Denver Public Schools


April 20, 2004

Reminder — Wednesday, April 21 is Administrative Professionals Day.

Management Items

Superintendent's Office

I know you and your school communities are now entering a difficult period as you make hard budget choices. I appreciate your support and thoughtful work during this phase. Budget reductions of 3.15 percent (which varies by type of school) are being assessed against all schools, but we hope the additional flexibility you have been given allows you to develop spending and staffing plans that best suit your school's and your community’s needs. The option of raising class size (increasing the ratio of students to teachers and adjusting other staffing ratios) was discussed by the Board of Education and the Educational Cabinet. The decision was made to use the “head tax” approach and to provide schools with more options to convert funds as you see fit. While this translates in many cases into staff reductions that might have been made had we taken a direct approach, we believe the head tax allows schools to be as creative and as thoughtful as possible.


Departments and department heads — please work with Area Superintendents, the Chief Academic Officer and others to provide the support schools need as they work through these difficult budget decisions.


As all of you know, significant changes are being made in all district departments. On average, all central offices are taking a reduction of 13.7 percent. While we tried to minimize the impact on schools, there was simply no way to close a $24.5 million budget gap without tapping school budgets, too.


As a district, we have enjoyed many successes recently and I firmly believe we will continue to make progress toward our three goals. Thanks for your hard work and dedication during this difficult stretch.

Cabinet Report

Following is a regular report about major issues and information discussed during the weekly Cabinet meetings. The Cabinet includes three principal representatives, all nine area and assistant area superintendents, other assistant superintendents and several department heads. Please contact your Cabinet representative with questions.

Major Issues

• The Board of Education meeting Thursday, May 6 includes:

• Appointment of members to the Secondary Reform Commission

• Appointment of members to the Citizens Committee on Bond Expenditures

• PERA merger agreement

• Construction contract for the Montbello High School Phase I Revitalization Project

• Update on Revitalization Initiative

Other Issues

• The decision on using the “head tax” approach to budget reductions

• Principal contract renewal schedule

• DPS Foundation – update on May 18 gala event in downtown Denver, update on Lights On Afterschool and August 6 benefit concert

System Access for New Employees now Dependent on Complete HR Processing

Effective Monday, May 3, newly-hired DPS employees will not be granted access to any district computer systems until they have been completely processed through Human Resources. All new hire paperwork must be completed including PACE form, application, background check and employment reference check.

By adhering to the new process, it will ensure that employees undergo the required security measures (background check and identification verification) prior to gaining access to district data, which may include confidential information. See the attached memo.

2004-2005 Employee Work-Year Calendar Available on Website

The new 2004-2005 Work-Year Calendar for employees is now available on the main DPS website. Go to and click on “Employee Calendars 2004-2005” at the bottom of the page. Then click on “Traditional School Work Schedule 2004/2005” or “Continuous School Work Schedule” on the Payroll webpage. If you have questions, call the Payroll Department at x3450.

Chemicals for Secondary Science Programs

We are moving into the budget period of the year. High schools and middle schools that are purchasing chemicals for science programs need to follow the procedure outlined in the January 2004 Purchasing Newsletter online at this link — .

Stay “In The Know” With DPS

Please include this announcement in your school and department newsletters:

New! Sign up to receive free email updates about news in Denver Public Schools. Daily, weekly, monthly – a lot or a little – choose the kind information you want and how often you want to receive it. Sign up today at to receive news.

Email is a cost-conscious way to provide accurate and timely information to employees, parents, community stakeholders and leaders whose opinions are well respected by friends, neighbors and colleagues. Keeping our community and employees “in the know” about progress and achievement of high standards is a priority for DPS. Questions? Contact the Public Information Office at 303-764-3414.

Professional Development

Summer Professional Development

Listed below are two more summer professional development offerings (in addition to those posted in the March 30 issue of the Tuesday Telegram).

Career and Technology Education Summer Training

(contact Karen Ann Ellis, 303-475-4868)

* Monday, August 9 — Career Connection Experience

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Career Education Center Middle College of Denver, room 212

CTE teachers who are new CCE Coordinators will meet all day for training. All CCE Coordinators will meet from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

* Tuesday, August 10 — Proactive Training/Planning

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Career Education Center Middle College of Denver, room 212

CTE teachers, parent and business representatives involved in Proactive Schools will meet all day for training and planning.

Summer Professional Development Opportunity In Literacy

For Elementary Teachers 

Elementary principals, tell your teachers to save the dates of June 14–18! The Elementary Literacy Program is sponsoring a SUMMER LITERACY ACADEMY where teachers can take a variety of classes related to effective reading and writing instruction for elementary students. All classes will offer either DPS inservice credit (good for salary increment) or graduate level credit through Adams State College. In many of the classes, teachers will receive professional books and materials to use with their students back in their classrooms. It’s an exciting opportunity for your teachers to go deeper with the different components of the DPS Literacy Program. Please share with your teachers the brochure that includes the registration form and class schedule and descriptions at . Class sizes are limited, so tell them to sign up now!

Summer Secretary Institute

Reminder — DoTS will be sponsoring the fifth annual Summer Secretary Institute this July. New secretaries will attend computer classes that will have a certification/testing module attached for the district’s supported applications. Both new and returning school secretaries will be required to attend one of the Mandatory/What’s New sessions offered. Administrative secretaries are welcome to attend any of the sessions. Registration details will be mailed to secretaries’ homes in June. Information was emailed to you last week. If you have any questions, please call the DoTS Hotline, 303-764-3888.

Professional Development for Aspiring Principals and Assistant Principals

DPS employees interested in becoming administrators may participate in an upcoming, hands-on training provided by Human Resources and current DPS principals. The training from 9-11 a.m. Saturday, April 24 at Smiley Middle School will include information about the web-based application process and interviewing skills. The event is being sponsored by the Black Administrators and Supervisors Association (BASA). For more information, please contact Nate Howard, principal at Smiley Middle School, 303-399-0740 or nathaniel_howardIII@.

Best Practices in Teaching Mathematics 6-12

This summer professional development experience for secondary mathematics teachers in teaching mathematics promises to be a powerful learning experience in our own backyard. Unfortunately, district funds are not available to support teachers’ participation. View the informational flyer and registration form at .

For Your Information

Food and Nutrition Services Manager of the Year Award Nominations

Reminder — The deadline for nominating your lunchroom manager for the Manager of the Year is Friday, April 23. This award recognizes managers who have demonstrated superior performance on a continuing basis. See the March 16 issue of the Tuesday Telegram for additional information and a nomination form —

Grants Resource Center

• Any school that is applying for the Colorado Department of Education’s Power Educator’s grant must submit a final copy of the proposal including a completed Signature page to the Grants Resource Center by Wednesday, April 28 in order to be approved and obtain required signatures.

• Individual schools within the district are not eligible to apply for the US Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant because the Department of Community Education will be applying for and managing this grant on behalf of the entire district.

• There is a new Grant Alert posted on the Grants Resource Center website — .

Please contact Laura Inscho in the Grants Resource Center for more information, 303-764.3221.

National Substitute Teacher Recognition Week May 2–8

National Substitute Teacher Recognition Week is May 2–8, a part of Teacher Appreciation Week.

2005 Colorado Teacher of the Year

The nomination deadline for the 2005 Colorado Teacher of the Year is Friday, August 13. Information is online at . The Colorado Teacher of the Year program is the state’s oldest and most prestigious honors program recognizing the contributions of the classroom teacher. Along with the gifts and cash awards, the winner takes on duties as a spokesperson on Colorado education issues and represents Colorado in the National Teacher of the Year competition. The program is sponsored by the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado State Board of Education, in conjunction with the Council of Chief State School Officers.

TUESDAY TELEGRAM — Click on this link to access past issues:



Department of Human Resources

TO: Principals and Department Heads

FROM: Robin Kane, Executive Director, Human Resources

Ed Freeman, CIO/CTO, Department of Technology Services

SUBJECT: System Access for New Employees

Effective May 3, 2004, newly-hired DPS employees will not be granted access to any district computer systems until they have been completely processed through Human Resources. All new hire paperwork must be completed including PACE form, application, background check and employment reference check. The systems that new employees will be unable to access until processing is complete include (but are not limited to) Outlook email, SASI, SFG, OASIS, SEA and Lawson.

By adhering to the new process, it will ensure that employees undergo the required security measures (background check and identification verification) prior to gaining access to district data, which may include confidential information.

Human Resources and DoTS will be available to assist you with questions and to help ensure quick processing. Please be aware that certain situations may slow the processing of employees, including incomplete or inaccurate PACE forms, incorrect budget account numbers and background check delays. Therefore, the amount of time required to grant system access to your employees may increase. Training and certification also are required prior to granting access for certain district systems. Remember that some employees may not need access to systems on their first day of work.

If you have any questions, please contact your Human Resources generalist.

cc: Ed Ray, Director of Safety & Security

Kathleen Masteller, Payroll Manager


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