Denver Public Schools

March 11, 2003

Superintendent’s Office

This is a note about where the 2003–2004 budget process currently stands. I know there are rumors in schools and departments as district staff begins to discuss how to develop a balanced spending plan for next school year. The Board of Education by state law must approve a budget by June 30. Based on current projections, we are faced with a serious fiscal challenge. However, I know that we can work together to develop a sensible approach that will maintain our positive momentum.

Last week, the Board of Education approved $11.6 million in reductions (about two percent of the general fund) from the current school year budget. Although the state legislature is still in session, we believe the current budget year, with the changes approved last week, is now set.

For the 2003–2004 school year, the problem is worse than the one we just resolved. Cuts could total up to $30 million—another six percent or so of our spending. But the revenue picture from the state is not yet clear. This is a key point—our difficulties here are the result of the weakened economy and a drop in overall state revenues. Our budget issues are not in any way related to the issues that have dominated news coverage about nearby school districts.

State lawmakers and the governor are wrestling with a budget crisis that is much worse, as a percentage of the total, than what K–12 public schools appear to be facing. Still, there are weeks of work left on the state budget. The legislature will adjourn May 7, but it’s possible the budget picture may not be fully resolved even then and a special session might be needed.

In the meantime, we are beginning to work with what we know. We will begin with a review of budgets in central administration. Department heads already have been asked to forward proposals for reductions that would give us the savings to cover somewhere between one-quarter to one-third of the $30 million total. Further reduction ideas will be developed in collaboration with the Board of Education. There are some very creative ideas being developed and studied.

I am keenly aware that timing of this process is important—that staff members impacted by changes have a right to know as soon as possible so they can consider applying for vacancies as they are posted. This is true for schools, employees who have been deployed to our area offices, and departments. Working with the Board of Education, district staff will forward these decisions to you as soon as possible. We are very sensitive to this issue.

Our goal is for your planning work to be built firmly on what is known. At this point, however, we are still uncertain about next year’s full budget picture. As it comes into more clear focus, we will keep you posted. The next step is that you will see preliminary enrollment projections on April 11, and we are planning on issuing the Resource Allocation Methodology (RAM) on May 5. As information comes forward that will help you plan for next year, we will provide that through communications here in the Tuesday Telegram or through the Budget Office. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding during these difficult budget times for our nation, state, and school district.

Research, Planning, and Special Programs

and Curriculum and Instruction

Attached is a schedule of sessions that will be held on April 18th. Please encourage your teachers and staff to attend the sessions organized for them. If there is a conflict (i.e., your media specialist is also your building’s gifted and talented program facilitator), building principals can assist in making decisions about priorities.

Please note that only one session (First Aid Training) begins before 12:30 p.m. so faculties can meet in the morning. Lunch will not be provided at any session.

If you have any questions about specific sessions, please call the individuals listed.

Other questions may be addressed to Wayne Eckerling, Assistant Superintendent of Research, Planning, and Special Programs, at 303-764-3802, and Rosanne Fulton, Executive Director, Curriculum and Instruction, at 303-764-3505.

Curriculum and Instruction

• Please pass out this reminder to all your art teachers reminding them about the Congressional Art Exhibit, sponsored by Representative Diana DeGette’s office.

• This flyer about the Middle and High School End-of-Year Art Exhibit should be distributes to all art teachers in your building.

• Richard T. Castro Commemorative Exhibit and Educational Program

The Alma Project and the Social Studies Department is working in conjunction with the Friends of Richard T. Castro to launch an exhibit of the late Richard T. Castro’s ongoing work and research regarding Hispanic state legislators from 1876 to present. The Alma Project has produced an engaging high school unit of study to go along with the exhibit. Organizers are also asking for student volunteers to give guided tours. Click for the flier and the tour registration form to learn more.

Facility Management

Please read and share the following memo and table with your facility manager regarding the realignment of area supervisors.

Human Resources

Update on DAEOP Job Classification Study

In 2000, the DAEOP and the district signed a Memo of Understanding (MOU) to commence a job classification study for all DAEOP positions. The study has been delayed until the beginning of 2004 due to limited resource availability. The DAEOP and the district have tentatively identified an outside resource available to complete the study at no or minimal cost to the DAEOP and the district.

During salary and benefit negotiations this spring, the DAEOP and the district will review the MOU to ensure that it meets current expectations. Progress towards this study will be communicated to DAEOP members and employees in this bargaining unit, and to administrators, managers and supervisors, as it becomes available.

Educational Outreach Program

Lions and tigers and bears and pedometers!

There’s No Place Like Home—a 5K run, walk, and dance to benefit the DPS Educational Outreach Program—is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Saturday, April 13, in City Park. The first 24 schools to register a team will receive 50 free pedometers for their physical education department, and all participating schools will qualify for a chance to win $1,000 worth of physical education equipment. Schools that register at least 50 runners or walkers will get free bus transportation to the event. Registrations forms are available in school physical education departments. Contact Kim Vela at 303-405-8227 for more information.

Community Relations

CDM Gathering III


Plans are falling into place for the CDM Gathering III to be held at:

Marriott Southeast

6363 East Hampden Avenue (Hampden & I-25)

on Saturday, April 12th

8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. 

A breakfast buffet will be served

The keynote speaker will be Garland Yates of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. 

Mr. Yates is well informed on community organizing, parental involvement and funding public education.  Our workshops will address many of the present needs of our school district:


A.    Budget Training - Ms. Velma Rose

B.    Personnel Sub-Committee Training - Human Resources

C.    No Child Left Behind -

        Flora Camejos-Lenhard, State of Colorado Department of Education

        Ricardo Garcia, Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition

D.    Parents: Recruitment and Retention - Led by Community Relations and featuring active parents throughout the district


One of the highlights of our past CDM Gatherings has been the fellowship and the relationship-building which is very real when people gather who are committed to the needs of young people. 


Registration forms will soon be in your schools, or you may fill out a registration form online and e-mail it to Ginny Tice.


Public Information

Marketing Kits Coming Soon

“There are so many good things going on at our school…if only people knew about them.” We’re here to help. Coming soon is a school marketing resource kit that will offer tips on identifying what’s right about your school and getting those messages to key audiences. If you’re looking for further detail about marketing your school (i.e., a step-by-step “how to” for developing a marketing plan from scratch or a sample plan from which to work) links to additional resources will also be included in the kit.

School Marketing

Tip of the week: Public opinion comes to life when reality and perception mix. Facts can easily get tossed aside, overrun by rumors and bad data. That’s why, no matter how great your school is, it pays to stay plugged into what people are really saying about it. Consider:

• Tracking questions phoned into your school. Look for trends. Ask staff to alert you to common questions they hear in the school and community.

• Try holding occasional focus groups. Ask several parents, for example, to arrive before a planned a meeting and pick their brains about a topic or two.

• Publish frequently asked questions and answers in your newsletter and on your Web site.





High School Teachers

The Congressional Art Competition

Delivery March 3, 2003

4:00–5:30 p.m.

No Exceptions

Art Institute of Colorado, 1200 Lincoln Street

Instructions Artwork must be ready to hang.

Hang Show March 4

Art Exhibit March 5–20

Reception with March 17

Representative 5:30–7:30 p.m.

Diana DeGette

Pick Up Artwork March 21

4:00–6:30 p.m.

Art Institute of Colorado

Contact Person Maruca G. Salazar

DPS Visual Arts Coordinator





To: Principals/Site-Based Managers

Through: Mike Langley, Executive Director, Facility Management

From: Morgan R. Deane Jr., Director, Operations and Maintenance

Date: March 6, 2003

Subject: Partial Realignment of Area Supervisor Responsibilities

Pursuant to recent staff changes and the addition of newly constructed schools, we have re-evaluated the assignment of responsibilities for our five (5) Area Supervisors. As in previous years, to maximize effectiveness and ensure equity, we have tried to maintain a balance in the scope of responsibility in each of the four geographic areas. As always, we will continue to strive to maintain direct interface with each principal and site-based manager and facility manager within each facility.

New responsibilities were effective March 6, 2003. Each Area Supervisor will visit their newly assigned schools within a couple of weeks after the implementation date.

Please call Rusty Deane at 303-575-4137 if you have question or comments.

Attachment: School Assignment Chart/Map

CC: Carla Santorno Joe Sandoval Irene Jordan Melanie Haas

Richard Allen Ricardo Concha Nancy Sutton Beth Biggs

Dave Debus Richard Smith Velma Rose Guy Champlin

Donna Wittrock Ed Ray Ray Warren Stephen Finley

Richard Cosgrove Mike Wonsik Shop Foreman Area Supervisors

Andy Raicevich Crew Chiefs



|Visual Arts |K-12 teachers |“Arts Assessment” |Museum of Contemporary Art | |

|Maruca Salazar | | |1275 19th Street | |

|maruca_salazar@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-764-3752 | | | | |

|Physical Education |K-12 teachers |“CPR Training” |Manual High School | |

|Eric Larson | | |1700 E. 28th Avenue | |

|eric_larson@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-764-3814 | | | | |

|Physical Education |K-12 teachers |“First Aid Training” |Manual High School | |

|Eric Larson | | |1700 E. 28th Avenue | |

|eric_larson@ | | |8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. | |

|303-764-3814 | | | | |

|Physical Education |K-12 teachers |“USTA Tennis” |Manual High School | |

|Eric Larson | | |1700 E. 28th Avenue | |

|eric_larson@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-764-3814 | | | | |

|Foreign Language |Foreign language teachers |“Bring Verbs to Life: |George Washington High School | |

|Samba N’Diaye | |A Workshop for Foreign Language Teachers” |655 S. Monaco Street | |

|samba_ndiaye@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-764-3295 | | | | |

|Science |Middle and high school science teachers |“Science English Language Strategies” |Place Middle School | |

|Estevan Duran | | |7125 Cherry Creek Dr. N | |

|estevan_duran@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-764-3395 | | | | |

|Music |K-12 teachers |“Handbells in the Classroom” |North High School | |

|Stephen Gonzales | | |2960 N. Speer Boulevard | |

|stephen_gonzales@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-405-8177 | | | | |

|Film and Media: Media Arts |Middle and high school teachers |“Future Curriculum” |Career Education Center | |

|Daniel Salazar | | |2650 Eliot Street | |

|razalas7@ | | |1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. | |

|303-405-8175 | | | | |

|Performing Arts |K-12 teachers |“Writing Standards” |Manual High School Auditorium | |

|George Stevenson | | |1700 E. 28th Avenue | |

|george_stevenson@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-764-3885 | | | | |

|Early Childhood Education |Kindergarten teachers, paraprofessionals, |Various Workshops |Temple Emanuel |Continuous school year calendar kindergarten |

|Mary Ann Bash |and primary literacy coaches in Continuous | |1st and Grape |personnel only |

|maryann_bash@ |Year Calendar Schools | |12:30 to 3:30 p.m. |TO BE HELD APRIL 7 |

|303-764-3631 | | | | |

|Early Childhood Education |Kindergarten teachers, paraprofessionals, |Various Workshops |Auraria Campus |Traditional school year calendar kindergarten |

|Mary Ann Bash |and primary literacy coaches in Traditional| |North Classroom Building |personnel only |

|maryann_bash@ |Calendar Schools | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-764-3631 | | | | |

|Math |Middle school mathematics teachers |“Middle School Math Initiative” |Site to be announced by email |Due to budget restrictions, all April sessions for|

|Debbie Hearty | | |12:30 to 3:30 p.m. |middle school math teachers with the Connected |

|deborah_hearty@ | | | |Math Program have been moved to the afternoon of |

|303-764-3523 | | |PLEASE NOTE DATE AND TIME CHANGE |the district Professional Development Day on April|

|Jim Loats | | | |18 from 12:30 to 3:30. Each grade level will meet |

|jim_loats@ | | | |at a different site. Emails will be sent with |

|303-764-3275 | | | |location details or call the Mathline for details |

| | | | |(303-764-3833). |

|Literacy |Studio Course coaches and secondary |“Year-End Reading Investigation: Literacy |Sessions held at individual school sites | |

|Secondary Literacy Team |literacy teachers |Groups” | | |

|Roger Chow 303-764-3510 | | |12:30 to 3:30 p.m. | |

|roger_chow@ | |“Year-End Writing Investigation: Revision | | |

|Theress Pidick 303-764-3510 | |Revisited” | | |

|theress_pidick@ | | | | |

|Elma Ruiz 303-764-3510 | | | | |

|elma_ruiz@ | | | | |

|Social Studies |Middle and high school social studies |“What is GIS?” |Site to be announced | |

|Gilberto Munoz |teachers | |1:00 to 3:00 p.m. | |

|gilberto_munoz @ | | | | |

|303-764-3632 | | | | |

|Library Instruction and Technology |K-12 Librarians and Library Technicians |“Literacy and Technology Strategies for |Merrill Middle School |Sign up for classes via email or fax to ERS |

|Jody Gehrig | |Librarians” |15551 S. Munroe St. |Helpdesk before April 11. Those who do not sign up|

|jody_gehrig@ | |A variety of workshop sessions will be |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. |will be assigned to a class. |

|303-405-8101 | |offered | | |

|Gifted and Talented |Gifted and talented AND special education |“Strategies for Serving Students Who Are |Merrill Middle School lunchroom |Register through the IRC |

|Sue Muller |teachers |Twice Exceptional” |1551 S. Munroe St. |303-405-8114 |

|sue_muller@ | |A format for dialogue between special |12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. | |

|303-405-6692 | |educators and gifted and talented teachers | | |

|Special Education |All Service Providers (special educators, |“Boardmaker/Visual Strategies” |Fox Street Center |Register through the IRC |

|Sue Muller |paraeducators, specialists) and regular |To introduce participants to Boardmaker |1330 Fox St., 2nd Fl. Conf. Rm. |303-405-8114 |

|sue_muller@ |educators working with students with |software and its use for students needing |12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. | |

|303-405-6692 |cognitive, physical, or autism spectrum |visual prompts | | |

| |disorders | | | |

|Special Education |Anyone wishing to know how to effectively |“Transitioning Students with Assistive |Fox Street Center |Register through the IRC |

|Sue Muller |transition students from one setting to |Technology Needs” |1330 Fox St., 2nd Fl. Conf. Rm. |303-405-8114 |

|sue_muller@ |another and how to document services on |To provide information to facilitate |2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-405-6692 |IEPs |transition to 03-04 school year for | | |

| | |students who use assistive technology. | | |

|Special Education |Special education AND gifted and talented |“Strategies for Serving Students Who Are |Merrill Middle School lunchroom |Register through the IRC |

|Sue Muller |teachers |Twice Exceptional” |1551 S. Munroe St. |303-405-8114 |

|sue_muller@ | |A format for dialogue between special |12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. | |

|303-405-6692 | |educators and gifted and talented teachers | | |

|Special Education |Middle and High School special |“Transition Tool Kit” |West High School Presentation Room |Register through the IRC |

|Sue Muller |educators/WES coordinators |Overview of the Transition Tool Kit and how|951 Elati Street |303-405-8114 |

|sue_muller@ | |to use materials |2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. |Participants will receive free Transition Tool Kit|

|303-405-6692 | | | |including materials and CD-ROM |

|Special Education |Special educators and paraeducators who |“Poo and You” |Fox Street Center |Register through the IRC |

|Sue Muller |work with students needing toilet training |To take the guesswork out of toilet |1330 Fox St., 3rd Fl. Conf. Rm. |303-405-8114 |

|sue_muller@ | |training for students with challenging |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. |ALSO BEING PRESENTED ON APRIL 7. |

|303-405-6692 | |behaviors | | |

|Career and Technology Education |All high school Career and Technology |CTE Department Chair Meeting |Career Education Center |Bring appropriate resources to complete your work |

|Karen Ellis |Education teachers | |2650 Eliot Street | |

|karen_ellis@ | | |Room 219 | |

|303-575-4868 | | |12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. | |

|Career and Technology Education |All high school Career and Technology |Choice of ONE Session | |Bring appropriate resources to complete your work |

|Karen Ellis |Education teachers | | | |

|karen_ellis@ | |CTE teachers work on Program Renewal/New |Career Education Center | |

|303-575-4868 | |Program On-Line |2650 Eliot Street, Room 205 | |

| | | |1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

| | |CTE teachers work on Pre/Post Course | | |

| | |Assessments |Career Education Center | |

| | | |2650 Eliot Street, Room 121 | |

| | |CTE/IT teachers work on Safety Handbook |1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Career Education Center | |

| | | |2650 Eliot Street, Room 219 | |

| | | |1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|Career and Technology Education |All middle school Career and Technology |Choice of ONE Session | |Bring appropriate resources to complete your work |

|Karen Ellis |Education teachers | | | |

|karen_ellis@ | |CTE Business/Technology |Career Education Center | |

|303-575-4868 | |Teachers not attending “Typing Time |2650 Eliot Street, Room 220 | |

| | |Software Training for 6th Grade Students” |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

| | |on 2/27/03 need to attend this session | | |

| | | | | |

| | |CTE CFS teachers develop a CTE middle | | |

| | |school promotional brochure | | |

| | | |Career Education Center | |

| | |CTE/IT teachers work on Safety Handbook |2650 Eliot Street, Room 215 | |

| | | |1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Career Education Center | |

| | | |2650 Eliot Street, Room 219 | |

| | | |1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|Military Science |All JROTC staff |JROTC Staff Meeting |East High School | |

|Col. Perry Roberts | |including overview of DPSRS and PERA |1545 Detroit Street | |

|perry_Roberts@ | | |12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | |

|303-394-8411 | | | | |



Middle and High School End-of-Year Art Exhibit


• Artwork must be ready to exhibit at the time of delivery.

• On delivery day, plan to wait some time while work is checked in.

• Read all information carefully.

• Provide legible information on your forms. We will use the information to create labels. Check for spelling and correctness.

• Large heavy projects may be submitted; however, show entries will be determined by size and available space.


Delivery Middle School Only!

Tuesday, April 1, 2003, 3:00–6:30 p.m.

Denver Public Library

10 West 14th Avenue, Fifth Floor, Gates Room

(enter through Broadway side)

High School Only!

Wednesday, April 2, 2003, 3:00–5:00 p.m.

(same location as above)

Note: No entries will be accepted before 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 1, 2003, or

after 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 2, 2003.

Jury Thursday, April 3, 2003, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Pick Up Unaccepted Work Friday, April 4, 2003, 3:00–5:00 p.m.

(same location as above)

Note: This is the only time that someone will be there to return unaccepted artwork. At this time,

you will find out which students’ artwork is in the show and pick up parents’ invitations and show posters.

Exhibition Friday, April 11–Friday, April 25, 2003

Denver Public Library

10 West 14th Avenue, First Floor, Main Hallway

Reception Tuesday, April 15, 2003, 5:00–7:30 p.m.

Denver Public Library

10 West 14th Avenue, Basement Conference Room

Awards Presentation Tuesday, April 15, 2003, 6:00 p.m.

(same location as above)

Pick Up Entries Wednesday, April 30, 2003, 1:00–5:30 p.m.

Denver Public Library

10 West 14th Avenue, First Floor, Children’s Library




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