she will send on hearing from me.

She says her sisters now in Europe took the Mediterranean cruise from Genoa to Egypt & along the Asia Minor coast & visited their nephew Col Jesse Duncan Elliott, his wife & son at Constantinople where he is our military attache. Her sisters are now in Switzerland expecting to return in Sept to their home at Dresden for the winter.

She says they are very loyal to "poor Germany".

Also says they have had the Golden Gate Park museum closed for months adding wings etc.

She sends me the following:

V26 Page 73


Brevet Major General Washington L. Elliott

United States Army

Second Lieut, Plain } on Green

first Lieut, 1 bar }

Caplain [sic] 2 bars }

Major 2 leaves gold } on yellow

Lieut Colonel 2 leaves gold}

Colonel 1 silver eagle }

General 1 gold star } on blue

Major general 2 gold stars}

U.S. Mounted rifles

U.S. Volunteer U.S. Army

Corps Flags

Cross Sabre

Blue White Star

Gold wreath White Glue Diamond

Blue White triangle

The above are painted on the escutcheon

Army record

Cadet U.S. Military July 1, 1841- June 30, 1844

2d Lieut Co K May 27, 1846

U.S. Mounted Rifles:

1st Lieut Co E July 20, 1847

1st Lieut Regimental Lieutenants

Apr 1, 1852

Capt Co A mounted rifles

3d Cavalry July 23, 1854

Colonel 2d Iowa Cavalry Sept 14, 1861

Major 1st U.S. Cavalry Nov 5, 1861

Brevet Lieut Colonel Apr 7, 1862

"For Gallant & meritorious services in the capture of Island No 10 on the Mississippi River"

V26 Page 74

Brevet Colonel May 30, 1862

"For Gallant & meritorious services in the raid on Miss & Ohio railway & in the siege of Corinth, Miss"

Brigadier General U.S. army

& Brevet Major General U.S. Volunteers

"For gallant & meritorious services in battles before Nashville, Tenn to date from Mch 13, 1865

Brevet Major General U.S. Army Mch 13, 1865

"for gallant & meritorious services during the war"


Served during the war with Mexico 1846-1848 mounted rifles

Siege & capture of Vera Cruz, Mexico

On duty in Oregon route 1848-1851

On duty in Texas 1851-1854

Texas & New Mexico until 1860

Mustering duty in Elmira NY

Rebellion 1861-1865

commanding Cavalry Army of Southwest (General Lyon)

Action: at Springfield Mo & battle of Wilson Creek Aug 10, 1861

commanding Brigade of Cavalry Army of Tenn

Capture of New Madrid Mo & Island No 10 Miss river Siege of Corinth & raid on Miss & Ohio RR

chief of Cavalry army of Virginia Aug 1862

Battle of Bull Run Va Aug 30k 1862

In command of Department on North west Nov 1862-Feby 1863

V26 Page 75

In command of 1st Brigade 2d Div 8th Army corps Feby - July 1863

In command of 3d Div 3d army corps army of the Potomac July - Oct 1863

In command of 1st cavalry Div army of the Cumberland being engaged in reinforcing General A.E. Burnside on East Tenn Campaign

Commanding troops in action at Mass? Creek Tenn Dec 29, 1863

Chief of Cavalry Army of the Cumberland in command of 2d div 4th corps

Army of the Cumberland Dec 1864 - Apr 1865

Engaged in East Tenn & Atlanta Campaign. Battle before Nashville, Tenn & pursuit of Hood's Rebel Army.

In command of district of Kansas Aug 1865 - Feb 1866

Lieut Col 1st U.S. cavalry Aug 31, 1866

In command 1st U.S. Cavalry 1867-1875

In command of District of Orrybee? Had quarters Boise, Indian Territory

Colonel 3d U.S. Cavalry Apr 4, 1876

retired Mch 20, 1879 having served over 30 years

U.S. Army War office

Three Badges

Army of the Cumberland

Grand Army

Loyal Legion

V26 Page 76

Gold snuff box

Souvenir of the "Constitution" to Com. Jesse Duncan Elliott from his friend Edward Livingston Minister to Great Britain.

Presented to Com J.D.E. on the U.S. Frigate Constitution June 22, 1835 as a mark of return for kind attention. Initials on corner J.D.E. In leather case, velvet & silk lined.

Snuff box

Mother of pearl & silver on case "Annunciation" blessed by Pope Pius IX abt 1848 pearl & metal? Rosary about 1849 also blessed by Pope Pius IX.

Medallion of White metal

The "Personification of Honour, Truth & Justice" marked on one side, on the other side is inscribed: To J. Fennimore Cooper

The offering of a grateful heart for his disinterested vindication of his brother sailor Jesse D. Elliott. the gold reproduced medal I spoke about. I hope to see & copy what was written in the lid of the box when I can have access to it at the museum. It may be some time before I can go so be patient. In the Golden Gate Park museum, Silver medal presented to Captain Jesse Duncan Elliott 1814.

At one side bears image of J.D.E. reverse side "The Fleet"

V26 Page 77

case made in Charlestown, Mass in 1834 of wood from U.S. Constitution (frigate) of which J.D.E. was commander plate on Corner inscribed: Presented to Jesse Duncan Elliott of the U.S. Navy by Congress of U.S. Jany 6, 1814.

Topaz seal set in gold presented to Com Jesse D. Elliott by Congress after War of 1812. Seal is stone engraved with American Eagle surmounting half globe. British Lion on the left side.

These medals suspended from sword, anchor & initials J.D.E.

v26 Page 78

I have a letter dated Aug 2, 1931 in answer to mine from Edmund Hayes Bell of Wash D.C. now at Brownsville, Pa

He says he has some records of the Parish of Enniskillen, Ireland but don't find where a Robinson married a Catherine Elliott. It was however a runaway match. He does find there however a marriage in 1736 of Willoughby Irvine to Margaret Elliott. He suggests however that they may have been the parents of Genl William Irvine of Carlisle, Pa who was born in Enniskillen Ireland Nov 3, 1746.

He wonders whether Gen Wm Robinson's father was James. There is now ill or adm on estate of James Robinson in Pgh. Gen R. inherited considerable property from his father. He styled himself Gen Wm Robinson Jr. Perhaps his father's name was William & not James & perhaps his father's will was recorded in Westnd Co, (I don't think so) on the other hand, Gen Robinson's will names "my eldest son" James & son Wm O'Hara Robinson.

heirs of son Alex Parker Robinson,

son John D. Robinson

son Frank P. Robinson

daughters Anna R. Blair

daughters Mary P. Shoenberger

& his wife Mary Robinson who we know was daughter of Capt Alexander Parker of Carlisle, Pa.

V26 Page 79

Asks if I know who Benjamin Elliott was who in 1810 came from Greene Co Pa to Wharton Tp Fay Co. This Benj Elliott was born in 1781 & died in 1863. He had 4 daughters & two sons: Solomon & S.D. Elliott who may have been named Stephen Duncan Elliott (I think his name was Saml D.) Says he promised to send me copy of Genl Wm Thompson's com but just now can't lay his hand on it, but will send it when it turns up.

V26 Page 80

Oak Hill Aug 5, 1931 6:40 AM

I have a letter dated July 12, 1931 postmarked July 23, in answer to mine from Miss Elizabeth Carothers 1070 Tillamook ST, Portland, Oregon saying data is on the way to me as she has several relatives helping to gather the data to complete their branch of the family & she will send it to me as it comes in. She says that yesterday she went to the Lone Fir Cem in Portland Oregon & found the graves of Finice Caruthers & his mother with the inscriptions below, just the years given:

"Finice Caruthers

Born Christian Co, Ky 1818

Died Sept 5, 1860"

The mother

"Elizabeth Thomas died Aug 18, 1857 aged 73 years"

That is all.

She says you will notice she went by the name of Elizabeth here. She may have dropped Sarah for reasons of her own.

She says her Aunt Mary Saltmarsh likes my letters & says they have the Carothers earmarks. Also says she remembers hearing the family speak of the Nailor relatives & says

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that John Henderson Carothers, father of Kate Eskridge used also to talk of the Nailor relatives. She thinks they come from Robert 1690-1771.

She says unfortunately, she is not on good terms with her brother as he married the wrong person & proceeded to lose the old Family Bible & allowed the portrait of Andrew Carothers to be damaged.

She says they do not have Dr Egle's notes & Queries In their library.

She says that her Aunt Mary tells her that John Carothers, Sheriff born 1770 (brother of Andrew the lawyer) married Emily ______ & had three daughters viz:

Betty, Mary Ann & Emily

They lived in Shelbyville, Shelby Co, Mo where he died. She thinks he was in the Mexican War where he served as a surgeon. Make slip.

She deplores my not having seen Siam & says their Secy Dr A.J. Brown thought it the most beautiful country he ever visited.

Says they are not connected with the Neely's she is sure.

Her Aunt Mary says that a

V26 Page 82

Tom Carothers, a relative of theirs lived in Natchez, Miss in 1838 & she insists that many of their family lived in the south which is very true.

Says will not be able to get further data on Anna Sullivan & Lola Riley. In studying her files, she says that John F. Carothers of Clarence, Mo says that one of his grandfather's brothers was the father of Finis Caruthers, the founder of Portland, Oregon. His grandfather was James Carothers born 1788.

Says she will try to get the names of my other family lines there.

Elizabeth Carothers sends me a two page typed acct from which I take the following:

Portland Oregon, Its History & Builders by Joseph Gaston 1911

Says Wm Johnson was the first settler in the limits of old Portland

Lovejoy & Pettygrove were the next settlers. They laid out 16 blocks. Then Johnson sold out to Finice Carothers Monday May 17, 1858 the first school in the Central building was opened. Finice Caruthers gave generously to this school

Jason Lee organized the first Protestant (Methodist) Church in Oregon in the Willamette Valley in 1843.

At Rev Benjamin Wistar Morris, Bishop

V26 Page 83

of Oregon, was a lineal descendant of Robert Morris, the intimate friend of George Washington, the 2d Episcopal Bishop of Oregon. First church service was at Champoeg 1848-51. The First Presbyterian Church organized west of the Rocky Mountains was the one at Clatsop Plums looking directly out on the great Pacific Ocean. This church was organized by Rev Lewis Thompson, Sept 19, 1846.

Finice Caruthers

Elizabeth Caruthers & her son Finice came to Oregon with the emigration of 1847. In 1850 in Portland, they took up donation claims adjoining & built a cabin with a part on each of their claims. In three counties, they had altogether, about 1400 acres. The mother died Aug 18, 1857 & Finice died Sept 6, 1860 intestate & without heirs or a will.

It was thought by some she had taken her maiden name when she came to Oregon. An old man, Joseph Thomas, a trapper from St Louis, Mo was brought to Oregon & after one year or I should say on Oct 10, 1871 a settlement was made & it was thought that Elizabeth had married Joseph Thomas in Dickson Co, Tenn in 1816 & Finis was their legal son. He was away trapping & hunting in the mountains all the time & she got tired of it &

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came west, taking her maiden name & giving it to her son. I glory in her spunk. some of the Caruthers family came out to claim the land. I have these names & addresses. Perhaps we will be able to trace a connection with our line.

Alexander B. Caruthers of Okalona, Clark Co, Ark, Finice Wirt, Caroline Wirt, Catherine Cannon, Sarah Appleberry, all of Somerville, Fayette Co, Tenn.

William Caruthers, Cyrene Caruthers, Mary E. Caruthers, Erving V. Caruthers, John C. Caruthers & Sarah J. Caruthers all of Atascosa Co, Texas. I forgot the town, it is Somerset.

Perhaps you have come across some of these people before (I have not). She thinks John F. Caruthers of Clarence Mo might have more information about Finice. Make slip. She thinks John F. told her that Finice came from Carutherville, Mo. The mystery of the husband of Elizabeth is not solved for sure yet, so it remains to be proven. The courts gave old Joseph Thomas a money settlement. He was brought to Oregon & an effort was made to identify him of course his money was scattered to the four winds, everybody trying to get some. I will go to the cemetery before I send this.

She encloses a circular of the 100th birthday anniversary of James Whifford on Oct 29, 1927 born Oct 30, 1827 in Shadduck, Four Corners NY whose father lived to be 108 yrs old.

V26 Page 85

I have a letter dated July 30, 1931 from Cass K. Shelby 534 Hickory St, Hollidaysburg, Pa, who says that in recent conversation with Albert Baker Slean of Wilkinsburg, he surprised him by stating that I claimed descent from Col Wm Crawford of Connellsville, Pa (which I don't) & says he is descended from Col Crawford's half brother Richard Stevenson & asks for information about their mother Honora Grimes & says her first husband William's father was John Crawford (as all others do & I am writing to know where he gets it) of Berkeley Co Va (now Jefferson Co WVA he says) make slip.

I have a letter postmarked Nov 26, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs D.L. Van Dyke, Liberty Mo in which she says Hugh Caruthers address should be Lawrenceburg Ky instead of Louisville as she gave me. This Hugh Caruthers is the son of my grandfather's brother Will. see pages 595-6. There were three brothers:

Sam who died a bachelor aged 82 yrs

William & my grandfather James

Their sister's name was Mary Frances who married a man named Hackney & settled in Indiana.

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You can write her daughter, Mrs Thomas W. Mossman, Lafontaine, Ind. see page 595-6. My grandmother's name was Susan LeSuerr & she was born & raised in Jessamine Co, Ky as was my grandfather. They came to Mo in abt April or the last of March 1860. This Will Carothers from NC could only have been a brother or Uncle of my grandfather's father, but I did not try to trace the relationship.

My understanding that the mother or grandmother of Caroline Wells of Wash D.C. was the only sister of Joseph Carothers (her ggfather) but I might be mistaken. That would make her my great great aunt.

I will try & get that address for you. You might get some information about her from Natl Headquarters of the D.A.R. Wash D.C. of which she is a member. On inquiry, I found that the name of the Caruthers at Little Mound Ky is Frank instead of Robert, but I am not at all sure that he is any relation to us. She returns my questionnaire B 24 p 90 gives her mother as Mrs L.H. Adams, Gardner, Kan. Her sister, Mrs Roy S. Baer 1154 W. 66th ST, Kansas City, MO who she says has the address of Caroline Wells locked up.

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Oak Hill Aug 6, 1931 7:42 AM

I have a two page letter large size with two pages of records dated July 18, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Mary J. Peairs 335 S. Graham St, Pittsburgh, Pa in which she says she will be very glad to share with me any information she has about the Peairs family. Says she is a descendant of Joseph Peairs & his wife Susannah Allen & most of her notes give inf about that line & she has very little back of that generation.

Says her father had started gathering data for a history of the family shortly before his death & since his death she has pieced his notes together & added some to it. About 11 yrs ago, I met Miss Edith Smith in Denver Colo & she gave me some information.

A little later, a Miss Rorison from New York wrote to me & gave me some notes. She was hunting notes along the line of Joseph Peairs, son of John Peairs & his wife Maria Delamater (I will want that now). Asks if I want information as to all she has of the Peairs family & says if I do, it will take some time to put it together. Says all the information she has

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about William Peairs & Mary Jack is a list of their children (this is very important & greatly appreciated) & she does not know that is authentic. She gives eight names & I am tabling them on page 90-1.

She says it is thought Isaac settled in Tenn. This connects him up with what I have as a brother of the father of our Elisha see book

She encloses a list of the families of Elisha Peairs & his son Joseph which I will table also. I have a list of the families of Joseph's children but will await a reply before writing more now. That is just what I want & am writing her today for it. My brother & myself have visited the graves of Elisha Peairs & wife at Laurel Hill. Hoping to hear from you again etc I am tabling Elisha Peairs family again on pages 92 & 93

V26 Page 89 [blank]

V26 Page 90 & V26 Page 91

[descendant chart]

Mary Jack born Jany 1, 1687 see Anjou hist page 123 daughter of Jacob Jack who I feel very sure is the one who married William Peairs


Isaac Peairs

John Peairs see p 94

Elisha Peairs

Joseph Peairs

William Peairs

Andrew Peairs

Jonathan Peairs

Mary Peairs

V26 Page 92 [blank]

V26 Page 93

V26 Page 94 & V26 Page 95

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Jack see b 24 p 600-1 b 1735 ob 1814 daughter of Jeremiah Jack who the records of the First Pres Ch Phila, Pa show married Anne Swayne on July 11, 1724. Married Elisha Peairs b 1726 ob May 16, 1816. He was son of John Peairs who was son of William Peairs & his wife Mary Jack see page 90, so that his grandmother was an older half sister of his wife's father. They are both buried at Laurel Hill Pres Ch g.y. I have exact dates of birth of all of their children b 24 p 600=1 & am just entering here the years Miss Peairs gives & what married records she gives which I have more fully in b 5 p 372-3. The birth dates are all the same except the last with she gives as 1784 & I have it both 1784 & Nov 8, 1787. Elisha Peairs will is recorded here in will 1 p 166 see b 13 p 123. He was apptd Lieut of militia by the governor of Virginia during the Revolutionary War. He was sworn into office on Mch 25, 1778 near West Elizabeth, Pa. They had 12 children.


Jeremiah Peairs b 1758

Joseph Peairs b Apr 10, 1760 ob Apr 3, 1807 married Susannah Allen b June 30, 1764 ob Jany 23, 1821 see pages 96-7

John Peairs b 1763

Mary Peairs b 1765 married James Allen 2 children

James Peairs b 1768 married Elizabeth McClean

Nancy Peairs b 1769 married 1 Stevens 5 children

Isabella Peairs b 1772 married Wm McClean

Isaac Peairs b 1772 married Margaret McClean

Elisha Peairs b 1774

Sophia Peairs b 1776 married Benj Stevens 7 children

Elizabeth Peairs b 1779 ob 1854 married William Gaddis 6 children

Rachel Peairs b 1784

V26 Page 96 & V26 Page 97

[descendant chart]

Joseph Peairs see p 94 b Apr 10, 1760 ob Apr 3, 1807 he lived at Round Hill near Elizabeth Pa & he & his wife are buried there in the cemetery of the Presbyterian church. Married Susannah Allen b June 30, 1764 ob Jany 23, 1821. They had 12 children.


Elisha Peairs b Sept 30, 1785 ob Feby 26, 1844 married Sarah Wycoff 1791-1831

David Peairs b Nov 24, 1786 ob May 27, 1862 married 1. Elizabeth Fierney [sic] married 2 Mary Mercer

James Peairs b Aug 25, 1788 ob Jany 22, 1807

Elizabeth Peairs b Jany 18, 1790 ob Oct 16, 1827 married John Plumer

Nancy Peairs b Oct 1, 1796 ob Feby 22, 1882 married Wm Fulton

Susan Peairs b Sept 10, 1793 ob married John Wycoff on Jany 3, 1817. He was born Mch 5, 1793

Joseph Peairs b July 12, 1795 ob Mch 27, 1880 married 1 Nancy Byers married 2 Ruth Evans

John Peairs b Feby 8, 1797 ob Jany 14, 1887 married Mary Westbay grandfather of my informant

Allen Peairs b Oct 16, 1798 ob May 3, 1832 married Mary McKinley

William Peairs b Oct 3, 1800 ob May 2, 1873 married Jane Mahon

Isaac Peairs b Dec 22, 1802 ob Oct 13, 1880 married Elizabeth Davis

Mary Peairs b Nov 17, 1804 ob Dec 26, 1817 Albert Wycoff gives her birth from old bible Nov 19, 1804

V26 Page 98 [blank]

V26 Page 99 [blank]

V26 Page 100 [blank]

V26 Page 101 [blank]

V26 Page 102

Thompson - Shannon

Abstract wills vol 1 p 49

Samuel Thompson North Huntingdon Tp dated Apr 10, 1800. I have this.

On July 15, 1931, I wrote to the Com of Pensions asking if ggf Wm Thompson or his widow Mary Jack Thompson or Mary Jack Logan or their son Andrew Finley Thompson had ever applied for or recd a pension & I have answer dated July 31, 1931 from A.D. Hiller Asst to Admr of Veterans Administration, Wash D.C. advising that Revolutionary War data obtained from this office are based on & obtained from claims made to the U.S. for pension & bounty land based on military service of soldiers in that war. A careful search of the records fails to show such claims on file on account of the services of William Thompson as described. The War of 1812 records of this office do not show that a claim for pension was ever made on account of the services of any Andrew Finley Thompson or of Andrew Thompson as described searched under all spellings)

V26 Page 103

I have a letter today dated Aug 3, 1931 in answer to mine of 31st ulto from Mrs R.F. Haynes 207 McAlister ST Greenville, Miss giving information about her children which I have recorded at Page 37 & also saying that the data given by her in her answer to Estell Finley in the Columbia Tenn Paper on Feby 12, 1929 was given to her by Maj Albert Finley France of 267 Hanover ST, Annapolis, Md who is writing a Finley history.

I have a letter today dated Aug 4, 1931 in answer to mine of 27 ulto from Mrs Lillie Ritter Tripp of Sioux City, Iowa who is at Stanhope, Iowa where her sister Martha is sick. She sends her record 3 pages gives addresses of her brother & sisters which I had & says if there is anything more she can do to write her. See b 21 p 225 & also on next page.

V26 Page 104

Lillie Ritter see b 21 p 225 b Nov 20, 1866 my informant for this record married Oct 12, 1890 in Sioux City, Iowa Charles Willis Tripp b June 15, 1858 ob Feby 22, 1924


Roy Charles Tripp b Oct 7, 1891 married Feby 9, 1918 in Sioux City Iowa to Rose Elizabeth Engle. Have 2 children born at Oakton S.D.

LeRoy Herbert Tripp b June 21, 1920

Bernice Rose Tripp b Aug 9, 1923

Frank Ritter Tripp b Aug 30, 1894 married Nov 1, 1924 in Sioux City, Iowa to Mary Buzgert [or Buzzert]

V26 Page 105 [blank]

V26 Page 106

Oak Hill Aug 8, 1931 7:30 AM

It is 35 years at the inception of this day since my dear Mary passed away, a wonderful woman, good, wise capable & lovely.

2 PM

I am now commencing with the second of the four big bunches of large sized envelopes which is but 2 in high & contains 30 envelopes continuing alphabetically from Cadiz O to Menominee Wis ie alphabetically by states.

A letter dated Apr 21, 1928 from Alberta H. Lynn of Cadiz, O speaks much of her mother's illness & sends me a Finley record which she gets from the D.A.R. Mag Aug 1927 page 608 Answer which I am tabling p 108.l Andrew Findley married first wife who died in Ireland 1742 married 2 Jemima Jackes.

This data is from a book of Knowles & Findley records owned by F.L. Knowles from the Gen Soc of Pa Vol 12 Reg of Wills, deeds Orphans court records & Archives of Pa show that most of these Findleys came to Penna 1763-1767.

Alexander & James, sons of Wm & Margot came to Bucks Co, Pa

V26 Page 107

William Findley & his children by his Irish wife came to Westmoreland Co Pa. His son Alexander went to Wash Co, finally to Findley Lake NY. They were both Revolutionary Soldiers as were the first James & Alexander. Most of these court records are in possession of the Pa Hist Soc, Phila. Signed G. Dilen California

The Alexander & James above shd be said to be sons of the 1st Wm & Martha. The second William I am sure is Wm Findley M.C. from Westnd Co Pa who died at Latrobe, Pa abt 1820.

I have a letter postmarked Aug 11, 1925 from Dr John L. Carithers 607 Scofield Bldg Cleveland, O in which he gives a record back to his great grandfather which I am tabling with the information he gives commencing on page 110. He gives a few addresses of his Uncles families. Alexander Carithers daughter, Louise Albright, Ray Ind (St Louis, Mo) Moses Carithers, Edgar Carithers, William Carithers, Mrs Clara Wilkinson, Ray Ind & Dorcas J. Chapman, Inglewood, Cal RR 3 Box 495 A.

Sarah J. McCormack, Leighton, Ala or Fred McCormack same address, James Carithers & Jennie Black Coal St, Quincy, Mich.

V26 Page 108

[descendant chart]

William Findley of County Antrim Ireland see page 106 married 1734 Martha Dreamer of County Antrim Ireland. Had the children named below born in Co Antrim, Ireland.


Archibald Findley b 1735

John Findley b Oct 7, 1737 married 1757 Mary Boyd

Alexander Findley b 17--

James Findley b 1739

William Findley b Jany 1740-1 married 1 1758 Co Down, Margot Mary Jane Russell who died 1701 daughter of Hafe [sic] Russell married 2 Mary Cochran born Franklin Co, Pa. Married 3 Mary Caruthers widow

Margot Findley b 1759 (twin)

Alexander Findley b 1759 (twin)

Mary Findley b 1760

Jane Findley b 1761

Samuel Findley b 1742

V26 Page 109 [blank]

V26 Page 110 & V26 Page 111

[descendant chart]

Samuel Carithers born in Ireland married Sarah Cane


James Carithers born in Ireland 1800 ob Feby 8, 1851 married Mary Barnhill b Aug 1, 1799 had 7 children.

Samuel B. Carithers b Dec 14, 1824 ob Mch 3, 1901 he was born at Londonderry, Co Donegal, Ireland & died in California, Mich. Married 1 in Balto Md 1862 Martha Barnhill born in Ireland in 1833 ob Sept 27, 1870 in Calif Mich granddaughter of Hugh Barnhill. Had 3 children. Married 2 May 28, 1872 Ellen L. Myers of Gilbo, O b Sept 17, 1852 had 4 children. Their oldest child, Wm was born in Balto Md & the other six in California, Branch Co Mich.

William Carithers b Oct 3, 1864 ob unmarried

Dr John L. Carithers b Dec 26, 1865 my informant married June 15, 1904 Anna Pauline Dupper b May 14, 1888 in Cincin, O daughter of Christian F. Dupper & wife Freda Breckley. Have 1 child born at Cincin, O.

Violet Marie Carithers b Apr 3, 1906 & lives 1590 Elmwood, Cleveland, O

Martha Carithers b Dec 29, 1868 ob Apr 18, 1922 married David F. Valentine of Bluffton, Ind b Feby 11, 1854 live Ft Wayne Ind & have 3 children.

Forest C. Valentine b Oct 24, 1897

Clay E. Valentine b Aug 9, 1899

Donald Valentine b Sept 29, 1901

Samuel Carithers b Apr 5, 1874 married & has one daughter lives Wiser, Idaho.

Ella Carithers b Apr 7, 1875. ob Sept 19, 1923 married Sept 13, 1899 Edwin S. Manchester b July 14, 1871 in Hubert, O son of John L. Manchester & wife Rachel Dennison. Had 4 children. He lives Ypsilanti, Mich c/o NY Central.

Nola Manchester b Aug 30, 1900 married

Holmes Manchester b May 25, 1902 married

Thelma Manchester b Apr 14, 1907

Robert Manchester b June 13, 1916

Addie Carithers b Mch 5, 1877 married Levy Tift & live at Coldwater Mich. Have one daughter.

Ladorna Tift, married Calvin Carithers b Aug 15, 1881 married Edith Harter of Little River Kan b May 15, 1886 daughter of David Harter & wife Laura McDaniel. They have five children the first four born at Galt, Kansas. His address then was Pretty Prairie Kan. His mother's address Mrs E.L. Myers Ray, Ind were they divorced?

Laura Carithers b July 23, 1911

Donald Lamarr Carithers b Jany 25, 1912

LaDorna Marie Carithers b Oct 2, 1913

Cleo Josephine Carithers b Mch 23, 1915

Leota Pearl Carithers b Jany 18, 1917

Alexander Carithers [son of James b 1800] b Mch 26, 1826

John Carithers, no record

Moses Carithers, no record

William Carithers b Jany 3, 1832

Sarah J. Carithers b Aug 11, 1833

James Carithers b May 21, 1837

V26 Page 112

Oak Hill Aug 9, 1931 8:22 AM

I have a letter dated June 12, 1925 obedient to my request from Henry O. Secrest of Secrest Motor Co Euclid Ave & E 84th St, Cleveland, O enclosing Hatfield & Cunningham records just as he had recd them from Wooster O. I answered him July 21, 1925 & made slips, but did not make record in my book which I will now do by table commencing on page 114. Mrs Adelaide H. Satterfield of the family writing Apr 30, 1925 from Wooster, O addressing "Dear Anna" speaks of an experience in like family tree data that cost them money & wants it understood that they are not obligated to take a book unless they choose to do it. They report the first wife of Alvinzi Cunningham, son of Wm J. Cunningham see b 24 p 494 (where I have the record gotten from Mrs Albright of Ravenna O) viz Sarah R. Patrick as born 1844 & died Oct 1898.

They give a Hatfield record which I cannot place but I know they are Finley descendants probably through

V26 Page 113

Matilda R. Patterson so I am tabling them on page 116. Whoever sends this record writes on the back that Lowella Willett Tavenner (no address given) has a fairly complete record of the Bucyrus & Findlay O families of relatives. Make slip to enquire at Wooster, O who & where she is.

V26 Page 114 & V26 Page 115

[descendant chart]

Dr Robert Johnston Cunningham b Aug 27, 1833 ob June 24, 1912 son of James Cunningham & his wife Hannah Finley of Fayette Co, Pa married 1 1859 Maria Johnston ob Mch 28, 1890 & had 2 children. Married 2 May 25, 1892 Alice E. Lawrence then still living.


Laura Ethel Cunningham b Jany 24, 1874 ob Nov 12, 1914

Dr Leroy James Cunningham b Nov 24, 1879 married 1 1904 Annabel McCullough b Nov 25, 1878 ob 1912 married 2 Oct 8, 1913 to Nellie Griffin Dayton, O b June 27, 1878

V26 Page 116

[descendant chart]

Matilda R. Patterson b 1819 ob May 30, 1878 married 1839 George D. Hatfield b 1817 ob July 11, 1904 They report 7 children without dates.


Margaret Jane Hatfield ob 1862

James Hatfield ob 1862

Sinclair J. Hatfield married Caroline McClure. He died 1911

Robert Hatfield b Nov 23, 1848 married Feby 13, 1873 Joanne Brown b Feby 13, 1848 had 4 children.

Mary A. Hatfield b Mch 4, 1874 married May 10, 1900 to Charles Winkler b Dec 1, 1872 had one child

George D. Winkler b Feby 8, 1902 married Sept 4, 1924 to Evelyn Armstrong b Oct 5, 1902

Earl Calvin Hatfield b Apr 14, 1877 married Aug 18, 1910 to Maude Mae Arthur b Oct 5, 1875 have one child

Edith Mable Hatfield b Oct 14, 1914

Mable Hope Hatfield b Sept 5, 1879 ob May 15, 1908 married Aug 20, 1904 to D.H. Laneaux b Feby 23, 1875 had 2 children

Robert Laneaux b Feby 27, 1906

Margret Laneaux b Nov 15, 1908

Florence Pearl Hatfield b Feby 8, 1886 married Nov 15, 1910 to J. Maxwell Langell b Aug 26, 1885

William P. Hatfield married Catherine Taggart. He died 1924

Alice R. Hatfield

Adelaide Hatfield married Rev D. Satterfield

V26 Page 117 [blank]

V26 Page 118

I have a 7 page legal cap size copy of the will of Mary Margaret Kerr of Union Tp, Brown Co O sent to me Nov 3, 1925 by Howard D. Waters, probate Judge Georgetown, O, who I saw a few days before when there.

Application for probate made Aug 24, 1886 before Geo P. Tyler then probate Judge by Wm J. Young states she died Aug 20, 1886 leaving next of kin:

James McMichael half brother Georgetown, O

Martha Furis

John Thompson brother, Ripley, O

will of

Margaret Kerr Union Tp Brown Co, O Item 2

1st to my brother-in-law Wm Kerr of Brown Co, O $4000

2. to my niece Sarah Kerr & to my nephews James, Verner & William Kerr children of my decd brother-in-law Samuel Kerr equally $4000

3d to my 2 nephews, children of my decd sister-in-law Sarah Gallatin $2000 equally

4th To Maggie Williamson daughter of sd Wm Kerr namesake $1000

5. To Maggie Kerr daughter of Verner Kerr & granddaughter of sd Saml Kerr namesake $500. (The above I take to be her husband's relatives

which come in on our Finley line & those following on her side may be found to be in our Thompson line.)

V26 Page 119

6th to my niece Aggie Russell daughter of my decd sister Sarah Anderson $2000

7th to my nephews Wm & George Anderson children of sd Sarah $500 & to their brother Frank Anderson $1000

8th to my nephew Lines Pangburn son of my decd sister Polly Pangburn $3000. If no heirs of his body to go to his brother Samuel Pangburn.

9th to sd nephew Saml Pangburn $5000

10th to my nephew Charles Thompson son of my brother John Thompson $1000 charged with his father's support

11th to Maggie & Inez Thompson children of George & Lou Thompson $500 each

Item 3 to my half brother James McMichael any bals he may owe on note & mtge I hold vs him.

Item 4 to my nephew John Wiley Thompson son of my decd brother Thomas Thompson s 1/2 of lot 23 in Historia, Brown Co, O which he & wife conveyed to me Dec 30, 1875.

Item 5 to my nephew Charles Thompson son of my brother John Thompson in lot 75 in Ripley, O being the premises on which the sd John Thompson now resides & which he is to control as a home for himself & family.

Item 6 to my sd nephew Samuel Thompson that part of my farm on which I now reside known as the Espy farm as per deed to me dated Jany 20, 1869 from John, Margaret Ann & Audrey K. Espy.

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Item 7. To my sd nephew Charles Thompson that part of the farm on which I reside known as the Crozier farm deeded to me Feby 27, 1869 by John P. Crozier & his wife Harriet K. Crozier.

Item 8. To my sd nephew Samuel Pangburn & Lines Pangburn equally the Beasly farm

Item 9 my farm in Adams Co, Ohio described in deed from David Johnson & wife to my late husband Verner Kerr, I give as follows:

1. to my brother-in-law Wm Kerr of Brown Co, O 2/5

2. to my niece Sarah Kerr & my nephews James, Verner & Wm Kerr children of my decd brother-in-law Samuel Kerr equally 2/5

3. to my two nephews, children of my decd sister-in-law Sarah Gallatin equally 1/5

Item 10 residue equally to following persons:

My said niece Aggie Russell, My sd nephews Wm, George & Frank Anderson, to Charles, John Wiley, & Maggie Thompson & Inez Thompson (the last two children of George & Lou Thompson)

Item 11 Appoint Wm D. Young of Ripley O Exr. Dated July 27, 1880 Margaret Kerr. She makes a codicil on July 18, 1883 stating that Charles Thompson has died & makes other provision for what she left him.

V26 Page 121

I find a typewritten page 8 3/4 x 11 in on letterhead of Hopedale Telephone Co Hopedale, O without envelope date or signature, but showing Roy A. Black as Mgr & John B. Beadle Sec & Treas with a fine black record which I think must have been handed me by Roy when I was out there 8 or 10 yrs ago & which I will table commencing on next page. Folded inside of it was a note size written page giving nine Allen births just years & also two long obituary & funeral notice clippings which I evidently got on same trip & folded within the Black record. I can't just place Black but know he is in one of our lines.

On back of slip of Wendell's children is written "Chester Allen Smith" "We found this additional paper among our record:

Martha S. Allen 1817

James Allen 1818

William S. Allen 1819

Mary Pierce Allen 1820

John White Allen 1821

David H. Allen 1822

Susan Allen 1823

Josiah Allen 1824

Robert Rush Allen 1825

Hope this may be of help. Sincerely David K. Allen

James Allen 1818 is he who I knew & Susan 1823 is Mrs Robt Hogsett. They are grandchildren of Mary Peairs daughter of Elisha & Elizabeth

V26 Page 122 & V26 Page 123

[descendant chart]

Samuel Dwight Black was born Oct 18, 1848 ob Sept 4, 1916 see page 121 married Oct 18, 1870 to Alice Taggart b Sept 21, 1852 ob Dec 2, 1907 had 9 children.


Evarinsa Black b Sept 24, 1871 married Aug 18, 1908 to Walter H. Everhart & have 2 children.

George Walter Everhart b Sept 15, 1909

Martha Ellen Everhart b Dec 10, 1915

Ira Hewey Black b May 19, 1873 ob Aug 3, 1915 married Dec 17, 1902 to Georgia Keenan

David Taggart Black b Nov 29, 1874

George Stewart Black b May 19, 1877 married Oct 2, 1907 Margaret Mable Kyle & have 3 children.

Roy Arene Black b Feby 28, 1879 married Oct 5, 1904 to Clara Eaton born Mch 28, 1879 ob Mch 25, 1919 & had 7 children.

Mabel Anna Black b Sept 9, 1905

Mary Edith Black b Feby 14, 1907

Ralph Eaton Black b Feby 8, 1909

Edwin Howard Black b Dec 22, 1910

Alice Elizabeth Black b Sept 21, 1913

Margaret Jane Black b Dec 15, 1915

Francis Willard Black b Mch 23, 1918

John Lloyd Black b Feby 27, 1881

Laura Elsie Black b Apr 3, 1885

Lester Dwight Black b Aug 22, 1888

Wendell Orrin Black b July 5, 1896 married Gladys Pauline Sherman b May 15, 1895, have 3 children.

Vincent Lester Black b Mch 9, 1918

Wendell Eugene Black b Feby 2, 1920

Maxwell Sherman Black b Dec 1, 1922

V26 Page 124

Jacob P. Markle Jacob P. Markle was born on the old homestead farm in Island Creek Tp, Jefferson Co, O July 4, 1819 & died at his late home in Jeddo, O Dec 30, 1895 aged 76 yrs 5 mos & 26 days. He was married to Mrs Alice Tiffany Mch 22, 1876 who died in Feby 1891. He had no children born to him, but two step children Edgar Tiffany of Chicago Ills & Walter Tiffany of Oakland Calif besides three adopted children who he adopted in their infancy.

1. Maggie Markle the wife of James Elliot now living on the old homestead

2. Nannie Cheeks the wife of Montford Carnahan of Toronto O &

3. A.M. Cheeks now of Sistersville, WVA. They all found a real home with Mr Markle.

He was J.P. in Island Creek Tp for 25 yrs & served 2 terms 6 yrs as Co com & the Co never had a more careful conscientious incumbent. He was baptized in the Episcopal church & for years attended the M.P. Ch Toronto, O regularly was a liberal supporter of all Protestant Churches in the vicinity. He was honest, kind, firm & generous & universally known as "Uncle Jake". He came of a family of 15 children all of whom have passed away but two, viz Mrs Martha Ellen House who made her home with him for the past 5 yrs & Mrs Sarah Jane Burgett of Burgettstown, Pa

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His last words were to his sister, Mrs House to whom with a bright smile "Oh, Mattie, Mattie, I am going home to be with Jesus". He was a Mason & buried with the rites of the order in Island Creek Cem.

Oak Hill Aug 10, 1931 7:30 AM

Miss Sallie A. Brown of 305 W. 8th St Manchester O writing on Apr 17, 1928 in answer to mine of Nov 26, 1927 says her Uncle George Crawford who I visited on Oct 31, 1925 had died June 7, 1927 see b 15 p 252.

She says Dr Hammerstein's full name b 21 p 574 is Dr Robert James Hammerstein & he was born at Ashtabula, O

Harry Wayne Drenan, same page is a shoe Foreman at Portsmouth, O & his wife Brenta Wells is daughter of Ira Wells & wife Nancy Purcell

Chas L. Henderson husband of Alberta Lockhart b 21 p 575 is a banker & is son of William Henderson & wife Caroline McGorney. He has a daughter Nancy Jane Henderson born Nov 12, 1927 at Manchester, O.

V26 Page 126

[descendant chart]

Annie Laurie Drenan see b 21 p 574 b Feby 1, 1875 her mother died at Portsmouth O & is buried at Manchester, O having been born at Bentonville, O married 1 Charles Ziegler & had one child born at Manchester, O. Married 2 Sept 13, 1899 Byron Shriver b July 28, 1870 at Manchester, O Sheet metal worker at Portsmouth, O son of Daniel Shriver & wife Mary Charles. Have six children the first one born at Georgetown, O, second at Middletown, O & last four born in Jackson O & they 4 were then at home single with their parents in Portsmouth, O


Louise Ziegler b Sept 28, 1896 married Sept 12, 1922 Dr Troy Scurlock dentist Ashland Ky. Have one child born at Portsmouth, O

Richard Scurlock b Nov 2, 1924

Mary Elizabeth Shriver b Aug 23, 1900 married Jany 1928 at Ashland, Ky to Ralph Cranston

Helen Shriver b Sept 9, 1902 married Ralph Anson, Portsmouth, O. Had 2 children.

Betty Anson

Marylin Anson

Walter Shriver b Dec 14, 1904

Katherine Shriver b Apr 1908

Lelia Shriver b Jany 4, 1911

Anna Mildred Shriver b Jany 19, 1914

V26 Page 127

[descendant chart]

John Theophilus Drenan see b 21 p 574 b Mch 1, 1851 ob Jany 18, 1900 married May 22, 1884 Lona Carr born in Newport, Ky Nov 1, 1859 ob Sept 10, 1913 at Carr's, Ky daughter of Frederick Miles Carr & wife Ellen Jane Leitch. Have one child born at Maysville, Ky.


Mary Jane Drenan b Sept 12, 1895 married William Franklin Radford born June 26, 1892 in Christian Co, Ky son of Wm D. Radford & wife Mary

Clardy. Have one child born at Pittsburgh, Pa

William Franklin Radford Jr b June 21, 1921

V26 Page 128

I find a printed form of interrogatories asking for genealogical information about the Crockett family & asking that information be mailed to Ernest A. Crockett Yankton, South Dakota. Am writing him today asking for a book & information about the descendants of David Crockett & his first wife "Polly" Finley.

I find a letter dated Mch 7, 1928 from Mrs Sherman C. Henry 905 E. Mahoning St Punxsutawney, Pa which encloses 5 slips & a letter from the Carnegie Library, Pgh, Pa about her ancestor Joseph Thompson part of which I am making note of & am returning them all to her. She says she recd a letter from G.W. Thompson, Keister RD Butler Co, Pa (make slip) saying he had gone to the Pleasant Church g.y. & got from the tombstone of Joseph R. Thompson that he was born in 1791. In his pension cft it said he enlisted at age of 22 yrs. This gr grandfather of mine had a brother John, too, so that is three sons for the

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pioneer Joseph Thompson, he died & was buried in Westmoreland Co. make slip to hunt for settlement of his estate or deeds at Greensburg, Pa. She says he went in the Revolutionary War from Westnd Co, Pa. Carnegie Library cites U.S. heads of Families census 1790 V. II p 262 Joseph Thompson Hempfield Tp Westnd Co Pa. Head of Family of 3 white males under 16 yrs & 6 free white females.


Bouchers Hist of Westnd Co, Pa V.I p 507 name of Joseph Thompson found in a Mt Pleasant Tp Tax list for 1783. Name of Joseph Thompson's wife not found.

A letter dated Mch 26, 1928 from the Genealogical Society of Pa 1300 Locust St Phila, P says they have had turned over to them the manuscript genealogical records of Gilbert Cope by the Hist Soc of Pa who acquired them by purchase on condition that they tabulate them & make them available. Make slip.

V26 Page 130

Oak Hill Aug 12, 1931 7:07 AM

Last night's Pgh Press announces the death yesterday at his home in Wynnewood, near Phila of cousin by marriage Alva Clymer Dinkey Schwab Kin President of the Midvale Co & former Pres of the Carnegie Steel Co & "one of Andrew Carnegie's boys" at age of 65 years. He was a $100,000 a year salary & as president of the Midvale Steel & ordnance Co turned ordnance for the World War for the Government. His brother Charles M. Schwab whose Co the Bethlehem Steel Co bought the Midvale Co. He entered the steel industry in his youth & was supt of the plant at Homestead. Two sons Robert E. of Pittsburgh, Alvan Clymer Jr of New York, a daughter Mrs H.L. Seiple of Villanove, Pa & his widow Margaret Stewart Dinkey survive.

I have a letter dated six years ago today Aug 12, 1925 from Miss Edith Warden, Mt Pleasant, Pa which I ackd on Sept 19/25 saying her father was a brother of C.F. Warden who said she had been to see Clara McClanahan & Neths had referred her to me about information about her grandmother, Mary Fleming a cousin of M.P. McClanahan who in Aug 1821 was married to her grandfather Paul Warden at the home of James Neel in Mt Pleasant, Pa.

V26 Page 131

I have a letter in answer to mine, dated Jany 15, 1926 from Rev Robert Bonner Jack, the Manse 209 W. Diamond Ave Hazelton, Pa giving me five sheets of records of his gf Alexander Jack D.D. & his descendants which I am recording in book 11 p 396-7

There is not room there for his Uncle Robert's military service, so I am giving it here:

Robert Jack born Jany 20, 1825 unmarried enlisted Oct 6, 1862 as a private in Co H 1st R.I. Light Artillery, Honorably discharged June 28, 1865 died Apr 26, 1896 at the National Soldiers home Togus Maine U.S.N.

His other uncle's full name was James Hannibal Jack see b 11 p 396. He married Mrs Anna G. Ward but did not have any issue.

His twin brother's full names were Alexander Oakley & Owen Sayles born & died in 1870 b 11 p 396.

His next brother's name was Henry McCroskery.

Sister's full name Frances Louise

The next 3 children were Gertrude Alexandria, Alice Owen & Alexander Whipple

V26 Page 132

[descendant chart]

Jane Hamilton Jack see b 11 p 397 born Jany 23, 1827 ob married Rev James Kerr of Dalbeattie, Scotland b June 10, 1828 studied at Glasgow, Univ from whom he recd degree of M.A. was Pastor 12 years at Chronside, Scotland, afterwards at Leicester, Eng & died at DePuke, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Aug 1, 1902


John James Ker b Oct 16, 1857 married Feby 1, 1888 Harriet Shaw Milne Laurence Hamilton Ker b Feby 19, 1897 married Feby 4, 1925 at Tientsin, China Katherine Margaret Manson daughter of Rev & Mrs Manson of Rockhaven, Saskatchewan, Canada

Alexander Jack Ker b Mch 28, 1859 ob Jany 28, 19190 married July 18, 1891 Jennie Allender daughter of John Allender of Christ Church, New Zealand.

James Kirkpatrick Hamilton Ker b Oct 22, 1860 ob Dec 25, 1866

George Ker b Aug 15, 1862 ob Nov 23, 1914 single

Norman Ker b June 8, 1864 married 1900 Nellie Gordon daughter of John Gordon of Opotikii, N.Z.

Stanley Gordon Ker

Jessie Ker

Norman Ker

Nellie Ker

Charles Albert Ker

Charles Ernest Ker b Feby 18, 1886 married May or June 1893 Maggie Rosecranz daughter of Mr Rosecranz of San Francisco.

Ernest Rosecranz

Minette Augusta Rosecranz

Elizabeth Hamilton Ker b Mch 28, 1868 single

Laurence Ker b Dec 30, 1871 ob Aug 27, 1896 single.

V26 Page 133 [blank]

V26 Page 134

I come to a letter dated Aug 7, 1922 in answer to mine of Aug 2/22 from Mary E. McFarland of 20 East Campbell St, Blairsville, Pa where she rooms & boards & is to be found in the evenings, but works in the Graff Brothers Coal office during the day, she says she is glad to hear from a relative she didn't know she had. She says she recd that day a history of an Aunt but did not notice any Jack name. She recd it from W.P. Killen a distant cousin who she thinks got it from Mrs McFarland of Indiana.

However, if I expect to be over will be glad to have me look it over & give me a copy if desired. (I don't recall whether I got over or not). I answered her letter on Aug 9, 1922

I find 8 leaves written on both sides tuck in this McFarland env apparently written down as slip information to take on a trip, developed no doubt by research work & I had better make note of the information they contain.

V26 Page 135

Go to Willow Tree & see Charlotte A. McCune born 1835 (she has since died) daughter of Thos Williams & he a brother of Daniel. She married first a Strickler who hung himself & had 3 children by him & then married Robert McCune 1840-1907 & had 2 sons & 2 daughters by him, one of whom married Ben or Israel Painter at Willow Tree & she lives with her. 174 see b 4 p 6 et al

Daniel F. Williams 1837-1908

Rebecca Williams 1842-1906

Cousin Kate Smith says she was a Nichols & her mother a Boyd related to Waltzes & probably a sister of Israel Miller's 2d wife of David Hough grandfather of Mary J. Wachob had a daughter

4. Margaret (b 4 p 45) who married Thomas Williams & were parents of Daniel & David & a son:

8. Abraham Hough married Catharine Waltz, a sister of David Waltz who moved to Uniontown (father of Mrs Allison) & had children:

1. David married Jane McCune

2. Jacob married a Stumm of Fay Co, Pa

3. Cyrus married Mary of Fay Co, Pa

4. Halleck married a girl of Fay Co, Pa

5. Porter died a babe

6. Catherine married Cromley

8. Paul [Hough] married Martha Coop

V26 Page 136

Book 5 page 221 Ebenezer? No 7 Capt Wm McFarland died Jany 25, 1840 in 89th year

Elizabeth, consort of Capt Wm McFarland died Mch 15, 1821? in her 73d year

Capt John McFarland died Aug 17, 1829 in 50th year

Christiana consort of Capt Jno McF died Oct 10, 1812 in her 40th year

Catharine, consort of Capt John McF died Feby 18, 1828 in 33d year

No 4. Wm McFarland ("Long Billy") died Sept 11, 1869 aged 62

Cynthia, wife of Wm McF (nee Wills) died Jany 25, 1879 aged 69 yrs

Anna E. McFarland died Feby 25, 1882 aged 40 yrs

Robert Edward McFarland died Oct 6, 1865 aged 16 yrs 6 mos 6 days

No 38 page 227

William McFarland died Aug 13, 1870 aged 84 yrs 10 mos 11 days

Margaret D. (wife of Wm McF) died Apr 12, 1866 aged 73

Alex L. McFarland died July 16, 1858 aged 33

James McFarland a soldier died Mch 7, 1863 in 49th yr

& also Jacks & Hazletts all on my records.

V26 Page 137

4th leaf is abt Wm Thompson children which I got from Mrs Black at Cadiz, O & went to see Mrs Geo Bruner in Westnd Co near Sewickly Ch & no need of copying here.

5th leaf book 6 page 426 item 123 Will of Elijah Newlon to which refer. Here is ref made Aug 11, 1922 where Mrs Bruner said to run out to Mrs Andy Stewart's in Rostraver Tp short distance from West Newton, Pa who is a daughter of Avaline McGrew & is Mrs B's age. Make slip.

Also reference to what Johnston Hough, son of Abraham Hough & his wife Catharine Waltz (sister of David) where he names 4 sisters of his mother, which see & one of them Elizabeth Weaver nee Waltz was mother of Jacob Weaver of Smithfield, Pa

6th leaf & his mother's brother David Waltz, father of Mrs Allison was the only brother he knew of. He said Jacob Waltz, their father was the only brother of Genl Danl Waltz, who was killed in the War of 1812 Look up the Waltz record that David Waltz gave me & I tabled in an early book.

V26 Page 138

He now recalls two other sons of Jacob (his gf) viz:

Jacob Waltz who owned Waltz Mills & Daniel Waltz, lived near Madison. Both these boys married & had families.

Mrs Crombie, sister of Johnston Hough thought that the Joseph Hough who married Polly Waltz was a brother of her gf David Hough & he Joseph had 2 sons.

1. John Hough who died in Beallsville, Pa &

2. Paul Hough who lived in Fay Co, Pa & married a Norcross.

Mrs Crombie said she knew Mary Waltz who married a Boyd & lived near Mendon & had children:

1. Daughter married Sam Bell

2. daughter married Hunter

3. daughter married Nicholls

4. daughter married Israel Miller (his 2d wife)

5. William Boyd lived at Mendon

6. a son lived on pike near Israel Miller's

7th leaf. The Waltz book page 91 gives 2d branch of 6th Div embracing descendants of Daniel Waltz & Elizabeth Kramer who settled in Westnd Co, Pa in 1772 & gives their 9 children which I have. Make slip.

V26 Page 139

8th slip Book 3 page 106 In Nov 1919 cousin Kate Smith then said Mrs [large blank space] was a granddaughter of great grandfather James Caruthers 2d wife widow Simeral [blank space] by her first husband.

Oak Hill Aug 13, 1931 6:55 AM

In on [sic] Jany 26, 1926 I laid out of my pocket a six page history of the Fulton family by Thompson Fulton Blackburn in which he gives thanks to the research of Frank Thompson Fulton of Moundsville WVA & Sarah Logan of Shepherd, O. I had gotten this history earlier in the month, the first week in Chicago, Ills, just before being called home by the sudden death of my dear & devoted cousin Minnie L. Redburn. It says the family first appeared in Ayrshire Scotland when a "deFulton" in the 13th century was commissioned to furnish fat birds to King John. Frank T. Fulton found in the library at Wash D.C. where an old Rev Dr Fulton instead

V26 Page 140

of being jailed in the Tower of London for unwittingly allowing his charge a Duke's daughter to elope with a commoner, he found the following: "On Sept 8, 1614 when Sir Wm Wade was Lieut of the Tower of London, he by order of the Privy Council, directed Rev Dr Fulton to visit Lady Arabella Stewart, then a prisoner in the Tower for having married William Seymour afterwards first Marquis of Hertford".

This old Rev Dr Fulton is supposed to have been the father of William Fulton who went to Ireland & died in 1638 in Kilkenny leaving a son or grandson.

Here we turn the story over to Alice Crary Sutcliffe of NY City direct descendant of Robert Fulton, the inventor (I have visited her). In her book on Fulton, she claims that the American progenitor of the family was a William Fulton who came from Kilkenny Ireland to Pennsylvania & was alive as late as 1742. In this she is bore out by family tradition.

Between 1638 when Wm Fulton died in Kilkenny 1742 is more than a century, four generations. Penna cem are dotted with early Fulton tombstones some as early as 1738.

V26 Page 141

AT Little Britain Tp, Pa Alice Crary Sutcliffe writes Robert Fulton the inventor was born in 1765. His Uncle James Fulton was born just a little before that & the two grew up together. He was our ancestor. James Fulton married into the staid old Thompson family & moved to Western Penna. We have a picture of his death in 1818 handed down by eyewitnesses, through Sarah E. Logan who tells about it today as freshly as if it happened yesterday on a trip to Kentucky probably selling whisky, his companions found him setting on the ground beside his horse, dead. I mention whisky because it is certain that members of the Fulton clan objected to President Washington taxing corn liquor & threatened to rebel. It is not proved that James was among the crowd, but other Fultons were William Fulton, the son of James was born in 1792 & served in the War of 1812. He had all the earmarks of a solid citizen. He married his cousin, a Thompson. In his old age, he moved to Illinois owning a farm that lay partly

V26 Page 142

within the limits of Bloomington, Ills today the richest farm land in the world.

It speaks of his being twice married & the meanness with which he treated the tragic figure of the family - Martha Robison Fulton, wife of his tall lank lean son by his first wife Saml Thompson Fulton, who building or at least working on the court house at Bloomington, Ill took the pneumonia & died setting in the chair as suddenly as had his gf James, leaving Martha with only 3 mos of schooling which she rode 10 miles on horse back behind her brother to get with two children Frank Thompson & Luella Fulton & no home or money. Her or her husband's Aunt Bannister at Barnesville, O had raised a boy & a Capt raising a Co for the Civil War coaxed the boy to go to war as a drummer & he took pneumonia down south & died & the Aunt being alone, Martha went there with her children & made her home. At 15, Frank went in a telegraph office as helper & at 16, Luella taught school & cowhided an 18 yr old boy twice her weight. She made her way to the Centennial & having met W.E. Blackburn packed her trunk, rode 3 days & nights to Kansas & on June 15, 1886 they were married.

V26 Page 143

They went to housekeeping on $40 a month in the back room of the station at Luella, Kan where two trains a day whizzed past a station in the woods since faded away & later went to Anthony Kan for years where he published the Anthony Republican & then moved to Herington Kan where he published the Herington Sun.

Martha the superb figure in this picture died at the home of her son Frank in 1905. Aunt Bannister lived on & on until all friends & landmarks were gone until she was 96 yrs old. Luella last saw her in 1909 when she was with her two weeks.

To Luella & W.E. Blackburn were born 7 children, two of whom died in infancy.

1. William Abner Blackburn, the oldest served in 25th Co 154 Depot Brigade Headquarters Company 28th Field Artillery 10th Division & 1st Company 164th Depot Brigade during the World War & true to his ancestor who furnished fowls to King John Wm Abner sought a place when chance offered & was one of the company cooks & vividly remembers chopping frozen steaks like cordwood in wintry France.

V26 Page 144

He married Rona Beebe in 1913 who died in 1913 leaving one son Wm A. Blackburn Jr who lives in Herington, Kan

2. Kate Blackburn married Orin Weaver & her home is at 428 Choctaw St, Bartlesville, Okla. Make slip

3. Thompson Fulton Blackburn B.J. University of Missouri married Wynonas. Address 2055 Kenilworth St, Chicago, Ills I think he gave me this history.

4. Francis Ellis Blackburn is an engineer in Alabama, specializing in reinforced cement construction.

5. Philip Blackburn is a student in the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan, Kan. Frank T. Fulton brother of Luella is the oldest telegraph operator in the service of the B&O RR Co. His life in caring for his mother proves that sons are grateful. Lives in Moundsville WVA & was married in 1921 to Berdena Hill. To his energy & that of Sarah E. Logan, credit for most of the data for this sketch is due. Make slips.

V26 Page 145

I have a letter dated Aug 28, 1924 in answer to mine of Aug 22, 1924 from E.A. Finley of 1108 13th St, Menomonie, Wisconsin who says he would like to see my history when completed.

He gives the address of C.F. Finley c/o Frank Finley, Inkster, North Dakota at present who he says can trace the Finley genealogy better than he can. Am writing him today.

I have a letter dated Dec 27, 1920 in answer to mine of Nov 22, 1920 from second cousin Wm L. Scholl Sr now decd RFD 1 West Newton, Pa saying that Erastus McMichael had died 4 or 5 years ago, then & said he used to live at McKeesport, Pa. It was his sister that I thought used to live there but she has left. It was his sister that took the old book from our house. She said that Erastus wanted the book. His sister's address is: Mrs E.S. Guyton 215 Second St, Ellwood City, Pa. My wife recd your letter with the old records which you had recd from her. Make slip to hunt her.

V26 Page 146

I have a slip of paper with early Allen genealogy written on it which says I got it from C.M. Allen 203 McKean Ave Charleroi, Pa & which I am tabling on the next page, recd under letter of Mch 27, 1909 in which he says Mary Power was his great grandmother & gives his line which I embody in the table. He says she was the daughter of Patrick Power & Nancy Gallaher which cannot be, see b 10 p 5 as they were not married until 1810 & their daughter Mary Jane born 1825 married Harry Smith. Then Patrick Power was born in 1782 & he reports his grandfather Allen born in 1792. She might have been daughter of Rev James Power, but I don't know.

I state that I have record of the children's birth 11 of John Allen & Mary Power. This Mary may have been daughter of Patrick & Jeannette Power which is likely.

I have also two genealogical tables, one of Samuel Shannon & one of Samuel Dunlap. I don't know from whom I got them but will table the latter on pages 148-9.

I find also a table with births of the 17 children of David Finley which must have been given to me Dec 31, 1925 by Mrs Honeywell of Hoopeston, Ill on my hurried trip at her home or sent to me & I am tabling them on pages 150-1. See b 15 p 466-474.

V26 Page 147

[descendant chart]

David Allen from Ireland married Susan White from Scotland


John Allen married Mary Power

Josiah Allen b May 12, 1792

George Allen b June 2, 1818 ob Feby 19, 1891 married Elizabeth Davis

C.M. Allen of 203 McKean Ave Charleroi Pa my informant for this record

Susannah Allen married Joseph Peairs 1760-1807

George Allen married Jane Paull

James Allen married Mary Peairs b Feby 23, 1765 ob Jany 24, 1795

Jane Allen married Sam Gibson

Josiah Allen married Dickinson

Agnes Allen married 1 William Craig, married 2 Samuel Finley

V26 Page 148 & V26 Page 149

[descendant chart]

Samuel Dunlap married Hannah Lecky daughter of John Lecky & his wife Mary Wilson


Alexander Dunlap born Feby 1, 1810 ob Aug 23, 1879 married Mary Rex b Aug 17, 1811 ob Feby 20, 1869. They report 11 children.

Martha Jane Dunlap b June 7, 1836 ob Sept 3, 1889

Hannah Lecky Dunlap

John Randolph Dunlap married Laverne Faddis

William Dunlap

Charles Dunlap

Fannie Dunlap

Meade Dunlap

Clara Dunlap

Andrew Dunlap

Mary Margaret Dunlap b Sept 5, 1867 Alexander Shannon b Feby 28, 1828 ob Jany 15, 1887 oldest child of John Shannon & his wife Mary Carmichael & grandson of Samuel Shannon

John Shannon b Aug 8, 1868 ob Aug 1, 1870

Charles N. Shannon b Oct 14, 1870 ob Sept 10, 1922

George D. Shannon b June 6, 1872 married Nov 11, 1903 Ida A. Penman b June 14, 1880 daughter of Mungo Penman & his wife Mary Jane Burton.

William Rex Shannon b June 3, 1906

Bertha Helen Shannon b Mch 27, 1909

Fred William Shannon b Dec 10, 1874 ob Apr 3, 1905

A. Rex Shannon b Sept 1, 1877 ob Oct 25, 1902

Samuel Rex Dunlap [son of Alexander Dunlap b 1810]

Sara Ann Dunlap married Histon Kerr of Carmichaels, Pa

Rev George G. Kerr issue

Louisa Kerr married James Young issue

George W. Dunlap married Anna Schriver 5 children

Joseph Alexander Dunlap married Harriet _______ 6 children

Zern Dunlap

Nevada Dunlap married Taylo [sic] 3 children

Andrew Jackson Dunlap

Elizabeth Katherine Dunlap married Silbaugh of Fayette Co, Pa

Louisa Dunlap married David Henderson 4 children.

Sparks D. Henderson

Samuel Henderson

See b 9 p 485-7

See b 6 p 549

See b 15 p 414

V26 Page 150 & V26 Page 151

[descendant chart]

David Finley see p 146 bottom & b 15 p 466-74 born Dec 10, 1781 ob married Nancy Miller b Feby 1787 ob, daughter of Brig Genl Henry Miller & his wife Ursula Rose


Mahlon [best guess] Brown Finley b Jany 22, 1804 married Margaret [cut off]alls [First name is also cut off & all that is readable is ahlon or perhaps chlon]

William Finley b Sept 20, 1805

Julanah Finley b June 17, 1807 married

Charlotte Finley b Aug 20, 1808 married Hiram Watts

Eliza Finley b July 28, 1810 married Warren Watts

Bular Finley b Dec 9, 1812 married Capt Saml Frazier

John Finley b May 2, 1814 married Fannie Ray

Elizabeth Crandon Finley b June 3, 1816 married Plummer

Mary Ann Finley b Sept 17, 1818 d.y. (twin)

Sarah Ann Finley b Sept 17, 1818 (twin) married Stephen Reed

Hannah Finley b Apr 24, 1821 married David Baily

Nancy Finley b Sept 17, 1823 married Capt Samuel Frazier

Priscilla M. Finley b Jany 26, 1826 d.y. (twin)

Miller F. Finley b Jany 26, 1826 (twin) married Rebecca Pate

David Finley b Feby 8, 1828 killed in Mexican War

Ezra Finley b Oct 15, 1830 d.y.

Watts Finley b Nov 4, 1833 married Margaret Davis

V26 Page 152

[descendant chart]

Hannah Rugh of Westmoreland Co, Pa married Peter Row


Mary M. Row married Isaac N. [cut off]odge. I met him in Indiana, Pa [Think name may be Hodge or Dodge]

William Row married Susannah Miniam

Edwin Row married Emma M. King

Ellen M. Row

Josiah Row married Sinnabigler

Sabella Row married Alex Duff

Jacob Row married Katherine France

Caleb M. Row married Nancy Thompson

Oliver Row married Susan Welty

Paul Row married Dixon

Sarah Row, unmarried

V26 Page 153 [blank]

V26 Page 154

Oak Hill Aug 14, 1931 7:42 AM

On a slip of paper, I find mem of George J. Blazier, Marietta, O which was given me for some purpose when I was there. I find a ten page large sheets history of the Crawford family, among the large envelopes, which is taken from Biographical Annals of Franklin Co, Penna pages 400 to 406. Make slip to get this book.

In an article on the Crawford family & folded with it was a copy of a May 27, 1805 letter from Edward Crawford of Chambersburg, Pa to Col Edward Cook sending him for distribution to the heirs there some money from the estate of their late brother (James Crawford) & expressing great sympathy for his sister, Ruth (my great grandmother) in her great loss & affliction, which evidently was the death of her husband Capt Wm Elliott from a limb of a tree falling on & killing him. I don't know now from whom I got this but will table it commencing on page 156

V26 Page 155 [blank]

V26 Page 156 & V26 Page 157

[descendant chart]

Edward Crawford see Anjou Crawford Family page 119 born July 3, 1710 at Letterkenny Co, Donegal, Ireland son of John Crawford ob in 1792 in Guilford Tp, Franklin Co near Fayetteville, Pa see his will on file at Chambersburg, Pa. He emigrated to Pennsylvania about 1740 & settled on the 640 A of the Penn proprietary Manor lands they had intended to reserve which he bought & lived & died on. Every acre of this land was in the family more than 150 yrs later when I visited Frederick Crawford, the then owner there. I think it was Lancaster Co, Pa when he bought it. Married Elizabeth Sterritt & had the children listed below.


James Crawford ob 1798 near Mercersburg, Pa was married. No issue

John Crawford Revolutionary Soldier b 1746 in Guilford Tp ob Feby 15, 1827 was 1st Lieut of Capt Conrad Snider's Co of Col Frederick Watts Battalion of the "Flying Camp" in 1776. He was captured with Col Maganos [sic] command at Fort Washington NY Nov 16, 1776 along with 2500 others & was held a prisoner of war in New York & Long Island until 1778 when he was exchanged on Nov 21, 1776 he wrote to his parents asking for hard money & his descendants have the letter. He rtd home & was a farmer on the homestead. Married Annie Holmes a native of Ireland born in 1765 & died Dec 10, 1810 & had issue 10 children see page 158

Edward Crawford prom. in business, b Jany 10, 1757 in Guilford Tp ob Mch 6, 1833 became an officer in the Penn line of the Revolution when 19 being appointed an ensign in the First Continental Infantry - First Penna - Mch 7, 1776 promoted to 2d Lieut Mch 23, 1777 & 1st Lieut Mch 23, 1778 & was paymaster of the Regiment 17790-80. He was wounded at Bulls Ferry July 21, 1780. He was transferred to Third Pa Jany 17, 1781 & served until June 1783. After the war, he settled in Chambersburg, Pa & on organization of Franklin Co, Pa was apptd J.P. on Sept 11, 1784. He was Prothonotary, Clerk of courts & was register & recorder 1784-1809. He was a founder & first Pres fr 1807-1833 of the Bank of Chambersburg, Pa, trustee of Falling Springs Pres Ch & a member of the Society of Cincinnati. See page 160

Joseph Crawford ob killed by the Indians

Martha Crawford b 1743 ob 1837 married Col Edward Cook born 1738 in Conococheague Valley, died Nov 28, 1808 in Fayette Co, Pa, removed to the "Forks of the Yough" in 1772 mem Penna Con 1776 fr Westnd Co was Lieut of the Co & commanded a Battalion of Rangers for frontier defense in 1781. Associate Judge of Fayette Co in 1791, presided over the Mingo meeting abt the Whisky Insurrection in 1794, counseled moderation & prevented outrages.

James Crawford Cook b 1772 ob 1848

Elizabeth Crawford ob married John Fulton I think his name was Samuel

Sarah Crawford b 1753 ob Sept 10, 1833 married Henry Work who died Mch 6, 1819 a prominent farmer of Peters Tp & had 7 children. Make slip.

Andrew Work

James Work

Crawford Work

Henry Work

Isabella Work

Martha Work

Sarah Work

Ruth Crawford ob married Capt William Elliott my great grandparents

Mary Crawford ob married Dunlevy

V26 Page 158 & V26 Page 159

[descendant chart]

John Crawford see page 156, 1746-1827 married Annie Holmes 1765-1810


Holmes Crawford b 1791 ob Feby 15, 1874 for many years cashier of the Chambersburg Savings Fund

James Crawford b 1800 in Guilford Tp ob Jany 18, 1872 a farmer on old homestead, Whig, Republican, Presbyterian. Married Catharine Byers b Oct 15, 1805 ob Dec 11, 1892 daughter of Frederick Byers & wife Anna Eby see page 162.

John Crawford ob farmer on old homestead married Dec 25, 1828 Margaret Black b Jany 25, 1805 ob Nov 12, 1871. Jane Ann Crawford married Apr 22, 1851 Dr Henry K. Byers

Martha Crawford married Nov 1857 Henry C. Greenawalt b May 25, 1830 son of David Greenawalt & wife Elizabeth Stall. He graduated fr Princeton College 1855 mem Pa Leg 1877-80 cashier State Treasury in 1884 & very prom, in Republican politics at Hbg since. He is a mason & member of Falling Springs Pres Ch see page 164.

Walter Beatty Crawford b 1831 ob 1900 farmer served in Civil War Co A 2d Pa V.I. & reenlisted in 15th Pa Cavalry & served until close of the war. Married Mary E. Benedict, daughter of John Benedict. Had 6 children. See p 165.

Joseph Cook Crawford b 1806 in Guilford Tp ob Aug 25, 1868 in Guilford Tp farmer & owner of part of old homestead Presbyterian, Whig & Republican. Married 1841 to Mary Kirkpatrick a native of Ireland who died in 1890. See page 163.

Edward Crawford ob d.y.

Sarah Crawford b June 17, 1795 ob Dec 26, 1849 married Mch 12, 1835 John S. Brown b Mch 16, 1799 ob Nov 5, 1871 son of Conrad Brown & wife Magdalena Snyder. No issue

Martha Crawford b May 8, 1798 ob educated at Moravian Seminary Bethlehem, Pa married Feby 24, 1826 Josiah Duffield

Elizabeth Crawford ob married Apr 30, 1812 Hugh Crawford

Rebecca Crawford ob married Sept 17, 1833 Matthew McKee

Nancy Crawford ob single

V26 Page 160 & V26 Page 161

[descendant chart]

Edward Crawford see page 156 married 1 Elizabeth Holsinger born 1762 ob Dec 3, 1792 & had issue 2 children. She was a native of York Co, Pa. Married 2 Rebecca Colhoun born 1777 ob May 25, 1839 daughter of Dr John Colhoun & wife Ruhamah Chambers. Had 3 children.


Thomas Hartley Crawford b Nov 14, 1786 ob Jany 27, 1863 graduated Princeton College in 1804, admitted to bar Franklin Co, Pa Nov 10, 1807 became prominent as a lawyer M.C. 1829 to 1833 member Pa Leg 1833-4 In 1838 apptd Com of Indian Affairs which he held until 1845 when Pres Polk apptd him judge of the Criminal Court of the D.C. in which he continued until his death. Married Oct 13, 1808 Sallie Ross daughter of Maj David Ross & his wife Henrietta Maria Bordley of Bladensburg, Md.

Sarah Bordley Crawford b Dec 6, 1809 ob Jany 7, 1856

David Ross Crawford ob married Mch 15, 1838 Mary Thompson an officer in U.S. Navy

Edward Bordley Crawford ob

Eulalia Crawford b 1825

Clementine M. Crawford b 1827 ob June 21, 1845 married June 6, 1844 Lieut Delosier Davidson of the U.S. Army

Catherine Holsinger Crawford b July 4, 1789 ob educated at Moravian Seminary Bethlehem, Pa. Married Nov 24, 1817 Robert H. Munroe of Georgetown, D.C. [sic]

Ruhamah Chambers Crawford b June 11, 1799 ob Dec 114, 1813

Elizabeth Crawford ob married Nov 5, 1818 to Reed Washington, a prominent lawyer of Chambersburg, Pa

S. Crawford Washington

Morris Fairfax Washington

Benjamin Crawford b June 17, 1809 ob Nov 16, 1810

V26 Page 162

[descendant chart]

James Crawford 1800-1872 see page 158


John E. Crawford b Feby 22, 1827 ob Apr 2, 1896 married Oct 24, 1867 Ellen Stehler

Mary E. Crawford married D. Edward Long District Atty of Franklin Co, Pa

Frederick Byers Crawford ob 1896 married Maria Markley of Franklin Co, Pa farmer on homestead until 1865 when he went to Reading Pa & for 20 yrs was supt of the large Bushong? farms & then rtd to the old home where I visited him.

Dr Katharine M. Crawford b Aug 28, 1856 ob Dec 2, 1903 graduated Hahnaman College Chicago practiced 15 yrs in Chambersburg, Pa with Dr Julia T. Hill who married her brother Fred M. & then practiced at York Pa until her death.

Holmes E. Crawford b 1859 ob May 15, 1877

Frederick Markley Crawford b June 3, 1861 in Guilford Tp farmer at the the old homestead. Married 1893 Julia T. Hill M.D. daughter of M.T. Hill & wife Flora Biene of Dayton, O. She was graduated from Oberlin College, Oberlin, O the Hahnaman College Chicago Ills & the Mourans College, Belle Md. She practiced at Chicago Ills, Fox Lake, Wis & Chambersburg, Pa

Milton Crawford b Sept 1, 1844 ob. While a student in Fayetteville Academy, he enlisted Feby 2, 1864 in Co D 21st Pa Cavalry & served until close of war & was mustered out July 17, 1865, was in Battles of Five Forks, Sailors Creek & Appomatox C.H. served on Genl Sheridan's staff carrying dispatches. On his rtn went to business college, Pgh & graduated in 1866, went to Reading, Pa in business instit. 1872 where he has been a farmer & leading bus man since. Officer in Lutheran Ch since 1879 Co Com 1897-1900 married Oct 28, 1868 Rebecca Harmony daughter of John Harmony of Guilford, Tp

V26 Page 163

[descendant chart]

Joseph Cook Crawford 1806-1868 see page 158


John H. Crawford b Feby 28, 1842 successful farmer on 125 A he bought in Greene Tp. He is a deacon & active worker in Pres Ch enlisted as bugler in Civil War in July 1863 in Co D 21st Pa Cavalry saw service in Shenandoah Valley & was mustered out Feby 20, 1864. Married 1861 Sarah J. Montser, daughter of David & Susannah Montser of Guilford Tp & have 4 children.

Carrie Bell Crawford b Jany 3, 1862 unmarried

Holmes Crawford b June 16, 1865 married Ella Kurtiz & have 4 children

Sallie J. Crawford

Nellie M. Crawford

John H. Crawford

Milton Crawford

Mary Jane Crawford b Aug 10, 1867 unmarried

Charles S. Crawford b May 15, 1870 married Bertie Ebarsole & have had 5 children

Edna L. Crawford

Blanche E. Crawford

Nancy E. Crawford

Mary A. Crawford

Carrie Bell Crawford

Anna Maria Crawford b Sept 2, 1843 married Ralph Kirkpatrick

Agnes M. Crawford b Sept 1, 1845 married John Daniels

Edward M. Crawford b June 26, 1847 ob Aug 19, 1850

James A. Crawford b July 10, 1848

Alice M. Crawford b July 28, 1850 unmarried lives in Fayetteville, Pa

V26 Page 164

[descendant chart]

Martha L. Crawford see p 158 married Nov 1857 Henry Clay Greenawalt a native of Quincy Tp


John Crawford Greenawalt b Feby 27, 1860 educated in Public Schools & at Chambersburg Academy & graduated fr Med Dept Univ of Pa Phila May 1, 1884. He practiced in Phila, Pa Camden NJ & Chambersburg, Pa & in Aug 1898 he entered the U.S. military service as active asst surgeon in the Spanish American War, saw service in Cuba & the Philippines & was twice cited for distinguished valor on the firing line & resigned as Major from the service Oct 31, 1901 & resumed his practice at Chambersburg, Pa. He is a Mason & member of the Falling Springs, Pres Ch there. Married Apr 16, 1890 Mary M. Davidson daughter of William Davidson & wife Margaret Sharpe of Newville, Pa

Margaret Sharpe Greenawalt

Martha Crawford Greenawalt

Harry Lee Greenawalt farmer & lumberman married Laura Taylor & have 5 children

Edward C. Greenawalt

Bessie T. Greenawalt

Frank L. Greenawalt

Henry C. Greenawalt

Jane Greenawalt

Dr Frank Lindsay Greenawalt graduated fr Med Dept Univ of Pa at Phila Res physician Girard College 5 yrs married Mary Halleck

Crawford Greenawalt

Nannie Crawford Greenawalt at home with her father at Fayetteville, Pa

Jane Renfrew Greenawalt married Rev W. Frank Heber, pastor of Pres Ch Urbana, O make slip, may be Reber


Margaret Black Greenawalt married Thos H. Crawford of Fayetteville, Pa

Martha Crawford

V26 Page 165

[descendant chart]

Walter Beatty Crawford 1831-1900 see page 158


John Benedict Crawford b June 4, 1858 in Guilford Tp. He was educated in public schools & Chambersburg, Pa Academy is a farmer, school director deacon & Elder in St Paul's Ev Lutheran Ch at Fayetteville, Pa & is a Republican. Married Feby 12, 1885 Ida L. Etter, daughter of Samuel Etter & his wife Eliza Flack of Greene Tp

Martha L. Crawford married J.H. Breckenridge

Walter B. Crawford b Oct 11, 1861 ob Mch 11, 1903 Grad. Phila college of Pharmacy, unmarried

Thomas H. Crawford married Margaret B. Greenawalt see page 164

Mary E. Crawford married W.G. Long

Margaret Crawford married Charles C. Reber

V26 Page 166

Oak Hill Aug 15, 1931 4:54 PM

Virginia, Rosemary & Patricia were here last night & left at 10:10 AM in the Ford for home via route 51 & I have since been finishing up the 10 pages Crawford record & now come to a "Penn Society" in which I had stuck numerous working slips & the 4th one I come to refers to 315 & 316 book not named but I think it is "Bard Family" & names children of: Samuel Potter & Susannah Poe:

1. John Potter settled in Mercer Co, Pa

2. Thomas Potter lived in Westd Co, Pa

3. Martha Potter married Wm Hill father of State Senator Hill

4, Olivia Potter married

5. Anne Potter married Robt Brown of Gbg, Pa

6. Catharine Potter married 1. Capt James Carnahan father of Dr James Carnahan Pres Princeton College 1823-1854, married 2 Matthew McClanahan & had Judge Matthew P. McClanahan.

7. Margaret Potter married

8. Mary Potter married.

Make slips

7th Slip

Will book 3 page 1 on Aug 27, 1839 letters of Admr on estate of Jesse Carothers late of South Huntingdon Tp, granted to John Pollock

John R. Carothers & Joseph Stokely on bond for $800. Look up acct. Make slip.

V26 Page 167

8th slip. David Kilgore in 1814 willed son Jesse his big bible.

Andrew Finley in 1827 proven 1829 his son Andrew Finley his large bible

Margery Workmun [sic] willed book 2 p 202 named following.

1. William Workman

2. David Curry

3. Armstrong Workman

4. John Workman

5. Elizabeth, wife of William Jamison

6. Jane wife of Robert Jamison

7. Rebecca Latimer

Make slip.

9th slip

The children of John Robertson who died in 1852 & his wife Joanna Jack (1st wife) were:

1. John, Dec

2. Andrew

3. Joseph

4. William

5. Thomas, Dec

6. Sarah, Dec

7. Eleanor, Dec [deceased]

No 3 Joseph had the following children: Joanna J., O.B., John, Eleanor Dec, Margaret Dec, Thomas, Andrew & Isabella. Make slip.

10th slips save following to look up at Gbg: Peter Rugh, Geo Aaman or Ament, David Kemp or DeCamp, John Richey, James Richey, Geo Latimer et al, James & John Caruthers & Rebecca Carnahan, deeds or wills etc. make slip.

V26 Page 168

16th slip

Wm H. Hough brother of Mary Jane Wachob & great grandson of Col Edward & Martha Cook died Apr 23, 1920 aged 74 yrs.

17th slip dated May 23, 1920

"Miss Drusilla A. Allen, daughter of Jonathan G. & Elizabeth Downer Allen of Uniontown, Pa was born in Uniontown, Pa Aug 5, 1836 & died at home of her niece, Miss Sarah Allen 204 West Green St, Connellsville, Pa say May 11, 1920 member of First Pres. Ch Connellsville, Pa"

20th slip

See if Albert C. Rowland Atty Pittsburgh, Pa is still living. Make slip.

12 other names on this slip I had marked to see, have died & only one, Lucy Hood is now living I believe but I had seen most of them.

There are two small RR admr envelopes enclosed which had newspaper clipping death notices, but I will leave them until tomorrow daylight as it is now after 8 PM

V26 Page 169

Oak Hill Aug 16, 1931 8:30 AM

In a U.S. RR Admr small envelope were enclosed some clippings back in 1919 to 1921 & among them I make note of the following:

From Pres Banner of July 3, 1919 McClintock - on Aug 29, 1918 at her home in Pine Tp Mrs Elizabeth Whitesell McClintock, widow of Aaron McClintock aged 86 years. She was born at Wildwood Pa Aug 11, 1832 confessed her faith in Christ & united with the Cross Roads Pres Ch of which her father, George Whitesell had been a ruling elder since its organization in 1827.

She married Aaron McClintock May 9, 1854 who died on Aug 8, 1902. She leaves six daughters, 16 grandchildren & 16 great grandchildren. She was cared for in her last days by her daughters. She had a deep religious conviction or faith which made her whole life beautiful, peaceful & useful.

This, I am sure was the mother of Mrs Margaret McC. Price of Ben Ave.

Just following this notice is a Personal as follows:

V26 Page 170

T. Hart Given, President of the Farmers Deposit Natl Bank of Pgh a prominent financial personality in Pittsburgh died on June 28, 1919 after a brief illness.

From the same paper:

The death of Miss Mattie E. Thompson on May 3, 1919 ended a life of peculiar worth & beauty. The daughter of H.A. Thompson for some years cashier of the First Natl Bank of Indiana Pa, she had spent a long & useful life in this community being 83 yrs old at her passing. For 50 yrs she had been a member & active worker in the First Pres Ch having been recd on cft Dec 12, 1869. She leaves a fragrant memory of helpfulness & devotion to others & was active & virile despite her age to the end.

A. Lowery Wilson aged 32 yrs died at his residence on Whyel Ave, Uniontown, Pa Friday morning at 3 o'c on Jany 31, 1919 being ill for past 8 days with pneumonia. He was born near McClellandtown Pa Feby 23, 1887 & was a member of the McClellandtown Pres Ch. He married Miss Ada Hayhurst 11 yrs ago. Surviving are his wife, four children & his mother Mrs Morgan S. Wilson

V26 Page 171

& one brother James D. Wilson at Camp Beauregard, La. Interment Sunday in Church Hill Cem, McCellandtown, Pa.

From West Newton Times-Sun of May 8, 1919

Guy E. Markle a native son of West Newton, Pa spent a few days here last week renewing acquaintances after an absence of 15 years. He is supt of the General Water Co at Republic Pa & lives at Uniontown, Pa

From West Newton Times-Sun Josephine Stoneman widow of Jesse Stoneman died Friday morning June 20, 1919 at her home in Rostraver Tp near Webster Pa in her 80th year.

Mrs Stoneman was a daughter of Jesse & Polly Finley Carothers & was born in South Huntingdon Tp. With the exception of 7 yrs residence in West Newton practically her entire life was spent in Rostraver Tp. She was a member of Fells M.E. Church. Surviving are two sons, William of Charleroi, Pa, John of Rostraver Tp & two daughters, Stella, wife of John Thompson of Rostraver Tp & Miss Dorcas Stoneman at home. Interment in West Newton Cem. Make slips.

V26 Page 172

I have a three page 8 3/4 x 11 inch letter postmarked Dec 16, 1921 in answer to mine from cousin Calvin Blythe Power now 93 yrs old of Fairhope, beyond Fayette City, Pa who I had asked for information about the children of his grandfather Col John Power a Rev. Soldier & his wife Margaret Finley.

On the envelope, I have noted many references viz:

Book 7 pages 50-56 Prob Rehoboth Cem

Book 6 pages 168-9

Book 2 pages 35

book 12 pages 32 his own record

book 10 pages 4 & 5 Power family record

& S.B. Nelson's Big Fay Co History page 919 for Noah G. Lutz

I will check up with the records I have in my tables particularly in book 10 pages 4 & 5 & make note of information he gives which I probably do not have.

He cites that his eldest brother John married Mary Howell & had 4 children & then that his brother Joseph T. married Elizabeth McElhan & follows that with:

Florence (presumably Joseph T's daughter) married Samuel Van Kirk children: Alice, Edward, & William. Make slip.

He reports his brother Joseph single & died in Ala. I have him b 10 p 4 as dying in New Orleans, La & married

V26 Page 173

to Elizabeth McElhany. It may be that the Joseph T. above referred to is son of his oldest brother, John.

Referring back to b 10 p 5 he gives seven children of his Uncle John Finley Power, all of which I have & 5 more, but I don't know which is Mrs Thomas. He says John F's son James married Brittie Bennet & had 2 daughters:

1. Mary Power married William Speer

2. Brittie Power married twice.

make slip

Another son John Finley Power Jr married 1 Finley & had an only child, Joseph. Married 2 Martha Drennen & had one daughter

Another son, William Power married a Moore & had one son.

Mrs Thomas, the daughter had 3 children:

1. John Thomas married Miss Gilmore & had several children

2. Mary married Wm Niccolls & had several children

3. Albert died a young man.

He gives 7 children of his Uncle Patrick Power b 10 p 5 all of which I have & 4 more.

5 PM

I have come to the last of the 30 letters of the second bunch of large envelopes in an envelope to me from the Equitable Gas Co of Pgh Pa postmarked Aug 21, 1925 containing a valuable Genealogical Chart 8 3/4 x 18 inches of noted Virginia Families which I will undertake to reproduce on pages 182-3 which is printed & with the imprint "Genealogical table of some of our American Ancestry" Columbus, O A.A.E. Taylor S.A.R.

I believe I got it from him when there in 1920.

V26 Page 174

[descendant chart]

Martha Power see b 10 p 4 born Jany 14, 1807 ob married Jany 1826 John Allen see Allen records but not him pages 147 & 121.


Mary Allen ob

David Allen ob married Peairs & lived in Texas

Susan Allen ob married Wilson

Joseph Allen ob

James Allen ob

Clancy Allen ob married Somers

William Allen ob married Wilson

V26 Page 175 [blank]

V26 Page 176

[descendant chart]

Mary F. Power see b 10 p 4 born Dec 31, 1810 ob Mch 24, 1860 married Sept 1830 John Westbay


Henry Westbay, ob

James Westbay, ob married Moore

Eliza Jane Westbay ob

William Westbay ob married Moore

Calvin Westbay ob

Frank Westbay ob married Ann Wycoff

Power Westbay ob married

V26 Page 177 [blank]

V26 Page 178

[descendant chart]

Susannah Power see b 10 page 4 born Oct 2, 1818 ob, married Nov 2, 1839 Pressly Hurst


J. Power Hurst ob

Edward B. Hurst ob 1863 killed at Gettysburgh, Pa

John Hurst ob married, lived in Ohio

Sarah Hurst ob married & lived in Ohio

Frank Hurst ob married Rachel Shields

S. Carnahan Hurst ob married Isadore Simpson

Thomas Hurst ob married, lived in Ohio

V26 Page 179 [blank]

V26 Page 180

[descendant chart]

James Power see b 10 p 4 Born July 9, 1821 ob married Mary Humes


Harriet Power ob married Nif [sic] Lloyd

William Lloyd

Alfred Lloyd

Sarah Lloyd

William McCune Power single

V26 Page 181

[descendant chart]

William Jack Power see b 10 p 4 born July 29, 1824 ob married Nov 13, 1851 Mary J. Pollock had 5 children


Henry Power married Mary Irwin

Marge Power married Thomas Sawyer

Thomas P. Sawyer

John J. Power

Emma I. Power

Wilkins B. Power married Suzan

Edith Power

Anna Belle Power married Waggaman 2 sons

Harry Power

Alice Power

Mariam Power married Orville Phillips

Anna Power

David Power

Minnie Power married Frank Collier

V26 Page 182 & V26 Page 183

[descendant charts of various families]

Col Richard Lee came Va 16-1-63 [cut off word] State, Bury 1649-51 [may be Burg] [another cut off word] connect under Sir William Berkeley [confusing chart will attempt to produce it as it appears]


Richard Lee Hancock Lee "Drehler"

1647-1714 1653-1709 Justice 1780-02

Letitia Corbin Mary Kendall Speaker Burg Naval Officer

═══╦══╩════════════╦═══════ ════╦══╩════════╦═════════╦════════════

Henry Lee Thomas Lee Richard Elizabeth Hancock Lee

--91-1747 1690-50[?] 1691- [?] Jack ║

Mary Bland[?] Hannah Judith Taylor ═════╬═════════

║ Ludwell Steptoe ║ John Lee ════╬════════ Tides Harrison ║ ══════╬══════ ═════╬════════ Henry Lee ══════╬═══════ ║ Richard Taylor Sarah Lee

Str [?] Col Phil Lud Lee ║ Col. Rev. Col John ═════╬═══════ Rich H. Lee ║ ══════╬══════ Crittenden

Henry Lee Francis Lightfoot ║ Zachary Taylor ══════╬══════ Genl Rev Arthur Lee ║ Pres of U.S. Genl B. C.

"Lighthorse ═════╬══════════ ║ ══════╬═══════ Genl C.S.A.

Harry" Sam P. Lee ║ Richard Taylor Thos L.C.

════╬════════ Adm U.S. Navy ║ Genl C.S.A. Genl U.S.A.

Robert E. Lee ║ Sarah K. Taylor Cornelia C. ║ (Jeff Davis) (Dr John

════════╬═════ Young)

Elizabeth Lee & 170 [?] Peter Lee Lettice Conway Sister Lee Elizabeth (Col Jas Ball)

[Note: the preceding descendant chart appears as in the notebooks. The two following charts appearing on pages 182 & 182 will be listed

in the regular descendant chart order]

William Ball 1616-1680 Hannah Atherold


[names in parentheses are spouses]

Joseph Ball 1640-1670 (Eliz. Romney)

Mary Ball (A. Washington)

George Washington Pres. U.S. 1735-1799

Anne Ball (Edward Conway)

Capt. Wm Ball 1641-1684 (Bowdley)

Maj James Ball 1678-1754 (Mary Conway)

Col James Ball 1715-1789 Burg. Del. Va Conven, Sheriff

Jesse Ball 1740 (Agatha Conway)

Elizabeth Lee Ball 1770-1815 (John Gordon) 1787

[descendant chart]

Edwin Conway 1610-1675


Edwin Conway 1640-1708 [married] Sarah Fleete

Mary Conway [married] Maj James Ball

Edwin Conway [married] Anne Ball 1681-1763 Burg 1710-42 [listed in Ball desc. chart as Edward Ball]

Francis Conway 1697-1760

Maj Peter Conway ob 1753 burg -8-02 [sic] [married Eliz. Lee.

Agatha Conway [married] Jesse Ball 1765

Eleanor Rose Conway [married] James Madison

James Madison Pres of U.S.

[descendant chart appears as entered in book]

Edward Taylor

Emig. to NJ 1692


Edward Taylor

(Cath. Munford)

born 1678


Jos. Taylor

(Eliz. Ashton)


William Taylor John Taylor

Rev. Soldier Judge NY

(Lucy Embley) ═══════════╬════════════

1744-1800? John W. Taylor

════════╬══════════════ M.C. 20 yrs

Jos. Taylor Twice Speaker

(Jane Brown) House Rep

Magistrate ══════════╬══════════════

1770-1830? Melvina Taylor

═════════╬══════════════ (Dr Edwd Taylor's 2d wife

Edward Taylor M.D.


(Penelope Gordon)


Archibald Alexander Edward Taylor

author of this table

(Anna Van DerVeer)


Van DerVeer Taylor

(Lucy E. Munson)

Edward Munson Taylor

Archibald Gordon Taylor

Lucy Munson Taylor

[Descendant Chart as appears on page 183]

Col James Gordon


(Mary Harrison 1748)


John Gordon Mary

1765-1842 1752-1813

(Eliz. Lee Ball) (Jas F. Waddell)

═════════╬════════════ ════════╬══════════════

Penelope Gordon Janetta Waddell

1809-1836 (A. Alexander)

(Edwd Taylor M.D. ════════╬══════════════

W.C. Alexander

J.W. Alexander

J.H. Alexander

[Descendant chart as appears as page 183]

John H. (W.) Harrison

Emig London 1608?

Benjamin Harrison (the clerk)

1631 Clerk Kings Council

Burg 1642


Benjamin Harrison. The

Counsellor 1645-1712

Kings Council 1699-1704

Burg Com to Great Britain


Nathaniel Benjamin Hannah

1677-1727 1673-1710 (Philip Ludwell)

Brandon? Berkeley ═══════╬════════

(Mary Coy?) Burg Speaker etc Hannah

Gov convent to ══════╬═══════════════ (Thos Lee)

succeed father Benjamin ob 1774 Vide [guess]

═════════════╬═════════ Sheriff Lee

Mary Harrison (Anne Carter)

1732-1771 ════╦══╩═══════════╦═════════

(Jas Gordon) Benjamin Harrison Carter

1740-1791 ════╬════════════

Gov Va. Signer Robert Carter

══════════════════════════╬══════════════ ═════╬═══════════════

Wm Henry Harrison 1773-1841 Pres. U.S. Carter Henry Harrison

══════════════╬══════════════════════════ Mayor of Chicago

J. Scott Harrison 1804-1878 ═════╬═══════════════

═════════════╬════════════════════════ Carter H. Harrison

Benjamin Harrison Pres of U.S. Mayor of Chicago

V26 Page 184

Residence of Mary Ann (maiden name Helm) Markle 347 East Main St, Evans City, Butler Co, Pa Aug 18, 1931 3:45 PM. [the preceding except for parenthetical insert & what follows on this & page 185 are in a feminine hand, not JVT's]

Miss Emma Markle presents a history of Butler County containing 1331 pages, printed 1895 by The Brown Publishing Co in which on page 1111 is an article giving a sketch of her grandfather "Zeno" Markle who was born Nov 1, 1815 in Bucks County, Pa, the son of Daniel Markel and Hannah Hartzell Markel natives of Montgomery and Bucks County respectively, he being the youngest of seven (7) children, his father Daniel was a major in the War of 1812. At 18 years of age he moved to Montgomery County.

(Make slip to examine at Doylestown and Norristown for will of Daniel Markel or settlement of his estate).

In 1838 he came west to Beaver Co. In 1839 he married Susannah Stamm a daughter of David Stamm.

In 1840 he located in Muddy Creek Township, Butler Co and engaged in farming for 8 years, thence moved to Forward Twp, Butler Co where he continued to live until 1889 when he removed to Evans City where he remained the remainder of his life. Dying.

V26 Page 185

He was the father of four children

V26 Page 186 & V26 Page 187

[descendant chart]

Zeno Markle born in Bucks Co Pa Nov 1, 1815 & died in Evans City

Butler Co, Pa ob Aug 15, 1897 & buried in Cem here. Married 1839 Susannah Stamm daughter of Daniel Stamm & his wife Elizabeth Shearer of Beaver Co, Pa. She died Mch 1905.


1. Elizabeth Markle b Jany 23, 1840 ob, married Jacob Zeigler. Had 7 children.

2. Maria Markel [sic] b Sept 22, 1843 ob 1818 & he died abt 5 wks later, John Weber. Lived at Renfrew, this Co. Had 8 children. They can give names here.

3. Hannah Markel b June 26, 1845 ob Sept 19, 1905 never married

4. Daniel Markel b May 27 1854, ob June 24, 1907 & buried here. He was a farmer in Forward Tp this Co. Married Dec 15, 1879 in Evans City, Pa by Rev Busch, Lutheran to Mary Ann Helm b Dec 18, 1859 at Evans City, Pa daughter of John Helm & his wife Dorothy Schilling. Had 12 children, first 8 born in Forward Tp & the other 7 here.

Lawrence Orlando Markel b Feby 8, 1880 married Josephine Marshall, daughter of Clark H. Marshall & wife Elizabeth Stuart

Live at Zelionople & has a garage there.

Clark Lawrence Markel b Mch 1911

Flora Matilda Markel b Dec 28, 1881 married Dec 25, 1907 Victor A. Barnhart & live next door have 3 children living & 1 dead.

Ruth Anna Barnhart b Dec 3, 1908 single

Jane Barnhart b Sept 1910, single

Mary Ellen Barnhart b Apr 1913 ob Jany 1919

Victor A. Barnhart Jr b Feby 1916

Emma Lucetta Markel b Dec 20, 1883 single

Amanda Dorothea Markel b Apr 20, 1886 married June 1906 to Edgar Shaeffer both living at Zelionople

Luella Clark Markel b June 21, 1888 ob Oct 24, 1918 married Martin Ladoar [best guess, very hard to read] He lives here, salesman.

Daniel Robert Ladoar b Oct 1910

Jacob Frederick Ladoar b Oct 1916

Selma Matilda Ladoar b Oct 23, 1918 Ira Marie Markel b Sept 1, 1890 married Ralph Dembach, no issue

Carl Helm Markel b Jany 14, 1893 married June 1919 Dorothy Schrunk daughter Henry G. Schrunk & wife Margaret Shoemaker. Live at Bellevue, Pa salesman for Logan Gregg & Co.

Margaret Louise Markel b July 1921

Carl H. Markel Jr b Oct 1924

Zeno Harrison Markel b Aug 18, 1894 married Mary Eyster, daughter of John Eyster. Live at Zelionople, Pa in garage with brother. Go. No issue

Wm Daniel Markel b Dec 15, 1895 married Aug 1926 to Elizabeth Ferguson. He is a lawyer in Butler, Pa Grad. Fr W&J 1920

Nancy Jane Markel b July 1929

Susan Dorothy Markel b Mch 6, 1898, single

Mary Georgina Markel b Nov 15, 1899 single

Jean Inez Markel b Jany 16, 1902 single

V26 Page 188

[descendant chart]

Amanda Dorothea Markel p 186 married Edgar F. Shaeffer. Have 8 children, all single


Mary Elizabeth Shaeffer b June 27, 1907

Carl Markel Shaeffer b June 1909

John Frederick Shaeffer b June 1911

Alice Irene Shaeffer b May 1913

Edward Shaeffer b Sept 1915

Robert Shaeffer b Jany 7, 1918

Rolland Shaeffer b Dec 10, 1920

Betty Jean Shaeffer b Oct 1923

V26 Page 189 [blank]

V26 Page 190

At residence of John Wesley Powell 309 Wahl Ave Evans City, Pa Aug 18, 1931 5:05 PM

Mrs Powell was Mary Agnes Weber born Sept 9, 1866 at Renfrew, Pa daughter of John Weber & his wife Maria Markel.

She was married Feby 1, 1887 at her home at Renfrew by Rev Emanuel Cronenweth, Lutheran of Butler Pa to John Wesley Powell born Sept 11, 1853 at Sarver, Butler Co, Pa son of Butler Powell & his wife Nancy Black. Have had 4 children their 3d child was born in New Kensington, Pa & the other three at Sarver, Pa. Mr Powell was a merchant.

1. Lillian Powell b Nov 28, 1888

2. Gladys Powell b June 25, 1901

3. John Butler Powell b June 17, 1903

4. David Weber Powell b Apr 4, 1907

V26 Page 191

Lillian Powell married Aug 25, 1910 to Victor Hay Fleck born on Sept 6, son of B.C. Fleck. Both living in Grove City, Pa where he has been a clerk. Have 3 children first one born in Breckenridge, Pa & other two in Grove City, Pa.

1. Elizabeth Fleck b Oct 6, 1912

2. Anna Mary Fleck b Feby 5, 1922

3. Victoria Fleck b Oct 7, 1930

3. John B. was married on June 17, 1930 at Schenectady NY to Ruth Caroline Foshy [best guess. JVT is obviously having trouble with his eyes again & this is hard to read]. Both living in New Haven, Conn 37 Winnetta St where he is an electrical engineer.

4. David W. works for an electrical concern in Easton, Pa & is single.

2. Gladys is at home single & along with her mother has given me the above information. She says her parents record is at the old home where her brothers David Markel & Wm P & sister Clare live. Mr Powell says his father's mother was a Butler. Leaving 5:40 PM

V26 Page 192

At residence of the old Homestead of John Weber now occupied by Wm Peter David Markel & Clara Elizabeth Weber, Penn Tp Butler Co (P.O. Renfrew, Pa RD 1 Aug 18, 1931 6:33 PM

Miss Clara has given me their record which I have tabled. Miss Clara says Mrs Lucinda Riley, living in Forward Tp abt a mile from Browndale can give the record of her mother Elizabeth Markle Zeigler or possibly if she can't her sister, Mrs Mary Blakley living in Jefferson Tp this Co abt 5 miles where she is widow of Joseph Blakley.

Leaving 7:33 PM

V26 Page 193 [blank]

V26 Page 194 & V26 Page 194

[descendant chart]

Maria Markel b Sept 22, 1843 in Muddy Creek Tp, this Co & died July 25, 1920 in this house & is buried in the South Cem, Butler Pa, married Feby 17, 1863 at Evans City, Pa to John Weber b Nov 10, 1838 & died Nov 10, 1920 just 11 weeks after his wife & is buried beside her. He was son of Adam Weber & his wife Veronica Voothe [best guess]. They had 8 children all born in this house as was their father. Dates of birth from their family bible.


Susan Veronica Weber b Jany 1, 1864 married Jany 16, 1883 to David Renfrew son of David Renfrew & wife Mary Kirkpatrick. Both living in this Tp, he a retired farmer.

Mary Agnes Weber b Sept 9, 1866

William Peter Weber b Feby 15, 1869 here at home single, a farmer

Clara Elizabeth Weber b Apr 25, 1871 at home single & my informant for this record

Hannah Margaret Weber b Dec 7, 1873 married Nov 3, 1897 to John R. Henninger who was judge of C.P. court & died in office see Butler Co Hist B Apr 12, 1870 & died. Son of Frederick Henninger & wife Mary. She living. Have 4 children born in Butler Pa

Minnie Nora Weber b Sept 22, 1876 married 1 Feby 17, 1913 t Fred Kennedy who was overcome by gas at his own plant. No issue. Married 2 Aug 9, 1919 to Delbert Willits b Aug 15, 1875 son of Wm Wallace Willits & wife Alice Averille. Minnie Nora died Aug 8, 1931 no issue.

John Adam Weber b Feby 5, 1882 married June 1, 1909 to Mable Campbell separated, no issue. He is a druggist here.

David Markel Weber b Apr 27, 1885 married Oct 10, 1923 to Grace Herbison b Oct 14, 1904 in Forward Tp & live here have 2 children born in this house. She, daughter of Samuel Herbison & wife Mary Purvis.

Mary Maria Weber b July 8, 1924

Clara Jean Weber b May 5, 1926

V26 Page 196

At residence of Mrs Mary Ann Blakeley Jefferson Tp, Butler Co, Pa (P.O. Butler Pa RD 5) Aug 19, 1931 9 AM

Mrs Blakeley & her daughter Mrs Pearl Rose Patton have a record of the births of the children of Elizabeth Markle & her husband Jacob M. Zeigler in a bible of Mrs Blakeley's which her daughter Mrs Patton copied from the bible record of Jacob M. Zeigler & wife & which I am tabling com. on page 198

V26 Page 197 [blank]

V26 Page 198 & V26 Page 199

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Markle was born Aug 23, 1840 & died Feby 26, 1885 at Petersville, Connoquenessing [sic] Tp Butler Co, Pa & is buried in Reformed Pres G.Y. at Petersville, Pa. Married Jany 1860 to Jacob M. Zeigler b July 28, 1836 in Butler Co & died Dec 10, 1891 & buried same place. He was son of Samuel Zeigler & his wife _______ Musselman. They had 8 children all born in Butler Co, Pa


Samuel Austin Zeigler b Dec 10, 1860 married

Mary Ann Zeigler b June 22, 1862 married May 12, 1887 at Butler Pa by Rev White, Meth to Joseph Liberton Blakeley. See p 200.

Zeno Ephraim Zeigler b June 29, 1864 ob Apr 16, 1920. He died in Pgh & is buried at Summit Pres Ch Cem married 1891 to Sarah Caldwell daughter of John B. Caldwell & wife Nancy J. Robinson. Had 4 children born in Pgh.

Floyd Zeigler ob, single

Effie Elizabeth Zeigler, married

Olive Nancy Zeigler, married

Walter W. Zeigler, single

Elizabeth Susannah Zeigler b Oct 9, 1866 ob Dec 29, 1867

Daniel Wesley Zeigler b Feby 15, 1869 ob Mch 10, 1803 in Butler Pa buried in Summit Pres Ch Cem. single

Emanuel Dayton Zeigler b Sept 6, 1871 married & living at 539 3d Ave Tarentum, Pa. Have one girl

Emma Elizabeth Zeigler b July 10, 1874 ob Mch 9, 1879 of scarlet fever

Lucinda Agnes Zeigler b Sept 22, 1876, married

V26 Page 200 & V26 Page 201

[descendant chart]

Mary Ann Zeigler born June 22, 1862 see p 198 married May 12, 1887 Joseph Liberton Blakeley b July 22, 1858 at Ford Tp, this Co & died Apr 11, 1929 in this house of Bright's Disease & is buried at Summit Pres Cem in this Tp. He was [son of] Andrew Blakeley & wife Sarah Jane Harris. Had 5 children born in this Co.


Della Elizabeth Blakeley b Oct 19, 1888 married Aug 6, 1913 to Ralph McJunkin Thompson b Aug 16, 1884 son of Robert C. Thompson & wife Harriet McJunkin. He was the youngest child of Robert W. Thompson.

Robert Blakeley Thompson b Dec 25, 1914

LeRoy Ralph Thompson b Apr 1, 1916

Mary Elizabeth Thompson b Sept 10, 1919

Paul McJunkin Thompson b Dec 21, 1921

Ruth Evelyn Thompson b Nov 7, 1924

Myrtle Agnes Blakeley b Aug 28, 1890 married Jany 30, 1919 to James Dickson b Apr 9, 1892 in Wash Co, Pa son of Salem Dickson & Margaret Crawford.

Joseph Salem Dickson b Oct 13, 1919

Alvin Wesley Blakeley b Mch 16, 1893 married Oct 20, 1920 Ethel Goodwin daughter of Chas A. Goodwin.

Bertha Louise Blakeley

William Wallace Blakeley

Lynn Liberton Blakeley b Nov 14, 1895 unmarried

Pearl Rose Blakeley b Feby 22, 1898 married Apr 8, 1927 to William Newton Patton b June 12, 1897 in Wash Co, Pa one mile fr Monongahela City, Pa son of John Alfred Patton & wife Rhoda Conabee & are living here. One child born here.

Shirley Marie Patton b Aug 18, 1928

V26 Page 202

At residence of Samuel A. Austin Zeigler Penn Tp Butler Co, Pa (P.O. Butler RD 6, Pa) Aug 19, 1931 11:33 AM.

Mrs Samuel A. Zeigler was Mary Elzamina Cooper daughter of Robert Cooper & his wife Martha Johnson & he was son of James Cooper & his wife Hartzell Cooper. She says that when Zeno Markle first came to this section, he had all of his belongings tied in a red bandana handkerchief & her Uncle George Cooper got him on a horse & took him to the home of James Cooper, his father who was a relation (evidently through the Hartzells). She says Guy Stamm, living near Evans City, Pa is the history [sic] of the Stamm reunion which met not long ago.

She don't know where her gf James Cooper came from but says the records at the C.H. shows that he bought the farm in Jackson Tp in 1831. He is buried in the Evans City Cem & has a marker which shows he was near 90.

She will send me her gf's dates. She will have her sister or cousin at Hickory Pa send me their Cooper record.

Leaving 12:33 PM

V26 Page 203 [blank]

V26 Page 204 & V26 Page 205

[descendant chart]

Samuel A. Zeigler see page 198 b Dec 10, 1860 married Nov 8, 1888 in Penn Tp at her home to Mary E. Cooper born Sept 8, 1868. Have 6 children the oldest child born in Clinton Tp, this Co & the others in this house.


Estella Martha Zeigler b Aug 15, 1889 married June 21, 1923 John Reynolds Hill b Nov 9, 1888 in Adams Tp this Co son of Frank Hill. He is a farmer & both living in Adams Tp this Co & have 5 children all born there.

John Arthur Hill b May 20, 1924

LeRoy Austin Hill b Mch 6, 1926

Shirley Jean Hill b Apr 8, 1928

Dean Hill b Oct 22, 1929

Marjorie Grace Hill b Jany 27, 1931

Iva Elizabeth Zeigler b May 14, 1891 married Sept 27, 1924 in St Louis, Mo to Chas Clay Alexander son of Gross [best guess] Alexander. He is an Industrial Arts designer & both living at 111 N. Hite Ave Louisville, Ky & have one child born in St Louis, Mo

Adrian Zeigler Alexander b Dec 28, 1926

Infant Son b Dec 28, 1893 stillborn

Roy Markel Zeigler b Mch 23, 1896 ob May 23, 1899

Clara Margaretta Zeigler b Feby 8, 1899 married Dec 22, 1925 in this house to John Robert Baugs Jr b Sept 13, 1895 in Balto, Md son of John Robert & Mary ______Baugs. He is a Prof in Cornell Univ at Ithaca NY where they both live at 205 Ridgedale Road. Have one child born at Ithaca.

Mary Emily Baugs b May 6, 1929

Willis Samuel Zeigler b Oct 22, 1901 married Oct 10, 1925 in Peoria, Ills to Emilie Hermie Kraemer b Aug 1, 1901 in Germany, daughter of Jacob Kraemer. Both living at 6029 Pierce St, Omaha, Neb where he is district Supt of the caterpillar tractor Co. Have 3 children, the two oldest born in Peoria, Ills & the 3d in Omaha, Neb.

Willis Samuel Zeigler Jr b Sept 18, 1926

Frederick Hubert Zeigler b Jany 12, 1930

Caroline Anne Zeigler b July 2, 1931

V26 Page 206

At residence of Langdon Samuel Riley Forward Tp Butler Co, Pa (P.O. Renfrew, Pa Rd 2) Aug 19, 1931 1:30 PM

Mrs Riley has an old letter which she got at the old home of Zeno Markle where she lived for two years with her grandmother, her maiden aunt after her grandfather Zeno Markle had died. This letter was among his letters where there were other old German letters which she did not keep. The letter is dated Nov 22, 1852 at Churchville, Monroe Co NY, speaks of it being long years since they parted as brothers & signs himself as "your affectionate brother - John Markle" which puts another phase on it. He speaks of his brother having stopped to see him on his way to their old home in Bucks Co Pa after visiting him, Zeno. The letter is directed to Zeno Markley, Breakneck (early name of Evans City) Butler Co, Pa.

V26 Page 207

Mr Samuel Riley was born Feby 14, 1845 in Pgh on Wiley Ave. He says his wife's brother 6 mos older than him, named William Thompson no doubt 3 mos ago moved from Middlesex Tp to Youngstown, O. They will write him & get the Thompson record. Mr Riley's wife Mary Jane Thompson was born Aug 22, 1846 married about 1870.

Leaving 2:11 PM

V26 Page 208

[descendant chart]

Lucinda Agnes Zeigler b Sept 22, 1876 see P [none given] married May 29, 1901 in Jefferson Tp this Co to Langdon Samuel Riley b May 20, 1875 on this farm, son of Samuel Riley, still living here 87 yrs old & his wife Mary Jane Thompson who was daughter of John Thompson of Middlesex Tp abt 3 miles from here.


Samuel Howard Riley b Mch 16, 1902 married June 20, 1925 to Lucy Irene Miller who died May 8, 1928 daughter of Clinton E. Miller & wife Etta Poe. Had one child born in Butler Tp this Co.

L. Samuel Eugene Riley b Feby 8, 1926

Mary Anna Riley b Sept 20, 1903 married June 6, 1931 Oliver Wendell Holmes Miller b Mch 12, 1906 son of Clinton E. Miller & wife Etta Poe. They live Butler Co, Pa P.O. Butler Pa RD 7

Bernice May Riley b July 4, 1907 school teacher single

Florence Viola Riley b June 2, 1909 doing housework

Clifford Alexander Riley b Mch 18, 1919 at home.

V26 Page 209

At office of Harry Earl Markle Matson Bldg Brookville, Pa Aug 20, 1931 8:11 AM Jacob F. Markle's third wife, Grace Klinger McLaughlin Markle was born Mch 21, 1886. Her mother was Sophia Platt. Her first husband, John McLaughlin died Oct 3, 1909. She now lives at Summerville, Pa.

Mary Markle, sister of Jacob F. married John Johns (pro Jonce) both died at Stanton, Jeff Co Pa & had about 8 boys & one girl. Harry will try to get record & send me. They think they can get record from their son Harry.

Rebecca, the other sister of Jacob F. married Geo A. Stoup & lived at Allentown, Allegheny Co, NY where she died in 1926 & he is living there. Had 3 children, 2 girls living & married & have a child or so each. The son died single. M.M. wrote him once for record & he didn't answer.

Leaving 9:46 AM

V26 Page 210 & V26 Page 211

V26 Page 212 & V26 Page 213 [blank]

V26 Page 214 & V26 Page 215 &

V26 Page 216 & V26 Page 217 &

V26 Page 218

[descendant chart]

Jacob Franklin Markle born June 2, 1849 in Red Bank Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa & died Aug 8, 1925 at Summerville, Jefferson Co, Pa of acute indigestion, son of George Markle & his wife Catharine Gearhart b 1832 ob 1905, she having married Wm Procious Apr 17, 1855 & is buried at Mt Zion Cem. Married Sarah Ellen Miller b Oct 22, 1850 ob Mch 31, 1873 daughter of Jacob Miller & wife Susannah Shick. No issue. Married 2 Charlotte Yeaney b Mch 24, 1854 ob June 6, 1902 aged 48 yrs at Oak Ridge, Armstrong, Co, Pa & is buried at Shannondale, Pa, daughter of Jacob Yeaney whose father came fr Canton-Baden, Switzerland & his wife Angelina Caress. Had 6 children. Married 3 Aug 25, 1912 Mrs Edna Grace Klinger McLaughlin, widow of John McLaughlin & daughter of Conrad Klinger. Had 1 child, oldest one born at Elk City, Clarion Co, Pa 2d one Fairmont City at the Ford, Armstrong Co, Pa the next four born at Oak Ridge Armstrong Co, Pa on the Shoemaker farm home of the Markles & the last one at Summerville, Pa Jefferson Co Pa.


Milo Merwin Markle b Mch 13, 1878 married 1 Dec 20, 1900 to Alice Coleman b July 12, 1873 & ob Aug 8, 1926 daughter of Wesley Fletcher Coleman & his wife Catharine Wheatcist [best guess]. Had 3 children all born in Oak Ridge. Married 2 Aug 8, 1927 to Mrs Anna Ferringer Shaffer, widow of Miles Shaffer, daughter of Jonathan Ferringer & wife Catharine Minish. Have 6 children 1st one at New Kensington & other in Faron Tp, Allegheny Co, see page 214 & 214 [which reads:]

Marquis Coleman Jacob Markle b Oct 20, 1901 educated at Grove City College & Kelly Field Sem Antonia Tex, grad of New Beth High School. Is now with an airport firm in New Jersey, single

Wesley Franklin Markle b Apr 28, 1904 educated grad. of New Beth High School & Grove City Col & State College teaching in Sunbury, Pa & Newark NJ single

Mary Katharyn Markle b Dec 1, 1906 grad New Beth High School Byron Kings School or Oratory & State College, teacher, single

Milo Merwin Markle Jr b Oct 10, 1928

Norma Jean Markle b Sept 6, 1929

Norman Newton Markle b Apr 1, 1881 ob Sept 8, 1921 married Mae Buzzard daughter of John Buzzard & wife Sarah Ohl. Had 4 children see page 216 [which reads:]

Edna Oleta Markle b 1903 ob 1903 aged 9 days born at Oak Ridge, Pa

Clarence Clyde Markle b Nov 9, 1904 at Oakville, Wash, married Mch 4, 1925 to Rita Bernice Dunham b Feby 5, 1909 daughter of Carl G. Dunham & wife Ada Orr. Have one child.

Mary Eleanor Markle b Dec 17, 1926

Kenneth Earl Markle b Nov 13, 1906 at Oakville, Wash ob Oct 14, 1924 buried at Summerville, Pa Cem

Jacob Franklin Markle b May 24, 1913 on a farm near Truittsburg, Clarion Co, Pa

Edna May Markle b May 26, 1884 ob July 22, 1923 married Nov 14, 1901 John Williams son of Henry Williams, 5 children see page 217 [which reads:] P.O. Vandergrift, 103 Hamilton, Ave, Pa. He born Apr 23, 1879 at Panconst, Jeff Co, Pa son of Henry Williams a native of Wales & wife Margaret Davis

Edwin Henry Williams b May 16, 1902 married Apr 17, 1924 & has 2 children & trouble with his wife viz Violet Sueman b Apr 23, 1907 daughter of Philip Sueman & were divorced Dec 1929. Have 2 children who are with the mother who remarried & was kicked out in a month.

Edna Williams b July 1925

Dorothy Golda Williams b Oct 16, 1928

Marian Golda Williams b Oct 10, 1905 single

John Jacob Williams Jr b Sept 5, 1913 ob Apr 11, 1927 aged 14 killed by flower box falling on him in his effort to help another.

Gladys Grace Williams b Dec 29, 1915 single

Harry Clyde Williams b July 5, 1919

Harry Earl Markle b Dec 31, 1885 married Sept 6, 1928 at Flonaton, Ala to Eunice Marie McCurdy b Sept 3, 1898 at Flonaton Ala daughter of James D. McCurdy & wife Georgia. Both living 153 Jefferson St Brookville, Pa. No issue.

Golda Mildred Markle b Nov 15, 1887 ob Dec 8, 1919 married Dec 25, Thomas R. Carrier see p 218 [which reads:] married Dec 25, 1907?

Theodore Ray Carrier b Oct 18, 1908 married Mch 22, 1929 Thelma Chlo Green

Meriam Gertrude Carrier b Oct 13, 1930

Jacob Franklin Carrier b Dec 13, 1910

Florence Ruth Carrier b Dec 21, 1912

Jane Ilene Carrier b July 16, 1915

Mary Katharyn Carrier b Nov 10, 1917

Wayne Marcus Carrier b Nov 29, 1919

Twila Theola Markle b July 8, 1894 married Feby 25, 1914 Clyde E. White b Apr 25, 1885 son of Wm G. White & his wife Mary Klinger. Both living at 795 Northwest 29th ST. Miami, Fla. Had one child born near Corsica Pa stillborn.

Grace C. White b 1921 ob 1921 at birth.

Alda Adelene Markle b Mch 4, 1913 lives with her mother at Summerville, Pa

V26 Page 219 [blank]

V26 Page 220 & V26 Page 221 &

V26 Page 222, V26 Page 223 [blank] &

V26 Page 224 & V26 Page 225

[descendant chart]

Margaret Anna Markle b Mch 6, 1853 in Mahoning Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa daughter of Abraham Markle & wife Mary Ann Anthony. ob May 1, 1931 in this house & is buried in Narrows Cemetery in Mahoning Tp. Married Oct 5, 1871 by Rev J.S. Elder of Clarion, Pa at Clarion Pa to Philip Miles Adams b Dec 8, 1845 in Mahoning Tp son of Mary Adams & his wife Juliann Bish. He died Mch 14, 1914 in Warren, Pa & is buried in Narrows Cem. They had 13 children all born on the farm in Mahoning Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa.


Nany Olive Adams b July 19, 1872 ob aged 5 yrs

Wilbert Otis Adams b Dec 8, 1873 ob Jany 17, 1874

Edwin Winson Adams b Dec 9, 1874 ob Aug [unreadable] 1919 aged 45 killed in mine see page 222 [which reads:] married 1 Minnie Kelly whose mother was Kunselman, 1 child, married 2 Ella Woodrow of Frostburg, Pa daughter of Simeon Woodrow. Had 3 children, 2 dead, all born at Oak Ridge, Pa. Married 3 Gertie Bish, daughter of Michael Bish. Had 2 boys both married & have children. She married 2 Robert Anderson & live at Kittanning, Pa. She could give record if she would.

Maude Leora Adams b Oct 21, 1876 my informant for this record, see page 224 & 225 [which reads:] married July 4, 1892 on the farm or in Kittanning Pa at John G. Simpson J.P. to Thomas Harvey Ealey b Dec 25, 1867 in Sugar Creek Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa, son of Abner Ealy [sic] & wife Betsy Hopper. Have had seven children, first three born in Madison Tp, Clarion, the next in Mahoning Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa & the youngest at Red Bank Junct., Madison Tp, Clarion Co, Pa.

Virginia Eleanor Ealey b Mch 19, 1893 married Dec 24, 1909 to Chas Oscar Nicholson. She died Sept 14, 1910 & left one child. He has remarried.

Chas Oscar Nicholson Jr b June 6, 1910 ob Sept 1910 3 wks after his mother.

Elva Matilda Ealey b Dec 16, 1894 married 1916 to Ray Corson both living at Mock Tunnel Jeff Co Have 6 children. Write him.

Bessie Belle Ealey b July 30, 1897 ob Aug 12, 1912 married June 20, 1912 to Harry H. Schick. No issue

Araminta Ella Ealey b Mch 23, 1902 ob May 27, 1902

Infant son, twin b Feby 25, 1903 ob Mch 1, 1903

Infant son, twin b Feby 25, 1903 & died same day

Ethele Dea Ealey b July 25, 1904 married Sept 1921 to James Drayer born Aug 1903 son of John Drayer & wife Lula Shick, both living in Fairmount city, Pa where he works at the tile works. Have 3 children all born in Fairmount City.

Oolene Drayer b Feby 5, 1922

Gladys DeRose Drayer b Dec 18, 1924

Herbert Clifton Drayer b Apr 7, 1930

Carrie Samantha Melvina Adams [daughter of Philip Miles Adams] b Aug 25, 1875

Lillie Belle Adams b June 28, 1880 married Edward Brown. Both living at Orange Calif 374 N. Cambridge St, Genl Delivery. Has 2 girls & a boy (one girl single. write her)

Roland Alfred Adams b Nov 25, 1881 married Aug 31, 1909 Hattie Miller both living at Distant, Pa have 4 children. He is a miner. She born Oct 30, 1887 daughter of Jackson Miller & wife Rosetta Barlett. 1st & 3d children born at Frostburg, Pa, 2d at Horatio, Pa & 4th at Distant, Pa

Melvin Adams B Dec 27, 1909 single

Paul Adams b Mch 30, 1911 single

Velma Margaret Adams b Mch 30, 1915 single

Harold Clifton Adams b May 8, 1922

Araminta Mathena Adams b May 29, 1884 married Delbert Diffenbashe & both living at Coley, Sullivan Co, Pa where he is a farmer. Have 3 daughters, two married. Write her.

Boyd Henry Adams b Jany 20, 1889 married Eva Nicholson & have parted. Have 2 children both grown

Cleo Adams

Lloyd Adams

Ina Celestine Susanna Adams b Aug 20, 1891 married Robert Flick of Rimersburg, Pa both living at Oil City, Pa where he is a railroader at 63 Spruce St, write her. Have 7 children.

Anna Myrum Adams b Apr 16, 1883 ob Jus [sic] 19, 1883

Brady Addison Smith Adams b Nov 23, 1886 ob Dec 31, 1886

Wilmer Miles Adams b Dec 24, 1894 only single one.

Leaving 3 PM

V26 Page 226

Oak Hill Aug 22, 1931 5:33 PM

At Oak Ridge, Pa day before yesterday, we saw Henry Williams, father of John Williams, who married Edna M. Markle see page 217 & he said he was born June 20, 1848 & came from South Wales when 18 landing in New York City Nov 12, 1866. M.M. Markle when driving with me 3 days 18-20th whistled much of the time & said his father had two things he sang viz:

"Wonderful Things in the Bible I see

But the dearest of all is Jesus Loves me.

Loves me even a sinner like me"

The other was:

"Shoo fly don't bother me"

He said his father Jacob Franklin Markle 1849-1925 often said that one dishonest penny would eat up ninety nine honest ones & he always said that any money gotten dishonestly would not do anyone any good but that retributive justice would follow them & take it from him. He died worth $700,000.

V26 Page 227

He, Jacob F. Markle left his widow by will ten to twenty thousand dollars, twice the amount agreed on between them in a marriage contract, he then gave M.M. $12,000, his wife $1000 & each of M.M's three children $10,000 when they reached 25 yrs in all $43,000. He gave each of his other six children the same amount with minor variations & the balance of his estate to be divided equally between his seven children 21 yrs after his death which is in 1946. He made Harry Exr. He owned abt 2500 A of land when he died & they still have most of it & many bonds, some of them bad ones. He made his money buying & selling stock, selling his farms in town lots & in oil & gas & was an organizer & continuous V.Pt of the Trust Co at New Bethlehem. On Thursday 20th inst, we drove to home of John Armsr Markle, son of "Hickley fuss" (he had cut his foot which gave him that name - Dutch for it) Jacob Markle, son of Moses but his wife said he was up a hollow opening a coal bank for his winter coal. We then went to the farm of his brother, Ed J. Markle & he was out

V26 Page 228

in the field digging out bad weeds, but his wife went after him & brought him in. M.M. said they had but one child, a son who died without issue. When Ed J. came in, I asked him if he had his father's bible record & he said he had not & said his sister Mrs Hal who dropped dead at a band concert early last month, noted in these records, had gotten it, but that her husband was visiting or living with some of their children & the house was locked up. And as I was leaving, he said he thought it had been burned up. Hence we did not get any record of the children of "Hickley fuss" Jake Markle. Make slip to see the Halls first & see if bible or record is in existence. M.M. thought he had ten children - five boys & five girls. The following was handed me on Thursday morning as we were leaving:

James S. Cooper born 1785 died Sept 27, 1867


Mary Cooper born 1796 died Mch 24, 1872

Chester O. Markle of Brookville, Pa wants a book.

V26 Page 229

Oak Hill Aug 24, 1931 8 AM

A letter dated Aug 14, 1931 from Miss Nellie Woods 409 Alexander St, Greensburgh, Pa encloses letters about his family from William L. Finley, Jennings Lodge, Oregon. She also gives the following abt the Power family from History of Chester Co, Pa.

Rev James Power was born in Nottingham, Chester Co, Pa in 1746 child of parents who emigrated from the North of Ireland.

1. Rev James Power b 1746 ob Aug 5, 1830

2. Col John Power b 1757 in Chester Co, Pa ob July 29, 1805 in Westmoreland Co, Pa he married in 1778 Margaret Finley born Sept 5, 1756 ob May 10, 1836

3. Jane Power b 1752 ob Apr 11, 1832 married in 1780 in Cecil Co, Md Robert Moore born in 1752. They were my great great grandparents through my grandmother Woods she says. I am wondering in this Jane Power may not have been a sister of Rev James & Col John Power (I think she was)

I am tabling the information gotten from Mr Finley on the next page & see also page 31.

V26 Page 230 & V26 Page 231

[descendant chart]

William Finley see page 31 was baptized June 17, 1743 by Rev John Craig of the Tinkling springs Pres Ch, Augusta Co, Va. He was 7th son of John Finley born in Ireland 1704 who in 1720 came to Chester Co, Pa with his father James Finley who then emigrated to Penna, he says with 8 sons. It is probable that this James was son of John Finley born Apr 9, 1636 see top page 34 of Anjou's hist. William settled in Prince Edward Co, Va where he lived a few years & then moved to Wyeth Co, Va where he lived until he died in 1802. He had 4 sons & 5 daughters, but it is not stated who he married. His sons moved to Christian Co, Ky. We only have the names of 2 of his children now.


John P. Finley of Ky ob. Most of the information in this record was given by him in a letter he wrote Jany 25, 1854 to his nephew Asa Wallace Finley & in which he speaks of his father William & his grandfather John who went fr Pa to Augusta Co Va & that his gr grandfather emigrated to America near 1700 with 8 sons settling in Pa & coming from Ireland, one of those sons John settled in Augusta Co, Va abt 1737. He had 8 sons & 3 daughters.

Asa Finley ob Apr 8, 1853 in Saline Co, Mo. He moved in 1818 from Christian Co, Ky to Saline Co Mo. Married

James Washington Finley b Oct 13, 1813 ob May 2, 1865. He crossed the plains in 1852 to California & settled in Santa Clara Co, Calif where he died. Married

John Pettis Finley b Dec 30, 1844 in Saline Co, Mo & died Apr 3, 1925 in Portland, Oregon, married

William L. Finley b Aug 9, 1876 at Santa Clara Calif living at Jennings Lodge, Oregon & informant to Nellie Woods for this record. Writing him today. His letter to her Oct 23, 1929

Asa Wallace Finley [son of Asa Finley]

V26 Page 232

I have a letter dated Apr 6, 1930 in answer to mine of Apr 1, 1930 from Mr C.M. Smith 120 Dakota Ave, Columbus, O in which he says his daughter-in-law, Ruth Steele Smith was there that day & says her father is Arthur Lewis Steele & Miss Florence Chapin was her mother's name. Her grandfather was James Gladstone Steele a relative of W.E. Gladstone, the English Premier which he thinks is a different family from ours.

He wanted me to loan him to read the James Patterson of Conestoga Manor book to read but I am not able to see enough to hunt it out. He says both he & Mrs Welshoris [best guess] wrote to Charles Wiley Finley 1014 Washington St, Muncie, Ind who is said to have the Joseph Lewis Finley bible record, but he never answered although their letters had their return cards on them & never came back, so he recd them. He treated me about the same, but Maj France got the record in some way & I got it from some he gave it to.

V26 Page 233

On Aug 12, 1931, Mr Smith mailed me a circular letter announcing a Smith & Finley reunion on Sept 6, 1931 in West Union, O at the home of Mrs Jennie Thompson signed by James Frame of West Union, O, Pres & Mabel A. Moulton, Clayton, Mo route 3 Secy. They say it will take $150 to print 300 copies of the records they have 60 cts a copy or $1 for cloth binding. I am sending him $1 & regrets that I can't go. They report $80.10 collected & give names of contributors.

I have a letter dated Aug 4, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Velma Davis 3807 N. Prospect Ave, Milwaukee, Wis.

1. John Wycoff who married Susannah Peairs see page 96 had the following brothers & sisters:

2. Isaac Wycoff b 1795 married Gertrude Van Kirk

3. James Wycoff b 1798 married 1 Seymor married 2 Nina Scott

4. Elijah Wycoff b 1799 married Mary Hammond

5. Lyda Wycoff b 1801 married John Wilson

V26 Page 234

6. Elizabeth Wycoff b May 20, 1789 married 1 Solomon Day married 2 Alex Irvin

7. Sarah Wycoff b Mch 6, 1791 married Elisha Peairs.

I am tabling the Peairs data she sent com. on page 234. [He means 236]

V26 Page 235 [blank]

V26 Page 236 & V26 Page 237

[descendant chart]

Susan Peairs see p 96 b Sept 10, 1793 ob, married Jany 3, 1817 John Wycoff born Mch 5, 1793 ob. Find 9 children reported by Velma Davis


Mary P. Wycoff b Feby 15, 1818 ob married 1 Silas Burt married 2 John Cartright

Joseph Peairs Wycoff b Sept 18, 1819 ob Mch 11, 1890 married Dec 24, 1840 near Norwich, O Matilda Davis b Sept 20, 1820 (Presbyterians) ob Aug 20, 1890

A son living at Keithsburg, Ills who is past 90 yrs. Make slip. Albert Wycoff writing Oct 23/31 b Jany 1, 1842 being the only child married Oct 17, 1861 Myra Jay ob Dec 7, 1923 living together over 62 yrs. 3 children born. see p 580-3

Earl Jay Wycoff b Feby 10, 1869 married Jany 18, 1890 [cut off] Datlerline [best guess, partially cut off & difficult to read]

Lura Deam Wycoff b Oct 10, 1872 married Sept 10, 1894 to Harold U. Wallace. Have 3 children, living

Ethelyn Ferm [sic] Wycoff b Mch 31, 1878 single

Catherine LeFevre Wycoff [daughter of John Wycoff] b Apr 27, 1822 at Zanesville, O which is Genl Grant's birthday. She is the grandmother of my informant ob May 19, 1907 at Wapello, Iowa. Married Apr 4, 1843 near Norwich, Muskingum Co, Ohio to Jacob Wilson Elrick b Feby 16, 1820 near Livermore, Westnd Co, Pa ob Feby 22, 1909 at Elrick, Iowa & buried at Wapello, Iowa beside his wife. He was first a tailor, then a farmer & later had a furniture store, was a Presbyterian. Had 11 children see page 238

Elizabeth E.P. Wycoff b Aug 6, 1824 ob married Alex White

Susannah A. Wycoff b Aug 29, 1826 ob married James Hastings

Sarah Nancy M. Wycoff b Aug 23, 1829 ob married James Cabeen

John L. Wycoff b Apr 28, 1832 ob married Rachel Cabeen

Lyda Luretta Wycoff b May 31, 1835 ob married James Milholland

Malinda Jane Wycoff b Oct 6, 1837 ob married Alfred Taylor lived at Norwich, Ohio.

V26 Page 238 & V26 Page 239 &

V26 Page 240

[descendant chart]

Catherine LeFevre Wycoff see page 236 b Apr 27, 1822 ob May 19, 1907 married Apr 4, 1843 Jacob Wilson Elrick b Feby 16, 1820 ob Feby 22, 1909 son of Samuel Elrick & wife Margaret Kaytom [sic may be Kayton] of Livermore, Pa


Ceolas J. Elrick single

Leonidas J. Elrick b Dec 11, 1843 married & lives at 929 St Francis Ave, Wichita, Kan in R.E. bus. Writing today. Several children.

George A. Elrick ob d.y.

Annetta Elrick ob d.y.

Herbert Elrick b Nov 25, 1850 married Apr 8, 1874 to Elizabeth Culver salesman for International Harvester Co. Lives 4369 Greenleaf St, Galesburg,Ills writing him today. Has 2 children at Galesburg, Ills

Ernest Elrick

Ray Elrick

Kate Clara Elrick b Nov 6, 1856 still living at Leonard, N.Dak in summer & with my informant in Milwaukee Wis in the winter. Married Dec 22, 1875 Joseph Daniel Ogle b Nov 26, 1850 in Fountain Co, Ind. He is a farmer & grain buyer. see page 241.

Fred C. Elrick b May 17, 1859 married Feby 2, 1882 Patience Scull

James W. Elrick b Jany 12, 1861 married Dec 25, 1884 Keziah Scull lives 1502 Manitou Blvd, Colorado Springs Colo, writing him today, 2 children.

Walter Elrick mining engineer

May Elrick ob

Elizabeth Jane Elrick b Apr 19, 1864 married Nov 10, 1887 James Dudley Berry who works for Adams Ex Co & lives 247 W. Hopkins, San Marcos, Tex. Have 2 children. Writing her today. Lives now 211 W. Wood St, San Marcos Tex. He son of Wm Berry & Elizabeth [unreadable] He b Mch 2, 1857 at Canonsburg, Pa ob Jany 23, 1914 at Oklahoma, Iowa. Grace born Oklahoma & Gertrude at Topeka, Ks.

Grace Rebecca Berry b Sept 10, 1888 married June 8, 1918 Chas S. Smith

Eugene Smith b July 19, 1925 at San Marcos, Tex

[Note: Italics indicate entries made in another handwriting.]

Gertrude Louise Berry b July 18, 1900 married June 27, 1929 A.N. Shiegler. No issue

Alice D. Elrick b Nov 19, 1866 married Feby 6, 1884 Tuttle Jamison Oakville, Iowa, last known address, farmer & stock buyer. Have 5 children. Writing her today.

Wiletta Jamison married Oscar Sweringen & have 2 children. Were living in Douglas, Wyo. Writing tonight

Doris Jamison, single in Chicago, Ills office mgr

Fred Jamison, married Grace ______ live on a farm in N.Dak have 8 children

Francis Jamison married farm near Oakville, Iowa

Fern Jamison married

Susan M. Elrick b Dec 16, 1868 married July 27, 1889 Albert Peck a farmer & live near Mediopolis, Iowa & have 6 children. Writing them tonight see other side, page 240 [which reads:]

Ralph Peck married Opal

Lee Peck

Dewey Peck

Agnes Peck

Pauline Peck

Raymond Peck

V26 Page 241

[descendant chart]

Kate Clara Elrick see page 238 born Nov 6, 1856 married Dec 22, 1875 Joseph Daniel Ogle born Nov 26, 1850 ob June 26, 1903 at Muncie, Ind buried in Greenmound Cem near Seaton, Ills. Lives at Leonard N.Dak.


Van Louise Ogle b Oct 31, 1876 at Keithsburg, Ills married June 25, 1903 Alice Ann Slinger b May 20, 1878 ob Sept 1, 1930 & is buried in Beech Grove Cem, Muncie, Ind. He is a grad. of Weslyan Law School, Bloomington, Ind is a lawyer & Presbyterian & lives at 116 McCullough Blvd Muncie, Ind. Writing him tonight. She was daughter of Thomas Jefferson Slinger & wife Emma Templer. Have but one child who was born in Muncie, Ind.

Eva L. Ogle b Jany 27, 1921

Lela Faye Ogle b May 20, 1878 at Keithsburg, Ills teacher Normal School, Normal, Ills married 1 Dec 24, 1898 H.R. Spickemon Peoria, Ill married 2 Jany 26, 1909 Albert Grouliff. Home 407 Wheeling Ave, Muncie, Ind writing her tonight. Harry Randolph Dickermon [note difference, latter spelling added later & is probably correction to earlier one] born Bloomington, Ills Jany 3, 1875 & still living, son of Henry Dickermon & wife Hannah Dearth. Carl Albert Johann Gronleff

born in Denmark May 13, 1868 son of Adam Gronleff & wife Caroline Salling. He is a lumber merchant. No issue

Guy Millville Ogle b Dec 22, 1890 at Keithsburg, Ills educated Wesleyan Law School Bloomington, Ind is a lawyer & Pres at Muncie Ind married Sept 26, 1911 Olive Bessie Huff at Bloomington, Ills (have 2 children) born Waynesville, Ill Apr 1, 1892

Kathryn Jeanette Ogle b July 27, 1913 at Leonard N.Dak single

Faye Bayliss Ogle b Aug 11, 1917 at Leonard N.Dak single

Velma Kathryn Ogle b Jany 8, 1893 at Keithsburg, Ills grad of Ills State Normal Univ at Normal, Ill & of Chicago Univ Chicago, Ills teacher & my informant for this record. Married Feby 13, 1919 at Chicago Ills Harry Eugene Davis born July 12, 1890 at Pelican Rapids, Minn. Are Pres. & have one child & live at 3807 N. Prospect Ave, Milwaukee, Wis. He son of Ora Lincoln Davis & wife Elizabeth Gumb.

Richard Elrick Davis b Aug 12, 1923 at Muncie, Ind.

V26 Page 242

Oak Hill Aug 26, 1931 8 AM

On Monday 24th at noon, James S. Amend phoned me that his mother-in-law, my second cousin both by blood & marriage, Mary Josephine Richey had died that morning at 2 AM suddenly after a brief coughing spell. Yesterday's Morning Herald says she had been well as usual but took sick just after eating her breakfast Sunday morning & took her bed. She was daughter of James C. Elliott & his wife Jane Dixon, survived by her husband David S. Richey & a daughter Laverna R. Amend & granddaughter Laverna R. Goodin (daughter of her daughter Mary) both of Greensburgh, Pa. Funeral at 3 PM today in Oak Grove Cem & I must go.

7 PM

I attended the funeral of "Joe" Richey this afternoon to 4 PM at the house & to the grave, met several of the relatives from here & from Fairmont, Pa.

V26 Page 243

Oak Hill Aug 29, 1931 8:15 AM

The West Newton Times Sun of 27th inst in its editorial column announces the 66th birthday celebration of probably the oldest living triplets in that section viz:

George S. Hough farmer of South Huntingdon Tp, Lewis S. Hough, farmer of near West Newton, Pa & Mrs W.F. Williams of Monessen, Pa celebrated on Sunday 23d inst at residence of G.S. Hough as a surprise party by his children. They are descendants of Paul & Lavina Frick Hough of South Huntingdon Tp.

A pencil mem. dated Aug 24, 1931 from M.M. Markle RFD No 2 Tarentum, Pa says he has lot or mislaid the record of his sister Golda Carrier which he got from her husband on the 20th but will get it for me.

V26 Page 244

At Residence of Louisa Raymer Hoover No 43 Ben Lomond St, Uniontown, Pa Aug 29, 1931 2 PM

Her husband was county chairman of the Democratic party for two terms & was road supervisor for two terms.

Leaving 4 PM

4:44 PM Oak Hill

Chas V. Hoover was at his mother's & is was well he was, as Mrs Hoover's memory was very bad & she said her sister, Miranda Breakison had wanted to see it & she took it over & it was left there with her at Lone Pine, Wash Co, Pa & while her sister has died, she says the bible is there in the cupboard. I told Charley to drive over & get it & he said he would. Charley used to live with his Uncle Thos A. Hoover & his grandmother "Kitty" Ann Hoover & he says she told him her name was Bayard & not Baird, that her father came from Dublin & her mother came from Belfast, Ireland but they did not meet until coming to America & were married

[margin note reads:] Sept 16/31 I find I was here July 1, 1925 & made table without dates see b 13 p 364-9

V26 Page 245

in Balto Md & he was a cobbler on the National Road & at one time lived in a little old house on the south side of the Pike opposite our drive gate, but lived mostly abt Farmington, Pa, her sister Margaret being the wife of "Boss" Rush, where as a young girl (aged abt 9 as Charley figured) she waited on Lafayette at the table at Boss Rush's at Farmington as she had told him & that is where she met Jacob H. Hoover, who was a teamster on the National Road & later married him.

He & his mother both said that Dr Arthur E. Crow & himself were born the same night Dr Brashear of McCellandtown, Pa first delivering Dr Crow & then came to their home & delivered him. Charley says he will get the information to complete the record on the following pages & send or bring it. Mrs Hoover sd that J. Calvin Lawrence near 90 yrs old living on his farm near Messmore with a man attendant was her first cousin, his mother being a Messmore & that his wife, daughter of B.F. Rothermel had been about her work, felt ill, went in to lie down & died.

V26 Page 246 & V26 Page 247

V26 Page 248 & V26 Page 249 [blanks]

V26 Page 250

[descendant chart]

James Henry Hoover was born in German Tp in the old log house on the Hoover farm Sept 15, 1843 & died at his home in said Tp Sept 16, 1921 of hardening of the arteries which caused angina pectoris. He was son of Jacob Harrison Hoover & his wife Catharine Ann Bayard. Her father & mother are buried in a well kept up cemetery or g.y. about as far as from here to the hospital to the right of the pike entrance to which is abt 300 yds beyond Seldom Inn built by Lee B. Brownfield, now burned down & about 2 miles beyond Gorley's Lake Hotel. It is kept up by the Shaws who were related to the Bayards who have a marker. Married Jany 25, 1868 at her home in German Tp to Louisa Raymer Messmore born Aug 16, 1850 at Garards Fort, Greene Co, Pa daughter of John Messmore & his wife Elizabeth Keener whose father was a brother of David Keener's father. Her grandfather was Isaac Messmore & his wife was Martha Dunlap. James H. Hoover was Shff of Fay. Co, Pa fr Jany 1881 to Jany 1884. They had 8 children. They were all born at the late Hoover home the old Messmore farm in German Tp except Katie who was born in Uniontown, Pa at the jail home while he was shff.


Eva Alice Hoover b June 1870 married Winfield Scott Blazey [best guess smeared & crossed over] ob. They had 4 children all married & living & she lives in Masontown, Pa. Chas V. will get record for me.

John Thomas Hoover b Dec 3, 1872 ob July 16, 1931 married 1898 to Harriet Bleaney [or Blazey similar crossing out & mark overs as above]. Had 6 children 4 girls & 2 boys, all living & 2 married. Charley will get record

Charles Veech Hoover b Apr 23, 1878 married June 30, 1901 in Cumb Tp Greene Co, Pa by Rev Elliott, Pres to Elizabeth Hannah Stephenson b Mch 31, 1883 in Cumb Tp daughter of David C. Stephenson & his wife Margaret Long. Have had 6 children see page 248 [which is blank, record that appears on page 250 reads:] named for Chas E. Boyle & his Uncle Jesse Veech Hoover.

Unnamed daughter

Thomas Stephenson Hoover b Oct 29, 1903 married Estella Sterling daughter of Frank L. Sterling raised by James B. Sterling & his wife Estella Luseman. He lives in Masontown, but at her mother's. She teaches school & he works here in town. Have had 2 children the first stillborn in Uniontown Hos. & the other born there also.

Unnamed daughter

Kluane Hoover b 1927 named by Charley for the prettiest lake he ever saw which is in Alaska.

Daniel McDonald Hoover b Mch 21, 1905 married Mildred Shipley daughter of Silas Shipley & wife. He works for the West Penn Rws & she continues as stenographer for the Hustead Bus. No issue.

Jesse Veech Hoover b Jany 10, 1908 corporal of State Highway patrol at Monon City, single

Margaret Hoover b Nov 14, 1911 married Wm D. Holt son of Dr Wm D. Holt of here who came for Ridgeway Pa. Have one child born on this St at Charley's

William Hoover Holt b Aug 18, 1930 & weighed but 3 lbs a 7 mos baby but was big enough

Elizabeth Hoover b Nov 11, 1914 at home single

George Porter Hoover [son of James Henry Hoover] married Margaret Craft daughter of Capt Wm Steele Craft & wife Margaret Graham. Have one child born in Redstone Tp at Fairbanks, Pa

Roy Bayard Hoover single

Elizabeth Catherine Hoover b Dec 6, 1882 here at home, single

Edna May Hoover b June 15, 1885 married July 27, 1911 to Henry Leckrone Newcomer b Mch 31, 1885 in German Tp son of Joseph Newcomer & wife Catharine Richey. He is a farmer at Fairbanks, Pa. Were married at Pgh, Pa. No issue.

Nellie Miranda Hoover b Oct 16, 1888 married Nov 25, 1918 John W. Wetzel b June 18, 1880 son of Henry Wetzel & wife Anna Miller. John was born near Columbus, O. Have 1 child born in Brownsville, Pa

Betty Jean Wetzel b July 16, 1920

Robert James Hoover b Aug 27, 1891, married

V26 Page 251 [blank]

V26 Page 252

Oak Hill Sunday Aug 30, 1931 10:05 Am

This is the 109th anniversary of Father's birth born in Mason Co Ky on Aug 30, 1822 & died on his farm at Spring Dale Menallen Tp this Fayette Co Pa Mch 15, 1889 at 5:55 PM

A letter dated Aug 17, 1931 from Edmund Hayes Bell No 305 The Wyoming, Columbia Road & Calif St, Wash D.C. says that James A. Robinson grandson of Genl Wm Robinson Jr is unable to explain the connection between his family & the Elliotts, but he says he will continue his investigations elsewhere.

V26 Page 253

A letter dated Aug 20, 1931 in answer to mine from Stella G. Howell box 94 Borger Texas says her son-in-law's father is Nielsen & not Wilson as I had it. See bk 25 p 420 & change.

She wants a Kodak picture of myself & to know about me & what relation & she & her daughters ask me to visit them & she & both of her daughters are greatly interested in the history & want a book when published. She sends me a copy of the Borger Texas Daily Herald of July 28, 1931 giving an account of her long lost half brother Jacob Marks who had not been heard from for 30 or 40 years.

V26 Page 254

I have a letter dated Aug 28, 1931 in response to mine of years ago, saying she stopped short on the Crawford record she was then sending me (ie Katherine Crawford of 230 Wat St Jeffersonville, Ind) because her sister Rose was very ill & passed away Nov 20, 1927 after several months sickness, but she does not give any book or page. She now is seeking information about the family of her mother Sarah Catherine Buchanan, many years dead, who born in Pa but can't remember the town around the year 1800 she thinks. She says her mother told them she was a descendant of Pres Buchanan but as he was a bachelor, she might descend from his brother.

A letter dated Aug 14, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Nellie Stevens Brown of 818 Rumpan Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif says her grandmother's bible, a Lodwick one, does not give any dates of the Stevens family, but her grandmother, Eliza Ann Stevens, daughter of Elisha Stevens, has told her that she was born in 1823 & married John Newton Lodwick when she was 16 yrs old (see b 25 p 425) & that her father, Elisha Stevens was then dead, he having died in Wheeling, Va (make slip to look for his tombstone there.) Have her speak of her

V26 Page 255

Uncles, Harry Stevens & also Charlie Stevens & she also had a brother Harry Stevens, but it does not say that Charlie was her Uncle or mention the relationship.

She says she does not know the name of the father of Elisha Stevens (I will tell her) but they were intermarried with the Pierces or relatives "for President Pierce was a cousin have heard grandmother say"

Aug 31, 1931 9:50 AM

Nellie gives the names of the children of her great Aunt Elma Stevens - Hogan which I am tabling on page 258. She says they were living at Salem, O 25 yrs ago. Make slip.

She says she is writing to the second wife of W.C. Stevens (I have it W.H. see p 62) in Black Hawk, Colo in hopes I may be able to locate ggmother Stevens bible. She was Miss Leah Morris & the mother of my grandmother Uncle Will Stevens married at the age of 75 yrs a Miss Bates & none of the family ever heard anything from him & he was the last Stevens living when

V26 Page 256

my brother passed away in 1912, after being on his ranch in Colo. If she gets any returns from her letter she will let me know, but doubts it very much after so many years.

I have a letter dated Aug 26, 1931 in answer to mine of June last from Chas W. Wilson 4327 East 42d ST Portland, Oregon who says that his grandmother Malinda Carothers born July 9, 1843 never heard of James Carothers, the cooper & does not know name of the first wife of Armstrong Carothers see b 25 p 268 oldest brother of her husband. Also says that her mother-in-law, wife of James 1788-1860 was her Aunt.

Her husband, Andrew Jackson Carothers was born Sept 6, 1834 in Allegheny Co, Pa within 9 miles of Pittsburgh, Pa. He supposes that some of his brothers & sisters may have been born there too, but says the family had lived in Virginia previously. He says his Uncle Louis is away but when he returns, he will get his & other records & send me.

He writes from Long Beach, Wash where he has been at the Seashore with his wife who has been sick.

V26 Page 257

Mrs W.E. Jackson of Frankewing, Tenn on Aug 17, mailed me back the letter & questionnaire I sent her July 31st last & said that just a few weeks ago she had mailed her record to Mrs A.C. McKnight 403 Prospect Drive, Decatur Ala & said to write to her for a copy which I have just done.

V26 Page 258

[descendant chart]

Elma Stevens see page 62 married ________ Hogan. Lived at Salem, O & had 4 children living there 25 yrs ago.


Oliver Hogan

Ed Hogan

Jennie Hogan

Nellie Hogan

V26 Page 259

[descendant chart]

Mary Margaret Sidenslicker b July 4, 1905 see b 25 p 554 married 1 Feby 14, 1925 to Edward L. McCabe of Williamsport, Ind had 2 children & was divorced in June 1929. Married 2 June 15, 1931 at Indianapolis, Ind Norman Miller & they live at Indianapolis, Ind.


Edward L. McCabe Jr b May 30, 1926

Margaret Ann McCabe b Dec 10, 1928

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Oak Hill Sept 1, 1931 10:30 Am

I have a letter dated Aug 24, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Madge C. Finley still at Mercedes, Texas for a month saying she had just gotten my letter back from Knox Finley & was sending it to Mrs Lardner at Duluth, Minn who is a granddaughter of Samuel Barkley Finley see b 25 p 451 & who she thinks can give me some information. She says John Knox Finley was hurt recently in an auto accident so his wife Georgia wrote her & says he will write me. His address is 1821 Blackwelder St Oklahoma City, Okla

If Knox Finley don't write in a month or so, write him for record of his father's family b 25 p 452.

I have a letter dated Aug 10, 1931 in answer to mine from Minnie L. Reigart (Mrs Frank B. Reigart) 1051 Ohio St Long Beach, Calif in which she says that he & her father have read over my questionnaire & cannot give the dates I want & have no way of ascertaining them & says she is sorry her mother is gone.

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I have a letter dated Aug 13, 1931 in answer to mine of Aug 8, from Ernest A. Crockett, Lawyer, Yankton, South Dakota former judge of Yankton Co who says that he commenced preparing a history of the Crockett family & when he learned that others in the south were working on it, he turned his data over to them & says I can get it in "volume five" Notable Southern Families published by the King Printing Co of Bristol Tenn & I can secure a copy by writing which I am doing today to Thomas Preston in their care.

The judge says he is a direct descendant of David Crockett & his first wife Polly Finley, through their second son William & then George Washington & Finley M. & says he has paid particular attention & has traced minutely the genealogy of David's first family & says if I will advise him exactly what I want, printing the names he will search his records for me. I will keep the letter until I can see Virginia & dictate the answer to her.

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Oak Hill Sept 2, 1931 8 AM

I have a letter dated Aug 10, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Elizabeth Shoemaker 741 South Hudson Ave, Pasadena, Calif offering condolences for my eyes, & saying too that she too had been passing "through deep waters for the past four years" & had laid the Jack genealogy aside but she had the papers but not all she wished & would soon send me the dates asked for.

I had made a memorandum referring to a talk in 1919 with cousin Kate Smith see b 3 page 106 where she said that Ida, Mrs Milligan was a granddaughter of the second wife whose name was Mrs Simeral of great grandfather James Caruthers by her first husband. Make slip to look up book 3 page 106 & see if it will give data by which I can locate or find Ida Milligan.

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I have a letter dated Aug 10, 1931 in answer to mine of Aug 5, from Cass K. Shelby of Hollidaysburg, Pa in which he says he is familiar with the line of the other Col Wm Crawford of the Cumberland Valley & later of Greene Co, Pa but does not know what relation if any he was to our Col Wm Crawford. He says Dr John Knight surgeon of the Col Wm Crawford expedition at the time he was burned was his great great grandfather & he married Mary Stephenson, daughter of Richard Stephenson Jr & a half niece of Col Wm Crawford & their granddaughter Mary Humphrey Knight (also a descendant of Mary Elliott) was his (C.K. Shelby's) grandmother. He says his grandmother was living in the days of her grandfather Dr John Knight & she & his father related these family connections & many incidents of early pioneer frontier life to him by word of mouth. They did not however know positively the first name of Honora's first husband. Col Wm Crawford's mother nee Honora Grimes lost her first husband they think about 1736

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& she married second Richard Stephenson Sr & had by him five sons & one daughter. The first record date Mr Shelby finds about him is 1748 deed book 1 page 471 Winchester Va purchasing a farm, from Jost Hite, the jurisdiction at that time being Fredck [sic] Co Va. Make slip to go there & look for settlement of a Wm Crawford estate.

The plantations of the Stephensons was on Bullskin Creek a small tributary of lower Shenandoah River which lies in the extreme southeastern corner of the present Jefferson Co WVA. It was on the grant of the German pioneer & was on the border of Lord Fairfax's domains.

This sounds right & looks as if Col Crawford may have named our Bullskin Tp from above creek.

While he finds no record of early Crawford land, he inclines to the belief that it was there or near there. He says Frederick Co Va was formed from Orange Co Va in 1743. He says he searched the records thoroughly at Winchester Va for lands of John & Wm Crawford & all he found was a deed of sale from Col Wm Crawford in 1762.

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I wonder what he was selling. Am writing & asking He says "Historic Shepherdstown by Dickne [sic] Dandridge page 319 says Col William Crawford belongs to the old family of the Crawfords of Kilburnie in Scotland. William was born about 1722 in Westmoreland Co Va"

Make slip to look there. A small book called "The William Crawford Memorial" by Wm P. Eddy says "Col Wm Crawford of Fayette Co, Pa was born in Westmoreland Co Va about 1722"

Butterfield's Crawfords Expedition against Sandusky page 91 says "William Crawford born Orange Co Va 1732, parents Scotch Irish" so you see the printed works are no help. while there are Crawfords in Grymes in Westnd Co Va C.K. inclines to belief that William is not of that tidewater family but comes from emigrants from Penna. He says he does not know that the name of Col William's father was John. He got that from two sources, one from an old correspondent whose letter he has mislaid & the other from Mr Shaw (of Pgh) descended from Col C. through his daughter Ephielia McCormick. He asks for my records. All he knows of Honoria is what he has gotten from books except her signature

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to a deed in 1762 & the naming of her in his will by her second husband, Richard Stephenson Sr in Mch 21, 1755. He does not know whether she married Crawford in Va or Penna or was brought by him from Scotland.

I have a letter dated Aug 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Catherine L. Eskridge 120 Logan St, Leavenworth, Kans. She says Mary Ann Bell see b 24 p 606 who married Rev Aurand had five daughters (see p 71) of whom two lived in Illinois with whom she corresponded their names were:

1. Cordelia - Mrs Allen who lived Warren, Jo Daviess Co, Ills

2. Faithful - Mrs Snowhood - whose husband was a lawyer in Chicago, Ills where they lived in 1873. This was the last time I heard from them. (Make slip)

She don't name the other three so I am writing her again. About Dr John Carothers, she believes he served in the Mexican War as a surgeon

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I believe John Carothers, Shff born 1770 is too old a man she says & a different cousin of mine, Dr John Carothers died & was buried in Shelbyville, Mo (make slip to look for his tombstone there) abt 1856. He married his wife in the army. She doesn't know her name. They had three daughters viz:

1. Betty

2. Mary Ann

3. Emma

Betty married a man named Thompson soon after or before her father's death they moved away from Shelbyville, Mo & I have never heard of them since. I don't know anything of my great grandfather's sister. She would like to know if her mother was born in Pa or Mo. She died in 1856. My grandfather's name (ie her mother's father) was James Carothers. He came from a don't know what branch he came from. [sic]

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I have a letter dated Aug 9, 1931 in answer to mine to her husband signed Mrs Hugh Caruthers Salvisa (Mercer) Co Ky who says her husband has passed away & she can't do anything to help me, but adds as a P.S. that he has a sister living at 334 Woodland Ave Lexington Ky but does not give her name. I am writing to that number & also to Mrs Hugh for her name & also for Hugh's & her own dates.

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Oak Hill Sept 3, 1931 7:11 AM

I have a letter dated Aug 6, 1931 in answer to mine of Aug 1-4 from Edmund Hayes Bell of 305 The Wyoming Columbia Road & Calif St Wash D.C. rtg the letter of Wm H. Robinson of Pasadena Calif & saying that he has recd a letter from Hill Burgwin Esq of Pgh, Pa who is a great grandson of Genl Wm Robinson Jr who says his father was James Robinson but he don't know name of James' wife. He further says there was no Wm Robinson Sr that the Genl added Jr to his name to distinguish him from anther Wm Robinson who was no relation.

I have a letter postmarked Aug 8, 1931 from Idaho. I think from Harry Weldon Wilson see b 21 p 585 as it gives record of his children which I am transferring to next page.

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[descendant chart]

Harry Weldon Wilson see b 21 p 585 born Dec 28, 1864 married Nov 29, 1885 to Jennie Baker


Lafe Washington Wilson b Dec 1, 1886 married Aug 26, 1916 Florence Hunting. No issue

Chas Lloyd Wilson b June 15, 1890 ob June 2, 1913

Annie Lawrie Wilson b Sept 1, 1891 married Aug 6, 1908 to Willard Boldman

Catherine May Wilson b June 28, 1910

Jinnie Ruth Wilson b Apr 26, 1912

Weldon McK Wilson b Dec 9, 1895 married Aug 27, 1919 Nellie Foster B Oct 26, 1898 no issue

Earl Lawrence Wilson b Apr 12, 1898 married July 3, 1925 Marie Foster b July 6, 1900

Earlene Wilson b Oct 24, 1926

Laura Jane Wilson b Sept 6, 1929 (twin)

Mary Jo Wilson b Sept 6, 1929 (twin)

Calla Lily Wilson b Apr 14, 1903 ob Sept 14, 1903

Eugene Lee Wilson b July 8, 1907 married July 25, 1926 to Margaret Kemper b July 10, 1907

Bonnie Jean Wilson b June 4, 1927

Patricia Fay Wilson b Oct 5, 1929

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I have a letter dated Aug 7, 1931 in answer to mine from Judge Victor R. McLucas of the Superior court, Los Angeles, Calif in which he says he does not know whether he is a descendant of John McLucas who married Martha Thompson in 1790 in Westnd Co, Pa. My grandfather was Wilson T. McLucas of Indiana, Henry Co, an orphan reported to have been raised by a Thompson family. He died between 1880 & 1890 & I think he came from Ohio. I have been unable to trace any ancestry behind my grandfather in the McLucas side. I find by reference to my records book 21 p 220-1 & pages 494-7 & b 20 p 178 that his grandfather Wilson Thompson McLucas was son of John McLucas 1796-1838 3d child & oldest son of the 11 children of John McLucas & his wife Martha Thompson & that Wilson T. McLucas 1823-1891 had 10 children

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the 3d Weems Hagey [sic] McLucas b Oct 10, 1851 had 4 children, the oldest ie the Judge, my informant Victor born at Cadiz, Ind Oct 18, 1874. Am writing him today. Make slip to look at New Castle, Ind for exact date of death of Wilson Thompson McLucas born Dec 2, 1823 & died 1891. He ought to have a tombstone.

I have a letter dated Aug 6, 1931 in answer to mine of July 31, from B.M. Finley, Amory Miss who says he has a 14 page history of John Finley, the Boone pilot which he says he will send me to copy & return if I wish so I am writing him today to send it & I will return it with a carbon. He also says he has a Finley hist of my line which he is having a stenog copy now & I am writing for it also. He says he will answer what questions he can of my questionnaire as soon as he can. He says: "I have a cousin Pinkney Finley that married a sister of my Uncle Wm Finley a son of Charles Finley's son". See pages 30-45. They live about 2 miles east of Paris, Texas.

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His wife's name is Adella Finley & suggests that I write to her as she might furnish a lot of Finley hist & if she does he wants me to send him a copy of her letter. She has several brothers viz: Charles Finley, Clark & Steave [sic] & a sister, but when he left Tenn in 1882 & moved to Texas. He thinks Charles Finley lives in Lamar Co Texas, Steave Finley lives near Dennison, Texas. Clark Finley lived near McKinney Texas & had one son Thaddeous [sic] & some other children, but he don't know their names. Steave Finley at Dennison Texas had two sons. I have a cousin John Finley in Dennison Texas about whom Adella Finley can tell me. I know her husband personally but do not know who his father was. Ask Adella who John Thomas Finley's father was. He married my mother's sister Mary & had a son near Petersburg, Tenn named John Tinman Finley [blotted word] a son by name of Adrian Finley who lives in Nashville Tenn. Thaddeus Finley son of Black nute [sic] Finley is a photographer & lives in Bonham Texas & has several children. His sons were in the World War. Thaddeus Finley's

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sister Sally married Lawson Leonard in Lincoln? Co Tenn a son of Thomas Leonard who married my father's sister E. Jane Finley see page 34. They had two sons John & Lawson & one or two daughters, whose address you have in the files I mailed you. John Leonard married Newte Finley's daughter & they had only one child, a boy who died when about 8 yrs old south of Honey Grove, Texas.

There are several Nute Finleys in Marshall Co Tenn & to tell them apart they are designated as Red Nute, White Nute & Black Nute. Says Black Nute was about the age of his father, see page 36 or 38 but do not know name of his father, but he is satisfied that both he & John T. are descendants of Charles Finley 1736-1816 see page 30 et seq. Says he is working on this & will have something definite for me later.

Says he wants a copy of my book when published. The McGough or McGaughth in his name was after a Methodist preacher who was a friend of his father.

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I have a letter dated Aug 2, 1931 in answer to mine of a few months ago from Mrs Grace G. Murphy 3001 Hughes Ave, Los Angeles Calif who says her husband Dr George Stewart Murphy was born in Chicago, Ills Nov 28, 1868 & they were married in Omaha, Neb Jany 28, 1897 see b 25 p 354, son of John A. Murphy & his wife Catherine Louise Wright. She says, "Please let me know when your book is completed".

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Oak Hill Sept 4, 1931 6:54 AM

I have a letter dated Aug 3, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Marian Dean Miller (Mrs Norman A. Miller) Boulevard Apts No 24, Cheyenne Wyo saying she had just returned from Washington D.C. & New York City saying she had 35 questionnaires ready to go out to the descendants of George Markle 1795-1875 about many of whom her mother Alverna Markle Dean knows much except vital statistics see b 7 page 210. She pledges her cooperation & is deeply grateful.

I have a letter dated Aug 4, 1931 in answer to mine of June 1u8, 1931 from E.W. Black of North Loup, Neb who says he was the youngest of the family & left home when young & cannot give any information about the family. He asks whether I knew whether the brother of his father who I thought married Hannah McWilliams went to Iowa. He remembers distinctly of his Uncle Alexander Black going there to look after land & he had Uncle he thinks William who lost his death from exposure in the Pgh fire of 1845. [sentence typed as entered]

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I have a letter dated Aug 1, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Emma Nevling Kidder of 42 Codman St, Portland Maine saying that she has sent my letter to her sister Caroline T. Nevling who is now in New York City, taking a course in lip reading as she has recently lost her hearing, but has not yet taken a position by reason of her father's advanced age (he was 90 yrs old in Mch) as she is more familiar with the family connections & will write me when she gets time. Am writing telling her about the Cunningham Sanitarium at Cleveland, O.

Andrew was just in a few minutes ago & says his daughter Mary Redburn Thompson goes on the 16th inst to Vassar College entering the Freshman being one of 160 from the top of 1100 girls from all over the World who were examined & only 160 accepted for entrance.

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I have a letter dated Aug 27, 1931 from Mrs Valeria E. Roome (Mrs A.S. Roome) of 272 Lowell St, Peabody, Mass who writes at the instance of her Aunt Ellen (sister Mary of the Angels) who tells her that I am interested in the history of the Elliott & Spangler families & she says that was a hobby of her mother's.

She says we have the Spangler book in which she spent many hours looking up about the Elliotts. I have looked through some of her papers & sending them to you to look over & return as I prize very highly. Mother clipped everything she saw in the papers about the "Constitution".

She says she went on the Constitution when it was in Marblehead, Mass where she was greatly amused at a lady who was talking to a sailor & seemed much interested & she stepped up & said "Did you have some friends connected with the ship" & she swelled up like a toad & said "Oh yes, my great Uncle was sailing master", to which Mrs

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Roome replied "My great grandfather had commanded her" whereat the woman shrunk back & walked away as if she was a fake. She saw the cat heads, the descendant gave money for. The book she sent is an Ohio History of incidents, events & persons of the Muskingum & Tuscarawas Valleys.

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I have a letter dated Sept 2, 1901 in answer to mine from Anne Joiner, acting for the Mayor of Kilgore, Texas in his absence giving the names of the following as old residents & I am writing today to the first one, the addresses of all being Kilgore, Texas.

J.A. Knowles, Kilgore, Texas

J. Malcolm Crim, Kilgore, Texas, Mayor

Frank Elder, Kilgore, Texas

P.L. Nolan, Kilgore, Texas

Rand McNally & Co gave number of inhabitants in 1920 census as 842.

A letter dated Sept 1, 1931 from Miss K.M. Conlon 1402 Frick Bldg said that Frank McCune's granddaughter Miss Clodagh [sic] McCune was out of the city & would not be back until the last of the month. When I was in to see her abt ten days ago, she said her father, George McCune now living at the Aberdeen Apts Pgh & her mother were separated & that Mrs McCune & her son were living in Ohio.

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Oak Hill Sept 6, 1931 12:30 PM

I have a letter dated Aug 29, 1931 in answer to mine of Aug 25, from Mrs Elizabeth Jane Elrick Berry of 211 W. Wood St. San Marcos, Texas, see this book page 239 who says she has no niece named Davis in Wis & mistaking my Jack for Peck says she has no blood relatives named Peck but her sister married Albert Peck & lives at Mediopolis Iowa & returns my letter & questionnaire unanswered. I am sending them back to her & setting her right.

I have a letter dated Sept 4, 1931 in answer to mine of 1st inst from T.W. Preston, prest of King Printing Co enclosing a circular of the Crockett family published by them as Vol 5 notable Families of the South at $6 & I am ordering a copy. Many encominums on the beauty of the work suggest seeing them when I get ready for the printer.

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A letter postmarked Aug 28, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs C. Ella Mason see page 54 & b 21 p 585 gives some data written by her granddaughter from 53 W. Eturia St, Seattle, Wash which I am entering here & on pages 54 & 55. She says Jesse J. Mason lives at 932 Brunswick, San Francisco Calif & his wife Anna Johnson is daughter of Frank Johnson & wife Clara, both natives of Sweden. Am writing.

7 PM

In looking for Archibald Carothers table I see the John Michael Jack record in book 20 p 574 born in north of Ireland 1716 & came to Chester Co, Pa 1740. Make slip to examine this critically with Anjou's book & Mrs Elizabeth J. Shoemaker's record & see if he could be the John, brother of my ggggfather James Jack.

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Oak Hill Sept 7, 1931 7:55 AM

A letter dated Aug 25, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Martha A. Plummer nee Carothers b Oct 1851 see b 22 p 58 says that when her father, Ervin Carothers moved to Oregon in 1853 there was a Finis Caruthers in Portland (Caruthers addition is since built on his donation claim) & his mother who was an Irish woman who claimed to have counted her relationship back to a family in Penna. I do know know whether they were related to Father or not, but when she first saw Father, she said he was a Carothers without knowing that was his name, because his resemblance was so great. They figured out that she & father were second cousins. That would make her father who I think was James & Mrs Plummer's grandfather, Archibald first cousins & their fathers would be brothers. The records in Ireland ought to show

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what Caruthers had children Archibald, John, Hugh, Elizabeth & Margaret. She says there is a Malinda Carothers living in East Portland, Oregon who claimed to be a third cousin of Father's & he her cousin (viz Andrew Jackson Carothers now dead) counted his relationship back to Penna.

Uncle Hugh wrote me about the Carothers in Vermont, Ill & of Noble Carothers of that family, a rich cattle dealer who went to California & was never afterwards heard from that he said was some relation. She thought a second cousin of her father.

Mrs Plummer's mother's father Neely Gray was born in "Mongahela" Co, Penna Feby 24, 1789 married in 1811 to Martha Sill born same place 1791 & in 1811 moved to Clermont Co, O. He served 1 mo in War of 1812, was honorably discharged

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He died Jany 13, 1849 in Peoria, Ills. In 1853 his widow crossed the plains with horse train & covered wagon with three married children & their families, Robert, with his 3d wife (he later married a 4th) George & Hilda & her husband Ervin Carothers & their child Martha A., my informant. Her son, Neely had preceded her in 1851.

They left Peoria, Ills in Mch 17, 1853 & arrived at Portland, Oregon Sept 11, 1853. She died at the home of her daughter Mrs Carothers in Canemiah? Clackamas Co Oregon Oct 25, 1881. She says her mother Hilah Ann Gray was born in Clermont Co O Oct 24, 1823 see b 22 p 58. When she was 13 yrs old, she moved to Iowa with her parents & on June 6, 1849 was married in Peoria Ills to Ervin Carothers by the Rev Silas Bordles? She was a member of the Meth Epis Ch & died June 26, 1914 at Canemiah? Oregon at home of her daughter Martha, my informant.

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Her brother sent his record which I am tabling on next page.

I have a letter postmarked Aug 29, 1931 from Mrs Ruhamah Finley Lardner of 401 Am. Exchange Bldg, Duluth, Minn answering questionnaire I had sent to Mrs Mudge C. Finley of Texas. She thinks she can get something from Selby Brown & also says that a friend just home from a NY visit has promised to help trace the Saml B. Finley, her gf, bible. She thinks Martha Finley & her husband, Rev Wm L. McCalla, lived in or near Columbus, O & says her gf (bro of Martha) Samuel B. Finley married his first wife Ruhamah McLaughlin at their home there. For the Flagler record b 25 p 450 she suggests I write Major Clement Finley Flagler whose address I can get through the War Bureau. He is son of Daniel Flagler who was chief of Ordnance in the army & his wife Mary Finley. She says his sister Elizabeth was living in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Does not know anything about Mathilda McKee & family. It was she I was corresponding with in England. She thinks the children of Dr C.A. Finley except those mentioned as marrying, must have died young. She says S.B. Finley died in Pomfrey NY & what property he had was deeded to Helen. See page 290.

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[descendant chart]

Neely Archibald Carothers see b 22 p 58 born in Oregon Dec 22, 1859 living in Talachie, Idaho married June 18, 1889 at Coalville, Utah to Maggie H. McKay born Nov 23, 1859 in Glasgow, Scotland. Have 5 sons, 1 daughter.


Andrew M. Carothers b May 9, 1887 called step son married in 1924 to Frances Markard

Edward B. Carothers b Apr 19, 1890 in Park City, Utah married in 1911 to Jane Carneige [sic] have 3 children.

Arthur Ward Carothers b Apr 16, 1893 in Oregon, single

Margaret H. Carothers b Mch 17, 1896 in Oregon married Dr Louis Hugle native of Va

Archibald N. Carothers b Jany 25, 1898 married Alice Garrison, 2 children

Clark J. Carothers b Aug 5, 1900 married Granite Co, Montana Louise Kinsy of O. City. No issue.

V26 Page 289 [blank]

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From page 287

Jerome Swetland? don't know her married name, niece of his 3d wife Julia Jerome & none of us ever got anything. She thinks Helen would also have gotten his bible.

She says she wrote her cousins the Drew Thomas's & got blown up as they are foolish about dates. Says if I will write the cemetery board can get his & his parents dates, but says his children won't tell their ages. My father T.J. Finley told her it was because Aunt Mattie (his sister) was older than her husband. But she doesn't say where they are buried. She says to write to Silver Brook Cem Niles Mich but I think it is about someone else who is buried there.

She thinks S.M. Finley & Sally Oliphant were married in Oil City or Uniontown, Pa & says their oldest child was abt 5 yrs older than herself who arrived in 1865.

She says Imogene Margaret Finley Barnard's (see b 25 p 452) daughter Elizabeth would know record for

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the Barnards & she directs me to write John Knox Finley born 1864 for her address & his record.

She thinks cousins Mitch (S.M.) & Sallie were buried in Dallas, Texas.

Says she does not know dates of F. Hughes Finley, understands he & his wife are not living together now.

She says the children of her gf Samuel B. Finley who lived were, James Brown, Thomas, James & Martha.

Her husband was born Jany 24, 1867 & was married to her at Glendale, O a suburb of Cincinnati, O on Dec 20, 1887. His mother was Lena B. Phillips. Marie Bell Finley b 25 p 4[unreadable]1 born Apr 22, 1864 married Feby 3, 1885 Frank Landon who was born Feby 4, 1855 & died Oct 25, 1897, son of Rufus Landon & wife Mary Gray.

The article about Martha Finley author of the Elsie books written by herself a daughter of Dr James Brown Finley of South Bend, Ind by his first wife Maria Therese Brown, daughter of Eleanor Butler was Angl-Irish de-

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scent four or five of her brothers were prominent in the battles of the Revolution, two of them serving on Washington's staff, two prominent among Morgan's men at the Battle of Saratoga.

She says her Finley ancestors were in America years before the Revolution, her great great grandparents coming over with a large family some of them grown up. Among the sons were Rev Dr Samuel Finley & Rev James Finley, the first Pres minister of this place.

Still another was my great grandfather John Finley who had a large family among whom my paternal grandfather Samuel Finley named for & educated by his Uncle the President of Princeton College was the youngest. He was 23 when the Revolutionary War began & he at once volunteered his services to his country as did his brother John two years his senior (my records make him 2 yrs younger). Grandpa was taken prisoner at Fort Washington on the Hudson & held 3 yrs in captivity,

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was then exchanged & again entered the service & was with Morgan in the Battle of the Cowpens, having charge of the artillery only one cannon, if my memory serves me right. Appointed by Pres. Washington collector of Public monies for the Northwest Territory, Grandpa became one of the first residents of Chillicothe, O. Both he, though then 60 yrs old & my father, his eldest son, then but 18 yrs old volunteered their services in the War of 1812 & were at Detroit under General Hull when he made his inglorious disgraceful surrender to the British. (my gf Andrew Finley Thompson, second cousin of her father James brown Finley was there also). Years after my father married his cousin Maria Theresa Brown, daughter of James Brown & Eleanor Butler. I was their sixth child & was 8 yrs old when they removed to South Bend, Ind. Two years later, we children were left motherless.

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In a little less than two years afterwards, the last one of which his daughters spent with an Aunt in Phila, my father married again & took most of us back to our western home. I was 23 when my father died. An earnest Christian always my father was more concerned about the next world than he was with the affairs of this & left but little property & though in poor health, I had to earn my own support. I did so by teaching & writing beginning the latter with Sunday School books & short stories for the religious papers. This work was poorly paid & I wielded the pen for 16 yrs before I got sufficient for my support. I asked help of God to write something that would yield me an income & in answer to my prayers the story of Elsie Dinsmore was suggested & written & offered to private publishers

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with the stipulation that I should receive a royalty on it. The publisher with an amused laugh said a book died in 18 mos but accepted my terms. Elsie has now been out 28 yrs & still has large sales for which I am truly thankful to the Giver of all good. There are now 21 volumes in the series & the 22d is urgently called for, but sickness has prevented me thus far from getting it out but I hope to do so very soon. I figure she was born in 1828 & so note in Book 25 page 450.

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Oak Hill Sept 8, 1931 7:22 AM

I have a letter dated Aug 10, 1931 from Fannie Kilgore Wood of 1737 P St The Stuart Apts 302, Washington D.C. saying that when she was in S.C. two weeks ago visiting her sister, who is not able to write, her son gave her my letter which refers to book 21 page 24. She says they did not give her the paper of Mrs King's & says she will write Joe about it. She says they have been trying to get their history together have their line traced & will send me a typewritten copy if I wish. Am writing for it today. Says too, she will send me in a week or two a record of her parents four children (one d.y.). She is listed in book 21 p 22. Says she keeps house for her two sons & a daughter & asks me to come & see them when in Washington. Make slip to call & see them.

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A one page record postmarked Uniontown, Pa Sept 1, 1931 on letter head of the New Lafayette Hotel & dated Dec 6, 1925 says:

William Kilgore lived in Virginia, married Nancy Kelley who was born 1769 & died Jany 23, 1848. Buried Clarkson Belmont Co, O. Married 1 William Kilgore, married 2 Matthew Lyons.


1. Daniel Kilgore b May 24, 1794 d 1850 buried at Steubenville, O married 1 Mary Pritchard, married 2 Ellen Hill.

2. William Kilgore b 1796 married Anna _____

3. Elizabeth b 1797 d Sept 26, 1854 buried Steubenville, O married James Gaston, Clarkson, O

4. Robert Lyons buried Cadiz, O

5. Matthew Lyons buried in Maryland

6. Joseph Lyons buried in Illinois

7. Richard Lyons buried in Clarkson, O

I don't know who sent this, but think they were not of our Kilgore line - located in the Panhandle, Va.

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I have a letter dated July 14, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Vida L. Thompson, Jenkins Apts No 14 806 Monroe St, Spokane, Wash in which she hopes to be able to secure a copy of the history when completed. She has no records except those sent her by Miss Ada Thompson of Soldier, Kan but sends them to me thinking I might not have it all. If this does not give all I want, she might give more.

Also says her own Uncle William Thompson RR 1 Morristown, Minn might help. She says her father, John Beatty Thompson son of Alex. moved around so much they did not gather much of the family history & what records they had were left in Montana & destroyed by fire there. She wants the record returned, so I had Virginia copy it for me. There are three pages of a "Pioneer Woman" & ten feet of records of the "Peebles Family" sent by John G. Peebles

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Portsmouth, Ohio Mch 3, 1900 to his cousin James Bunkingham, Zanesville, O which I no doubt got when I was at Portsmouth, O on Oct 1, 1925. Virginia's copy makes 3 pages of the "Pioneer Woman" & 10 pages of the 10 foot record.

A Pioneer Woman

The long & useful career of Mary F. Stough half a century in this city written by urgent request.

Mary F. Stough was born in Newville, Pa June 14, 1812. Her grandfather, Capt Wm Peebles was in the Revolutionary War & was killed at Flatbush, NY in 1776. Her parents of Scotch-Irish descent gave to her an indomitable will a genial disposition & deep religious training.

Such a strong personality made itself felt in the pioneer work of later years. She lived 12 yrs in Ohio, 2 yrs in Mo, 7 yrs in Illinois & in 1849 in company with her husband, came to St Anthony. At all gatherings of festivity, sickness or sadness, she was always welcome & helpful & her approval or reproval were equally & kindly received.

V26 Page 300

Her hearty handshake, her sturdy frame & her deep religious convictions the bluest of the blue was in evidence at a gathering of a dozen worshippers in July 1850 along with Mr Wheelen on the first Sabbath of July organized the First Presbyterian Church of St Anthony. This was quickly followed by organizations of the Methodists & Baptists. Mr Sachem was sent as pastor to the Pres Ch & after abt 3 yrs, he developed Congregational tendencies & a meeting was called & Mrs Sachem proposed turning it over to that denomination. With many men present, dead silence reigned until Mrs Stough got up & so vigorously opposed it that she won the fight & saved it for the Pres. Her church life was the center of her activities & not having wealth to give, she gave herself. Her husband was buried in the little g.y. under the shadow of the church. On her 78th birthday anniversary Dr Burrell gave her a book in which he wrote: "To my young friend on her 16th birthday."

V26 Page 301

Dr Sample when here recently speaking to the children about her said "I am glad you have such a good friend & that she is still in the infant class". These pleasantries greatly delighted her for she is young in spirit though past her 86th milestone. She has had 10 children but 3 are living. Mrs Sarah King of Washington D.C., Mrs Matilda Fenlason of Spokane & Mrs Jane Black with whom she resides. The well known poem by Albert Pike "Every Year" is selected by Mrs Stough as expressing her feelings in her declining years & health. signed Mrs E.D. Jackson

My Peebles records gotten Oct 1, 1925 begin that day in book 14 p 306 & continue until finished & on pages 324-5 I find that Robert Peebles son of Capt Wm Peebles & wife Elizabeth Finley married Jane Kennedy & had 12 children & the 7th, Mary Finley Peebles born at Big Spring, June 14, 1811 (they have it Jany 14, 1811 in record & 1812 in Pioneer Woman.) On Apr 16, 1829 married Samuel Stough

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On page 339 b 14, I have a list of her 10 children & it reports St Anthony as being in Minn. In same book 14 p 360 I have record of the marriage of Mrs Stough's sister Sarah Ann Peebles to John S. Thompson & list of their 10 children etc.

I am noting here such of the Thompson record as transpired since Mr Peebles made his record.

Vida L. unfortunately has not given book & page.

Her father, John Beattie Thompson see b 14 p 367 born Apr 13, 1867 ob July 14, 1922 married fall of 1897 to Mary E. Wood b Jany 9, 1875 ob Jany 9, 1919 & had issue:

1. Wm Edgar Thompson b Sept 1, 1898 married 1, 1919 Nola Werhaim who died Aug 1920 married 2 1928 Martha ______ & has issue:

a. Vida Marie Thompson b July 6, 1931 at Minot, S.D.

2. Alice Marie Thompson born Lewistown, Montana Aug 10, 1903 ob Jany 6, 1919

3. Vida Louise Thompson born Lewistown, Montana Sept 17, 1905 my informant for this record

V26 Page 303

Thomas Linn Thompson who I have tabled somewhere b Aug 1, 1858 is shown b 14 p 361 to have 2 children:

1. Chas Emmet

2. Lynn Morrison & in this record 3 more are given:

3. Lona L. Thompson b Jany 26, 1892

4. Finley A. Thompson b Aug 13, 1896

5. Sarah Ada Thompson b Oct 14, 1904

The Peebles record ends on page 364 & then commences the McCracken record of Elizabeth Finley Peebles 1742-1832 married to her second husband Capt Wm McCracken.

James Buckingham of Zanesville, O writing from there Jany 26, 1905 to Miss Alice T. Kennedy 17 S. Wahsatch St, Colorado Springs Col sending her a Peebles chart in which her grandmother, Sarah Ann Peebles (daughter of Robert, son of Capt Wm & Wife Elizabeth Finley) who married John S. Thompson & their 2d child Sarah Jane Thompson married Robert McFarland Kennedy & you are their 5th child. He then gives the following:

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copied from Thomas Kennedy Bible:

Thomas Kennedy born 1744 died 1831 married Apr 24, 1773 to Martha Brown born 1759 died Jany 16, 1781 daughter of Alexander Brown & Jane (McClung) Brown.

1. John Kennedy born June 6, 1774

2. Thomas Kennedy born Oct 2, 1775

3. Jenney Kennedy born Aug 27, 1778 married June 21, 1796 to Robert Peebles died Sept 1865

4. Agnes Kennedy b Feby 15, 1780

Thomas Kennedy for 2d wife married Margaret McFarlan [sic] Aug 26, 1783

5. James Kennedy born June 17, 1784

6. William Kennedy born Feby 1, 1786

7. Anna Kennedy born Apr 11, 1788 ob May 15, 1790

8. Eliza Kennedy born Oct 19, 1790

9. Robert Kennedy born Feby 6, 1793

10. William Kennedy born Apr 10, 1795

11. James Kennedy born Apr 10, 1795

12. Hugh Kennedy born June 6, 1797

13. Samuel H. Kennedy born Oct 17, 1803

Grandfather Kennedy (Robert) was half brother to great grandmother Peebles (Jenny Kennedy who married Robert Peebles)

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Oak Hill Sept 9, 1931 7:46 Am

I got the incoming letters worked up to date last night & am now ready to commence on the third bunch of old large sized envelope letters which is 3 inches high & contains 43 letters commencing with Hoyt, Kansas & ending with Wilkinsburg, Penna both bearing the 1927 date.

A letter dated Jany 2, 1928 from Major A.F. France of 267 Hanover St, Annapolis, Md who says that just before Christmas, he spent several days in the Peabody library, Balto, Md & through the ready assistance of the librarian found old records of Chester & Cumberland Co, Pa & Virginia published by the historical society of Pa & Va. Make slip to go there & examine for the Caruthers, Elliotts, Potters, & Thompsons, & Jacks, & Markles.

He says Alexander Finley 1669 evidently? had four sons: viz John, James, Samuel & Andrew.

V26 Page 306

History of Presbytery of New Castle, Del, History of Chester Co, Pa Scotch-Irish by Chas A. Hanna found John & James Finley settled in East Nottingham Tp now Md in 1720. Elders of Rock & Head of Edl'k [sic] Pres Ch on tax lists 1729-1749 died prior to 1749.

James on Tax list 1729-1732 moved to Cumberland Co, Pa. Samuel Finley, Lower Octoraia [sic] West Nottingham 1720

Andrew settled in Queen Anne Co Md witness to will of Thomas Eubanks Dec 10, 1722. He & his son Andrew Jr witness to will of John Sutton Mch 25, 1730 marriage records Queen Anne Co Md Elizabeth Finley born 1778 married Dec 21, 1797 John Sutton. Ann Finley born 1763 married May 4, 1783 Peter Boswell.

James Finley born 1780 married Feby 7, 1800 Henly or Hetty Dyer. Thomas Finley b 1771 married Chloe Baynes.

Cumberland Co Penna shows James Finley on Tax Lists 1733-1763 (it was only organized 1750) died prior to 1764.

Court record Carlisle, Pa that in 1733 James Finley was 44 yrs old born in Ireland,

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wife Elizabeth. Had 8 sons whose years of birth he gives which I infer he has from court records & says the oldest one, Thomas was born in Ireland & the records continues from data sent him by Mrs L.J. Perdue, Ashland City, Tenn which I will table but will leave several pages as I find 5 other letters from him of earlier dates - Oct & Nov 1927 - & these six letters all unanswered no doubt explains why he quit writing me as naturally it should.

So I will commence my table on page 320. It is not clear to me whether this James is son of Alexander above 1669 but I think not.

He says records of Penroy? & Wilson Settlement, East Wheatland Indiana Co, Pa 1764 (dont' think it was organized until later) George Finley was one of the early settlers, had one son over 16 & one under, four daughters, census of 1790.

John, Robert & William Finley grant of land 1736-39 from Benj Burden, Beverly Manor, South River, Augusta Co Va. See p 30.

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William Finley died 1819 will dated Apr 3, 1818 recorded June 1819 by land record his wife was Mary, three sons William, tracing, Robert married Mary Rosanna Steele, moved to Ohio tracing

John married Ester Reid have record of children.

John Finley born in Ireland in 1714 (is it one on p 320) married in Penna Thankful Doak (not it is the one on page 30 b 1704 [in this case b means born]) sister of Samuel Doak served under Capt Wm Preston Co in French & Indian Wars. Elder Tinkling Springs Church. They had 8 sons & 3 daughters. Four sons known.

He then goes on to give part of the record I have on pages 30-31 with some difference in dates (just as 1714 should be 1704) which evidently are not as correct as what I have. He then stops short at bottom of 4th page, an unsigned, & evidently unfinished letter. I am mistaken, that was bottom of 4th page. He states that Wm son of John & Thankful

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was ancestor of Wm L. Finley of Jennings Lodge, Oregon, but I had gotten that from Nellie Woods see page 230. He then says that Robert Miller Finley who married Nancy Bryant was ancestor of David Edward Finley Esq of Washington D.C. He, Robert Miller Finley, being the youngest son of John Finley & his wife Ann Miller & says Miss Estelle Finley of Columbia, Tenn also descends from John & Ann & has bible record & says will send copy when complete. Says for me to not forget to send him the Finley - Snowden record.

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Oak Hill Sept 10, 1931 8:15 AM

A letter dated Oct 21, 1927 from A.F. France gives data much of which I have. He says he has records of John Finley born in Cecil Co Md 1727 died in Augusta Co, Va 1791, see page 30 where I have his birth as 1724, which I think correct & while I thought he was born in Chester Co, Pa, Cecil Co, Md may be correct. My records give his wife Mary Caldwell as daughter of David Caldwell. He here says she is daughter of Major John Caldwell who was killed by the Tories & also says her cousin Martha Caldwell of Maj John Caldwell married Patrick Calhoun & became the mother of John Caldwell Calhoun Sec of War 1817-23, vice Pres 1825-31 Sec of State 1845-45. He says he has traced John Finley above by land records from Cecil Co, Md to NC & thence to Augusta Co, Va & is sure he is son of Robert of Nottingham. I think he found later that he was son of John born 1704 see page 30. He asks me to send him what I have on

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1st Robert, brother of Michael who settled in Cecil Co, Md

2d Samuel brother of Michael C. who settled in Cecil Co, Md

3d John Finley, son of Andrew

4, Samuel Finley son of Andrew.

He says Robert Finley born 1712 died Apr 21, 1790 aged 88 yrs seems to have a son Robert Finley died Oct 12, 1807 age 42 yrs, a daughter Jane Finley died Apr 30, 1812 aged 82 yrs. He says The Nottingham Co organized 1742-4 consisting of Rev Samuel Finley, Robert Finley, Samuel Miller, Robert Evans, Thomas Williams, Davis Patton, James Cummings & John Porter sent first John Finley in 1741 to NC thence to Va recd a grant of 183 A from Gov Blair on branch of Catheys River, also find where Robert, John & Wm Finley grant of land with Benj Borden of Salem Co NJ from David Airey 7000 A on Chester River known as Todd ranges.

In 1753 sent Andrew Finley & George Finley to NC to purchase 33 surveys or 21.112 A on the waters of North Buffalo & Reedy's Forks.

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George Finley (deed bk 14 p 399 file 594) recd from Earl of Granville in 1755, 404 A on Reedys Fork, Orange Co, NC.

In 1762 (deed b 14 p 399 File 595) 460 A on Gaines branch. David Patton, James Cummings, & John Porter of the Nottingham Co settled in Va.

Another letter dated Oct 24, 1927 from A.F. France acks receipt of my interesting letter & goes on to give report of his researches on ancestry of Hon David M. Finley & rightfully disagrees with me that they are not of the Castle Toward branch & says he has bible records & tombstone records from Bethel Pres Ch NC. Establishing Robert Miller Finley see page 30 as his ancestor & says he died May 24, 1869 aged 86 yrs 9 mos (my records make him 5 mos older) & his wife Nancy Finley died 1854 aged 70 yrs. [The entry was originally Nov 24, 1869, scratched out & written "should be May"]

He had a lawyer examine the wills at Gastonia NC & he sent a copy of will of Robert W's [best guess] daughter Ann which gave list of his children. He says he will send me complete record.

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He says a first cousin of David Evans Finley lives at Rock Hill SC. Make slip & Wm Gist Finley was driving out to see her hoping she had some old bible records. Then another cousin of Wm Gist Finley, Emma Dale Reed of Oklahoma is sending records.

Another cousin, Hubert Finley of Ballinger, Texas, has an old sword, used by the father or brother of Robert M. Finley in the battle of Kings Mountain. He speaks of Mary Caldwell Finley's cousin Martha being the mother of John C. Calhoun & that another cousin was Zachary Taylor & says two sons of David Miller Finley were named:

Sterm Calhoun Finley & Zachary Taylor Finley.

In a book on Va families, he found the following:

Rev James Caldwell brother of Maj John Caldwell, born in Charlotte Co Va 1734 recd his education under his cousin Rev Samuel Finley at Nottingham, Md grad from Princeton 1761, was of French origin. His ancestors fled from France 1685 via Scotland to Lanc. Co, Pa & Charlotte Co, Va.

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He was chaplain of a NJ Bat. during the Revolution. His niece married Patrick Calhoun & his daughter Elizabeth married Rev John Vredenburg. The father of these three brothers was John Caldwell who brought over a colony in 1736 & settled in Charlotte Co Va. Came from Ulster Co, Ireland. Records from Cecil Co Md show Robert Finley born May 9, 1681 married Patterson died July 1, 1741, Elder in Rock & Head of Elk Pres Ch settled in Nottingham Pa now Cecil Co Md & his children as given to me, will table them 322. He is corresponding with Warren R. Smith Woodsbury, Tenn who has a family bible of his grandfather Nathan Finley who it seems was a grandson of John & Mary Caldwell Finley. He is to send record.

Mrs Chenault (of Lexington, Ky) has a genealogist look up records at Shippensburg, Pa. She sent the record of James Finley who married Jane Rippey. I have since proved it & now believe that Wm Finley whose son married Esther Reid was his son.

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He got letter fr Saml Steele Finley who is an interested descendant. He says James H. Finley of NY Times is not interested in his article on John Finley which he rtd & I am sending it to Louisville Courier Journal. He insists that I have the Finley coat of arms in my book & says he can send it in colors.

Oak Hill Sept 14, 1931 8:15 AM

Another letter dated Oct 25, 1927 from Maj A.F. France written longhand as are all of his is 16 pages 8x10 1/2 in. He says in order to give me his Maryland records right, he will give them to me as he has them filed & starts off with those of Lieut Leighton Finley & says that Lieut Augustus Finley great grandson of Michael Finley Jr married Lydia Rebecca Matthews & moved to Pass Christian Mo (which I think is Miss)

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His son William Wilson Finley born in Pass Christian Mo? Sept 20, 1853 married in 1883 Lillie Ridal? children Wm Wilson Jr, Lottie V., Lillie B, Lenora M & Celestine B.

Wills & land records in land office Annapolis, Md Robert Finley collector of Pot [sorry, best guess] of Annapolis Md Mch 22, 1698 Colonel of Talbot Co Md July 8, 1798, Justice of Peace 1710, Clerk of Courts Oxford, Talbot Co, Md 1710-1711 died 1716 inventory dated Sept 2, 1716. Had large estate. Will of his wife Jane Finley dated Aug 3, 1722 probated Aug 17, 1725. Gold necklace to daughter Mary, wife of Jacob Orchard, French necklace to Mary Orchard daughter of Jacob Orchard, stone necklace to daughter Elizabeth, wife of Henry Price, balance of estate to my sister Jugg [sic] Watson Broughten, Yorkshire Co, England. He thinks this looks as if Col Robert Finley had no sons. He found

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tax returns Talbot Co Md.

Robert Finley 2000 Acres Mount Hope 200 A Rest Farm 50 A Dogonnes Lot Will of John Finley Chester Town, Kent Co Md probated May 3, 1750 to my daughter Harietta [sic] Finley all my estate, appoints wife Margaret executor?.

Land records, Charles Co Md James Finley grant dated Bathnor Town June 23, 1785 grant of land from Capt W. Beal called Leith in Charles Co, Md. Will of above James Finley dated Charles Co Md Oct 7, 1699 prob Dec 23, 1699 to my godson James Nickson 1/2 of my estate. To Temperance Rowes 1000 lbs of tobacco, bals of estate to maintain a school & parish. Land records of Ann Arundel Co, Md. James Finley bought from Capt Broncome? 1698, 189 A called Abbington sold it 1700 to Henry Ridgels

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This James came same time as Col Robert Finley with a ship of refugees from Scotland who fought against Cromwell. Land records of Cecil Co Md Robert Finley & Frances Boyd executors to estate of Alexander Boyd decd tract of land left by Alexander Boyd father of Francis Boyd 205 1/4 acres at West Nottingham called Hospitality settled a title derived from Penn dated Annapolis Jany 1, 1787. This Robert Finley had sons:

A. Alexander Boyd Finley

B. Robert Finley

C. John Finley who moved to Washington Co, Pa & thence in 1818 to Ohio & had sons, Robert, David, John, Samuel & Abram (see my record of these gotten when at McConnellsville, O in Aug 1925 The above gives the record of where John Finley hailed from in Md & his father) who came from Md & took up 1000 A of land near Claysville, Pa & I think also is probably

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conclusive that Alexander & Robert who settled early in Ashland Co, O were sons of this Robert & brothers of John who went to Wash Co & the fact that Robert had lived in Fayette Co, Pa where his son John was born & of their coming from Nottingham are all strongly corroborative. He says Henry M. Finley (the Judge who I saw) is a descendant etc.

D. Edward Finley Lieut Oct 27, 1779 Capt 1780 Dorsey's Maryland Regiment. Dr Ellis of Nottingham Church says there were five brothers & a sister who lived early in Cecil Co Md viz: Robert, William, James, John, Thomas & Jane or Mary

1. Robert lies buried in Rising Sun Cemetery died Apr 21, 1808 aged 88 yrs

2. Jean, died unmarried Apr 30, 1812 aged 82 yrs

3. He thinks John is he who moved to Va & married Mary Caldwell but in this he is no doubt wrong

4? He says the William will dated Dec 21, 1757 prob. Sept 15, 1789 see p 330.

V26 Page 320 & V26 Page 321

[descendant chart]

James Finley born in Ireland about 1689 as A.F. France writes, see page 307 that the records at Carlisle, Pa state that he was 33 in 1738, was on tax lists Cumb Co, Pa he says fr 1733-1763 & died prior to 1764. The record of Thomas is continued by records sent him by Mrs L.J. Perdue of Ashland City, Tenn. Married in Ireland Elizabeth


Thomas Finley born in Ireland b 1709 ob 1755 settled in Balto Md Inv dated Feb 22, 1755 recorded at Annapolis, Md

James Finley ob

John F. Finley ob married Oct 24, 1750 Catharine Z. Zunnious?

William Finley ob

Robert Finley, ob

Thomas Finley, ob married

William Finley ob married June 6, 1778 Madeline Bray (Berey)

James Finley ob married Rebecca Bell daughter of David Bell 6 children settled in Harford Co Md has land records.

William Finley b 1710

Robert Finley b 1712

John Finley b 1714

George Finley b 1717

Alexander Finley b 1718

James Finley b 1719 or 1720 settled in Queen Anne Co Md in 1759

James Finley ob married 1776 Margaret Ruth daughter of Wm & Sarah Ruth

James Finley Jr. He is tracing

Rachel Finley. He is tracing

Andrew Finley

V26 Page 322

[descendant chart]

Robert Finley page 314 born May 19, 1681 ob July 1, 1741 was an elder in Rock & Head of Elk Pres Ch brother of our Michael see Anjou Hist. Married Patterson


Mary Finley b 1719, married

Robert Finley b 1720 ob Apr 21, 1808 married Frances Boyd daughter of Alex Boyd who died 1787 [unreadable word or character looks like n] gave them 205 A land called Hospitality.

Alex Boyd Finley

Robert Finley Jr ob Oct 12, 1807 aged 42 yrs served in Revolution.

Edward Finley Lieut Oct 27, 1779 in Dorsey's Reg.

John Finley

several daughters

James Finley b 1725 served in Capt Edward Jackson's Co on foot 1740

John Finley b 1727 was sent to NC & Va

Thomas Finley b 1728 ob 1755

Thomas Finley, married Chloe Bayers

Thomas Finley b 1792 in War of 1812

John Finley b 1793 in War of 1812

V26 Page 323

[descendant chart]

Robert Miller Finley see p 30 born he now says 1783 ob May 24, 1869 married Nancy Bryant b 1784 ob 1854


William G. Finley ob

Isabella M. Finley ob

Robert Finley ob in Ark

James Finley b 1813 ob married Jane McIlwaine

William Finley

Robert Finley

Charles Finley

Mary Finley married A.F. Nance

Nancy Finley married N.E. Roach

Laura Finley married Simpson Robinson

John Finley ob

Green Finley

Alexander Finley

David Miller Finley b 1816 in Gaston Co NC ob 1863 in Tonton, Ark married Feby 1841 Elizabeth McIlwaine daughter of Charles & Margaret McIlwaine

Margaret Jane Finley b Apr 4, 1842, ob

Nancy Elvira Finley b Nov 16, 1843 ob

Zachary Taylor Finley b Mch 12, 1846 ob

John Alex Finley b Mch 12, 1848

Charles Robert Finley b June 10, 1850 ob

James Williams Finley b Mch 12, 1852 ob

Stern Calhoun Finley b June 18, 1858 ob

David Edward Finley b Feby 28, 1861 ob Jany 26, 1917 at York SC married Oct 9, 1889 Elizabeth Lewis Gist b May 3, 1862 daughter of Wxc [sic] & Frances Creeshaw Gist

David Edwd Finley Jr b Sept 30, 1890

Frances Finley b Mch 3, 1894?

Mary Eliz. Finley b Jany 30, 1894

Wm Gist Finley b Sept 10, 1895

Robert McIlwaine Finley b May 5, 1897

State Rights Finley b Aug 20, 1898

Margaret Adams Finley b May 5, 1900

John Campbell Finley b Mch 8, 1904

V26 Page 324 [blank]

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From page 319

sons, William, Robert & John who married Esther Reid & died in Augusta Co, Va, 1802 & mentions hearing from Saml Steele Finley of Santa Ana, Calif etc.

Census of 1790 Cecil Co Md shows Robert Finley, North Susquehannah Hundred, 3 free white males over 16 yrs, 4 females & 1 slave. Marriage records of Cecil Co, Md William Finley to Madeline Berey June 6, 1778.

John F. Finley to Catherine Zimmons Oct 24, 1750

James Finley & Margaret Ruth May 6, 1776

Thomas Finley to Chloe Baynes Jany 29, 1791

James Finley to Henny Dyer Feb 7, 1800

Thomas Finley moved from Nottingham to Baltimore Town 1750 & died 1755. Inv. dated Feby 22, 1755 mentions land in Va evidently rich.

Military records show he had a grandson Thomas & a grandson John War of 1812, sons of his son Thomas who married Chloe Baynes.

Thomas born 1772

John born 1793

V26 Page 331

He says he is convinced that Robert Finley 1681-1741 had more than two children. He says he has recd list of children of David Finley 1748 & Elizabeth Mounts see page 31 but without dates except their daughter Jane Ann Finley & her husband Edmund Smith which he will send me writing the next day Oct 26, 1927, says he recd that morning a letter from Louise Hull Rodden 303 N. Broadway, Salem, Ills daughter of Rev Dr Hull who died Feby 24, 1926 who knows very little & quotes from my letter to her father & saying John Finley had descendants:

1. Elizabeth b Mch 7, 1815 married James Whiteum? [& also my best guess on JVT's entry]

2. Rachel Ann b 1817

3. Boles Finley went to Arkansas

Letter from Mrs James Brice Union City, Tenn a descendant of James & Rebecca Allison Finley (make slip)

Rebecca Allison was a granddaughter of Genl Arthur Forbes who was mortally wounded at Battle of Guilford C.H., NC.

James Finley moved from Greensboro to

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Joplin, Mo & after living there a short while, moved to Maury Co, Tenn & died 3 days after his arrival there at the home of his daughter Elizabeth who had married James Whiteside.

I have these Whiteside-Finley records tabled but he says Rebecca Allison Finley died 1885 aged 87 yrs & James Finley died 1824 aged 42 yrs.

She says her mother knew very little simply what she heard from her great grandmother, says his father was John Finley in the Revolution with Genl Forbes & had 3 older brothers viz: William, Samuel & John. When he goes to Wash D.C. will look up NC Archives in the Congressional Library. He says William Finley, father of Polly Crockett & Estelle Finley belongs here, so that the John Finley above ancestor of the Whitesides & who fought at Guilford C.H. is the John Finley shown on page 30 born 1742 & married Ann Miller & moved to NC. Says James Kennedy Finley was a

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son of John Finley, a surveyor & John Finley a son of Andrew Forbes was a teacher on Sept 30, 1777 was apptd to lay off road in Washington Co Va.

A letter from Frank Huston?, clerk of session of old Rock Pres Church says he finds names of Robert, John & William Finley in records of old church 1742. He is working up data for Rev James Finley was pastor in 1752 & Robert Finley 1720-1808 was an elder.

He then gives:

Military record of Finleys

America. I have heretofore recorded much of this he gave but will note here what he starts off with as it seems new.

French & Indian Wars 1744-65.

John Finley, son of Archibald Finley, Kentucky Explorer 1752 Pilot to Daniel Boone 1769 Battle of Fort Duquesne, Archibald Finley son of Archibald Lieut May 27, 1754

V26 Page 334

Associated Reg Bucks Co, Pa

Alexander Finley, son of Archibald, sergeant Capt Robinsons Cos Pa Reg.

Andrew Finley son of Michael Lieut Dec 25, 1747-55 Lanc Co Reg

William Finley son of William Lieut July 14, 1757 Maj Joseph Sheppin Co 2d Bat.

John Finley Sr of Augusta Co, Va Capt Wm Preston Co 1757

He then comes to Revolution 1776-1783 & on 1st page gives

Joseph Lewis Finley son of Michael Jr & then Ebenezer, John Hall, James Edwin Blair & Samuel Finley all four sons of Rev Samuel.

Andrew & John, sons of John all through their various grades, which I think I have & another page of Finleys in the Rev. viz:

Samuel, son of John

Another Samuel Finley son of _____

Joseph Finley son of Rev Samuel

George Finley son of George

Aaron Finley son of William

William Finley son of William

George Finley son of John, Augusta Co, VA

John Finley son of John, Augusta Co, VA

Robert Finley son of John, Augusta Co, VA

Records of all of which I think I have heretofore recorded.

V26 Page 335

Then comes a page for War of 1812 & two pages of Civil War.

He then gives a page & a part of officers of U.S. Army & Navy prior to 1927 which I probably have & pass it up.

Also half a page of World War

Another letter from Maj A.F. France is dated Oct 30, 1927 & covers 4 pages in which he says knowing I am as much interested as he himself is, he sends me the information as he gets it in. Says he & his wife had a delightful trip to Wash D.C. yesterday & had lunch with David Edward Finley & his mother a "charming little old lady aged 65 yrs" who knew more about her husband's family than her son did & said her husband was greatly interested in his family & often told her that his forebears came from Ireland to Penna & thence to Maryland, NC & Va & that they were related to the descendants of Rev Samuel Finley D.D.

The old Bethel g.y. was only 18 miles from her home at York S.C.

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& were only a short distance from the battlefield of Kings Mountain in which battle & brother or the father (it was the father of Robert Miller Finley) was in & in which battle one of her ancestors, Richard Gist was killed. She leaves for home tomorrow & will have her son Wm Gist Finley & her sister drive over to Bethel g.y. & also call on a first cousin of Mr Finley who is very old & see if they can get more information. He says he had met a Mr Clapp in the Congressional Library who greatly assisted him in finding old Colonial Md records. Make slip. One book published by Historical Society.

Robert Finley who married Frances Boyd, Elder in Pres Ch West Nottingham Penna now in Cecil Co, Md had sons, John, David, Robert, Alexander, also daughter Sarah P. & Frances Boyd, also a James Finley who moved to Washington Co, Pa in 1782. John Finley moved to Wash Co, Pa 1781

V26 Page 337

History of Cecil Co Md

The first settlement in Md within the present limits of Cecil Co was on Palmans? Island now Watsons Island near the mouth of Susquehannah River before 1634.

From 1728 to 1741 families of Scotch Irish descent settled in Nottingham Tp & Susquehannah Hundred under a grant 1680 John Evans immigrant from Wales.

He mentions many purchases of land by Robert Finley & says a 452 A purchase was consummated in 1740 by his sons Robert & John (This is not understandable as he is said to have been born 1720 & died 1808)

In 1741 the Rock Pres Ch was organized & leading members were Robert Evans, Robert Lucas, Robert Finley, John Finley, Wm Finley, Alexander Boyd, David Hollinsworth, Wm Alexander, Philip Tanner & were followers of Rev Dr Whitfield.

In 1752 having been without a regular Pastor for 11 yrs,

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Rev James Finley was installed.

Wm Alexander & Araminta, his wife in 1741 deeded one acre of land on which the meeting house was built.

Rev Samuel Finley, elder brother of Rev James was pastor of the West Nottingham Church to the North West on the brow of the hill near the village of Rising Sun, Md & there was the Nottingham Academy of which Rev Samuel Finley was the founder & master & the Academy was one of the most celebrated of its time & among the distinguished men who recd their early education, there were Dr Benj Rush, Rev John Ewing, Richard Stockton, John Archer, Rev James Caldwell, Jacob Hall etc.

These records show William, John, Robert, James, David, Alexander & Thomas in Cecil Co Md & he thinks Robert & Alexander are they who went to Ashland Co, O & died there & asks if I know anything of David son of

V26 Page 339

Robert 1720-1808

He asks if I hear from Harry M. Finley, McConnellsville, O.

Oak Hill Sept 15, 1931 8:11 AM

Primary election day. I went to bed last night at 10 o'c & got up to nature's call at about midnight & did not go to sleep again being wide awake throughout the night without a sleepy moment, an unusual occur. Up at 1:45 & 5:05 AM

The sixth & last of the old letters from A.F. France of Annapolis, Md is dated Nov 25, 1927. In this letter, he speaks of having just heard from Wm L. Finley of Jennings Lodge, Oregon & sends copy of old letter I had recd from Miss Nellie Woods of Gbg Pa & tabled on page 230.

He says he finds among his Augusta Co, Va records Queen Anne, Deed Sept 20, 1736

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John, Robert & William Finley grant on Cathey's River Also that Wm Finley was owner of 500 A in Middlesex Co Va in 1704

(It looks to me as if this Wm might be a brother of John, whose father James see p 30 came with 8 sons & that the ancestor of the Finleys I found in 1923 & 1926 in Norristown & Phila was another of them & i think they all come from John born 1634.):

Speaking of Robt Miller Finley's sisters & brothers, he says John see page 30 married a daughter of Robert Kennedy & gives that James (my table don't give a James) moved to Queen Anne Co Md grant of land 1792-1803 & then gives David & William & another daughter as I have them.

He says he has bible record of children of John Finley & wife Mary Caldwell (which is what I have on pages 30 & 31) but is expecting more from Mrs Peyton & Warren Smith of Tenn & when he does will pass it on.

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(It is just possible that when I come to Tenn I may find an unrecorded record from her.)

Says he has recd from all over the country records of the descendants of John & Mary Caldwell Finley. He asks my opinion of where he belongs.

Says he recd a letter from Alfred Finley, Sherman Texas & finds his grandfather Wm who married Jane Weldon was born 1779 died 1858 was a son of John who was the son of Andrew. Says he did not give dates of birth of his father's brothers so he has written him again. He says this tracing pedigrees is slow work & asks how I am getting along & says he is much interested in my book being correct.

Says he has a record of an Andrew Finley born 1723 died 1808 & a brother Major John Finley of Chanceford Tp York Co, Pa who died 1780.

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A letter dated Mch 10, 1926 in answer to mine from J.M. Hughes Land Com of Northern Pacific RR St Paul, Minn says that land which produces 25 to 50 bus of corn to the acre good stock crops, free from stock diseases is found in Fallon & Carter Cos, Montana. Good water & healthful schools, Churches Etc low prices & a state organized to help & the Northern Pacific RR Co will help you & give special home seekers rates.

A letter dated July 1, 1926 from Capt Guy Jack, Scooba, Miss encloses a letter of Fred Beall of Wash D.C. which I am today rtg along with many other papers he sent me in connection with his claim for the cotton taken by the U.S. Gov. The Capt having died, I am sending them to his son. In this letter, he says he was born Oct 11, 1852 & was only 12 yrs old in July 1865 when he saw the agt of the U.S. Gov take 114 bales of his father's private cotton

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& he was then on his sick bed & died in Jany 1866. Refers to his ancestor Capt James Jack having paid the state of NC $20,000 to assist the Gov in the prosecution of the Revolutionary War & says he had five sons in the World War.

I have a letter dated Mch 31, 1926 in answer to mine of Mch 29th, 1926 from Oliver R. McCoy 948 Laurel St, St Louis Mo ackg receipt of the papers they loaned me & giving me the following names etc of parties to write to for answers to queries I sent him.

For questions 1 to 6 incl write:

Malcolm Sproat, Sproats Drugstore, Chillicothe, O

For 7 & 8 write:

Robert C. McCoy 1209 Pioneer Bldg, St Paul, Minn

& for 9 & 10 write:

Mrs R.W. McCoy 473 Washington Ave, Brooklyn NY

Am writing them today

He then gives me information for book 14 p 379

He says Eliza McCoy's

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husband was Benjamin Franklin Sproat, still living in Chillicothe, O is son of Amasa D. Sproat. He gives their 5 children as I have them. He says Jessie Sproat was married in 1906 to Jack Chapman & have 3 children, William, Annette & Franklin all single.

Annette Sproat is single

Samuel McCoy Sproat was married in 1917 to Marjorie Story daughter of Walter Story of Chillicothe, O & have two children, Marjorie & Benjamin

His Aunts Jessie & Mary Alice McCoy have never married & are living at 67 W. Main St, Chillicothe, O

My Uncle John McCoy was married in 1889 to Mary Winifred Hays who was born in 1865. uncle John died Jany 19, 1925 but his widow is living with their son Robert C. McCoy in St Paul Minn. Robert Carson McCoy, their only child was born July 30, 1890 at Wooster, O & married Mary Laura Townsley & have one child, Mary Winifred. He is a lawyer at

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1209 Pioneer Bldg St, Paul Minn

Uncle Robert W. married Christine Chapman. He died Sept 20, 1920. She is living at 473 Washington Ave Brooklyn NY. They had one child Samuel Finley McCoy who was born in 1913.

V26 Page 346

Oak Hill Sept 16, 1931 8:30 Am

I have a letter dated Sept 1, 1926 in answer to mine of more

than a year before from Miss Ruby Ethelyn Carruthers of Dillon,


7 PM

She failed to give book & page & I have hunted through books 12 & 13

for over two hours for her father's table & not finding it will make

another but as it has gotten dark, I will lay it away until daylight.

8 PM

Also looked through book 11 in the darkness but found nothing.

7:55 Am Sept 19th

I looked through book 10 last night & did not find any S.S. Carruthers table & perhaps did not table it, but will now do so on page 348.

Ruby says her father was a wonderful character, one in a thousand & they were very proud of the name he left & both they & the community will greatly miss him.

V26 Page 347

She wants me to advise her what I hear from Mrs Cramer & Mrs Guilford (I think they failed to answer) & says Mrs Guilford's address was 2114 Stout St, Denver Colo but says the last they heard from her she was very sick & not expected to live. Wants me to tell her anything I can about "daddy's" family in Scotland & America.

Will give any further information she can. He had injured himself about a month before lifting trunks at the station & died from a heart attack. Had been with the Oregon Short Line 42 yrs & was buried in Mountain View Cemetery. The printed sketch said he was born in Watertown, Iowa, but Ruth said New Waterford, Ohio which is no doubt correct. Says he was educated at Oberlin College & came west to Colorado in 1884 & entered the service of the Union Pacific System as telegrapher. He was a prominent Mason & was survived by his wife, 5 sons & 4 daughters, all married but Ruby, two sisters & a brother in the east.

V26 Page 348 & V26 Page 349

[descendant chart]

Samuel Silliman Carruthers born July 2, 1861 at New Waterford, Ohio & died July 16, 1926 suddenly at Pocatello. He was a leading citizen of Dillon, Montana where he had for abt 25 yrs he had been an Oregon Short Line official & Agent & active in Civic life. Married Feby 3, 1887 Luella Eva Baker b Oct 7, 1868 at Eddyville, Iowa. Had nine children the 1st one born at Kenosha, Colo, 2d at Denver, Colo, 3rd at Alma Colo, 4th at Roberts, Idaho, 5th at Dubois, Idaho & the last three at Dillon Montana. See two preceding pages.


Clyde Austin Carruthers b Feby 8, 1888

Earl Rusk Carruthers b Mch 14, 1889

Roy Merton Carruthers b July 22, 1890

Verna Fay Carruthers b Nov 20, 1894?

Hazel Marjorie Carruthers b Dec 26, 1898?

David Baker Carruthers b Feby 28, 1901

Zelma Fern Carruthers b Apr 10, 1904

Samuel Silliman Carruthers Jr b Apr 28, 1907

Ruby Ethelyn Carruthers b Sept 12, 1908, my informant for this record.

V26 Page 350

I have a very cordial letter dated June 18, 1926 from Marian D. Kilpatrick of Beatrice, Neb in which her husband Robert J. Kilpatrick joined in sending his regards. Unfortunately, both have since passed away. She wrote asking if I had been able to connect the Roberts, Thompson line with our own, which she greatly desired & also to see if they had Revolutionary War service.

I have two fat letters each of many pages the one dated Aug 29, 1927 in answer to mine recd that day & containing 21 pages from Zella E. Tice 3011 Starr (or Stan) St, Lincoln Neb who though very busy since her return from Redfield, & Des Moines, Iowa where she found the relatives greatly interested & though very busy, she answers at once. Says Mrs Harper is looking after the family of her grandfather John McLucas one of the 11 children of Martha Thompson.

Mrs Sarah Stiles had the William McLucas record & Mrs Jennie Fee has his bible. Mrs Bowdle gave me

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the names of the Mary Petro family, but she didn't know where to find any of them.

She heard her mother talking several years ago to a friend who knew a Petro family & she is trying to reach them & see if they are of Mary Petro's family.

Says none of them know anything of Sarah Russell's family & think they are all dead, but I got some of their records not long ago.

Says she found a granddaughter of Margaret Holes at Beavertown, Ohio near Mrs Nannie Cook & had such a pleasant afternoon with Mrs Cook & her daughter. Mrs Ida Montgomery, Dayton O, RR no 2 Oakdale & Miss Elta Hole Dayton, O are granddaughters of Margaret Hole.

For information, write their nephew Mr John Hole 327 Lowe St, Dayton, O. He has the family bible & is the one that can get you the data you want.

I got the names of some of Mrs Barthomew's [sic] family, but no one knows which of the eleven her great grandfather was but Jennie Fee might be able to tell. I think I have it.

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Says she is trying to keep each family on a separate piece of paper so as to not get them mixed.

No one seems to know anything about the family of Jane Young. (I got it)

There is one of the McLucas family lived at Hackney, Morgan Co, O & I think live there yet, as she heard her Aunt Mary Clabaugh speak of them a few years ago. (I heard of them when in McConnellsville, O Aug 28, 1925 but didn't have time to go see them & don't think they answered my letter) I think their grandfather was the oldest son of the family but don't know which one he was, James or Samuel. The family at Fairbury, Neb is Mrs Harper's Uncle Will's family. Judge McLucas of Los Angeles, Calif is a grandson of Wils [sic] McLucas.

Mrs Bowdle told me she had sent her data to me so I don't have it. I will send you the others of William McLucas's family that I have. I haven't all of our own family data yet, but will send it as soon as I get it together. Asks if I am going to publish the book & [unreadable word]

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a number of them will want one. Have written John Hole tonight. Make slip.

She sends record of John McLucas, son of Samuel, one of the 11 see b 21 p 440. This John was father of Wm who was father of Mrs Bartholomew & John's daughter Orilla Jane married Joel Replogle & she says to write their son John Replogle, Hagerstown, Md which I have done today. She says John McLucas, one of the 11 1796- Oct 2, 1838 was buried at Laporte, Ind see b 21 p 220. She says to write: Mrs Ellen Hayes 323 E. North St. Muncie, Ind for record of her mother, Rebecca McLucas Gibson see b 21 p 220 daughter of John McLucas 1796-1838 one of the 11. Writing today.

She gives date of Mary Petro birth which I have entered in table b 20 p 178 & gives her children as:

Margareta Petro Blackman

Eliza Petro Macy

Vickers Petro

Jess Petro

omitting Mary Jane who I have in b 20 p 441 which see. She gives data of William McLucas one of the 11 which

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differs in dates from what I have in Book 20 p 179. Will rely on what I there have. She gives year of his death 1866. I have 1846. She gives birth of his daughter Martha Jane as 1822. I have it 1823. She gives name of other daughter as Melinda. I have Belinda. She gives date of son Alexander's birth as June 27. I have June 1.

Sept 21, 1931 11 AM

The other letter from Zella E. Free [Fee?] of 3011 Starr St, Lincoln Neb dated Nov 2, 1927. She says her mother told them that her ggfather, John McLucas who came from Ireland had a brother James come too, but he was drowned.

Says if her Aunt Mary Ann Clabaugh sends her record (which so far she has not) I will have the record of Nancy McLucas McCoy completed.

She says Nancy McLucas McCoy & her husband, Alexr McCoy both died of swamp fever in Elkhart Co, Ind see b 20 p 178.

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Their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth McCoy married Anthony Huls Tice son of Joseph Tice born Feby 22, 1801 ob Oct 4, 1871 & his wife Jane Huls born Mch 14, 1805 & died Feby 21, 1852. They were married Jany 22, 1826 at Jersey City, NJ & both died at Centerville, O where Anthony H. was married.

Her sister Martha Eleanor Smith's children viz:

Lyle Emmet Smith was born at Beatrice, Neb & Charles Roy Smith was born at Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Lyle Emmett Smith married Jany 9, 1920 to Florence Janette Jorgensen at Papillion Neb. She was born Apr 26, 1898 at Council Bluffs, Iowa daughter of Emel Jan Jorgenson & wife Mary Clementsen both natives of Denmark.

They have two children born in Council Bluffs, Iowa:

David Richard Smith b Nov 17, 1922

Shirley Lyle Smith b Aug 20, 1924

See b 20 p 178

Charles Roy Smith married Sept 5, 1926 at Logan, Iowa Gladys Velma Brown, daughter of Lewis A. Brown & Margaret Armanda Niswonger. Gladys V. was born June 13, 1909 at Council Bluffs, Iowa

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Delmer Webster Smith, father of Lyle Emmet & Chas Roy was in RR business & now General Chairman of B of LF&E Council Bluffs, Iowa. Lyle Emmet is a RR fireman. Chas Roy is also a Rr fireman. Mrs D.W. Smith's address is 1928 Ave A. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Joseph Jerome Tice see b 20 p 178 was married Dec 23, 1894 at Verona, Ohio to Alpha Ditmer b Dec 22, 1872 daughter of Henry R. Ditmer & wife Elizabeth Welbaum.

Joseph J. Tice is a plasterer & cement contractor at Potsdam, Ohio & had two children:

1. Mildred Elizabeth Tice b Oct 6, 1895

2. Dale Anthony Tice b Aug 15, 190[cut off] both born at Potsdam, O.

Mildred E. Tice married Howard R. Henderson on Oct 24, 1913. He was born Jany 11, 1892 at Postdam, O son of Edward Henderson & wife Mahala Miller.

Mildred's address is 1046 Sixth Ave, Huntingdon, WVA. She has 2 children: 1. Marjorie Tice Henderson b July 26, 1914 at Oxford, O & 2 Howard R. Henderson Jr b Apr 24, 1916 at Oxford, O.

Dale Anthony Tice was married to

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Floris Fay Foster Apr 21, 1922. She was born Sept 5, 1899 in WVA. Dale A. is a salesman & lives at Huntingdon WVA. Have one child:

1. Norma Dale Tice b Jany 14, 1923 Gale Martin Tice see b 20 p 178 was married at Pittsburgh, Darke Co, O in 1902 to Forrest Mote & had 4 children:

1. Delmer Mote Tice b July 19, 1902

2. Ruth Pauline Tice b May 14, 1904

3. Joseph Tice b 1906

4. Howard Saxby Tice b Feby 26, 1908

The first one born at Pittsburgh, O & the other three at Arcanum, O.

Forrest Mote, the wife died in 1909 was daughter of Cassville Mote & wife Jane Limbert. Gale M. Tice of Postdam, O is a plasterer & cement contractor.

He married 2d Mary Edna Evans July 5, 1920 at Covington, Ky & have one son.

5. Evans Tice b Oct 15, 1922 Mary Edna was born Jany 15, 1889 daughter of Lorenzo Dow Evans & wife Esther Pearson.

V26 Page 358

Ruth Pauline Tice see preceding page was married June 12, 1927 to Harry E. Van Kirk at West Milton, O.

Gail [sic] M. Tice's address is Potsdam, Miami Co, O

Zella E., my informant is single & is a fitter in a clothing or department store.

V26 Page 359 [blank]

V26 Page 360

[descendant chart]

Mary Lillian Tice b 20 p 178 b Mch 13, 1863 at Centerville, O married Mch 21, 1886 at Potsdam, O to John Thomas Phillips b Dec 15, 1859 in Va son of James M. Phillips & his wife Elizabeth Catharine Burkett. He is a building contractor & lives at 3011 Starr St, Lincoln, Neb. They had 3 children all born at Bear Creek, Neb.


James Tice Phillips b Jany 1, 1887 married Oct 21 [best guess] 1911 at San Francisco, Calif Mary Blythe Hart b July 18, 1890 at Aledo, Ills daughter of John Newton Hart & wife Mae Smith. He is mgr & Tre [best guess] of Royal Hawaii at Honolulu Cales Co. Had 3 children 1st one born in San Francisco, Calif & other two in Honolulu.

John Koemer Phillips b Sept 11, 1914

Thomas Newton Phillips b July 31, 1917

Jean Mary Phillips b June 9, 1920

Hazel Winifred Phillips b Nov 14, 1888 married Oct 14, 1915 at Lincoln, Neb to Geo Wm Steinmeyer b Dec 29, 1877 at Clatonia, Neb son of John Henry Steinmeyer & wife Sarah Ellen Urland. He is mgr of Electric Light & Gas Co at Beatrice Neb. Had 2 children born at Beatrice, Neb.

George Wm Steinmeyer Jr b Feby 3, 1918

Clifford Steinmeyer b July 22, 1924 ob July 22, 1924

Clifford Fuller Phillips b Mch 17, 1890 married Mch 26, 1915 at Council Bluffs, Iowa to Ann Catharine Justesen b Dec 10, 1889 in Omaha, Neb daughter of Peter Justesen & wife Helen Catharine Frederickson both natives of Denmark. Have one child born at Falls City, Neb where he was a lawyer was in the World War & lost his life at Onega, Russia being 1st Lieut of 339 Reg 85 Div wounded & died May 10, 1919.

Helen Jane Phillips b Aug 24, 1916

V26 Page 361 [blank]

V26 Page 362

I have a letter dated Sept 24, 1927 a belated answer to mine by reason of an extended trip she was on from Mrs Bess Markle Richardson Box 76 Tonopah, Nevada

She encloses a copy of a letter from Jacob Markel IV to her father Bruce Markle which she says shows much about the family. She says she has no old bible records, as all such records of her grandfather were destroyed in a fire which destroyed both his home & extensive woolen mills located in Indiana at the time of the Civil War. We have cft showing that Jacob Markel III & George Markel, his brother, were soldiers of the Revolution.

Jacob Markel III was a private in Capt George Shriver's Co Fourth Battalion Northampton Co, Pa militia 1781 Philip Brown was Colonel.

George Markle was a second sergeant in Capt Benjamin Weiser's Co Northumberland Co Pa militia 1777.

She encloses a genealogical table which she says is incomplete but may be

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of assistance. Will be very glad to have any info I can send along those lines. The fact that our Jacob Markel & her Jacob Markel III both lived in Berks Co, Pa seem significant.

We forgot to mention above that Abraham, David, John, Valentine, & Martin Markle were soldiers of the Revolution in Penna, but we have no record of these on our table. I am writing to my mother & if you will ask me any definite question, I will ask her about them.

She refers to b 16 p 484 of my records.

She asks if I plan to have my data in book form & if so she will be greatly interested in getting a copy.

She says to address mail to Mrs Warren Richardson Box 76, Tonapah, Nevada.

[note variations in spelling Markle/Markel noted]

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The letter written by Jacob Markel IV to Bruce Markle says:

My great grandmother was Hetty Wortzell sister of Admiral Wortzell, an admiral in the Holland Navy. He left all of his property to his sister. In the then unsettled state of Europe, she came to America & bought property near Connette (probably Kennett) Square in Penna. Here my great grandfather married her. By her he had one child, Jacob. After their death he sold out & moved to Reading, Pa Berks Co where he became largely interested in milling & banking. Here he married but I have forgotten his wife's name. She had two sons, Jacob, my father & George. About this time, the Revolution broke out. Father being quite young, ran away, went to Phila & shipped under afterwards Com Barney aboard the Hyder-Ali. The Delaware River was blockaded by a British vessel called The Monk as well as by two privateers. The object was

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to capture the Monk first. In this Barney succeeded. After a long fight, the Monk was captured, taken to Phila & the Delaware opened for a general revival of trade. Both vessels were refitted & sailed for the West Indies.

Sept 22, 1931 7:22 AM

Father shipped I believe aboard the Hyder-Ali as a Quartermaster's gunner. They were cruising around the West Indies at the time th English captured the Ilana Eustain from the Dutch.

The bounty being great, the English Admiral made action inviting all the World.

In much maneuvering, they succeeded in taking three prizes which were brought safely to the states. The government being hard pressed took nearly the three cargoes with the promise to pay after the war father's papers being lost & the archives being burned

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by the English in the War of 1812 though he made application was unable to receive any of them. He now sailed in another privateer - have forgotten the name - was captured them impressed with many others, placed aboard a British man of war arriving at Jamaica. He with others jumped overboard & swam to the Island where he was secreted aboard a neutral. After his arrival at a neutral port in Europe, he got aboard a French ship & arrived safely in France. About this time, Paul Jones arrived in the Richard & father shipped with him, helped to repair her & her consort the "Albert" to make a descent on the English coast.

Before Jones sailed father was taken sick, laid a long time under the care of the sisters of Charity. Before shipping with Jones he changed

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his name for fear of recapture which would have been certain death. After his recovery the American Representative got him aboard a French Frigate, from which he landed safely in the U.S.

After this, he was employed as a coast guard during the war.

In the War of 1812, he was employed in Balto, Md as one of the committee of safety.

Mother had the following children: Fanny, Lydia, Margaret, Julia, Eliza, Hetty, Samuel, died in infancy, second Samuel died in manhood Jacob & George [sic]

I am the only one living.

Uncle George, father's brother served in the War of 1776 first under Gen Greene then under Washington, was at Yorktown.

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at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis.

Had but one child a girl by name of Catharine, mother raised her. She married in Baltimore a man named Jeremiah Cole. Cole moved to St Louis, Mo had a brother, I believe, a Chote married an Indian trader. Mother's maiden name was Catharine Fricker, daughter of Anthony Fricker of Berks Co, Pa. The sons were Peter, Stephen, Anthony, John & Henry & Thomas.

John held some commission in Capt Ford's artillery, served under Gen St Clair at the time St Clair was defeated by the Indians in 1791 in Ohio, served under Genl Wayne when the combined forces of the Indians were defeated at the battle of the Fallen Timbers in Ohio & resulted at the treaty Granville [unreadable word in parentheses ends in ville]

V26 Page 369

Henry was aboard the frigate John Randolph, held some commission in engagement with an English vessel. Her magazine exploded & but few were saved.

Thomas died at Lancaster. Peter was educated for a priest. I must regret the burning of my papers. So many letters furnishing news of the Revolution. There is much I have forgotten. I remain your affectionate father.

Jacob Markel

The genealogical table they send which I am recording on the two pages following show that Peter, Stephen et al are children of Catherine Markle, daughter of George & her husband Jeremiah Cole. Mrs Elizabeth Markle Richardson at bottom of page 371 is my informant. Am writing her. Write & see if Jacob III ever applied for pension or Rev. claim.

V26 Page 370 & V26 Page 371

[descendant chart]

Jacob Markel born about 1700 & who I think most probably was a son of Jacob Markle b Sept 2, 1679 see p 33 Anjou, a brother of gggfather Johan Christian Mercklen 1678-1766. Married Hetty Wortzell a niece [note: earlier record states she was his sister] of Admiral Wortzell of the Holland Navy who left his property to her. By reason of the unsettled state of affairs in Europe, she came to America & settled at "Connitte" Square (I think probably Kennett Square Phila) where they were married & died. Are reported to have had but one child. Make slip to look for her or his will See too b 16 p 484.


Jacob Markel born about 1730 sold out after his parents death & went to Reading Pa & was a miller & banker. Married, but name of wife forgotten by her grandson Jacob IV

George Markel a Revolutionary Soldier fought under Genl Greene & then under Genl Washington & was with him at Yorktown, at Cornwallis surrender. Had one child who was raised by her Aunt, the wife of Jacob Markel III

Catherine Markel raised by her Aunt, married in Balto, Md Jeremiah Cole & moved to St Louis, Mo report six sons.

Peter Cole educated for a priest Stephen Cole

Anthony Cole

John Cole served with Genl St Clair & Genl Wayne 1791-4 in Ohio in campaigns with Indians

Henry Cole was a sailor

Thomas Cole moved to Lancaster

Jacob Markel III born 1757? ran away from home to Phila & shipped aboard the Hyder-Ali with Com. Barney had exciting experiences in the West Indies, see preceding pages & then shipped with Paul Jones on the Richard & in 1812 was a member of the Committee of Safety at Balto, Md married Catherine, daughter of Anthony Fricker.

Jacob Markel IV b about 1800 married Elizabeth Johnson author of preceding letter & last survivor

Catherine Markel

Robert Bruce Markel married Minnie Foster

Robert Bruce Markel married Mildred Ladner

Carl Markel b Amy Railton

Margarita Markel d.y.

Elizabeth Markle [sic] my informant married Warren V. Richardson

Warren B. Richardson

Hary [sic] Markel married Bessie who died I think Bessie who died is his daughter

twins d.y.

Albert Markel

Jefferson Markel

Margaret Markel

Fanny Markel [daughter of Jacob Markel III]

Margaret Markel

Lydia Markel

Hetty Markel

Saml Markel d.y.

Eliza Markel

Samuel Markel lived to manhood

Julia Markel

George Markel

V26 Page 372

Oak Hill Sept 23, 1931 8 AM

I have a letter dated Dec 10, 1927 in a belated answer to mine from Benj W. Kilgore, chairman of the board of Trustees of the American Cotton Growers Exchange, Raleigh, NC giving three pages of records of his family, but he does not give book or page.

I have hunted up my Kilgore tables & find him recorded in book 16 page 278 where I had recorded what he gave me of his own family & he is now giving me the record of his brothers & sisters which I am transferring & tabling com. on page 374.

V26 Page 373

I have a small pamphlet 5 1/2 x 8 3/4 in mailed to me by Miss Emma E. Laughlin, Barnesville, O giving an addition (nine pages) to the Laughlin History (Wilson) prepared by her for the Fifth Quadreunial [sic] Reunion of the Family held at Washington Park, Columbus, Ohio, Friday Aug 26, 1927. Am laying it away for reference in 3d drawer in the chiffonier in the corner of my room.

I also find a mem for her of reference to Ellis Hist of Fayette Co Phila 1882 page 659 Ad of Hugh Laughlin & pages 726-7 about John Laughlin bachelor & his gold & silver. Make slip.

I now find five letters from her 3 large envelopes & 2 small giving her address as 127 Walnut St, Barnesville, O the first one dated Mch 8, 1926 at which time I think I was in Miss, in which she says that today in looking through an old book she came across some notes she had jotted down one rainy Sunday when her grandfather, son of John Laughlin & Deborah Wilson was reminiscing see page 378

V26 Page 374

[descendant chart]

James Robert Kilgore Sr b 16 p 278 born Mch 8, 1860 married 1 Mch 16, 1885 Nettie Elizabeth Mitchell who died Mch 1889?. Had 2 children born at Kilgore, Miss. Married 2 Mch 20, 1892 Lola Brewton Ray. Have 1 child born at Kilgore, Miss.


Robert Landrum Kilgore b Mch 18, 1887 married Mch 3, 1915 at Boyd, Texas to Frankie Hollis & have two children.

Joe Thomas Kilgore b Mch 10, 1916

Emma Cathrine Kilgore

Benjamin Moon Kilgore b Nov 20, 1888 married Feby 20, 1927 at Memphis, Tenn to Mae Knott

James Robert Kilgore Jr b Dec 26, 1892 married Sept 7, 1919 at Etta Miss to Bessie Augusta Bounds & have two children born at Etta, Miss

Martha Virginia Kilgore b Aug 9, 1921

James Robert Kilgore III b Oct 6, 1926

V26 Page 375

[descendant chart]

Mary Elizabeth Kilgore b 16 p 278 b Jany 24, 1862 near Oxford, Miss married Jany 17, 1882 to William Harris Coffey b Feby 24, 1859 at Abbeyville, Miss, son of Andrew Boyd Coffey & wife Harriet Malinda Barry. Have 4 children the first three born at Kilgore Miss & the last one at Myrtle, Miss.


Guy Kilgore Coffey b Dec 15, 1882 married Feby 25, 1905 to Jimmie Irene Major, born Oct 24, 1887 at Etta, Miss. Have 5 children born at Etta Miss.

Jimmie Louise Coffey b Oct 8, 1908

Guy Edgar Coffey b Feby 7, 1913

James Harris Coffey b Feby 1, 1915

Walter Eugene Coffey b Sept 1, 1917

Elizabeth Irene Coffey b Feby 11, 1920

Ben Grover Coffey b May 17, 1885 married Apr 5, 1914 to Ida Garrison born Mch 24, 1894 at Myrtle, Miss. Have 3 children born at Etta, Miss

Marguerite Coffey b Jany 16, 1918

Ben Grover Coffey Jr b Mch 18, 1921

Joe Alvie Coffey b Apr 4, 1926

William Andrew Coffey b Feby 5, 1890 married Sept 19, 1914 to Pauline Gains born Nov 5, 1891 at Etta, Miss. Have 4 children born at Etta, Miss

Mamie Sue Coffey b Oct 17, 1915

Mary Orelean Coffey b June 1, 1917

Eunice Codeen Coffey b May 25, 1919

Harriet Allethia Coffey b Dec 2, 1920

Hattie Sue Coffey b Feby 5, 1892 married Oct 20, 1922 to Dewit Dave Dorman b June 30, 1891 at Myrtle, Miss. Have 2 children born at Myrtle, Miss.

Mary Ann Dorman b Sept 28, 1924

Joe D. Dorman b Aug 13, 1926

V26 Page 376

[descendant chart]

Henriette Marie Kilgore b 16 p 278 b July 27, 1871 married Apr 15, 1895 to A.C. Graham son of A.M. & S.M. Graham. Have 2 children


Benjamin Clayton Graham b June 21, 1896

Joseph Kilgore Graham b June 24, 1901

[descendant chart]

Susan Allethia Kilgore b 16 p 278 b Sept 30, 1874 married Sept 19, 1892 to Aaron Van Hiler born Feby 20, 1869. Have 5 children


Mabel Clare Hiler b Sept 17, 1895 married July 18, 1921 to Paul Lionel Domengeaux

Henry Benjamin Hiler b Jany 31, 1899 ob Nov 25, 1927

Aaron Van Hiler Jr b Oct 24, 1901

Susan Allethia Hiler b Sept 13, 1904

Hattie Elizabeth Hiler b Jany 12, 1907

V26 Page 377 [blank]

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From page 373

I had forgotten about these notes. He said of Alexander Wilson, his grandfather, that he was married twice. The first wife's name he did not know. There were two children by her: Mary, who married John Lecky that was how he told it & he had forgotten the name of the second child. Then he said Alexander Wilson married Debbie McWilliams who was his grandmother.

In the list of children, eight in number, he placed John between Alexander Adair & Deborah & placed Margaret Gilmore last. He gave no dates, what he told me had had heard from his mother nee Deborah Wilson. She asks if Alex Wilson could have married two Deborahs?

Grandfather said James Wilson married a Robb & had two girls & two boys. He moved to Indianapolis (In this is is wrong. It was several of his first wife's children who moved there). One of James girls married Daniel Yandis. James Wilson married for his second wife Bessie Lowry & had three sons, William, a doctor, James & John a bachelor

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Samuel Wilson (son of Alex) married a Reed & lived near Xenia O. Make slip.

Thomas Wilson married Sally Flenniken. Their daughters, Mary & Sarah married Moses & Cephas Porter, brothers. Grandfather said Alexander AW. Wilson reared one of his brother John's children.

She says she has been accepted by the D.A.R. as a descendant of Hugh Laughlin.

Mills? Stone writes me that Miss robins has been accepted also. She wrote Mrs Hobert, State Regent, who when in Washington looking over the applications was surprised to find her own line running into the Robins - Laughlin line & so she was able to straighten it all out. There were two Alexander Wilsons in the Rev. service, father & son, so they can have two Alexander Wilson bars. She asks me for the genealogy of our ancestor Robert Wilson & her ancestor Alexander 1696 -1743 which I will do.

Says her great grandfather on her mother's side Newell Kennon? of Killeleagh, Co Down, Ireland married a

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Jane Wilson born 1774 who was descended from a Lieut Wilson of Cromwell's army when he invaded Ireland. Also Newell Kennon had a sister Mollie who married a Wilson one of her sons was named Robert Wilson. I have often wondered if the two ancestral Wilsons were related. There were all Irish.

The next letter, small envelope is dated Sept 21, 1926 says they were home by 7:15 last night having stopped awhile in Wheeling. She gives her appreciation of her week-end visit here Sept 18-20 & says she will soon send me the information she promised to get for me.

The next letter one page in a large envelope is dated Jany 11, 1927 & encloses a page record, a page copy of an old letter & a 5 page letter dated Jany 7, 1927 from John T. Thompson of 514 1/2 2nd St, S.E. Washington D.C. Says when she left here last Sept, she thought she would have had the information I wanted but the Thompsons of Guernsey [best guess] Co O long ago. Has written many letters but has not gotten what she asked for.

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Last week she recd a letter from John G. Thompson who is a Prof of Political Economy in Wash D.C. & gives a good account of his family & she sends me the letter which she asks me to return. He is a great grandson of the William Thompson from whom these Thompson descended. On a separate paper, I shall compile the family record as far as I am able. I am also enclosing a copy of the letter from Margaret Gilmore to my great grandfather John Laughlin about which I spoke to you. I have copied it just as it was written as to spelling & punctuation. The information I am trying to get about the robes is not yet completed. I have written twice to two people in Oregon, but have not yet had replies to my second letters.

I have a number of questions to ask you which you can answer at your leisure. Will send more inf soon.

5:11 PM

My niece Miss Catharine Thompson 55 Ben Lomond St, just phoned me that my sister, Mrs Lenora Thompson Niccolls born May 1849 had died at 3 PM today Sept 23, 1931

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of double pneumonia which she came out yesterday evening abt this time & told me she had.

From copy of letter from Mrs Margaret Gilmore (daughter of Alex Wilson) to John Laughlin (who married her sister Deborah Wilson)

"Merritts Town

Monday Jany 2, 1843

My dear brother

She speaks of Deborah being married & gone to housekeeping & don't know how you will get along at home without her. Times are very hard here & many people broke up. Many who were considered quite well off are broke. (This is now repeated here 88 yrs later) John Huston's property has been sold. His life interest in his wife's farm in Greene Co. Margaret Sproat purchased it & I presume she will let them live on part of it. The Hustons have all done bad business. James is gone to the west. David Huston is living in Greene Co on his brother's farm. He has applied for the [two faded unreadable words] law.

I think Sallie make [made?] a very bad match. Sister Sarah Sproat is well but has a good trouble. Thomas Wilson & Sarah

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are both well. Thomas has lost the sight of one of his eyes entirely & the sight of the other is growing dim. Moses Porter has built a large brick house, he expects to have it finished so as to occupy it next fall. I think Thomas & Sally will got to live with them. Betsy Wilson & Family are well. I presume that you have heard that her daughter Elizabeth has come home. She has three children all boys. She is a very pleasant smart woman. Dr Wilson is living in Carmichaels, Pa. He is getting a pretty good practice.

David Breading is very old & feeble. He comes out to church sometimes in pleasant weather. He will not be in this world many years. Mrs Breading is quite sprightly.

We hear from Alexander A. Wilson very seldom. They forget their friends as soon as they are out of sight. They have not recd all the payments

V26 Page 384

on their farm yet - their land has not come in market yet. The winter has been cold here. Have had two snows. Judge Porter & Old Mr Finley are living yet, but are quite feeble. It has been very healthy in this country for some time past. Write often & wish you would visit this country. George Hogg is going to move to Pittsburgh in the spring & quit business. James Breading is as much engaged in business as ever. Love to all, Yours affectionately,

Margaret Gilmore

Margaret Anna sends her love to all the friends

To Mr John Laughlin

New Washington, Ohio

Politeness of Rev W. Robertson.

V26 Page 385

Oak Hill Sept 24, 1931 8:44 AM

Proceeding with the letter of John G. Thompson to Emma E. Laughlin. He speaks of receiving her inquiry through his brother Ralph of Cambridge, O & of being in her home at Barnesville, O & of knowing her brothers David & Bert Laughlin back in the home community in Center Tp Guernsey Co, O. He says he is much interested in tracing their line & while he has made some research, does not have much but has heard of me for several years & hopes my research may throw some light on the line of their own forebears.

He says he has been told by John Will Thompson RFD Lore City, O that Mr Will Thompson, son of Mary Todd Thompson to whom you wrote, who is the widow of John Alexander Thompson & whose mother in turn was Mrs Deborah Laughlin Thompson has gathered some data of our Thompson line which I would much like to see.

V26 Page 386

Am tabling Miss Laughlin's synopsis of John G. Thompson's letter on page 390-1. He says he went to the Congressional Library in Wash D.C. in fall of 1925 & found many Thompson genealogies largely New England families, but could not identify any with his line. Also examined Wash & Mercer Co, Pa family & county histories & while he found the family names of his line of William, John, David, Thomas & James, he could not identify them.

He said John Will Thompson of Lore City, O up in his 80's told him in August 1925 when they had a family reunion that their William Thompson settled at Briceland's Crossing now Florence, Wash Co, Pa abt 4 miles north of Burgettstown he felt they may have been abt 3 miles S.E. of Burgettstown in Smith Tp. He says that Thompson Harriott at Florence, Pa & the heirs of David Clark are of their relatives.

He thinks too that Thomas Thompson, brother & Polly Thompson sister (don't say who she married) of his great grandfather William Thompson went to Mercer Co, Pa about Greenville, Pa (make slip). He says William Thompson who married Mary Robinson made a preliminary trip to Guernsey Co, O in 1879 & in 1819 or 1820 moved with his 4 sons

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he don't know about daughters, but thinks there may have been some, moved from Wash Co, Pa & settled in Centre Tp, Guernsey Co, O on Leattorwood [sic] Creek where he built a saw & grist mill, the location of which his father often pointed out to him & his brothers. John G. said his father told him that some of his Thompson cousins had gone to Oklahoma. Miss Laughlin's next letter is dated Dec 11, 1927.

She asks if when in Western Ohio over a yr ago whether I found out anything about Samuel Wilson who she thought married a Reed & went to Xenia, O & who my records said married Sarah Kendall.

Says a letter from Ethel Boughner says Huston Lecky has the Lecky record very completely made out & he gives the date of Alexander Wilson's marriage as 1758. She also says that M.M. Hopwood gives the date as 1759, the same as I have it. Says she wrote to Mr Lecky but recd no reply. Miss Boughner gave Mary Lecky's oldest child as Nancy Agnes

V26 Page 388

& you have it Elizabeth (which is correct)

Says she has not recd reply from me to her last winter's letter sending the Guernsey Co Thompson records. Says she spent last July, Aug & Sept in Montana & Washington visiting her three brothers who live there.

Asks if I know Mrs W.B. Dannels of Grindstone, Pa & says she is a descendant of Robert Laughlin, brother of Squire Hugh.

Recently I called on Mrs Harriet Robinson, Cambridge, O. She is the daughter of Isabel Laughlin (Laughlin Hist p 8) but she knew very little about her mother's history except a few dates.

Isabel Laughlin was born June 15, 1802 married Thomas Brown Apr 8, 1832 & died Nov 31, 1879. She was the daughter of Alexander Laughlin, oldest son of Squire Hugh & was raised by her grandparents.

Mrs Robinson was born Sept 5, 1843. Her sister Dorcas lives with her. She was born Jany 31, 1836. I have a rather full record of the Brown

V26 Page 389

family from a granddaughter of Isabel - Mrs Bonnell. I copied Isabel's dates from an old bible.

Have come to the last of the six letters of Emma E. Laughlin which is dated Apr 7, 1928. She thinks Samuel Wilson comes after Mary (Lecky) & they then would be the two children by the first wife which I think is altogether likely. She says she finds among Miss Robins papers one which says that John Wilson's wife was Lucy Taylor.

She sends me a full & exact copy of the old notes she found. Just as told by her grandfather & written down by her & I reproduce it here.

Copy of Wilson record in an old notebook

Alexander Wilson came from Ireland when 15 yrs old, buried in Dunlaps Creek Cem Fayette Co, Pa twice married. Mary married John Lecky.

A. Wilson married Debbie McWilliams (she says he omitted Anne & then lists the children) see page 292

V26 Page 390 & V26 Page 391

[descendant chart]



William Thompson born Jany 9, 1778 lived at Bricelands Crossing, later Florence, Pa & in 1819 or 1820 moved to Center Tp, Guernsey Co, O on Leatherwood Creek & built a saw & grist mill. Married Mary Robinson also born in Aug 25, 1775 altho John G. Thompson says that Sarchats Hist of Guernsey Co, O page [not listed] fix as 1787 as approximate date of their birth. Their 4 sons accompanied them to Ohio.

William Thompson. See Laughlin Hist p 82

James Thompson married McClung

John Will Thompson then living near Lore City, O RFD aged over 80 married Annie Grant

Elfie [sic] Thompson married John Cross

Grant Thompson married Bertha Lowry have 3 children

John Thompson married Margaret Terrill of the family of Terrills located abt Lore City, O

Daniel Thompson married Elizabeth Clippinger

Margaret Thompson

Charles William Thompson ob married Minnie Frame daughter of Roland Frame

St Clair Thompson

John McCrory Thompson married 1 Mamie McKelvy, 2 sons. Married 2 Gertrude Paden 2 sons.

Paul Thompson

Howard Thompson

John M. Thompson

Charles Alva Thompson

Alva Ross Thompson married Maria Stewart see Laughlin Hist p 46

Mary Elizabeth Thompson

William Thompson [son of John & Margaret Terrill Thompson] b May 24, 1832 ob Sept 3, 1904 killed by lightning. Married Elizabeth McConnell whose people went from Wash Co, Pa to New Concord, Muskingum, O.

Thomas Newton Thompson married, missionary in China

John G. Thompson author of letter to E.E.L. married Dora Robb whose people are from Cecil Tp, Wash Co, Pa lives 514 1/2 2d st S.E. Wash D.C.

Bessie Thompson

William C. Thompson Pres minister in Penna

Ralph Emerson Thompson married Florence Sproat. See Laughlin Hist p 19 lives Cambridge, O.

Jeremiah Thompson [son of John & Margaret Terrill Thompson] died of pneumonia

Mary Thompson married 1 Henderson Clark & went to Bute Co, Mo 3 children all d.y. Married 1 McCoy 2 girls. Married 3 Andrew Jackson Dugan. She was burned to death while rendering lard.

David Thompson [son of William b 1778] had a daughter Laura May

William Thompson went to Wash Co, O

James Thompson went to Mo

Oscar Charles Thompson

Lou Thompson

Laura May Thompson

Thomas Thompson [brother of William b 1778] lived at Florence, Pa may have gone to abt Greenville, Mercer Co, Pa

Polly Thompson probably went to Mercer Co, Pa

V26 Page 392

From page 389

[Wilson record continued]

1. Sarah married Joseph Sproat

2. James

3. Samuel

4. Alexander

5. Thomas

6. John, doctor d.y. 3 children Alex took one

7. Deborah married John Laughlin

8. Margaret

2. James Wilson married 1 Robb 4 children 2 girls & 2 boys moved to Indianapolis, Ind one girl married Daniel Yandis. Married 2 Bessie Lowry children:

Dr William


John, a bachelor.

3. Samuel Wilson married Reed lived near Xenia, O (make slip & look for land record.)

4. Alexander Wilson married Peggy Laughlin moved to Jefferson Co, Iowa. Children:

1. Polly

2. Caroline married Robert Brown

3. Deborah married David Laughlin son of Crawford

4. Sarah

5. Elizabeth

6. Alexander

7. Hugh

8. William d.y.

V26 Page 393

5. Thomas Wilson married Sally Flenniken. Children:

1. Mary married Moses Porter

2. Sarah married Cephas Porter, brothers

8. Margaret Wilson married Hugh Gilmore. Children:

1. Margaret Ann died when 31 yrs old 1st class at Steubenville, O

2. Mary Jane d.y. lived abt Merrittstown, Fayette Co, Pa

Their record was made by me while my grandfather Thomas Wilson Laughlin was talking about the family one Sabbath afternoon. He died Nov 21, 1900 so the record is an old one.

Emma E. Laughlin

The information he said had been told him he said by his mother Deborah Wilson Laughlin.

Emma does not know whether her gf aimed to give the children in order of their ages or not. Dr John Wilson practiced at Carmichaels, Pa. Make slip to get "Hill, Irish Pedigrees 11, 184" See Anjou's Wilson Hist p 57 bottom abt marriage of Robert Wilson. See Book 5 p 156.

V26 Page 394

Oak Hill Sept 25, 1931 10:30 PM, Friday

I went in town at 2:15 PM & got John Taylor Robinson at the Skyscraper & took him with me to Veech Place & Oak Grove Cem attending the funeral of my dear sister Lenora Markle Thompson Niccolls at their residence & who died Wednesday at 3 PM of double pneumonia, conscious to the last & taking a deep breath was gone in a moment without a struggle. The services were most ably & creditably conducted by our minister Rev Dr William Blake Hindman who read a blank verse poem written by a friend of Lenora's he announced, which while it measurably fitted her, applied with much more correctness to mother. He also read a well written short article which he said she had requested to have read on this occasion. The piano played lightly & some lady sang very well & impressively "Crossing the Bar". Dr Hindman made two short good addresses & offered prayer twice & concluded with another at the grave.

V26 Page 395

I sat in the S.W. corner of the sitting room with John T. Robinson on the right & George J. Elliott on my left front, J. Harry Johnston & his son Guy at the door were the undertakers. I had them in some capacity at the funeral of her husband John Albert Niccolls almost 39 yrs ago in Oct 1892. Mary E. Shepler had written Andrew, who phoned me yesterday telling him & me to not attend the funeral as Lida would no doubt cause a scene if we did. Andrew had no intention of going, but I had & did my duty & went to both the house & grave with no scene. Lida nor her son John did not go to the grave. Mary E. Shepler attended walking with Gerard.

John went over the mountain Wednesday night at 10:30 & came back last night with their big new car all broken up & ruined & so drunk he was taken to the hospital & was probably too drunk to go to the funeral. John T. Robinson said he was born July 14, 1859 at sunrise nine days after the big frost as his half brother Pressley Saams said just as the sun peeped over the mountain. He said Uncle Samuel Robinson died of pneumonia & that Chas J. McCormick for whom he was a pallbearer died Oct 9, 1915 of pneumonia.

V26 Page 396

Oak Hill Sept 27, 1931 1:15 PM

This is the birthday anniversary of my dear Rose & I wished her yesterday afternoon a happy anniversary & as many more as she had had. Pallini said Friday that the hearse at Lenora's funeral was a very beautiful large one from somewhere in Ohio with exquisite panelings or pictures on each side. George Hayden Baird said yesterday at their offices No 1108 Frick Building that the farms of his father & mother aggregating over 300 acres would have been sold for $90 an acre top & bottom but for any advice against it & a few years later I paid them ten times that for the Pgh vein of coal alone & never asked or got a cent of com & yet he, now rich, without a chick or child when I asked him to loan me for 4 mos $2000 to put over some deals that would enable me to come back, said he had borrowed $9,100 from the Bridgeville Trust Co

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had but $200 in bank & had $330 taxes to pay on both inst he said he was born on Aug 21, 1870.

The Morning Herald announced the death of Guy Moore prominent Brownsville Pa citizen & business man in the Brownsville Hospital at 1 o'c Sept 23, 1931 from a throat infection after an illness of 4 mos. He was a son of Geo L. & Emily Frances Moore both decd & was born June 16, 1874. Surviving are his widow Effie? Coldren Moore, one daughter Mrs Ellen Crowe at home & three brothers viz Charles L. & Carl F. of South Brownsville, Pa & Frank D Moore of Luzerne Tp.

From a Pittsburgh Pa Paper:

Woods - On Saturday Sept 5, 1931 at Sewickly Pa Ellen Grace? Widow of Geo O. Woods L.L.D. in her 95th year. Funeral from residence of her son Chas A. Woods 274 Thorn St, Sewickly Monday 7th

An old clipping says Miss Frances Jack (I think of Chicago Ills) was soon to be bride of Lieut Ingram C. Sowell U.S. Navy wedding to be in Apr. She is daughter of Mr & Mrs Frank E. Jack 1115 E. 64th St. See James Haddens Hist page 292 for Priscilla Stevens Austin. Make slip.

V26 Page 398

Oak Hill Sept 28, 1931 9:30 AM

I find the following McIntire data on a letterhead of "Harsha's Exchange, J.W. Harsha" Seaman, O which I had stuck in one of the Emma E. Laughlin large envelopes but without date.

John McIntire one of the early settlers of Adams Co, O came from Ky early in 1806 or 1807 & settled at Tranquility, Ohio. He owned 600 A of land lying below the village. His sons were Andrew, James & William. He had two daughters, one married a Dryden (Mrs Stanford's McCullough's grandmother) the other married an Ellicott [sic] (Peebles Elliotts) [sic]

William McIntire married Nellie Montgomery, their son married Peggy Patton a sister of Patsy Patton McIntire.

Peggy P. & John McIntire's daughter, Melinda married Robert Patton (Patsy

V26 Page 399

McIntire's brother). Melinda was a full cousin of Ben Montgomery.

First John McIntire's son Andrew's sons were: William & Dyer, daughters were Patsy & Jane.

William McIntire's sons were Andrew, John & Oscar, daughter's Allie & Lizzie.

Dyer's sons Ambrose, daughters Ruth, Lizzie, Mary

by second wife, sons, Herbert, Wilbur, Homer, daughters Pearl, Jennie & Anna.

Helen Nye Rupp of Monmouth Ills says that Andrew McIntire & two sons, John & Wm went to Adams Co, O in 1797 or 1798. John & Wm were both soldiers in War of 1812. Wm was a Colonel or General in War of 1812.

V26 Page 400

I have a letter dated Mch 17, 1926 from Mrs Lulu [unreadable initial] Thoroman, Springfield, O saying she had recd a letter yesterday from her brother-in-law O.C. Thoroman of Peebles, O regarding the descent of the Thoroman family from Col Wm Crawford & referring me to you. Says she has a son who will be 21 next Sept. She says to reserve them a book that her husband is dead & their children are:

1. Wilfred Tennyson Thoroman born at Jeffersonville, O Sept 6, 1905

2. Elliott Lloyd Thoroman born at Jeffersonville, O Sept 5, 1909

3. Pauline Frances Thoroman born At Newton, NC. Aug 27, 1911 my own name is Lulu V. (Hidy) Thoroman & I married Lloyd Thoroman Apr 17, 1904. Says she has been looking it up & finds the traditions of the family all wrong.

V26 Page 401

Mr Samuel Finny McConnell & Miss Ada Cook announce their marriage on Thursday Oct 27, 1927 at Belle Vernon, Pa

I have a letter dated June 21, 1926 ackg receipt of data they had asked me for earlier in the year from G'ilia [sic] or Julia M. Null 450 N. Pittsburgh ST, Greensburgh, Pa & gives the following records:

John Bell born Oct 22, 1856 died Oct 27, 1922 married 1 Emma Hunter to whom were born:

1. Charles Bell

Married 2 Mary Henry born Oct 16, 1868 daughter of Wm Henry & his wife Rachel Ferguson born May 27, 1844 & still living. Children of John & Mary:

2. Clara Mae b Feby 2, 1893

3. William Curtis b Dec 11, 1894

V26 Page 402

4. John Jennings born Aug 4, 1896

5. Rachel Frances born May 8, 1908

Albert M. Bell born Jany 4, 1871 married Anna M. Butler, daughter of Isaac Butler & wife Emma McCall & had issue viz:

1. Mary Etta Bebl b July 26, 1896 married Norman B. Wright son of William Wright & wife Ella Baker & have issue:

1. Norman B. Jr b Mch 8, 1922

2. Isabell Ann b June 26, 1924

2. Frances E. Bell b Apr 17, 1901

3. Charlotte Null Bell b Oct 26, 1903

4. Alberta R. Bell b June 4, 1906

5. Florence E. Bell b Oct 19, 1910

Walter S. Bell b Oct 21, 1859 [this is a guess as to third digit, blotted] married Lavinia Hough daughter of Paul Hough & his wife Lavinia Frick & had children:

1. George Bell born Mch 8, 1895 married Nora Hickson

2. Nellie M. Bell b Feby 4, 1899 married Ralph Sherbondy & have:

1. Robert b Sept 1920 [last digit guess]

2. Vera b Oct 1923

V26 Page 403

David Bennett Bell born Mch 4, 1858 died June 10, 1916 married Nov 22, 1883 to Laura Ellen Reynolds born Dec 23, 1861 daughter of Henry Frick Reynolds & his wife Eliza Johnston & had issue:

1. Beula [sic] Bell born June 15, 1885 married Nov 7, 1906 Norman Ellsworth Cramer son of Benjamin Cramer & wife Regina Helyter

2. Florence Bell b Sept 18, 1889 died Apr 3, 1890

3. Dr Winfield Sloan Bell born Aug 19, 1893 married Mch 18, 1922 Kathryn McCloskey born Sept 1, 1896 daughter of D.M. McCloskey & wife Mary O'Neill

Children of Beula Bell & Norman Cramer are:

1. Eleanor Bennett Cramer b Aug 16, 1907

2. William Bradford Cramer b Sept 11, 1911

V26 Page 404

I find nine letters from M.M. Markle then of New Bethlehem, Pa now of RFD No 2 Tarentum, Pa the first one dated Jany 15, 1926 saying he found that morning more than he thought he had & refers to when he & his wife were in Calif, the last week in Sept 1909 they found Mrs J.T. White nee Mabel Penny & her mother Mary Markle Penny 4 miles out from Napa, Calif toward Jackson's Soda Springs on what was known as Feliz Ranch & in Kansas when at Wakarusa 12 miles west of Topeka, found Mr & Mrs James Hutchingson she nee Sarah Smith Markle & her daughter Nettie Carroll & her husband RR 21 Wakarusa, Kansas. He then gives the addresses of the other five daughters most of which have since changed. He says he learned from J.A. Roberts of Butler, Pa salesman of H.J. Heinzs that there were two Markles viz: John & Alva Markle at Alexander, Mo. Writing today, but make slip.

V26 Page 405

The next letter & a week later was copy of one he wrote to Mrs L.T. Taylor, Colorado Springs Colo & enclosed her answer of Jany 18, 1926 in which she speaks of her father James Hutchingson dying in 1911 & of her mother Sarah Smith Hutchingson having a stroke & going later to Calif where she renewed her youth, but had a second stroke there & spent several weeks in the hospital in Redlands, Calif & then in 1921 came to Colorado Springs, Colo & stayed with her 11 mos & I gave out & came down with the Flu when she went to my oldest sister's, Mrs Ida Preedy at Sublette, Kansas, then to my sister Nancy's at Berryton, Ks but is now at my sister Ida Preedy's at Sublette Ks, but is bothered with asthma & the 6th of her family that has had paralysis. Says she will write JVT tonight. Did she?

V26 Page 406

She says Mr Taylor has been bridge foreman of the Chicago & Rock Island RR for 7 yrs & that their son Albert was in the medical corps at Ft Riley & her second boy was in the Navy electrical service in Scotland for duties on the North Sea & then speaks of him living in Denver being married & works for Amer T & Tel Co. The oldest lives here, has two boys, one 5 yrs & one 10 now, all fine & Jennie the baby is at Berkeley Calif entered the Dept of Commerce at Univ of Calif. This is her 2d yr & will graduate next spring. Says she would love to see the History when complete as she has wanted to know more of her mother's people. Gives addresses of 4 sisters & signs Mrs L.T. Taylor 1112 E. St. Strain? St Colorado Springs Colo

V26 Page 407

Oak Hill Sept 29, 1931 9:20 AM

Continuing the third M.M. Markle letter is dated Jany 25, 1926 & is a copy of his letter to his Aunt, Mrs Geo A. Stoup, Allentown, NY. HE says his grandfather, George Markle, oldest son of Moses Markle married Catharine Gearhart & had three children, Jacob F. Mary & Rebecca, the last married being yourself.

The 4th letter is dated Jany 25th, 1926 & gives children of Abe Markle which I am tabling on page 410 & also children of Jacob of Moses which I am tabling on page 412.

The 5th is a postal card sans date.

The sixth letter from M.M. Markle is dated Jany 28, 1926 & says since he & Ed Markle saw me yesterday at the Wm Penn Hotel Pgh, Pa, he has gone down & talked to Mrs Miles Adams, daughter of Abe Markle & she said that:

A. one Jonathan Markle came from Columbia Co, Pa (make slip) to this part of the country & settled at the mouth of Mahoning Creek abt 12 miles north of Kittanning, Pa & must [rest cut off]

V26 Page 408

I am tabling the information she gave him on page 414-5.

The 7th letter from M.M. Markle is dated Feby 18, 1926 in which he says he has recd a letter from George Markle of Franklin, Pa which gives his 13 children with births & as I only had 8 of them & no dates, I will make a new table on pages 416-7

Says he will see Mrs Adams & write me further.

Also has recd a letter from his father's youngest sister which he encloses, but says the record she gives is not very good. The letter is dated Allentown, NY Feby 8, 1926 & says she can't give much information as it has been 50 yrs since I lived down there. I never saw my father as he died one month before I was born & I am 71 yrs old, if Mary my sister lived would be 75 yrs old. She died 14 yrs ago. My mother was 60 or 61 yrs old when she died. She died 21 yrs ago (In this she is surely wrong). Am tabling her family on page 410 [may be 418 hard to read] She signs. Mrs G.A. Stoup. Allentown, NY

V26 Page 409

On the back of last envelope, I had marked the following Markle reference Book 12 p 572 b 9 0 210 book 11 p 42-7 b 8 p 332-3 book 15 p 592

The 8th letter from M.M. Markle dated May 26, 1927 mailed at Clay WVA. He says to find Abe Markle's bible is next to impossible but I have one more chance. He makes table:



Moses brothers Jonathan

---------+-------- -----------+-----------

George 1st cousins Abe Markle


--------+--------- ------------+------------

Jacob F. Markle 2nd cousins Daniel W. Markle

Mary Jno C.B.

Rebecca Hannah Davis

---------+------- --------------+----------

M.M. Markle 3rd cousins Johnnie


---------+------- -------------+------------

Mc J. Markle 4th cousins John Stanton Markle

aged 25 yrs 3 yrs

I am almost certain from what I can learn not having any records to prove it that the foregoing is correct. M.M.M.

V26 Page 410 & V26 Page 411

[descendant chart]

Abraham Markle lived once near New Bethlehem, Pa. The record below given by his grandson James Harrison Markle to Milo M. Markle & by him sent to me Jany 25, 1926.


George Markle then lived in Franklin, Pa now dead See p 416-7

William Markle South Paula, Calif RR 2 make slip

James Harrison Markle New Bethlehem, Pa informant for this record

Sarah Markle Prospect Park, Franklin, Pa single, make slip

Elsie Markle Prospect Park Franklin, Pa single

Lottie Markle Washington D.C. trained nurse, single

Cora Markle married Shelham Coates live 35 6th Ave, Freedom, Pa make slip.

Joy Markle married Jacob Schreckengoate live Echo, Pa make slip.

Nellie Markle married David Henry live Dayton, Pa make slip.

V26 Page 412 & V26 Page 413

Jacob Markle see b 12 p 573 son of Moses Markle where data of 5 sons & 4 daughters was given me Oct 30, 1924 by his nephew Turney W. Markle of Kittanning Pa but this record of 6 sons & 6 daughters is given by his son Ed Markle to M.M. Markle & by him sent to me Jany 25, 1926 & is no doubt correct, but lacks dates.


George Markle ob

Edward Markle b Nov 16, 1858. Lives South part of New Bethlehem, Pa informant to M.M.M. for this record

John Amos Markle lives south part of New Bethlehem, Pa make slip

Rebecca Markle married John L. Hanbey lives DuBois, Pa make slip

Clara Markle married Albert Hayes lives Pittsburgh, Pa

Mae Markle ob married Alfred Halls see b 12 p 573

Caroline Markle married Robert Hockenberry lives at Parker, Pa make slip

Olive Markle ob married R.L. Lehner Sadie Markle ob

Homer Markle ob

Curtis Markle lives Oak Ridge, single

Jacob Markle Jr married, lives at Oak Ridge, Pa make slip.

V26 Page 414 & V26 Page 415

[descendant chart]

Jonathan Markle came from Columbia Co, Pa & settled at the mouth of Mahoning Creek abt 12 miles north of Kittanning, Pa & dying soon after is probably buried at Mahoning but is no record. Make slip to examine records for wills, deeds & Marriages there & also my records when there in Nov 1923 & when at Sylvester Markle's in MO in 1922, Oct I think I have a table of this but don't know book & page. Look in Armstrong Co for settlement of estate for names of children.


Abraham Markle b 1812 ob in WVA married Mary Ann Anthony came to W. Pa with his father abt 1878 & moved to Clay C.H. Clay Co WVA. Had 11 boys & 4 girls. He was a miller

Frank Markle died of fever in Civil War

James Markle died of wounds in Civil War

Jonathan Markle died in infancy

Mary Jane Markle died aged 21 yrs

George Markle then lived at Franklin, Pa aged abt 80 now dead see p 410

Son died in infancy twin with George

Hannah Marie Markle married James Davis who died but she lives at Clay C.H. WVA & her sister Mrs Adams thinks she has her father's bible with record. Make slip.

William Oliver Markle drowned at McKelveys Mill in Red Bank Creek a few miles west of New Bethlehem, Pa aged 9 yrs

David Mack Markle died aged 22 yrs buried at Distant Pa. No marker

Margaret Ann Markle b Mch 6, 1853 informant to M.M.M. for this record married Miles Adams in 1871 now dead. Did live at New Bethlehem, Pa

Catharine Markle died in infancy

John C. Breckenridge Markle he got his father's farm & may have gotten his bible. Lives near Clay C.H. WVA make slip.

Daniel Webster Markle died abt 1924 lived near Clay C.H. WVA married

Jacob Tomer [sic] Markle lived in WVA can get address

Abraham Lincoln Markle died in Illinois

Moses Markle [son of Jonathan] next oldest son stayed east of mountains. Make slip to search there.

Coon Markle stayed east of mountains make slip

Eli Markle came to W. Pa with his father but abt 1855 went to Clayton Co Iowa make slip.

V26 Page 416 & V26 Page 417

[descendant chart]

George Markle see page 410 Fifth child of Abraham Markle as given by himself in letter to M.M. Markle b July 21, 1847 at Brush Run, Clarion Co, Pa died at his residence, Prospect Park, Franklin Pa. Married 1874 Annie Margaret Mack born Aug 12, 1858 at Putneyville, Armstrong Co, Pa. Had 13 children.


William B. Markle b July 23, 1875 lives in Calif

Lavina D. Markle b May 30, 1877 ob Nov 16, 1887

Edith M. Markle b Mch 13, 1879 ob Dec 8, 1887

Sarah A. Markle b Oct 26, 1881 at home in Franklin, Pa single

Jacob R. Markle b Apr 16, 1883 ob Sept 3, 1884

Emma N. Markle b Mch 2, 1885 ob Nov 28, 1887

Chrisa M. Markle b May 12, 1887 ob Oct 23, 1888

James Harry Markle b Aug 25, 1889 lives at New Bethlehem, Pa

Nellie M. Markle b July 2, 1891 married David Henry of Dayton, Pa

Elmer Henry

Violet Henry

Bessie Henry

James Henry

David Henry Jr

Sarah Henry

Iva E. Markle b July 15, 1893 married Jacob Shreckengost live at Echo, Pa

Virginia Shreckengost

Ruby Shreckengost

Violet Shreckengost

Cora A. Markle b Dec 24, 1896 married Sheldon Coates & live Freedom, Pa

Olive Jane Coates

Virginia Coates

Lottie M. Markle b Nov 3, 1898 lives Wash D.C. trained nurse, single

Elsie C. Markle b June 14, 1901 at home at Franklin, Pa single

V26 Page 418

[descendant chart]

Rebecca Markle posthumous child of George Markle of Moses who she writes died one month before she was born & she was 71 born say in 1854 & living at Allentown, NY. Married 1877 George A. Stoup also living when she wrote Feb 5, 1926. Had 4 children, the two girls living, was married at Elk City, Clarion Co, Pa. Writing her today.


Hallie Pearl Stoup married C.M. Tompkins of Wellsville NY

Ralph M. Thompkins then in college at Univ of Penna at Phila, Pa

Ralph M. Stoup ob. He was accidentally killed 23 yrs ago say in 1903

Ella L. Stoup married Albert L. Howe, Allentown, NY

Robert L. Howe was then 5 1/2 yrs old

Roy C. Stoup ob. He died 30 yrs ago say abt 1895 or 1896 aged 3 mos & 15 days.

V26 Page 419

The 9th letter from M.M. Markle is postmarked New Bethlehem, Pa Oct 10, 1927 & simply encloses a newspaper clipping 15 inches long with big headlines: "Mrs Markle left $1,000,000 estate Will giving most of property with relatives is filed with surrogate. Life interest for husband Jewelry bequeathed to members of family in addition to cash servants remembered."

The will of Mary E. Robinson Markle wife of John Markle retired coal operator & an officer of the Pennsylvania Society was filed yesterday in the surrogates court disposing of an estate believed to be considerably more than one million dollars principally to members of her family. Mrs Markle died three weeks ago (say in Sept 1927) in her home 520 Park Ave NY. The residuary estate

V26 Page 420

the value of which could not be determined yesterday goes to Mr Markle during his life & at his death will pass to her brother William Moore Robinson her sister Bertha R. Conyngham & her nephew Edward Moore Robinson.

White & Case of 14 Wall St filed the will

Much jewelry is distributed prominent among the articles named being a string of 299 pearls to her sister, Mrs Conyngham living at Wilkes Barre Pa. Nelda H. Robinson a sister-in-law of Haute Savore? France gets a string of 395 pearls. She asked that her husband "so arrange that my engagement ring solitaire diamond be buried with me, & also my wedding ring".

To the exrs of her will who are her husband, her nephew Edward, my "Physician & friend" Dr Chas A. McKendree & her friend Ada D. Suglar Mrs Markle leaves $200,000 with which

V26 Page 421

they are instructed to found a fitting memorial to her mother.

She gives the Knickerbocker Hospital Amsterdam Ave & 131st St $10,000 being the only charitable bequest.

V26 Page 422

Oak Hill Sept 30, 11:46 AM

It is 42 yrs today since I made my first sale of coal lands to H.C. Frick. I was in McClelland Leonard's office this morning & in speaking to him in the interest of Miss Chester of Charleroi, Pa teacher of art in the Public schools I spoke to him of Peter F. Rothermel's natural tendencies in that direction & of his father reproving him therefore, but he later painted the Battle of Gettysburgh for the state for $25,000 on their order.

He knew of this & said he, P.F.R. had painted himself in the picture being the man sitting at the root of a tree.

I then went across the aisle to the office of Richard W. Dawson where Josiah Benton Crow son of Josiah Brown Crown came up & spoke to me & said he was named for his

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father & for T. Benton Schnatterly who he said was a relative upon inquiry he said he had three children, the oldest born on his own birthday anniversary viz:

1. Sarah Jane Crow b Mch 7, 1914

2. Josiah Benton Crow Jr b Mch 14, 1917

3. Nancy Crow b Oct 8, 1921

R.W. Dawson went to look at the books of the Uniontown Savings & Loan Association about the John L. Robinson First mtge on 161 Union St & returned with Mr Allen son of John Allen & grandson of Wm H. Allen who is in charge of the books & said they got the $3000 mtge in 1928 from John L. Robinson & they recd two payts of $500 each on the principal & two payts of int none of which was entered on the record & recd the balance $2000 from

V26 Page 424

Mrs Jno L Robinson but they have not made any assignment on the record but will do so.

I must go & see her about my second mtge as exr of Mrs Ruth E.V. Ewing.

I have a letter dated Sept 1, 1927 from Margaret Line Krall Shippensburg, Pa thanking me for the data I sent her. She says she is not in the Carothers but as compensatory sends me several Carothers wills which I have but says Wm Carothers who died 1783 will 94 book D p 132 who had 6 sons & 3 daughters had for his wife Isabella Armstrong.

She recites will of John Armstrong of Tuscaro Valley made June 1772 probated June 10, 1772 wife Eleanor sons John, James, William, Joseph &

V26 Page 425

George, daughters Mary, Margaret & daughter Isabel to whom he leaves £25 I think this is probably Isabel who married Wm Carothers who died in 1783 & had the 6 sons & 3 daughters.

She then gives Will of Wm Armstrong (he might be the Wm above son of John) book C page 46 probated June 7, 1777 wife Margaret gets half of my estate, the other half to be divided in 11 parts, 1 part to my sister Mary Carothers & her children names as exrs James Quin & my brother-in-law John Carothers.

I think this means John & his wife Mary who were poisoned in 1798 & Wm Armstrong was probably a young man newly married & without children.

V26 Page 426

William Carothers born Jany 9, 1789 in West Pennsboro Tp died Mch 9, 1870 son of Andrew - Margaret (Geddes) Carothers

William married 1 Ann daughter of Abraham Line son of Geo Line 4 children two died in infancy, Ann Rebecca died soon after her marriage with James M. Carothers. William married 2d Esther McFeeley.

James M. Carothers born Aug 4, 1829 father of Wm M. son of Armstrong married Fanny daughter of George Clark & granddaughter of William Clark of the Revolution. 1828 William Carothers & family settled in McCallister District 7. children:

1. George in Frontier Co Neb

2. Jane

3. Armstrong died in Wood Co, O

4. Wm W. Big Spring

5. Martha Eliza Duffy Mt Holly Spgs

6. Rev Martin J. presiding elder in Evangelical Church Milton, Northumberland Co, Pa

7. May deceased

8. James M.

V26 Page 427

William Carothers died July 1, 1864 his wife died Nov 29, 1872

James Carothers married Mch 30, 1866 to Anna Rebecca (Carothers) daughter of Wm M. & Ann Line Carothers who died in 1866. He married 2d Feby 23, 1871 Isabel J. Kernan & had one daughter, Mary J.

John Carothers (Egle's Notes & Queries) son of Robert Carothers born 1739 in East Pennsborough Tp, Cumb Co, Pa. In Revolutionary struggle, took an active part & was county Lieut Aug 27, 1777 to Oct 2, 1779. Elected to Genl Assembly in 1782 also in 1783 & 1784. Sept 27, 1786 Supreme Ex Council commissioned him J.P. & Judge of court of Common Pleas Feby 26, 1798 died & buried Silver Springs Meeting House. She says (I think this John belongs to the Derry Carothers) If they are related to West Pennsboro, I have more data on them. writing. her tonight for it. She is a Line descendant.

V26 Page 428

Oak Hill Oct 2, 1931 7:44 AM

I have a letter dated Jany 27, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 18, 1927 from Albert B. Shaw 418 Whitney Ave, Wilkinsburg, Pa in which reference is made to Ellis 1882 History of Fayette Co, Pa page 78 for roster of field & staff officers of certain reg of Penna line in Revolutionary War.

He is giving some genealogy of the family which I will commence tabling on page 432 & add to it as I go along. My mention of my great grandmother being Ruth Crawford starts him on his Shaw line in which another Ruth Crawford appears, which he gives as follows:

Nathan Shaw, his Revolutionary War ancestor, Lieut 2d Reg Cumb Co, NJ militia during the Revolutionary War was married to Mary Van Meter also of Cumb Co NJ Mch 15, 1760 & died in Jefferson Co, Ohio June 24, 1820. He was twice married & the father of 15 children. The fourth child

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mentioned in his will was Nathan Shaw born June 17, 1777 near Brownsville, Fayette Co, Pa was married May 15, 1802 to Ruth Crawford born July 28, 1782 daughter of Josiah Crawford of near Brownsville, Pa. A son Jesse W. Shaw of Alliance, O advises there were three sons & one daughter in his father's family. His father died Oct 28, 1853 & his mother Oct 13, 1816. He says they have a daughter Ruth in their immediate family.

But the Shaw line is very extensive & will now proceed with the Crawford- McCormick records.

He says Anne Crawford Connell see p 433 bottom lived in Bullskin Tp, Fayette Co, Pa. He then proceeds on the 5th & last page of his letter to give the children of William & Effie, 11 in number 5 sons & 6 daughters with dates of their birth & says he will undertake to work up the record of their descendants a big task & I am today writing him for it & tabling the family on pages 434-5

V26 Page 430 [blank]

V26 Page 431 [blank]

V26 Page 432 & V26 Page 433

V26 Page 434 & V26 Page 435

[descendant chart]

Col William Crawford burned at the stake by the Indians at Sandusky, O June 9, 1782 (from memory not records). He speaks of Col Wm Crawford of the house of Kilburnie Scotland & with others persists in giving his father as John Crawford & says he died in Virginia in 1736 who married Honora Grimes who died he says in Virginia 1776. He gives their children as: Col William Crawford born in Berkeley Co, Va Sept 2, 1722 & died near Sandusky, O June 11, 1782 who in 1744 married in Va Hannah Vance. The other child was Valentine Crawford & the widow Honora then married Richard Stevenson & had five sons & 1 daughter viz: John, Hugh, Richard, James & Marcus & Elizabeth, she dying in infancy. Col Wm Crawford removed to Fayette Co, Pa 1766 burned by the Delaware & Wyandotte Indians in northern part of Wyandotte Co, Ohio near the town of Crawfordsville, O. Hannah Vance Crawford was born in Va 1724 & died at Connellsville, Pa in 1817 aged 73 yrs & 11 mos. 1. Sarah Crawford married 1 Major William Harrison died near Sandusky Ohio June 4-5, 1782. Married 2 Capt Uriah Springer had children to both husbands. 2. Lieut John Crawford see table preceding page [following] 3. Effie Crawford see table preceding page. He gives here March 1776. 4. Annie Crawford ob Aug 26, 1813 married abt 1773 James Connell younger brother of Zachariah Connell & had sons viz: Wm, James, Nancy & Polly [unreadable, cut off]


Lieut John Crawford of the Revolution b say May 22, 1750 ob Sept 22 1816 aged 66 1/3 yrs as per tombstone on his farm in Adams Co, O see my records of Oct 31, 1926. Married 1 Frances Bradford he says. Married 2 Effie Grimes so Geo W. C. sd A.B.S. gives 3 sons below I have all of his children in my records.

William Crawford

Moses Crawford

Richard Crawford

Effie Crawford b Sept 2, 1751 ob 1825. He don't know where she died or is buried. Married 1775 William McCormick ob 1816 in Ohio while on a visit there & that five of their children also died in Ohio among them their daughter Effelia McCormick as shown by their family records. He says William McCormick was born in Virginia Feby 22, 1738 & emigrated from Winchester, Va to Penna about 1770 & located in what is now Connellsville, Pa. He died in Ohio in 1816 while there on a visit to one of his children. Married about 1773 & their family consisted of 11 children, 5 boys & 6 girls & the larger part of this family early removed to the west. I am tabling their children on pages 434-5. [entered here]

Nancy McCormick b July 27, 1774 ob in Ohio

Sarah McCormick b July 8, 1776 ob 1854 in Connellsville, Pa

Mary McCormick b Feby 1, 1777 note this is less than 7 mos later ob in Ohio married Wm Davis

John McCormick b June 14, 1778 ob died in Ohio

William McCormick b June 15, 1780 ob 1850 or 1857 on farm near Washington, Davies Co, Indiana 2 sons in Civil War

Charles McCormick b Dec 18, 1781 ob died in Tennessee

James McCormick b Dec 19, 1783 ob died in Ohio

Hannah McCormick b Nov 23, 1785 ob July 1867 married Peter Buttermore

Andrew McCormick b Aug 15, 1787 ob 1812 drowned

Jane McCormick b Oct 27, 1789 ob died in Indiana married John Tillard

Effelia McCormick b Oct 31, 1791 ob died in Ohio

V26 Page 436

I have a Finley record postmarked Henderson Ky Nov 26, 1927 from Miss Clara L. Williams 34 S. Adams St, Henderson Ky but it gives no book & page but I will find it someday & will table this on pages 438-9 as it gives largely a Williams record which I feel sure I do not have.

Oct 3, 1931 4:55 PM

I have a letter dated June 20, 1926 in answer to mine of 11th June from Thomas E. Finley Attorney at Law Madisonville, Ky who says that about 200 yrs ago a ship anchored on the shores of Ireland & a boy named Patrick Finley went on board to attend a dance & staying on too long the ship sailed away & landed him in North Carolina where according to the old colonial laws he was bound out to learn a trade to a man named Proctor who one morning found his daughter & Patrick Finley gone. To this union 4 boys were born. I will table the family as he gives it on page 441. He thinks they were Irish, Scotch or Scotch-Irish, took part in all wars & were great for education & he has a son in Harvard College. Says he wants a book & wants to continue the correspondence

V26 Page 437

He says quite a bunch of the family live in the Ozark Mountains in Greene & Dade Co, Mo. Make slips.

V26 Page 438 & V26 Page 439

[descendant chart]

George Finley ob in 1839 or 1810 married in 1785 in Stanford, Lincoln Co, Ky Mary Gains. She was born in 1765 & died in 1830 & was buried in Lebanon, Tenn. Left & children.


Obediah Gaines Finley b May 24, 1787 ob Lincoln Co, Ky moved in 1807 to Lebanon, Tenn. Married 1811 Mary Lewis Johnson b Aug 20, 1791 ob 1830? daughter of Jesse Johnson a Revolutionary soldier fr N.C living in Sumner Co. Had 8 children.

Jesse Johnson Finley b Nov 11, 1812 ob 1904

Napoleon B. Finley b Dec 5, 1814 ob 1826

William M. Finley b Oct 11, 1816

Mary Eliza Finley b Sept 15, 1818 ob 1821

John B. Finley b June 1820 ob 1868

Foster Gaines Finley b 1822 ob 1906

Sarah Ann Finley b 1824? ob 1888 married Nov 4, 1845 at Lebanon, Tenn Elisha Williams b Aug 20, 1824 ob May 21 1899 was son of Jonah Williams & wife Margaret Phillips of near Nashville, Tenn.

Finley Williams b Feby 23, 1847 ob Feby 27, 1848

Bettie West Williams b Dec 5, 1848 ob Aug 25, 1902 married Feby 28, 1866 R.E. McCulloch of Clarksville, Tenn who died in 1922.

Lillie McCulloch ob in infancy

Dassie [best guess] McCulloch ob in infancy

Thomas McCulloch ob in 1890

R.E. McCulloch b 1878 in Clarksville, Tenn married 1905 Freddie Schaumburger of Gallatin, Tenn. No issue

Margaret Phillips Williams b Nov 15, 1850 ob Mch 13, 1886 married Sept 17, 1884 Dr A.S. Cook of Monticello, Ky

Clara D. Cook ob in infancy

Wayne Finley Cook b Feby 5, 1886 married Mch 17, 1912 Willie McKinley

Wayne McKinley Cook b Dec 12, 1915

Clara Lewis Williams b Sept 3, 1852 has never married. My good informant for this record

Ewing Williams b Aug 23, 1855 married 1 June 6, 1894 Miss Kate Walker who died Oct 8, 1915 had 5 children married 2 Oct 15, 1922 Miss Lillian Glenn of Henderson Co, Ky see p 440.

Mary Finley Williams b Oct 23, 1859 married Nov 17, 1886 Wm Starling Holloway

Handen S. Holloway b Nov 15, 1887 ob Sept 23, 1909

William Starling Holloway Jr b Mch 11, 1892

Mary Finley Holloway b Feby 6, 1898

Clara Louise Holloway b Oct 18, 1901 ob June 6, 1912

Sarah Finley Williams b Aug 10, 1864 married Mch 17, 1891 to Martin W. Elder of Clarksville, Tenn. Had 3 daughters the two oldest dying in infancy



Both died in childhood

Mary Finley Elder b Apr 19, 1902

Mary Eliza Finley [daughter of Obediah Gaines Finley] b 1826 ob 1857

George Finley Jr [son of George who died 1809 or 1810] ob

Sarah Finley

Ann Finley

Kittie Bruce Finley

Mary or Polly Finley

Lucinda Finley

V26 Page 440

[descendant chart]

Ewing Williams born Aug 23, 1855 see page 439


Norris Williams b May 1, 1896 married 1922 Jane McCallan

Jane Williams b Sept 1924

Sarah Phillips Williams b Aug 12, 1898 married Jany 3, 1919 Ethan Allen Hathaway who died June 16, 1927

Kate McClean Hathaway b 1920

Ewing Williams b Apr 22, 1900 married Jany 1923 Clara Trigg

Edith Ann Williams b June 1, 1925

Frances Elizabeth Williams b Oct 31, 1903

Martha Walker Williams b Oct 14, 1911

V26 Page 441

[descendant Chart]

Patrick Finley see p 436 boarded a ship that stopped on the Irish coast to attend a dance overstayed his time & was landed in NC married in NC a Miss Proctor with whom he eloped & had 4 sons.


Thomas Finley

Jonathan Finley

Austin Finley

Howard Finley ob 1840 aged 70 yrs went west fr NC & settled in Ky & left a large family

Thomas Finley ob died a few yrs ago aged 79 had a large family grandfather of my informant

James W. Finley

John H. Finley

George Finley

T.R. Finley

Richard Finley killed in Civil War

My informant, Thos E. Finley don't say which of the above boys is his father.

V26 Page 442

Oak Hill Oct 4, 1931 4:00 AM

The West Newton Times-Sun of Oct 1, 1931 announces the death at her residence on Vine St, Extension West Newton Pa on Saturday morning at 10:30 AM Sept 26, 1931 after a three weeks illness of second cousin Mrs Leah Jane Highberger ("Lillie" Miller that was) widow of the late Theodore Highberger. She was loved & admired by many friends of the community. A high type of Christian character was an outstanding quality of her life.

She was born in South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co, Pa a daughter of Israel & Mary Ann Miller. In 1881 she was married to Theodore J. Highberger & lived in South Huntingdon Tp until 1922 when they moved into West Newton, Pa where he died Nov 6, 1930. In early childhood she joined the Sewickly Pres Ch & for 37 years has been a member of the First Pres Ch of West Newton & an active member of the Missionary Society & a worker in the Sunday School. She is survived by

V26 Page 443

Joseph M. Highberger of Greensburgh, Pa, Rev Wm W. Highberger of Berks Kill NY & Susan, wife of Charles N. Gordon, of West Newton, Pa & five grandchildren. Funeral Monday 2 PM. Interment in Millgrove Cem. The above was announced on Center of first page.

On 8th & last page first column are listed a host of relatives & friends who attended the funeral.

I have a letter postmarked Clarence Mo Sept 30, 1931 from John Franklin Carothers who says he is greatly interested in my work. See b 25 p 273.

He does not have the date of death of William Livingston who married Sarah Forsyth & who after his death married James Carothers 1788-1865? see b 25 p 59 (the gf of John F.C.) & by him, Livingston, she had:

1. John Darrah Livingston b Mch 2, 1807

2. Joseph b Sept 21, 1808 ob July 6, 1871

3. William W. b May 23 1810 ob Dec 28, 1862

4. James L. b Feby 11, 1812

Have no date of her marriage [last word of next to last line & last line cut off]

V26 Page 444

Carothers but [sic] him she had: He then lists their 8 children with same dates of birth & death I have on b 25 p 58-9. Does not have birth of his stepmother Rebecca Harding but gives her parentage see b 25 page 273. His father & mother (2nd wife) are both buried in Maplewood Cemetery Clarence, Mo. His mother, Milly Grady Melson in 1863 married Major Taylor who died June 25, 1873. He says his children & his brother's children were all born near Clarence, Shelby Co, Mo.

I am sending you the material I recd from the grandfather of Wm Thomas Carothers 1799. Am waiting to receive a list of Armstrong Carothers descendants & will forward them to you as soon as I receive them. I have written to E.D. Carothers in Calif whose great grandfather James Carothers was a Colonel in the Revolution & is buried in an abandoned cemetery of the Cross Roads Pres Church at Florence, Wash Co, Pa. He was one of the three brothers of Scotch Irish descent who came over in early Colonial day & there are others that I might get in touch with.

V26 Page 445

In Aug 1923 there was living at 304 American Ave, Butter Pa a Mrs W.H. Carothers (make slip) who gave us the following Carothers line taken from an old family bible. I tabled them on next page 446. He then says that in 1925 there was a William Carothers living at Shobomer, Fayette Co, Ills who tells me his grandfather James Carruthers came from Ireland & lived in Wash Co, Pa & belonged to the Masonic Lodge No 2 of Phila in 1800. He later moved to Woodsfield, Ohio. He had one daughter Rachel & two sons Washington & Enoch. Washington left no sons & the above William Carruthers is the only living son of Enoch. Asks for marriage record of Hon John Carothers 1739-1798. Am tabling the Wm Thomas Carothers data he sends on Page 448. He encloses letter dated July 21, 1931 from Wm B. Penny cashier of Exchange Natl Bank Cottonwood Falls, Kan to his cousin Mary F. Wright & I am tabling what he gives on pages 450-1 who sends inf from his mother's family bible.

V26 Page 446 & V26 Page 447

[descendant chart]

Thomas Harrison Carothers born Mch 1, 1783 ob Feby 22, 1863 given Aug 1923 by Mrs W.H. Carothers of 304 American Ave Butter Pa to J.F. Carothers, Clarence Mo from an old bible.


William Harrison Carothers b Apr 15, 1818 ob Jany 22, 1889 married Ann Jamison

Thomas Harrison Carothers b Nov 19, 1847 ob Oct 13, 1909 killed in RR accident. He was oldest child. Married Maria Jane Smith & had following children.

James Wesley Carothers

William Harrison Carothers married

Royal Harrison Carothers b July 15, 1902

Mary Melissa Carothers

Clara Matilda Carothers

Addie Luella Carothers

Thomas Burdette Carothers

Anna Rebecca Carothers

Lula May Carothers

Plummer Ellsworth Carothers

Pearl Blanche Carothers

V26 Page 448 & V26 Page 449

V26 Page 450 & V26 Page 451

[descendant chart]

William Thomas Carothers b Mch 17, 1799 ob abt 1838. He was the natural son of William, son of John 1739-1798 married 1829 Margaret Anna Culp born in 1800 ob 1891. Had 3 children. They & their children born in Carlisle, Pa.


John Simon Carothers b 1830 ob abt 1884 no issue. Married 1 Susan who with her infant child & he also are buried in Spring Cross Cem Cincin, O Married 2 [unreadable] _______ No issue

William Thomas Carothers b 1834 ob 1901 married 1 1865 Frances Ellen Phillip [sic] who died in 1870 married 2 1872 Mrs Etta J. Simmons who died in 1911.

Mary Frances Carothers b Mch 19, 1868 married 1891 to Herbert Wright

Fred Carothers Wright b Dec 9, 1894. Married to Lenora Pat Tucker [unreadable line] 19

[unreadable first name] Tucker Wright b Dec 2, 1920

Margaret Ellen Carothers b Aug 8, 1869 married 1895 Alonzo L. Griswold

Clarence Alonzo Griswold ob 1918

Ernest Francis Griswold married Evelyn

Evelyn Jane Griswold

Gladys Griswold married Fish

Margaret Jane Fish

Warren R. Griswold single

Ellen Griswold married Wahl No issue

Mary Elizabeth Carothers b 1837 ob 1925 married 1857 to William Farley Penny see page 450 [which says:] Had 4 children

Margaret Anna Penny b 1858 ob 1923 married Arthur M. Ice

Nora G.B. Ice married Showalter no issue

Mary Ann Ice married Rothermel

Charles Rothermel

Margaret Rothermel

Betty Rothermel

Arthur Rothermel

Cleo Ice married Laughridge

Arthur Laughridge

Robert Laughridge

Frank Laughridge

Laura Laughridge

Isa Margaret Ice single

Josephine Ice married Vestal no issue

Rufus Ice married

William Ice

Franc [sic] Ice married Blowers

Betty Blowers

Peggy Blowers

Patsy Blowers

John C. Ice unmarried

Laura Belle Penny [daughter of William Farley Penny] b 1859 ob 1861 buried in Spring Croce [sic] Cem Cin Co

John Carothers Penny b 1861 married to Isa Fanst

William F. Penny married

Patricia Penny

William Bass Penny b 1872 informant for this record married Cleonora Shaft He is cashier of the Exchange Natl Bank Cottonwood Falls, Kan. Make slip. Have 2 children.

Laura Margaret Penny married Titus

Margaret Elizabeth Titus

William Hart Titus

Ella Elizabeth Penny married Dunkley

Kermit Dunkley

Frank Dunkley

Mary Elizabeth Dunkley

V26 Page 452

Oak Hill Oct 6, 1931 8 AM

I have a letter dated Sept 24, 1931 in answer to mine from Cass K. Shelby of Hollidaysburg, Pa. He makes reference to three deeds at Winchester, Va:

1. Deed Book 6 p 478 John Augustine Washington of Westnd Co, Pa sells to Valentine Crawford of Frederick Co Va & Fred Co, in 1761

2. Deed bk 7 p 529 Valentine Crawford of Fred Co Va to sells [sic] to Jacob Townshend clerk & bachelor of the University of Oxe [sic] land in that county situate on east side Opechon joining Jacob Hite state survey. Stephens, Stephen Holingsworth & John McMahon neighbors also John Baylis. Witnesses David Shepherd, James Gable & James Shepenson dated Sept 6, 1762

3. Deed book 8 p 56 William Crawford of Fred Co, Va sells to Thomas Clay land of Maryland on Apr 5, 1762 two tracts in Fred Co Va witnesses Val Crawford, David Shepherd, William Connell, John Vance & Edward Dyett dated Apr 5, 1762

Deed book 8 p 57 Wm Crawford & Hannah his wife of Fred Co Va sells to above.

The will of John Vance, cooper,

V26 Page 453

father-in-law of Col Wm Crawford is in will book 2 pages 435-7.

He thinks Bullskin the name of the stream in Va followed the Crawford - Stephenson connection being given to a Tp in Westnd Co, Pa now Fayette Co, Pa & to a stream that flowed by the farms of Gen Joseph Winlock & Dr John Knight in Shelby Co, Ky both of whom had married Stephenson girls & removed to Kentucky after the Revolution. He thinks my genealogist was guessing, otherwise he would have furnished proofs whether the father of Col Wm Crawford came to the Shenandoah Valley from Penna or tidewater Va is still unsettled, but some of his descendants think he came from the latter & a printed work (unsupported by proofs however) so states & says his name was John which is accepted by all he says & also says there is no proof of this & that they county records are silent on the matter altogether. He probably lived in the valley but a short time before his death, a comparatively young man. Col Wm Crawford married

V26 Page 454

Hannah Vance in 1744 so that 1722 is most probably the date of his birth. Richard Stephenson Jr his half brother was born abt 1740 & married abt 1764 as near as I can figure it from date of birth of his oldest child. Richard Stephenson Sr who married John Crawford's widow Honora is mentioned in a deed dated Nov of 1748 as having a dwelling house & since he was seized? of Crawford's land, he must have been a married man by that time.

I have a letter dated Sept 23, 1931 in answer to mine to his cousin Miss Mary Carter of Burlington, Iowa from Charles Carter see b 25 p 580, Prof of Geology in Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa who says he wants a copy of my Wilson history if I publish it & gives his own & sisters record which I enter in place b 25 p 580 & he kindly offers to give any further records he can & I am writing him & he also wants to know if I can cite him to Carter or Pollock genealogy.

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I have a letter dated Sept 22, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Ruhamah Finley Larnder of 401 Am. Exchange Bldg Duluth, Minn sending dates of Bessie Finley's birth & death Aug 21, 1872 & Oct 11, 1879 which she got from a cousin in Niles, Mich & which I have entered in place b 25 p 452. Her cousin there had a cousin who is on the board of the Cem who thought he could get some more dates from the record books & if they do & send to her she will send them to me. She saw in her morning paper the name of Dr W.V. McCollum of Johns-Hopkins Hospital & she suggests that I write to him which I am doing today & ask if any of his great Uncles married a Finley

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Oak Hill Oct 7, 1931 8 AM

A West Newton Times-Sun last month announced the funeral services for Anna Maria Stevenson whose death occurred in the West Penn Hospital Pittsburgh, Pa Sept 8, 1931 at 6:15 PM Interment Friday in West Newton Cem. She was a daughter of the late Rev Thomas J. & Susannah Plumer Stevenson of West Newton & a niece of the late Mrs Elizabeth Plumer Stevenson of West Newton Pa

I have a letter dated Sept 20, 1931 in answer to mine of some two months ago from Grace G. Gallaher of Wenona, Ills. She sends a clipping of the death of her cousin Will M. Thompson on Sept 6, 1931 he being the last of her Uncle Hugh Thompson's family. Says her sister, Margaret Work Bromie died last Jany 8, 1931. Have been away from home since May 16 nursing an old man

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& is on duty 24 hours with him & get $5 a day which I well earn. Am only five blocks from home but tied down so close I could not go to cousin Will Thompson's funeral.

The clipping is from the Erie Independent of Erie, Ills of Sept 10, 1931 & says:

William Alexander Thompson, youngest son of Hugh & Jane Thompson pioneer settlers in Newton Tp, Whiteside Co, Ills in 1839. He was born on the homestead July 18, 1855 & died at the home of his nephew, Louis T. Slaymaker in Erie, Ills Sept 6, 1931 aged 76 yrs 1 mo & 18 days. He lived his entire life except the last year in the home where he was born.

He was the last of his father's family, those preceding him being Robert K. who died at Perryville, Ky in the Civil War, Sarah, wife of James Van Fleet in 1909, Maggie, wife of the late G.M.

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Slaymaker in 1874 & Agnes J. in 1924, Mary B. in 1917 who lived with William in the old home. He is survived by two nephews, Alvin Van Fleet of Clinton, Iowa (make slip) & Louis T. Slaymaker of Erie, Ills Hho with their families many relatives & friends mourn their loss. he was a man of positive disposition, intensely loyal to his principles. A member of the Newton Pres Ch since 1876 & active in all church work. He was Secy of the S.S. for several years & a Trustee for 9 yrs. Burial in Kingsbury Cemetery.

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I have a letter dated Sept 21, 1931 from Mrs N. Bernice Cunningham Ledbetter (wife of Shep. K. Ledbetter) E. Westbrook, West Point, Miss who had gotten my address from Mrs Dalton there who writes to ask about her Jack lineage being evidently unaware that I was at her father's James Edgar Cunningham at Oneida, Ills Sept 25, 1919 to see her grandmother, Martha Grier (Jack) Cunningham born Nov 14, 1829 then abt 90 yrs old. See book 3 page 1 & also book 2 on Sept 6, 1919 when at Cony Pa to see Mrs Eliza Jane Neilson her sister born May 18, 1833.

She says Uniontown, Pa is a familiar name to her as she used to hear her grandmother speak of it especially when her sister Eliza J. Neilson was in Illinois spending the summer with them. She says she has the family bible of their father Thomas Jack who had six girls & one boy Thomas her grandmother's sisters being Caroline, Sarah Ann, Nancy, Eliza Jane & Emily. The births, deaths, places

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of burial & marriages are not recorded in the old bible of Thomas Jack & his wife Isabella Miller.

I also remember hearing grandmother speak of a cousin Priscilla Miller but I do not know where she lives. Grandmother's husband died in Penna but I do not know what place or county (he lived in the Ligonier Valley). She was left with three small children, Lida, Frank & James. She immediately went to Oskaloosa Iowa living there a little more than a year when she removed to Illinois. Her daughter Lida (Eliza) is living in Los Angeles Calif, her son Frank Cunningham lives in Big Horn, Montana (make slip) & my father James E> passed away in 1920. I am 30 yrs old born Sept 30, 1901 & my only brother is living in Serena, Ills. He is teaching agriculture in High school & farming also. I taught Home Economics & Expression in the High School at Nashua? Iowa before marrying my Miss. husband

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We have a little girl named Lenore Cunningham Ledbetter. Grandmother lived in our home from the time I was 3 yrs old (1904) when she was 75 until she was 90 yrs old. She spent the last years of her life with her daughter Lida who lived in Ills then. My mother died when I was 3 yrs old & I am daily reminded of the splendid teachings of grandmother. She don't know where her grandfather, Dr James Cunningham was born, married, died or buried. I think I have this but can't see to read my Sept 6 & Sept 26 1919 records to tell her. She recalls hearing her grandmother speak of Frank Friday Fletcher, now Rear Admiral retired who lived in her home for some time but thinks he was her nephew (he is & I am setting her straight on it). She thinks Dr James Cunningham's father was from Ireland. She says her mother's father, mother, two sisters & two brothers came from Scotland in 1861 & the two sisters & two brothers are living in Ills.

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The chart she sends gives date of Thomas Jack's marriage to Isabella Miller as Feby 2, 1819 & their daughter Martha Grier Jack b Nov 14, 1829 & died Feby 18, 1922 & her husband Dr James Cunningham as dying in 1863 & their son James Edgar Cunningham born in Ligonier Pa Mch 26, 1859 died Brookville? Miss Oct 2, 1920 married Oneida, Ills Dec 23, 1893 to Mary Anderson McCulloch born at Oneida, Ills June 17, 1863 & died there Nov 18, 1904 & their daughter Nellie Bernice Cunningham born at Oneida Ills Sept 30, 1901 & married there Oct 17, 1924 to Shep Randle Ledbetter.

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[descendant chart]

Martha Grier Jack see b 3 p 1 & book 2 at Sept 6, 1919 born Nov 14, 1829 ob Feby 18, 1922. Married Dr James Cunningham who died in 1863. Had 3 children born in Ligonier, Pa


Frank Jack Cunningham b 1855 living at Big Horn, Mont. Married Anna, decd & have 5 children the first two twins, most of the children married & have families. He lives with his sons Sam & Wirt on a ranch & as advised, am writing to Mrs Sam. Big Horn, Mont. His children are Orville & Martha, twins, Frank, Jessie, Harry, Sam, Wirt & Arthur.

Eliza Anna Cunningham b 1857 married Mch 26, 1885 Oneida, Ills Adolph F. Hannam. I got this record some yrs ago & hence am not writing the children now but make slips.

Hazel Hannam married Harry Briner 4 children live at 226 W. Shirley Ave Hawthorne, Calif

Louise Hannam married Harry Pratt 2 children, live 117 Rebecca Place, Peoria, Ills via H.E. Pratt atty.

Nellie Hannam married John Neale now decd 2 children. She Mrs Nellie Neale lives 1122 W. 55th ST, Los Angeles, Calif

James Edgar Cunningham b Mch 26, 1859 ob Oct 2, 1920 at Brookville, Miss. Married Dec 23, 1893 Oneida Ills to Mary Anderson McCulloch b there June 17, 1863 ob there Nov 18, 1904 2 children born Oneida, Ills

James McCulloch Cunningham b May 1, 1897 married Nov 26, 1925 Galesburg, Ills Vashti Jane Clifford born Oneida, Ills daughter of Wm & Mary Clifford farmer & teacher at Serena Ills 2 children.

Mary Agnes Cunningham b Oct 22, 1926

Virginia Louisa Cunningham b Sept 13, 1928

Nellie Bernice Cunningham my informant b Sept 30, 1901 married Oct 17, 1924 Oneida Ills Shep Randle Ledbetter b Oct 3, 1891 at Crawford, Miss son of John McGee Ledbetter & wife Maggie Albertine Randle. He is employee of Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 1 child.

Lenore Cunningham Ledbetter b Aug 22, 1927 in Cottage Hospital, Galesburg, Ills

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Oak Hill Oct 8, 1931 7:40 AM

I have a letter dated Sept 19, 1931 in answer to mine of 15th from Malcolm P. Sproat 91 N. Paint St, Chillicothe, O who says his father, Benjamin Franklin Sproat, see b 14 p 379. His mother Eliza McCoy Sproat died at Oxford, O May 1902 & is buried at Grandview Cem, Chillicothe, O. My father was born Mch 29, 1847 at Chillicothe, O son of Amasa Delano Sproat & wife Emily Antoinette Wade Jesse married Wed. June 23, 1906 at Chillicothe O to Granville Appleton Chapman (note probably married under name of Jack as Granville was always distasteful to him & was never used) who was born Feby 2, 1880 a farmer, Cattle raiser & lumber grower, son of Wm Chalmers Chapman & wife Martha Baldwin

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Their children:

1. Wm Chalmers Chapman II born Wed, Apr 3, 1907 in Portland, Maine

2. Annette Delano b Sept 19, 1908 at Bethel, Maine

3. Frank Sproat Chapman b Dec 3, 1912 at Bethel, Me

The last two are single.

William C. married Ruth Hastings of Bethel Maine at Bethel, Me date unknown, have no issue.

My brother, Saml McCoy Sproat born Sept 10, 1889 at Chillicothe, O married Nov 22, 1917 at Chillicothe, O to Marjorie Story. Their children are

1. Marjorie Denning Sproat b Mch 13, 1920 at San Francisco, Calif

2. Benjamin Franklin Sproat II b Nov 24 1922 at San Fran. Calif. My name is Malcolm Perry Sproat born here Sept 22, 1892 unmarried, Pharmacist

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Grad school of Pharmacy Ohio State University. My unmarried sisters are: Annette Delano Sproat b Sept 16, 1885. My sister Emily Sproat born Oct 2, 1895 & died July 1896 all in Chillicothe, O

I have a letter dated Sept 7, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs S.C. Henry 905 E. Mahoning St, Punxsutawney Pa who was disappointed that I did not go to see her when I was in Brookville in August. She says Dr J.B. McKnight, Del's mother was Mary Thompson. His son, J.B. Jr is a druggist in Brookville, Pa. Mother always said J.B. Jr was a 42d cousin, a nice old line. Make slips.

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I have a letter dated Sept 16, 1931 from Miss Nellie Stevens Brown 818 Rumpan Blvd, Los Angeles Calif in answer to mine. She says her oldest brother, Lera [sic] Lodwick Brown born in Portsmouth, O Mch 18, 1870 died in Duluth, Minn Jany 17, 1912 unmarried.

My grandmother had a brother Harry Stevens who lived in Louisville, Ky & owned the hotel there, died there a young man. She also had an Uncle Harry Stevens who I have heard her speak of many times & I think he was in Wheeling Va their old home. I have not heard from Uncle Will Stevens' wife. He was Wm Horner Stevens, my grandmother's brother & who at the age of 75 married a Miss Bates in Black Hawk, Colo. It was in 1912 the year my brother passed away & none of us have heard from them.

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I know he is gone. Make slip. I had hoped to hear from his wife, but presume she also has passed away. He had the Stevens bible for have read it at his house as a young girl & I have taken trips to Colorado with my grandmother. You have the connection with the Peairs right I am sure (make slip to go hunt up that bible). She has heard of the old cocked hat & silver shoe buckles & Aunt Elma Hogan said they were William Horner's. I searched a great deal when I intended to go in the D.A.R. but when we came west, I gave it up. Sorry she is not able to give more dates, but I don't have much hopes of getting the old bible. Hunt up the Peairs tables & see if can place her grandmother's brother & Uncle Harry Stevens & examine particularly about the one who married Wm Horner.

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I have a letter dated Sept 12, 1931 in answer to mine from Katherine Crawford 230 West ST, Jeffersonville, Ind saying she has lost the letter recd from me four years or more ago & can't give the book & page numbers I wanted. Says she did not mean that her mother was descended from Pres James Buchanan as she knew he was a bachelor but from that family.

She says he, Pres James Buchanan & his brother William left an estate which amounts to $850,000,000 in 79 year leases scattered over six states & the admr lives in Houston, Texas but her Atty Chas K. Zollman of Jeffersonville, Ind wrote to him but the letter came back. Says he will write me & that she has relatives in Bloomington & Indianapolis looking up the books I referred her to. Also says there are 3600 heirs registered as claimants to the estate but don't know how many can make proof. She says her mother was born Oct 15, 1835 & died Apr 29, 1900, but gives her neither name or parentage.

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Oak Hill Oct 10, 1931 9 AM

I have a letter dated Sept 7, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Belle S. Carothers of 5425 El Camile Ave, Oakland, Calif saying she has sent to her daughter, Mrs E.E. Klepser 406 Washington St, Gary, Ind to typewrite my Carothers records & send to you. Make slip.

Said she had a letter from Thos Carothers, Newport, Ky which gave quite a bit of Carothers history, but I sent it to George Carothers of Indianapolis, Ind who has gathered much data on the family & he never returned it. Make slip.

There is a Carothers living in Pacific Grove, Calif that came from Scotland & are several in tel Dir. here in Oakland & in Berkeley, Calif.

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I have a letter dated Sept 9, 1931 in answer to mine from C.A. Caruthers Mt Vernon, Ark.

Asks what I am writing the history for & says wants to get a copy when completed. Says father died in 1918 & has a sister Mrs Sina Hailset living in Step Rock, Ark who could give more of the early history (I wrote to her). Am transferring his father's table from b 25 p 415 to next page 472. He says his grandfather Sam Caruthers came from Ky to Ark before the Civil War. He says his grandmother's maiden name was Sallie Howell.

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[descendant chart]

John Allen Carithers see b 25 p 415 b Mch 26, 1861 so his son says & ob Apr 13, 1918 in Ark, killed by bushwhackers during Civil War married 1 Betty Martin don't know dates of her marriage or death. Married 2 Sept 17, 1893 Mrs Athe Andrews, widow. She was daughter of William Armstrong & wife Rachel Bishop. Had 6 children born at Clay, Ark


Clayton Allen Carithers b June 5, 1896 my informant for this record married Jany 16, 1920 Millie Clark b Mch 4, 1900 at Mt Vernon, Ark. Have 4 children born at Mt Vernon, Ark. He is a farmer

Vernie Allen Carithers b May 2, 1921

John Bruce Carithers b Apr 4, 1925

Mary Edna Carithers b Jany 4, 1928

James Edward Carithers b Feby 14, 1930

Gilbert Aaron Carithers b Oct 11, 1904

Ira May Carithers b Jany 6, 1906

Edna Lenora Carithers b Mch 5, 1908 married Sept 20, 1925 Alton Carmichael

Henry Floyd Carithers b July 4, 1911

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Oak Hill Oct 11, 1931 9:40 AM

I have a letter dated Sept 16, 1931 from Clarence M. Smith 120 Dakota Ave, Columbus, O who says his sister, Mrs Sarah E. Frame of West Union, O through the D.A.R. became acquainted with Mrs Pearl Downing of Peebles, O who says she is a great granddaughter of Elizabeth Darbarah [sic] Finley 4th child of Joseph Lewis Finley & Jane Blair through her father, Silas Dyer McIntire.

In her statements, she is wrong. IN the first place, we find no record bk 14 p 550 that Major Joseph Lewis Finley had a daughter Elizabeth & in the second place by her own statement Elizabeth Finley the mother of Silas Dyer McIntire would be her grandmother & not her grandmother [sic] see book 15 page 112 item 62 & page 113 item 167 which shows the tombstone record of Elizabeth & her husband & of her father Robert Finley & his wife. He says he wants to buy a book when completed. He wishes he was closer & could see me & have a talk. Make slip to call & see him.

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Oak Hill Oct 12, 1931 7:50 AM

I have a letter dated Sept 5, 1931 in answer to mine from Frank Carothers of Taylorsville, Ky who writes on the letterhead of the State Highway Dept Frankfort, Ky.

He says he has very little of the family before they came from Virginia to Kentucky about the year 1800. I have heard my father say there were four 4 brothers came to America & first settled in Penna & then migrated to Virginia, North Carolina & Tennessee. There is an old burying ground about 25 miles from me where my grandfather, great grandfather is buried but I have not been there for a long time (Make slip) & have forgotten their names but will give you the address of a member of the family who I think has a history of the family back to the Revolution 1776 but I have never seen it.

W.D. Carrithers, Bourbon Stockyards, Louisville, Ky. It may be I will get a chance to see this old g.y.

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in a short time & will get all the names on the stones & will write you then. W.D. looked up the history of the family & got to join the Sons of the Amer Rev on the strength of what he learned of the family, so suppose it is reliable so write him. Hopes sometime to have the pleasure of knowing me. Make slip. Says he has a brother W.G. Carrithers with the Carbondale Machine Co, Carbondale, Pa. Am writing him & W.O. & also him asking him to send the inscriptions from the old g.y. & his own line.

signed Frank Carrithers.

I have a letter dated Sept 5, 1931 from Harry F. Smith pursuant to a talk I had with him when I met him at cousin Joe Richey's funeral advising that my W&J classmate Judge Geo M. Fleming of Buckhannon WVA had died in a hospital in Baltimore, Md Mch 28, 1925. Brother Will died Nov 9, 1928 & I am the only one left.

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3:44 PM

Mifflinn Jeffries (so spelled by him) Johnson born on the old Johnson farm in Menallen Tp, Fayette Co, Pa Sept 10, 1851 was here between 1 & 2 PM today. He said he was married Dec 9, 1872 to a Moulton & they lived together 58 yrs & celebrated last Dec & she died on Jany 9, 1931 eleven days short of completing 78 or 79 yrs but they had no children & he now lived alone at his home in New Salem, Pa a carpenter by trade but not able to work the last 2 years.

He is the son of Simon Johnson whose wife was a Jefferis [sic], sister of Darlington Jefferis. Upon inquiry, he said Aaron Johnson was his first cousin natural son of Esther Harris nee Johnson who lived to be 103 viz 1805-1908 sister of his father Simon both of whom were children of Daniel Johnson whose wife was daughter of Joseph Mendenhall the fighting Quaker.

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I have a letter dated Sept 11, 1931 from S.M. Carothers, Sumter S.C. enquiring about my health & saying that advices from the Dept of Internal affairs Harrisburg, Pa land grant office who say the warrant to John Dutton was Mch 23, 1749 & in Lancaster Co & not 1743 as in copy of abstracts & to Robert Caruthers Aug 3, 1750 (not Aug 1) & in Cumberland Co I have found a grandson of Ezekiel Neely heir to the Sarah Carothers bible. He is S.V. Neely Marion Ark Atty at Law. His records show that Ezekiel C. Neely went from Mecklenburg Co, N.C. in 1841 & settled in Tate Co Miss & died Mch 14, 159 [sic] & buried near Senatobia Ark. He left several children one of whom was Thomas E. Neely father of this S.V. Neeley. This S.V. knows nothing of the old Carothers bible & did not know of Carothers but are [unreadable word or words] to trace bible.

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[The following 5 1/2 pages of JVT's notebooks are written in a different hand, very faded]

At residence of Daniel McCain Markle and Lloyd Dick Markle, Rostraver Twp, P.O. West Newton, Pa RFd #2 Oct 19, 1931 at 4:49 PM.

I drove here with Jim [unreadable word probably Scholl] and find Markles at home. Daniel said that his [unreadable word looks like Ctathers] told him that Gen Joseph Markle 177-1867 was his great great, great Uncle and they have his sword which he carried in the War of 1812 which his father acquired and gave to him and told him to keep it. There [sic] father's name was Cyrus F. [or P. or R.] Markle who was a son of Sheppard Markle who died at his sons Albert Markle about 1/2 mile from Cowansburg, Pa when Daniel was about 10 years old 1906, age he thinks about 81 years. He remembers distinctly of seeing him sitting up in a [unreadable word] as if it was yesterday, a short time before he died., Daniel he and Lloyd think he was buried at Millgrove Cemetery in South Huntingdon Twp. Daniel and Lloyd both that that Cyrus Markle who lives back [several unreadable words] a bachelor and his brother [unreadable] both served in the Civil War, the latter who was killed in the war were brothers of their grandfather, Sheppard as they [unreadable word] detailing that they were Uncles of their father Cyrus Y. [or H.] They do not however recall the name of

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Sheppard's wife. They call the names of six boys and three girls, Namely:

Gasper, Hiram, Albert, Cyrus F., Angeline, Nancy, Joseph, Frank and Rachel the youngest who is still living with her daughter Bessie McClain on Poplar Street, South Greensburg, Pa. She is the widow of Costy Myers who died about three years ago. Angeline married Sheppard Lash and lived at Herminie, Pa where she died. Nancy married Joseph Biddle and lived at Coal Hollow near West Newton, Pa where she died. The boys say that there [sic] father Cyrus F. Markle was born at Millgrove near where his Uncle Cyrus (bachelor) lived and was born there May 13, 1855 and died in this house March 31, 1919 and was buried in West Newton cemetery. Cyrus F. Markle was married 1st Aug 27, 1874 to Miss Mary Ann Carnahan who was born Sept 1855 and died Dec 4, 1886 and is buried in Funk cemetery in Sewickley Twp see her son William Edward Markle west side West Newton Pa for her parentage. They had six children all born near Cowansburg, Pa in Sewickley Twp

1. James Asbury Markle b June 28, 1875

2. Jane Secrist Markle b Jany 26, 1877

3. William Edward Markle b Mar. 9, 1879

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4. Drusilla Markle b May 17, 1881

5. Joseph Markle b Dec 10, 1882

6. Chalmer Cowan Markle b Mar 21, 1884

He was first married by J.W. Little Circleville, Pa. He was married 2nd North side Pittsburgh, Pa Sept 29, 1887 to Iola Minerva Ball born Apr 29, 1865 Morgan County, Ohio southeastern corner and died Oct 9, 1931 and is buried at West Newton cemetery. She was daughter of Ellis Ball and his wife Jane Dewalt. Cyrus F. had ten children to 2nd wife, the two oldest where [sic] born near Cowansburg Sewickley Twp the other 8 were all born in Rostraver Twp

7. Oletta V. Markle b July 9, 1888

8. Lillian May Markle b March 9, 1890

9. Iona C. Markle b May 28, 1892

10. Margaret Ann Markle b Jany 28, 1894

11. Daniel McClain Thorne Markle b Mar 27, 1896

12. Sylvia Pearl Markle b Mar 11, 1898

13. Roosevelt Markle b July 12, 1900

14. McKinley Markle b July 12, 1909

15. Lloyd Dick Markle b Dec 1, 1902

16. Louis V. Markle b Nov 27, 1908


Mrs Mary Ann Markle d Dec 4, 1886

McKinley Markle d Aug 30, 1900

Roosevelt Markle d Nov 12, 1901

Louis V. Markle d Dec 27, 1908

Drusilla Reynolds Markle d Dec 20, 1925

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Cyrus F. Markle d March 31, 1919

Iola Minerva Markle d Oct 9, 1931

The above record is taken from the family bible printed by Joseph Horner Pittsburgh, Pa year not given. James A. Markle married Matilda Jane Davis. She has died and lives at Pittsburgh, Pa two children living and two dead.

Jane Secrist Markle married Jacob M. Couchenour both living at Herminie, Pa have 8 children 5 girls and 3 boys

William E. Markle married Maude Sterner have 3 boys and 4 girls living and two children dead.

Drusilla Markle married Hough M. Reynolds he lives at Pleasant Unity, Pa P.O. Latrobe, Pa RD. She left 2 boys and 2 girls

Joseph Markle married Elsi [sic] Earley both living at 747 South Seneca Alliance, Ohio. No issue

Chalmer C. Markle married Eliza Williams both living at Herminie, Pa 2 girls and one boy all living.

Oletta V. Markle married Benjamin F. Budd both living in Rostraver Twp West Newton RD #2 4 boys and 1 girl living and 1 girl dead.

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Lillian M. Markle married Guy E. Delaney both living at Monessen Pa where he is a store manager 4 boys and 1 girl

Iona C. Markle married Horatio N. Todd both living near Belle Vernon, Pa Rostraver Twp, P.O. Belle Vernon, Pa Rd no issue

Margaret Ann Markle married Thomas J. Rohland painter, both living at West Newton, Pa 4 boys and 2 girls

Sylvia Pearl Markle married Blair F. Shupe both living at Scottdale, Pa where he is Automobile Mech. They have 2 boys

Daniel and Lloyd neither married.

[JVT is writing again] Left 6:15 PM

The above 5 pages 479-83 written by James C. Scholl at my dictation as told us by Daniel M. T. & Lloyd D. from his father's bible. He was named for a preacher Rev Daniel McLain Thom, then living thereabouts

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Uniontown Hospital Uniontown, Pa Oct 20, 1931 9:15 AM

Yesterday afternoon when at the home of cousins Daniel M.T. & Lloyd D. Markle in Rostraver Tp 3 miles west of West Newton, Pa they said their home farm of 116 A was bought in 1902 the year Lloyd D. was born by their father Cyrus F. Markle 1855-1919 from Mattie Pearce widow to whom title had come in some way from cousin David H. Ryall who built the big barn on it, half of which has been torn down & there is still a big barn remaining & I believe he probably built the fine large good brick house on it in which they live.

Daniel M.T. said his father told him that Uncle Joe ie Genl Joseph Markle 177-1867 was his, Daniel's ggg Uncle but I am sure he has one great too many as he was no doubt his great great

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Uncle as Cyrus, the bachelor was his father's Uncle & would be his great Uncle.

When at the Scholl Lumber Co office back of the B&O Sta on 3rd Street, West Newton, Pa for abt half an hour about 4 PM yesterday, I met their bookkeeper & clerk, Mrs Conghanour. I think Jim said her name was Edith who was recently married, but sill lives with her mother there viz: Mrs Henry who divorced her husband for excessive drinking as he spent all he earned for whisky.

She is a daughter of Hiram Markle who was a son of Sheppard Markle say 1825-1906 who died at the home of another son Albert Markle near (abt 1/2 mile) Cowansburg, Pa aged abt 81 yrs. Daniel thought & she died he thought when he, Daniel was abt 10 yrs old. Mrs Conghanour thought she could get his record from her Aunt, Mrs Sheppard Markle. This Sheppard would be a son of Hiram.

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Make slip to go soon to Greensburg, Pa to see Mrs Myers now in ill health living at her daughter's on Poplar St South Greensburg, Pa Mrs Myers is the youngest & last surviving child of Sheppard Markle 1825-1906

Uniontown Hospital Room 200 second floor front N.E. corner Oct 21, 1931 7 AM

This is the 52d anniversary of Thomas Alva Edison's perfecting for use the discovery he made of incandescent light on Oct 21, 1879 - public exhibition of it was not made until last of Dec 1879 - & he is to be buried today in Rosedale Cem East Orange NJ they having changed Hhe place of burial as first announced from Milan, O his birthplace. he died at his home on the hill at West Orange NJ Sunday Oct 18, 1931 at 3:24 AM & miraculously enough his laboratory clock stopped at 3:27 AM. A little dog which he was

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accustomed to kindly each day greeting seemed to realize its adopted master had passed on & seemed sad & dejected. On Monday forenoon 19th inst while in his office Pgh, Pa remarked my striking resemblance to Edison & last night Miss Catharine Bierer born Sept 22, 1900 reading to me what the papers said of him & Miss Van Dyke McDowell my night nurse born Aug 13, 1907 who came in both said they had always noticed how greatly I resembled him.

My friend, Samuel Mather 80 yrs old the papers said of Cleveland O the richest man there & son-in-law of Amasa Stowe with whom I corresponded over 50 yrs ago died at his home there of an acute heart attack, Sunday Oct 18, 1931 at about 12:20 Am & was buried there yesterday & Worth Kilpatrick of Connellsville, Pa (his mother was Mary Marietta) Prest of 2d NBK there & born there in Mch 1847 died there same day, Sunday Oct 18, 1931 about 6 PM

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Dr Charles Malcolm Brane interne here said he came here from western New York State where one branch of their family is located & another in Los Angeles, Calif & all the others are in England. He said the name was Brain but for some unknown reason his grandfather changed it to Brane. He came in abt 10:30 last night to examine me after I had gone to bed & left at 10:55 PM

he made a thorough examination of my heart, lungs & other organs & took my blood pressure & tapped me all over from head to foot with his fingertips & then said "are you planning to live a hundred years. Your organs are all perfect & your condition is excellent." He found the wen or lump on my temple but said it did not portend any trouble.

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9 PM John Farrell mgr of the Hospital in here this afternoon speaking of the death here this morning Wednesday Oct 22, 1931 at 8:30 AM in room 110 which I had a week ago of Mrs Evans Wilson Hess from aemema [sic] said they had in recent years discovered that calves liver not beefs was the one good best thing to build up red blood corpuscles & that a friend of U.S. Senator Will E. Crow told him if they had known it then, he wd still be living. It came too late also for my dear mother. He said that calves liver which we used to throw away or buy for a nickel was now selling for 70 cts a pound & they were reducing it to liquid form & put in liquid form & in capsules to facilitate administering it. He sd Anna eldest daughter of Jannes [best guess] Moran got the $20 gold piece I had blessed for her father by Pius X in Rome in Dec 1903.

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Oak Hill Oct 22, 1931 4:04 PM

I am leaving 10 pages for tabling the Markles see p 479-83 & who I expect them to send in. I went to Uniontown Hospital at the instance & under the care of Dr Jacob Sidwell Hackney for diabetic diet treatment on Tuesday Oct 13, 1931 at 10:42 AM & he brought me back here to Oak Hill at 11:11 AM today Thursday Oct 22d, 1931. When he took me there, the sugar in my blood was 3.28 ..28 & in my urine was one per cent. This morning it was .120 which is normal & in my urine there was none. On last Thursday 15th 8 PM, he shot 25 units of insulin in my arm which in 2 hours had the seat streaming from me all over reducing me 3 lbs & on Friday night he had 5 units shot in me which by 6 PM had me sweating but not profusedly. Aside from this, the results came from a limited diet of about 35 ounces a day. I weighed this morning 155 1/2 lbs stripped. The first two days I occupied room 110 on ground floor S.E. Corner & for balance of time room 200 N.E. corner on 2d floor

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which Alvin J. Stentz aged 73 said last night when he called was occupied by my brother Will when he visited him. He said further Jesse E. Stentz died at age of 76 & his father-in-law John A. Lyons died later also aged 76. Dr Hackney in gratitude for the banking training I gave his son Henry Eastman Hackney Esq in his college vacations would not make any charge to me & he arranged with mgr John Farrell that no charge would be made for my charge there. He told me & two others Dr Brane & a nurse just before I left that Uniontown Hospital was born or evolved in his office in consultation between him & his brother-in-law Dr Thomas Nehemiah Eastman & he told of my giving the ground for it & I told of his talks,

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pleas, & arguments to & with Henry Clay Frick Dec 19, 1847 - Dec 2, 1919 which resulted in his remembering the hospital in his will to the extent of half a million dollars.

I received royal treatment from all there & everyone was very kind to me & it is remarkable how many descendants I found there of old friends who are either nurses or in training as such. I knew well the great grandfather of four & from them down & the grandfathers of four others & probably of others if I had met them. Among those I met were:

1. Catharine Bierer b Sept 22, 1900 who was most kind to read to me, daughter of Chas W. Bierer still living & granddaughter of Jimmy Huston (she weighs 190) & of John M. Bierer Atty at Law whose wife nee Walthem, her grandmother lived to be 96 & great granddaughter of Everhart Bierer the old U'town butcher & founder of the family here

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2. Evalyn Doyle, my day nurse part of the time, granddaughter of Will Doyle & of Adolph Whyel, great granddaughter of my friend Armstrong J. Doyle of Hopwood, Pa.

3. Miss Van Dyke McDowell b Aug 13, 1907 my extra good night nurse all the time I was there who graduated from Waynesburg College in 1929 I think. daughter of Robert William McDowell & his wife nee Eakin. She has two sisters & two brothers, William Allen McDowell & Robert McDowell aged 14 who was christened with Thornberg as his middle name, but he disclaims it & won't have it. Her grandfather, Capt Wm Allen McDowell July 1828 - June 1897 Civil War veteran & my good friend who I often visited at his home, whose wife 20 yrs younger 1848 is sister of James J. Ark 93 yrs old born in 1838 one of my

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Jack relatives by marriage with whom I have corresponded & he is still living. Van Dyke's great grandfather was Robert McDowell born in 1800 & died 1888 or later who I well knew.

4. Mignon Nelson part time my day nurse, daughter of Samuel E. Nelson of up this side of Linger Longer & he was son of Robert Nelson who used to work on our farm when I was a boy. He was son of George Washington Nelson (called "Wash") her great grandfather whose wife I have often seen over at the Moxley barn where they lived in the Moxley brick house in mid-winter in her bare feet with the ground covered with snow squatted down milking.

5. Mary Elizabeth Beighley came in Monday morning & this morning to take a blood test. She is daughter of Paul A. Beighley

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of Connellsville, Pa & granddaughter of Isaac Newton Beighley Civil War veteran whose wife was a daughter of Mordecai Cochran whose dates I believe were 1799-1882 or near that.

6. Isabella Rutter who came in Monday morning & took a blood test from my left ear is a daughter of Ollie Rutter (brother of Frank) & granddaughter of George W. Rutter, organizer & for many years head of Rutters Band.

7. Katie Hoover who I met on the elevator & is in training for a nurse daughter of Thos A. Hoover & granddaughter of his mother my well beloved friend Kitty Bayard Hoover

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6 PM

Dr Hackney left me today a typewritten list of the things I am permitted to eat & how much each day to be divided into three fairly equal meals to be taken either at 8:30 AM, 1 & 6 Pm or at 8:30 AM, 5 Pm & 10 PM. I am making a copy of his list below

Oct 22, 1931

Diet list for Mr J.V. Thompson

Avoid everything that contains sugar or starch & follow the diet list as given very closely.

May have lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, asparagus, rhubarb, endive marrow, sorrel, sauerkraut, any kind of greens, swiss chard, celery, tomatoes, mushrooms brussells sprouts, water cress, kale, okra, cauliflower, eggplant, cabbage, young onions, radishes & young string beans, broccoli, oranges, blackberries, pineapple, peaches, cranberries, lemons, strawberries.

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The fruits must not be seasoned when canned. Any of these items may be had in the quantities designated below (This is per day)

20 oz of any of above

6 2/3 of orange

1 oz of oatmeal weighed before cooking

3 oz two eggs cooked in any way

4 oz of ordinary coffee cream

1 oz of bacon weighed after being cooked to a crisp

1 oz of butter

1 oz of lean meat of any kind weighed after being cooked


37 2/3

All the tea, coffee or water desired. These must be weighed carefully each day & divided into three as nearly equal parts as possible & one part taken at a meal.

J.S. Hackney M.D.

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Oak Hill Oct 23, 1931 4:27 PM

I went at 2:15 PM to attend the funeral of my distant relative, Wilson line, Mrs Sarah Jane Hess who died in room 110 Uniontown Hospital Oct 21, 1931 at 8:30 AM & was buried 2:30 PM from their home in Titus Aptmts 37 1/2 Morgantown St, City, where I attended & followed remains to Oak Grove Cem new part, Pike side & got home at 3:40 PM & took a walk. She was born this Morning Herald says in Redstone Tp. I thought it was in German Apr 10, 1860 daughter of John Huston McWilliams & his wife Elizabeth McCann & on Feby 23, 1882 married Evans W. Hess who survives her & one son Emerson G. Hess of Pgh, Pa lawyer & his wife & their two children Emerson G. Hess Jr & Katharine Jane Hess. She was a member of the Central Christian Church here & a high type of a working Christian virtuous woman. At the funeral Dr Geo H. Hess, son of John F. Hess, brother of Evans W. said she almost died of pernicious aenemia that now carried her off 35 yrs ago but was saved by Dr Thos N. Eastman. They had lived in Redstone Tp back of Thos W. Finley's & moved from there to Uniontown abt 39 yrs ago after I bought his coal.

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This morning, while waiting for Pallini in front of skyscraper, Harold McGee spoke to me & sd he had had an office in the building for 18 yrs formerly in the coal business, but for past two years in partnership with his brother, Richd J. McGee Jr as Agts for all Fayette Co, Pa of the Reliance Life Insurance Co of Pgh, Pa who said that at a recent meeting, it was stated that my policy No 11 in the Co for $100,000 taken out first week in August 1093 just before starting on my trip around the world was the oldest policy in force. He said his father, Richard J. McGee was living in Uniontown, Pa & his mother nee Cooley of Fairchance, Pa family was 89 yrs old, was still living & with Dick. John A. Litman, passing said all he had was in the closed Natl Bank of Fayette Co & that he was 79 born July 17, 1852

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I have a letter dated Sept 9, 1931 in answer to mine from Velma Davis 3807 N. Prospect, Milwaukee, Wis in which she says she cannot give the dates of death of John Wycoff & his wife Susannah Peairs both born in 1793 or the other, Elder Wycoff.

She asks if the Wycoffs were supporters of the King of England & says her mother told her they were tories & her mother said her mother's father (ie John Wycoff) mother was a LeFevre.

Look at Gbg & U'town for will of John Wycoff. Make slip.

My mother did not get the family bible, but she may be able to tell you more of the family history than the others as she is older. Her address is Kate Ogle, Leonard, North Dakota.

Annette & Willie died in infancy & George when quite young.

Joseph Daniel Ogle see page 241 was son of James Cresap Ogle & wife Elizabeth Smith

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Ask my mother about Patience Scull & her family.

Oak Hill Oct 24, 1931 12:05 PM

I have a letter dated Sept 10, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Nellie Ritter Halle 4214 Madison Ave, Sioux City, Iowa who gives me the scant record which I have tabled on next page. By reason of vague data given, I got her name wrong - Stadels - on b 21 p 225.

I have a letter dated Sept 12, 1931 in answer to mine from Lottie L. Ripley of 721 13th St Boone, Iowa & have recorded what she sent on page 513, this book see also b 21 p 225. Am writing her today to complete the record.

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[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Alden McLucas see b 21 pages 220 & 225 born Nov 25, 1829 & died Oct 1, 1909 at Stanhope, Iowa. Married Oct 1, 1846 Samuel H.A. Ritter born Dec 1826 ob Mch 9, 1901


Nellie Chess Ritter their youngest child born in Boone, Iowa Oct 3, 1872 married May 12, 1891 at Sioux City, Iowa John Eugene Halle born in Clinton Co Iowa Dec 6, 1870. Have 3 children. Says her husband's father was Samuel B. Shadle & his wife Margaret Smith.

Perry Samuel Halle b Apr 8, 1892 married Apr 28, 1929 Edna D. Carlson b Mch 2, 1894 in Onawa, Iowa daughter of Ilay Carlson & wife Julia Hanson.

Glen Hamer Halle b Oct 8, 1895 married Nov 29, 1915 Fern E. Fogler b May 31, 1896 in Sioux City, Iowa daughter of Chas D. Fogler & wife Mary Ravick.

Elizabeth Helen Halle b July 9, 1905 married June 19, 1926 she has one child Robert F. Coles, born in Sparta Wis Mch 18, 1905 son of Thos J. Coles & wife Minnie Siedochlay

David F. Coles b Apr 14, 1930 17 mos old

Marion Greeley Ritter b Nov 23, 1852 at South Bend, Ind ob Jany 12, 1925 at Boone, Iowa married Nov 23, 1876 to Bertha Knight

Emma Bell Ritter b Oct 30, 1877 married Oct 31, 1896 to James Newton at Stanhope, Iowa

Rosina Almeda Ritter b Nov 21, 1879 married July 27, 1902 at Boone, Iowa to Harry Myers

Lottie Lula Ritter b May 15, 1883 married July 28, 1908 at Boone, Iowa to Harry Ripley

Elsie Viola Ritter b July 26, 1891 married Oct 10, 1913 at Boone, to John McDonald of Ames, Iowa.

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Oak Hill, Oct 25, 1931 12:54 PM

Dr Hindman preached a good sermon this morning on the Foundations of God from 2d Timothy 2d chapter 19th verse. My doctor, J.S. Hackney sat in my seat with me.

This morning on my scales I weighed 155 lbs on my scales which is one pound strong leaving my weight stripped 154 lbs, the lowest for many many years - records I have made will showed [sic] - with my clothes on it, was 165.

This is the 51st anniversary of Andrew's birth.

Rose came up in her car with Virginia & John, the latter eleven years old until the 9th of next month when he will be twelve. We drove to Friendship Hill via Smithfield & got some apples for them & they left here at 5:25 PM rtg via route 51, 48 miles. Virginia said that a few days ago when Thos A. Edison was in a coma, John asked her if she would give the balance of her life that Edison might live to continue his work for humanity.

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She replied that she thought she would, but would have to study it over awhile & she then asked him "would you" & he said "No, I think I will be able to do something for humanity myself". He is now working on an electric needle & is of an inventive turn.

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Oak Hill, Oct 26, 1931 8:20 AM

I have a letter dated Sept 22, 1931 in answer to mine from John Hole of Dayton, Ohio 327 Lowes St, who sends me the record from the Hole bible which he says he would not take any money for. He sends exactly as recorded & says he will help all he can.

Deaths of Dr John Holes Family

Our son, William d.t.l. July 12, 1787 aged 6 yrs 15 days.

Our daughter Polly Ludlow d.t.l. June 27, 1796 aged 2 yrs 1 mo 4 days

Our son Jeremiah died July 9, 1811 aged 32 yrs 29 days

Our Father, Dr John Hole died Jany 6, 1813 aged 58 yrs

Our son David Hole d.t.l. Jany 16, 1829 aged 37 yrs 5 mos 9 days

Our daughter Nancy Hole died Jany 7, 1840 aged 43 yrs 8 mos 26 days

Our mother Masseee [sic] Hole died July 27, 1842 aged 83 yrs 4 mos 26 days

Our son John Ludlow Hole died June 3, 1849 aged 51. He died on his birthday.

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Births of Dr John Hole's family

F. Father John Hole born Apr 13, 1755

Mother Masseee Ludlow born Feby 28, 1759


1. Jeremiah born June 10, 1779

2. Mary born June 27, 1781

3. William born July 22, 1783

4. Elizabeth born Nov 27, 1786

5. James born Oct 5, 1788

6. David born Aug 7, 1791

7. Polly Ludlow born Apr 30, 1794

8. Nancy born May 20, 1796

9. John Ludlow born June 3, 1798

10. Matilda born Dec 4, 1799

11. Phebe born Mch 11, 1802

Mary Hole died Apr 10, 1857 aged 5 mos 10 days

Thomas Hole died Apr 7, 1887

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[descendant chart]

Margaret McLucas see b 20 p 178 b Dec 25, 1795 in Westnd Co Pa ob Oct 25, 1824 in her 29th yr. Married Mch 5, 1812 in Montgomery Co, O by Rev John Mason to David Hole born Aug 7, 1791 ob Jany 16, 1829. He was born in Cincin, O son of Dr John Hole & wife Massee [sic] Ludlow. Their children all born in Montgomery Co, O.


John Hole b May 22, 1813 married Jany 18, 1838 in Delaware Co, Ind to Eliza Vincent b Sept 4, 1820 in Delaware, Maryland. Eliza V. Hole died Apr 3, 1898 in her 77th yr. He ob Aug 18, 1891 in his 59 yr. Their children all born in Montgomery Co, O

Thomas Jefferson Hole b Apr 14, 1839 ob Apr 7, 1887

John Hopkins Hole b Mch 13, 1841 ob Nov 24, 1843 aged 2 yrs 8 mos 11 days

Julius Sering Taylor Hole b July 7, 1842 ob Dec 19, 1898 my informant. John Hole is his son

Margaret Ellen Hole b May 20, 1845 ob Feby 8, 1923 aged 77 yrs 8 mos & 18 days

David Hole b Oct 3, 1847

Julian Hole b Apr 26, 1850 still living

Nancy Loretta Hole b Mch 30, 1852 ob Oct 16, 1927 in her 75th yr

Erastus Hole b July 1, 1854

Ida Hole b Apr 7, 1858 ob June 5, 1917 in her 59th yr

William Hole b June 15, 1860, still living

William Thompson Hole b Feby 8, 1815

Cynthia Hole b Mch 18, 1817

Jane Hole b Nov 14, 1819

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Oak Hill Sept 27, 1931 9:25 Am

I have five letters dated Sept 6, 14, 18, 25, 27th in answer to mine from Mrs Martha A. Plummer No 621 So Warner St, Tacoma, Wash sending Carothers records, she having been a Carothers. Says she sent the Gray record two weeks ago as they were ready & she had lived among them since she could remember & had been 10 yrs with her mother & can send one of her pictures also, one of William McIntire, one of herself if I could return them sometime. Says she never had a picture of her father who was a good looking man. Never saw any of his people until sometime after he died & then met with Hagerty. He is the only one of his relatives I ever see & I liked him very much. I hope the records I will expect one of the books [unreadable words] Neeley Carothers & myself also, also for Mrs Stephens who did the writing for me.

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Hopes I will get the Gray records & says will have the Carothers records insured to. I have corrected the record of my sister & brother as they were not born in Conemah as we did not move there from the farm until the youngest brother was abt 3 yrs old. I will enclose you a letter I got from England. I was told by a man here who thought I could find out something about my great grandfather I never heard my father speak of him. I was going to send the Carothers record today but on looking it over find some mistakes. I will be 80 yrs old in Oct. Isa F. Byers & her daughter Libbie Wood Byers called in at 2 PM [completely faded] minutes & Libbie read page 3 for me & said they had Carotheres in her old home Lancaster Co, Pa that her mother knew. Make slip. Mrs Plummer took this to the [last words faded]

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In her letter of Sept 14, she says she will be 80 in Oct & a widow since 1865. I think this year is wrong. Look up my records. In the Gray History they have it that Grandma was of English descent. Mother always told me she was Irish - German descent. The girl [faded word] married lived in Galesburg, Ill was [several faded words] her.

man named Callender.

Her husband's name is Walley Callender. She can tell you more about Uncle Hugh Carothers & Uncle William Carothers than I can. Make slip. She may be [faded word] by this time if living. She was visiting me in Oregon in 195 [sic] (probably means 1905) & they then went to Calif but I do not know where they are now. Am writing to Galesburg, Ills to her today. I have the address of a son's daughter who has been to Ireland visiting the Carothers. I have been waiting to see her, but have not got to yet. If I do, I will write you. She don't know much about faith but says she belongs to the Christian Science Church. Refers to my book 22 page 58.

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Oak Hill Oct 28, 1931 9:42 AM

I come this morning to Mrs Plummer's Register letter of Sept 18, with the Carothers record. Last night I recd from her a letter dated Oct 21st inquiring about these Sept letters.

I have much that she now sends recorded in book 22 page 58 but will here note anything that appears to be new to me. She says that Hugh, John, Elizabeth, Margaret, brothers & sisters of her gf Archibald Carothers came to America with one niece whose name she does not know, from Frimah, Ireland, later living in Pittsburgh, Pa. Elizabeth married John Thompson in Frimah, Ireland. She says her Uncle Hugh Caruthers died in Roseville, Ills & left she thinks

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but raised a girl called Grace, who married a man named Willie or Walter Callender & one time lived in California (in Los Angeles, I think)

Says her Uncle William Carothers, son of Archibald see b 22 p 58 lived in Illinois she thinks in [faded]

Mary daughter of Archibald married J.D. McIntire & lived Pekin, Ills where he was a distiller. Had one daughter who died young & one son W.H. McIntire. He was married twice, had one child by first wife. Child & both wives are dead. He is an attorney. He died in Lincoln, Neb. Make slips. Think he lived in York, Neb also. His mother died young & his father married again.

Grandfather said several cousins in Pittsburgh, Pa, Three of whose names were George, James & Noble Carothers

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There was a Fineis [sic] Caruthers in Portland, Ore when we came in 1853. She - his mother - told my mother she was from Ireland & believe she lived at one time in Penna. She told my mother she married a man named Thomas who went to sea & never returned & she continued to carry her own name of Caruthers. Found later they lived in Penna before coming to Portland Oregon & traced their ancestry back to family who had been poisoned by drinking water from a poisoned well supposed to be poisoned by servants.

Since living in Tacoma Wash have been told of a family wealthy in Ireland named Carothers whose daughter the hostler &

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was disinherited by her family. We have often wondered if that might have been Finis Caruthers mother or if the family in Ireland could have been my great grandfather, Finis's mother was a Catholic convert & the only one we ever knew of the Carothers name who was of Catholic faith. She gives the following names from the telephone book of Tacoma, Wash:

Cevilla 1102 Division St

Howard 208 N. Tacoma Atty Puget Sound Bldg

Gerald Carruthers 4315 N 28th

Mrs Jane 205 N. Tacoma St

Marriages of Irvin & Hilah A. Carothers children

Martha Almina Carothers married Wm J. Plummer Aug 25, 1869 in Oregon City.

Had one child Minnie Myette who lived to be nearly 23 yrs of age. She died Dec 27, 1894

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Wm J. Plummer died Feby 1, 1915

John W. Carothers married Mary F. Clear of New Era, Oregon, Apr 24, 1887. Had 2 children lived to maturity, Chester & Rita both married

John W. died Mch 12, 1927 says she encloses a letter written to my mother years ago by J.N. McClung, my mother's funeral services were preached by Rev Harold Oburg M.E. of Oregon City. This record was written for her by Mrs May Pichenon.

Her father died at Canemah, Clackamas Co, Oregon, was born in Adams Co, O. From the Portland Oregon Tel Directory she sends. Howard E. doctor Res 585 Stanton

H.J. Carruthers res 616 Ladd Av

Harry J. Carruthers res 474 Columbia

Irvin F. Carruthers res 756 Hellsboro

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William F. res 1187 Taggart

Ed res 601 E. 38th St

Elizabeth res 1070 Tilamook St

Hamburg Distillery Establish in 1857 J.D. McIntire distiller, Pekin Ill. Make slip.

She sends addresses below that some unknown persons sent her.

Jesse Carothers, Adema, Ohio

Ben, Hurford, Ohio


Samuel, Cadiz O

The McClung letter is dated West Union, O Apr 5, 1912 & is directed to Mrs H.A. Carothers, Oregon, City Ore & is in reply to her letter to John Clark who she thought was a nephew of her husband Ervin Carothers as Mr Hagerty told her but he says he was a cousin of her husband & not his nephew, John C. Clark who if alive is perhaps somewhere in Iowa, but I hardly believe he is alive. He was a

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son of George Clark & his wife Jane Carothers whose mother's maiden name was Clark. Ervin Carothers was a cousin of mine. My name is J. Wils McClung & my mother's name was Clark & Aunt of your husband Ervin Carothers & his brothers Hugh, William & Mary or Polly McIntire. Julia Carothers never married. Both are dead. John Clark who recd yr letter is 77 yrs old & paralyzed & can't write & I am answering for him. We both live in West Union O. He with his 2 daughters & I am boarding with a family. My wife died a little over a yr ago & his 4 or 5 yrs ago

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Oak Hill Oct 30, 1931 9 AM

continuing with Martha A. Plummer's letters the 4th one dated Sept 25, 1931. Her husband's father was Charles Plummer whose wife was Mary Plummer. Her husband's full name was:

William Jones Plummer was born 40 miles from Montreal, Canada in 1840 & with his father's family went to Mass. He was a Christian in the Episcopal Church. He was a painter by trade. He was a musician in the Regimental Band in the Civil War at 22 yrs of age. They married Aug 25, 1869 & had one child, Minnie Myrtle Plummer born in Seattle, Wash Mch 17, 1872. She was a milliner in Tacoma, Wash. She died in Danemah, Oregon aged 22 yrs 9 mos & 10 days, was never married. Her husband died Jany 1, 1915 at Canemah, Oregon

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aged 74 yrs & 22 days born then Dec 10, 1840. She says that a few days ago a Mrs Vaughn, a handsome woman called on her who was raised in Belfast, Ireland & married there to her first husband whose first husband was a Carothers, Miss Vaughn's first husband's father & mother lived here in Tacoma. Wants me to write to the Carothers firm that is in business in Belfast. Wants a book & asks cost. She says funeral notice of her Uncle Hugh Caruthers says he died of consumption Apr 19, 1892 at 1:40 Am aged 70 yrs 2 mos & 4 days. She thinks it was at Roseville, Ills.

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Her 5th letter dated Sept 27th, 1931 says her gf Archibald Carothers two brothers & two sisters see b 22 p 58 & 59 all married in Co Fermouth, Ireland. I think she means Co Fermanagh. Make slip. She says her Uncle Hugh told of a Noble Carothers living in Vermont, Fulton Co, Ills (I was there in Apr 1924?) & could address:

William Carothers Astoria, Fulton Co, Ills

Leroy Scott Bushnell, Warren Co, Ills

or Mrs Lindsey Bushnell, McDonough Co, Ills

Make 3 slips as I fear these are 40 yrs old addresses.

Uncle John Carothers at one time lived in McDonough Co, Ills. She says Malinda Carothers claimed her husband was a third cousin of her father, Ervin Carothers & that her Uncle Hugh Caruthers said that Noble Carothers, the rich cattle dealer who went to California & was never heard of afterward was his second cousin. She thinks her gf Archibald died on a farm near Peoria when she

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was a babe between Oct 20, 1851 & 1853. The addresses Mrs Vaughn saw was:

Samuel Carothers, Chichester St Belfast, Ireland Livery Stable & auto Garage. Will write him tonight. She sends an old letter dated Roseville, Warren Co, Ills Dec 23, 1890 to her his [sic] niece. He says his father viz: "Archibald Carothers was born in Ireland, Fermanagh Co. He married his first wife Martha Piper there where two children were born. She died directly after they arrived in the U.S. My mother's maiden name was Mary Clark. She was born in Ireland in Co Tyrone. She come to this country when a little child.""

Signed Your Uncle Hugh Caruthers.

Am rtg all of her Carothers & Plummer records & clippings by insured registered mail tomorrow.

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Oak Hill Oct 31, 1931 7:54 AM

I got up at 7:11 Am this morning which is the 34th anniversary of my precious mother, Eliza Thompson's death on Oct 31, 1897 at my

native home Springdale in Menallen Tp, Fayette Co, Pa. She was born Jany 6, 1821 in Sewickly Tp, Westmoreland Co, Pa the daughter of Samuel Caruthers 1779-1849 & his wife Ruth Elliott 1791-1842. I will now go out for my morning walk around & around the terrace.

I have a letter dated June 15, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss K.M. Conlon of 1402 Frick Building with the American Sheet & Tin Plate Co box 62 Pittsburgh, Pa writing for Frank McCune decd saying that no trace had been found of the papers I wished to secure as they apparently were not among Mr McCune's effects. This refers to inner record leaves of the bible

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of ggf Casper Markle & the German papers he told me abt Feby 3, 1931 that he had seen about the house & I could have as he didn't want them & which I divined might be the dolph shine or birth records of his children which his wife Emma got from her mother Sarah Jane Burgett of Burgettstown, Pa about 1898 & who told her to give them to me.

Miss Conlon says that shortly before his death, Mr McCune told her these papers had probably been disposed of as he had not seen them about the house for several years (I think Mrs McCune had them locked up or carefully stowed away). I believe he also had his housekeeper make a thorough search of old trunks etc but nothing was ever found. Knowing the value you place on these old records I am indeed sorry they cannot be located.

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I have a letter dated Oct 8, 1901 from Kathryne Carothers Klepser 406 Washington St, Gary, Ind in answer to mine to her mother, Mrs Belle Carothers of Calif saying that she had sent her records which are quite worn to her & asked her to copy them & send to me which she does covering 3 pages & hopes I can connect their line which they do not have any further back than the Revolution

She says her father, Isaac Thornton Carothers was a large man over six feet tall with red hair & beard & was strong & stern, both morally & physically. His children were all of large build & strong characters. The first of the records is a letter dated Washington D.C. Dec 25, 1921 to Mrs Dwight Dill, Dallas, Texas which speaks of seeing a notice of Capt Carothers in the Indiana Quarterly & as my grandmother Sally Carothers Wells was a cousin or some relation of his, I write to to know what history you have of the Carothers family.

My great grandfather, James Carothers was a soldier in the Revolutionary War & emigrated to Jessamine Co, Ky

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where he died in 1835 (make slip to search for a pension application & his will). My grandfather Jacob Wells settled in Jackson Co, Indian about 1818. Capt Carothers & his brother William Carothers lived with him for awhile. My father, Dr Wells was Asst Surgeon in the 50th Indiana Regiment & Col S.T. Wells my Uncle was Colonel when the war ended. Uncle Thornton was also in the Mexican War. I entered the D.A.R. through James Carothers & Samuel Wells, but I want to trace the family further back if I can. I found a number of Caruthers or Carothers in VA & NC. James Carothers entered from N.C. there was also a Thomas Carothers in same Co, Ky. Was he Capt Carothers father? If he was you are eligible to join the D.A.R. through him.

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If you know anything or if your father does, prior to their emigration to Ky, I would like to hear from you as I am very much interested in genealogy & have a good opportunity at records here but I do not know who James Carothers father was & cannot supply the link between Colonial & Revolutionary times.

They are Scotch-Irish & I think James & Thornton were brothers. Hoping to hear from you, Sincerely, Sara [sic] Carothers Wells 1856 Park Road, Washington D.C.

copied by Kathryne Carothers Klepser

Additional Civil War records details of the Civil War record of Isaac T. Carothers Ex 50 (say class of 1850) whose war record was mentioned in the article "Indiana University in the Civil War" are now available through the kindness of his granddaughter, Mrs Dwight Dill (Betty Carothers Dill) ex `18 (say class of 1918) of Dallas Texas. Make slip

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Mrs Dill gives us the following extract from her grandfather's papers in which he records his services in the Mexican & Civil Wars:

"I enlisted in Co F 2d Reg Indiana Univ, Infantry Volunteers, Henry Price, Captain July 1846 & served in sd Co & Reg one year during the last half of which I was first sergeant or orderly of the company. I was in the battle of Buena Vista & was wounded by gunshot wound on the ankle but did not break any bones & I was sick only one week. I also raised a company in Jackson & Lawrence Counties, Ind in 1861 enlisted in the service of the U.S. in Oct 9, 1861 & was Com. Capt of Co C 55t Reg of Ind Infantry volunteers & served as Commander of said Co in the Civil War during the whole term of our service 3 yrs & nearly 3 mos being discharged Jany 1865 I was in the battle of Munfordsville, Ky

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in 1862, also in the desperate battle at Parkers Cross Roads in West Tenn. On the march with 7th army Corps under Genl Steel from Little Rock Ark to Camden, I was in four fights or battles & last in the battle of Saline River, Ark making seven battles in all".

Copied by Kathryne [sic] Maude Carothers Klepser

Then on last sheet gives:

Isaac Carothers born in Jackson Co, Carothersville, Indiana Sept 23, 1824 died Aug 19, 1904

Elizabeth Hannah East married Isaac Carothers Feby 15, 1848 in Ripley Co. She was born Feby 15, 1829 at Trinity Springs, Ind & died Mch 9, 1891. She reports 7 children & their children but gives no dates, as follows:

1. Mary Carothers married Melvin Dillman. Their children

1. Lizzie Porter

2. Edward Dillman

3. John Dillman

4. Lida Lench

5. Clara Porter

6. Emma Long

V26 Page 541

7. Thornton Dillman

8. Io? Grim

2. George Willis Carothers married Hattie Dean. Their children

1. Lora Blatchley

2. George W. Jr (not married)

3. Frances Carothers married Edward Smith. Their children:

1. Edith Henderson (2 children)

2. Lelia

3. Lyman

4. Homer

5. Eunic? Judah

4. Justian Ann Carothers married Alonzo Morley. Their children

1. Herbert Morley

2. Ethel Sims

3. Amanda McCort

4. George Morley

5. Isaac Thornton Carothers married Belle Smith. Their children:

1. Josephine Elizabeth Dill

2. Charles H. Carothers

3. Kathryne Maude Klepser my informant for this record

V26 Page 542

6. Oliver Morton Carothers married Johanna Evaline Carothers

7. John Caswell Carothers (dead) married Ella Hardwick. Their children:

1. Ott M. Carothers

2. Cecil Sims

3. Blanche Dollems

4. Pauline Carothers

5. John Shelby Carothers

Isaac Carothers Senr above had two brothers, William & James, but I do not know anything of their families.

Copied by Kathryne Carothers Klepser. Make slip to hunt in Jackson Co Indiana for father of Isaac Carothers born there Sept 23, 1824 & had brothers William & James. Look for Carothers wills & deeds to & from

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Oak Hill Nov 1, 1931.

I have a letter dated Oct 11, 1931 in answer to mine of Oct 5/31 from J.F. Carothers of Clarence, Mo who says he is waiting to receive some information I asked for & will send. He gives the address of the Calif man I asked for as Mr E.D. Carothers 1231 Glenwood Road Glendale, Calif. Will write him tonight. He wants to know the relationship of Mary Armstrong wife of Hon John Carothers to John Armstrong 1725-1795 & to John Armstrong 1758-1843, also dates of marriage of Hon John & Mary & their son James & Alice Carothers & list of the latter's children. He is greatly interested in the works. Please remember when I read over my records to notify him the rank of Hon John Carothers in Revolutionary War & under whom he served & also what I can glean of the Armstrong relationship ie if his wife Mary Armstrong related to John Armstrong 1725-95 or John Armstrong 1758-1843 & how, writing him today.

v26 Page 544

Mr & Mrs George Porter Jr of Pgh, Pa announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia Adeline (adopted) to George Nicholas Beckwith Nov 22, 1930 at Phila, Pa. Mailed Oct 19, 1931

Oak Hill Nov 2, 1931 9:30 AM

A letter dated Oct 16/31 from Mrs S.C. Hennys Punxsutawney, Pa says J.B. McKnight's grandmother came from Westnd Co, Pa to Corsica Pa & says J.B. McKnight's hist of Jefferson Co, Pa it gives her complete lineage.

She sends a clipping of David Couper Thompson of Dundee Scotland, the Northcliffe of Scotland who on Sept 29, 1931 was visiting his relatives the Sweatons & Thompsons early settlers of Indiana Co, Pa

around Marchand, Pa.

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They had lost track of each other for 100 yrs & he came to find some of his kinfolks. He is at the head of 16 newspaper & magazines & is the biggest publisher in Scotland & has immense influence in Scotland. This is his 6th visit to America. He visited Hugh Sweaton [might be Smeaton] at Punxsutawney, Pa. Make slip

A letter dated Oct 16, 1931 from Jeannette S. McDonald (wife of J.A.) 40 N. Francis St, Madison Wis on her father's side is descended from Robert Jackson & on her mother's says Samuel Hurford married Margaret Miller Mch 22, 1808 & she was daughter of William Miller who married Rachel Crawford daughter of James Crawford who settled in Luzerne Tp in 1770 & had a ferry near Frederickstown.

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I have a letter dated Oct 17, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs L. Fay Gronleff of 407 Wheeling Ave, Muncie, Ind see page 241 this book where I have noted what she sent of her two husbands (evidently divorced from the first one) & about her brother's wife & daughters. She says the closest living descendant there is: Mrs Fred B. Jones 708 E. Adams St, Muncie, Ind. who is a granddaughter of a Mr Jack who was a pioneer & influential citizen of Muncie, Ind. Am writing her today.

I have a letter dated Oct 14, 1931 in answer to mine from Clarence M. Smith 120 Dakota Ave, Columbus, O. He calls my attention to a list of the children with date of Major Joseph Lewis Finley which he got from two reliable sources & considers to be correct & while since getting his letter I believe I have the same record, I will now table them as he gives them on pages 548-9. He says his sister, Mrs

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Jennie Thompson of West Union, O is also in bad condition with the sight of one eye gone & an oculist in Maysville, Ky pronounces it thickening of the muscles, not cataract & says there is no cure for it & C.M. fears she faces blindness soon. He speaks of a patent Electrical Glass costing $7.50 which he got for his sister, but it did Hot help her any & he took it back but he thought it might help me. he says his namesake, Clarence M. Smith Jr and Miss Mary Theodora Dixon born Feby 6, 1908 daughter of Charles Orlando Dixon & wife Leona Mae Moles were married at Cumberland, Md Sept 1, 1931 by Rev Slanforth M.E. minister. She was a stenographer & he is a Union printer compositor. He is at present manager of the G. Frederick Smith Chemical Co, Columbus, O.

V26 Page 548 & V26 Page 549

[descendant chart]

Major Joseph Lewis Finley's children as sent by C.M. Smith see b 14 p 350-1


Hanna [sic] Finley b May 6, 1783

Juliet Finley b Oct 10, 1784

Michael Lewis Finley b Dec 10, 1785

Elizabeth Darbarah Finley b Nov 17, 1787

Nancy Dean Finley b June 27, 1789

John Blair Finley b Aug 9, 1791

Joseph Lewis Finley Jr b Sept 2, 1793

James Finley b May 21, 1796

Ebenezer Finley b June 7, 1798

Mary Brown Finley b Dec 7, 1800 grandmother of C.M. Smith my informant

Samuel Blair Finley b Jany 13, 1803 ob Aug 6, 1833

Margaret Finley b Apr 2, 1807 ob Oct 11, 1839

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Oak Hill Nov 3, 1931 9:20 AM Election Day

A letter postmarked Sept 19, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Fannie L. Wood 1737 P. St Washington D.C. sends three typewritten pages of Kilgore records in which she says William but I have corrected it changing it to James Kilgore, the emigrant came from Ireland to Penna & had 18 sons & 1 daughter. One son settled in Georgia, one in N.C. & one in S.C. & she has no authentic record of the others. One of them, Benjamin Kilgore was born in Chester Co, Pa in 1742 & died in Alabama (probably) after 1810. His place of residence during the Revolution was S.C. He was taken prisoner while on duty & sent to Charleston S.C. from where he later escaped, made his way home & took command of his regiment as Capt. He settled on lands in S.C. near Endorece River now know as the

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Higgins Place which had been granted by the King of England. He married 1st in 1764 Anna McCreary who died in 1766 scalped by the Indians with her only child James. He married 2d a Miss McDavid. Much of what she sent was recorded in b 21 p 22-4

V26 Page 552 & V26 Page 553

[descendant chart]

Jesse Milton Kilgore see b 21 p 22 born Aug 5, 1858 at Laurens S.C. Married Sept 19, 1880 Mary McInnis Creighton. Both living at Reidville S.C. Have had 10 children born at Simpsonville, S.C.


John Creighton Kilgore b Apr 19, 1883 married May 4, 1907 Reidville, S.C. by Rev C.A.B. Jennings to Helen Gordon of Chatham Va. Have 5 children.

Melville Kilgore b June 7, 1908b married Kathleen Chillridge

Jesse Kilgore

Florence Kilgore

Mayme Barbara Kilgore b Sept 13, 1920

John Kilgore

Annie Lee Kilgore b Sept 22, 1885 married 1 Jany 24, 1907 by Rev T.J. White to John Mark Bennett b Sept 1, 1885 at Reidsville, S.C. ob Oct 1909 at Simpsonville, S.C. 2 children. Married 2 Dec 24, 1928 Wm Clarence Smith b July 21, 1882 son of Franklin Smith & wife Margaret Gates.

Andrew Bennett b Aug 30, 1907 grad fr Wofford Col. Single

John Bennett b May 12, 1909 grad fr Wofford College single

Andrew Montgomery Kilgore b July 17, 1887 married Dec 1921 at Simpsonville, S.C. Sylvia Holland b Nov 29, 1886 Simpsonville. He served in World War in 1918. He lives on land granted to Benj Kilgore by King of England. She daughter of Jno Watson Holland & Harriet Smith

Jessie Agnes Kilgore b Feby 26, 1889 married Dec 29, 1906 Wm Ashmore Bennett b Feby 6, 1882 Reidsville, S.C. son of Aadeson [sic] Preston Bennett & wife Mary Johnson. Have 2 children born Reidsville, S.C.

Mary Montgomery Bennett b Jany 7, 1909 married May 25, 1925 Maj. Henry Grady Corrine b Feby 18, 1900 Duncans S.C.

Nancy Creighton Corner [sic] b Apr 10, 1930 in Charlotte NC

Agnes Kilgore Bennett b Apr 14, 1912

Mary Eunice Kilgore b Aug 2, 1890 married Jany 7, 1913 Agnew Wm Leonard b June 27, 1888 Duncan S.C. son of Wm Francis Leonard & wife Martha Ellen Turbyfield. Had 5 children all born at Switzer, S.C.

Mary Creighton Leonard b Nov 21, 1913

Frances Turbyfield Leonard b Feby 7, 1915

Edna Anderson Leonard b Nov 3, 1917

William Agnew Leonard b June 7, 1921

Martha Kilgore Leonard b Aug 2, 1924

Arnold Sullivan Kilgore b Mch 5, 1892 married Aug 23, 1919 Goldie Love of New York City. He served in World War. She born Apr 1, 1890 Petersburg, NY daughter of Robert Love & wife Martha Smith

Katharine Keziah Kilgore b Sept 13, 1892 married Oct 12, 1922 by Rev Roy Brown to Wm Matthews Melton b Apr 3, 1896 Reidburg, S.C. son of Thomas Henry Melton & wife June Locke

Billy Kilgore b Sept 26, 1926

Frances McInnis Kilgore b July 23, 1895 married July 9, 1921 at Columbia S.C. Wm Edwin McKemy of Dalton Ga b there Mch 23, 1893 son of David Knox McKemy & wife Laura Welles. One child born in Atlanta, Ga

Laura Eugenia McKemy b Oct 12, 1922

Temperance Clara Kilgore b Nov 23, 1897

Jesse Belton Kilgore b Aug 19, 1899 ob Dec 11, 1901 at Greenville, S.C.

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[descendant chart]

Frances Louise Kilgore see b 21 p 22 born July 1, 1869 she my good informant for this record married Dec 27, 1897 John Daniel Wood Sr b Mch 17, 1866 son of O.P. Wood & wife Clarissa Anderson. The live at 1737 P. St Washington D.C. & have 5 children born at Woodruff S.C. all of them. See page 606 for full address.


John Daniel Wood Jr b Sept 20, 1898 enlisted in students army training corp in World War.

Paul Anderson Wood b July 27, 1900 enlisted in Students Army Training Corps in World War

Josiah William Wood b Aug 19, 1902

Clarice Wood b July 23, 1905 married Nov 1, 1927 Harry Creighton League Sr b Aug 26, 1904 son of Thos Crosby League & wife Emma Smith

Harry Creighton League Jr b Feby 5, 1929

Sarah Sullivan Wood b July 16, 1907 stenographer for American Ice Co Wash D.C.

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A letter postmarked Sept 18, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Abner Alexander RFD 1 Box 51 Huntersville NC, his six closely written pages in her own hand & one typewritten page giving Mr Alexander's Barry record which is as follows:

Children of Richard Barry Sr:

Andrew, Richard Jr, Violet, Nellie, Jane, Dovey, Ann & Hugh (8 children)

Andrew married 1 Clarissa Sample. 2. Ruth Byers.

Richard Jr married Margaret McDowell

Violet married Wm Monteith

Nellie married Barney Torrence (no issue)

Jane never married

Dovey married Wm Grier

Hugh never married

Ann never married

1. Andrew had one son & one daughter, William & Elmira

2. Richard Jr & Margt McDowell had 3 daughters:

Eleanor married Batt Erwin

Jane married Wm A. Sample

Ann married David Harry

3. Dovey married William Grier, one son went to Mississippi, William Don't know anything of his descendants. The daughter Mary married Wm Gillespie died without issue

4. Violet married Wm Monteith had 2 sons & 2 daughters. The sons were

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William Lee & Richard Barry Monteith. Neither ever married. Mary died quite young. Jane S. Monteith married Andrew A. Alexander 1813-1877. She born 1809 died 1895. Two daughters Violet J. & Cornelia died young having never married. Their sons Abner, Richard Lee & Charles F.

Abner was born 1847 died 1913 but she writes on the margin that he died 1913 aged "68 years" married Margaret E. Hampton (my informant) born 1849 in 1873. Had 8 children, four boys & four girls. Four died in infancy. Annie May, now Mrs Jo Graham Davidson, Carmen & Cornelia, Leigh Monteith died when 18 yrs old. Wade Hampton Alexander only living son Annie May married Jo Graham Davidson 1905. Has 4 children:

1. John Springs born 1906

2. Elizabeth Hampton born 1912

3. Jo Graham Jr born Nov 21, 1914

4. May born May 5

The above was copied by Mrs Alexander. She says her brother, Thomas Robert Hampton a most lovable man died Apr 19, 1921. My Uncle Thomas A? Wilson first year of the Civil War was 1st Lieut of his Co. Left no issue.

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He adopted me as his child after my father's death. Referring to Marshall Ney, a [unreadable word] she loves to dwell on she recommends a book in Davidson College Library by Rev J.A. Weston, entitled Historic doubt of the Execution of Marshal Ney & further says the Seniors of the college publish a magazine every year & refers me to the issue of Apr 1909 which was dedicated to Marshall Ney, also speaks of Apr 1902 issue. She says Davidson College appointed a com. to select a seal for they college & they went 8 miles to the springs to see Ney who was then there & he drew them a design to copy of which she sends me drawn by her granddaughter, Elizabeth Davidson. She says the upper of the three vignettes of him was drawn by Ney himself. An artist showed him bald so as to show the sabre cut on the left side of his head.

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I had two Uncles & an Aunt Martha Hampton who were pupils of Ney when he taught at Catarole Springs. Another Aunt, Sarah Hampton, sister of my father looked after grounds & dining room at the springs. She married John Stire Walt a pupil by Ney. How they loved & respected him. They have a son & daughter living at Davidson. None have old register. Make slips. If she can get me a copy of the magazine, she will. I know personally many of his old students, but all have now passed away. Ney was an artist & a poet too.

Lots of his poems were written in albums of his intimate friends. In looking over the old Register, I found this in my own handwriting: "P.S. Ney, an atom floating on the atmosphere of change" recall my other [sic]. His third son Eugene was sent to U. States by his mother in 1821. Ney met him in Baltimore, Md. He picked out for him a medical career & put him in school in Phila, Pa where he studied at Jefferson Medical college and under Dr James Rush. He met his father often,

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the last time in at Statesville when they went to a hay stack & talked all night & he gave Eugene $1000 the last remembrance he gave him. This son was settled in Indiana & lived to be over 100 years. Ney had bought land there, near Santillo, can be verified by records there. Don't find any Santillo, but find Saltillo in Washington Co, Ind 162 inhabitants. Make slip.

Ney was in the Peninsular War. Won the battle. In this history of the Peninsular War was Ney's picture just like this one sketched as he looked in 1826 which I send you. There he longed to go back to France. His beloved wife & children when he read of Napoleon's death, then fainted & felt like he was shot. After this, he burned a lot of his papers. He remarked

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to Col Ridgear, a dear friend where he was boarding "Oh Col, with the death of Napoleon, my last hope is gone". He said he could not go back without Wellington's consent. How strange when Wellington planned his execution. He often told his intimates (both my Uncles were friends) when he was lead out to be shot, he was told his life would be saved. they had given him a sack filled with a fluid that looked like blood & when they gave the word to fire, he clapped his hand over his left breast & the fluid spurted all over him. He met many of his old soldiers & officers that had been exiled as refugees to N.C. - some of the ones that were commanded to shoot him & that had helped to disguise him & put him on the boat & sent him to the N.C. In his last sickness, he would exclaim: "Oh, I can't stand it any longer, I must go back to France & my beloved family". Dr Locke, a noted physician attended & was a close friend of Ney's

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told in the presence of several near friends of his, You can't get well & while your mind is so clear & you are perfectly at yourself, won't you tell us who you really (though not one of them present had any doubt but wanted to hear it from his own lips) are. Then he raised up on his elbows & said: "I am Marshall Ney of France" He wrote while teaching in NC a history of his life & mentioned it to a number of confidential friends. It will put the world right so that my life could no longer be a mystery. He willed & bequeathed to Mr L.Q.C. Butter?. He is the only one that can translate it. It is in my desk there. Ney died in 1846 & Mr Butter (not Butler) did not hear of his death for some time. When he did come, it was gone. Mr Pliny Miles of historical Society of New York had taken it away under the pretense of having it translated & promised to return it

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but never did & nothing has been heard of it.

Mr Crosby found where Miles lived but no manuscript found. Rev James H. Weston found that Miles took the manuscript to Europe, but nothing further was found. Mr Miles before his death, Hon David L. Swain Ex Pres of the University of N.C. that he had some manuscript which once belonged to Ney & he was convinced that P.S. Ney was indeed Marshall Ney. Miles died on the Island of Malta in 1865. Marshall Ney & Wellington once the most exalted Masons in Europe. I could write & write but I have so little strength will have to close. Hoping you can read what I have written & hopes she can send me the magazine &I can get Rev Weston's book. signed Margaret E. Alexander

"Historic Doubts as to the Execution of Marshall Ney by Rev James A. Weston of Raleigh N.C." is the title of the book. Make slip to get it.

V26 Page 563

The fact that Ney was the designer of our seal that Davidson College is in the center of the district in which he taught & only a few miles from where he died, that many of the best & most substantial citizens of this & adjoining counties were his pupils & were influenced? by his doctrine? for truth, uprightness & authority is in itself is conclusive to command the respect & confidence not only of Davidson College but all North Carolina. Rev W.A. Wood D.D. of Statesville NC says of him: "His influence for good in the community can hardly be overestimated. It is felt to this day & will continue to be felt by succeeding generations you that knew him. Kept an oath that he was the real Marshall Ney & you will believe it when you read Weston's books. He did more for France than anyone else. His Motto: over

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"Everything for France & her soldiers. Nothing for myself". He had fought five hundred battles for France & not one against her. to be shot as a deserter to his country ever? was shot. Weston's Book can be had at the library at Davidson College NC.

These seven pages written by her own hand by my 82 year old distant Jack cousin convinces me without reading Weston's book that the real Marshall Ney was a resident of NC & the information that he & Wellington were the two most exalted Masons of Europe gives the reason why he was not shot.

I will leave the next page on which to trace the three vignettes of Ney & the College seal if I can get Miss Chester to come here to trace. "The Bravest of the Brave".

V26 Page 565 [blank]

V26 Page 566

Oak Hill Nov 5, 1931 7:42 AM

I have a letter dated Oct 26, 1931 from Hannah E. Lawther who had seen Mrs W.S. Van Dyke & her daughter Mrs Mildred Clark whose husband died in Germany last May. She is now living at 937 Sheridan Ave with her parents. She has a little boy 4 or 5 yrs old. Her husband was sick 3 or 4 days only. They had been living in London for several years & had been in Germany but a few months. Her father has had a nervous breakdown.

John Will Moore, now living out Morgantown Road near Sycamoretree for 34 yrs owner & resident on Uncle Samuel Robinson farm, Nicholson Tp was here this morning with Chas A. Hunt asking advice about 200 A he owned in the 6000 A Loucks field near Claysville, Pa. He said he was born Nov 25, 1850.

V26 Page 567

I have a letter dated Sept 29, 1931 in answer to mine of Sept 7, 1931 from George E. Brown director of Compensation, Washington D.C. of Veterans Admr saying Major Clement Finley Flagler died May 7, 1922 at Baltimore, Md. In writing refer to M.C.C. & B'd Clement A.F. Flagler No C.O. 631 of 42.

A letter dated Nov 2, 1931 from Miss Mary Belle Hunter, Woodbourne, NY saying that if I still wanted information about their family for my history of the Jack family to let her know & she will send it & was sorry she was unable to send before. She wants complete data for her records. Am writing her today to send hers [unreadable word]

V26 Page 568

Oak Hill Nov 6, 1931 9:33 AM

A letter dated Sept 26, 1931 in answer to mine of Aug 5, from Miss Elizabeth Carothers 1070 Tilamook St, Portland Oregon voices her Aunt Mary's approval of my traits. Aunt Hattie Shrom was named for Harriet Wilson who married a Shrom

Aunt Mary remembers hearing the Nailors spoken of as mentioned in Robert Caruthers will. Jimmy Carothers born 1785 was tall & slender & had blue eyes. Thomas Carothers born 1772 had a son Dr John Carothers married Emily _____. We don't know anything further about the daughters of Dr John. Mrs Kate Eskridge, sister was the Mary Jane who died at 14 years.

Jane Carothers married James Bell. Aunt Mary says Dr James Bell married Amanda Dickinson & Kate Eskridge lived with them.

A nephew of Amanda

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Dickinson married Kate Carothers, daughter of John Henderson Carothers.

Dr John took Henry Carothers west with him. henry was his nephew, but don't remember whose son he was. I think that John Carothers born 1770 married Sarah Hoge

Asks for date of death of John Henderson Carothers. Aunt Mary don't know of the daughters of Shff John Carothers (M.D.) Betty, Mary & Emily, nor does she know anything more about the Nailors.

Refers to my book 25 p 134. My two aunts keep well. Aunt Carrie is 78 yrs old & was a small child when her parents crossed the plains. She is a widow & lives with her daughter as Aunt Mary does.

V26 Page 570

Bertha A. Jack 376 E. 25th St, North

Clifford C. Jack Multnomah, Ore

David M. Jack 1416 E 34th St

E.E. Jack 3804 63 S.E.

Mrs J.A. Jack 749 E. Ankeny St

Alvin E. Finley 1035 E 13th St North

J.P. Finley 1080 E. Burnside

Joseph A. Finley 401 E 37th St

George Carruthers 801 E. Flanders St

William Carruthers 1187 Taggart St

Frank E. Carruthers 1806 Brainard St

Ed Carothers 601 E 38th ST

Harry J. Carruthers 474 Columbia ST

The other names I asked for are not in the Portland directory. She gives the following data: Says parents of Lelia Swegle are George Swegle & Virginia McAllister. Hunt her up book 25 p 132 440 etc. Make slip to search Dr Egle's notes & queries for Matthew Louden's marriage, children & Revolutionary War service for Elizabeth Carothers 1070 Tillamook St, Portland, Oregon.

Make slip when in Cincin, O to call & see Miss Olga Gregg lingerie salesman for a Dept store. Lives 3222 Burnett Ave see b 25 p 25 granddaughter of Maj Jans Thompson 1875-1931

V26 Page 571

Oak Hill Nov 7, 1931 9:05 Am

A letter dated or rather postmarked Oct 6, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs George P. McCeeney 402 Main St, Laurel Md, says that several months illness of her husband who is now recovering had delayed her answering & she refers to my b 25 p 89-99 & concerning the generations preceding (for which I asked) of Col Robert Finley they are:

7. James Finley b 1641 married Jane

6. James Finley b 1614 married Martha

5. James Finley b Oct 25, 1583 married Mary

4. James Finley b Sept 15, 1530 married Elizabeth Warrender

3. Andrew Finley married Jonet Hays 1508

2. John Finley married Jonet Rogers 1463

1. John Finley from Rethgk, [sic] Forfarshire, Scotland 1437

V26 Page 572

She reports the three James of 5, 6th & 7th generations above as from Dundee, Scotland. See my Anjou Finley history for connection with 4t James. She gives old tombstones Broughty Churchyard Dundee:

James Finley d.t.l. Oct 11, 1672 aged 58 yrs 2 mos

Martha, his wife d.t.l. May 21, 1679 aged 61 yrs 1 mo (this is 6th James above & wife)

Also tombstones Barnhill burying grounds Dundee Scot. Says will be glad to give additional information in her possession & gives her husband's birth which I recorded in b 25 p 97 signed Margaret S. McCeney & says below:

Mr John Finley, Glascow (Glasgow, no doubt) Scotland who is descended from the Finleys of Dundee furnished the Scotland record. Writing him today.

V26 Page 573

Waiting for Pallini in front of the skyscraper about 1:20 PM, Ollie Rutter aged 61 yrs whose daughter Isabella Rutter took one of my tests at the hospital last week, brother of Frank Rutter, stopped & spoke to me & on questioning him I learned that his father George W. Rutter head of Rutters Band was son of old John Rutter who for many years was weighmaster at this town's weigh scales & who I knew & he was brother of George W. Rutter the grocer who lived to be 96 yrs old & married Mary Beesom daughter of Henry Beesom & he had 3 sons George B., Hanson & Skiles, the last two twins & my college mates at Old Madison in 1865. Ollie said George W., grocer & his brother John came here from Balto Md & he thought their father was Hanson Rutter

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He said the Rutters were Holland Dutch & were early owners of much of the land that the city of Baltimore, Md now covers & that years ago lawyers were wont to come here to see them about titles. While talking to him Samuel Wesley Means born Mch 8, 1843 at Fairchance, Pa in an old stone house, partly still standing on the mountain side road, a picture of which recently taken he showed me. He is 88 but don't look to be 70 & lives near Percy, Pa in North Union Tp of which he used to be tax collector & to whom I often paid taxes

Frank E. Merts here one evening this week said that Fred G. Schroyer drew $200,000 from Natl Bk of Fay Co on Saturday forenoon Oct 10, 1931 which was confirmed this afternoon by Kit Blackshere here from 3 to 4:40 PM & she further said that her nephew, Edgar Blackshere,

V26 Page 575

son of her brother Frank Blackshere had worked for the Gulf Oil Co for some years & she said they had over two hundred thousand dollars in the Natl Bk of Fay Co which had been accumulating for over two years & they had never drawn a ck against it, but withdrew it all at the same time just before the bank closed. Kit thought Fred G. Schroyer had locked his money up in a safe deposit box & said Carmichaels was agitating getting a water works building a reservoir on one of the hills near & that Fred G. Schroyer was considering furnishing $160,000 to them to build it with. He is the man Chas H. Gorley & Frank E. Merts is talking of borrowing that amt on State Thea [sic] & I must phone them & tell them.

V26 Page 576

Oak Hill Nov 8, 1931 9:17 AM

In my wakeful moments last night, I recalled that I had omitted yesterday to record a few things of importance that I learned. First on asking S.W. Means who his parents were, he said his father was John R. Means related to the Means families of Connellsville & Pittsburgh, Pa & his mother was an Eicher of the Connellsville Pa Eicher family & he was her 12th & youngest child & the only survivor.

Second. Kit Blackshere said that "Herb" Johnston (H.A. Johnston, the Masontown, Pa undertaker - who I think once told me he was of our Huntingdon Co, Pa Carothers family) who is skilled in getting the news told her he had gotten from one of the higher H.C. Frick Coke Co officials that about 2 mos or six weeks ago they had bought for $65,000 the LeRoy Hotel, Masontown, Pa & intended to move their offices from Scottdale Pa to Masontown, Pa

V26 Page 577

& were going to open their Greene Co, Pa coal on her Aunt Sue B. Gray (Isaac Minor Gray) farm in Monongahela Tp at the mouth of Big Whiteley Creek & were going to bring it across under the Monongahela River to the Fayette Co side they having bought the Mt Sterling plant opposite. She said J. Bayard Pollock told her of a Pittsburgh party wanting to buy 1000 A of coal lands on the PRR. She said her relative, Frank Blackshere of Mannington WVA afflicted with diabetes had experienced wonderful benefits - but was too late in finding it out - from the mineral waters of Berkeley Springs near Martinsburg, WVA. Make slip to go there & when there go to records at Martinsburg & hunt up records of our Jacks there & William Boyd who married Ann Jack born Oct 1757

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posthumous daughter of John Jack killed by Indians in Apr 1757 when his father Jeremiah Jack was captured by the Indians & didn't get back for 8 or 9 years. Also John's daughter Catherine Jack married a Rose & went to Greene Co, Pa. Ask E.D. Patterson where his grandfather Eli Rose's people came from. Also John's son Jeremiah Jack who went to Tenn & lived to be about 90 yrs old & was reported to have had ten sons & some of whose descendants I found in June 1925 at Knoxville, Tenn.

Kit said the waters from Webster Springs though bottled & sold were not as beneficial to Frank Blackshere as were those at Berkeley Springs. She says her Uncle "Tip" (S.T. Gray) was practically starved into weakness & death by Dr Geo W. Neff not giving him enough to eat. She said the doctors her nephew

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Warren G. Blackshere at Pgh, Pa said baked potato would not hurt him & didn't produce sugar in his urine as he proved by numerous tests, but in baking them be sure to pierce them a time or two with a steel tined fork when about 2/3 done to let the gas out. She also found all apples & particularly rambos beneficial & good. Also the fat meat of ham & pork. The Frick people made overtures to buy the Leroy about a year ago & W.L. Graham asked them $130,000 & they now buy it for half that. She told of hearing a Mellon story in which Hoover entered the Heavenly Gates & ST Peter said "take a seat here on the right". Andy Mellon entering, St Peter said: "get up Lord & Let Mellon take that seat".

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I have a letter dated Oct 27, 1931 in answer to mine of Oct 23, 1931 from Albert Wycoff of Keithsburg, Illinois who says he is glad I mentioned Elisha Peairs 1725-1816 as a Revolutionary War soldier as his daughters & other relatives tried to join the D.A.R. through the Wycoffs but did not succeed. He says he never heard of Adam H. Wycoff. Says the dates I gave of his grandfather & grandmother agree with what he has. Says his grandfather Wycoff was in the War of 1812. See page 236 this book.

Nov 9, 1931 9:30 AM

continuing 90 yr old Albert Wycoff's ten page letter well & plainly written in his own hand. His father & mother both dying in 1890 are buried in Greenmount Cemetery Keithsburg, Ills

His grandfather John Wycoff & his grandmother Susanna Peairs Wycoff are both buried in Pres g.y. at Norwich, Muskingum Co, O where many more of the relatives are buried see pages 236-7. The Jays were from near Norwich, O.

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His grandfather, his father & himself all lived on farms. He did not know the Ohio Peairs but heard much about them from his father who visited them when a young man. I did not know my great grandfather Wycoff but have heard much about him from my father who visited his grandparents in Pa in his teens. He & his sister Catherine LeFevre Wycoff went there on horseback to visit the Penna relatives.

The Peairs & relatives who lived in Keokuk, Iowa & on 5 farms near Warsaw, Ills down the river from Keithsburg, Ills, I knew all of them 70 yrs ago (make slips) more or less when we visited back & forth, but it has been more than 60 yrs ago since my wife & I was down there. It was the women who were principally relatives. The husbands names were Isaac Bliss, McGuire, Barcus & Fullons

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& Jo Peairs who lived in the Nauvoo, Mormon country. My grandmother's sister, Aunt Nancy Peairs who married a Fulton. I think lived & died down there. She visited us here, was older than grandmother & lived to be 93 yrs old. I have my grandfather's bible & will proceed to give some dates recorded therein, a number of which you already have.

I hear the relatives near Warsaw, Ills have either died or moved away. None are there now.

He gives date of birth of his great grandfather, Joseph Peairs as Apr 12th, 1760. I have it Apr 10, 1760 see page 96-7 where I have the dates of birth as he gives them & also as noted there where I changed Elizabeth's from June to Jany & I find he missed getting Nancy's date. While not required in our line, I am taking the record he gives of the children of his great grandparents.

1. Elizabeth Wycoff born May 20, 1789

2. Sarah Wycoff born Mch 6, 1791

3. John (his gf) Wycoff born Mch 5, 1793

4. Isaac Wycoff born Nov 11, 1795

5. James Mc Wycoff born Mch 4, 1798

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6 & 7 Elija & Lewis b Aug 19, 1799 twins. Lydia Wycoff b May 7, 1801

He also gave dates of birth of the nine children of his grandparents which I entered in table on pages 236-7 & says he was born near fort Wayne, Ind. He also says he knows who his Uncle & 7 Aunts married & the names of their many children but have forgotten much.

My Aunt Katharine was a very knowing woman & after my father's death, she told me much & I wrote down what she told me in the old bible. I would write what she told me of marriages & deaths but that will require another letter & perhaps would not interest you. Am writing him today for them.

There is a Peairs book I have requested? it but sent it back. Also a Wycoff book by Wm Wycoff of Brookland NY (or NJ) offered to pay all charges but no book. Farmers are busy husking corn now. Mississippi River here really not navigable. Levied & drained. Kindest regards Albert [unreadable]

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Oak Hill Nov 10, 1931 9 AM

I have a letter from Mrs Sara Carothers Wells of 1856 Park Road, Washington D.C. dated Nov 6, 1931 in answer to mine in which she thinks her ancestor James Carothers was a Virginian but enlisted in the Revolutionary War in May 1776 from NC & he & Thos Carothers also in war with him both having gone to Jessamine Co, Ky applied from there in 1818 for a pension in which they said they were born in 1753. She has never been able to connect with any other Carothers. James Carothers married Mary Smith & she died in 1800. They had a daughter Sarah born in 1788. Joseph married Mary Hedges & died in 1837. Nancy Carothers married

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Ezekiel Proctor in 1801 & Jasper [sic]

Sallie Carothers married Jacob Wells in 1818 & went to Indiana where she died Mch 14, 1873. She had 3 boys & 3 little girls all married & had families. Will send names if you want them. James Carothers died July 11, 1835 in Jessamine Co, Ky. Will be very glad for any information. James Carothers appointed Hugh Carothers Attorney to look after his Rev money etc in Orange Co, Va where [sic] he was in Ky Mch 25, 1799.

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I have a letter dated Oct 6, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Fannie Searcy Price 334 Woodland Ave, Lexington Ky says sorry can't give information but says for me to write Jim Jardon 132 Ransom Ave, Lexington Ky or Roy Carruthers (0 Phoenix Hotel. They might possibly give me some help. She has been trying to trace her lineage back to the Revolutionary War to become a D.A.R. but so far has been unsuccessful, but will be glad if I can help & will be glad to pay. My mother is Ella Carruthers Searcy, daughter of Wm Carruthers who came from England.

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4 PM

Mrs Robert William [sic] (he died a few months ago) has just left with a Mrs Coleman who she calls her adopted daughter - a dressmaker who sews for Isa F. Byers - She says she Anna M. Sauter's note for $1500 who she says tells her she had money coming from me. Says she gave her a note or mtge which she thought was for $500 & it turns out to be $1500 & is held by a Mr Brasier who has a garage off Fayette St. She says Mrs Sauter has not been at her house since Mr Williams died which I think was last July. She said her maiden name was Hawthorne & they came to this county in 1870 from Lanarkshire

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Scotland, their home being at Hamilton, near the Duke of Hamilton's fine place abt 3/4th of an hour by RR from Glasgow. When I told her I had written a few days ago to John Finley of Glasgow, she said she knew Finleys in Scotland, also said she had been to Dundee in the Highlands, which was not far from there [sic] home.

Elva D. Patterson here at abt 3 PM for half an hour said he had heard his grandfather Eli Rose - who died abt 15 yrs ago aged 81 yrs - speak of Catherine Jack & Tickitus Rose about whom I spoke to him a few years ago. He says when a boy, there was an old lady about his grandfather's who he though was his unmarried sister & he said the family burying ground was

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up on the hill to the right of the road going west abt a mile up Bit Whiteley beyond Newtown on the dividing line between the Hudson. Rose & Eli Rose farms. Asking him how Hudson got his name, he said his gf Eli Rose named him for Henry Hudson the Navigator another son for Sebastian Cabot & another of Napoleon Bonaparte. His mother, a daughter is 78 yrs old he said, but neither she or N.B. would know anything abt the Rose genealogy. He & Hudson don't talk, but he thought Hudson living at the old home above Newtown might have the old Rose Family bible. He didn't know where they came from but sd they settled near Clarksville & he will enquire of the Roses there. Look for graves there. Make slip [word cut off]

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I have a letter dated yesterday, Nov 9, 1931 in answer to mine from Clarence M. Smith, 120 Dakota Ave, Columbus, O in which he says he knows nothing of the descendants of John Blair Finley, the son of Major Joseph Lewis Finley who went across the river to Ky.

He says he has just returned from West Union, O where he say his sister, Mrs Jennie Thompson whose general health is good, but he fears she faces several years of blindness. Says she will be 80 yrs old next January born then in Jany 1852.

He spoke of being the day before at the old stone Pres Ch at West Union, O built in 1810 by a Mr Metcalfe who also built the old stone court house there since replaced & who afterwards became Governor of Ky & was nicknamed "Stonehammer [two unreadable words] from having been a [unreadable last line]

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Oak Hill Nov 11, 1931 9 AM

I have a letter dated Oct 18, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Catharine L. Eskridge aged 85 past of Leavenworth Kansas. About her Aunt's two daughters she says: the last she heard of them.

1. Annie, Mrs Dr Hays Bellefonte, Pa

Louise, Mrs Farwell Freeport, Ills

She was a music teacher & her husband a wholesale merchant in Freeport, Ills. Make slips. This was away back in the early 80s. There is another daughter named Jane Robbins Aurand unmarried lived with her sister in Illinois.

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Now Dr John Carothers had three daughters viz:

Betty, Mary Ann & Emma. The oldest, Betty, married a man named Thompson in Shelbyville, Mo. They went away moved where to I don't know, it was around prior to the Civil War. The mother & two other daughters went to Ft Snelling, Minn.

The Dr sister Nancy Carothers married a Professor Armstrong of Revolutionary parentage. They had two boys, James & William Civil War soldiers. Believe that I can get all data of Dr John Carothers by getting in touch with those Carothers near Shelbyville, Mo the county seat. He was a highly respected in the Community in which he lived & a practicing physician there with a good practice. He was practicing also in 1834 in Carlisle, Pa. He left there in early day

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crossed the sea on a pirate ship, was gone three years. I don't know his age, was a double cousin of my father & had a sister Nancy Carothers. He could not have been old enough to have been in the War of 1812. In the early fifties, his children were small, when he had only three small children. My father often spoke of Betty, the doctor's oldest daughter as being the exact likeness of his father.

Mary Ann & Emma the younger girls were all the children he had & left with the mother located at Ft Snelling, Minn & not heard from after. I was only 9 yrs old when mother died. Will buy your book when completed.

V26 Page 594

A letter dated Oct 18, 1931 in answer to mine, from Mrs Mary Biddle Ponting of 2535 College Ave, Berkeley, Calif just read to me by Mrs Pallini enclosed a newspaper clipping - for me to keep - dated Sept 17, which refers to old Ironsides - Constitution, the ship of her grandfather Com Jesse Duncan Elliott who brought on it two huge stone cannon balls which for years have been at the entrance of the Naval Asylum or Station on Grays Ferry Road, Phila, they having been gotten in 1838 by Com Elliott on the Asiatic side of the Hellspont & brought there by him & which Rear Admiral Greaves retired, speaks of letters on them an inch high & which Naval Expert Ordnance officer Aiken Simon identifies as having been fired from the Basilesk in the middle of the fifteenth century. She was expecting E.H. Bell Oct 27th

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Oak Hill Nov 12, 1931 9:09 AM

I have a letter dated Oct 30, 1931 in answer to mine of Aug 5, 1931 to her mother, Mrs Thomas W. Mossman who she says died 7 yrs ago & which she has just recd from Miss Lucy F. Mossman 624 Elgin Ave, Forest Park, Illinois who is very much interested in the Carruthers history & will do all she can to keep, but much regrets that their records of the family are so meagre. See pages 85 bottom & 86 [unreadable word or words] where we see that this family that a Mrs Van Dyke & that of Sara Carothers Wells of Wash D.C. are all same time & perhaps that of Fannie Searcy Price of Lexington, Ky which note if Jim Jardon of Lexington, Ky to whom I wrote a day or two ago if he answers. She says her mother, Mrs Thos W. Mossman who I addressed at Lafontaine, Indiana passed away 7 yrs ago say 1926 following that of her two sisters & also says her grandmother Mary Ann Carothers Hackney died before she was born.

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Mrs D.L. Van Dyke page 85 calls her Mary Frances, but I would say Mary Ann was correct. Am writing Miss Mossman today for record of her children & descendants. She thinks that members of the family in Ky will have fuller records of the family. They are of the Jessamine Co, Ky line. She thinks are [sic] family is connected as she heard many times when a child from her Aunt that they were Scotch & went over to the North of Ireland.

She says Mary Ann Carruthers her grandmother born in Kentucky in 1830 died in 1882 though her parents were settlers there who had come from an eastern state married William Collins Hackney. They lived there several years & 3 children was born to them there & later they moved to Wabash Co, Indiana where my mother was born in 1862. Of my grandmother's family, I know very little, but I knew her brother Samuel Carruthers, my great Uncle who died in 1916 at the age of 87 yrs. He was a bachelor.

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I have heard my mother speak of Aunt Polly Carruthers, but as she died when mother was a little girl, I don't know how she was related, whether a sister of Mary Ann Hackney & Samuel Carruthers or of their parents.

I do know however, that Mary Ann Hackney & Samuel Carruthers had a brother (his name was William see pages 85 & 86) who had a son Hugh Carruthers who lived at Lawrenceburg, Ky.

Mrs Sallie Brown Walters widow for 2 yrs of Ephraim T. Walters & daughter of Capt Abraham Brown born Aug 3, 1856 was here today from 1:20 to 3:10 PM. She says her father told her he relied more on my advice than any lawyer's. She says she hold my note for $33,000 but has as high regard for me as of yore. Her daughter,Jane (or Jennie) married Lewis G. Gl[cut off] now decd & has 3 sons & 2 daughters. Arranged to go out with her & get their record [cut off]

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Oak Hill Nov 14, 1931 5:17 PM

I went yesterday morning at 9 AM to mfr Bldg Duquesne Way, Pgh room 609 & saw J.E. Dermitt of Dermitt Printing Co & he said I paid $135 in Dec 1926 or Jany 1927 for these six books Nos 21-26 inclusive & that seven books now Nos 27-32 & No O or zero at that rate wd cost $157.50 & he wd make a 15% reduction & a further 10% reduction for cash or $120.50 for the seven equal to $17.21 apiece if I would advance him $50 with which to buy the paper which I am going to try to do.

Asking John F. Hudson who as a boy lived at Newton, Greene Co, Pa with his grandfather John Hudson there, who was Eli Rose's father he said his name was Jacob Rose & he had 3 sons & 2 daughters viz: Eli, Lot & Perry & that one daughter married a man named Main. He is going there next Tuesday & will go see Hudson Rose, son of Eli, who moved from the old Rose home to the Abe Gump house half a mile above

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& see if he has the old Rose family bible with record & will let me know. Make slip. At 3 PM, I went to B.F. Jones Law Bldg 10th floor & saw David Mathews & had a very satisfactory talk with him & told him of C.M. Schwab's effort to buy J&L & of Moreland's recommending the sale to which all agreed except that G.M. Laughlin Jr with the Co since he got through college 1897 & of his talk with A.W. Mellon who wanted to control it & he sd A.W. wd want the U.S. Steel to get it, who he said had in 1919 offered $175,000,000 for it & in 1922 offered $205,000,000. He said Mellon was a large stockholder but not a controlling factor as the Jones & Laughlin families owned more than half the stock & that B.F. Jones III & W.L. Jones Jr were not practical in the [word cut off] business.

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I talked up the 44,000 A of Washington Co coal to him & he said that if a sale was worked out, he was sure this coal would be put in & said he would see M.C. Anghoch tomorrow & have a full talk with him. He told me of W.R. Smith's perfidy & drunken talk with him & I told him of his deception with R.J. Dodds. I went last night at 7:30 PM to Duquesne Club & attended a called meeting of the Board of Trustees of Washington & Jefferson College in rooms G & H? 3d floor & heard the report of Marcus C? Acheson, Rev Dr Calvin C. Hays born in 1861 at Middle Springs Cumb Co, Pa son of Rev Isaac N. Hays, brother of Rev Dr Geo P. Hays, who graduated from W&J in 1881 & Lee D? Hemingway, the three attending members of the committee appointed to recommend a President & they & the two absent members of the Com, Dr John A. Matthews of NY & Dr Sloan of Cleveland with one mind all joined in recommending Rev Dr Ralph C. Hutchison Presbyterian,

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a native of Colorado 62 yrs old, son of Joseph Hutchison M.D. of Lancaster Co, Pa who went to Denver, Col & both he & his wife were killed in an auto accident when their son Ralph C. was 14 yrs old. He was adopted & raised by his Uncle Judge Hutchison, Kansas who sent him to Lafayette College from which he graduated in 1918. He was sent to Teheran, Persia as Dean of the American College there & his wife who was Harriet S. Thompson of Portland, Oregon, got the Oriental dysentery & could not continue to live there. After the committee & that many more had talked over two hours, I moved that "We elect Dr Ralph C. Hutchison Pres of Washington & Jefferson College at a salary of $10,000 a year" which being seconded was carried without a dissenting voice about 10 PM. I, the oldest trustee endower of the President's chair & for over 42 yrs made this motion on the 80th anniversary of my dear brother Will's birth. I then walked up to PRR Sta & at 10:55 PM Rose, my wife to come in for me & stayed there overnight

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Oak Hill Nov 16, 1931 9:30 AM

I have a letter dated Oct 27, 191 in answer to mine from Mary Lewis Allman Sellers of West Point, Miss. She says that since hearing from me, she has obtained much information about her grandfather. The foregoing was in answer to a letter I wrote Oct 5, 1931 replying to a letter postmarked Sept 28, 1931 from Mrs E.B. Miller, Regent [best guess] of D.A.R. chapter West Point Miss who referred to the valued inf I had given Mrs Dalton of that place & asking my help for the wife of a Campbellite Christian minister there who had appealed to her for help to join the D.A.R. & she asks me to help her. Her sister Eliza Allman born 1893 married B.P. Turley see page 604 where I tabled their line.

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Oak Hill Nov 18, 1931 9;44 AM

I have a letter postmarked Oct 30, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Shep Randle Ledbetter E. Westbrook, West Point, Miss who says she has recd much on the Jack line from John T. Neilson of Peoria, Illinois. She reports large yields but low prices. She wonders where she was when I visited her grandmother that she did not see me & thinks she must have been at college. Refers to my remarkable memory for names & dates & says when my book is published, she wants to buy one for her baby. She sends me a questionnaire. She asks what I can tell her of her gf Dr James Cunningham & whether he had a brother David who lived in Indiana & whether their father was Michael Cunningham from Donegal, Ireland see p 606.

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[descendant chart]

Col Patrick Jack b June 4, 1730 in Ardstraw, Ireland & died Jany 25, 1821 aged 91 & is buried in Falling Spring Pres Ch G.y. Chambersburg, Pa see Anjou Histories p 2000 & page 139 & 140. Married Martha Finley


John Finley Jack b 1766? ob June 22, 1829 aged abt [blotted]3. Married Elizabeth Cocke b May 1792 ob June 30, 1866 aged 74. They were buried at Tate Springs, Tenn. He was a judge. Judge John Finley Jack went from Pa to Tate Springs Tenn near Bean Sta.

John Finley Jack Jr ob married Isabella Bell in 1852. Grad 1842 fr University of NC Lawyer. Went to Columbus, Miss moved to wife's plantation near West Point, Miss

Henry Jack ob in Texas aged 23 yrs

Isabella Jack ob buried at West Point, Miss

Robert Jack ob buried at West Point, Miss

Laura Jack b July 7, 1864 living at West Point, Miss

Mary Ann Jack b Oct 4, 1865 ob June 3, 1927 buried at West Point married 1892 John Lewis Allman at West Point, Miss & had 2 children

Eliza Allman b 1893

Mary Lewis Allman b 1898 married Rev Luther E. Sellers

John Finley Jack now living at 1903 Manila Ave, Memphis, Tenn

Francis Jack ob, died in infancy

Pinckney Jack [son of John Finley b 1766?] to Russellville, Ala b 27 p 502

Harriet Rebecca Jack ob married Thos A. Garrett

Mary Jack ob married McFarland

Patrick Jack ob when a child

Martha Mariah Jack ob married Dr Rhoton

Sarah Ann Jack b Mch 10, 1825 ob married Dr Michael Carriger b June 11, 1844 ob 1902. Their granddaughter, Miss Sarah Carriger lives at Morristown, Tenn, Hamblen Co writing her today see b 27 p 286.

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From page 603 back

Also from where Nancy McCoy came & where her son Thomas Jack died & where his children were born. Make slip to look that up & notify her when Virginia comes & reads this over. It is in books 2 & 3. She gives Nancy McCoy's birth as 1765 & her death 1858. Am tabling the information she sent on pages 462-3. Remarkable that three different lines of our Jacks are now at West Point, Miss.

Oak Hill Nov 20, 1931 10;17 AM

I have a letter dated Nov 17, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Frances K. Wood. The Stuart Apt 302 at 1737 P St N.W. Washington D.C. sending records for this book pages 552-4 John Mark Bennett p 552 as son of Anderson Preston Bennett & wife Mary Johnson. Says has recd a letter from B.W. Kilgore editor of Progressive Farmer Raleigh, NC. He will send copy as soon as her daughter types it. She is stenog. for the American Ice Co here. Have written for dates of her sister's children & am hoping to soon receive [unreadable] Mrs Marie Bankliad [best guess] Owen, Montgomery Ala. She is to send me what she has traced of their branch. Have some line of Florda [sic] Kilgore from a Mr Turner & will send you later.


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