Inclusion Resources at Your Fingertips

Inclusion Resources at Your Fingertips

|Camille Catlett |Dayana Garcia |

| |Head Start Knowledge and Information Management Services |

|FPG Child Development Institute | |

| |(703) 973-7971 dayanag@ |

|(919) 966-6635 | |

Resources and Position Statements from National Organizations


Division for Early Childhood (DEC) / National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

• DEC-NAEYC Definition and Position Statement on Early Childhood Inclusion


• DEC Early Childhood Special Education/Early Intervention (birth to age 8) Professional Standards with CEC Common Core (October 2008)


• NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs (Position Statement Approved by the NAEYC Governing Board July 2009

• Early Childhood Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation

• Promoting Positive Outcomes for Children with Disabilities: Recommendations for Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation

Resources from National Projects and Centers

Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL)

Funded to promote the use of evidence-based early literacy learning practices to support the learning of young children, birth to five, who have or are at risk for disabilities and delays.

Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Funded to develop strategies to help Head Start programs build a strong mental health foundation for their children, families and staff.

The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)

Extensive, user-friendly training materials, videos, and print resources are available at the Center’s website to help early care, health, and education providers implement the Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children.

CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge

Web-based, instructional resources for faculty and other professional development providers to support the use of evidence-based practices in work with young children (0-5) and their families.

Head Start Center for Inclusion

Information, professional development, materials, and other resources

IRIS Center Resources (modules, case studies)

National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (products, wikis, blogs, discussions)

See handout on inclusion position statement.

SpecialQuest Birth-Five

Special Quest Multimedia Training Library: Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI)

Articles, brochures, booklets, podcasts, policy briefs, research syntheses, and roadmaps

General Resources

Darragh, J.C. (2010). Introduction to early childhood education: Equity and inclusion. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J.O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Epstein, A.S. (2007). The intentional teacher: Choosing the best strategies for young children’s learning. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

McWilliam, R.A., & Casey, A.M. (2008). Engagement of every child in the preschool classroom. Baltimore: Paul Brookes.

Winton, P.J., McCollum, J.A., & Catlett, C. (2008). Practical approaches to early childhood professional development: Evidence, strategies, and resources. Washington, DC: Zero to Three Press.

Teaching Cases

Brown, C.R., & Marchant, C. (2002). Play in practice: Case studies in young children’s play. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

Case Method of Instruction Outreach Project

Clearinghouse for Special Education Teaching Cases

McWilliam, P.J. (2000). Lives in progress: Case stories in early intervention. Baltimore: Paul Brookes.



What is the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC)?


Let’s visit the ECLKC to show you how you can find some Inclusion Resources…


|Promoting Child Development and Learning |

| |Blose, D. & Smith, L. (1995). Thrifty nifty stuff for little kids: Developmental play using home resources. Austin, TX: PRO-ED, Inc. |

|Print |Gould, P., & Sullivan, J. (1999). The inclusive early childhood classroom: Easy ways to adapt learning centers for all children. |

| |Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House. |

| |Hall, N. (1999). Creative resources for the anti-bias classroom. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers. |

| |Hemmeter, M.L., & Fox, L. (2008). Supporting teachers in promoting children’s social competence and addressing challenging behavior. In |

| |Winton, J.A. McCollum, & C. Catlett (Eds.), Practical approaches to early childhood professional development: Evidence, strategies, and |

| |resources (pp. 119-141). Washington, DC: Zero to Three. |

| |Morris, L.R. & Schulz, L. (1989). Creative play activities for children with disabilities. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books. |

| |Pierce, P., Abraham, L., Rosenkoetter, S., Knapp-Philo, J., & Summer, G. (2008). Literacy development. In Winton, J.A. McCollum, & C. |

| |Catlett (Eds.), Practical approaches to early childhood professional development: Evidence, strategies, and resources (pp. 187-206). |

| |Washington, DC: Zero to Three. |

| |Stott, F., & McCollum, J.A. (2008). Healthy emotional beginnings: Teaching about early relationships. In Winton, J.A. McCollum, & C. |

| |Catlett (Eds.), Practical approaches to early childhood professional development: Evidence, strategies, and resources (pp. 99-118). |

| |Washington, DC: Zero to Three. |

| |Weitzman, E., & Greenberg, J. (2002). Learning language and loving it: A guide to promoting children's social and language development in |

| |early childhood settings (2nd ed.) Toronto, Canada: The Hanen Centre. |

| |AGH Associates. (1994). It’s really no different: Conversations with caregivers. Hampton, NH: Author. |

|A/V |Davis, K. (2006). A girl like me. |

| |Greenberg, J. (2002). Learning language and loving it: The teaching tape and user’s guide. Toronto, Canada: The Hanen Centre. |

| |National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). (2000). Child care and children with special needs. Washington, DC: |

| |NAEYC. |

| |NAEYC. (1998). Developing the young bilingual learner. Washington, DC: Author. |

| |Portage Project. (1995). To have a friend. Portage, WI: Author. |

| |Strong, B.E., & Tweedy, J. (2005). Song of our children. Boulder, CO: Landlocked Films. |

| |Making Friends: Assisting Children’s Early Relationships |

|Web | |

| |McCollum, J. Influencing the development of young children with disabilities: Current themes in early intervention. Child and Adolescent |

| |Mental Health, 7(1), 4-9. |

| | |

| |Play and friendship for children with disabilities |

| | |

|Building Family and Community Relationships |

| |Berubé, M. (1996). Life as we know it: A father, a family, and an exceptional child. New York: Pantheon. |

|Print |Fadiman, A. (1997). The spirit catches you and you fall down: A Hmong child, her American doctors and the collision of two cultures. New York: |

| |Noonday Press. |

| |Hanson, M.J., & Lynch, E.W. (2004). Understanding families: Approaches to diversity, disability, and risk. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes. |

| |Horn, E., Ostrosky, M. M., & Jones, H. (2004). Family-based practices (Young Exceptional Children Monograph Series No. 5). Missoula, MT: DEC. |

| |Lesser, L.K., Burt, T., & Gelnaw, A. (2005). Making room in the circle: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families in early childhood |

| |settings. San Rafael, CA: Parent Services Project. |

| |Lynch, E.W., & Hanson, M.J. (2004). Developing cross-cultural competence: A guide for working with children and their families. Baltimore: Paul |

| |Brookes. |

| |Chasnoff, D. (Director), & Cohen, H.S. (Executive Producer). (2000). That’s a family! San Francisco: Women's Educational Media. |

|A/V |Chen, D. & Brekken, L. (1996). Culturally responsive and family-focused training (CRAFT). Baltimore: Paul Brookes. |

| |Chen, D., Chan, S. & Brekken, L. (2000). Conversations for three: Communicating through interpreters. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. |

| |Early Connections for Infants, Toddlers and Families, Colorado Department of Education. (1998). One of the family. Denver: Western Media Products. |

| |Edelman, L. (2001). Just being kids: Supports & services for infants and toddlers and their families in everyday routines, activities & places. |

| |Denver: Western Media Products. |

| |Beach Center on Disability |

|Web |Child and Family Web Guide |

| |Families as Primary Partners in their Child's Development & School Readiness |

| | |

| |Family-Centered Practice and Practice Models |

| |Family Centered Services: Guiding Principles and Practices for Delivery of Family Centered Services |

| | |

| |Fathers Network |

| |Federation for Children with Special Needs |

| |Guiding Practitioners toward Valuing and Implementing Family-centered Practices |

| |Kids Together, Inc. |

| |National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities |

| |National Parent Network on Disabilities |

| |Our–Kids: Devoted to Raising Special Kids with Special Needs |

| |The Parent Side |

| |Partnerships for Preschool Inclusion: Self-evaluation Tool |

| | |

| |SpecialLink: The National Centre for Child Care Inclusion |

| | |

|Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families |

| | |

|Print |Cook, R.J. (2004). Embedding assessment of young children Into routines of inclusive settings: A systematic planning approach. Young Exceptional |

| |Children, 7(3), 2-11 |

| |Losardo, A., & Notari-Syverson, A. (2001). Alternative approaches to assessing young children. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. |

| |Notari-Syverson, A., & Losardo, A. (2008). Assessment for learning: Teaching about alternative assessment approaches. In Winton, J.A. McCollum, &|

| |C. Catlett (Eds.), Practical approaches to early childhood professional development: Evidence, strategies, and resources (pp. 161-186). |

| |Washington, DC: Zero to Three. |

| |Ostrosky, M.M. & Horn, E. (eds.) (2002). Assessment: Gathering meaningful information. Monograph Series No. 4. Denver, CO: Sopris West. |

| |Stayton, V.D., & Miller, P.S. (2008). Typical and atypical development. In P. J. Winton, J.A. McCollum, & C. Catlett (Eds.), Practical approaches|

| |to early childhood professional development: Evidence, strategies, and resources (pp. 143-160). Washington, DC: Zero to Three. |

| | |

|A/V |Downloadable Video Series on Early Childhood Assessment |

| | |

| |Drake, A., & Kubetz, D. (2003). The world of children: Developing child observation skills. Glen Ellyn, IL: Office of Instructional Design, |

| |College of DuPage. |

| |National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). (2003). Portraits of the children: Culturally competent assessment. Bethesda, MD: Author. |

| |Pathways Awareness Foundation. (1993). Is my baby ok? Chicago, IL: Author. |

| |The SPECTRUM Project and Project ACT of the University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing. (1999). A three-way |

| |conversation. Denver, CO: Western Media Products. |

| |Asking the right questions in the right ways: Strategies for ethnographic interviewing |

|Web | |

| |Assessing young children’s progress appropriately |

| |Authentic assessment toolbox |

| | |

| |Developmental Screening and Assessment Instruments with an Emphasis on Social and Emotional Development for Young Children Ages Birth Through |

| |Five |

| | |

| |Early identification of culturally and linguistically diverse children (aged 0-5) |

| |Evaluation and assessment in early childhood special education: Children who are culturally and linguistically diverse |

| | |

| |Links to online resources on screening, evaluation, and assessment, including resources for early identification of specific disabilities |

| | |

| |Technical assistance document for nondiscriminatory assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse preschool students |

| | |

|Teaching and Learning |

| |Gould, P., & Sullivan, J. (1999). The inclusive early childhood classroom: Easy ways to adapt learning centers for all children. Beltsville, MD: |

|Print |Gryphon House. |

| |Kemple, K. M. (2004). Let’s be friends: Peer competence and social inclusion in early childhood programs. New York: Teachers College Press. |

| |Milbourne, S.A., & Campbell, P.H. (2007). CARA’s kit: Creating adaptations for routines and activities. Missoula, MT: DEC. |

| | |

| |Sandall, S.R., & Schwartz, I.S. (2008). Building blocks for teaching preschoolers with special needs. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. |

| |Freeman, T., Hutter-Pishgahi, L., & Traub, E. (2004). Welcoming all children: Creating inclusive child care. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Institute on |

|A/V |Disability and Community. |

| |Green, T. (2006). I’m Tyler. Waterloo, IA: Ability Awareness. |

| |Greenberg, J. (2002). Learning language and loving it: The teaching tape and user’s guide. Toronto, Canada: The Hanen Centre. |

| |Habib, D. (2007). Including Samuel. Concord, NH: Author. |

| | (additional resources) |

| |Project INTEGRATE. (n.d.). Integrating therapies into classroom routines.. Order from Robin McWilliam robin.mcwilliam@ |

| |National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). (2000). Child care and children with special needs. Washington, DC: NAEYC. |

| |Orlena Hawks Puckett Institute. (2002). Possibilities: A mother’s story. Morganton, NC: Winterberry Press. |

| |Accommodating all children in the early childhood classroom |

|Web | |

| |Adapting literacy learning practices for young children with disabilities |

| | |

| |An administrator’s guide to preschool inclusion |

| | |

| |Art and games: Sensational activities for children with disabilities |

| |

| |earchType_0=no&accno=ED437750 |

| |Art activities for children with disabilities |

| |Building Inclusive Child Care: Universal Design for Learning |

| | |

| |Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning |

| |Circle of Inclusion |

| |Early Childhood Research Institute on Inclusion |

| |Family Guided Approaches to Early-Intervention Training and Services (FACETS) |

| | |

| | |

| |How can art activities be structured for students with disabilities? |

| | |

| |Inclusion in Least Restrictive Environments |

| |Inclusion Matters podcast series |

| |Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI) |

| | |

| |A Thinking Guide to Inclusive Childcare |

| |Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior |

| | |

|Becoming a Professional |

| | |

|Print |Hanft, B.E., Rush, D.D., & Shelden, M.L. (2004). Coaching families and colleagues in early childhood. Baltimore: Brookes. |

| |Hayden, P., Frederick, L., & Smith, B.J. (2003). A roadmap for facilitating collaborative teams. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. |

| |Kostelnik, M.J., Onaga, E., Rohde, B., & Whiren, A. (2002). Children with special needs: Lessons for early childhood professionals. New York: |

| |Teachers College Press. |

| |Plous, S. (Ed.) Understanding prejudice and discrimination. New York: McGraw-Hill. |

| |Tertell, E.A., Klein, S.M., & Jewett, J.L. (Eds.) (1998). When teachers reflect: Journeys toward effective, inclusive practice. Washington, DC: |

| |NAEYC. |

| | |

|A/V |ABC News. (1991). True colors. Buffalo Grove, IL: corVISION Media, Inc. |

| |Candid Camera, Inc. (2003). The green kid. Monterrey, CA: Author. |

| |Fialka, M., & Fialka, J. (2006). Through the same door: Inclusion includes college. Huntington Woods, MI: Dance of Partnership. |

| | |

| |Habib, D. (2007). Including Samuel. Concord, NH: Author. |

| |Olson, J. (1994). Navigating new pathways: Obstacles to collaboration. Moscow, ID: Idaho Center on Developmental Disabilities, University of Idaho. |

| |PBS Video. (1997). A class divided. Alexandria, VA: Author. |

| | |

|Web |The power of words: Examining the language of ethnic, gender and sexual orientation |

| | |

| |Teaching for change |

| |Teaching tolerance |

| |Understanding prejudice |


Sedlack, J. (2009, Summer/Fall). How inclusion is benefitting one child without disabilities: Dillon’s story. Impact, 22(1), 12.


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