Dr. Derek Kirkham

Congressman Douglas L. Lamborn [R-Colorado, 5th District]

Dr. Kirkham practices in his district

|[pic] |Cannon House Office Building, 437, Washington, DC 20515-0605 |

| |Tel: (202) 225-4422 |

| |Fax: (202) 226-2638 |

| |Internet: |

Began Service: 2007

Date of Birth: May 24, 1954

Education: Kansas 1978 BS, 1985 JD

Home City: Colorado Springs

Religion: Christian

Career: State Representative (R-CO, District 20), Colorado House of Representatives (1995-1998); Member, Finance, Senate Standing Committees, Colorado General Assembly; Majority Caucus Chair, Colorado Senate; Member, Education Committee, Senate Standing Committees, Colorado General Assembly; Member, State Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, Senate Standing Committees, Colorado General Assembly; Member, Appropriations Committee, Senate Standing Committees, Colorado General Assembly; State Senator Doug Lamborn (R-CO, District 9), Colorado Senate

Committee Assignments

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Armed Services |Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations |

| |Subcommittee on Readiness |

| |Subcommittee on Strategic Forces |

|Committee on Natural Resources |Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, Ranking Member |

| |Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife |

|Committee on Veterans’ Affairs |Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, Ranking Member |

Scheduler: Legislative Assistant/Scheduler Abby Gunderson

Legislative Responsibilities: Small Business, Social Security, Telecommunications, Trade

E-mail: abby.gunderson@mail.

Fax: (202) 226-2638

Education: Wheaton (IL) 2008 BA

Career: Intern, Hastert for Congress Committee; Legislative Correspondent, Office of Representative Douglas L. Lamborn (R-CO, District 5), United States House of Representatives (2008-2009); Scheduler/Office Manager, Office of Representative Douglas L. Lamborn (R-CO, District 5), United States House of Representatives (2009)

Health staff: VACANT

[pic] Senator Michael F. Bennet [D-Colorado]

|[pic] |Hart Senate Office Building, SH-702, Washington, DC 20510 |

| |Tel: (202) 224-5852 |

| |Fax: (202) 228-5036 |

| |Web Form: |

Began Service: January 22, 2009

Reelection Year: 2010

Education: Wesleyan U 1987 BA; Yale 1993 JD

Home City: Denver

Career: Editor-in-Chief, Yale Law Journal; Personal Assistant, Governor Richard F. Celeste (D-OH), State of Ohio; Law Clerk, Judge Francis D. Murnaghan, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit; Counsel, Office of the Deputy Attorney General, United States Department of Justice, William J. Clinton Administration (1995-1997); Managing Director, The Anschutz Investment Company (1997-2003); Chief of Staff, Mayor John Hickenlooper (D), Office of the Mayor, City and County of Denver, Colorado (2003-2005); Superintendent of Schools, Denver Public Schools, Denver Board of Education, City and County of Denver, Colorado (2005-2009)

Committee Assignments

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and |Subcommittee on Energy, Science, and Technology, Chairman |

|Forestry |Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition and Family Farms |

| |Subcommittee on Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry, and Credit |

|Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban |Subcommittee on Financial Institutions |

|Affairs |Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment |

| |Subcommittee on Security and International Trade and Finance |

|Committee on Health, Education, Labor and |Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety |

|Pensions |Subcommittee on Retirement and Aging |

|Special Committee on Aging |No subcommittee assignments |


Director of Scheduling Karin Ballman

E-mail: karin_ballman@bennet.

Fax: (202) 228-5036

Assistant Scheduler/Assistant to the Chief of Staff India Kidd-Aaron

Fax: (202) 228-5036

E-mail: india_kidd-aaron@bennet.

Career: Staff Assistant, Office of Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), United States Senate (2007-2009)

Health staff: Legislative Assistant Rohini Ravindran

Legislative Responsibilities: Aging; Disabilities; Health Care; Medicaid; Medicare; Prescription Drugs; Social Security; Stem Cell Research; Welfare

Fax: (202) 228-5036

E-mail: rohini_ravindran@bennet.

Education: Michigan 2006 BA; George Washington MA

Career: Legislative Aide, Office of Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), United States Senate (2006-2009)

Senator Mark Udall [D-Colorado]

|[pic] |Hart Senate Office Building, SH-317, Washington, DC 20510 |

| |Tel: (202) 224-5941 |

| |Fax: (202 224-6471 |

| |E-mail: senator_mark_udall@markudall. |

| |Internet: |

Began Service: 2009

Reelection Year: 2014

Date of Birth: July 18, 1950

Education: Williams 1972 BA

Home City: Eldorado Springs

Religion: Christian

Career: Field Coordinator, Morris K. Udall for President 1976 (1974); Executive Director, Colorado Outward Bound School (1985-1995); State Representative (D), Colorado House of Representatives (1997-1999); -2009); Member, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representatives (2007-2009); Member, Diversity and Innovation Caucus, United States House of Representatives (2007-2009); Member, Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, United States House of Representatives (2007-2009); Member, Congressional Taiwan Caucus, United States House of Representatives (2007-2009); Member, National Parks Caucus, United States House of Representatives (2007-2009); Member, National Landscape Conservation System Caucus, United States House of Representatives (2007-2009); Member, Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus, United States House of Representatives (2007-2009); Member, Air Force Caucus, United States Congress (2007-2009); Member, Congressional Human Rights Caucus, United States Congress (2007-2009); Member, Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus, United States Congress (2006-2009); U.S. Representative, Office of Representative Mark Udall (D - Democrat-CO, District 2), United States House of Representatives (1999-2009)

Committee Assignments

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Armed Services |Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities |

| |Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support |

| |Subcommittee on Strategic Forces |

|Committee on Energy and Natural Resources |Subcommittee on Energy |

| |Subcommittee on National Parks, Chairman |

| |Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests |

|Special Committee on Aging |No subcommittee assignments |

Scheduler: Director of Scheduling Lisa Carpenter

E-mail: lisa_carpenter@markudall.

Fax: (202) 224-6471

Career: Scheduler, Westminster Office, Office of Representative Mark Udall (D-CO, District 2), United States House of Representatives; Scheduler, Office of Representative Mark Udall (D-CO, District 2), United States House of Representatives (2007-2008); District Administrator/Scheduler, Westminster Office, Office of Representative Mark Udall (D-CO, District 2), United States House of Representatives (2007-2008)

Health staff: Legislative Assistant

Jacob Terrence “Jake” Swanton

Legislative Responsibilities: Adoption; Aging/Senior Citizens; Children’s Issues; Family Planning; Foster Care; LGBT Rights; Health Care; Hunger; International Health; Medicare/Medicaid; Social Security; Stem Cell Research; Welfare; Women’s Issues

Fax: (202) 224-6471

E-mail: jacob_swanton@markudall.

Education: William & Mary 2003 BA

Career: Deputy Legislative Assistant, Office of Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE), United States Senate (2007-2009)


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